Next.js Password Reset Functionality Guide

Aug 7, 2024

Notes on Next.js Forget Password and Reset Password Functionality


  • Topic: Forget Password and Reset Password functionality in Next.js
  • Applicable for Next.js 13, 14, and future versions using app directory.
  • This video is the second part of a previous video covering login and registration functionalities.

Previous Video Overview

  • Covered:
    • User login functionality
    • User registration functionality
    • Login with GitHub
    • Navigating between login and registration pages
    • Storing user data in MongoDB (both registered and GitHub login users)
    • Protecting routes using authentication (example: dashboard route)

Video Playlists

  • Next.js 13 and 14 playlists available on the channel
  • Topics include:
    • Best practices
    • State management (e.g., Redux Toolkit, Context API)
    • Integrating with CMS (e.g., Sanity, Ghost CMS)
    • Debugging and building applications
    • TypeScript usage

Forget Password and Reset Password Functionality Overview

  1. Creating a New User
    • Register user before testing forget/reset password functionality.
    • Email validation when user attempts to reset password for an unregistered email.
  2. Registration Process
    • User registered in the database with encrypted password for security.
    • Successfully logging in with registered credentials.
  3. Reset Password Process
    • User submits registered email for password reset.
    • Email with a reset link sent to the user's email.
    • Reset token and expiry date stored in MongoDB for security purposes.

Implementation Steps

1. UI Creation

  • Create a new route for forget password and reset password in the app directory.
  • Implement user authentication checks to restrict access.

2. API Routes

  • Create API routes for
    • Forget Password: Checks if email exists and sends reset link.
    • Verify Token: Verifies the reset token's validity.
    • Reset Password: Updates user password in the database.

3. Token Handling

  • Use the crypto package to generate reset tokens and hash them securely.
  • Store hashed tokens and expiry dates in the database.

4. Email Sending

  • Configure SendGrid to send emails with reset links.
  • Construct email body with reset URL containing the token.

5. Error Handling

  • Handle errors when token is invalid or expired.
  • Provide feedback to users for successful or failed operations.


  • Functionalities covered include:
    • User registration
    • Forget password request
    • Reset password process
    • Validating tokens and updating passwords
  • Encouragement to subscribe for more related content and learning resources.