Lecture Notes on Spiritual Struggles and Sanctification
Jun 7, 2024
Lecture Notes on Spiritual Struggles and Sanctification
Topic: Personal struggles with spiritual duties and the process of sanctification
Speaker: Dr. R.C. Sproul
Personal Reflection
Feeling of unworthiness: Speaker woke up feeling unwell and wished to avoid duties like teaching class and communion
Immediate Conviction: Holy Spirit convicted the speaker for despising communion, highlighting the importance of recognizing Christ's presence at the Lord's table
Struggle with flesh: Need to work out salvation with "fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12)
God's Work: God works within to will and to do according to His good pleasure
Overview of Romans
Chapters 6 and 7: Brief review; acknowledges the impossibility of completely covering Romans quickly
Paul’s Teachings: Emphasizes humanity's universal guilt and the insufficiency of the law for justification
Grace and Faith
Revelation of God's Holiness: Awareness of human sinfulness; no one is righteous
Righteousness through Faith: Righteousness is granted by faith alone in Christ, who died for sinners
Sanctification: God molds believers into the likeness of Christ over time
Personal Experience with Sanctification
Initial Struggles: Early Christian life marked by extreme spiritual highs and lows
Pastoral Advice: Ups and downs are normal, but overall trajectory should be upward through sanctification
Long-term Growth: Speaker reflects on personal growth since 1957, acknowledges slow but steady sanctification
Challenges and Encouragement
Current Struggle: Recognizing the need to appreciate spiritual disciplines like communion and prayer
Means of Grace: Scripture and prayer are essential for spiritual growth
Importance of Worship: Developing a deep love for worship and community in church
Final Thoughts: Encouragement to diligently use means of grace without feeling additional guilt
Emphasis: Growth in Christian life is a journey and requires commitment
Contact Information
Ligonier Ministries: Encourages listeners to reach out for more information