Argus's New Ultimate and Updates on Advanced Server

Jul 20, 2024

Argus's New Ultimate and Updates on Advanced Server

Key Updates

  • New Ultimate Skill Adjustments:

    • Damage: Deals damage to nearby enemies upon activation.
    • Energy Gain: Hits on enemy heroes grant 50 energy points through passive.
  • Movement Speed Buff: Gains 80% increased movement speed when using the ultimate.

    • Enhances ability to chase enemies, especially in combination with his second skill.

The Two Phases of Ultimate Skill

  1. Fallen Angel - Phase One

    • Lasts 5 seconds.
    • Damage dealt to heroes is healed back after the skill ends.
    • Timer visible for tracking duration.
  2. Fallen Angel - Phase Two

    • Activates if Argus receives fatal damage during Phase One.
    • Grants 3-second immunity to death.
    • Resets movement speed duration from Phase One.
    • Adds an extra movement speed boost.
    • Timer visible for Phase Two.
    • Ultimate duration can extend up to 8 seconds, depending on enemy damage.

Balance Adjustments

  • Cooldown Changes

    • Increased cooldown from 36-30 seconds to 46-38 seconds.
  • Energy Mechanic Removal

    • Permanent increase of energy per second removed.

Practical Testing Observations

  • Attack Speed and Chasing Speed: Demonstrated using three items.
  • Ultimate Timing: Confusion on when ultimate will end, less predictable compared to previous fixed duration.


  • User Feedback: Viewers are encouraged to share their thoughts on the new Argus ultimate adjustments.

Stay safe and thank you for watching!