Longest Consecutive Sequence

May 23, 2024

Longest Consecutive Sequence in Arrays


  • Commonly asked in coding interviews (e.g., Google)
  • Problem: Find the longest consecutive sequence in an input array of numbers
    • Example: For array [100, 4, 200, 1, 3, 2], the longest consecutive sequence is 1-2-3-4

Basic Approach (Sorting)

  • Method: Sort the array and check consecutive elements
  • Example:
    • Sorted Array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 100, 200]
    • Consecutive Sequences: 1-2-3-4, 100, 200
  • Drawback: Time Complexity is O(N log N)

Optimized Approach

  • Visualization: Draw a number line for better human-like problem-solving
    • Identify distinct sequences
    • Sequence start has no left neighbor
  • Key Insight: Identify start of sequence efficiently

Efficient Method

  • Use a Set to check for neighbors (lookup is O(1))
  • Iterate through array to find sequence starts (elements without left neighbors)
  • Steps:
    1. Convert array to a Set
    2. Iterate through each number
    3. Check if a number is the start of a sequence
    4. If start, find the length of the sequence by checking consecutive numbers

Implementing the Solution

  • Create a Set: num_set = set(nums)
  • Initialize longest variable: longest = 0
  • Iterate and check:
    1. For every number n in nums:
    2. Check if n-1 is not in num_set
    3. If true, initialize length = 0 and check for consecutive numbers
    4. Update the length of the sequence
    5. Update longest

Code Example in Python

class Solution:
    def longestConsecutive(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        num_set = set(nums)
        longest = 0
        for n in nums:
            if (n - 1) not in num_set:
                length = 0
                while (n + length) in num_set:
                    length += 1
                longest = max(longest, length)
        return longest


  • Efficiency: Linear time complexity O(N) and linear space complexity O(N)
  • Visualizing the problem simplifies deriving the solution.
  • Only iterates through each number at most twice.