Understanding Environmental Pollution and Its Impact

Sep 10, 2024

Environmental Pollution Lecture Notes

Introduction to Pollution

  • Definition of Pollution: Any undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of air, water, and land harmful to living organisms.
  • Types of Pollution: Natural and man-made (most pollution is man-made).


  • Definition: Agents that cause pollution, introducing undesirable changes.
  • Types of Pollutants:
    • Deposited Matter: Smoke, tar, dust.
    • Gases: Carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, halogens (Cl, Br, I).
    • Metals: Lead, zinc, iron, chromium, mercury.
    • Industrial Pollutants: Emitted by industries (e.g., benzene, acetic acid, cyanide).
    • Agricultural Pollutants: Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers.
    • Photochemical Pollutants: Formed in the presence of sunlight (e.g., ozone).
    • Radiation Pollutants: Caused by radioactive substances.

Classification of Pollutants

Based on Nature of Disposal:

  • Non-degradable Pollutants: Cannot be easily decomposed (e.g., DDT, aluminum cans).
  • Biodegradable Pollutants: Can be decomposed by microorganisms (e.g., domestic sewage).

Based on Nature of Form:

  • Primary Pollutants: Emitted directly from a source (e.g., NO2, SO2).
  • Secondary Pollutants: Formed by reactions between primary pollutants (e.g., ozone, PAN).

Types of Pollution Covered

  1. Air Pollution
  2. Water Pollution
  3. Soil Pollution
  4. Noise Pollution
  5. Nuclear Pollution

Air Pollution

  • Definition: Contamination of air (indoor or outdoor).
  • Causes of Air Pollution:
    • Forest fires, agriculture (pesticides), industrial emissions (nuclear plants), dust, transportation.
    • Examples: Burning fossil fuels, mining operations.

Types of Air Pollutants

  • Primary Air Pollutants: Sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides.
  • Secondary Air Pollutants: Sulfur trioxide, ozone, particulate matter.

Effects of Air Pollution

On Human Health:

  • Pregnancy: Low birth weight.
  • Children: Asthma, developmental issues.
  • Adults: Heart disease, lung cancer, COPD.
  • Elderly: Accelerated lung function decline, dementia.

Environmental Effects:

  • Acid rain, global warming, altered rain patterns, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, wildfires.

Control Measures for Air Pollution

  • Use unleaded petrol and low sulfur fuels.
  • Encourage public transport and cycling.
  • Plant Trees: Help absorb CO2 and reduce noise pollution.
  • Industrial Regulations: Strict controls on emissions; use of catalytic converters.
  • Waste Disposal: Ensure waste sites are downwind and away from urban areas.


  • Importance of being responsible to reduce pollution and protect the environment.