Transcript for:
The High Cost of Low Living

the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection thank you for joining me today I believe that you're really going to be helped as you view this telecast you know we pray every week that God would use this telecast to speak a relevant message into your life into your family into the direction of your life the purpose of your life and I believe that's exactly what's going to happen as we join the service that I believe God is going to speak to you listen to this title the high cost of low living you need to hear this it's going to strengthen you in your faith I want to talk to you for a few moments this morning on the high cost to low living the high cost to low living it was the King's birthday and he had called in all of his commanders of his military forces and all of his friends and he was throwing a huge celebration a party a Grand Occasion there was lots of drinking lots of eating lots of Celebration gift exchanging and the Bible said that just before this occasion that Herod and his wife had gone to the banks of the Jordan River to hear this wild man John preach and when he preached with such force and such anointing and such Authority that it it it it moved people but then he looked at Herod and his wife and he said it's not right and it's not lawful for you to be married to your brother's wife you're living in adultery and it's not right and when John in boldness did that it humiliated the king but the bible really draws the attention to his wife that he was living in adultery with she became infuriated and she hated John the Baptist now there's a difference Herod was not a bad man even though he had him immediately arrested and threw him in his prison he showed him special favor the Bible indicates that he took care of him he would even go down and sit and visit and listen to him as he preached to the other prisoners it's pretty amazing for a powerful King to go down into his dungeon and listen to someone incarcerated and it tells me that Herod was not a bad man but he was a weak man and herod's downfall was not that he was evil and and he hated John he was a weak man and if if you become a weak person and you don't deal with the weakness it's it's a matter of time before you start doing bad things and so the day comes when he celebrating his birthday Herod is and the crowd is happy and and then comes the time after the food is gone and the drink is Flowing it's time for the entertainment and the Bible said that it would be a dance number by the stepdaughter of Herod and the Bible does not say what kind of dance it was it could have been the Hokey pokei but that's not what it's all about I I don't think I don't I think there's more to it come on that's a good joke and you know it is I think there was a little more than this dance let's read in between the spaces after being all liquored up the crowd is going absolutely crazy and Herod himself has so let himself go so overtaken with lust and with pleasure drunkenness that wasn't a bad man he was a weak man that now because he's in the wrong atmosphere with the wrong people is about to do a bad thing and the Bible said that the dance pleased Herod Herod was not his real name it was his given name Herod means in Greek hero he was given hero status and so what she did fed the Hero part of him the part that likes that that power and that ego There's a Hero part of every boy boys want to be heroes that's why we climb trees that's why boys stuff stuff up their nose when they're little that it's is something about it they they you know you say to a little boy now don't ever don't you ever eat that deodorizer in the toilet boy that you see that blue deodorizer cuz that'll kill you and you'll come back in and that boy have blue stuff all over his it's just something about us and so so when it says he was a hero Herod is the hero and the Bible said she pleased him the word pleased in the Greek means the lifting of an anchor and getting carried away wow any restraint that he had she so pleased him that he lifted the anchor and and and got carried away the Bible said that there's pleasure in sin for a season Moses chose God rather than the pleasures of sin for a season and in this moment of of hero status he gets all carried away and he's so into the moment that he makes a big a big statement and he says you can have anything up to half that I own ask of me what you want what will the girl ask for everybody you could hear a pin drop in that room what will she ask for would she want her own Palace would she want T mountains of gold what would she want was she want diamonds and rubies this could change her life this could alter her the rest of her life this could this could change everything she can have anything she wants and instead of answering the question notice when it's time to pay the High Cost of loow Living you don't decide the cost nor did the girl but she goes over into another room she says I'll be right back and she goes over into another room and her mother who hated John the Baptist was sitting in the shadows of that room and she says mother what should I ask for it's the opportunity of the lifetime what should I do mother and she said ask for John the Baptist head on a platter hear the bitterness hear the evil are you sure that's exactly what you need need to ask for I don't ever want to hear that voice of repentance again he kept screaming to me repent repent repent I don't ever want to feel conviction again I don't ever want to hear that voice again I want you to cut that head off so you stop that voice in our life the Bible said that she came in and she said I want for for the payment of the dance the head of John the Baptist on a platter and the scripture said catch it Herod was exceedingly sorry the story speaks to every one of us in everyday life let me give it to you Herod the hero speaks of our flesh and our carnal desires herod's stepdaughter the dancer speaks of the pleasures of the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life the enticing web that Satan spread the dancing daughter is Satan's we she dances and and she's on every billboard and she's on every computer screen and she's constantly trying to enter into our life to feed the hero to feed the ego to feed the carnal desires but there's also another character that is seen and Satan does not want you to rule and and reign as the king over your home and over your flesh and and and over your family he wants to destroy you and herodias speaks of Satan's Satan himself the the the wife of Herod herodias speaks of Satan himself notice that the decision was made in the shadows of another room what the cost would be for the dance she was really the brains behind the whole setup just as Satan sits in the dark he never reveals him self and he allows us to feed our ego and feed the hero and and feed the carnal desires and says you can dance with it and you can play with it and it won't hurt you but notice in the shadows she's lurking and she's the decider of the cost of the dance not you you don't decide how much you will pay for that dance she does you don't get to choose the price you pay for the dance I'll pay this I'll pay that you don't get to decide the cost of the dance would be decided in another room by someone else that is a type of Satan you may look at the price tag of your dance whatever your dance is with the Flesh and you may decide that it's a price you're willing to pay you put a price tag on it and it's how much it's going to cost you and that's what you've decided but you don't decide the high cost of low living with your gift of $30 or more you may request the joyful life gift set featuring the gift is in you an oversized coffee table book of inspiration plus Jensen Franklin's new two CD set including the secret to joyful living and the restoration of Joy the great fear of this generation is not death or disease it's I'm afraid for one second I'm going to get quiet and still and in that Society God says be still and know turn it all off and know that I am God but in his presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there is pleasure forever more for more information visit Jensen franklin. org or call call us at 888888 3473 I want to teach you the secrets to joyful living you've been down and depressed and discouraged but there's a spirit of Joy that's going to be released in your life as you hear these messages she decided that mother I can see that daughter who's just a reflection of her mother only much much many years younger younger and and and the mother's older and she says to her get me the head of that John the Baptist on a platter I want the head of John John that voice that kept preaching repent repent repent repent repent go another way change your way stop going and doing what you're doing and she was saying I don't want to hear that voice of conviction anymore I want to be in this relationship I know it's not of God I'm married to this man and we're in incest and an incestual relationship and I don't want a voice convicting me making me feel guilty I love this situation I love this flesh I love this sin that I'm in and I want the voice of conviction to Die the voice that's telling me to convert to change to repent to go a different way I don't want to hear it anymore I don't want it the cost of the dance is it cuts the head off of repentance when John's head rolls you'll never hear repent again John you'll never cry in her ear change change change I'm saying to you today that if there's things in your life that are compromised and you know that it's open sin and you're hearing a voice was to saying change change change repent repent you are so blessed and you don't know it the day that is dangerous is when you no longer hear that voice it means you have had to pay the price for the dancer which is to cut off that voice his voice will be silenced once the head rolls the price of the dance the voice of repentance in your heart will cease and things that used to con convict you and things that used to bother you and things you wouldn't go around look at get around be near suddenly you've cut off the voice that says it change stop stop repent repent and you no longer hear that voice now imagine with me when John's head rolled Herod and herodias his wife were immediately reconciled all that tension was gone out of the marriage we're going to get along good now and you know when you stop coming to church and when you stop hearing the word you get along good with the devil you get along good with your sin it's when you come to church and Franklin Jensen has a message from God right up in your business that you start feeling the tension it's called conviction the cry to change is now gone the cry to repent is now gone so they're getting along good now they're holding hands in the courtyard lovy Devy they're reconciled there's no conviction there's no sense of guilt there's no sense of wrongdoing CA nobody's preaching against it the preacher's head is gone the voice is silenced I'm good that's how people sit in the church if you think you going to change me you're crazy I hear you I feel you today if you think you going to make me stop doing what my flesh and my ego loves you can't stop me I'm going to dance with the dancer if that's the case and you don't feel convicted by it anymore can I just get blunt if you don't feel convicted about getting drunk or you don't feel convicted about sleeping with your girlfriend or you don't you don't even feel convicted about going out with that boy and doing things that you know or not you don't even feel convicted cheating on your wife you don't even feel convicted looking at that computer you don't even feel convicted anymore what you have done is you've already paid the dance answer there's no conviction there's no sense of condemnation and when you do wrong and feel no guilt you've lost the voice of repentance my God if you feel anything in this room while I'm preaching to you wherever you're watching this program and you're doing things that are that you know are not right and while I'm preaching the holy spirit is bringing up your dancer you ought to thank God that voice is still in your ear it's proof of your salvation it's proof of the Holy Spirit residing in your heart somebody praise God for conviction the church has lost this we don't even talk about Sin we don't even talk about wrong we don't even talk about morality in the house of God and if we won't talk about it the word World never will preachers and if the church loses the voice of repentance we've lost it all the final payment for the dancer is one of the saddest scriptures in the Bible that I'm coming to a close with It's the final payment to the dancer that every person has to pay if you if you if you here here's here's what I want to say if at some point he would have stopped the dance in the middle of the dance he wouldn't have had to pay for the dancer what I'm saying to you is stop the dance stop it stop it now stop it while God's Grace has you covered stop it while there's forgiveness stop it while you're hearing the voice saying change change change stop stop stop repent repent repent stop it now because if you stop before the dance is finished you don't have to pay for the dance that's what the cross was about the cross covers us but if you don't get out of it you're going to have to pay the high cost of low living stop the affair stop the lunches with the secretary stop it's going to cost you your children you want somebody else to walk your daughter down the aisle cuz she can't stand you cuz she cheated on her mother yeah I need to put my head on a platter I I'm I'm I'm getting people mad and angry at me but you know what it's the truth it's going to cost you stop stop the dance stop it stop the drinking stop the hypocrisy stop the Shady stuff stop the lying the stealing the cheating in the business stop the dance because you can't do wrong and be all right you going to pay for the dance but if you stop now if you do any illegal stuff stop now God's grace May cover you but if you don't see Revelation said there's a there's a space of Grace now I'm telling you I feel the Holy Spirit right now Revelation talks about a space of Grace means God will God will give you a time you got this much you got a beginning and an end to to to repent of that thing and get out of that living with somebody you're not married stop the dance stop it God's given you Grace now get out because if you keep staying you going to have to pay the high cost of low living and you don't decide the cost the devil does might cost you your children might cost you your freedom it might cost you your reputation it might cost you your marriage it might cost you your respect you don't decide the cost the devil does and we see the final payment of the dance in Luke 23 verse 8 now when Herod saw Jesus he was exceedingly glad do you know how long it's been for it had been a long time he had wanted for a long time to see him then he questioned him with many words but he answered him nothing listen to this now the only man in the Bible that Jesus did not speak to that he encountered was Herod why because if you stop and cut off the voice of repentance in your life Jesus has nothing else to say to you and one day he will say depart from me you worker of iniquity I never knew you it's a serious thing to cut off conviction sear your heart as the Bible said with a with a hot iron to where you're cold and callous and you can go out and do things and it doesn't bother you anymore because you've cut off the head the silent you silence the voice of repentance and he said nothing to him if you don't have the voice of repentance in your life conviction in your life preaching to you continually and you responding there will come a point where you will cut that voice off and you'll no longer hear Jesus folks it's so easy in the days and times in which we live to be lulled to sleep and to feed the flesh but God has sent me today with this message for you to say there's a high cost to low living but you don't have to pay that price if you'll stop the Dan now you're not listening to me by accident you're not hearing this particular message by happen chance this is the mercy and the space of Grace do not Harden your heart do not play games with God this is the day of repentance and there's a voice saying repent change Go a different direction stop it and if you'll heed that voice and repent of your sins Jesus will wash you Jesus will cleanse you Jesus will fill you with the Holy Spirit and Jesus Will Empower you to live a Victorious life if you believe that thank him for his grace thank him for his grace I believe today's message is really speaking to your heart you've been looking for a change in your life pray with me right now say these words Lord Jesus I surrender to you forgive me cleanse me take me help me give me your peace I confess I need a savior and I know his name is Jesus thank you Lord I believe this is a sacred moment and a powerful moment in your life I don't minimize this time I believe there's power in the name of Jesus that whoo whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved I don't care how low you've gone I don't care how bad you've messed up you don't have to pay the price for those sins that high cost of low living Jesus nailed it to the Cross now turn your life over to him and let him take you where he and he alone can lead you to a place of peace and forgiveness thank you for watching this program thank you to all of our partners and friends who to enable us to come you know the Bible said how shall they preach except they be sent I don't have this opportunity unless people just like you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you hear God in this telecast and sit down and say I'm going to support that Ministry and go online and send a gift or write a letter and send a gift because the truth is unless you supply I can't preach how shall they preach unless they are sin thank you for sending me not only to America at a crucial crucial time when America is hurting but to the nations of the world we need this kind of preaching in America and in the world you make it happen thank you God bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] n n [Music] [Music] [Music] at Free Chapel our mission is simple to inspire people to live for Jesus with Incredible worship and messages from our pastor Jensen Franklin you'll leave encourag to thrive throughout the work week we offer many opportunities for you and your family to grow to connect with others and to serve the community our hope is that you would take advantage of everything that Free Chapel has to offer for kids from newborn to 12 there's kid pack it's one of the top children's programs around for middle and high school students there's great music messages and custommade fun just for them in addition to our weekly Services we have conferences with some of the top musicians and speakers from around the world if you would like more information on all we have to offer a great place to start is free I invite you to join us here at Free Chapel a place to call [Music] home this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jensen Franklin media Ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online at Jensen franklin. org