Transcript for:
AC (Alternating Current) Lecture Notes

hi hello and welcome back to Channel with me your sh ma'am you people know when sh mam is here no fear right so the 20 which is alternating current yes alternating to love this unit because value alternating udent as per updated syllabus okay updatedus [Music] [Music] l okay begin as updatedus Okay C first line important alting so be patient complet in the time the one definitely you will get something okay yes so start let's start let's start first alternating so because generator installment because okay okay so40 Vol 220 Vol so that's what here comes the term alternating current so that means the okay let's come to the term alternating alting so whenever you talk about DC SCE it will change its direction okay alting 36 IND okay so now let's go and study further okay alting elction right because magne complete time and because this isal 3 Ma so two which will be by maximum value will okayga Maxim maximum 3 into 2 / 4 so two and z okay done yes so now let's talk about circuits but so V isal to V sin Omega t + 5 the because constant it will be starting from zero okay I resistive load resistive appliances cap applian inductive appliances okay so Basics let us talk about this I not and v i v that is your maximum ude maximum amplitude maximum value maximum basic is nothing but 2 F or 2 pi TC okay SOC frequency will be asage okay next because diens instantaneous average complete ccle okay okay the first thing we are going to discuss is instantaneous 2 5 10 5 2 10 zero okay listen first instantaneous complete explanation amplitude of AC or Peak value already Maxime maximum value okay squee so next time period time period complete okay frequency frequenc number of C frequenc okay okay 50 frequency foreign suppose the frequenc for example Ma so 50 that means important so now the most dangerous topic that is average current and RMS value okay that is enough right average a average value of alternating current that means current produce the average value of current is that constant current which send same amount of charges in given interval of time as sent by the actual current in the same 60% of theak this is okay brackets mention average value is nothing but area under the curve divided by the time period area under the Curve theod different different time it is maintaining same value different different times it is maintaining same value aage I your Peak value Peak value ofct 63% of the I okay maximum 63% Aver Cent okay so now the most important thing Z and sare okay enti positive and negative average value so Square sare will okay so now the next important thing is RMS value the value but make sure particular amount of current ofr Main even though it is changing its direction particular amount of current throughout that is very simple Max so Square find the mean so find out the mean insert square root IAL IUN I Roots value 70% of your Peak value Peak value for okay yes so half okay AC will be converted into DC negative half CLE POS okayu okay so now the next concept is pure circuit next concept pure circuit because already that is enough okay this is okay maybe maybe because the peak Val CH because resistance will be opposing current differ okay differ that means face difference will be zero differ it is very simple okay so now the next important important thing by R which is V PE maximum voltage divided by the resistance Maxim volk2 VMS ID R because I is equal to V ID R and current is in face with the volt representation and next important thing is your okay V comp just for just for notation and easy calculation so very simple XIs yis X so that means stockwise cap load so cap he won't change so yes or no so that means current leads voltage Capac like current leads voltage leads voltage current lead by and soal 0 so listen normal gra represent very simple graph okay by done okay so current Formula IAL I sin Omega t [Music] react react okay simple simple re okay value that is 1 / Omega into cular velocity angular frequency 1 by 2 C the whole ter z z will be zero anything divided by Z will be Z AC C I'm sorry anything dived by Z will be infinity infinity that means that means okay so this is your reason reactive capacit is inversely proportional to the frequency is inversely proportional to the frequency so frequency so that means frequenc re okay yes explain so now the most important topic is pure inductive inductive circuit inductive in what does mean by inductive nature induct in the form of magnetic meanss current by pi by okay okay it will be starting very right it will be lagging okay IND no worries okay it will be lagging it will beix okay let us see the equation of alternating current alternating alternating current order equation which is I is equal to I sin Omega TUS react Omega laning Omega l so that means inductive reactant is directly proportional to the frequency straight L isal to 2 pif into l IND okay so now the next important thing is pH already okay it happens current vect vect scal and it is only a representation to make our calculations easy calculation EAS okay go and watch Motion in two Dimension motion okay so the next topic for discussion is series lrc circuitries no problem we can grow each other we can grow each other okay so now LC C okay the concept so just focus that me by the angle 90° correct so 5 is equal to 90° okay capacitor current because volage is that means net voltage will be equal v v VC right so okay different differents so listen we have to take care of it okay simpal v isal i I mean okay alternate minus and okay so now let's talk this first voltage in the inductor is greater than the capacit criteria okay the next thing is voltage in the capacitance is greater than the inductance okay criteria finally directly proportional to the resistance voltage is directly proportional to the C voltage is directly proportional to the capacitance [Music] because so they are directly proportional inductive capacit inductive reactant should be equal greater than the capacitive reactants capacit will be equal to the greater than the inductor Capac IND volage V so vus vet is equal to V r² + v l minus VC v l Square minus VC squ yes or no V sare minus VC s okay v v VC which is VR V net will be equal to VR V net will be equal Vol [Music] AC by Omega calance frequency resonance frequency frequency angular frequency frequency frequenc so this will be 1 2 resonance frequency the resonance frequency okay formula are very very important in the three conditions are literally important ter the next important thing is okay that is by hypoten opposite by Adent yes no oppus VC clear 100% clear simple okay the main important thing is impedance okay imp imped is very important because Len which is impedence z will be equal to root of r² +us equal to opposite by adjacent so minus rent by hypoten R by R by Z factor is very important that yes so these are the important parameters you have to understand question topics ass and Reon done so now the resonance already discuss is directly proportional to the frequency straight L straight L next SI is inversely proportional to the frequency correct inverse right so one will be lesser than the resonance frequency frequenc inductance is greater than the capacit capacit is greater than the induct right now is greater IND indx maximum okay [Music] and for once go through okay once go through that will be fine so now par AC circuit AC p i r p = v² r okay that is your average power it is your average whatever things we are discussing here it is your average power okay p is equ Al I40 Vol it is yours Vols volage [Music] > V / root2 okay p is equal i v 1 by 2 i v okay and that is cos okay cos L Factor because for 0 that is your form okay and yes so these are your formulas you have to study complete form okay so Main so now the most interesting topic current wless current repr I okay so these are the important thing and already imp imped [Music] graph r one will be nothing but right that is usess pure Capac and pure induct average LC is really important what we going to see is combination of circuits okay so that means right so imp will be r² + squ rightor by hypoten hyp po [Music] will right it's so it's so easy easy so LCC circuit so the same procedure same thing that we are doing okay so now the next topic for the day is generators topic that is your generators okay alting Theta is getting changed because 5 ba cos Theta correct ba cos Theta Omega t plus thet Omega Theta CH because [Music] first so delal b a d by DT cos so s Omega Omega and supp Maxim so em will be equal to E already Maxim formula Maxim so this is your maximum easyly easyy okay so let's solve some of the previous micro resistance 50 ohms is connected in at to an AC source of voltage V is equal to so V isal 200 2al if the resonant frequency of the LC circuit is V res frequency V frequenc frequenc frequenc f is equal to 100 F 100 / 2 pi so 1 are 50 time normal frequency 50 by [Music] 1 yes or [Music] noal root 2 into L into c 2 into into l we will be getting 50 we will be getting we will be getting sorry so we will be getting actually D the answer and D the answer right so D is your perfect answer D is your perfect answer sorry see the answer 50 is your answer 50 by let me look into it okay so next one now let's go for the next question next question 2022 the peak value of the AC source is equal to V VMS nothing but V divid byun2 Peak value root2 into V run2 time the RMS value answer root2 * the RMS value answer so D is your perfect one okay Max the RMS of the potential difference we is shown in the figure is so RMS value is but2 > so the perfect answer is option b so the perfect answer is option b okay so that's it that's it and this is your homework question theork thank you so much for your time we will have lot of fun Bangla with lot of memes trolls and everything okay let's have a jolly envirment okay and and that's it for the day until then it's me your you people know when is here no fear next one sh and don't forget to comment your homework question bye everyone take care