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Japanese American Internment During WWII
Jun 27, 2024
Japanese American Internment During WWII
Pearl Harbor Attack & West Coast Concerns
After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the U.S. West Coast was deemed a potential combat zone.
Over 100,000 persons of Japanese ancestry resided in this zone, two-thirds of them were American citizens, one-third were aliens.
Authorities were unsure of the potential reaction of this population if Japan invaded the U.S.
Military Decision for Evacuation
To mitigate the threat, military authorities decided all Japanese persons, both citizens and aliens, should be relocated inland.
The mass migration was to be handled with consideration for those involved.
Concerns of Espionage
Japanese individuals lived in strategic locations such as near naval bases, shipyards, and aircraft plants.
Initial evacuations required Japanese individuals to move from these critical areas.
Planned Evacuation Process
The voluntary evacuation approach faced challenges, leading to a planned and protected evacuation process.
Notices were posted, and Japanese individuals were required to register.
Registration and paperwork were largely handled by the Japanese community.
Government agencies assisted with finding tenants for farms, selling property, and providing financial aid.
Assembly Centers
Army built assembly centers in racetracks and fairgrounds where evacuees stayed temporarily.
Notable example: Santa Anita Racetrack housed about 17,000 persons.
Provided housing, food, and a semblance of normal life e.g., church services, newspapers, nursery schools.
Relocation Centers
Centers built in locations like Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming.
Promoted opportunities to work, space to live, education for children.
Some evacuees started initial self-governance measures and Americanization classes.
Life in Relocation Centers
Focused on health, civic leadership, and productive work (e.g., agriculture, reclaiming deserts).
Some evacuees were allowed to work in locations away from the coast under supervision.
Future Ambitions and Ethical Considerations
Aimed to achieve a standard for humane treatment even when dealing with potential enemies.
Hoped for the eventual return of loyal American citizens to normal life and for disloyal individuals to leave.
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