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Notes on DevOps: Simply Learn YouTube Full Course for 2024

hello Tech Enthusiast welcome to an exciting journey into the realm of Devo you are tuned into simply lears YouTube channel your goto destination for cutting Ed Tech education in this full course for 2024 we will delve into devops principles Automation containerization and more whether you're a beginner or a season professional this course is tailored to equip you with the latest skills ready to stay ahead in the dynamic world of software development and it operations hit that subscribe button give this video a thumbs up and let's embark on the devops adventure together if you want to upskill yourself master devops skills and land your dream job or grow in your career then you must explore simply learns cohort of various devops programs simply learn offers various certification and post-graduate programs in collaboration with some of the world's leading universities like Caltech and Google Cloud through our courses you will gain knowledge and work ready expertise in in skills like devops methodology deployment automation cicd Pipeline and over a dozen others that's not all you'll also get the opportunity to work on multiple projects and learn from industry experts working in Top Tire product companies and academian from top universities after completing these courses thousands of Learners have transitioned into devops role as a fresher or moved on to a higher paying job role and profile so if you are passionate about making your career in this field then make sure to check out the link in the pin comments and description box to find devops program that fits your expertise and areas of interest and today we're going to go through and introduce you to devops we're going to go through a number of key elements today the first two will be reviewing models that you're already probably using for delivering Solutions into your company and the most popular one is waterfall followed by agile then we'll look at devops and how devops differs from the two models and how it also borrows and leverages the best of those models we'll go go through each of the phases that are used in typical devops delivery and then the tools used within those phases to really improve the efficiencies within devops finally we'll summarize the advantages that devops brings to you and your teams so let's go through waterfall so waterfall is a traditional delivery model that's been used for many decades for delivering Solutions not just IT solutions and digital Solutions but even way before that it has its history it goes back to World War II so waterfall is a model that is used to capture requirements and then Cascade each key deliverable through a series of different stage Gates that is used for building out the solution so let's take you through each of those stage Gates the first that you may have done is requirements analysis and this is where you sit down with the actual client and you understand specifically what they actually do and what they're looking for in the software that you're going to build and then from that requirements analysis you'll build out a project planning so you have an understanding of what the level of work is needed to be able to be successful in delivering the solution after that you got your plan then you start doing the development and that means that the programmers start coding out their solution they build out their applications to build out the websites and this can take weeks or even months to actually do all the work when you've done your coding and development then you send it to another group that does testing and they'll do full regression testing of your application against the systems and databases that integrate with your application you'll test it against the actual code you'll do manual testing you do UI testing and then after you've delivered the solution you go into maintenance mode which is just kind of making sure that the application keeps working there's any security risks that you address those security risks now the problem you have though is that there are some challenges however that you have with the waterfall model the cascading deliveries and those complete and separated stage Gates means that it's very difficult for any new requirements from the client to be integrated into the project so if a client comes back and it's the project has been running for six months and they've gone hey we need to change something that means that we have to almost restart the whole project it's very expensive and it's very time cons assuming also if you spend weeks and months away from your client and you deliver a solution that they are only just going to see after you spend a lot of time working on it they could be pointing out things that are in the actual final application that they don't want or are not implemented correctly or lead to just general unhappiness the challenge you then have is if you want to add back in the client's feedback to restart the whole waterfall cycle again so the client will come back back to you with a list of changes and then you go back and you have to start your programming and you have to then start your testing process again and just you're really adding in lots of additional time into the project so using the waterall model companies have soon come to realize that you know the clients just aren't able to get their feedback in quickly effectively it's very expensive to make changes once the teams have started working and the requirement in today's digital world is that Solutions simply must be delivered faster and this has led for a specific change in agile and we start implementing the agile model so the agile model allows programmers to create prototypes and get those prototypes to the client with the requirements faster and the client is able to then send the requirements back to the programmer with feedback this allows us to create what we call a feedback loop where we're able to get information to the client and the client can get back to the development team much faster typically when we're actually going through this process we're looking at the engagement cycle being about 2 weeks and so it's much faster than the traditional waterfall approach and so we can look at each feedback loop as comprising of four key elements we have the planning where we actually sit down with the client and understand what they're looking for we then have coding and testing that is building out the code and the solution that is needed for the client and then we review with the client the changes that have happened but we do all of this in a much tighter cycle that we call a Sprint and that typically a Sprint will last for about two weeks some companies run sprints every week some run every four weeks it's up to you as a team to decide how long you want to actually run a Sprint but typically it's two weeks and so every two weeks the client is able to provide feedback into that Loop and so you were able to move quickly through iterations and so if we get to the end of Sprint 2 and the client says hey you know what we need to make a change you can make those changes quickly and effectively for Sprint 3 what we have here is a breakdown of the ceremonies and the approach that you bring to Agile so typically what will happen is that a product leader will build out a backlog of products and what we call a product backlog and this will be just a whole bunch of different features and they may be small features or bug fixes all the way up to large features that may actually span over multiple Sprints but when you go through the Sprint planning you want to actually break out the work that you're doing so the team has a mixture of small medium and large solutions that they can actually Implement successfully into their Sprint plan and then once you actually start running your Sprint again it's a two-e activity you meet every single day to with the actual Sprint team to ensure that everybody is staying on track and if there's any blockers that those blockers are being being addressed effectively and immediately the goal at the end of the two weeks is to have a deliverable product that you can put in front of the customer and the customer can then do a review the key advantages you have of running a Sprint with agile is that the client requirements are better understood because the client is really integrated into the scrum team they're there all the time and the product is delivered much faster than with a traditional waterfall model you're delivering features at the end of each Sprint versus waiting weeks months or in some cases years for a wful project to be completed however there are also some distinct disadvantages the product itself really doesn't get tested in a production environment it's only being tested on the developer computers and it's really hard when you're actually running agile for the Sprint team to actually build out a solution easily and effectively on their computers to mimic the production environment M and the developers and the operations team are running in separate silos so you have your development team running their Sprint and actually working to build out the features but then when they're done at the end of their Sprint and they want to do a release they kind of fling it over the wall at the operations team and then it's the operations team job to actually install the software and make sure that the environment is running in a stable fashion that is really difficult to do when you have the two teams really not working together so here we have is a breakdown of that process with the developers submitting their work to the operations team for deployment and then the operations team may submit their work to the production servers but what if there is an error what if there was a setup configuration error with the developer test environment that doesn't match the production environment there may be a dependency that isn't there there may be a link to an API that doesn't exist in production and so you have these challenges that the operations team are constantly faced with and their challenge is that they don't know how the code works so this is where devops really comes in and let's dig into how devops which is developers and operators working together is the key for successful continuous delivery so devops is as an evolution of the agile model the agile model really is great for Gathering requirements and for developing testing out your Solutions and what we want to be able to do is kind of address that challenge and that gap between the Ops Team and the dev team and so with Dev Ops what we're doing is bringing together the operations team and the development team into a single team and they are able to then work more seamlessly together because they are integrated to be able to build out solutions that are being tested in a production like environment so that when we actually deploy we know that the code itself will work the operations team is then able to focus on what they're really good at which is analyzing the production environment and being able to provide feedback to the developers on what is being successful so we're able to make adjustments in our code that is based on data so let's step through the different phases of a devops team so typically you'll see that the devops team will actually have eight phases now this is somewhat similar to Agile and what I'd like to point out at time is that again agile and devops are very closely related that agile and devops are closely related delivery models that you can use with devops it's really just extending that model with the key phases that we have here so let's step through each of these key phases so the first phase is planning and this is where we actually sit down with a business team and we go through and understand what their goals are the second stage is as you can imagine and this is where it's all very similar to Agile is that the code is actually start coding but they typically they'll start using tools such as git which is a distributed Version Control software it makes it easier for developers to all be working on the same code base rather than bits of the code that is rather than them working on bits of the code that they are responsible for so the goal with using tools such as git is that each developer always has the current and latest version of the code you then use tools such as mavin and gradal as a way to consistently build out your environment and then we also use tools to actually automate our testing now what's interesting is when we use tools like selenium and junit is that we're moving into a world where our testing is scripted the same as our build environment and the same as using our G environment we can start scripting out these environments and so we actually have scripted production environments that we're moving towards Jenkins is is the integration phase that we use for our tools and another Point here is that the tools that we're listing here these are all open-source tools these are tools that any team can start using we want to have tools that control and manage the deployment of code into the production environments and then finally tools such as anible and Chef will actually operate and manage those production environments so that when code comes to them that that code is compliant with the production environment so that when the code is then deployed to the many different production servers that the expected results of those servers which is you want them to continue running is received and then finally you monitor the entire environment so you can zero in on spikes and issues that are relevant to either the code or changing consumer habits on the site so let's step through some of those tools that we have in the devops environment so here we have is a breakdown of of the devops tools that we have and again one of the things I want to point out is that these tools are open-source tools there are also many other tools this is just really a selection of some of the more popular tools that are being used but it's quite likely that you're already using some of these tools today you may already be using Jenkins you may already be using git but some of the other tools really help you create a fully scriptable environment so that you can actually start scripting out your entire ire Dev Ops tool set this really helps when it comes to speeding up your delivery because the more you can actually script out of the work that you're doing the more effective you can be at running automation against those scripts and the more effective you can be at having a consistent experience so let's step through this devops process so we go through and we have our continuous delivery which is a plan code build and test environment so what happens if if you want to make a release well the first thing you want to do is send out your files to the build environment and you want to be able to test the code that you've been created because we're scripting everything in our code from the actual unit testing being done to the all the way through to the production environment because we're testing all of that we can very quickly identify whether or not there are any defects within the code if there are defects we can send that code right back to the developer with a message Mage saying what the defect is and the developer can then fix that with information that is real on the either the code or the production environment if however your code passes the the scripting test it can then be deployed and once it's out to deployment you can then start monitoring that environment what this provides you is the opportunity to speed up your delivery so you go from the waterfall model which is weak months or even years between releases to Agile which is 2 weeks or 4 weeks depending on your Sprint Cadence to where you are today with devops where you can actually be doing multiple releases every single day so there are some significant advantages and there are companies out there that are really zeroing in on those advantages if we take any one of these companies such as Google Google any given day will actually process 50 to 100 new releases on their website through their Dev Ops teams in fact they have some great videos on YouTube that you can find out on how their devop teams work Netflix is also a similar environment now what's interesting with Netflix is that Netflix have really fully embraced Dev Ops within their development team and so they have a devops team and Netflix is a completely digital company so they have software on phones on Smart TVs on computers and on websites interestingly though the devops team for Netflix is only 70 people and when you consider that a third of all internet traffic on any given day is from Netflix it's really a reflection on how effective devops can be when you can actually manage that entire business with just 70 people so there are some key advantages that devops has it's the actual time to create and deler deliver software is dramatically reduced particularly compared to Waterfall complexity of maintenance is also reduced because you're automating and scripting out your entire environment uh you're improving the communication between all your teams so teams don't feel like they're in separate silos but that are actually working cohesively together and that there is continuous integration and continuous delivery so that your consumer your customer is constantly being delighted Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to the future of tech in the fast-paced world of devops staying ahead is the game changer join us as we unlock the top devop skills needed in 2024 from mastering Cloud architectures to building security fortresses we are delving into the vital skills shaping the tech landscape get ready to untravel the road map to develop success and set your sites on the tech Horizon let's get started number one continuous integration and continuous deployment cic CD cicd the backbone of modern software delivery makes integrating code changes and deploying them smooth and fast tools like Jenkins and gitlab take care of testing Version Control and deployment cutting down manual work learning these tools might take a bit of time focusing on Version Control scripting and how systems run to get better at cicd trying Hands-On projects like setting up pipelines for web apps or automating testing can be a game changer number two Cloud architecture and kubernetes knowing about Cloud architecture and mastering kubernetes is a big deal today companies are all about cloud services and using kubernetes to manage apps stored in containers learning these involves understanding various cloud services and how to use them to build strong and flexible applications it also means knowing how to set up and manage containers in the cloud environment getting good at this might take some effort especially learning about networks containers and cloud computing Hands-On practice like deploying small apps with kubernetes or automating deployments can be a solid way to level up number three infrastructure as code IAC with terraform terraform is a start in managing infrastructure by writing scripts it helps set up and manage things like servers or databases without manual configurations mastering it means understanding terraforms language and managing resources across different Cloud providers getting good at terraform might not be too hard if you get the basics of cloud architecture doing projects like automating Cloud setups or managing resources across different Cloud platforms can boost your skills in this area number four security Automation and devc Ops keeping systems secure is top priority and that's where devc Ops shines it's about integrating security into every step of the development process this needs understanding security principles spotting threats and using tools within the development cycle to stay secure getting skilled at this might take some time focusing on security practices and how they fit into development trying out projects like setting up Security checks in your development process or making sure apps are encrypted can sharpen these skills number five data Ops and AI ml integration data Ops mixed with AI and ml is the new thing for smarter decision making it's about making data Rel it work smooth and automated and then mixing that data with AI and ml to make awesome decisions learning this might need digging into data processing machine learning and programming languages like python r or Scala projects like building models or setting up data pipelines can give hands-on experience in this Fusion of data and smart Tech number six monitoring and observability tools monitoring tools keep systems healthy by finding problems before they cause trouble tools like Prometheus or graph help keep an eye on system performance and solve issues quickly learning these tools might need some time especially getting used to metrics and logs projects like setting up performance dashboards or digging into system logs can really polish these skills number seven microservices architecture breaking down big applications into smaller parts is what microservices are about it helps in better scalability and flexibility getting good at this might take a bit of understanding how these smaller parts talk to each other and using languages like Java or python trying projects like breaking down big apps or putting these small Services into containers can make you a microservices pro number eight containerization beyond kubernetes beyond kubernetes there are other Cool Tools like Docker or pman that help manage containers making life easier learning these tools might need a basic understanding of system administration and containers working on projects like creating custom container images or managing multicontainer apps can really amp up your container game number nine serverless Computing and F serverless platforms like AWS Lambda or Azure functions let developers focus on writing code without handling the backend stuff mastering this might need getting familiar with serverless architecture and programming in languages like node.js python or Java doing projects like building serverless apps or automating tasks with serverless functions can level up your serverless skills now number 10 collaboration and soft skills apart from the tech staff being a team player and communicating well is super important working on open-source projects or joining diverse teams can really boost these skills projects like leading teams to devops changes or driving cultural shifts in an organization can improve these skills in a big way before we conclude this exhilarating expedition in to the top 10 devop skills for 2024 Envision this the future is a canvas waiting for your Innovation and expertise to paint upon these skills aren't just a checklist they are your toolkit for crafting the technological future embrace them immerse yourself in their practice and let them be the fuel propelling your journey toward Mastery in this rapid evolving Tech realm remember it's not just about knowing it's about about doing dive into project experiments fearlessly and let these skills be the guiding Stars illuminating your path to success thank you for joining us on this adventure make sure to like this video and share it with your friends do check out the link in the description and Pinn comment if you are interested in making a career in Devo welcome to Simply learn starting on the AWS devops journey is like getting sale on a Hightech Adventure in this tutorial will be your Navigators through the vast Seas of Amazon web services helping you to harness the power of devops to streamline your software delivery and infrastructure management from understanding devops principles to mastering aw Services we will guide you through the transformative Voyage whether you're a seasoned sailor or an nose Explorer our road map will unveil the treasures of continuous integration containerization Automation and Beyond so for the Doos flag and get ready to chart a course towards efficiency collaboration and innovation in the AWS ecosystem that said if these are the type of videos you'd like to watch then hit that subscribe button and the bell icon to get notified as we speak you might be wondering how to become a certified professional and back your dream job in this domain if you are a professional with minimum one year of experience and an aspiring devops engineer looking for online training and certification from the prestigious universities and in collaboration with leading experts then search no more simply learns postgraduate program in devops from Caltech University in collaboration with IBM should be your right choice for more details head straight to our homepage and search for postgraduate program and devops from Caltech University or simply click on the link in the description box below now without further delay over to our training so without further delay let's get started with the agenda for today's session first we will understand who exactly is an AWS devops engineer then the skills is required to become an AWS devops engineer followed by that the important roles and responsibilities and now the most important point of your discussion that is the road map or how to become an AWS devops engineer followed by that we will also discuss the salary compensation being offered to a professional AWS devops engineer and lastly we will discuss the important companies hiring AWS stops Engineers so I hope I made myself clear with the agenda now let's get started with the first subheading that is who exactly is an AWS devops engineer the answer for this question is an AWS devops engineer is a professional who combines expertise in AWS that is Amazon web services with devops principles to streamline software development and infrastructure management they design Implement and maintain cloudbased Solutions leveraging AWS services like ac2 S3 and RDS devops Engineers automate processes using tools such as AWS cloud formation and facilitate continuous integration and deployment pipelines they are role focuses on improving collaboration between development and operations teams ensuring efficient reliable and secure software delivery with skills in infrastructure such as IAC or infrastructure as code containerization scripting and continuous integration AWS devops Engineers play a critical role in optimizing cloud-based applications and services and that's exactly an AWS devops engineer now moving ahead we will discuss the important skills required to become an AWS devops engineer the role of an AWS devops engineer requires a combination of Technical and non-technical skills here are the top five skills that are crucial for an AWS devops engineer starting with the first one AWS expertise Proficiency in AWS is fundamental devops Engineers should have a deep understanding of AWS services including ac2 S3 RDS WPC and much more they should be able to design Implement and manage Cloud infrastructure efficient L the next one is IAC or infrastructure as code IAC tools like AWS cloud formation or terraform are essential for automating the provisioning and management of infrastructure devops engineer should be skilled in writing infrastructure code and templates to maintain consistency and reliability third one is scripting and programming knowledge of scripting languages example python bash and programming languages is important for Automation and custom scripting python in particular is widely used for tasks like creating deployment scripts automating AWS tasks and developing custom Solutions next one is containerization and orchestration skills in containerization Technologies such as Doc and container orchestr platforms like Amazon ECS or Amazon eks are vital devops Engineers should be able to build deploy and manage containerized applications now the fifth one is cicd Pipelines or continuous integration and continuous deployment Proficiency in setting up and maintaining cic pipelines using tools like AWS code pipeline genkins or GitHub cicd is crucial devops Engineers should understand the principles of automated testing integration and continuous deployment to streamline software delivery effective communication and collaboration skills are essential as devops Engineers work closely with devops development and operations teams to bridge the gap between them and Ensure smooth software delivery and infrastructure management problem solving skills the ability to troubleshoot issues and a strong understanding of security best practices are also important for this rule devops Engineers need to be adaptable and keep up with the evolving AWS ecosystem and devop practices to remain effective in their role moving ahead we will discuss the roles and responsibilities of an AWS devop engineer the roles and responsibilities of an awss engineer typically revolve around managing and op optimizing the infrastructure and development pipelines to ensure efficient reliable and scalable operations here are the top five roles and responsibilities of an AWS devops engineer starting with the first one that is IAC management devops Engineers are responsible for defining and managing infrastructure using IAC tools like AWS cloud formation or terraform they create and maintain templates to provision and configure AWS resources ensuring consistency and repeatability next one is continuous integration and deployment continuous integration and continuous deployment are also known as CD is very critical devops Engineers establish and maintain cicd pipelines automating the build test and deployment processes they use AWS code pipeline genkin or similar tools to streamline the delivery of software and updates to production environment next is server and containerization management devops Engineers work with AWS ec2 instances ECS eks and other services to manage servers and containers they monitor resource utilization configure Autos scaling and Ensure High availability and fall tolerance managing and logging is the fourth one monitoring is a critical responsibility devops Engineers set up monitoring and alerting systems using AWS cloudwatch analyze logs and respond to incidents promptly they aim to maintain High system availability and performance security and compliance is the fifth one so security is a priority devops Engineers Implement and maintain security best practices manage AWS identity and access management that is IM am policies and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements they often work with AWS services like AWS security Hub and AWS config to assess and improve security AWS devops Engineers are involved in optimizing costs ensuring disaster recovery and backup strategies and collaborating with development and operations teams to enhance communication and collaboration they may also assist in automating routine tasks and prompting a culture of continuous Improvement and Innovation within the organization now the most important aspect of today's session that is how to become or the road map to become an AWS devops engineer the AWS devops road map provides a high level guide for individuals or teams looking to adopt devops practices in the context of Amazon web services devops is a set of practices that combine software development Dev and it operations Ops to enhance collaboration and automate the process of software delivery and infrastructure management AWS offers a range of services and tools to support AWS practices here is a road map to help you get started with AWS and devops creating a road map for AWS devops in 10 steps can help you guide your journey towards implementing devop practices on the Amazon website Services platform the first one is understand devops principles start by gaining a solid understanding of devop principles and practices devops is about collaboration between development and operations team to automate and streamline the software delivery process second one is learn AWS fundamentals get acquainted with AWS services and understand the basics of cloud computing including compute storage and networking Services AWS offers a wide range of services that can be elated in your devops processes third one is set up your AWS account sign up for an AWS account and configure billing and security settings you may also want to consider using AWS organizations for managing multiple accounts and AWS identity and access management for user access control fourth step is source code management Implement source code management using a tool like git and host your code repositories on a platform like AWS code commit or or GitHub learn about Version Control best practices the fifth step is continuous integration set up our cicd pipeline using services like AWS code pipeline AWS code build or genkins automate building testing and deployment of your code sixth one being infrastructure as code or IAC Embrace IAC principles to manage your AWS resources use tools like AWS cloud formation terraform or AWS cdk to Define and Pro Vision infrastructure as code seventh step being deployment and orchestr use AWS services like AWS elastic bin stock AWS elastic container service or ECS or cubes on AWS also known as eks for deploying and managing your applications orchestrate these deployments using AWS step functions or other automation tools now the eighth step is monitoring and logging Implement robust monitoring and logging services using services like Amazon cloudwatch and AWS cloud trail create dashboards set up alarms and analyze logs to gain insights into your applications performance and security Now the ninth One Security and compliance focus on security by following AWS best practices using AWS identity and access management I am effectively and automating Security checks for AWS conflict and AWS security Hub ensure your infrastructure and applications are compli with industry standards now the last continuous learning and Improvement devops is an ongoing journey of improvement continuously Monitor and optimize your devops pipeline incorporate feedback and stay updated on new AWS services and best practices ensure a culture of learning and Innovation within your team remember that this road map is a high level guide and the specific tools and services you choose may vary based on your projects requirements devop is your culture of collaboration and automation so adapt your devops practice to best suit your team's needs and the AWS services that you use now moving ahead we will discuss the salary compensations being offered to an AWS devops engineer now if you are in India and a beginner in AWS devops domain you can expect salaries ranging from 3 lakhs to 6 lakhs per an if you're an intermediate candidate with minimum two years of experience then you can expect salaries ranging from 6 lakhs to 12 lakhs per an if you are an experienced candidate with more than four years of experience the minimum salary you can expect is 12 lakhs and it can go all the way up to 20 or more based on the project you're working with company you're working with and the location now if you are in America and if you are a beginner in AWS devops domain then you can expect an average salary of $80,000 to $120,000 per anom and if you are an intermediate candidate with minimum two years of experience then you can expect a salaries ranging from $120,000 to $150,000 per an if you are a highly experienced candidate maybe with before or more than that you can expect salaries ranging from $150,000 to $200,000 per and again it might also go up based on Project you're working with based on the company you're working with and in the location now moving ahead we will discuss the next important and also the last important topic of today's discussion that is the company's hiring AWS Toops engineer there are a lot of companies hiring awss Engineers but the prominent players in this particular field is Amazon web services Google Microsoft IBM Oracle Netflix Adobe Cisco slack Salesforce deloit and much more talking about the salary figures of a senior devops engineer according to glaso a senior devops engineer working in the United States earns a whooping salary of $178,300 the same senior devops engineer in India earns 18 lakh rupees annually to sum it up as you progress from entry level to mid- level and eventually to experience devop engineer your roles and responsibilities evolve significantly each level presents unique challenges and opportunities for growth all contributing to your journey as a successful devops professional so excited about the opportunities devops offers great now let's talk about the skills you will need to become a successful devops enger coding and scripting strong knowledge of programming languages like python Ruby or JavaScript and scripting skills are essential for Automation and Tool development system administration familiarity with Linux Unix and Windows systems including configuration and troubleshooting cloud computing Proficiency in Cloud platforms like AWS Azure or Google Cloud to deploy and manage applications in the cloud containerization and orchestration understanding container Technologies like Docker and container orchestration tools like kubernetes is a must continuous integration or deployment experienced with cicd tools such as Jenkins gitlab Ci or Circle CI to automate the development workflow infrastructure as code knowledge of IAC tools like terraform or insensible to manage infrastructure programmatically monitoring and logging familiarity with monitoring tools like promas grafana and logging Solutions like elk stack acquiring these skills will not only make you a valuable devops engineer but will also open doors to exciting job opportunities so to enroll in the postgraduate program in devops today click the link mentioned in the description box below don't miss this fantastic opportunity to invest in your future so let's take a minute to hear it out from our Learners who have experienced massive success in their career through a post-graduate program in devopment so what are we going to cover today so we're going to introduce to the concept of Version Control that you will use within your Dev Ops environment then we'll talk about the different tools are available in a distributed Version Control System we'll highlight a product called git which is typically used for Version Control today and you'll also go through what are the differences between git and GitHub you may have used GitHub in the past or other products like gitlab and we'll explain what are the differences between git and git and services such as GitHub and gitlab will break out the architecture of what a get process looks like um how do you go through and create forks and clones how do you have collaborators being added into your projects how do you go through the process of branching merging and rebasing your project and what are the list of commands that are available to you in G finally I'll take you through a demo on how you can actually run git yourself and in this instance use the software of git against a public service such as GitHub all right let's talk a little bit about version Control Systems so you may have already been using a virion control system within your environment today you may have used tools such as Microsoft team Foundation services but essentially the use of a virsion control system allows people to be able to have files that are all stored in a single repository so if you're working on developing a new program such as a website or an application uh you would store all of your Version Control software in a single repos repository now what happens is that if somebody wants to make changes to the code they would check out all of the code in the repository to make the changes and then there would be an addendum added to that so um there will be the the version one changes that you had then the person would then later on check out that code and then be a version two um added to that um code and so you keep adding on versions of that code the bottom line is that eventually you'll have people being able to use your your code and that your code will be um stored in a centralized location however the challenge you're running is that it's very difficult for large groups to work simultaneously within a project the benefits of a VCS system a Version Control System demonstrates that you're able to store multiple versions of a solution in a single repository now let's take a step at some of the challenges that you have with traditional Version Control Systems and see how they can be addressed with distributed Version Control so in a distributed Version Control environment what we're looking at is being able to have the code shared across a team of developers so if there are two or more people working on a software package they need to be able to effectively uh share that code amongst themselves so that they constantly are working on the latest um piece of code so a key part of a distributed Version Control System that's different to just just a traditional version control system is that all developers have the entire code on their local systems and they try and keep it updated all the time it is the role of the uh distributed VCS server to ensure that each client and we have a developer here and developer here and developer here and each of those are clients have the latest version of the software and then that each person can then share the software in a peer-to-peer like approach so that as changes are being made into the server of changes to the code then those changes are then being redistributed to all of the development team the tool to be able to do an effective distributed VCS environment is G now you may remember that we actually covered git in a previous video and we'll reference that video for you so we start off with our remote git repository and people are making updates to the copy of their code into a local environment that local environment can be updated manually and then periodically pushed out to the git repository so you're always pushing out the latest code that youve code changes you made into the repository and then from the repository you're able to pull back the latest updates and so your G repository becomes the kind of the center of the universe for you and then updates are able to be pushed up and pulled back from there what this allows you to be able to accompl accomplish is that each person will always have the latest version of the code so what is git git is a distributed Version Control tool used for source code management so GitHub is the remote server for that source code management and your development team can connect their get client to that some remote Hub server uh git is used to track the changes of the source code and allows large team seems to work simultaneously with each other it supports a nonlinear development because of thousands of parallel branches and has the ability to handle large projects efficiently so let's talk a little bit about git versus GitHub so git is a software tool whereas GitHub is a service and I'll show you how those two look in a moment you install the software tool for get locally on your system whereas GitHub because is a service it's actually hosted on a website git is actually the software that used to manage different versions of source code whereas GitHub is used to have a copy of the local repository stored on the service on the website itself git provides command line tools that allow you to interact with your files whereas GI help has a graphical interface that allows you to check in and check out files so let me just show you the two tools here so here I am at the git website and this is a website you would go to to download the latest version of git and again git is a software package that you install on your computer that allows you to be able to do Version Control in a peer-to-peer environment for that peer-to-peer environment to be successful however you need to be able to store your files in a server somewhere and typically a lot of companies will use a service such as GitHub as a way to be able to store your files so git can communicate effectively with GitHub there are actually many different companies that provide similar service to GitHub gitlab is another popular service but you also find that development tools such as Microsoft Visual Studio are also incorporating git commands into their tools so the latest version of Visual Studio team ser Services also provides this same ability but GitHub it has to be remembered is a place where we actually store our files and can very easily create public and sharable is a place where we can store our files and create public sharable projects you can come to GitHub and you can do a search on projects you can see at the moment I'm doing a lot of work on blockchain but you can actually search on the many hundreds of projects here in fact I think there's something like over a 100,000 projects being managed on GitHub at the moment that number is probably actually much larger than that and so if you are working on a project I would certainly encourage you to start at GitHub to see if somebody's already maybe done a prototype that they're sharing or they have an open-source project that they want to share that's already available um in GitHub certainly if you're doing anything with um Azure you'll find that there are thousands 45,000 Azure projects currently being worked on interestingly enough GitHub was recently acquired by Microsoft and Microsoft is fully embracing open-source Technologies so that's essentially the difference between get and GitHub one is a piece of software and that's git and one is a service that supports the ability of using the software and that's GitHub so let's dig deeper into the actual git architecture itself so the working directory is the folder where you are currently working on your git project and we'll do a demo later on where you can actually see how we can actually simulate each of these steps so you start off with your working directory where you store your files and then you add your files to a staging area where you are getting ready to commit your files back to the main branch on your git project you will want to push out all of your changes to a local repository after you've made your changes and these will commit those files and get them ready for synchronization with the service and we'll then push your services out to the remote repository an example of a remote repository would be GitHub later when you want to update your code before you write any more code you would pull the latest changes from the remote repository so that your copy of your local software is always the latest version of the software that the rest of the team is working on one of the things that you can do is as you're working on new features within your project you can create branches you can merge your branches with the mainline code you can do lots of really creative things that Ure the that a the code remains at very high quality and B that you're able to seamlessly add in new features without breaking the core code so let's step through some of the concepts that we have available in G so let's talk about forking and cloning in kit so both of these terms are quite old terms when it comes to development but forking is certainly a term that goes way way way back long before uh we had distributed CVS systems such as the ones that we're using with Git to Fork a piece of software is a particular open source and project you would take the project and create a copy of that project and but then you would then associate a new team and new people around that project so it becomes a separate project in entirety a clone and this is important when it comes to working with g a clone is identical with the same teams and same structuring as the main project itself so when you download the code you're downloading an exact copy of that code with all the same security and access rights as the main code and then you can then check that code back in and potentially your code because it is identical could potentially become the mainline code uh in the future now that typically doesn't happen your changes are the ones that merged into to the main branch but also but you do have that potential where your code could become the main code with Git You can also add collaborators that can work on the project which is essential for projects where particularly where you have large teams this works really well when you have product teams where the teams themselves are self-empowered you can do a concept what's called branching in git and so say for instance you are working on a new feature that new feature and the main version of the project have to still work simultaneously so what you can do is you can create a branch of your code so you can actually work on the new feature whereas the rest of the team continue to work on the main branch of the the project itself and then later you can merge the two together pull from remote is the concept of being able to pull in Services software the team is working on from a remote server and get rebase is the concept of being able to take a project project and reestablish a new start from the project so you may be working a project where there have been many branches and the team has been working for quite some time on different areas and maybe you kind of losing control of what the true main branch is you may choose to rebase your project and what that means though is that anybody that's working on a separate Branch will not be able to Branch their code back into the mainline Branch so going through the process of a get rebase essentially allows you to create a new start for where you're working on your project so let's go through forks and clones so you want to go through the process so you want to go ahead and Fork the code that you're working on so this use this scenario that one of your team wants to go ahead and add a new change to the project the team member may say yeah go ahead and you know create a separate Fork of the actual project so what was that look like so when you actually go ahead and create a fork of the Repository you actually go and you can take the version of the mainline Branch but then you take it completely offline into a local repository for you to be able to work from and you can take the mainline code and you can then work on a local version of the code separate from the mainland Branch it's now a separate Fork collaborators is the ability to have team members working on a project together so if you know someone is working on a piece of code and they see some errors in the code that you've created none of us are perfect at writing code I know I've suddenly made errors in my code it's great to have other team members that have your bag and can come in and check and see what they can do to improve the code so to do that you have to then add them as a collaborator now you would do that uh in GitHub you can give them permission within GitHub itself it's really easy to do super visual um interface that allows you to do the work quickly and easily and depending on the type of permissions you want to give them sometimes it could be very limited permissions it may be uh just to be able to read the files sometimes it's being able to go in and make all the changes you can go through all the different permission settings on GitHub to actually see what you can do but you'll be able to make changes so that people can actually have access to your repository and then you as a team can then start working together on the same code let's step through branching in G so suppose you're working on an application but you want to add in a new feature and this is very typical within a Dev Ops environment so to do that you can create a new branch and build a new feature on that Branch so here you have your main application on what's known as the master branch and then you can then create a sub branch that runs in parallel which has your feature you can then develop your feature and then merge it back into the master Branch at a later point in time now the benefit you have here is that by default we're all working on the master Branch so we always have the latest code the the circles that we have here on the screen show various different commits that have been made so that we can keep track of the master branch and then the branches that have come off which have the new features and there can be many branches in git so git keeps you the new features you're working on in separate branches until you're ready to merge them back in with the main branch so let's talk a little bit about that merge process so you're starting with the master branch which is the blue line here and then here we have a separate parallel branch which has the new features so if we to look at this process the base commit of feature B is the branch f is what's going to merge back into the master branch and it has to be said there can be so many Divergent branches but eventually you want to have everything merge back into the master Branch let's step through git rebase so again we have a similar situation where we have a branch that's being worked in parallel to the master branch and we want to do a get rebase so we're at stage C and what we've decided is that we want to reset the project so that everything from here on out with along the master branch is the standard product however this means that any work that's been done in parallel as a separate Branch will be adding in new features along this new rebased environment now the benefit you have by going through the rebase process is that you're reducing the amount of storage space that's required for when you have so many branches it's a great way to just reduce your total footprint for your entire project so get rebase is the process of combining a sequence of commits to form a new base commit and the primary reason for rebasing is to maintain a linear project history when you replace you unplug a branch and replug it in on the tip of another branch and usually you do that on the master branch and that will then become the new Master Branch the goal of rebasing is to take all the commits from a feature branch and put it together in a single Master Branch it makes it the project itself much easier to manage let's talk a little bit about pull from remote Suppose there are two developers working together on application the concept of having a remote repository allows the code to the two developers will be actually then checking in their code into a remote repository that becomes a centralized location for them to be able to store their code it enables them to stay updated on the recent changes to the repository because they'll be able to pull the latest changes from that remote repository so that they are ensuring that as developers they're always working on the latest code so you can pull any changes that you have made to your fault remote repository to your local reposit repository the command to be able to do that is written here and we'll go through a demo of how to actually do that command in a little bit good news is if there are no changes you'll get a notification saying that you're already up to date and if there is a change it will merge those changes to your local repository and you get a list of the changes that have been made remotely so let's step through some of the commands that we have in git so git in it initializes a local git repository on your hard drive get add adds one or more files to your staging are area get commit DM commit message is a commit changes the git command commits changes to head up so the get command commits changes to your local staging area get status checks the status of your current repository and lists the files you have changed get log provides a list of all the commits made on your current Branch get diff views the changes that you've made to the file so you can actually have files next to each other you can actually see the differences between the two files uh get push origin Branch name so the name of your branch command will push the branch to the remote repository so that others can use it and this is what you would do at the end of your project get config Das Global username we'll tell get Who You Are by configuring the author name and we'll go through that in a moment get config Global user email will tell get the author of by the email ID get clone creates a get repository copy from a remote Source get remote ad origin server connects the local repository to the remote server and adds the server to be able to push to it get branch and then the branch name will create a new Branch for you to create a new feature that you may be working on uh get checkout and then the branch name will allow you to switch from one branch to another Branch get merge Branch name Will merge a branch into the active Branch so if you're working on a new feature you going to merge that into the main branch a get rebase will reapply commits on top of another base tip and get rebase will reapply commits on top of another base tip and these are just some of the popular git commands there are some more but you can certainly dig into those as you're working through using git so let's go ahead and run a demo using git so now we are going to do a demo using get on our local machine and GitHub as the remote Repository for this to work I'm going to be using a couple of tools first I'll have the deck open as we've been using up to this point uh the second is I'm going to have my terminal window also available and let me bring that over so you can actually see this and the terminal window is actually running git bash as the software in the background which you'll need to download and install you can also run git bash locally on your Windows computer as well and in addition I'll also have the GitHub repository that we're using simply learn uh already set up and ready ready to go all right so let's get started so the first thing we want to do is create a local repository so let's go ahead and do exactly that so the local repository is going to reside in my development folder uh that I have on my local computer and for me to be able to do that I need to create a drive in that folder so I'm going to go ahead and change the directory so I'm actually going to be in that folder before I actually create make the new folder so I'm going to go ahead and change directory and now I'm in the development directory I'm going to go ahead and create a new folder and that's going to ahead and created a new folder called hello world I'm going to move my cursor so that I'm actually in the hello world folder and now that I'm in the hello world folder I can now initialize this folder as a git repository so I'm going to use the git command in it to initialize and let's go ahead and initialize that folder so let's see what's happened so here I have my hello allall folder that I've created and you'll now see that we have a hidden folder in there which is called doget and if we expand that we can actually see all of the different subfolders that g repository will create so let's just move that over a little bit so that we can see the rest of the work and now if we check on our folder here we actually see this is users math uh development hello world doget and that matches up with hidden folder here so we're going to go ahead and create a file called readme.txt in our folder so here is our hello world folder and I'm going to go ahead and using my text editor which happens to be Sublime I'm going to create a file and it's going to have in there the text hello world and I'm going to call this one readme do txt if I go to my Hello World folder you'll see that we have the readme.txt file actually in the folder what's interesting is if I select the get status command what it'll actually show me is that this file has not yet been added to the commits yet for this project so even though the file is actually in the folder it doesn't mean that it's actually part of the project for us to do that we actually have to go and select for us to actually commit the file we have to go into our terminal window and we can use the git status to actually read the files that we have there so let's go ahead and use the git status command and it's going to tell us that this file has not been committed you can use this with any folder to see which files and subfolders haven't been committed and what we can now do is we can go and actually add the readme file so let's go ahead we just going to S git add so the git command is ADD readme.txt so that then adds that file into our main um project and we want to then commit those files into the main repositories history and so that do that we'll hit the the get command commit and we'll do a message in that commit and this one will be first commit and it has committed that project what's interesting is we can now go back into readme file and I can change this so we can go hello git git is a very popular version control solution and we'll we'll save that now what we can do is we can actually go and see if we have made differences to the read me text so to do that we'll use the diff command for get so we do get diff and it gives us two um releases the first is what the original text was which is hello world and then what we have afterwards is what is now the new text in green which has replaced the original text so what we're going to do now is you want to go ahead and create an account on GitHub we already have one and so what we're going to do is we're going to match the account from GitHub with our local account so to do that we're going to go ahead and set get config and we're going to do Dash and it's going to be be a global and we going to put in our username that we use for GitHub and this instance we're using the simply [Music] learn Das GitHub account name and under the GitHub account you can go ahead and create a new repository name in this instance we called the repository hello-world and and what we want to do is connect the local GitHub account with the remote hello account and we do that by using this command uh from git which is our remote connection and so let's go ahead and type that in open this up so we can see the whole thing so we're going to type in get remote add origin https back SL back slash GitHub SL simply learn D GitHub and you have to get this typed in correctly when you're typing in the location hello-world doget that creates the connection to your hello world account and now we want to do is we want to push the files to the remote location using the git push command commit get push origin master so we're going to go ahead and connect to our local remote GitHub so I'm just going to bring up my terminal window again and so let's select git remote add origin and we'll connect to the the remote location SLS simply learn Das GitHub slash hello dwld dog oh we actually have already connected so we're connected to that successfully and now we're going to push the master Gish so get push origin master and everything is connected and successful and if we go out to GitHub now we can actually see that our file was updated just a few minutes ago so what we can actually do now is we can go and Fork a project from GitHub and clone it locally so we're going to use the um fork tool that's actually available on GitHub let me show you where that is located and here is our branching tool it's actually changed more recently with a new UI interface and once complete we'll be able to then pull a copy of that to our account using the forks new HTTP URL address so let's go ahead and do that so we're going to go ahead and create a fork of our project now to do that you would normally go in when you go into your project you'll see that there are Fork options in the top right hand corner of the screen now right now I'm actually logged in with the default primary count for this project so I can't actually Fork the project as I'm working on the main branch however if I come in with a separate ID and here I am I have a different ID and so I'm actually pretending I'm somebody else I can actually come in and select the fork option and create a fork of this project and this will take just a few seconds to actually create the fork and there we are we have gone ahead and uh created the fork so you want to S clone or download with this and so this is the I select they'll actually give me the web address I can actually show you what that looks like I'll open up my text editor that's not correct I guess that is correct so I'm going to copy that and I can Fork the project Lo Al and clone it locally I can change the directory so I can create a new directory that I'm going to put my files in and then post in that content into that file so I can now actually have multiple versions of the same code running on my computer I can then go into the for content and use the patchwork command to actually so I can create a copy of that code that we've just created and we call it that's a a clone and we can create a new folder that we're actually putting the work in and we could for whatever reason we wanted to we could call this folder Patchwork and that would be maybe a new feature and then we can then paste in the URL of the new uh directory that would has the fork work in it and now at this point we've now pulled in and created a clone of the original content and so this allows us to go ahead and Fork out all of the work for our project onto our computer so we can then devel our work separately so now what we can actually do is we can actually create a branch of the fork that we've actually pulled in onto our computer so we can actually then create our own code that runs in that separate branch and so we want to check out um the uh the branch and then push the origin Branch uh down to our computer this will give us the opportunity to then add our collaborators so we can actually then go over to GitHub and we can actually come in and add in our collaborators and we'll do that under settings and select collaborators and here we can actually see we have different collaborators that have been added into the project and you can actually then request people to be added via their GitHub name or by email address or by their full name one of the things that you want to be able to do is ensure that you're always keeping the code that you're working on fully up to date by pulling in all the changes from your collaborators you can create a new branch and then make changes and merge it into the master Branch now to do that you would create a folder and then that folder in this instance would be called test we would then move our cursor into the folder called test and then initialize that folder so let's go ahead and do that so let's call um create a new folder and we're going to first of all change our root folder and we're going to go to development and we're going to create a new folder call it test and we're going to move into the test folder and we will initialize that folder and we're going to move move some files into that test folder call this one test one and then we're going to do file save as and this one's going to be test two and now we're going to commit those files kit add kit add and then we'll use the dot to pull in all files and then get commit DM files committed make sure I'm in the right folder here I don't think I was and now that I'm in the correct folder let's go ahead and and and get commit and it's going ahead and added those files and so we can see the two files that were created have been added into the master and we can now go ahead and create a new Branch we call this one git Branch testore branch and let's go ahead and create a third file to go into that folder this is file three and do file save as we'll call this one test 3. text and we'll go ahead and [Music] add that file and do get ADD test 3 .txt and we're going to move from the master Branch to the test Branch get check out testore branch and it's switched to the test branch and we'll be able to list out all of the files that are in the that branch brch now and we want to go through and merge the files into one area so let's go ahead and we'll do git merge testore branch and it's well we've already updated everything so that's good otherwise it would tell us what we would be merging and now all the files are merged successfully into the master Branch there we go all merge together fantastic and so what we're going to do now is move from Master Branch to test Branch so get check out testore branch and we can modify the files the test three file that we took out and pull that file up and we can now modified and we can then commit that file back in and we've actually been able to then commit the file with one changes and and see it's the text re change that was made and we can now go through the process of checking the file back in switching back to the master branch and ensuring that everything is in sync correctly we may at one point want to rebase all of the work is kind of a hard thing you want to do but it will allow you to allow for managing for changes in the future future so let's switch to it back to our test branch which I think we're actually on we're going to create two more files let's go to our folder here and let's go copy those and that's created we'll rename those tests four and five and so we now have additional files and we're going to add those into our branch that we're working on so we're going to go in and select G add- A and we're going to commit those files get commit D a-m adding two new files and it's added in the two new files so we have all of our files now we can actually list them out and we have all the files that are in the branch and we'll switch then to our Master Branch we want to rebase the master so we do get rebase master and that will then give us the command that everything is now completely up to dat and we can go get checkout Master to switch to the master account this will allow us to then um continue through and rebase the test branch and then list all the files so they're all in the same area so let's go get rebase testore branch and now we can list and there we have all of our files listed in correctly if we talk in the literal sense Maven means accumulator of knowledge Maven is a very powerful project management tool or we can call it a build tool that helps building documenting and managing a project but before we move forward and dive deep into the basics of Maven let's understand what is meant by the term build tool a build tool takes care of everything for building a project it generates a source code generates documentation from a source code it even compiles the source code and packages the compiled codes into jar of zip files along with that the build tool also installs the packaged code in local repository server repository or Central repository coming back to Maven it is written in Java or C and it is based on Project object model or p M again let's have a pause and understand what is meant by this term project object model a project object model or p is a building block in Maven it is an XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details used by Maven to build a project this file resides in the base directory of the project as pom.xml file the pum contains information about the project and various configuration details it also includes the goals and plugins used by Maven in a project Maven looks for the p in the current directory while executing a task or a goal it reads the P gets the needed configuration information and then runs the goal coming back MAV is used to building and managing any Java based project it simplifies the day-to-day work of Java developers and helps them in their projects now when we know the basics of Maven let's have a look at some reasons to know why is Maven so popular and why are we even talking about it so let's have a look at the need for Maven Maven as by now we know is popularly used for Java based projects it helps in downloading libraries or ja files used in the project to understand the part of why do we use Maven or the need of Maven let's have a look at some problems that Maven solved the first problem is getting the jar files in a project getting the right jar files is a difficult task where there could be conflicts in the versions of the two separate packages however it makes sure all the jar files are present in its repositories and avoid any such conflicting scenarios the next problem it sorted was downloading dependencies we needed to visit the official website of different software which could be a TDS task now instead of visiting individual websites we could visit mvn repository. comom which is a central repository of the jar files then Maven plays a vital role in the creation of the right project structure in servlets struts Etc otherwise it won't be executed then Maven also helps to build and deploy the project so that it may work properly so the next point is what exactly M does it makes the building of the project easy the task of downloading the dependencies and jar files that were to be done manually can now be done automatically all the information that is required to build the project is readily available now finally M helps manage all the processes such as building documenting releasing and other methods that play an integral part in managing a project now when we know everything about Maven let's look at some companies that use Maven there are over 2,000 companies that use Maven to the companies that use Maven are mostly located in the United States and in the computer science Industry Maven is also used in Industries other than computer science like information technology and services financial service banking hospital and care and much more some of the biggest corporations that use Maven are as follows first we have viaro then comes Accenture followed by JP Morgan Chas in company then comes craft base and finally we have red hat first understanding that what exactly is in gridle all about now griddle is an kind of a build tool which can be used for the uh build automation performance and uh it can be used for various programming languages primary it's being used for the uh Java base applications it's an kind of build tool which can help you to see that how exactly automatically you can prepare the builds you can perform the automations earlier we used to do the build activity from the eclipse and uh we used to do it manually right but with the help of this build tool we are going to do it like automatically without any manual efforts as such here there are like lot of activities which we will be doing during the build process primary there are different activities like compilations linkage packaging these are the different uh tasks which we perform during the build process so that we can understand that how the build can be done and we can perform the automations uh this uh process also it's kind of uh standardized because again if you want to automate something standards or a standard process is something which we require for that before being going ahead with that part so that's the reason why we are getting this build tool because this pill tool helps us to do an standardization process to see that how the standards can be met and how we can proceed further with that part also it's something which can be used with variety of languages programming languages Java is the primary language for which we use the Gradle but again other languages like Scala Android cc++ gruy these are some of the languages for which we can use the same tool now it's actually using like it's referring to as an gry based domain specific language rather than XML because ant and MAV these are the XML based build tools but this one is not that uh dependent on XML it's using the gry based domain specific language DSL language is being used here right now um again uh it's something which can be used to do the build uh it can further on used to perform the test cases automotions also there and then forther on you can deploy to the artifactry also that okay I want to push the artifa to the artifactry so that also that part also you can get it done over here so primary this tool is known for doing the build automations for the big and large projects the projects in which the source code the amount of source code and uh the uh efforts is more so in that case this particular tool makes sense now gridle includes both the pros of M and uh ant but it removes the drawbacks or whatever the uh issues which we face face during these two build tools so it's helping us to remove all the cons which we face during the implementation of ant and Maven and again again all the pros of ADD and Maven is implemented with this griddle tool now let's see that why exactly this griddle is used because that's a very valid question that what is the activity like what is the reason why we use the gradel because um the first one is that it resolves issues faced on other build tools that's a primary reason because we all already having the tools like Maven and andt which is a aailable there but primary this gridle tool is something which is removing all the issues which we are facing with the implementation of other tools so these issues are getting uh removed as such second one is that it focuses on maintainability performance and uh flexibility so it's giving the focus on that how exactly we can manage the big large projects and uh we can have flexibility that what different kind of a projects I want to build today I want to build in different ways tomorrow the source code modifies gets added up so I have the flexibility that I can change this build scripts I can perform the automations so a lot of flexibility is available which is being supported by this tool and then the last one is like uh it provides a lot of features a lot of plugins now this is one of the uh benefit which we get in the case of mayavan also that we get lot of features but again when we talk about cradle then it provides a lot of plugins like let's say that normally in a build process we do the compilation of the source code but sometimes let's say that we want to build an angular or a nodejs application now in that case we may be involved in running some command line executions some command line commands just to make sure that yes we are running the commands and we are getting the output so there are a lot of features which we can use like uh there are a lot of plugins which is available there and we will be using those uh plugins in order to go ahead and in order to execute those build process and doing the automations now let's talk about the crle and M because again when we talk about Mayan like it was like something which was primary used for the Java but again when we are talking about cradle so again it's just uh being used primary for the Java here but what is the reason that we prefer Gradle over the CR uh mavan so what are the different uh reason for that let's talk about that part because this is very important we need to understand that what is the reason that Gradle is preferred as an better tool for the Java as compared to MAV when we talk about for the build automation here now the first one is that the uh gridle using the gry DSL language domain specific Lang language whereas the maven is considered as in project management tool which is uh creating the pals or XML format files so it's being used for the Java project but XML format is being used here and on the other hand griddle is something which is not using the XML formats and uh whatever the build scripts you are creating that is something which is there in the groupy based uh DSL language and on the other hand in the pal we have to create the xmls dependencies whatever the attributes you're putting up in the May one that's something which is available there in the format of XML the overall goal of the griddle is to add functionality to a project whereas the goal of uh the maven is to you know to complete a project phase like to work on different different project phase like compilation test executions uh then uh packaging so uh then deploying to artifa so these are all different phases which is available there into the MAV but on the other hand gridle is all about adding the functionality that how you want to have some particular features added up into the build scripes in gridle there are like we usually specify that what are the different tasks we want to manage so different different tasks we can add up into the case of griddle and we can override those tasks also in case of Maven it's all about the different phases which is being happening over here and it's in sequence manner so these phases happens in the sequence order that how exactly you can uh build up the sequence there but in case of gridle you can have your own tasks custom tasks also and you can disrup the sequence and you can see that how the different steps can be executed in a different order so Maven is something which is a phase mechanism there but gridle is something which is according to the features or the flexibilities now griddle works on the tasks whatever the task you want to perform you uh it works directly on those task there on the other hand uh May is something does not have any kind of inbuilt cach so every time you running the build so separate uh things or the plugins and all these information gets loaded up which takes definitely a lot of time on the the other hand gdle is something which is uh using its own internal cache so that it can make the uh builds a little bit faster because it's not something which is doing the things from the scratch whatever the uh things is already being available in the cash so it's just pick that part and from there it will proceed further on the build Automation and that's the reason why Gradle performance is much faster as compared to Maven because it uses as some kind of a cach in there and then helps to improve the overall performance now let's talk about the gridle installation because this is an very important aspect to be done because when we are doing the installation we have to download the Cradle executables right so let's see that what are the different steps is involved in the process of the Cradle installation so when we talk about the gridle installation so there are primary four steps which is available the very first one is that you have to check if the Java is installed now if the uh Java is not installed so you can go to the open jdk uh or you can go for the Oracle Java so you can do the inst installation of the jdk on your system so jdk8 is something you can uh most commonly used nowadays so you can install that once the Java is downloaded and installed then you have to do the Gradle uh download Gradle there now once the Gradle binaries are executable or or the Z file gets downloaded so you can add the environment variables and then you can validate if the Cradle installation is working fine as expected not so we will be doing the grel installation into our local systems and uh into the windows platform and we'll see that how exactly we can go for the installation of cradle and we'll see that what are the different version we are going to install here so let's go back to the system and see that how we can go for the Gradle installation so this is the website of the jdk of java orle Java now here you have different jdk so from there you can do whatever the uh option you want to select you can go with that so jdk8 is something which is most commonly used nowadays like its most comfortable or compatible version which is available so um in case you want to see the if the jdk is installed into your system all you have to do is that you have to just say like Java hone version and that will give you the uh output that whether the Java is installed into your system or not so in case my system the Java is installed but if you really want to do the installation you have to download the jdk installer from this website from this article website and then you can proceed further on that part now once the jdk is installed so you have to go for the Cradle installation because cradle is something the which will be performing the build automations and all that stuff so you have to download the boundaries like uh the Z file probably in which we have the executables and all and then we have to have have some particular environment variables configured so that we will be able to have the System modified over there so right now we have got like the prequests as an Java version installed now the next thing is that we have to install or download the execute tables so uh in order to download the latest gradel distribution so you have to click on this one right now over here there are different options like uh you want to go for 6.7 now it's having like binary only or complete we'll go for the binary only because we don't want to have the source we just want the binaries and executables now it's getting downloaded it's around close to 100 MB of the installer which is there now we have to just extract into a directory and then the same uh path we need to configure into the environment variable so that in that way we will be able to see that how the uh gridle executables will be running and uh it will give the uh complete output to us over here in this case so it may take some time and once the the uh particular modifications and the download is done then we have to extract it and once the extraction is done so we will be able to go back and uh have some particular uh version or have the configurations established over there so let's just wait for some time and then we will be continuing with the environment variables like this one so once the installation and the extraction is done now we just have to go to the downloads where this one is downloaded we have to extract it now extraction is required so that we can have the setup like like we can set up this path into our environment variables and once the path is configured and established we will be able to start further on that path on the execution so meanwhile these files are getting extracted let's see so we already got the folder structure over here and uh we will see like we will give this path here there is two environment variables we have to configure one is the Cradle underscore home and one is the um in the path variable so we'll copy this path here so meanwhile this is getting uh extracted we can see save our time and we can go to the environment variable so we can right click on this one properties in there we have to go for the advanced systems settings then environment variables now here we have to give it like Gradle and go home now in this one we will not be going giving it till the bin directory so that only needs to be there where the gridle is extracted so we'll say okay and uh then we have to go for the path variable where we will be adding up a new entry in this one we will be putting up till the pin directory here because the crle executable should be there when I'm running the crle command so these two variables I have to configure then okay okay and okay so this one is done so now you have to just open the command prompt and see that whether the execution or the uh commands which you're running is is completely successful or not so meanwhile it's extracting all the executables and all those things it will help us to understand that how the whole build process or how the build tools can be integrated over there now once the extraction is done so you have to run like CMD Java iph version to check the version of the Java and then the Cradle underscore version is what you're going to see check the version of the Cradle which is installed and now you can see that say that 6.7 version is being installed over here in this case so that's a way that how we are going to have the crle installation performed into our particular system so let's go back to the content let's talk about the crle Core Concepts here now in this one we are going to talk about what are the different Core Concepts of CR are all about the very first one is the projects here now a project uh represents a item to be performed over here to be done like uh deploying an application to a staging environment performing some build so gridle is something which is required uh the projects um the gdle project which you prepare is not having multiple tasks which is available there which is configured and all these task all these different tasks needs to be executed into a sequence now sequence is again is a very important part because again if the sequence is not me properly then the uh execution will not be done in a proper order so that's the very important aspect here tasks is the one in which is a a kind of an entity in which we will be performing a series of steps these tasks may be like compilation of a source code preparing a jar file preparing a web application archive file or ER file also so we can have like in some task we can even publish our artifacts to the artifactry so that we can store those artifacts into a shade location so there are different ways in which we can have these uh particular tasks executed now build scripts is the one in which we will be storing all this information what are the dependencies what are the different task we want to refer it's all going to be present in the build. Gradle file there build. Gradle file will be having the information related to what are the different dependencies you want to download and you want to store there so all these L will be a part of the build scripts now let's talk about the features of cradle what are the different features which we can uh use in case of cradle here there are different type of uh features which is available there so let's talk about them one by one so the very first one over here is the high performance then um high performance is something which we can see that we already discussed that in case you are using in large projects so griddle is something which is in better approach as compared to Maven because of the high per performance which we are getting it uses an internal cache which makes sure that you are using like you are doing the builds faster and that can give you a higher performance over there second one is the support it provides the support so it yes definitely provides a lot of uh support on how you can perform the builds and it's being a latest tool which is available there so the support is also quite good in terms of how you want to prepare the build how you want to download the plugins different plugin supports and the dependencies uh information also there next one is multi project build software so using this one you can have multiple projects in case in your repository you have multiple projects here so all of them can be easily built up with the help of this particular tool so it supports multiple project to be built up using the same Gradle project and uh gridle scripts so that support is also available with this Gradle build Tool uh incremental builds are also something which you can do with the help of cradle so if you have uh done only the incremental changes and you want to perform only the increment Al build so that can also be possible with the help of a griddle here the uh build scans so we can also perform the build scans so we can use some uh Integrations with sonar and all where we can have the uh scans done to the source code on understand on how the build happens or how the source code really happens on there so that code scan or the build scans can also be performed with this one and then uh it's a similarity with Java so for Java it's something which is uh considered as in by default not even Java in fact Android which is also using the Java programming language is using the uh particular cradle over here so that the build can be done and it can gain uh benefits out of that so in in all the manners in all the different ways it's basically helping us to see that how uh we can make sure that this tool can help us in providing a lot of features and that can help us to make a reliable build tool for our Java based projects or any other programming based project here right now let's see that how we can un a Java project with with the Gradle here and uh for that we have to go back and Gradle is something which is already installed we just have to create a directory where we can have like how we can perform some executions we can prepare some build scripts and we can have a particular execution of a gdle build happened over there so let's go back to the machine okay so we are going to open the terminal here and we'll see that how we can create it so first of all I have to create a directory structure let's say that we'll say like griddle hyphen project now once the project is created so we can go inside this directory so to uh create some uh cradle related projects and preparing the files now uh in this one we let's first create a particular one so we will be saying like VI build. cradle so in this one we are going to put like uh two plugins we are going to use so we are going to say like apply plin Java and uh then we are going to say like apply plug-in application so these two plugins we are going to use and when we got this file over here in this one so it shows like build. gridle which is available there in this case so two these files are available now if you want to learn like you know what are the different tasks you can run like griddle tasks command over there so gridle task will help you know that what are the different tasks which is available over here by processing the build SCP scripts and all so um this will definitely help you to understand on giving you the output so here all the different tasks are being given and it will help you to understand that what are different tasks you can configure and you can work over here just like jar files clean and all that stuff build compile then uh init is there then all these different uh executions assemble then Java dog then build then check test all these different tasks are there and if you really want to run the Gradle build so you can can run like griddle clean to perform the clean activity because right now you are doing like if a build so before that you can have a clean and then you can run a a specific command or you can run The Griddle clean build which will perform the cleanup also and it will at the same time we'll have the build process also performed over there so build and clean up both will be executed over here and what is the status whether it's a success or a failure that will be given back to you now in this case in the previous one if you see that when you run the clean the Gradle clean it was only running one task but when you go for the uh build uh process when you run the Gradle clean build it's going to give you much more information in fact you can also give me uh further information like you can have the hyph I info flag also there so that if you want to get the details about the uh different uh tasks which we which is being executed over here so that also you're going to get over here in this one so you just have to put like hyph iPhone Info and then all the these steps will be given back to you that how these uh tasks will be executed and the response will be there so that's a way that how you can create a pretty much simple straightforward project in form of cradle which can definitely help you to run some couple of cradle commands and then you can understand that what are the basic commands you can run and how the configurations really works on there right let's go back to the main content right now let's move on to the next one so in the next one we are going to see that how we can prepare a griddle build project in case of eclipse now we are not using the local system we are not directly creating the folders and the files here we are actually using the eclipse for performing the creating a new credle project over here so let's move on that part okay so now the eclipse is open and uh I have opened in this one the very first thing is that we have to do the gdle plug-in installation so that we can create new projects on cradle and uh then we have to uh configure the path that how the Cradle plug-in can be configured on the pref uh preferences and all that stuff and then we will be doing the build process so the very first thing is that we have to go to the eclipse Marketplace in there we have to search for griddle so once the search is done it will show us the plugins related to Gradle so we have to go for build ship Gradle integration so we'll click on the install it will proceed with installation it will download it in some cases maybe it's part of the eclipse as in uh in the ID so you can go to the installed Tab and you can see that also that if this plug-in is already installed or not but in this case we are installing it and uh once the installation is done we just have to restart the uh specific uh once we have to restart this uh Eclipse so that the changes can be reflected so it's downloading it's downloading the Cradle here and once that that is installed we will be able to use it over here in this case in this scenario so we have to just wait for that part so still downloading the jar files so once the jar file is done it's over the areas and download it so after that we will be able to proceed further on that download aspect so it's going to take some time to download it and once it's done we will be able to proceed further now once the progress is done so it's asking us for the restart now so uh before that uh we just have to click on restart now and then the Eclipse will be restarted all together again here so you can do it manually or you can go for that options it just require a restart so that the new changes can be reflected over here so the plugins can be activated and can be referenced here now we have to just uh put up like the you know the configuration where we can have the system so we can go for the gridle configuration so we can go for Windows and then preferences now in this case we have to go for the uh for the ones in which the Cradle option is available there so Gradle is what we are going to select now user home the Gradle user home is what we need to use right so you want to go for the gridle you want to go for local installation so so all these options you can use you can if if you go for the gridle rapper then it will be downloading the gridle locally and it is going to use the gridle W or gridle W.B file but if you already have an installation locally so you can pray for that also right now uh in the previous demo we have already got the uh griddle uht so we just have to go for the downloads in the downloads already gdle is available so we are going to select that part here so this is what we are going to select right so this represents that this is the directory structure in which we are having the uh mechanism so you can either go for the build scan so you can select the build scan also so once this uh is enabled then all the projects will be scanned and will be you know published and uh it's in kind of additional option which is available if you really want to disable it you can disable it also and you can go with this configuration also so uh this is where the uh particular gridle folder is being put over here in this case and uh then we have to just click on apply and we just have to click on apply and close so with this one the particular execution is done now we will be going for the project creation so you can right click over here or you can go to the file also so here we going to go for the CH project and in this we are going to have a Gradle project so Gradle project is what we are going to create here and next so we are going to say like Gradle project and then next so once that is done so finish so uh with this one when you create the project so what will happen that uh automatically there will be a folder structure will be available there right and uh there are some uh Gradle scripts which will also be created there so we will be doing the modifications there and we'll see that how the uh particular Gradle build script looks like and how we can we will be adding some couple of uh selenium related dependencies and we'll see that how we can have more and more dependencies added and what will be the impact of those dependencies on the overall project so that also it's very important aspect to be considered so let this processing be happened over there it just creating and uh some plugins and boundaries are getting installed and getting downloaded so we'll see that once the project is uh imported completely executed over here and got created we can extract that now if you see here the particular option is available about The Griddle tasks so you can extract it also and you will be able to know that what are the different tasks which is available there let's see that in the build they are running like build these are the different tasks which is happening inside the build process so g g executions will be also available over here in this case and gridle tasks will be different will be represented over here in this one so you just have to extract on the Gradle project okay this is the library which is available now uh what happens that uh you will be able to have like settings. Gradle in this one you will be able to have like okay Gradle hyphen project is something which is available there in this one so that's what being at refering then we have over here as in these folder structures which is created like Source main Java this is the one source test Java is the one which is available as in the folder structure and Source test resources are also available here so the main source main resources are also available now in this case what happens that these are the dependencies project and external these are the different dependencies are available there so let's see let's add an dependency over here in this one in The bail. Griddle script and see that how we can do that if we open build. gdle file so you can see that these dependencies are there like test implementation junit is available there right and then we have a implementations of this one which is available now these jav files when you put up it will automatically be added up as in part of this one as in part of the uh particular uh dependencies over here and uh which means that you don't have to store them as an within the repository and automatically they can be happened over there so let's open a dependency page so we will be going to MN repository where we will be opening a dependency link so this is the dependency link here so slum hyphone Java is available and it can give you the uh dependency for all the different options now we have for Maven this is the one and for GLE this is the one here so we have to just copy this one and uh we have to use it as a dependency so this is the group and this is the name and the version which we are using here now we have copied this one so we will go back to the eclipse so here we have to just put that dependency and uh we have to just save it so uh this is something which is providing like selenium dependencies which is available so now we have to just refresh the project so right click over here then you will be able to see the options in the Cradle saying that refresh cral project now once the M you do that so you will be able to do like for the first time maybe it will take some time to download all the dependencies which is related to selenium but after that you will be able to see like the dependencies will be simply added up over here in this case so you can see that all the selenium related dependencies are added up for any reason if you comment these ones and you say like synchronize again so you will see that all the dependencies which you are adding up from this selenium repres uh from the selenium perspective will be gone back again so this is the way that how you can keep on adding the dependencies which is required for preparing your build for your source code and from there you will be able to proceed further on the execution part so that's the best part about this uh cradle here so that's a way that how we are going to prepare a gridle project within the eclipse and now you can keep on adding like the source code code in this one and that's a way that how the code base will be added up over here so when we talk about the gridle installation so there are primary four steps which is available the very first one is that you have to check if the Java is installed now if the uh Java is not installed so you can go to the open jdk uh or you can go for the Oracle Java so you can do the installation of the jdk on your system so jdk8 uh is something you can uh most commonly used nowadays so you can install that once the Java is downloaded and install then you have to do the Gradle uh download Gradle there now once the Gradle boundaries are executable uh or the user file gets downloaded so you can add the environment variables and then you can validate if the Gradle installation is working fine as expected not so we will be doing the Gradle installation into our local systems and uh into the windows platform and we'll see that how exactly we can go for the installation of cradle and we'll see that what are the different version we are going to install here so let's go back to the system and see that how we can go for the Gradle installation so this is the website of the jdk of java orle Java now here you have different jdk so from there you can do whatever the uh option you want to select you can go with that so jdk8 is something which is most commonly used nowadays like it's most comfortable or compatible version which is available so um in case you want to see that if the jdk is installed into your system all you have to do is that you have to just say like Java hyphone version and that will give you the uh output at whether the Java is installed into your system or not so in case my system the Java is installed but if you really want to do the installation you have to download the jdk installer from this website from this article website and then you can proceed further on that part now once the jdk is installed so you have to go for the Cradle installation because cradle is something the which will be performing the build automations and all that stuff so you have to download the bindar like uh the Z file probably in which we have the executables and all and then we have to have have some particular environment variables configured so that we will be able to have the System modified over there so right now we have got like the prequests as in Java version installed now the next thing is that we have to install or download the execute tables so uh in order to download the latest gradal distribution so you have to click on this one right now over here there are different options like uh you want to go for 6.7 now it's having like binary only or complete we'll go for the binary only because we don't want to have the source we just want the binaries and the executables now it's getting downloaded it's around close to 100 MB of the installer which is there now we have to just extract into a directory and then the same uh path we need to configure into the environment variable so that in that way we will be able to see that how the uh gridle executables will be running and uh it will give the uh complete output to us over here in this case so it may take some time and once the uh particular modifications and the download is done then we have to extract it and once the extraction is done so we will be able to go back and uh have some particular version or have the configurations established over there so let let's just wait for some time and then we will be continuing with the environment variables like this one so once the installation and the extraction is done now we just have to go to the downloads where this one is downloaded we have to extract it now extraction is required so that we can have the setup like we can set up this path into our environment variables and once the path is configured and established we will be able to start further on that part on the execution so meanwhile these files are getting extracted let's see so we already got the folder structure over here and uh we will see like we will give this path here there is two environment variables we have to configure one is the cre Le disc go home and one is the um in the path variable so we'll copy this path here so meanwhile this is getting uh extracted we can save our time and we can go to the environment variable so we can right click on this one properties in there we have to go for the advanced systems settings then in environment variables now here we have to give it like Gradle underscore home now in this one we will not be going giving it till the bin directory so that only needs to be there where the gdle is extracted so we'll say okay and uh then we have to go for the path variable where we will be adding up a new entry in this one we will be putting up till the pin directory here because the gdle executable should be there when I'm running the gdle command so these two variables I have to configure then okay okay and okay so this one is done so now you have to just open the command prompt and see that whether the execution or the uh commands which you're running is is completely successful or not so meanwhile it's extracting all the executables and all those things it will help us to understand that how the whole build process or how the build tools can be integrated over there now once the extraction is done so you have to run like CMD Java iph version to check the version of the Java and then the Cradle underscore version is what you're going to see see check the version of the Cradle which is installed and now you can see that it shows that 6.7 version is being installed over here in this case so that's a way that how we are going to have the crle installation performed into our particular system the birth of selenium selenium was primarily created by Jason Huggins in 2004 Jason an engineer at thought work was working on a web application that needed to be tested frequently he realized that the repeated manual testing of the application is becoming inefficient so he created a JavaScript language that automatically controlled the browser's actions this program was named JavaScript test Runner after he realized that his idea of automating the web applications has a lot of potential he made the JavaScript test Runner open source and it was later renamed as selenium core so we know that Jason was a person who initially created selenium but then we must also know that selenium is a collection of different tools and since there are different tools there will be several developers too to be exact about the number of different tools there are four different tools that have their own creators let's have a look at all of them the first tool is the selenium remote control or the selenium RC that was created by Paul Hammond then comes selenium grid that was developed by Patrick lightbody the third tool is the selenium IDE that was created by shinya katani and the fourth tool that is the selenium web driver was created by Simon stward we shall be learning about all these tools in great detail as we move forth in our video first let's have a look at what is selenium selenium is a very popular open- Source tool that is used for automating the test carried on the web browsers there may be various programming languages like Java C python Etc that could be used to create selenium test scripts this testing that is done using selenium tool is referred to as selenium testing we must understand that selenium allows the testing of web applications only we can neither test any computer software nor any mobile application using selenium selenium is composed of several tools with each having its own specific role and serving its own testing needs moving forth let's have a look at the features of selenium which will help us understand the reason behind its widespread popularity so so here we have a set of features of selenium selenium is an open source and portable framework that has a playback and record feature it is one of the best cloud-based testing platform and supports various OS and languages it can be integrated with several testing Frameworks and supports parallel test execution we will be talking about all these features in detail as we move forward so here the first feature that we have is open- source and portable framework this feature states that selenium is an open source and portable framework for testing web applications in addition to that selenium commands are categorized in terms of different classes which make it easier to understand and implement the second feature is the playback and record feature the feature states that the tests can be authorized without learning a test scripting language language with the help of playback and record features the next feature says that selenium is a cloud-based testing platform selenium is a leading cloud-based testing platform that allows testers to record their actions and Export them as a reusable script with a simple to understand and easy to use interface moving forth the next feature states that selenium supports various operating systems browsers and programming languages the tool supports programming languages such as cop Java python PHP Ruby Pearl and JavaScript if we talk about the operating systems then selenium supports operating systems like Android iOS Windows Linux Mac and Solaris and the tool also supports various browsers like Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer Edge Opera Safari Etc then the next feature we have is the integration with testing Frameworks selenium can be well integrated with testing Frameworks like test NG for application testing and generating reports and also selenium can be integrated with Frameworks like ant and Maven for source code compilation the last feature in our list is the parallel test execution selenium enables parall testing which reduces time and increases the efficiency of the test selenium requires fewer resources as compared to other automation testing tools now let's move further and get to know different selenium tools by now we know that there are four different tools that come under the selenium suit the four tools are selenium remote control selenium grid selenium IDE and selenium web driver we we shall have a look at these four Tools in detail one after the another beginning with selenium remote control selenium remote control enables the writing of automated web applications in languages such as Java C Pearl Python and PHP to build complex tests such as reading and writing files quering a database and emailing the test results selenium RC was a sustainable project for a very long time before selenium web driver came into existence and hence selenium RC is hardly in use today as the web driver offers more powerful functionalities the second tool we shall see is the selenium grid selenium grid is a smart proxy server that enables the running of test in parallel on several machines this is made possible when the commands are rooted to the remote web browser instances and one server acts as as the Hub The Hub here is responsible for conducting several test on multiple machines selenium grid makes cross browser testing easy as a single test can be carried on multiple machines and browsers all together making it easy to analyze and compare the results here there are two main components of selenium grid Hub and the node Hub is a server that accepts the access request from from the web driver client rooting the Json test commands to the remote drivers on nodes and here the node refers to the Remote device that consist of a native OS and a remote web driver it receives the request from the Hub in the form of a Json test commands and executes them using the web driver moving forth the third tool is the selenium IDE if you want to begin with the selenium IDE it needs no additional setup except installing the extension of your browser it provides an easy to use tool that gives instant feedbacks selenium IDE records multiple locators for each element it interacts with if one locator fails during the playback the others will be tried until one is successful the IDE makes the test debugging easier with features like setting break points and pausing exceptions through the use of the Run command you can reuse one test case inside one another and also selenium IDE can be extended through the use of plugins they can introduce new commands to the IDE or integrate with a third party service the last and the fourth tool in the selenium suit is the selenium web driver selenium web driver is the most critical component of the selenium tools suit that allows cross browser compatibility testing the web driver supports various operating systems like Windows Mac Linux Unix Etc it provides compatibility with a range of languages including python Java and pearl along with it it provides supports different browsers like Chrome Firefox Opera Safari and Internet Explorer the selenium web driver completes the execution of test Scripts faster when compared to other tools and also it provides compatibility with iPhone driver HTML unit driver and Android driver now after you know about the tools the question arises which tool to choose so in the next topic we shall see different factors on the basis of which we may decide which tool would be more suitable for us here we shall have a look at the reasons why one should choose that particular tool tool we shall begin with selenium remote control selenium remote control or selenium RC should be chosen to design a test using a more expressive language than Selen Selen is a set of selenium commands that are used to test our web applications then the selenium RC might be chosen to run tests against different browsers on different operating systems the RC may be chosen to deploy tests across multiple environments using selenium grid it helps in testing the applications against a new browser that supports JavaScript and web applications with complex Ajax based scenarios now the second tool for which we shall see the reasons are selenium grid selenium grid as we learned in the reasons for selenium RC is used to run selenium RC scripts in multiple browsers and operating systems simultaneously the grid is used to run a huge test suit that needs to be completed at the earliest possible time now comes the third tool the third tool is selenium IDE selenium ID is used to learn about Concepts on automated testing and selenium these Concepts include selenous commands such as type Open click and wait assert verify Etc the concepts also include locators such as ID name xath CSS selector Etc selenium IDE enables the execution of customized JavaScript code using runscript and exporting test cases in several different formats the IDE is used to create tests with a limited amount of knowledge in programming and these test cases and test suits can be exported later to RC or web driver now finally let's have a look at the reasons to choose a last tool that is selenium web driver selenium web driver uses a certain programming language in designing a test case the web driver is used to test applications that are rich in Ajax based functionalities execute tests on HTML unit browser and create customized test results so this is what we're going to be covering in this session we're going to cover what life is like for using Jenkins and the issues that Jenkins specifically addresses then we'll get into what Jenkins is about and how it applies to continuous integration and the other continuous integration tools that you need in your devops team then specifically we'll Deep dive into features of Jenkins and the Jenkins architecture and we'll give you a case study of a company that's using Jenkins today to actually transform how their it organization is operating so let's talk a little bit about about life before Jenkins let's see this scenario I think it's something that maybe all of you can relate to as developers we all write code and we all submit that code into a code repository and we all keep working away writing our unit tests and hopefully we're running our unit tests but the problem is that the actual commits that actually get sent to the code repository aren't consistent you as developer may be based in India you may have another developer that's based in the Philippines and you may have another team Le that's based in the UK and another development team that's based in North America so you're all working at different times and you have different amounts of code going into the code repository There's issues with the integration and you're kind of running into a situation that we like to call development hell where things just aren't working out and there's just lots of delays being added into the project and the bugs just keep mounting up the bottom line is the project is is delayed and in the past what we would have to do is we'd have to wait until the entire software code was built and tested before we could even begin checking for errors and this just really kind of increased the amount of problems that you'd have in your project the actual process of delivering software was slow there was no way that you could actually iterate on your software and you just ended up with just a big headache with teams pointing fingers at each other and blaming each other so let's jump into Jenkins and see what Jenkins is and how it can address these problems so Jenkins is a product that comes out of the concept of continuous integration that you may have heard of as power developers where you'd have two developers sitting next to each other coding against the same piece of information what they were able to do is to continuously develop their code and test their code and move on to new sections of code Jenkins is a product that allows you to expand on that capacity to your entire team so you're able to submit your codes consistently into a source code environment so there are two ways in which you can do continuous delivery one is through nightly builds and one is through continuous so the approach that you can look at continuous delivery is modifying the Legacy approach to building out Solutions so what we used to do is we would wait for nightly builds and the way that our nightly builds would work and operate is that as Cod dib we would all run and have a cut of time at the end of the day um that was consistent around the world that we would put our codes into a single repository and at night all of that code would be run and operated and tested to see if there were any changes and a new build would be created and that would be referred to as the nightly build with continuous integration we're able to go one step further we're able to not only commit our changes into our source code but we can actually do this continuously there's no need to race and have a team get all of their code in at arbitrary time you can actually do a continuous release because what you're doing is you're putting your tests and your verification Services into the build environment so you're always running Cycles to test against your code this is the power that Jenkins provides in continuous integration so let's dig deeper into continuous integration so the concept of continuous integration is that as a developer you're able to pull from a repository the code that you're working on and then you'll be able to then at any time submit the code that you're working on into a continuous integration server and the goal of that continuous integration server is that it actually goes ahead and validates and passes any tests that a tester may have created now if on the continuous integration server a test isn't passed then that code gets sent back to the developer and the developer can then make the changes it allows the developer to to actually do a couple of things it allows the developer not to break the build and we all don't want to break the builds that are being created but it also allows the developer not to actually have to run all the tests locally on their computer running tests particularly if you have a large number of tests can take up a lot of time so if you can push that service off to another environment like a continuous integration server it really improves the productivity of your developer what's also good is that if there are any code errors that have come up that may be Beyond just the standard CI test so maybe there's a Code the way that you write your code isn't consistent those errors can then be passed on easily from the tester back to the developer too the goal from doing all this testing is that you're able to release and deploy and your customer is able to get new code faster and when they get that code it simply just works so let's talk a little bit about some of the the tools that you may have in your continuous integration environment so the cool thing with working with continuous integration tools is that they are all open source at least the ones that we have listed here are open source there are some that are private but typically you'll get started with open-source tools and it gives you the opportunity to understand how you can accelerate your environment quickly so bamboo is a continuous integration tool that specifically runs multiple builds in par for faster compilation so if you have multiple versions of your software that runs on multiple platforms this is a tool that really allows you to get that up and running super fast so that your teams can actually test how those different builds would work for different environments and this has integration with an and mavin and other similar tools so one of the tools you're going to need is a tool that allows you to automate the software build test and release process and buildbot is that open-source product for you again it's an open-source tool so there's no license associated with this so you can actually go in and you can actually get the environment up and running and you can then test for and build your environment and create releases very quickly so buildbot is also written in Python and it does support power execution jobs across multiple platforms if you're working specifically on Java projects that need to be built and test then Apache Gump is the tool for you it makes all of those projects really really easy it makes all the Java projects easier for you to be able to test with API level and functionality level testing so one of the popular places to actually store code and create a versioning of your code is GitHub and it's a service that's available on the web just recently acquired by Microsoft if you are storing your projects in GitHub then you'll be able to use Travis continuous integration or Travis CI and it's a tool designed specifically for hosted GitHub projects and so finally we're covering Jenkins and Jenkins is a central tool for automation for all of your projects now when you're working with Jenkins sometimes you'll find there's documentation that refers to a product called Hudson Hudson is actually the original version of the product that finally became Jenkins and it was acquired by Oracle when that acquisition happened the team behind um Hudson was a little concerned about the direction that Oracle May potentially go with Hudson and so they created a hard Fork of Hudson that they renamed Jenkins and Jenkins has now become that open-source project it is one of the most popular and continuously contributed projects that's available as open source so you're always getting new features being added to it it's a tool that really becomes the center for your CI environment so let's jump into some of those really great features that are available in Jenkins so Jenkins itself is really comprised of five key areas around easy installation easy configuration plugins extensibility and distribution so as I mentioned for the easy installation Jenkins is a self-contained Java program and that allows it to run on most popular operating systems including Windows Mac OS and Unix you can even run it on Linux it really isn't too bad to set up it used to be much harder than it is to day the setup process has really improved the web interface makes it really easy for you to uh check for any errors in addition you have great built-in help one of the things that makes tools like Jenkins really powerful for developers and continuous integration teams and your devops teams as a whole when you have plugins that you can then add in to extend the base functionality of the product Jenkins has hundreds of plugins and you can go and visit the update Center and see which other plugins that would be good for your Dev Ops environment suddenly check it out there's just lots of stuff out there in addition to the plug-in architecture Jenkins is also extremely extensible the opportunity for you to be able to configure Jenkins to fit in your environment it's almost endless now it's really important to remember that you are extending Jenkins not creating a custom version of Jenkins and that's a great differentiation because the core found found ation remains as the core Jenkins product the extensibility can then be continued with newer releases of Jenkins so you're always having the latest version of Jenkins and your extensions mature with those core foundations the distribution and the nature of Jenkins makes it really easy for you to be able to have it available across your entire network it really will become the center of your CI environment and it's certainly one of the easier tools and more effective tools for devops so let's jump into the standard Jenkins pipeline so when you're doing development you start off and you're coding away on your computer the first thing you have to do when you're working in the Jenkins pipeline is to actually commit your code now as a developer this is something that you're already doing or at least you should be doing you're committing your code to a git server um or to an SVN server or similar type of service so in this instance you'll be using Jenkins as the place for you to commit your code Jenkins will then create a build of your code and part of that build process is actually going through and running through tests and again as a developer you're already comfortable with running unit tests and writing those tests to validate your code but there may be additional tests that Jenkins is running so for instance as a team you may have a standard set of tests for how you actually write out your code so that each team member can understand the code that's been written and those tests can also be included in the testing process within the Jenkins environment assuming everything pass the the tests you can then get everything placed in a stage and release ready environment within Jenkins and finally you can ready to deploy or deliver your code to a production environment Jenkins is going to be the tool that helps you with your server environment to be able to deploy your code to the production environment and the result is that you're able to move from a developer to production code really quickly this whole process can be automated rather than having to wait for people to actually test your codes or going through a nightly build you're looking at being able to commit your code and go through this testing process and release process continuously as an example companies Etsy will release up to 50 different versions of their website every single day so let's talk about the architecture within Jenkin allows you to be so effective at applying a continuous delivery devops environment so the server architecture really is broken up into two sections on the left hand side of section you have the code the developers are doing and submitting that code to a source code repository and then from then Jenkins is your continuous integration server and it will then pull any code that's been sent to the source code repository and will run tests against it it will use a build server such as mavin to actually then build the code and every single stage that we have that Jenkins manages there are constant tests so for instance if a build fails that feedback is sent right back to the developers so that they can then change their code so that the build environment can run effectively the final stage is to actually execute specific test scripts and these test scripts can be written in selenium so it's probably good to mention here that both mavin and selenium are are plugins that run in the Jenkins environment so before we were talking about how Jenkins can be extended with plugins mavin and selenium are just two very popular examples of how you can extend the Jenkins environment the goal to go through this whole process again it's an automated process is to get your code from the developer to the production server as quickly as possible have it fully tested and have no errors so it's probably important at this point to mention uh one one piece of information around the Jenkins environment that if you have different code builds that need to be managed and distributed this will require that you need to have multiple builds being managed Jenkins itself doesn't allow for multiple files and builds to be executed on a single server you need to have a multiple server environment with running different versions of Jenkins for that to be able to happen so let's talk a little bit about the Master Slave architecture within Jenkins so what we have here is an overview of the Master Slave architecture within Jenkins on the left hand side is the remote source code repository and that remote source code repository could be GitHub or it could be uh Team Foundation services or the new Azure Dev Ops Code repository or it could be your own git repository the Jenkins server acts as the master environment on the left hand side and that Master environment can then push out to multiple other Jenkin slave environments to distribute the workload so it allows you to run multiple builds and tests and production environments simultaneously across your entire architecture so Jenkins slaves can be running the different build versions of the code for different operating systems and the server Master is controlling how each of those builds operate so let's step into a quick story of a company that has used Jenkins very successfully so here's a use case scenario um over the last 10 or 15 years there has been a significant shift within the automotive industry where manufacturers have shifted from creating complex Hardware to actually creating software we've seen that with companies such as Tesla where they are creating uh software to manage their cars we see the same thing with companies such as General Motors with their OnStar program and Ford just recently have rebranded themselves as a technology company rather than just a automotive company what this means though is that the software within these cars is becoming more complex and requires more testing to allow more capabilities enhancements to be added to the core software so Bosch is a company that specifically ran into this problem and their challenge was that they wanted to be able to streamline the increasingly complex Automotive software by adopting continuous integration and continuous delivery best practices with the goal of being able to delight and exceed the customer expectations of the end user so Bosch has actually used Cloud bees which is the Enterprise Jenkins environment so to be able to reduce them the number of manual steps such as building deploying and testing Bosch has introduced the use of cloudbees from Jenkins and this is part of the Enterprise Jenkins platform it has significantly helped improve the efficiencies throughout the whole software development cycle from automation stability and transparency because Jenkins becomes a self- auditing environment now the results have been t tangible previously it took 3 days before a bill process could be done and now it's taken that same 3-day process and reduced it to Less Than 3 hours that is significant large scale deployments are now kept on track and have expert support and there is clear visibility and transparency across the whole operations through using the Jenkins tools let me start the session with this scenario let's imagine how life would have been without Spotify for those who are hearing about Spotify for the first time uh Spotify is an online music service offering and it offers instant access to over 16 million licensed songs Spotify now uses AWS Cloud to store the data and share it with their customers but prior to AWS they had some issues imagine using spotify before AWS let's talk about that back then users were often getting errors because Spotify could not keep up with the increased demand for storage in every new day and that led to users getting upset and users canceling the subscription the problem Spotify was facing at that time was their users were present globally and were accessing it from everywhere and uh they had different latency in their applications and Spotify had a demanding situation where they need to frequently catalog the songs released yesterday today and in the future and this was changing every new day and the songs coming in rate was about 20,000 a day and back then they could not keep up with this requirement and needless to say they were badly looking for way to solve this problem and that's when they got introduced to AWS and it was a perfect fit and match for their problem AWS offered a dynamically increasing storage and that's what they needed AWS also offered tools and techniques like storage life cycle management and trusted advisor to properly utilize the resource so we always get the best out of the resource used AWS addressed their concerns about easily being able to scale yes you can scale the AWS environment very easily how easily one might ask it's just a few button clicks and AWS solved spotify's problem let's talk about how it can help you with your organizations problem let's talk about what is AWS first and then let's bleed into how AWS became so successful and the different types of services that AWS provides and what's the future of cloud and AWS in specific let's talk about that and finally we'll talk about a use case where you will see how easy it is to create a web application with AWS all right let's talk about what is AWS AWS or Amazon web services is a secure cloud service platform it is also pay as youo type billing model where there is no upfront or Capital cost we'll talk about how soon the service will be available well the servers will be available in a matter of seconds with AWS you can also do identic and access management that is authenticating and authorizing a user or a program on the flight and almost all the services are available on demand and most of them are available instantaneously and as we speak Amazon offers 100 plus services and this list is growing every new week now that would make you wonder how AWS became so successful of course it's their customers let's talk about the list of well-known companies that has their it environment in AWS Adobe Adobe uses a s to provide multi-terabyte operating environments for its customers by integrating its system with AWS Cloud adob can focus on deploying and operating its own software instead of trying to you know deploy and manage the infrastructure Airbnb is another company it's an Community Marketplace that allows property owners and travelers to connect each other for the purpose of renting unique vacation spaces around the world and the rbnb community users activities are connected on the website and through iPhones and Android applications Airbnb has a huge infrastructure in AWS and they're almost using all the services in AWS and are getting benefited from it another example would be Autodesk Autodesk develops software for engineering designing and entertainment Industries using services like Amazon RDS or rational database service and Amazon S3 or Amazon simple storage servers Autodesk can focus on deploying or developing its machine learning tools instead of spending that time on managing the infrastructure AOL or American online uses AWS and using AWS they have been able to close data centers and decommission about 14,000 in-house and collocated servers and move Mission critical workload to the cloud and extend its Global reach and save millions of dollars on energy resources Bit Defender is an internet security software firm and their portfolio of softwares include antivirus and anti-spyware products Bit Defender uses ec2 and they're currently running few hundred instances that handle about 5 tabt of data and they also use elastic load balancer to load balance the connection coming in to those instances across availability zones and they provide seamless Global delivery of service because of that the BMW group it uses AWS for its new connected Car application that collects sensor data from BMW 7 series cards to give drivers dynamically updated map information canons offers Imaging products division benefits from faster deployment times lower cost and Global reach by using AWS to deliver cloud-based services such as mobile print the office Imaging products division uses AWS such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Route 53 Amazon cloudfront and Amazon IM for their testing development and Production Services Comcast it's the world's largest cable company and the leading provider of internet service in the United States Comcast uses AWS in a hybrid environment out of all the other Cloud providers Comcast chose AWS for its flexibility and scalable hybrid infrastructure Docker is a company that's helping redefine the way developers build ship and run applications this company focuses on making use of containers for this purpose and in AWS the service called the Amazon ec2 container service is helping them achieve it the esa or European Space Agency although much of esa's work is done by satellites some of the programs data storage and Computing infrastructure is built on Amazon web services Esh chose AWS because of its economical pay as EO system as well as its quick startup time the Guardian newspaper uses AWS and it uses a wide range of AWS services including Amazon Kinesis Amazon red shift that power an analytic Dash dashboard which editors use to see how stories are trending in real time Financial Times ft is one of the world's largest leading business news organization and they used Amazon red shift to perform their analysis A Funny Thing Happened Amazon red shift performed so quickly that some analysists thought it was malfunctioning they were used to running queries overnight and they found that the results were indeed correct just as much faster by using Amazon Redi FD is supporting the same business function with costs that are 80% lower than what was before general electric GE is at the moment as we speak migrating more than 9,000 workloads including 300 desperate Erp systems to AWS while reducing its data center footprint from 34 to 4 over the next 3 years similarly Howard Medical School HTC IMDb McDonald's NASA Kelloggs and lot more are using the services Amazon provides and are getting benefited from it and this huge success and customer portfolio is just the tip of the Ice book and if we think why so many adapt AWS and if we let AWS answer that question this is what AWS would say people are adapting AWS because of the security and durability of the data and endtoend privacy and encryption of the data and storage experience we can also rely on aw's way of doing things by using the AWS tools and techniques and suggested best practices built upon the the years of experience it has gained flexibility there is a greater flexibility in AWS that allows us to select the OS language and database easy to use swiftness in deploying we can host our applications quickly in AWS be it a new application or migrating an existing application into AWS scalability the application can be easily scaled up or scaled down depending on the user requirement cost saving we only pay for the compute power storage and other resources you use and that to without any long-term commitments now let's talk about the different types of services that AWS provides the services that we talk about fall in any of the following categories you see like you know compute storage database Security customer engagement desktop and streaming Mission learning developers tools stuff like that and if you do not see the service that you're looking for it's probably is because AWS is creating it as we speak now let's look at some of them that are very commonly used within Computer Service we have Amazon ec2 Amazon elastic beant stock Amazon light sale and Amazon Lambda Amazon ec2 provides compute capacity in the cloud now this capacity is secure and it is resizable based on the user's requirement now look at this the requirement for the web traffic keeps changing and behind the scenes in the cloud ec2 can expand its environment to three instances and during no load it can shrink its environment to just one resource elastic beant stock it helps us to scale and deploy web applications and it's made with a number of programming languages elastic beanock is also an easy to use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services deployed be it in Java net PHP nodejs python Ruby doer and lot other familiar services such as Apache passenger and IIs we can simply upload our code and elastic beanock automatically handles the deployment from capacity provisioning to load balancing to autoscaling to application Health monitoring and Amazon lightell is a virtual private server which is easy to launch and easy to manage Amazon lightell is the easiest way to get started with AWS for developers who just need a virtual private server lightell includes everything you need to launch your project quickly on a virtual machine like SSD based storage a virtual machine tools for data transfer DNS management and a static IP and that to for a very low and predictable price AWS Lambda has taken cloud Computing Services to a whole new level it allows us to pay only for the compute time no need for provisioning and managing servers and AWS Lambda is a compute service that lets us run code without provisioning or managing servers Lambda executes your code only when needed and scales automatically from few requests per day to thousands per second you pay only for the compute time you consume there is no charge when your code is not running let's look at some storage services that Amazon provides like Amazon S3 Amazon glitch sh Amazon abs and Amazon elastic file system Amazon S3 is an object storage that can store and retrive data from anywhere websites mobile apps iot sensors and so on can easily use Amazon S3 to store and retrive data it's an object storage built to store and drive any amount of data from anywhere with its features like flexibility in managing data and the durability it provides and the security that it provides Amazon simple storage service or S3 is a storage for the internet and Glacier Glacier is a cloud storage service that's used for archiving data and long-term backups and this Glacier is an secure durable and extremely lowcost cloud storage service for data archiving and long-term backups Amazon EBS Amazon elastic Block store provides Block store volumes for the instances of ec2 and this elastic Block store is highly available and a reliable storage volume that can be attached to any running instance that is in the same availability Zone ABS volumes that are attached to the E intenses are exposed as storage volumes that persistent independently from the lifetime of the instance an Amazon elastic file system or EFS provides an elastic file storage which can be used with AWS cloud service and resources that are on premises an Amazon elastic file system it's an simple it's scalable it's an elastic file storage for use with Amazon cloud services and for on premises resources it's easy to use and offers a a simple interface that allows you to create and configure file systems quickly and easily Amazon file system is built to elastically scale on demand without disturbing the application growing and shrinking automatically as you add and remove files so your application have the storage they need and when they need it now let's talk about databases the two major database flavors are Amazon auds and Amazon red shift Amazon auds it really eases the process involved in setting up operating and scaling a rational database in the cloud Amazon audius provides cost efficient and resizable capacity while automating time consuming administrative tasks such as Hardware provisioning database setup patching and backups it sort of frees us from managing the hardware and sort of helps us to focus on the application it's also cost effective and resizable and it's also optimized for memory performance and input and output operations not only that it also automates most of the services like taking backups you know monitoring stuff like that it automates most of those Services Amazon redshift Amazon red shift is a data warehousing service that enables users to analyze the data using SQL and other business intelligent tools Amazon R shift is an fast and fully managed data warehouse that makes it simple and cost effective analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligent tools it also allows you to run complex analytic queries against terabyte or structured data using sophisticated query optimizations and most of the results they generally come back in seconds all right let's quickly talk about some more services that AWS offers there are a lot more services that AWS provides but we're going to look at some more services that are widely used AWS application Discovery Services help Enterprise customers plan migration projects by gathering information about their on premises data centers you a planning a data center migration can involve thousands of workloads they are often deeply interdependent server utilization data and dependency mapping are important early first step in migration process and this AWS application Discovery service collects and presents configuration usage and behavior data from your servers to help you better understand your workloads Rod 53 it's a network and content delivery service it's an highly available and scalable Cloud domain name system or DNS service and Amazon Route 53 is fully compliant with IPv6 as well elastic load balancing it's also a network and content delivery service elastic load balancing automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets such as Amazon ec2 instance containers and IP addresses it can handle the varing load of your application traffic in a single availability zones and also across availability zones a is auto scaling it monitors your application and automatically adjusts the capacity to maintain steady and predictable performance at a lowest possible cost using AWS Autos scaling it's easy to set up application scaling for multiple resources across multiple service services in minutes autoscaling can be applied to web services and also for DB Services AWS identity and access management it enables you to manage access to AWS services and resources securely using IM you can create and manage AWS users and groups and use permissions to allow and deny their access to AWS resources and moreover it's a free service now let's talk about the future of AWS well let me tell you something cloud is here to stay here's what in store for AWS in the future future as years pass by we're going to have variety of cloud applications Bor like iot artificial intelligence business intelligence serverless Computing and so on cloud will also expand into other markets like healthcare banking space automated cars and so on as I was mentioning some time back lot or greater Focus will be given to artificial intelligence and eventually because of the flexibility and advantage that cloud provides we're going to see a lot of companies moving into the cloud all right right let's now talk about how easy it is to deploy an web application in the cloud so the scenario here is that our users like a product and we need to have a mechanism to receive input from them about their likes and dislikes and uh you know give them the appropriate product as per their need all right though the setup and the environment it sort of looks complicated we don't have to worry because AWS has tools and Technologies which can help us to achieve it now we're going to use services like Route 50 three services like Cloud watch ec2 S3 and lot more and all these put together are going to give an application that's fully functionable and an application that's going to receive the information uh like using the services like Route 53 Cloud watch ec2 and S3 we going to create an application and that's going to meet our need so back to our original requirement all I want is to deploy a web application for a product that keeps our users updated about the happenings and the new comings in the market and to fulfill this requirement here is all all the services we would need ec2 here is used for provisioning the computational power needed for this application and ec2 has a vast variety of family and types that we can pick from for the types of workloads and also for the intents of the workloads we're also going to use S3 for storage and S3 provides any additional storage requirement for the resources or any additional storage requirement for the web applications and we are also going to use cloud watch for monitoring the environment and cloudwatch monitors the application and the environment and it uh provides trigger for scaling in and scaling out the infrastructure and we're also going to use Route 53 for DNS and Route 53 helps us to register the domain name for our web application and with all the tools and Technologies together all of them put together we're going to make an application a perfect application that CS our need all right so I'm going to use elastic beant stock for this project and the name of the application is going to be as as you see GSG signup and the environment name is GSG signup environment 1 let me also pick a name let me see if this name is available yes that's available that's the domain name so let me pick that and the application that I have is going to run on node.js so let me pick that platform and launch now as you see elastic bean stock this is going to launch an instance it's going to launch the monitoring setup or the monitoring environment it's going to create a load balancer as well and it's going to take care of all the security features needed for this application all right look at that I was able to go to that URL which is what we gave and it's now having an default page shown up meaning all the dependencies for the software is installed and it's just waiting for me to upload the code or in specific the page required so let's do that let me upload the code I already have the code saved here that's my code and that's going to take some time all right it has done its thing and now if I go to the same URL look at that I'm being thrown an advertisement page all right so if I sign up with my name email and stuff like that you know it's going to receive the information and it's going to send an email to the owner saying that somebody had subscribed to your service that's the default feature of this app look at that email to the owner saying that somebody had subscribed to your app and this is their email address stuff like that not only that it's also going to create an entry in the database and Dynamo DB is the service that this application uses to store data there's my Dynamo DB and if I go to tables right and go to items I'm going to see that a user with name Samuel and email address so and so has said okay or has shown interest in the preview of my site or product so this is where or this is how I collect those information right and some more things about the infrastructure itself is it is running behind an load balancer look at that it had created a load balancer it had also created an autoscaling group now that's the feature of elastic load balancer that we have chosen it has created an Autos Skilling group and now let's put this URL you see this it's it's not a fancy URL right it's an Amazon given URL a dynamic URL so let's put this URL behind our DNS let's do that so go to Services go to R 53 go to hostage Zone and there we can find the DNS name right so that's a DNS name all right all right let's create an entry and map that URL to our load balancer right and create now technically if I go to this URL it should take me to that application all right look at that I went to my custom URL and now that's pointed to my application previously my application was having a random URL and now it's having a custom URL welcome to the realm of cutting a technology have you ever wondered what it would like to harness the immense power of Google's Computing infrastructure right at your fingertips look no further for in digital r that there exist a phenomenon known as Google collab an interesting Fusion of cloud computing and collaborative progress imagine a world where you can effortlessly explore the Limitless possibilities of artificial intelligence machine learning and data analysis without the need for expensive Hardware or complex setups Google collab emerges as Celestial Century offering you a virtual laboratory to experiment create and collaborate with like-minded enthusiasts from every corner of the globe in this exciting video we will understand what what is Google collab and then we will have a complete overview of it so let's start with the first topic what is Google collab so Google collab is a free online tool that lets you do coding and data related work on the Internet it's like having a virtual notebook where you can write and run python code without needing to install anything on your computer with collab you can also get data from different places and share your work with others easily another cool thing is that it gives you access to powerful processes like gpus and tpus which make tasks like machine learning and data science faster and more efficient so it's a great tool for Learning and working on coding and data projects all right now let's have a look at Google collab let's have a complete overview of it so first of all Google collab requires a Google account for access to begin visit the link welcome to collaboratory write welcome to collabor as you can see we'll click on this then we'll click on this open this one and sign in using our Google account or credentials if you have already have a Google account then you can just sign in with that all right now let's start with the Google collab we'll simply write Google collab we'll click on this all right so this is the window that appears when we click on that first of all here we have is example tab so the example tab offers some initial examples to help you begin using collab for a comprehensive understanding of collaborative features and efficient usage of collab documents refer to the document title overview of collaboratory features it covers the fundamental aspects to get you started efficiently then there is recent tab all right so the recent app displays a collection of all the latest documents you have been working on all right now next is our Google Drive tab the Google Drive tab features allows you to import any of your previous notebooks directly from your Google Drive all right then next is GitHub tab so with the GitHub tab you have the option to import notebooks from your own GitHub repository or any public repository simply provide the GitHub URL and you can easily import notebooks from the desired public repository then we have is upload tab so the upload feature allows you to bring and work on your own jut notebooks that you have created on your computer you can easily upload any file from your local Machine by selecting the choose file option here it is choose file option now next is our creating a notebook as you can see here's a new notebook option and there's a cancel option so creating a notebook so to create a a new notebook you have the option to use the new notebook button located at the bottom by clicking on this button a new Untitled notebook will be generated to give it a specific name and simply click on the current untitle name if we want to name it so as we have clicked on it yeah to give it a specific name as we just said simply click on the current untitle name on The Notebook and make the desired changes so let's say we want to make it SP 1 let's just say it a name all right so next is our cell here we can see this is a cell in a notebook cell serve as the fundamental building blocks encompassing everything within there are two types of cells actually one is code cell as we can see it contains executable code and has a run button on the left side to execute its content this one all right the output is displayed its output is displayed below the code cell after running right then the next one is other one is text cell so a text cell can include text images links and more you can edit its content by double clicking it the text cell supports markdown markup language but you can also use the provided options on top on the top for formatting the right half of the cell shows you how your edit text will appear all right now the next point would be adding a new cell like how to add a new cell to add a new code or text cell use the respective option at the top of the work area as you can see these code or text by clicking on these we can add code cell and text cell so clicking on any of these button creates a new cell right below the current one you can like let's say we want to add this so now we want to add this we can add this also now you can rearrange the cell order using the arrow options located at the top right corner of each cell as you can see by using this we can do that yeah the up Arrow moves the cell one position up while the down arrow moves it down by one position as we can see now adding and running a code let's talk about this so by default Google collab provides One initial code cell which can be supplemented with additional cells as desired these cells serve as a platform for writing and executing python code for instance let's consider the following code let's say first of all I have to let us delete all these this one also yeah so first of of all we'll try one code let's see how it goes so we'll simply write the code print yeah print my favorite color is yellow all right so now let's try to execute it we can run it by clicking on this it is running executing so as you can see my favorite color is yellow is being printed so you can either press on this play button to run the code or you can press control+ enter to run the code as we can see control+ enter to run the cell now next is changing the order of the cell so in Google collab you have multiple options for rearranging cells you can utilize the up cell and down cell buttons located in the toolbar above of the notebook as we discussed previously alternatively you can employ keyboard shortcuts such as control shift up or control shift down to move the chosen cell up or down Additionally you have the flexibility to reorder cells by clicking on the cell number in the left Gutter and dra dragging it to a different position all right now deleting the current tab so to delete the current tab in Google collab you can use the delete icon available over the top of the cell this icon looks like a trash can and it will remove the selected cell from The Notebook as we can see this is the trash can and this is just at the right above corner of the cell by clicking on this we can delete the tab alternately you can also use the keyboard shortcut control+ m and d to delete the current cell you can also right click on the cell and select delete cells from the context menu as we can see delete cell all right now we will understand how to add data sets so to add data sets from your local device go to the left corner and click on the folder icon as we can see this is the left corner and this is a folder icon we'll click on that now click on the upload icon and upload the desired file this is the upload icon we'll click on that now we can upload the desired file whichever we want all right you can also upload files by writing a particular command let's try writing that command okay so we'll write from Google collab import files let's import files right after that we'll write upload equals files do upload after that we'll put on brackets all right right now we'll press control and enter and here we can see choose files now from here you can choose files so both the ways you can upload files just telling now let's understand how to like import libraries in Google collab so first of all we have to cancel we click on this all right so to import it we'll write inut penders as PD all right after that we'll write pd. read so here we are importing the CSV files actually so we have to write like xd. rore CSV and inside this we'll write a file let's say I have to check what what all files like this is the sample data files right so you have to write the file name actually which you want to import that CSV file name I'm writing sample _ data all right test the location you have to put do CSV so this is the location all right so if we want to display 10 rows we'll write DF do head write 10 we'll press control and enter and we can see 10 rows are being displayed so this is how you can import and like showcase the data and all so this was about the Google collab we have covered major things in that many important things in that there are there must be many more things in that that you will explore when you will start using it so after understanding about Google collab and hearing about various Cloud Technologies so let's take a little scenario of a developer and a tester before you had the world of Docker a developer would actually build their code and then they send it to the tester but then the code wouldn't work on their system the code doesn't work on the other system due to the differences in computer environments so what could be the solution to this well you could go ahead and create a virtual machine to be the same of the solution in both areas we think Docker is an even better solution so let's kind of break out what the main big differences are between Docker and virtual machines as you can see between the left and the right hand side both look to be very similar what you'll see however is that on the docker side what you'll see as a big difference is that the guest OS for each container has been eliminated Docker is inherently more lightweight but provides the same functional ity as a virtual machine so let's step through some of the pros and cons of a virtual machine versus Docker so first of all a virtual machine occupies a lot more memory space on the host machine in contrast Docker occupies significantly less memory space the boot up time between both is very different Docker just boots up faster the performance of the docker environment is actually better and more consistent than the virtual machine Docker is also very easy to set up and very easy to scale the efficiencies therefore are much higher with a Docker environment versus a virtual machine environment and you'll find it is easier to Port Docker across multiple platforms than a virtual machine finally the space allocation between Docker and a virtual machine is significant when you don't have to include the guest OS you're eliminating a significant amount of space and the docker environment is just inherently smaller so after Docker as a developer you can build out your solution and send it to a tester and as long as we're all running in the docker environment everything will work just great so let's step through what we're going to cover in this presentation we're going to look at the devops tools and where Docker fits within that space we'll exam exine what Docker actually is and how Docker works and then finally we'll step through the different components of the docker environment so what is devops devops is a collaboration between the development team the operation team allowing you to continuously deliver Solutions and applications and services that both delight and improve the efficiency of your customers if you look at the vend diagram that we have here on the left hand side we have development on the right hand side we have operation and and then there's a crossover in the middle and that's where the devops team sits if we look at the areas of integration between both groups developers are really interested in planning code building and testing and operations want to be able to efficiently deploy operate and monitor when you can have both groups interacting with each other on these seven key elements then you can have the efficiencies of an excellent devops team so planning and c-base we tools like Jet and geara for building we use gradal and Maven testing we use selenium the integration between Dev and Ops is through tools such as Jenkins and then the deployment operation is done with tools such as Docker and Chef finally nagas is used to monitor the entire environment so let's step deeper into what Docker actually is so Docker is a tool which is used to automate the deployment of app applications in a lightweight container so the application can work efficiently in different environments now it's important to note that the container is actually a software package that consists of all the dependencies required to run the application so multiple containers can run on the same Hardware the containers are maintained in isolated environments they're highly productive and they're quick and easy to configure so let's take an example of what dog is by using a house that may be rented for someone using Airbnb so in the house there are three rooms and only one cupboard and kitchen and the problem we have is that none of the guests are really ready to share the cupboard and kitchen because every individual has a different preference when it comes to how the cupboard should be stocked and how the kitchen should be used this is very similar to how we run software applications today each of the applications could end up using different Frameworks so you may have a framework such as rails perfect and flask and you may want to have them running for different applications for different situations this is where Docker will help you run the applications with the suitable Frameworks so let's go back to our airnb example so we have three rooms and a kitchen and cupboard how do we resolve this issue well we put a kitchen and cupboard in each room we can do the same thing for computers Docker provides the suitable Frameworks for each different application and since every application has a framework with a suitable version this space could also then be utilized for putting in software and applications that alone and since every application has its own framework and suitable version the area that we had previously stored for a framework can be used for something else now we can create a new application in this instance a fourth application that uses its own resources you know what with these kinds of abilities to be able to free up space on the computer it's no wonder Docker is the right choice so let's take a closer look to how Docker actually works so when we look at Docker and we call something Docker we're actually referring to the base engine which actually is installed on the host machine that has all the different components that run your Docker environment and if we look at the image on the left hand side of the screen you'll see that Docker has a client server relationship there is a client installed on the hardware there is a client that contains the docker product and then there is a server which controls how that Docker client is created the communication that goes back and forth to be able to share the knowledge on that Docker client relationship is done through a rest API and this is fantastic news because that means that you can actually interface and program that API so we look here in the animation we see that the docker client is constantly communicating back to the server information about the infrastructure and it's using this rest API as that Communication channel the docker server then will check out the requests and the interaction necessary for it to be the docker demon which runs on the server itself will then check out the interaction and the necessary operating system pieces needed to be able to run the container okay so that's just an overview of the docker engine which is probably where you're going to spend most of your time but there are some other components that form the infrastructure for Dockers let's dig into those a little bit deeper as well so what we're going to do now is break out the four main components that comprise of the docker environment the four components are as follows the docker client and server which we've already done a deeper dive on Docker images Docker containers and the docker registry so if we look at the structure rure that we have here on the left hand side you see the relationship between the docker client and the docker server and then we have the rest API in between now if we start digging into that rest API particularly the relationship with the docker Damon on the server we actually have our other elements that form the different components of the docker ecosystem so the docker client is accessed from your terminal window so if you are using Windows it's going to be Powershell on Mac it's going to be your terminal window and it allows you to run the dock demon and the registry service when you have your terminal window open so you can actually use your terminal window to create instructions on how to build and run your Docker images and containers if we look at the images part of our registry here we actually see that the image is really just a template with the instructions used for creating the containers which you use within Docker the docker image is built using a file called the docker file and then once you've created that Docker file you'll store that image in the docker Hub or R stre and that allows other people to be able to access the same structure of a Docker environment that you've created the syntax of creating the image is fairly simple it's something that you'll be able to get your arms around very quickly and essentially what you're doing is you're creating the option of a new container you're identifying what the image will look like what are the commands that are needed and the arguments for within those commands and once you've done that you have a definition for what your image will look like so if we look here at what the container itself looks like is that the container is a standalone executable package which includes applications and their dependencies it's the instructions for what your environment will look like so you can be consistent in how that environment is shared between multiple developers testing units and other people within your devops team now the thing that's great about working with Docker is that it's so lightweight that you can actually run multiple Docker containers in the same infrastructure and share the same operating system this is its strength it allows you to be able to create those multiple environments that you need for multiple projects that you're working on interestingly though within each container that container creates an isolated area for the applications to run so while you can run multiple containers in an infrastructure each of those containers are completely isolated they're protected so that you can actually control how your Solutions work there now as a team you may start off with one or two developers on your team but when a project starts becoming more important and you start adding in more people to your team you may have 15 people that are offshore you may have 10 people that are local you may have 15 Consultants that are working on your project you have a need for each of those developers or each each person on your team to have access to that Docker image and to get access to that image we use the docker registry which is an Open Source serviz service for hosting and distributing the images that you have defined you can also use Docker itself as its own default registry and Docker Hub now something it has to be bear in mind though is that for publicly shared images you may want to have your own private images in which case you would do that through your own registry so once again public repositories can be used to host the docker images which can be accessed by anyone and I really encourage you to go out to Docker and see the other docket images that have been created because there may be tools there that you can use to speed up your own development environments now you will also get to a point where you start creating environments that are very specific to the solutions that you are building and when you get to that point you'll likely want to create a private repository so you're not sharing that knowledge with the world in general now now the way in which you connect with the docker registry is through simple pull and push commands that you run through terminal window to be able to get the latest information so if you want to be able to build your own container what you'll start doing is using the pull commands to actually pull the image from the docker repository and the command line for that is fairly simple in terminal window you would write Docker pull and then you put in the image name and any tags associated with that image and use the command pools so in your terminal window you would actually use a simple line of command once you've actually connected to your Docker enironment and that command will be Docker pull with the image name and any Associated tags around that image what that will then do is pull the image from the docker repository whether that's a public repository or a private one now in Reverse if you want to be able to update the docker image with a new information you do a push command where you take the script that you've written about the docker container that you've defined and push it to the repository and as you can imagine the commands for that are also fairly simple in terminal window you would write Docker push the image name any Associated tags and then that would then push that image to the docker repository again either a public or a private repository so if we recap the docker file creates a Docker image that's using the build commands a Docker image then contains all the inform necessary for you to be able to execute the project using the Dogg image any user can run the code in order to create a Docker container and once a Docker image is built it's uploaded to a registry or to a Docker Hub where it can be shared across your entire team and from the docker Hub users can get access to the docker image and build their own new containers so let's have a look at what we have in our current environment so today when you actually have your standard machine you have the infrastructure structure you have the host operating system and you have your applications and then when you create a virtual environment what you're actually doing is you're actually creating virtual machines but those virtual machines actually are now sitting within a hypervisor solution that sits still on top of your host operating system and infrastructure and with a Docker engine what we're able to do is we're able to actually reduce significantly the different elements that you would normally have within a virtualized environment so we're able to get rid of the the bins and the so we're able to get rid of the guest OS and we're able to eliminate the hypervisor environment and this is really important as we actually start working and creating environments that are consistent because we want to be able to make it so it's really easy and stable for the environment that you have within your uh Dev and Ops environment now critical is getting rid of that hypervisor element it's just a lot of overhead so let's have a look at a container as an example so here we actually have a couple of examples on the right hand side we have different containers we have one container is running Apache Tomcat in a with Java a second container is running SQL server in a environment third containers running python with mySQL these are all running just fine within the docker engine and sitting on top of a host OS which could be Linux it really could be any host OS within a consistent infrastructure and you're able to have a solution that can be shared easily amongst your teams so let's have a look at an example that you'd have today if a company is doing a traditional Java application so you have your developers working in JBoss on his system and he's coding away and he has to get that code over to a tester now what will happen is that tester will then typically in your traditional environment then have to install JBoss on their machine and get everything running and and hopefully set up identically to the developer but chances are they probably won't have it exactly the same but they'll try to get as close as possible and then at some point you want to be able to test this within your production environment so you send it over to a system administrator who would then also have to install JBoss on their environment as well yeah this just seems to be a whole lot of duplication so why go through the problem of installing JBoss three times and this is where it things get really interesting because the challenge you have today is that it's very difficult to almost impossible to have identical environments if you're just installing software locally on devices the developers probably got a whole bunch of development software that could be conflicting with the Jos environment the tester has similar testing software but probably doesn't have all the development software and certainly the system administrator won't have all the tools that the developer and tester have their own tools and so what you want to be able to do is kind of get away from The Challenge you have of having to do local installations on three different computers computers and in addition what you see is that this uses up a lot of effort because when you're having to install software over and over again you just keep repeating doing really basic foundational challenges so this is where Docker comes in and Docker is the tool that allows you to be able to share environments from one group to another group without having to install software locally on a device you install all of the code into your Docker container and simply share the container so so in this presentation we're going to go through a few things we're going to cover what Docker actually is and then we're going to dig into the actual architecture of Docker and kind of go through what Docker container is and how to create a Docker container and then we'll go at through the benefits of using Docker containers and then the commands and finalize everything out with a brief demo so what is darker so darker is as you'd expect because all the software that we cover in this series is an open-source solution and and is a container solution that allows you to be able to containerize all of the necessary files and applications needed to run the solution that you're building so you can share it from different people in your team whether it's a developer tester or system administrator and this allows you to have a consistent environment from one group to the next so let's kind of dig into the architecture so you understand why Docker runs effectively so the docker architecture itself is built up of uh two key elements there is the docker client and then there is a rest API connection to a Docker demon which actually hosts the entire environment within the docker host and the docker demon you have your different containers and each one has a link to a Docker registry the docker client itself is a rest service so as you'd expect a rest API U that sends command line to the docker Damon through a terminal window or command command line interface window and we'll go through some of these demos later on so you can actually see how you can actually interact with Docker the docker Damon then checks the request against um the docket components and then performs the service that you're requesting now the docker image itself all it really is a collection of instructions used to create a container and again this is consistent with all the devops tools that we have the devops tools that we're looking to use throughout this series of videos are all Environ that can be scripted and this is really important because it allows you to be able to duplicate and scale the environments that you want to be able to build very quickly and effectively the actual container itself has all of the applications and the dependencies of those applications in one package you kind of think of it as a really effective and efficient zip file it's a little bit more than that but it's one file that actually has everything you need to be able to run all of your Solutions the actual Docker rry itself is an environment for being able to host and distribute different Docker images among your team so say for instance you had a team of developers that were working on multiple different solutions so say you have a team of developers and you have 50 developers and they're working on five different applications you can actually have the applications themselves the containers shared in the docker registry so each of those teams at any time check out and have the latest container of that latest image of the code that you're working on so let's dig into what actually is in a container so the important part of a duckin container is that it has everything you need to be able to run the application it's like a virtualized environment it has all your Frameworks and your libraries and it allows the teams to be able to build out and run exactly the right environment that the developer intended what's interesting though is the actual applications then will run in isolation so they're not impacting other applications that's using dependencies on other libraries or files outside of the container because of the architecture it really uses a lot less space and because it's using less space it's a much more lightweight architecture so the files the actual folder itself is much smaller it's very secure highly portable and the boot up time is incredibly fast so let's actually get into to how you would actually create a Docker container so the docker container itself is actually built through command line and it's built of a file and Docker image so the actual um Docker file is a text file that contains all the instructions that you would need to be able to create that Docker image and then we'll actually then create all of the project code with inside of that image then the image becomes the item that you would share through the docker registry you would then use the command line and we'll do this later on select docket run and then the name of the image to be able to easily and effectively run that image locally and again once you've created the docker image you can store that in the docker registry making it available to anybody within your network so something to bear in mind is that Docker itself has its own registry called dockerhub and that is a public registry so you can actually go out and see other dock images that have been created and access those images as your own company you may want to have your own own private um repository so you want to be able to go ahead and either do that locally through your own repository or you can actually get a licensed version of dock Hub where you can actually then share those files now something that's also very interesting to know is that you can have multiple versions of a Docker image so if you have a different version control different release versions and you want to be able to test and write code for those different release versions because you may have different setups you can certainly do that within your Docker registry environment okay so let's go ahead and we're going to create a Docker image using some of our basic Docker commands and so there are essentially really you know kind of just two commands that you're going to be looking for one is the build command and another one is to actually put it into your registry which is a push command so if you want to get a image from a Docker registry then you want to use the pull command and a pull command simply pulls the image from the um in this example using NG as our registry and we can actually then pull the image down to our test environment on our local machine so we're actually running the container within our Docker application on our local machine we're able to then have the image run exactly as it would in production and then you can actually use the Run command to actually use the docker image on your local machine so just a you know a few interesting tidbits about the docking container once the container is created a new new layers formed on top of the dock image layers called the container layer each container has a separate read write container layer and any changes made in that docking container is then reflected upon that particular container layer and if you want to delete the container layer the container layer also gets deleted as well so you know why would using Docker and containers be of benefit to you well you know some of the things that are useful is that containers have no external depend IES for the applications they run once you actually have the container running locally it has everything it needs to be able to run the application so there's no having to install additional pieces of software such as the example we gave with Jake boss at the beginning of the presentation now the containers are really lightweight so it makes it very easy to share the containers amongst your teams whether it's a developer whether it's a tester whether it's somebody on your operations environment it's really easy to share those containers amongst your entire team different data volumes can be easily reused and shared among multiple containers and again this is another big benefit and this is a reflection of the lightweight nature of your containers the container itself also runs in isolation uh which means that it is not impacted by any dependencies you may have on your own local environment so it's a completely sandboxed environment so some of the questions you might ask us you know can you run multiple containers together without the need to start each one individually and you know what yes you can with Docker compose Docker compose allows you to run multiple containers in a single service and again this is a reflection on the lightweight nature of containers within the docker environment so we're going to end our presentation by looking at some of the basic commands that you'd have within Docker so we have here on the left hand side we have a Docker container and then the command for each item we're actually going to go ahead and use some of these commands in the demo that we're going to do after this presentation you'll see that in a moment but just you know some of the basic commands we have are committing the docket image into the Container kill is a you know standard kill command to you know terminate one or more of the running containers so they stop working then restart those containers but suddenly you can look at all the image all of the commands here and try them out for yourself so we're going to go ahead and start a demo of how to use the basic commands to run Docker so to do this we're going to open up terminal window or command line depending whether you're running Linux PC or Mac and we're going to go ahead and the first thing we want to do is see what our dogger image lists are so we can go pseudo Docker images and this will give us well first we're entering our password so let's go enter that in and this will now give us a list of our Docker images and here are the docker images have already been created in the system and we can actually go ahead and actually see the processes that are actually running so I'm going to go ahead and open up this window a little bit more but this will show you the actual processes and the containers that we actually have and so on the far left hand side you see under names we have learn simply learn bore cool these are all just different ones that we've been working on so let's go ahead and create a docket image so we're going to do pseudo Docker run- D Das P colon 80 callon 80 obuntu and this will allow us to go ahead and run an obuntu image and this will run the latest image and what we have here is a hash number and this hash number is a unique name that defined the container that we've just created and we can go ahead and we can check to make sure that the container actually is present so we're going to do so pseudo doer. PS and this actually show us on there so it's not in a running state right now but that doesn't mean that we don't have it so let's list out all the containers that are both running and in the exit state so let's do sucker ps- a and this lists all the containers that I have running on my machine and this shows all the ones that have been in the running State and in the exit State and here we see one that we just created about a minute ago and it's called learn and these are all running Ubuntu and this is the one that we had created just a few seconds ago let's open it up and there we go so let's change that to that new Doc container to a running state so scroll down and we're going to type suit [Music] Docker run dashit Das Das name my um so this is going to be the new container name it's going to be my Docker so this is how we name our Docker environment and we'll put in the image name which is Ubuntu and dash bin Dash bash and it's now in our route and we'll exit out of that so now we're going to go ahead and start the new my Docker container so sudo Docker start my and we'll get the container image which will be my Docker my Docker return and that's started that Docker image and let's go ahead and check against the other running Docker images to make sure it's running correctly so pseudo Docker PS and there we are underneath name on the right hand side you actually see my Docker along with the other docket images that we created and it's been running for 13 seconds quite fast so we want to rename the container let's use the command pseudo Docker rename we can take another docket image this grab this one and we'll put it in rename and we'll rename and we'll put in the old container name which is image and then we'll put in the new container name and let's call it purple so now the container image that had previously been called image is now called Purple so we do pseudo Docker PS to list all of our Docker images and if we scroll up and there there we go purple how easy is that to rename an image and we can go ahead and use this command if we want to stop a container so we're going to write pseudo Docker stop and then we have to put it in the container name and we'll put in my Docker the container that we originally created and that image has now stopped and let's go ahead prove that we're going to list out all the docket images and what you see is that it's not listed in the active images it's uh not on the list on the far right hand side but if we go ahead and we can list out all of the dock images so you actually see it's still there as an image is just not in an active State it's what's known as in an exit state so here we go and there's my Docker it's in an exited state so that happened 27 seconds ago SC so if we want to to remove a container we can use the following command so pseudo Docker RM we remove my Docker and that will remove it from the exited State and we're going to go ahead and we going to double check that and yep yep it's not not listed there under exit State anymore it's gone and there we go there work that's where it used to be all right let's go back so if we want to exit a container in the running state so we do pseudo kill and then the name of the container I think one of them is called yellow let's just check and see if that's going to kill it oops no I guess we don't have one called yellow so let's find out the name of container that we actually have so pseudo Docker kill oh we're going to list out the ones that are running oh okay there we go yellow isn't in that list so let's take I know let's take simply learn and so we can actually go ahead and let's write PSE sudo Docker kill simply learn and that will actually kill an active Docker container boom there we go and we list out all the active containers you can actually see now that's the simply learn container is not active anymore and these are all the basic commands for Docker container break up this presentation into four key areas we're going to talk about life before kubernetes which some of you are probably experiencing right now what is kubernetes the benefits that kubernetes brings to you particularly if you are using containers in a Dev Ops environment and then finally we're going to break down the architecture and working infrastructure for kubernetes so you understand what's happening and why the actions are happening the way that they are so let's jump into our first section of life before kubernetes so the way that you have done work in the past or you may be doing work right now is really building out and deploying Solutions into two distinct areas one is a traditional deployment where you're pushing out code to physical servers in a Data Center and you're managing the operating system and the code that's actually running on each of those servers another environment that you may potentially be using is deploying code out to Virtual machines so let's go through and look at the two different types of deployment that you may be experiencing when you have applications running on multiple machines you run into the potential risk that the setup and configuration of each of those machines isn't going to be consistent and your code isn't going to work effectively and there may be issues with uptime and errors within the infrastructure of your entire environment there's going to be problems with resource allocation and you're going to have issues where applications may be running effectively and not not effectively and not load balance um effectively across the environment the problem that you have with this kind of infrastructure is that it gets very expensive uh you can only install one piece of software one service on one piece of Hardware so your Hardware is being massively underutilized this is where virtual machines have become really popular with a virtual machine you're able to have better resource utilization and scalability at much less cost and this allows you to be able to run multiple virtual machines on a single piece of Hardware the problem is is that VMS or for virtual machines are not perfect either some of the challenges you run with VMS is that the actual hardware and software need needed to manage the VM environment can be expensive there are security risks with virtual with VMS there are security risks with VMS there have been data breaches recorded about solutions that run in virtualized environments you also run into an issue of availability and this is largely because you can only have a finite number of virtual machines running on a piece of hardware and this results in limitations and restrictions in the types of environment you want to be running and then finally setting up and managing a virtualized environment is time consuming uh it can take a lot of time and it can also get very expensive so how about kubernetes well kubernetes is a tool that allows you to manage containerized deployment of solutions and inherently kubernetes is a tool that is really a Next Level maturity of deployment so if you can think of your maturity curve as deploying code in directly to Hardware in a Data Center and then deploying your solutions to Virtual machines the next evolution of that deployment is to use containers and kubernetes so let's kind of go through and look at the differences between a virtual machine and kubernetes and we've got a few here that we want to highlight and you'll get an understanding of what the differences are between the two so first of all with virtual machines there is inherently security risks and what you'll find as we get dig through the architecture later in the presentation is that kubernetes is inherently secure um and this is largely because of the Legacy code uh the legacy of kubernetes and where it came from we will talk about that in just a moment but kubernetes is inherently secure uh virtual machines are not easily portable now with that said they they are technically portable they're just not very easily portable whereas with kubernetes it's working with darker containers Solutions it is extremely portable that means that you can actually spin up and spin down and manage your infrastructure exactly the way that you want it to be managed and scale it on the demands of the customers as they're coming in to use the solution from a time consuming point of view kubernetes is much less time consuming than with a virtual machine a few other areas that we want to kind of um highlight from differences virtual machines use much less isolation when than building out the uh encapsulated environment than kubernetes does uh for instance with a virtual machine you have to run hypervisor on top of the OS and hardware and then inside of the virtual machine you also have to have the operating system as well whereas in contrast on a kubernetes environment because it's leveraging a darker container and or container like Technologies it only has to have the OS and the hardware and then inside of each container doesn't need to have that additional OS layer it's able to inherit what it needs to be able to run the application this makes the whole solution much more flexible and allows you to run many more containers on a piece of Hardware than versus running virtual machines on a single piece of H grare so as we um highlighted here VMS are not as portable as kubernetes and kubernetes is portable directly related to the use of containerization and because kubernetes is built on top of containers it is much less time consuming because you can actually script and automatically allocate resource to nodes within your kubernetes environment this allows the infrastructure to run much more effectively and much more efficiently so this is why if we look at our evolution of the land of time before kubernetes why we are running into a solution where kubernetes had to come about because the demand for having more highly scalable solutions that are more efficient was just really a natural evolution of this software deployment model that started with pushing out code to physical hardware and then pushing code out to Virtual machines and then needing to have a solution much more sophisticated kubernetes would have come about at some point in time I'm just really glad it came back when it did so what is kubernetes let's let's dig into the history of kubernetes and how it came about so in essence kubernetes is an open-source platform that allows you to manage and deploy and maintain groups of containers and a container is something like doer and if you're developing code you're probably already using Docker today consider kubernetes as the tool that manages multiple Docker environments together now we talk a lot about Docker and as a container solution with kubernetes the reality is is that kubernetes can actually use other container tools out there but Docker just simply is the most popular container out there both these tools are open source that's why they're so popular and they just allow you to be able to have flexibility in being able to scale up your Solutions and they were designed designed for the postd digital world that we live and exist in today so a little bit of background a little bit of trivia around uh kubernetes so kubernetes was originally a successor to a project at Google and the original project was Google Bor um Google Bor it does exactly what kubernetes done does today but kubernetes was Rewritten from the ground up and then released as an open-source project in 2014 so that people outside of Google could take take advantage of the power of kubernetes containerization management tools and today it is managed by the cloud native Computing foundation and there are many many companies that support and manage kubernetes so for instance if you're signing up for Microsoft Azure AWS Google Cloud all of them will leverage kubernetes and it's just become the the de facto tool from managing large groups of containers so let's kind of Step through some of the key benefits that You' experience from kubernetes and so we have nine key benefits and the first it is highly portable and is 100% open-source code and this means that you can actually go ahead and contribute to this code project if you want to through GitHub uh the ability to scale up the solution is incredible um what's um the the history of kubernetes being part of a Google project for managing the Google network and infrastructure uh kind of really sets the groundwork for having a solution that that is highly scalable the out of the high scalability also comes the need for high availability and this is the desire to be able to have a highly efficient and highly energized environment that also you can really rely on so if you're building out a kubernetes management um environment you know that it's going to be um available for the solutions that you're maintaining and it's really designed for deployment so you can script out the environment and actually have it as part of your Dev model so you can scale up and meet the demands of your customer then what you'll find is that the um load balancing is extremely efficient and it allows you to distribute the load efficiently across your entire network so your network remains stable and then also the tool um allows you to U manage the orchestration of your storage so you can have local storage such as an SSD on the hardware that the kubernetes is M maintaining or if the kubernetes environment is is pulling storage from a public Cloud such as Azure or AWS you can actually go ahead and make that available to your entire system and you can inherit the security that goes back and forth between the cloud environments and one of the things you'll find consistent with kubernetes is that it is designed for a cloud first environment um kubernetes as well is that it's it's really a self-healing environment so if something happens or something fails uh kubernetes will detect that failure and then either restart the process kill the process or replace it and then because of that you also have automated roll outs and roll backs uh in case you need to be able to manage the state of the environment and then finally uh you have automatic bin packaging so you can actually specify the compute power that's being used from CPU and RAM for each container so let's dig into the final area which is the actual kubernetes architecture and we're going to cover this at a high level there's actually another video uh that you can that simply learn has developed which digs deeper into the kubernetes architecture and so the kubernetes architecture is a cluster based architecture and it's really about two key areas you have the kubernetes master which actually controls um um all of the activities within your entire kubernetes infrastructure and then you have nodes um that actually are running on Linux machines um out that are controlled by the master so let's kind of go through some of these um areas so if we look at the kubernetes master uh to begin with um then we'll start with etet this is a tool that allows for the configuration of information and the management of nodes within your cluster and one of the key features that you'll find with all of the tools that are managed within either a the master environment or within a node is that they are all accessible via the API server um and what's interesting about the API server is that it's a restful based infrastructure which means that you can actually secure each connection with SSL um and other um security models to ensure that your entire infrastructure and the communication going back and forth across your infrastructure is tightly secured scheduler goes ahead and actually as you'd expect actually um manages the schedule of activities within the actual cluster and then you have the controller and the controller is a Demon server that actually manages and pushes out the instructions to all of your nodes so uh the other tools really are the uh the infrastructure and you can consider them the administration side um of the master whereas controller is the management it actually pushes out all of the controls via the API server so let's actually dig into um one of the actual nodes themselves and there are three key areas of the noes one is the do environment which actually helps and manage and maintain the container that's actually inside um of the node and then you have the kuet which is responsible for information that goes back and forth and it's going to do most of the conversation with the API server on the actual health of that node and then you have the actual kubernetes proxy which actually runs the services actually inside of the node so as you see all of these infrastructures are extremely lightweight and designed to be very efficient and very available for your infrastructure and so here's a quick recap of the different tools that are available and it really breaks down into two key areas you have your kubernetes mask and the kubernetes node the kubernetes master has the instructions of what's going to happen within your kubernetes infrastructure and then it's going to push out those instructure to an indefinite number of nodes that will allow you to be able to scale up and scale down your solution in a dynamic way so let's have an overview of the kubernetes architecture so kubernetes is really broken up into three key areas so you have your workstation where you develop your commands and you push out those commands to your master and the master is comprised of um four key areas um which essentially control all of your nodes and and the node contains multiple pods and each pod has your Docker container built into it so consider that you could have really almost an infinite number of PODS sorry infinite number of nodes U being managed um by the master environment so you have your cluster which is a collection of servers that um maintain the Ava availability and the compute power such as RAM CPU and disk utilization um you have the master which is really components that control and schedule uh the activities of your network and then you have the node which actually hosts the actual Docker virtual machine itself um and be able to actually control and communicate back to the master the health of that pod and we'll get into more detail on the architecture later in the presentation so you know you keep hearing me talk about um containers but they really are the center of the work that you're doing with kubernetes and and con the concept around kubernetes and containers is really just a natural evolution of where we've been with internet and digital Technologies over the last uh 10 15 years so before kubernetes um you had tools where you're either running virtual machines or you're running uh data centers that had to maintain and and manage and notify of any interruptions in your network kubernetes is the tool that actually comes in and helps address those interrup options and manages them for you so the solution to this is the use of containers so uh you can think of containers as that Natural Evolution from you know uh 15 20 years ago you would have written your code and posted it to a data center uh more recently you probably posted your code to a virtual machine and then move the virtual machine and now you actually just work directly into a container and everything is self-contained and can be pushed out to your um environment and the thing that's great about containers they they isolated environments very easy for developers to work in them but it's also really easy for uh operations teams to be able to move a container into production so let's kind of step and back and look at a competing product to kubernetes which is Docker swarm now one of the things that we have to um remember is that Docker um containers which are extremely popular um built by the company Docker and made open source and Docker actually has other products one of those other products is Docker swarm and Docker swarm is a tool that allows you to be able to manage multiple containers uh so if we look at some of the uh the benefits of using Docker swarm versus kubernetes um one of the things that you'll find is that both tools have strength and weaknesses but it's really good that they're both out there U because it helps keep it really kind of justifies uh the importance of having these kind of tools so kubernetes was designed originally from the ground up to be autoscaling whereas Docker swarm isn't the load balancing is automatic on Docker swarm whereas with kubernetes you have to manually configure load balancing across your nodes the installation for Docker swarm is really fast and easy I mean you can be up and running within minutes a kubernetes takes a little bit more time is a little bit more complicated eventually you'll get there um I mean it's not like it's going to take you days and weeks but it's it is a tool that's a when you compare the two doctor swarm's much easier to get up and running now what's interesting is that kubernetes is incredibly scalable and it's you know that's its real strength is its ability to have strong clusters whereas with Docker swarm it's cluster strength isn't um as strong when compared to kubernetes now you compare it to anything else on the market it's really good um so this is kind of a splitting hairs kind of comparison um but kubernetes really does have the advantage here if you're looking at the two compared to each other for scalability I mean kubernetes was designed for by Google to to scale up and support uh Google Cloud Network infrastructure they uh both allow you to be able to share um uh storage volumes with Docker you can actually do it with um any container U with u that is managed by the docker swamp whereas with kubernetes it manages the storage with the pods and a pod can have multiple containers within it but you can't take it down to the level of the container interestingly uh kubernetes does have a graphical user interface um for being able to control and manage uh the environment the reality however is that you're likely to be using terminal uh to actually make the controls and Commands to control your um either dock swarm or kubernetes environment um it's great that it has a a goey and to get you started but once you're up and running you're going to be using terminal window for those fast quick administrative controls that you need to make so let's look at the hardware components for kubernetes so what's interesting is that kubernetes is extremely l light of all the systems that we're looking at it's extremely lightweight um it's allows you to have if you compare it to like a virtual machine which is very heavy you know um cumes is extremely lightweight and hardly uses any resources at all interesting enough though is that if you are looking at the usage of CPU it's it's better to actually take it for um uh the cluster as a whole rather than individual nodes uh because uh the nodes will actually combin together to give you that whole compute power again this is why kubernetes works really well in the cloud where you can do that kind of activity rather than if you're running in your own data center um so you can have persistent volumes um such as a local SSD um or you can actually attach to a cloud data storage again kubernetes is really designed for the cloud I would encourage you to use cloud storage whereever a possible rather than relying on physical storage uh the reason being is that if you connect to cloud storage and you need to flex your your storage the cloud will do that for you I mean that's just an inherent part of why You' have cloud storage whereas if you're connecting to physical storage you're always restricted to the limitations of the physical Hardware so let's um kind of pivot and look at the software components as compared to the hardware components so the main part of the um components is the actual container and all of the software running in the container runs on Linux so if you um have doc stalled as a developer on your machine it's actually running inside of Linux um that's what makes it so lightweight and really one of the things that you'll find is that most data centers and Cloud providers now are running predominantly on Linux inside of the um the the container itself is then managed inside of a part and a part is really just a group of containers bundled together and um the kubernetes scheduler and proxy Ser then actually manage what um how the pods are actually pushed out uh into your kubernetes andv enironment the the pods themselves can actually then share resources both networking and storage so pods aren't um pushed out manually they're actually U managed through a layer of abstraction and part of their deployment and and this is the strength of kubernetes you use use um Define your um infrastructure and then kubernetes will then manage it for you and there isn't that problem of um manual management of PODS uh if you have to manage the deployment of them and you that's simply taken away and it's completely automated and the the final area of software Services is on Ingress and this is really the secure way of being able to have communication from outside of the cluster and passing of information into that cluster um and again this is done securely through SSL uh layers and allows you to ensure that security is at the center of the work that you have within your kubernetes environment so let's dive now into the actual architecture before we start looking at a use case of how kubernetes is being imped de loyed so kubernetes again is um we looked at this uh diagram at the beginning of the presentation and there are really three key areas there's the workstation where you develop your commands and then you have your master environment which uh controls the uh scheduling the communication um and the actual um commands that you have created and pushes those out and manages the health of your entire node Network and each node has uh various pods so we like break this down uh so the master node is the most vital component um with the master uh you have four key controls you have ET controller manager schedule and API server the cluster store Etc this actually manages the details and values that you've developed on your local workstation um and then we'll work with the out the control schedule on API server to communicate that out those instructions of how your infrastructure should look like to your entire network uh the control manager is really an API server and again um this is all about security so we use restful apis um which can be packaged in SSL to communicate back and forth um across your uh pods and the master and indeed the services within each of them as well uh so um at every single layer of extraction uh the communication is secure uh the schedule as the name would imply really schedules um when tasks get sent out to the actual nodes themselves the nodes elves are are dumb nodes they just have uh the applications um running on them the master in the is really doing all of the work uh to make sure that your entire network is running um efficiently and then you have the API server which has your rest commands and the communication um back and forth across your network that is secure and efficient so your node environment is where all the work that you do with your containers gets pushed out too so um a a work is really a it's a combination of containers and each container coner will then logically run together on that node so you'd have a collection of containers on a node that all make logical sense to have together uh within each node um you have a Docker and this is your isolated environment for running your container uh you have your cubet which is a service for conveying information back and forth um to the service about the actual health of the kubernetes node itself and then finally you have the proxy server and the proxy server is able to manage the nodes the volume the the creation of new containers um and actually helps pass the communic the the health of the container back up to the master to see whether or not the container should be either killed stop started or um updated so finally let's look at see where uh kubernetes is being used by other companies so you know kubernetes is being used by a lot of companies and they're really using it to help manage complex existing systems so that they can have uh greater performance and with the end goal of being able to Delight the customer increase value to the customer and hence increase value and revenue into the organization so an example of this is a company called Black Rock uh where they actually went through the process of implementing kubernetes uh so they could so Black Rock had a challenge where they needed to be able to have much more Dynamic access to their resources uh they were running complex installations on people's desktops and it was just really really difficult to be able to manage their entire infrastructure structure and so they actually then um pivoted to using cetes and this allowed them to be able to be much more scalable and expansive in the the management of their uh infrastructure and as you can imagine kubernetes was then hooked into their entire existing system and has really become a key part of the success that Black Rock is now experiencing of a very stable infrastructure um and the bottom line is that black rock is now able to have confidence in their infrastructure structure and be able to give that confidence um as back to their customers through the implementation and more rapid deployment of additional features and services so now what is azure what's the big cloud service provider all about so Azure is a cloud computing platform provided by Microsoft now it's basically an online portal through which you can access and manage resources and services now resources and services are nothing but you know you can store your data and you can transform the data using services that Microsoft provides again all you need is the internet and being able to connect to the Azure portal then you get access to all of the resources and their services in case you want to know more about how it's different from its rival which is AWS I suggest you click on the top right corner and watch the AWS versus AO video so that you can clearly tell how both these cloud service providers are different from each other now here are some things that you need to know about aure it was launched in February 1st 2010 which is significantly late later than when AWS was launched it's free to start and has a pay per use model which means like I said before you need to pay for the services you use through Azure and one of the most important selling points is that 80% of Fortune 500 companies use Azure Services which means that most of the bigger companies of the world actually recommend using AZ and then azir supports a wide variety of programming languages the cop nodejs Java and so much more another very important selling point of aure is the amount of data centers it has across the world now it's important for a cloud service provider to have many data centers around the world because it means that they can provide their services to a wider audience now Azor has 42 which is more than any cloud service provider has at the moment it expects to have 12 more in a period of time which brings its total number of regions it covers to 54 now let's talk about Azor Services now Azor Services have 18 categories and more than 200 services so we clearly can't go through all of them it has services that cover compute a machine learning integration management tools identity devops web and so much more you're going to have a hard time trying to find a domain that Azure doesn't cover and if it doesn't cover it now you can be certain they're working on it as we speak so first let's start with the compute Services first virtual machine with this service what you're getting to do is to create a virtual machine of Linux or Windows operating system it's easily configurable you can add RAM you can decrease RAM you can add storage remove it all of it is possible in a matter of seconds now let's talk about the second service cloud service now with this you can create a application within the cloud and all of the work after you deploy it deploying the application that is is taken care of by aard which includes you know provisioning the application load balancing ensuring that the application is in good health and all all of the other things are handled by aor next up let's talk about service fabric now with service fabric the process of developing a microservice is greatly simplified so you might be wondering what exactly is a microservice now a microservice is basically an application that consists of smaller applications coupled together next up functions now with functions you can create applications in any programming language that you want another very important part is that you don't have to worry about any Hardware components you don't have to worry what Ram you require or how much storage you require all of that is taken care of by AER all you need is to provide the code to Azure and it'll execute it and you don't have to worry about anything else now let's talk about some networking Services first up we have Azor CDN or the content delivery Network now the Azor CDN service is basically for delivering web content to users now this content is of high bandwidth and can be transferred or can be delivered to any person across the world now these are actually a network of servers that are placed in strategic positions across the world so that the customers can obtain this data as fast as possible next up we have expess R now with this you can actually connect your on promise Network onto the Microsoft cloud or any of the services that you want through a private connection so the only communication that happens is between your on promise Network and the service that you want then you have virtual Network now with virtual Network you can have any of the Azure Services communicate with each other in a secure manner in a private manner next we have Azure DNS so Azure DNS is a hosting service which allows you to host their DNS or domain name system domains in Azure so you can host your application using a your DNS now for the storage Services first up we have dis storage with dis storage you're given a cost effective option of choosing HDD or solid state drives to go along with your virtual machine machines based on your requirements then you have blob storage now this is actually optimized to ensure that they can store massive amounts of unstructured data which can include Text data or even binary data next you have file storage which is a managed file storage and can be accessible via the SMB protocol or the server message block protocol and finally you have q storage now with Q storage you can provide durable message queuing for an extremely large workload and the most important part is that this can be accessed from anywhere in the world now let's talk about how a can be used firstly for application development it could be any application mostly web applications then you can test the application see how well it works you can host the application on the internet you can create virtual machines like I mentioned before with the service you can create these virtual Machines of any size or Ram that you want you can integrate and Sync features you can collect and store matrices for example how the data Works how the current data is how you can improve upon it all of that is possible with these services and you have virtual hard drives which is an extension of the virtual machines where these services are able to provide you a large amount of storage where data can be let's talk about Azure Services as I told you Azia provides services for a wide range of domains now let's have a look at some of these domains there's Ai and machine learning compute containers database identity management tools networking Security Storage and so much more now let's have a look at some of the individual services within these domains firstly you have AZ virtual machines with Az virtual machines what you get is the opportunity to create Windows or Linux virtual machines now all of this is possible in a matter of seconds with a large amount of customization now let's have a look at some of its features firstly you can choose from a wide variety of virtual machine options then you have a large amount of optimization available to you for example what size of operating system do you want how much size do you want allocated to it what version of the system is it and so much more then it provides low cost and per minute billing now AZ provides you per minute billing which means that you're only charged for how much time you use the service and finally you have enhanced security and protection for your virtual machines next we have service fabric now with service fabric you have a platform which enables you to create microservices now this also makes the process of application life cycle management a whole lot easier as a direct result you can create applications with a faster time to Market it supports Windows Linux on promises or other clouds and it enables you to do a tremendous amount of scaling up depending on your requirement and finally we have functions now with functions you can build applications with the help of serverless computing here the users only pay for the amount of resources that they've used you can create applications in any language that you want and the only thing you need to worry about is the code of the application everything other than that that is the hardware requirements are taken care of by your now let's have a look at the networking Services firstly we have the Azor CDN or the content delivery network with Azor CDN what you get is the ability to deliver your content with reduced load times fast responsiveness and less bandwidth now CDN can be integrated with several other AZ services so that the process can move at a FAS rate it can handle heavy loads and traffic spikes with these it also provides a robust security system now with the content that's delivered you can get Advanced analytic data with which you can understand how customers are using your content next we have express route with express route you can connect your on premisis network to aure through a private Network Now by default this lowest latency it increases the emphasis on reliability and speed and it can be of great use when you have to transfer large amounts of data between networks now another way this can be useful is if it's used to add compute or storage capacity to Data Centers next to have Azure DNS domain name service or Azure DNS can be used to host your domains on Azure this provides High availability and great performance it provides fast responses to DNS queries by taking advantage of Microsoft's Global Network it also provides High availability next we have virtual Network Azo virtual Network allows the Azo resources to communicate with each other or other on promise networks via the Internet and all of this is kept extremely secure now with this users can create their own private Network for communication it provides users with an isolated and extremely secure environment for their applications to run now all of the traffic stays entirely within the Azure Network and it also allows users to design their own networks next we have traffic manager now with traffic manager you can route incoming traffic to improve your performance and availability now one thing it provides is multiple failover options so if a particular situation goes wrong there's always an option to consider to salvage the situation it helps reduce application runtime and enables the distribution of user traffic across multiple locasion it also helps the people who are using it to know where the customers connecting from across the world next we have load balancer with this you have provided the ability to instantly scale applications at the same time providing High availability and improved Network performance for users applications it can be integrated into virtual machines and cloud services it provides highly reli able applications it also allows users to secure and integrate security groups finally we have aure VPN Gateway now this allows users to connect their on promise networks to aure using a sight tosite VPN now this allows users to connect their virtual machine to anywhere in the world through a pointto site VPN and also it's very easy to manage and is highly available now let's talk about the storage Services first we have data Lake storage now with this what you get is a scalable data storage storage with an emphasis on cost Effectiveness and scalability now it comes of Maximum use when you've integrated with other services so that you can get analytics on how the data is being used it is also integrated with other services like the Azo blob storage now it is also optimized for Big Data analysis tools like Pache spark and Hadoop next up we have blob storage The Blob storage provides a storage capacity for data now depending on how often a particular data is used it is classified into different tiers now all the data that is within the blob storage is unstructured data now it has a way of ensuring that the data Integrity is maintained every time a particular object is being changed or the data is being accessed and it also helps improve app performance and reduces bandwidth consumption next we have q storage now with this you have a message queuing system for large workloads this allows users to build flexible applications and separate functions not to men mention with this you can be sure that your individual components will not fail it also makes sure that your application is scalable Q storage provides Q monitoring which helps ensure that the customer demands are met then we have file storage now with file storage you can perform file sharing with the help of the SMB protocol or the server message block protocol now this data is protected by SMB 3.0 and the https protocol in this CL like we mentioned in functions a your takes care of all the hardware needs and the operating system deployments on its own it also improves on premises performance and other capabilities lastly we have table storage with table storage you can deploy semi-structured data sets and osql key value store now this is used for creating applications which have a flexible data schema and also considering how it has a very strong consistency model it's mainly aimed for enterprices next let's have a look at some web and mobile services first we have the the AZ search now with Azure search you get a cloud search service which is powered by artificial intelligence with this you can develop web applications as well as mobile applications now one big Advantage is that you don't have to set up or manage your search indices as your takes care of that and by extension it increases your development speed the artificial intelligence also will provide insights and structured information that you can use to improve the search as structured information next we have logic apps now with this you can create integration Solutions which can connect applications that are important to your business now with this you can visually create business processes and workflows you can integrate SAS or software as a service applications and Enterprise applications and more importantly it allows you to unlock data within the firewall and securely connect to services next we have web applications now with web apps you can create deploy and scale web applications according to business requirements now it supports both windows and Linux platforms and it helps with continuous integration or deployment abilities another very important aspect of this is that the data can be deployed and hosted across multiple locations in the world and finally we have mobile apps with mobile apps you can create applications for iOS Android and Windows platforms one advantage is that it automatically scales Up and Down based on your requirements now in situations where you have network issues offline data syncing ensures that your applications work anyway and you can create crossplatform applications or native applications for iOS Android and Windows next let's have a look at some container services first let's talk about ACS or AO container services it is also known as the Azia kubernets Services as it's a fully managed kubernets container orchestration service now what this means is that it eases the process of container integration and deployment it also can be used with other resources from security like virtual networks cryptographic keys and so much more to ensure that your container is kept secure next we have container instances now this is similar to functions in a way just that in this we're using containers without having to manage servers now applications can be developed here without managing virtual machines or learning new tools all that is as yours problem to take care of and it enables building applications without having to manage the infrastructure that is all you need to worry about is running the container next let's have a look at some database Services first we have the SQL database now with SQL database what you get is a relational Cloud database service now this means that it helps accelerate your app development and makes it easier for you to maintain your application now SQL database is also used extensively in migrating workloads to the cloud and hence saves time and cost it also helps improve your performance by integrating machine machine learning and Adaptive Technologies into your database next we have Azure Cosmos DB now this is a globally distributed multimodel database service now what this means is that with this you can create application with support nosql it provides a high grade security system has high availability and low latency now this is usually used in situations where you have a diverse and highly unpredictable workload now let's have a look at some security and identity Services firstly we have the Azor active directory now if you want to know more about Azure active directory I suggest you click on the top right corner and watch our video on the Azure active directory this is just an introduction so with this you can manage user identities and you can make sure the resources are kept safe with the help of access policies most of these are intelligence-driven now one of the main features is that you can have access to your applications from any location or device it helps increase your efficiency and helps down cutting cost when it comes to having a help desk it can also help improve security and can respond to Advanced threats in real time next you have a your active directory b2c it helps provide customer identity and access management in the cloud now protecting customer identity is extremely important for an organization and that's what aure ad b2c does now it also enables the application to be scaled to great amounts even billions of customers next we have the Azure security Center this is basically like a command post with which you get a complete view of the security across users on your on premises and Cloud workloads so with this you're given threat protection method that adapts to situations and helps reduce exposing you to threats it also has rapid threat response and makes the process of finding and fixing vulnerabilities a whole lot easier next up let's talk about monitoring and Management Services so first let's have a look at aure advisor advisor now Azure advisor is basically a guide for the best practices when it comes to Azure now when you follow these it improves performance security cost and increases availability now it also learns from how you use the services on your configuration and usage pattern and the adjustments that it suggests can be implemented very quickly and easily next we have Network Watcher now with this you can monitor diagnose and understand the working of your network now you can monitor your network without actually having to log in to your virtual machine now you can also use something known as network security flow logs to understand the traffic pattern how much traffic is coming towards you how much you're giving and so much more it also helps diagnose VPN problems that you might have with detail logs and finally you have the Azure resource manager now with this you can ensure that the resources that you have are managed and deployed at a consistent rate now this makes it extremely easy for you to manage and visualize your resources that are used in your applications or some other requirements and you can control who can access your resources as well as perform actions on it going to be six things that we're going to step through the first is really looking at what is the world that many of you already work in today how do you administer your networks and your systems today then we're going to look at how Chef can be the tool that really helps improve the efficiencies of creating a consistent operations en environment we're going to look at the tools and the components and the architecture that takes to construct chef and then finally we're going to take a use case of one of the many companies that is using Chef today to improve the efficiency of their operations environment so let's take a step back at what life was like before Chef this may well be the life that you're experiencing right now so as a system administrator typically the way that you work is that you are resp responsible for the uptime of all of the systems within your network and you may have many many systems that you are responsible for now if one system goes down that's not a problem because as a system administrator you can get notifications and you can jump right onto the problem and solve it when things start getting really difficult however is when you have multiple systems and you are not able as a single person to get to all those systems and Sol them as quickly as possible possible the problem that you start having is that your environments are not in sync if only this could all be automated well this is where Chef comes to the rescue for you so let me take some time and introduce you to the concepts behind chef and why it's a tool that you would probably want to be using in your environment so what actually is Chef so Chef is a way in which you can use code to fix your physical Hardware environment and so what does that look like well the way that we write out scripts in Chef is that you can actually code your entire environment so you don't have to actually be managing your environment on a hardware by Hardware basis but actually use scripts called recipes that will actually manage the environment for you so Chef will actually ensure that every system is automatically set to the right states that meet the requirements that you have defined in your code so you don't have any ISS is where Hardware starts to fail because it references the code to reset the state within that environment and that makes you a happy system administrator so let's go through the mechanics of how this actually works with Chef so Chef is ultimately an automation tool that converts infrastructure to code and you'll often hear the term infrastructure as code or I a and this really starts as a output of the work that Chef has done cuz you take the policies that you as an organization have created and you convert that into a scripted language that can then be implemented automatically this enables shift to be able to manage multiple systems very very easily and considering how broad and deep our systems become it's very easy to see how this can help you as a system administrator the code is then tested continuously and deployed by Chef so that you're able to guarantee that your standards and appropriate States for your hardware and operating environment are always maintained so let's step through the different components that are available in Chef so the first one is actually creating the actual recipes for Chef so you actually work on these on a workstation and you'll write out your code which is referred to as a recipe and that recipe will be written using a language called Ruby good thing for you is that there are lots of examples of Ruby recipes that have been created by the open-source Community a lot of examples knife is the command tool that you use that communicates between the recipes and the server so your recipe is the instruction and knife is the tool that makes that instruction work and sets the appropriate State on the server environment when you create more than one recipe you start creating a collection those collections are referred to as cookbooks and you can make take an environment such as a large Network where you have multiple CES potentially hundreds of servers that have to all have a consistent and equal State environment and you would put that cookbook and use that cookbook to ensure with Chef that the state of each of those codes is consistent and then ohigh fetures the current state of your nodes and then the chef client configures the nodes as defined within your cookbook so let's step through the architecture and working environment of Chef so for an administrator a systems administrator you only have to allow work from your workstation and from that workstation you can then configure all the nodes of your environment you can use uh different recipes that you create and those recipes can be compiled into a cookbook that can be then applied to a node the thing that of value is that as you change the environment As you move and mature as an organization and your nodes need to mature consistently and quickly with your organization all you have to do is roll out a different recipe to your nodes and then the nodes will use the tools within Chef to make the updates so you can create a second recipe or even a third recipe to be deployed out to your server environment knife is going to be the tool that does the hard work of doing the updates on the server with the server you have your collection of recipes in a single cookbook however understanding the state of the individual nodes is important to ensure that the information is broadcast from the server with the instructions on how to set up the network within those nodes in this instance we use ohigh and ohigh will fetch the state of the nodes and send that back to the server and get the information from The cookbook using the chef client in your Chef node Network there is the potential at times that maybe one of your node fails if there are two failed nodes then a request is sent back to the server and information on the latest node structure that is identified and defined in the cookbook will be sent to the failed nodes if that fails to reset the nodes then the workstation is notified and you as the administrator will receive a notification to manually reset those nodes it should be noted that this is a very rare occasion within the chef network setup so let's step through a use case and this instance we're going to look at holum and how they used Chef so um holum is a bank and it's the largest bank in Israel and they have a mixture of Linux and windows servers that they have to maintain and as you can imagine this requires a lot of constant configuration and work and this has led to issues in the past so the challenge that the team apum faced was creating and hardening software that ran the major tasks and was repeatable on those servers that it didn't matter who the people were forming the jobs that there was consistency in the work that was being done and address the problem that the servers including the hardware on the servers was not cons consistent throughout the organization Chef addresses those specific problems and became the go-to product for holum they were able to write the recipes and the cookbooks that could be deployed out to the network effectively and it didn't matter what the system was the recipes reflected the standards that the system administration team put together and they were able to ensure and test each script and use standard testing tools for those scripts it didn't matter what kind of environment that holum had if certain ports need to be closed or if a f wall needs to be uh installed or modified or if custom strong passwords had to be created all of this could be done using the recipes that Chef offers and once those recipes had been finalized they could be packaged into a common cookbook that could then be deployed to the entire network ensuring a consistent see in results for the company and also it didn't matter whether the cookbooks were being deployed to Linux or Windows machine because the scripts were being put together in the recipes and were written in Ruby you could actually go through an update and modify those scripts depending on the environment so if you needed to make a modification for Linux you could make those modifications so they were consistent across all the Linux servers or all the windows servers and this really drove in the ability to harden and secure the environment in the entire network within a matter of minutes using Chef versus the days and weeks that it previously took so if we take a before an after scenario using Chef before Chef tasks were repeated multiple times and it was just hard to keep track of all the people doing the work and the reality is because so many people were touching all the different systems specific standards the banks had established were simply not being met after Chef all of the tasks could be scripted using Ruby and using the recipe and cookbook model that Chef has created the chef tool was able to deploy out to the entire network specific cookbooks that provided a consistent experience and consistent setup and operation environment for all the hardware the end result is is that the system administration team could guarantee that the standards of the bank were being met consistently we're going to focus specifically on puppet so in this session what we're going to do is we're going to cover what and why you would use puppet what are the different elements and components of puppet and how does it actually work and then we'll look into the companies that are adopting puppet and what are the advantages that they have now received by having puppet within their organization and finally we'll wrap things up by reviewing how you can actually write a manifest in puppet so let's get started so why puppet so here is a scenario that as an administrator you may already be familiar with you as an administrator have multiple servers that you have to work with and manage so what happens when a server goes down it's not a problem you can jump onto that server and you can fix it but what if the scenario changes and you have multiple servers going down so here is where PU shows its strap with puppets all you have to do is write a simple script that can be written with Ruby and write out and deploy to the servers your settings for each of those servers the code gets pushed out and to the servers that are in having problems and then you can choose to either roll back to those servers to their previous working States or set them to a new state and do all of this in a matter of seconds and it doesn't matter how large your server environment is is you can reach to all of these servers your environment is secure you're able to deploy your software and you're able to do this all through infrastructure as code which is the advanced devops model for building out Solutions so let's dig deeper into what puppet actually is so puppet is a configuration management tool maybe similar tools like Chef that you may already be familiar with it ensures that all your systems are configured to a desired and predictable State pu can also be used as a deployment tool for software automatically you can deploy your software to all of your systems or to specific systems and this is all done with code this means you can test the environment and you can have a guarantee that the environment you want is written and deployed accurately so let's go through those components of puppet so here we have a breakdown of the puppet environment and on the top we have the main server Environ enironment and then below that we have the client environment that would be installed on each of the servers that would be running within your network so if we look at the top part of the screen we have here our puppet master store which has and contains our main configuration files and those are comprise of manifests that are actual codes for configuring the clients we have templates that combine our codes together to render a final document and you have files that will be deployed as content that could be potentially downloaded by the clients wrapping this all together is a module of manifest templates and files you would apply a certificate authority to sign the actual documents so that the clients actually know that they're receiving the appropriate and authorized modules outside of the master server where You' create your manifest templates and files you would have public client is a piece of software that is used to configure a specific machine there are two parts to the one is the agent that constantly interacts with the master server to ensure that the certificates are being updated appropriately and then you have the fact of that the current state of the client that is used and communicated back to through the agent so let's step through the workings of puppet so the puppet environment is a Master Slave architecture the clients themselves are distributed across your network and they are constantly communicating back to a Master server environment where you have your puppet module the client agent sends a certificate with the ID of that server back to the master and then the master will then sign that certificate and send it back to the client and this authentication allows for a secure and verifiable communication between client and master the factor then collects the state of the client and sends that to the master based on the facts sent back the master then compiles manifests into the cataloges and those cataloges are sent back to the clients and an agent on the client will then initiate the catalog a report is generated by the client that describes any changes that have been made and sends that back to the master with the goal here of ensuring that the master has full understanding of the hardware running software in your network this process is repeated at regular interos ensuring all client systems are up to date so let's have a look at companies that are using puppet today there are a number of companies that have adopted puppet as a way to manage their infrastructure so companies that are using puppet today include Spotify Google AT&T so why are these companies choosing to use puppet as their main configuration management tool the answer can be seen if we look at a specific company Staples so Staples chose to take and use puppet for their configuration management tour and use it within their own private Cloud the results were dramatic the amount of time that the it organized ation was able to save in deploying and managing their infrastructure through using puppet enabled them to open up time to allow them to experiment with other and new projects and assignments a real tangible benefit to a company so let's look at how you write a manifest in puppet so so manifests are designed for writing out in code how you would configure a specific node in your server environment the manifestor compiled into catalogs which are then executed on the client each of the manifests are written in the language of Ruby with a PP extension and if we step through the five key steps for writing a manifest they are one create your manifest and that is written by the system administrator two compile your manifest and it's compiled into a catalog three deploy the catalog is then deployed onto the clients for execute the catalogs are run on the the client by the agent and then five end clients are configured to a specific and desired state if we actually look into how manifest is written it's written with a very common syntax if you've done any work with Ruby or really configuration of systems in the past this may look very familiar to you so we break out um the work that we have here you start off with a package file or service as your resource type and then you give it a name and then you look at the features that need to be set such as IP ke address then you're actually looking to have a command written such as present or start the Manifest can contain multiple resource types if we continue to write our manifest and puppet the default keyword applies a manifest to all clients so an example would be to create a file path that creates a folder called sample in a main folder called Etc the specified content is written into a file that is then posted into that folder and then we're going to say we want to be able to trigger an Apache service and then ensure that that Apache service is installed on a node so we write the Manifest and we deploy it to a client machine on that client machine a new folder will be created with a file in that folder and an Apache server will be installed you can do this to any machine and you'll have exactly the same results on those machines so first we'll see the career with Cloud associate Cloud engineer leave the server X behind and Venture into the dynamic world of cloud Computing the perfect moment has arrived and now let's talk about what this certification means for you your associate Cloud engineer certification is like a bon signaling to prospective employers your progress in Google Cloud as an associate Cloud engineer you will be adapt at deploying and securing applications and infrastructure you will maintain Enterprise solutions to meet performance standards and keep a watchful eye on the operations of multiple Cloud projects but that's not all associate Cloud Engineers also prove their Mastery in using the Google Cloud console and command line interface you will effortlessly manage and scale Cloud Solutions leveraging Google managed or self-managed services on Google cloud and many of our peers once dwell in the own premises realm meticulously setting up servers now they're prepared to level up their skills for the cloud era the associate Cloud engineer certification is your stepping stone to a flourishing it career so picture yourself as a cloud developer architect security engineer systems engineer or network engineer the possibilities are endless so let's get started with the benefits of doing gcp AC so the first benefit you can gain by acing this certification is you will have the membership to Google credential holder portal so I will show you so this is the Google Cloud certified directory here you can find all the people who have cleared this certification and you can just click on the LinkedIn profile and see you what skills they process and you have other filters also that is you can search by the credentials locations or skills so this is the first benefit of doing gcp AC now moving back the second benefit is exposure to all gcp services while preparation will boost your confidence and then this will set a good foundation for professional architect exam and Google certification and badge to be used in your profile for visibility that will uphold your profile and will gain you many opportunities and now we'll see steps what you can follow to Ace the gcp AC certification exam so before we dive in it's essential to grasp the exam structure the Google associate Cloud engineer certification exam consists of 50 multiple choice questions and you have a total of two hours to complete it a passing score requires at least 70% correctness this exam evaluates your knowledge of Google Cloud platform Services basic networking Concepts and cloud computing fundamentals and the recommended experience for this certification is 6 Plus months and the prerequisites are none for this certification exam and the link to register for this exam I will mention that link in the description box below and I will show you the link also so this is the link here you have to go and make your profile if you don't have an account and after that you can log in so this is here where you will register for the exam and moving back now we'll see the step two that is getting familiar with gcp so to succeed you need to become best friends with Google Cloud platform luckily Google offers a free tire that allows you to explore gcps product and services without cost and don't forget about the comprehensive gcp documentation it's your treasure throve of insights into various services and functionalities so you can just go to the documentation and read it and the third is enroll in a course or training program so education is the key here enroll in a course or training program tailored to the Google associate Cloud engineer exam the simply learn CCH cloud computing boot camp course lets you master key architectural principles and develop the skills needed to become a cloud expert and provides in-depth coverage of exam topics or if you prefer hands-on experience the associate Cloud engineer exam prep Quest from quickls is a great choice and I will mention the link for the boot camp in the description box you can go there and you can enroll in a course or training program to Ace the preparation and now the step four take practice test sharpen your skills with practice test Google Cloud offers official practice test for purchase which give you a real feel for the exam environment Cloud Guru and Wiz laabs also provide valuable practice exams and if you're budget conscious exam Labs offer free practice test and now moving on to the step five review exam objectives and resources so stay focused by reviewing the exam objectives outlined by by Google Cloud these guides serve as your road map to success dive deep into Google Cloud's documentation and white papers for additional study materials don't forget to engage with the Google Cloud community on Reddit for valuable insights and tips and now talking about the cabus I will move to the website directly only so this is the cabus for Google Cloud architect so here you will learn and you should know the setting up a Cloud solution environment for setting up organization resources that is then you should have a knowledge on planning and configuring a Cloud solution deploying an implementing a Cloud solution and ensuring successful operation of a Cloud solution so these all are the things that are covered in the cabus so you should have a hands on that as I told you about the boot camp so all these labus topics are covered in that boot camp or the postgraduate program that I mentioned in the starting so if you want to a that program you can just under role in the course or training program and now moving back now we'll just have a look at the tips to a this exam so the first tiep is book the exam in advance before starting preparation so you don't miss out and the second tip is practice practice and practice that will help you clear that certification and the third tip is start the exam with relaxed mind and take poses after five questions each time that really helps and then we have the four tip that is understand intention of question look for keywords in questions and answers and the tip five while choosing options focus on available option do not worry about perfect answer and there you have a tech explorers your gateway to a cloud powered future awaits the cloud engineer learning path crowned by the revamp preparing for the associate Cloud engineer certification course is a compass to steer your career toward New Horizons certifications are the passport to a successful career in the ever evolving world world of technology they validate your expertise in essential devop practices tools and principles these certifications not only boost your credibility but also open doors to a creative job opportunities with salaries reaching up to $18,000 per year in the United States in this video we will be discussing top four devop certifications that you must enroll if you actually want to gain knowledge and make a successful career in the devops field the topics that we will be covering are are first why devops then skills of devops professionals and then the top certifications for devops stay tuned till the end of this video if you want to have a look at those certifications also before we begin make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and press the Bell icon to never miss an update from Simply learn now let's start with the first topic which is why devops so in 2024 devops is more important than ever because it helps teams work together smoothly making software develop velopment and it operations faster and more efficient think of it as teamwork for technology with the world relying on Digital Services we need to deliver software quickly and reliably devops make this happen by bringing development and ID operation closer they communicate better share ideas and use tools to automate tasks this means fewer errors faster fixes and happier customers learning devops in 2024 is necessary because it offers numerous benefits in the rapidly evolving Tech landscape firstly devops practices enable organization to deliver software faster ensuring they stay competitive in the market secondly devops Fosters collaboration and communication between development and operation teams leading to improved efficiency and reduced errors thirdly automation plays a crucial role in devops allowing teams to streamline process and focus on Innovation fourth devop skills are highly sought after by employers providing excellent career opportunities all right so this was about why devops now let's have a look at the skills of devops professional so being a devops professional requires a diverse set of technical skills to bridge the gap between development and operations here are some of the skills of devops professional first containerization Mastery of containerization Technologies such as Docker is essential containers make it easy to package and deploy applications consistently across different environments next is orchest isation tools proficiency in container or clusterization tools like kubernetes is important these tools manage the deployment scaling and maintenance of containerized applications next is scripting and coding skills Proficiency in scripting languages like python Ruby or shell scripting is crucial devops professionals often write scripts to automate tasks and processes Version Control understanding and using Version Control Systems like git is essential it helps track changes in code and collaborate effectively with team members next is continuous integration and continuous deployment that is cicd knowledge of cicd tools like Jenkins Travis Ci or Circle CI is key these tools automate buildings testing and deploying software ensuring rapid and reliable releases next is cloud platforms expertise in Cloud platforms like AWS Azure or Google cloud is essential for scalable and flexible infrastructure management so this was about the skills of a devops professional now let's discuss the certifications that is the top certifications so the first certification on the list is professional certificate program in cloud computing and devops the professional certificate program in cloud computing and devops offered by simply learn is an exciting opportunity for anyone looking to gain valuable skills and tools in the world of cloud computing and devops this course is in partnership with E and ICT Academy I guati this comprehensive program covers a wide range of technical skills and tools that are in high demand in the IT industry it combines the power of cloud computing with efficiency of devops to create a well-rounded skill set in this course you will learn about Cloud platforms like AWS and Azure which are the backbone of Mod 19 infrastructure you will discover how to deploy and manage applications on these platforms ensuring scalability and cost efficiency this is AK to mastering the tools that Architects use to construct sturdy and adaptable buildings the devops component of the program equips you with essential skills such as continuous integration and continuous deployment cicd automation containerization with Docker and configuration management with tools like anible it's like having a toolkit that streamlines the software development and deployment process making it faster and more reliable by completing this program you will be well prepared to excel in rules where cloud computing and devops expertise are essential it's a pathway to promising career and a chance to become a proficient in the skills and tools that are shaping the future of the IT industry all right so this was about professional certificate program in cloud computing in devops now coming to the next one that is devops engineer Masters program so introducing our devops engineer training Masters program your gateway into a thriving career in devops Technologies this comprehensive course equips you with the technical skills and tools essential for deploying managing and monitoring Cloud applications in this devops engineer course you will delve into the deployment methodologies cicd pipelines all while mastering a robust arsenal of devops tools such as git Docker Jenkins and more think of it as a toolbox packed with the latest most powerful equipment for your Tech Journey our program offers 120 plus live classes instructor-led online classes ensuring you learn directly from the industry experts additionally you will gain access to 90 Plus hours of high quality e-learning real life case studies chapter and quizzes and simulation exams making your learning experience rich and handsome but it doesn't stop there you'll also become a part of Vibrant Community moderated by devops expert where you can share insights and grow together so if you are ready to embark on a career in devops do enroll for this program so this was about devops engineers Masters program now coming to the next certification that is postgraduate program in devops so this postgraduate program in devops is a dynamic collaboration with celtech ctme designed to elevate your skills and align you with the industry benchmarks this program is your gateway to a world of opportunities where you will gain expertise through our Innovative Blended learning approach this course offers live online devop certification classes that are complemented by immersive interactive Labs these Hands-On Labs provide you with the The Real World Experience setting you on the path to earning a prestigious Caltech ctme postgraduate certificate enrolling in simply learns devops course also grants you access to our exclusive job assist program facilitating your transition into the professional World Additionally you will work on 20 plus life I repeat Additionally you will work on 20 plus real life projects in integrated labs and culminate your journey with a Capstone project in three crucial domains this course offers essential skills including devops methodology continuous integration and continuous delivery configuration management and containerization the best part is prior work experience is not mandatory if you hold a bachelor degree with an average of 50% or higher marks whether from a programming or non-programming background you're eligible to join the transformative learning experience so this was about this post-graduate program in devops now let's move on and have a look at the next certification of devops that is aure devops Solutions expert embark on a transformative Journey towards becoming an industry ready professional with the Azure devop Solutions expert Masters program this comprehensive course is your gateway to a flourishing career in the dynamic cloud and devops Industry in this program or in this certification you will Master the art of working smarter collaborating efficiently and delivering faster results using The Cutting Edge array of modern development services you will be armed with the Knowledge and Skills that employers in the industry truly value what sets this program apart is the industry recognized certification you will earn upon successful completion ATT Testament to your expertise so for all the courses that we have now discussed you will get a certification for that all right now what makes this learning experience exceptional is the opportunity to learn from leading industry experts who have created the course content to ensure a directly applicability in the real world you'll not only gain knowledge but also work on the the Practical projects backed by our network of Industry partners and their Career Services job assistance Services personalized CV building career Affairs and interview preparation make your transition into roles like Azure pipeline Azure container Azure storage smoother whether you're a fresh graduate eager to make your mark or a professional looking to Pivot into the exciting field of cloud security this program open doors to a world of possibilities in the cloud and devops Landscape so this was about the Azure devop Solutions exper as you explore the vast landscape of devops and cloud computing certifications remember that your journey towards expertise is a professional one each certifications like I gu professional certificate in cloud computing and devops devops engineer Masters program postgraduate programming devops and Azure devop solution expert offers a unique path to earning your skills whichever you choose know that your commitment to learning and growth will open doors to a world of opportunities in this exciting and evolving field the industry so in this explanation of the top 10 devops projects we'll delve into the innovative solutions and tools that are catalyzing progress from Automation and containerization to continuous integration and deployment these projects not only facilitate agility but also Drive excellence in software delivery ensuring that devops remains at the Forefront of modern technology so join us as we embark on a journey through the most influential Dev initiatives offer time with that said if these are the types of videos you would like to watch then hit that subscribe button and the bell icon to get notifi and if you are a professional with minimum one year of experience and an aspiring devops engineer looking for online training and certifications from prestigious universities and in collaboration with leading experts then search no simply learns postgraduate program in devops from CCH University in collaboration with the IBM should be your right choice for more details use the link mentioned in the description box below so let's start with why are devop skills crucial understanding devops is vital for optimizing the software development life cycle devops Engineers need to master several key skills lenux proficiency many firms prefer Linux for hosting apps and managing configuration systems it's essential for devops engineers to be well wored in Linux as it's the foundation of tools like chef anible and puppet continuous integration and continuous delivery CI ensures teams collaborate using a single version control system while CD automates design testing and release improving efficiency and reducing errors number three infrastructure as code automation scripts provide Swift access to necessary infrastructure a critical aspect with containerization and Cloud Technologies ISC manages configuration executes commands and swiftly deploys application infrastructure configuration management tracking software and operating system configurations ensures consistency across servers tools like anible chef and puet simplify this process making it efficient at number five we have automation devops aims for minimal human intervention maximizing efficiency familiarity with automation tools like dreel git jenin and Docker is essential for devops and genius so these tools streamline development processes and enhance productivity moving on to the first project of the day we have unlocking efficient of Java application with griddle Meet gridle The Versatile build automation tool transcending platforms and languages this project helps you start on a journey of Java application creation breaking it into modular sub projects and more the main aim of this project is to help you master project initiation as a Java application adaptly build it and generate meticulous test reports you will be well versed in running Java applications crafting archives and elevating your Java development Pro so dive in to transform your coding skills with grle the source code for this project is linked in the description box below moving on to project number two unlock robust applications with Docker for web servers Docker the go-to container technology revolutionizes services and app hosting by virtualizing operating systems and crafting Nimble containers this project focuses on creating a universal base image and helping you collaborate with fellow developers in diverse production Landscapes you will be dealing with taking web apps foundations in Python Ruby and Meo so Master this project and you will yield Docker file efficiency like a pro slashing build times and simplifying setups so say goodbye to lendy docka file creation and resource heavy downloads the source code for this project is also mentioned in the description box below so don't forget to check out moving on to project number three we have Master cicd pipelines using Azure in this Azure project we harness Azure devops to create efficient cicd pipelines this project mainly focuses on leveraging Azure devops project we deploy applications seamlessly across Azure services like app service virtual machines and Azure kuber service or AKs utilizing azure's devop stter we set up sample code explore pre-configured cicd pipelines commit code changes and initiate cicd work flows additionally we F tune monitoring with aure application insight for enhanced performance insights the source code for this project is also mentioned in the description box below moving on to the next project elevating Jenkins communication the remoting project the Jenkins remoting project is all about enhancing Jenkins communication capabilities it's an Endeavor to bolster the Jenkins remoting Library creating a robust communication layer this project incorporates a spectrum of features from TCP protocols to efficient data streaming and procedure calls as a part of this project you will start on the exciting journey of making Jenkins remoting compatible with bus Technologies like active mq and rabbit mq to succeed in this project a strong grasp of networking fundamentals Java and message cues is your Arsen div in and join us in elevating the way Jenkins communicates with the world check out the link mentioned in the description box below for the source code moving on to project number five automated web application deployment with AWS your CD pipeline project in this project you will create a seamless continuous delivery pipeline for a compact web application your journey begins with the source code management through a Version Control System next discover the art of configuring a CED pipeline enabling automatic web application deployment whenever your source code under goes changes embracing the power of GitHub AWS elastic be stock AWS code build and AWS code pipeline this project is your gateway to streamline efficient software delivery the source code for this project is linked in the description box below moving on to the next project containerized web app deployment on gke scaling with Docker this project will help you discover the power of containerization with this project you will learn how to package a web application as a Docker container image and deploy it on a Google kubernetes engine or gke cluster you can watch your app scale effortlessly to meet user demands this Hands-On projects cover packaging your web app into a Docker image uploading it to effect effect registry creating a gke cluster managing autoscaling exposing your app to the world and seamlessly deploying newer versions you get to unlock the world of efficient scalable web app deployment on gke the source code for this project is linked in the description box below moving on to project number seven mastering Version Control with kit in a world of software development mastering a version control system is Paramount version controlling enables you for code tracking version comp comparison seamless switching between versions and collaborating among developers your journey in this project will begin with the fundamental art of saving code in a VCS taking the scenic route to set up a repository you can then start on a quest through code history and reving the mysteries of version navigation navigating through branching a deceptively intricate task is next on your path by the end of this project you will be fully equipped to conquer git one of the most powerful version control system tools in the Developers Arsenal the source code for this project is mentioned in the description box below moving on to the next project effortless deployment running applications with kubernetes the major focus of this project is to help you harness a straightforward web service that handles user messages EK to a voicemail system for leaving messages your mission you ask you get to deploy this application seamlessly with kubernetes then dockerize it by mastering this fundamental step you will unlock the power to run your application in Docker containers simplifying the deployment process the source code for this project is mentioned in the description box below so don't forget to check it out moving on to the project number nine mastering terraform project structure this project will help you maintain and extend the efficiency of terraform projects in everyday operations a well structured approach is essential this project unveils the art of organizing terraform projects based on their purpose and complexity so harness the power of key terraform features including ining variables data sources provisionals and locals to craft a streamline project structure by the end your project will effortlessly deploy an Ubuntu 20.04 server on digital ocean configure an Apache web server and seamlessly Point your domain to it level up your tform game with proper project structuring and practical application check out the link mentioned in the description box below for this s code moving on to the last project of the day we have efficient selenium project development and and execution in the world of test automation selenium projects play a pivotal role they enable seamless test execution report analysis and Bug reporting this proficiency not only accelerates product delivery but also elevates client Satisfaction by the end of this project you will Master the art of building selenium projects whether through a Java project or a maven project showcasing your ability to deliver high quality results efficiently check out the link mentioned in the description box below for the source code through this project understand what is devops devops is like a teamwork approach for making computer programs better and faster it combines the work of software developers and operation team the goal is to help them work together and use tools that speed up the process and make fewer mistakes they also keep an eye on the programs and fix problems early This Way businesses can release programs faster with few errors and everyone works better together if you want to learn more about this then check postgraduate program in devops to understand from the basics to advanced concepts this post-graduate program in devops is crafted in partnership with Caltech ctme this comprehensive course aligns your expertise with industry benchmarks experience are Innovative Blended learning merging live online daop certification sessions with immersive labs for practical Mastery Advance your career with Hands-On training that meets industry demands all right now let's move on to the first question of devops interview question which is what do you know about devops so think of a devops like teamwork in the IT world it's become really important because it helps teams work together smoothly to make computer programs faster and with few mistakes imagine a soccer team everyone works together to win the game devops is similar it's when computer developers and operations people team up to make software better they start working together from the beginning when they plan what the software will be like until they finish and put it out for people to use this Teamwork Makes sure things go well and the software works great so this was about devops now moving on to the second question which is how is devops different from agile methodology devops is like a teamwork culture where the people who create the software and the people who make it work smoothly join forces this helps in always improving and updating the software without any big breaks agile is a way of making softwares that's like taking small steps towards instead of big jumps it's about releasing small parts of the software quickly and getting feedback from the users this helps in solving any issues or differences between what users want and what developers are making so you can answer this question in this way all right moving on to the third question which is what are the ways in which a build can be scheduled SL run in genkins so as you can see there are four ways by source code management commits second is after the completion of other builds third is schedule to run at a specified time and fourth one is manual belt requests so if the interviewer asks then you can answer these four ways in which a Bel can be scheduled in Jenkins all right now the fourth question is what are the different phases in devops so the various phases of devops life cycle are as follows so as you can see first is plan so initially there should be a plan for the type of application that needs to be developed getting of picture of the development process is always a good idea then code the application is coded as per the end user requirements then there is build build the application by integrating various codes formed in previous steps after that there is test this is the most crucial step of the application development test the application and rebuild if necessary then there is integrate so multiple codes from different programmers are integrated into one after integrate there is is deploy so code is deployed into a cloud environment for further usage it is ensured that any new changes do not affect the functioning of a hight traffic website after that there is operate so operations are performed on the code if required then there is Monitor application performance is monitored changes are made to meet the end user requirements so these all were the different phases of devops and here we have explained each one of these you can go through it and if the interviewer have asked you this question you can answer it in a similar way all right now moving on to the next question which is mention some of the core benefits of devops so the core benefits of devops are as follows first of all we'll say technical benefits first technical benefit of devops is continuous software delivery then second is less complex problems to manage third is early detection and faster correction of defects then here comes the business man benefits the first benefit of devops that is business benefit of devops is faster delivery of features so it allows faster delivery of features then there is stable operation environment then third one is improved communication and collaboration between the teams so these were the business benefits so here we have discussed both technical benefits and business benefits all right now the next question is how will you approach a project that needs to implement devops so here are the simpler terms here's how we can bring devops into a specific project using these Steps step one would be first we look at how things are currently done and figure out where we can make them better this makes about 2 to 3 weeks then we can plan for what changes to make then step two would be we create a small test to show that our plan works when everyone agrees with it we can start making the real changes and put the plan into action then third step would be we are all all set to actually use devops we do things like keeping track of different versions of our work putting everything together testing it and making it available to the users we also watch How It's Working to make sure everything goes smoothly by doing these steps right the keeping track of changes putting everything together testing and watching how it's going we are all set to use devops in our project so this is how you can approach a project that needs to implement in devops and this is how you can answer this question all right moving on to the question number seven which is what is the difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment all right so first would be continuous delivery so it ensures code can be safely deployed on production whereas continuous deployment here every change that passes the automated test is deployed to production automatically then in continuous delivery it ensures business applications and services functions as expected whereas in continuous deployment it makes software development and the release process faster and more robust in continuous delivery delivers every change to a production like environment through rigorous and automa testing whereas in continuous deployment there is no explicit approval from a developer and requires a developed culture of monitoring so these were the three points that you can highlight while differentiating between continuous delivery and continuous deploy reyment all right so this was the question number seven now moving on to the question number eight which is name three security mechanisms of Jenkins uses to authenticate users so here we have to name three security mechanisms first one would be genkins uses an internal database to store user data and credentials second is genkins can use the lightweight directory access protocol that is ldap server to authenticate users third one is genin can be configured to employ the authentication mechanism that the deployed application server uses so these were the three mechanisms that genen uses to authenticate users all right now moving on to the question number nine which is how does continuous monitoring help you maintain the entire architecture of the system so continuous monitoring within devops involves the ongoing identification detection and reporting of any anomalies or security risk across the entire system infrastructure it guarantees the proper functioning of services applications and resources on servers by overseeing server statuses it accesses the accuracy of application operations this practice also facilitates uninterrupted audits transaction scrutiny and regulated surveillance so this was about the question number nine that was how does continuous monitoring help you maintain the entire architecture of the system now moving on to the question number 10 which is what is the role of AWS in devops so in the realm of devops AWS assumes several rules first one would be adaptable services so it offers adaptable pre-configured Services eliminating the necessity for software installation or configuration second one is designed for expansion whether managing one instance or expanding to th000 AWS Services accommodate seamless scalability then there is automated operations AWS owers task and process automation freeing up valuable time for inventing Pursuits the next one is enhanced security AWS identity and accesses management that is IM am allows precise user permissions and policy establishment then the last one is extensive partner Network so AWS Fosters a vast partner Network that integrates with and enhances its service offerings so these were the role of awf in the realm of devops all right now moving on to the question number 11 name three important devops kpis the three important important kpis are as follows first one is meantime to failure recovery this is the average time taken to recover from a failure second K is deployment frequency the frequency in which the deployment occurs is called deployment frequency third one is percentage of failed deployments the number of times the deployment fails is called percentage of failed deployments so these were the three important devops kpis this question can also be asked all right move moving on to question number 12 which is how is IAC implemented using AWS so commence by discussing traditional methods involving scripting commands into files followed by testing in isolated environments prior to deployment notice how this practice is giving way to infrastructure as code IAC comparable to code for various Services IAC AED by AWS empowers developers to craft accesses and manage infrastructure components Des descriptively utilizing formats like Json or yl this Fosters streamlined development and expeditious implementation of alterations in infrastructure all right now moving on to question number 13 which is describe the branching strategies you have used they'll ask you this question so to test our knowledge the purpose of branching and our experience of branching at a past job this question is usually asked so here we will discuss topics that can help you answering this devops interview question so release branching we can clone the develop Branch to create a release Branch once it has enough functionality for a release this Branch kicks off the next release cycle th no new features can be contributed Beyond this point the things that can be contributed are documentation generation bug fixing and other release related tasks the release is merged into master and given a version number once it is ready to ship it should also be merged back into the development branch which may have evolved since the initial release so this was the first one then there is feature branching this branching model maintains all modifications for a specific feature contained within a branch the branch gets merged into Master once the feature has been completely tested and approved by using test that are automated then the third branching is Task branching in this branching model every task is implemented in its respective Branch the task key is mentioned in the branch name we need to Simply look at the task key in the branch name to discover which code implements which tasks so these were the branching strategies that you can say that you have used or if you have really used it otherwise you can say something else all right moving on to question number 14 which is can you explain the shift left to reduce failure Concept in devops so shifting left within the devops framework is a concept aimed to enhance security for performance and related aspect effects to illustrate consider the entity of divers processes currently security valuations occur before the deployment stage by employing the left ship approach we can introduce security measures during the earlier development phase denoted as the left this integration spans on multiple phases and compens pre-development and testing not confined to development alone this holistic integration is likely to elevate security measures by identifying vulnerabilities at initial stage leading to a more fortified overall process now moving on to the question number 15 which is what is blue/ te deployment pattern so this approach involves seamless deployment aimed at minimizing downtime it entails shifting traffic from one instance to another requiring the replacement of outdating code and a new version to integrate fresh code the updated version resides in a green environment while the older one remains in a blue environment after modifying the existing version a new instance is generated from the old one to execute the updated instance ensuring a smoother transition so the main focus of this approach is smooth deployment all right so this was question number 15 now moving on to the question number 16 which is what is continuous testing so continuous testing involves the automated execution of tests within the software delivery pipeline offerings immediate insights into potential business risk within the latest release by seamlessly integrating testing into every stage of the software develop Li I repeat by seamlessly integrating testing into the every stage of software delivery life cycle continuous testing minimizes issues during transition phases and empowers development teams and instant feedback this approach accelerates developer efficiency by obtaining the need to rerun all test after each update and project rebuild culminating in notable gains in speed and productivity so this was about continuous testing now moving on to question number 17 what are the benefits of automation testing so some of the benefits of automation testing includes first it helps to save money and time second is unattended execution can be easily done third one is huge test matrices can be easily tested the next one is parallel execution is enabled then there is reduced human generated errors which results in improved accuracy and last one is repeated test task execution is supported so these are the benefits of automation testing coming to question number 18 which is what is a Docker file used for so a Docker file is used for creating Docker images using the build command with a Docker image any user can can run the code to create Docker containers once Docker image is built it's uploaded in Docker registry from the docker registry users can get the docker image and build new containers whenever they want so this is what Docker file is used for coming to question number 19 which is what is the process for reverting a commit that has already been pushed and made public so there are two ways to do that to revert a commit so first what be remove or fix the bad file in a new commit and push it to the remote repository then commit it to the remote repository using get commit minus M commit message again get commit minus M commit message so this is the first way then second is create a new commit that undos all the changes that were made in the bad comment then use the command get rever commit ID as you can see in the screen First Command also and the second command also the second command says get revert commit ID commit ID you'll have to put the commit ID all right so question number 19 this was now moving on to the last question which is question number 20 how do you find a list of files that have been changed in a particular comment so the answer would be the command to get a list of files that have been changed in a particular comit is get diff tree minus r then there is commit hash so this command as you can see on the screen get diff 3 minus r commit hash you can put it then example is also there like commit hash 87 e 6735 F2 1B so this is example as you can see on the screen then there is minus r flag instruct so the command to list individual files and commit hash will list list all the files that were changed to or added in that commit so there's telling about the as we can see minus r functionality minus r is a flag that instructs the command to list individual files and commit hash will list all the files that were changed or added in that comment so these are the top 20 devops interview questions that you must understand if you're planning to give a devops interview so in this video we have explored key Concepts methodologies and best practices that are crucial in fostering collaboration between development and operations teams by understanding the principles discussed here you are well equipped to navigate the dynamic landscape of devops and drive successful software delivery as we wrap up this devops full course for 2024 we hope you have gain valuable insights and skills to thrive in today's Tech landscape you have found this content helpful don't forget to like share and subscribe for more enriching Tech tutorials your feedback is crucial so drop your thoughts in the comment section below stay connected for the latest updates and remember the future of tech starts with continuous learning thanks for joining us on this journey and we look forward to seeing you in the next video staying ahead in your career requires continuous learning and upskilling whether you're a student aiming to learn today's top skills or a working professional looking to advance your career we've got you covered explore our impressive catalog of certification programs in cuttingedge domains and including data science cloud computing cyber security AI machine learning or digital marketing designed in collaboration with leading universities and top corporations and delivered by industry experts choose any of our programs and set yourself on the path to Career Success click the link in the description to 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