Transcript for:
Identifying Fake Christianity Signs

[Music] it's about to get intense in here guys because I'm about to give you three signs you are a fake Christian and just get ready for number three because trust me you're not ready for the last one it's going to blow your mind most people have not thought about this guys but I prayed about all three of these things and the spirit revealed to me clearly these three signs and how they're definite evidence that you're most likely a fake Christian and you might not even really be saved you just claim to be but yeah guys I know that less than 10% of you will actually watch this video to the very end to find out how you can be a real Christan a real follower of Jesus and fully surrendered to him are you one of those few with that being said let's get straight into this one [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't be alarmed guys uh most Christians are very fake most Christians are there's a the majority of Christians I really believe are probably not even saved guys I'm going to be real with you I know that's a bold harsh statement but it's true it's just true when you read the Bible you just realize you realize most people guys they just believe in something they know nothing about they're not living for Jesus and I just want to expose the TR I just want to expose the works of darkness in this video I just want you guys to know the truth I want you to be saved okay I want you to be saved I want you to follow Jesus I don't want you to just be part of the crowds right the crowds guys inside of the Bible they weren saved but the people like the disciples that really follow Jesus put their faith in him and you know sacrifice everything for him those are the people that were saved the people who Jesus appointed as great ministers and leaders later on in their life who were going to do incredible things and have still impact every single generation today so I'm not here to waste your time guys let's get straight into this number one the number one sign you're a fake Christian is going to be the people in your life do not know you are a Christian this is huge guys is this huge I've noticed this with so many Christians guys at their workplace at their school their their job the places they go nobody knows they're a Christian nobody everyone just I mean if you heard they're a Christian you'd be shocked you're like what you you're a Christian if the people around you are totally unaware that you are a Christian and aren't seeing a difference in you right they're not seeing you Minister they're not seeing you be bold and share your faith you're not sharing your faith with them right and that's a very obvious sign to me that you're not a real Christian because Jesus died for you and was publicly humiliated for you A lot of people and Christians think that they walk with Jesus is supposed to be private but it's actually supposed to be very public Jesus died for you publicly publicly humiliated for you the disciples publicly humiliated for Jesus we're called to do the same thing guys we're called to publicly express our faith and a lot of people have this whole idea in their mind and it's just so much like other religions like Buddhism you're going to notice Islam you're going to notice all these other religions Hinduism these people right they don't share their faith they're ashamed of the the the gods that they worshiped they're ashamed of what they believe and I hate to be real but a lot of you are ashamed of Jesus if you weren't ashamed of him right if it were it's a power of Salvation it should be the most important thing in your life you should be reflecting that in a daily you should be publicly expressing your faith telling people about Jesus you should be getting over your fear your insecurities right because the Bible says your mind becomes renewed once you believe in Jesus the Same holy ghost that raised Jesus from the dead is inside of you so guys if you're a real Christian the people in your life the people your job the people at your school they should know that for a fact I mean Jesus said be the light of the world right you're the salt of the earth he didn't say you're the salt of the church or be the light of the church just on Sunday mornings okay it's easy to fellowship and talk about the things of God on Sunday mornings but how many of you guys are actually being the light of the world and sharing your faith and expressing your beliefs to other people people should see a difference in you in your character the way you act the way you work the way you operate you sharing the gospel there should be obvious signs that you're a Christian okay if not then there's a good chance you're fake Christian number two your secret life is not around God this is a major one guys this is this is real your secret life is the most important part of your life okay I remember before I was Radical and on fire for God my secret life consisted of me wasting time like nine to you know 5 to 9 hours a day on video games right watching TV um talking to friends when I'm bored going into my room and sinning against God okay like my secret life was pretty messed up all right and this your secret life is going to be the most important thing inside of your entire life because everything you do in secret is going to affect what happens in your open life okay so this kind of this kind of like bounces from number from number one guys because you right a lot of you aren't sharing your faith in public because your secret life is so messed up okay and when I say secret life I'm talking about the things you do alone when no one else is around you your friends aren't around you your family's not around you no one's around you it's just you and God okay so your secret life should consist of you in prayer it should consist of you inside the Bible you thinking about the things of God researching the things of God studying him seeking him right seeking him for hours not just like 5 minute sessions before bed and when you wake up in the morning I'm talking about truly making God the biggest priority in your life fitting your entire schedule around him right your secret life should not be you and sexual morality you inside of sin you looking at things you shouldn't be you scrolling you on video games you wasting time okay that's called a polluted devilish secret life and that's what the devil does he tries to contort your secret life a lot of you are like well I'm too bored to spend time with God that shows that there's Idols in your life you need to cut out okay your secret life should be a reflection of of your love for God okay so when no one else is watching you that's a perfect time for you to pray that's a perfect time for you to call upon the name of God it's a perfect time for you to study his word seek Him do the things that matter pray for the people in your life okay your secret life should be the thing that carries your open life okay the hidden root of a plant determines its open condition what happens in your secret life is going to have effect on your open life why Jesus said go into your room you've shut your door pray to your father who sees you in the secret place and your father who sees you in secret will reward you openly everything you do in secret affects your open life if you're in sexual Morality In the secret place you're going to be very shameful and guilty in your open life okay you're going to feel shame and guilt depression anxiety all that type of stuff when you're around people but if your secret life is committed to God you're going to have no fear you're going to lose those demonic feelings okay you're going to be bold you're going to be evangelizing going to be the doing the things of God you're going to see Power start to manifest through your hands you pray for people you're going to see them recover you cast out demons you're going to see those demons leave fast okay so the anointing comes from the your secret life the secret place so just know that your secret life is the most important part of your entire life you guys ready for number three number three is going to get you I'm telling you it's going to get you it's going to catch you off guard okay all right number three what you post on social media is not bringing God glory o this is a big one guys and I hate to be real a lot of people think your social media Pages don't matter in your walk with God but I stand to tell you they do and your social media life is part of your public life okay and a lot of you are too ashamed to post about Jesus right your page is all about you you might have a little bible verse in your biome that says you're a child of God whatever but then you look at the rest of your page you're like oh this person's a child of the devil they got all their you got all their body out they're showing all this it's all about them their page is completely revolved around them their skills what they do and I hate to be real but there's a lot of people you could be affecting with the truth if you actually posted about Jesus maybe some of you don't even have a social media page that's fine that's different but if you do if you have Instagram you have Snapchat you have Tik Tok you have YouTube whatever you have and you have your your stuff on there right that you're posting but it's not about God then you are neglecting a great opportunity of affecting a lot of people with the truth and the Bible says whether you eat or sleep whatever you do do all for the glory of God everything you do should be for the glory of God the Bible says be holy in all of your conduct not some not most all of it so everything you should you guys do it should bring bring God glory especially your social media page and if you don't care about that you don't care about your social media page reflecting Jesus right instead it's all about you that shows you got a big heart issue okay and there's a very good chance that if your social media page is all about you your thing which you want to do right and has nothing to do with God except maybe a a Bible verse inside of your bio there's a very good chance chance you could be a fake Christian I'm telling you this is real you think I'm lying I felt the spirit literally speak to me this last Point as I was praying the other day guys you may think God doesn't care I want you to know something Satan the devil's in the details God wants to be brought in the details of your life as well people have this idea that God just wants to macrom manage your life but the spirit has revealed to me that God wants to micromanage your life everything you do he wants to be committed to him including what you post online there are people who you could who could be saved from just one video you post one post they could end up repenting from sin from one post but you don't care you don't think about them you don't think about it you don't care because you're more concerned about what people think about you rather than the god that you serve it's all about you you see what I'm saying friend and when it's all about you then you're a fake Christian that's just period okay if it's all about you then you're phony you should be doing everything you can to bring God glory including posting about Jesus let me ask you why not why not let your social media page glorify God okay when people see your page instead of them being led to Christ they're LED away from Christ okay I may be real when they see it's all about you it's over I'm telling you you're causing the little ones to stumble like the Bible says instead of leading people to Jesus you shouldn't do anything that cause people to stumble guys start converting your social media page to Bringing God glory all right guys so in conclusion look if you want to be a real Christian do three things number one start spending obsessive time with Jesus in the secret place get to know him the Bible says this is eternal life they know you the one true God in Christ whom you sent not just believe know God pray seek Him don't let your secret life be a life of sin because if it is you're a fake Christian it's it's just the reality of it okay because your secret life is most important most important part of your life number two share your faith love one another okay be kind to people be loving people should see something different in you start acting like Jesus would act okay start praying for people watch miracles happen with your own hands start casting out demons doing the work of God in public start telling people about gospel in in the like tell people about the gospel inside of public don't think that this is something that God wants to conceal okay this is not something that God wants to conceal this is something that God wants to bring about in the open okay Jesus died publicly for you now you need to demonstrate your love for him publicly okay it's not just something to hide and keep secret and and of course number three convert your social media pages to something that brings God glory start making a difference in the online type stuff guys God is trying to cast a net through you through online Ministry through you just maybe posting a few Bible verses in your post instead of just pictures of you and you flexing your muscles you showing yourself you ladies from the behind just showing yourself making it all about you okay so this stuff is very serious all right guys that's gonna pretty much wrap up today's video but if you're hungry for God you're on fire for the Lord you want to get into more for him maybe you guys want to be closer to God but you do not where know where to start man I launched my patreon the patreon refinement a community Discord Community where I'm teaching you guys everything you need to know when it comes to getting closer to God I set it all up completely guys so you can also find your calling find your anointing what God has called you to as as you can see in this list here God's called you to at least one of these things okay no matter what you think he has and when you're not walking in that thing you're not walking in the will of God I promise you right now okay so if you want to find out what you're called to you want to learn to use that calling and then you want to have the chance to maybe go live with me on YouTube and use your calling right because I don't want to just teach you guys but then not give you chance to practice you can join the patreon friend man I can't wait to see you in the inside you get access to exclusive content even videos training you guys how to go viral when it comes to doing online Ministry doing what I'm doing the tools I use everything you need to know I'm going to train you guys completely um to get Godly friends that are going to push you in your walk with God not decline you so yeah if you if you if you're interested in that I'll leave that in the link in the description of this video including the link I'll pin it in the comments most likely my goal for the patreon is to create the biggest online community in the entire world the big online Church in the entire world I'm talking thousands of members guys in Jesus name he's given me the vision guys through this online community I'm going to start launch my online Church well it's going to become a real church I want to purchase a building through the funds of this guys and so if you want to partner with me you're subscribed to my channel man and you want to partner with me and support me this is the greatest thing you could do is just simply join for $7.99 a month basically like you buy me a coffee I would really appreciate it it's up to you though be Spirit lead but yeah with all that being said guys thanks so much for joining if you did if you did I cannot wait to see on the inside God bless you all don't forget to like subscribe let me know your guys thoughts in the comments about this one check out my merch store I'll leave that in the link in the description as well and yeah I love you all very much I hope this video has blessed your day in your life and yeah peace