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Voordelen van Moringa Poeder

The health benefits of Moringa powder,  also known as drumstick or mallungay. Moringa powder is made from the  dried leaves of the moringa oleifera,   a drought resistant tree native  to warm climates such as India. This has been used as a natural  medicine for thousands of years,   and is known as "the miracle tree". You can purchase organic moringa  powder from health food stores,   and take between 1-2 teaspoons per day to  help heal diseases and infections in the body. In today's video we will be exploring  21 facts and benefits of moringa powder,   and how you can use this to  boost your overall health. Just a quick reminder, this video  is for educational purposes only,   so do speak to a doctor if  you have any medical concerns. 1. Reducing Inflammation The first benefit of   moringa is its ability to reduce inflammation Moringa powder contains 46 types of antioxidants,   and a wide range of anti-inflammatory  compounds making it one of the most powerful   super foods in the world. This helps to lower  inflammation and swelling throughout the body,   especially for those with joint pain,  osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. 2. Liver Cleansing The powerful antioxidants in   moringa help to cleanse the liver and help  to remove fatty deposits and scar tissue.   This can improve liver function, keep your  blood free of toxins and boost overall health. 3. Hair Growth Moringa powder   is also rich in minerals, such as  zinc, plant based iron, copper,   beta carotene and B-vitamins. These act as  cofactors in the body to help grow long,   strong and healthy strands of hair. They also  help to protect against hair loss with age. 4. Thyroid Health Moringa powder   also helps your liver to make  certain thyroid hormones,   to prevent hypo/hyperthyroidism, hot flashes,  excessive sweating and irregular heartbeat.   This helps to keep your body temperature  under control and your hormones in balance. 5. Muscle Health Moringa contains all 9 essential amino acids   needed to build strong, healthy muscles. Moringa  powder is excellent to consume before exercise,   as it boosts stamina and energy levels. It  contains 7x more potassium than bananas,   4x more calcium than milk, and 36x more magnesium  than eggs. These electrolyte minerals help your   cells to produce stable energy, maintain  healthy muscle mass, and prevent cramps. 6. Blood Sugars Taking moringa powder daily in a smoothie,   capsule or glass of water can help  to regulate blood sugar levels.   This reduces the risk of  developing type 2 diabetes. If your finding this information  useful, please tap the like,   subscribe and turn all notifications  on to stay updated with nutrition tips. 7. Anti-Aging  Some refer to this as the "elixir of life"  as it contains high concentrations of zeatin.   This is a plant hormone which has been linked to  slowing down the aging process of the body. As   this plant is rich in antioxidants, these too play  a role in keeping your skin youthful and healthy,   by improving your antioxidant network and  destroying free radicals in the blood. 8. Improving Breast Milk When breast feeding a child,   it's important to make sure that you are  getting lots of nutrients in your diet to make   rich breast milk. Being nutrient rich, moringa  makes a good supplement for nursing mothers. 9. Stomach Ulcers It was also concluded that moringa oleifera leaves   and powders can help to heal gastric ulcers, and  also prevent them from occurring. This is likely   due to the chlorophyll, (green plant pigment)  which is very healing to the digestive system. 10. PCOS Women who suffer with facial hair, deeper   voice and irregular periods may have a hormonal  imbalance and a condition called PCOS. Moringa   is one of the best supplements to help reduce  androgen hormones to overcome this condition. 11. Blood Builder  Chlorophyll, plant based iron and antioxidants  in moringa powder can also help your body to   build robust, healthy red blood cells. These  carry oxygen and nutrients to all of the organs   and tissues throughout your body, keeping you  strong and healthy, and preventing anaemia. 12. Blood Pressure This powder can also help to   regulate your blood pressure. By taking stress off  the liver, the antioxidants within help to relax   the blood vessels and arteries, for better blood  flow to and from the heart. It also lowers the   risk of heart attacks and plaque in the arteries  because it contains over 46 types of antioxidants. 13. Weight Loss By lowering insulin resistance, the nutrients   in moringa help your body to tap into its fat  stores for energy, and reduce hunger levels. This   naturally helps you to lose weight, especially  when following a low carb diet such as keto. 14. Brain Health A healthy brain is   important if you want to stay sharp as you get  older. The amino acids help to build hormones   and neurotransmitters in your brain that support  better memory, concentration and learning ability. 15. UV Protection Harsh exposure to UV   from the sunshine can be damaging to the  skin if you stay out too long. However   the antioxidants within moringa powder help to  protect against skin cancer and premature aging. 16. Fights Infections Due to its antibacterial, antifungal,   and antimicrobial properties, moringa powder can  also help to fight off infections in the body,   and boost your immune system naturally. 17. Lung Health Moringa is also very useful for those with asthma,   as it helps to improve breathing and airflow. It  does this by improving oxygenation of the blood,   allowing nutrients to travel  freely through your body. 18. Eye Health The antioxidants in moringa   also help to protect the blood vessels  connected to your eyes. This lowers the   risk of vision loss and macular degeneration with  age, and helps protect the nerves within the eye. 19. How To Consume To consume moringa, simply mix 2 teaspoons of the  organic powder in a glass of water and drink. Some   of the nutrients are fat soluble, so it's best to  drink this after eating a meal that contains a fat   like olive oil, cheese or butter. This will help  your body absorb more nutrients from the moringa. Do not add hot water to moringa, because  it may kill off some of the enzymes within   that help your body absorb  some of the antioxidants. 20. Other Moringa Uses Other parts of the moringa   tree are also used in traditional medicine,  including the bark, seeds, pods, root, sap,   flowers and oil. The oil in particular  can be used topically on the skin   and scalp to prevent dandruff, irritation  and to heal various skin problems. 21. Side Effects Moringa is generally considered safe as  it has been used for thousands of years.   However if you are taking medications, be sure  to consult with your doctor as it can interact   with thyroid medication, high blood pressure  medication, diabetes medications amongst others. As you can see moringa powder  is undoubtably one of the best   super food powders available  and is relatively inexpensive. To learn more about superfoods  like this, tap here. I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.