what is up guys Perry here and we are back with another anime Royale video If you guys haven't seen anime Royale yet or haven't watched the previous two videos that I made on it it's essentially an upand cominging anime tower defense game that I have the privilege of covering because they gave me Early Access as a content creator so I want to dedicate this video to just showcasing the game in its entirety talking about the things that I like the things that I don't like albe it I don't think there's anything I don't like about the game so far it's still in very it's not very early access it's going to release to the public pretty soon but let me go into the first thing that I absolutely love about this game number one is the fact that we have a merchant oh my goodness I think a merchant is an absolute musthave in every single anime tower defense game why because once you're in the late game and you have a bunch of gold there's usually nothing to use it on having a Merchant in the game gives you an incentive to grind more resources so you can you know trade in your gold for XP items evil materials Ray tickets whatever the case may be it just adds more replayability and it gives gold a genuine use case which I feel like in some games gold is just useless I feel like gold just doesn't really serve a purpose anymore so once you're an endgame you don't even care about that but yeah let's just go through the UI we have the play button which is a nice little PS5 I like that we have trading which is coming soon we have the shop now I wanted to buy VIP but I don't know if my data is going to get wiped when the game officially releases so I don't want to buy a game pass and then the game pass is going to be gone when the game releases to the public so I'm going to hold off on buying VIP and shiny Hunter for now but yeah we have two characters right now our team's not very good we only have Vegeta and Naruto something that I like about this game is that the anime characters stay true to the source material look at that that is Vegeta and that is Naruto there is no mistaking it so now let's go into the summoning the devs were kind enough to give us 10K gems to summon with and there's a special Banner that's going to be coming soon but yeah let me just do a little bit of summoning for the video we have Piccolo Piccolo Naruto Naruto Vegeta Vegeta Vegeta Vegeta Noke uh we're going to try and summon for kaneki because I'd like to have a Mythic unit for this video as you can see we only have 10K gems and I don't think I'm going to be buying more gems for this video so if we don't pull this in 10k you know I don't think we have enough for Mythic pity so we're just going to have to get really really lucky here fingers crossed oh I think we got a legendary hold on let's check that out yeah freeze uh is this supposed to be Frieza I'm pretty sure that's our first legendary unit look at him so even if we don't get a Mythic at least we pull the legendary so that's going to carry us through story fingers crossed cost assuming we get to keep our units when the game releases we have Piccolo Naruto just some epics and rares let's keep summoning though you see that cool little red oh another Frieza okay cool little red gem animation and then all the units pop out I like that it looks pretty satisfying it glows oh okay we got a kuk key I am not complaining there he is our first Mythic this is also my favorite Mythic in the game I just really really like kaneki in general that was pretty oh damn two mythics in a row and it looks like the banner just reset we have MAA in the banner now MAA and Itachi uh you know what for the video I might as well just keep gambling it's not like I'm going to be saving these gems anyway I can always get more later so let's keep summoning and who knows if uh the RNG Gods bless us we might be able to pull this MAA so right now we have two kanakis which is pretty nice we didn't need to but I appreciate the fact we got them you know better to have them than not to have him so but MAA okay there he is that did not take any gems at all and like three oh and an Itachi okay okay so it only took us like 3.5k gems and we already got the two units that we were looking for we already have two mythics two legendaries you know know for just starting out the game and playing it for the entirety of like maybe 5 minutes I like this team I think we have a pretty pretty strong team if I do say so myself and I don't think we really need a summon anymore I'm just going to not waste my gems maybe I'll get to keep them when the game releases maybe I won't better safe than sorry for now we don't really want to summon anymore we have our two mythics and kanik is my favorite because he's cheap he only costs 500 to place and you can spam him a bunch he's mult hit so yeah this is the summoning area which we already showcased let's just spend one more time for funsies I like looking at that summon animation I just I just like watching the little red gem Spin and then blow up so I think up next uh we're going to start actually going into the game play I don't think there's anything else that I want to showcase oh wait I forgot I like the summoning animations for these characters look at MAA you saw that and then look at kanaki oh he has his little like tentacles trying to grab you through the screen it's a little freaky but I can appreciate the fact that the devs made Mythic units feel Mythic that little animation just adds to the type of getting the unit especially if you're a free to-play player and you're not going to be pulling mythics that fast you know what I just did right now was extremely lucky getting two mythics and like 3K gems it's going to you're actually going to have to grind for the gems obviously on top of that there's no guarantee that you pull a Mythic in such few amount of gems most people are going to have to either grind for pity or summon a bunch more so I got pretty lucky thankfully I got lucky for this video so I can showcase the units later on and what else do I want to talk about before I go into the game play we do have raids as you can see and we have the merchant over there this is the items Play I Like The GUI for this game it looks pretty nice that's the AFK world that's codes let's keep walking over here we got leaderboards okay I forgot to mention that there's already people grinding out the leaderboard runs highest level is all level one so it looks like we have some pretty stiff competition on that end and then we have people grinding the leaderboards for the other story mode Maps we have hidden village and Planet namk all those cool cool story mode Maps let's walk back over here and look at the raids there's no point in going in there because I don't believe there are any raids in the game as of right now and there's also guilds or Guild so if you couldn't guess what that was going to be probably going to be for making guilds in the game we also have a tra area let's see if we have any trait rolls for the video we do not okay well I'm not going to buy any maybe we'll earn them in story mode fingers crossed that'd be ideal but if we don't it doesn't really matter to be honest because we can I'm sure they're going to add freeto play ways to earn trait rolls then we have uh the shop right there the units now let's actually go into a story mode oh let's claim our rewards real quick I didn't even know we had these okay looks like that was everything as I was saying let's actually go into the story mode map now and showcase the game for you guys so you can see what it's like anyways let's go into easy mode act one uh I'll cut to when we're actually in the game you can see the difficulties right there select start and I will be back with you guys when we start playing all right we're actually in the game now and this is basically going to be my first impression alongside yours cuz it's been a little while since I've tried the game so let's turn on vot skip in fact let's turn on fast okay that's not what I wanted Autos skip wave I don't think we care about enemy hurt box let's turn the speed up and let's place our kic key right there oh flip froze a little bit but yeah there we go look at that he like smacks them with his tentacles he does a little line AOE the the reason that I like this guy is because when I played him initially back in the game was like an early testing or like Early Access whatever this guy does multi- hit and he does really good damage off spawn and you know he's a good Shield breaker when I was doing the later story mode Maps you are going to get a lot of enemies with shields this guy just deals with that perfectly and as you can see see we're on Wave one like no we're on like the first stage on easy mode on the first story mode and the enemies are already pretty beefy like if we only had epic units let's see here can't place him is he Hill oh he's Hill yeah if we only had epic units we'd definitely be struggling a little bit here so I don't know if that's intentional on the dev's part maybe they want the game to be extra hard but I definitely feel like the health could be scaled down a a little bit especially for like you know the beginning this is supposed to be the easiest of the easy but we don't care about that because we have our handy dandy Mythic can just keep upgrading him when I played this guy he was a hybrid so either he's going to turn into a hybrid when we upgrade him more this is just he's like a permanent ground enemy if he is a permanent ground enemy that's fine because we have hybrid units like this guy and let me check is Itachi hybrid he is okay well yeah we can deal with their units just fine let me sell this guy Itachi has a really cool attack animation look at that he like goes up in the air and shoots Fireballs at him let's look at that one more time and it has the little crow V effect that is cool I really really like that I really do appreciate the fact that the devs put in some time to make the legendary units good too the VFX looks really really nice the fact that he's a hybrid also goes a long way since our only our main DPS Source doesn't seem to be turning into hybrid anytime soon maybe if we had 12K to spare and we upgrade him to bloody jump then he'd get hybrid but that's just money that we're not going to have especially in story mode without a farm unit I think Itachi is going to be our main source of air damage is Frieza hybrid too let's check no he's not this dude's ground let's let's check let's check out his attack though he does a little teleport tail swipe that's pretty cool so far my favorite unit in this game is Itachi easily wait did I call this dude Itachi whoopsies this is Itachi my favorite unit in this game is kanaki like when I first used them did we just wipe out the boss instantly I guess he is a Mythic so that makes sense and yeah we got 45 diamonds we got some food items let's go to the next stage cuzz there's still more stuff that I want to talk about from the game I am spamming the next stage button there we go anyways as I was saying let's just start right now should I try out MOA I kind of want to try him out let's how do I deselect a unit oh I have to click him again okay let's turn on 1.5x speed when is the wave going to skip so I can get my money also so what why does Itachi did he always cost 800 I guess he did well I'll just place ariki down since it seems like we actually need to kill units before we can get some money and now we can place down MAA let's let's check out his attack he shoots a big Fireball so he's double type fire and whatever this purple thing is I'm assuming that's dark this guy is a brawler type from what I can tell him because that fist makes it seem like he doesn't have a like Elemental type that's just him smacking people uh let's try to only rely on Ma see where that gets us cell cell not you cell Place MOA upgrade him let's get him to susano slashes now he has line AOE okay let's see that's cool look at that hold on he has susano and he has that big slash with some cool V effect let's let's see that one more time oo I like that his Spa is a little short but his damage makes up for it so I don't really care I want to upgrade Itachi somewhere too to see what he does so we've already seen the first attack it's the little Fireball attack upgrade him two more times now what does he do let's see oh okay he does some thing on the ground okay let's watch that one more time yeah yeah this like dark thing on the ground not bad not bad let's keep upgrading him now he gets Su Suki suomi I'm probably butchering that pronunciation but you guys can see it right here this guy is also a double type dark and Flame it'd be cool oh he he also does DLT damage it does fire damage over time I like that so where was I it'd be cool if they added evolutions for legendary units which turn them into mythics I feel like Itachi would be a prime candidate for that since you know there's already Itachi Evolutions in so many other games okay let's see we got suomi now oh okay so it summons a bunch of gravestones from the ground and you have your little crow effects and it has some pretty big circley look at that that's some pretty good range for how much he costs and the amount of Versatility that he gives you this guy is definitely a very very solid starter unit I would say let's just get him to Max boom his damage is obviously not going to be amazing amazing but again he is only a legendary so you got to cut him some slack for what for his cost and his Rarity I think he's an incredibly good unit that might just be me being biased though cuz I really like Itachi I like these attack V effects boss should be no problem he's already dead and this should be the last unit boom act one complete but shouldn't we be in act two huh okay let's just return to Lobby maybe I needed to do that before I could go into the next stage keep in mind the game is still in early not early access the game might still have some stuff to kink out before it releases to the public but I could have sworn yeah why did it make me do act one twice when I clicked next anyways it doesn't matter with all that being said that is going to bring us into the end of my anime Royale video so what are some things that I like about the game number one I really appreciate the fact that there is a merchant option let's see let's go check her out there she is yeah I love the fact that they added a merchant I believe this is a must have addition to every single anime tower defense game the fact that they have it in this game really really makes me happy I know that I'm not going to be lying around with like 100,000 gold and nothing to do with it I'm actually going to have a use for it like know let me buy Ruby what does that do items Ruby okay I don't know what that does I guess it's just in my inventory now we can view it though okay and you can also view your units right here another thing that I absolutely love about this game are the little animations that play Whenever you summon a unit es especially with MOA I'm sure there's other units too but since I only have MOA right now I love his summoning animation let's look at that one more time yeah he does like a slash across the screen then he's just like chilling there Kiki you can see him right there with his tentacles how do I get out of here go we have aachi boom another thing that I like is the fact that in anime Royale the characters are very very true to the source material when you look at these guys you can tell which exactly which anime they're from there's really no mistaking it I can also appreciate that I love the fact we have a merchant story is story mode you know there's nothing really to be said about a story mode we we've all played these but I do appreciate the fact that it it seems hard like it genuinely seems I'm on easy mode and you guys saw that the enemies were getting pretty beefy pretty fast I can only imagine how annoying hard mode would be to do something I haven't covered yet which I want to do before I end off this video is looking at the trades so something that I appreciate about this game as well is that the legendary traits aren't obscenely overpowered power in fact some of them are tailor made for specific units so you'd want those instead of just always going for the 0.1% trait Monarch is this game 0.1% trait it's their version of unique their version of Almighty whatever you want to call it 100% more damage 15% coold down but 15% costs it reduces placement limit to one and it combines all placement based damage into one so that's pretty good this would be good for units like I don't know Shanks cuz you can only place like two of him I believe two or one so having Monarch on this guy would be really good it might not be as good on units like maybe kaneki because I know he's like four or five placement so maybe you wouldn't want Monarch and you'd want something like warlord or Phoenix instead we also have let me just go through all the traits we have assault one assault two assault three more damage gaze one Gaye two Gaye three more range and agile one 2 and three which just give us more Spa then we have Archer now we're getting into the Epic traits more range less Spa Knight is just 12.5% more damage assassin is just 5% less Spa now we're into the legendary traits Merchant 15% more money pretty good this is going to be the ideal thing to get for your farm units sniper 30% more range God speed 10% less Spa Jester 20% less no 20% more damage and 2.5% less Spa now we have our Mythic traits Arcane 5% range 25% less spa and unit always type effective ooh I like that a lot a trait that makes your unit always type effective seems really really useful and really really versatile especially in late game content where type advantage would really really matter I really like the fact that type advantage is going to be a thing in this game and I love I love the fact that they're adding a perk for it or a trait whatever you want to call it custom made just for getting that type advantage every single time I feel like this would be really really useful on something like haniki because you can just Place him down and he's always going to be useful no matter what element it is Phoenix 30% more damage 30% more range minus 5% spa and 7.5% Circle AOE size so this is just going to make your attacks fatter and with fatter attacks means you're going to hit more enemies overall that's better warlord 50% damage and 20% damage to all units in range so this really doubles as a big support unit if you have a unit with a lot of range let's say a farm unit that has fat range the fact that it also buff all your units by 20% seems pretty pretty good and finally Monarch we already went over Monarch I really like the starting perks that we have for this game or starting traits whatever you want to call them they don't seem obscenely overpowered oh wait I can roll once no I can't even though it says one out of one I can't roll whatever they don't seem obscenely overpowered each one of them seems like they serve a specific used case scenario they have their own little niche you know this being support this being for type advantage longer not longer I feel like this would be really really useful for more endgame content where type advantage matters this is just overall it was made to be the best trade in the game it's the rar and like you can read its description this is supposed to serve as a deao you want this trait right when they start making videos on this game when it officially releases you're going to see in the title Monarch you're going to see a lot of that in the title and you're going to see the little logo in the thumbnails because this is supposed to be the best trait so that's the use case that serves Phoenix I'm struggling to see what specific use case scenario Phoenix would have it seems really really good I just don't know which specific unit it would be the best on because I haven't tested all the units yet and then you have your normal traits that just give you flat Buffs as well as merchant which gives you more money and I believe that is everything I have covered everything there is to cover on anime Royale as of now the game will be releasing soon so keep an eye out for that I will link their Discord in the description of this video if you want to go join the game and check it out yourself I believe they're giving access to boosters right now cuz let me check yeah you see how this guy is a booster so if you boost their server I'm pretty sure they'll give you perms to play the game at least I'm 99% sure that's what booster means but if I'm wrong I'm sorry anyways that's it for me if you enjoyed this video learn anything new or just like to hear me talk about the game feel free to like sub comment all that wonderful wonderful stuff have a great day or night wherever you are stay tuned for more content and we'll catch you in the next one