Conversation with Dr. Marks Rona - Christ, the Church, and the Millennial

Jun 7, 2024

Conversation with Dr. Marks Rona


  • Host: Olivia
  • Topic: Millennials, Christ, the Church, and Culture

Main Points Discussed

The Kingdom of God

  • Generic Theological Definition: Reign, Realm, Rule of God
    • Reign of God: God's sovereignty everywhere.
    • Realm of God: Everywhere, as God's kingdom is ubiquitous.
    • Rule of God: God's governance in our lives and creation.

Biblical Perspective

  • Genesis 1-3: Humans share in governing creation as bearers of God's image.
  • Purpose of Redemption: To reveal a community governed by God through Christ, illustrating God's original and ultimate intentions.

Practical Application

  • Personal Level: God's reign, realm, and rule in our hearts and lives. "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done."
  • Church (Ecclesia):
    • Definition: God's political body, assembly, or congregation.
    • Historical Context: Roots in the Septuagint and Moses. Referred to by Stephen in his defense as the church in the wilderness.
    • Function: To be the visible expression of how God governs earth through a community of royal priests, prophets, and kings.

Jesus as King

  • Who is the King?: Jesus
  • King's Requirement: The obedience of faith.
  • Church's Role: The visible earthly expression of God’s kingdom, though the kingdom itself is much bigger than the church.

Kingdom as Relationship

  • Nature: About relationships involving face-to-face conversations, dialogues, and mutual growth under Christ’s lordship.
  • Jesus' Essence: King by virtue of His work and essence, shedding His own blood to end violence and reflect God's intention for the earth.

Closing Remarks

  • Jesus' Kingship: Unique; He builds His kingdom by sacrificing Himself, aiming to raise a community governed by God's spirit.

  • Stay tuned for another segment of Christ, the Church, and the Millennial on the conversation.