In this video, I'm going to show you how you can build anything using the new GPT-01 system. Specifically, I'm going to show you how you can build and monetize an AI-powered copilot Chrome extension. For example, this is one I built previously that's a LinkedIn genie where it reads the comments in a post and generates three potential responses. What we'll do when someone installs our our AI Chrome extension for whatever we want to do. What's going to happen?
Well, the first thing that's going to happen is we've got the system here, which is going to work in the background. This will validate whether or not they've already purchased it. So I'm going to show you how to link it to Stripe on a subscription.
So you can say, I want £5 a month, £10, £50, £100. When the user downloads it, they'll sign up and create an account with Stripe. When that happens, we're going to send them a unique email with their own specific unique API key.
And they'll use that API key. in our Chrome extension to basically validate it is who they are. So once they enter it, they basically never have to enter it again.
They can just keep on using this incredible AI application that we've created with the new GPT-01. Now, once that's happened, we're going to create a record and air table and every individual that purchases your new AI co-pilot's got a name, we've got an email, we can validate they're a paying subscriber and they get their unique reference, which we'll then use in our automation to say, hey, so-and-so has requested to use our... chat with the video function or build my business function or whatever AI thing that you create.
And then we can actually check, hey, is this individual a paying subscriber? And if they are, we'll be gladly happy to give them all the results they need. And if they're not, we'll just say, hey, you need a paying subscription. So what does this mean?
It means you can build with GPT-01 any AI co-pilot you want, any subscription that will follow customers around the internet, doing anything you can imagine. We can collect the payment, however much you want. And we know that the people that are using it are existing. paying subscribers and I'll show you exactly how you build the entire thing step by step in this video. So if you haven't already grab a coffee and let's dive straight in.
And as you're doing this if you just want to upload the blueprint so you don't have to follow on and press the buttons all you ever need to do if you pop my school community is come down here to the more click on import blueprint and choose the file you select the file click Save and all these automations will populate for you automatically so you can literally press a few buttons and get started immediately are making some pretty cool income and having a good time time. And if you're part of the school community, you find them over here in Classroom. You come over to every AI automation. We've got loads of cool benefits, working up to free lifetime membership, thousands of dollars of software, loads of cool stuff. But you come to every AI automation, select the thing that you want, and basically all you do, you scroll down, get the resources right at the bottom, download it, and you are ready to go.
And my name, by the way, is Jack, and my school community, my YouTube channel, we're all about a couple of things. We are about the latest AI. We are about really awesome, incredible automations. But most importantly... We are about the stuff that actually works.
And I'm so stoked to walk this through with you today because I'll show you basically the power of GPT-01, which I am blown away with, by the way, and also how we can turn that into pound coins and turn your ideas into something that can generate an income. Now, before we do get started, I just want to briefly outline TLDR. Why is this relevant?
What is it with GPT-01? Why are we so excited about it? Well, you may have seen some charts in other videos.
I'm just going to touch on it briefly, but it's wiping the floor with a lot of other existing models. I had a look at AI Explanation. Blaine's video just to get some bullet point summaries, just to give you a TLDR of it. It is a leaping capability.
It uses advanced chain of thought processes. It is outperforming GPT-4-0 on many, many benchmarks. And it's being pitched to students in physics, chemistry, and biology. This is all code for it's pretty smart.
It's pretty intelligent. It's a bit different than GPT-4-0 because it takes some time to think. What I've noticed in building these AI co-pilots and other applications is that the quality of it is significantly better.
And finally, the other important thing. thing to call out here is that this is just a preview, not the full system. So what you're dealing with here is the preview. So I'm going to briefly show you how this automation works, and then we're going to build together a completely different automation in this video. What I thought would be a cool automation for us to build and monetize is an AI co-pilot where you can chat with videos.
Okay, so say I'm on YouTube, for example, and I want to summarize this video. I hit the summarize button here, for example, confetti comes down, and we built this automation in a different video. And what happened is, on the right-hand side, we will see a summary of the video, which is pretty cool, right?
It gives us... bullet points, really decent. But what if we could chat with the video?
What if we could say, what about a question about, hey, can you tell me something specific? So in this video, we're going to build that together. I've never built that before.
So it's going to be a completely live raw experience. You'll see everything end to end. I'll help you learn.
And now I also want to do is charge people to use that. So we'll say like 10 pounds, $10 a month subscription. People can buy that, download it, and then they can then go forward and chat with their videos themselves. That sounds pretty cool.
You're going to love this video. Now, before I do that though, I want to briefly just show you how this system actually works. So the way this will work is we are going to get a couple of files and we're going to upload those to Chrome as your Chrome extension.
Again, I'll show you how you do this step by step. But from the user's perspective, when they upload it, when they first... download it they're going to be prompted to give an api key or basically buy it so they'll be sent a link to a payment page that will look something like this they'll go through they'll enter information they'll purchase it once that's done they get this email This is the email hill. Your API adventure begins here.
Obviously, this is just like random text. And they get this API code. They then head back over. They'll be prompted to enter that API code. And then what will happen is the API code gets stored there.
So the user actually doesn't need to enter their email address, doesn't need to enter any information. We know that that API code is linked to that individual. And then when the user uses it in the future, essentially what happens is we have this really cool automation here that watches for any time we get. any sales.
And the second we get a sale with Stripe, this says, hey, we've had a new sale. And then this guy's like, awesome. Who bought it, man?
And then we find out who that individual is and the email address and their name. And we can also specify other fields in Stripe, which is pretty cool if you want to grab that, like different addresses and things. And then with that information, we go ahead and we're going to create a record in our database, in our Airtable. Airtable's like Google Sheets on the old steroidal cycle.
So we're here, we'll get their name, we'll get their email. And then basically we'll create this unique unique ID, this unique identifier, which will function as their API key. Now, once that's created, our final automation kicks in, which is this automation.
Now, this automation just waits for records to be created. And the second it sees that something's created, as you can see, this guy's been created. Here's his unique ID. It creates an email to send to the user to say, hey, here's your API key. Please use it.
And then the user just simply comes back over then. They enter in. then they have continued access to this system.
And when they're no longer paying subscriber anymore, we can revoke the API key from the air table and they'll never actually, as you'll see in this automation here, right? So basically we are constantly checking, does the API they gave us, does it exist? Is it actually valid or not? And if it isn't valid, they go down there, sorry guy, you need to pay. And if it is, the automation continues as normal.
So essentially by having this system here like this, we're only really going to service people who are paying subscribers And if they're not paying subscribers for Chrome extension, then they don't get to benefit from the wonderful stuff. And guys, this one's incredible. It's very unique.
There's so many things you can build off this. Think of this as just like, you know, the basics. And then on top of that, you can build on whatever you want. So I just want to show you how it works very briefly.
So I'm going to hit run once on this, okay? Wait for new data. Now, if I come back over to Chrome, I've already validated this, okay?
But let's say, for example, I want to comment on this post. I click on add comment. LinkedIn Genie is working in the background.
It's loading for us a little bit. And then we get this thing. So if I say, hey, white and Nostle, I don't know.
That's cool. We enter that. Perfect.
So it's worked and it's served something back to us, okay? Why has it done that? So if I come back over here, you see, it determined that it was a paying subscriber. But look, and the reason it did that, guys, is because it was able to find that individual's unique ID.
But if I were to just try and sabotage it a bit, so say, for example, we don't give it unique ID. Maybe we give it an ID that doesn't exist in Airtable, right? Check it out. I come back. Don't invite to this one again.
I click on add comment. And you must. have an active subscription please purchase over here like so and i come back why has it done that because it couldn't recognize the actual api key so it's come down here and we can send this webhook response in any way that we like to and we send them a link to go ahead and buy our beautiful wonderful uh payment thing here as you see come up go buy it come back and it'll be sorted incredible so let's go through this step by step in terms of how we're actually going to build then our new our new api thing so look i would like to first of all let's get a new window with chat gpt if you haven't used stupid to you, I want to correct the window so you can see the beauty of it.
Okay. So the prompt we're going to start off with is something like this. Like I would like you to develop a Chrome extension enables me to chat with any YouTube video.
Add a chat button on the page, which when selected opens up a chat window. Once a message is sent, send the entire conversation history to this webhook address, come to that in a second. Once a message is sent, show a cool loading animation, add a colored gradient animation at the top of the portal, make the design look excellent. Make it WhatsApp style using Avenir slash Poppins as a firmware. Hit enter.
In fact, before we do that, excuse me, let me pause this. What I actually need to do is give it the webhook address. So if we come over to, is our no-code automation builder, and we're going to call this one YouTube Conversation. AI, okay? By the way guys, I saw a business on TikTok that was basically, one of its functions was the fact you could talk to YouTube videos, blown up.
People are like, oh my gosh, I need to get this. So if you can just steal this, steal this, like turn this into business, it's ridiculous. So YouTube Conversation AI, when you come here, we're going to look for webhook as number one.
I'll call this one custom webhook and again we will go on add and we will call this let's just say youtube ai YouTube chat AI. And I think this is like a level up beyond just getting the summary because the summary is great, but what if you've got a specific question? Do you know what I mean? You can say, what's the biggest advancement or tell me X, Y, Z, whatever it is. Then we click save.
Awesome. And now you see you get this base, this hook here. This is where the data is gonna get sent to. So we copy this address to the clipboard, okay?
Then we're gonna come back over to chat GPT if I can find it on the billions of tabs that I've got. All right, sweet. There we go. And the last thing I wanna add to it as well is just- create all of the files separately.
Thanks. Awesome. So then this is gonna do a little bit of thinking.
It's gonna create with different files for us and I'll show you how you kind of, if you haven't done before, to create a Chrome extension, which is awesome, right? It's about different ways we can use these AI code pilots and things. So it's quite a few different files and if you've never seen code before, don't worry about it.
It's actually really straightforward and I'll show you how you do it. But this is awesome. And one of the reasons I really love this is because you're only really limited. limited by your imagination. And now the fact that we can link payment gateways on this.
I did another video recently about how you build micro SaaS products that has a dashboard where users log in. If you haven't seen that video, pause this one, go and watch that one, go down that rabbit hole and then come back because I think you'll find that super, super valuable for your skill set. This is another way that we can create a subscription income from customers and from users using AI plus Chrome without knowing a single line of coding ourselves, which I think is pretty dumb.
I think that's code for great, code for incredible and very, very interesting. So look, it's basically launched all this stuff. So what do we need to do?
Okay, so the first thing we need to do is go to the homepage, create a folder on your desktop and call it YouTube AI. Okay, so I'm here. Let's rename this YouTube AI. Incredible. All right, now I come here.
Let's have a look what we've got. The first one we've got is this manifest.json. So copy the code.
And if you're a Mac, I'd like you to open text edit and click on new document like so. You're going to paste the code and then you're going to come up to the top and click on make plain text, which is really important. And then we're going to file and we're going to save this as manifest. JSON.
Save it to the desktop. No problem. Use.json. That's absolutely fine. Cool.
Then what's the next thing I'm going to do? I'm going to content.js. Copy the code again. And again, if you're not on Mac and you're on Windows, use an alternative like plain text editor on Windows. those because you need it to be plain text.
It's really important. Click on the document. We enter this text in here. And what is this one called?
This one is content.js. So again, we're gonna do make plain text, file, save. content.js.
Beautiful. Okay, this is great news. Cool, come down.
That's all our content.js. And then we've got style.css. And again, we do the exact same process again. Let's come here. Let's enter this beast in here.
Come to the top, format, make plain text. And then this is styles.css. Awesome. Yeah, that's it.
Use.css. Beautiful. And do we have any others that we need to create? Yeah, popup.html.
Beautiful. You know, using it compared to gbt4, I've seen a really big difference to be fair. Make plain text.
It's popup.html. Sweet. Let's do that. You see my save the desktop. All right, that looks pretty good to me.
All right, sweet Now what do we do? All we're gonna do then is we go back to our home page our desktop and then get all these files that you just created These five files and throw them into YouTube AI then in Chrome come over and click extensions and manage extensions. Now what I'm going to do briefly is just deactivate all the other ones just so we're operating with a clean slate.
Now if you're not in developer mode toggle develop mode up right inside and click on load unpacked. Click on the folder and then upload the one that you just did there. And you can see this here, YouTube video chat 1.0.
Incredible. This is pretty cool, right? Now what we need to do first of all, our first step is to build it, make sure that it works.
Our second step is to then find out how we monetize it. So what we first of all need to do though in step one is check that the data is going to make. That's the most important thing that we need to check that works. Okay.
So come back over to make, go to our new scenario. Where is our new scenario? Our new scenario is over here. Okay. Now this is waiting to validate the data.
So So if I come back over and we are going to, I'm gonna mute the sign. We've got this beautiful thing on Pokemon Red that might send you back down memory lane a little bit, which is cool. So we've done that. Now, what do we see? Guys, can you see the bottom right corner?
We've got this chat button. That's pretty cool, right? So we click on chat.
Type a message, hey what's this video about? Now don't worry about the design yet but we can send that over. Oh my gosh guys look at that. Do you know what seriously though of all the videos that I've done before none of them have looked that good off the bat.
I'll be really honest with you that is really impressive. I come back over successfully determined okay. let's run this one again come back over and i'll say hey this is message two now what would be really impressive is if this can pull both messages back because again it's conversation right we're just having a chat here we're having a good time we're having a conversation and we click send and we come come back over and that conversation array and guys look first message hey what's this message message about message two hey this is message two guys this is good news this is incredible so what we've successfully done is get the chat window to send information over to now let's just do one or two really small um stylistic changes so for example what i would like to do is come back over now to chat gpt and say it's awesome by the way honestly guys you'll see from the last video how insane this is this is that it can do that like that it's ridiculous just say hey make the window larger make the gradient header slightly larger text is too small I just say increase height the height and size The chat and send message button are too circular. We'll send that one over.
And obviously GPT-01 is going to take its sweet time, drink some of its beautiful coffee, make sure that it's thinking through things clearly. Once that's done, guys, we're going to add Dan. a basically a GPT bot that's going to think about the data, it's going to get the transcript, it's going to download it, and they can do wonderful things.
So actually, there's one other thing we do need to add to this. And that in fact, I'm just going to stop it here. Because what we need to actually do is send over the transcript for the video again. So look, please send over the video transcript.
to the webhook as well in addition to the messages. Then we click okay, then we send that one over, awesome. So now we'll actually be able to have the conversation and the UI will look good.
And when it's done that, it's gonna be pretty sweet. Beautiful guys, to save you the time of watching that, I've just updated all those files in the same way that I showed you before. What do we do then?
We come back over to extensions. We find the same one and all we ever do guys is just hit this little circular thing. Let us refresh the page like so let's hit pause and you can see the chat things improve. Now we can specify where we want that just for the simplicity, this video, we're going to leave it there, but we can save it.
We want to up, down, left, right, up, you know, whatever. direction we want. Run this module once, like so. We're going to come back over to CRAM and click on chat.
Type a message, hey, what's this video about? And then we're going to hit send. Cool.
And then we come back over and let's have a look. We've got conversation, which is sender. Hey, what's this video about? And the transcript is empty.
So all we then do is come back, tell it about the issue, and then we just try to ask it to get the transcript sorted. Awesome, guys. Now I've got the code from GPT.
I come over, I've uploaded the code i just simply refresh it one more time i come back over to the pokemon video let's refresh that let's hit pause now guys let's go to our mix scenario which is over here i'm gonna run this one once and we're gonna give it a message and we'll say something like hey okay pokemon red speed runs are incredible so hey uh what was the speed run time in this video question mark okay hit send perfect that's gone i'm then going to come back over to our make scenario and if this has done a job properly We should get the message plus the entire video transcript set. Let's check it out There's the message and then there's the huge transcript. Awesome. Cool. So now let's just add an AI in to assess that So for example, what we'll say here will commit the chat GPT.
I mean full screen this so you can get a good view of it Create a prompt completion. That's cool. Our max tokens is gonna be zero Beautiful. I'm gonna pick a model which is gonna be before a system.
Okay, I'm gonna add message So then guys will give it a prompt like this. So you're on a AI-assisted design to engage in conversations about YouTube videos, you will receive two pieces of information, a transcript of the YouTube video, which is right there, and we've got the conversations as well. So in fact, we'll add that at the end. I think that's gonna be easier. So a transcript, a YouTube video, conversation history.
Your task is to analyze both the transcript and the conversation history, and then provide the next appropriate responses in the chat. And I give it some instructions, carefully review it, examine the conversation history, give its response, blah, blah, blah, we'll come all the way down to the bottom. I know. And then we're gonna say right here, we've got the conversation history.
Like so, come down. All right, cool. We're gonna have this one here.
And then conversation and message. And then what we're gonna do guys is copy this and keep on pasting this down a little bit based on how long we wanna go. And then we just need this slight repetitive task of 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4. Basically, this is like as the conversations get longer, this will basically just fill in with all of the conversations that they've had. Now, since we're selling this, we may want to go down and make it like, I don't know, as many as you want, maybe 100 or something. It's really a call.
I'm not going to get down to like 11, 12, something like that, just for the purposes of the video. Beautiful and then we'll have transcript And then we add the transcript Awesome, like so how cool is that guys nice easy peasy then we click ok and then we'll come here and we'll just say this We'll call this our YouTube AI brain. All right. Oops.
Oh my goodness. There we go. Cool. We love it. Nice.
Then guys, we come over here. We come over to webhooks like so. Webhook response. And that is going to be resolved from there. Incredible.
Then we save it. Now we run this one once. Then we're going to refresh the page.
We've got the chat in the bottom right hand corner. corner click on chat let's ask a question about the video let's ask it the time that it completed so like what was the completion time in this video let's ask a question send that over now this one is job properly We should get a response back, but the video didn't mention a specific completion time, but the speedrunner managed to finish Pokemon Red in two hours and 44 minutes and 42 seconds, which placed them 60 second in the speedrun leaderboards. Voila.
How incredible is that? So we've just designed the bot that will work for us in the background now. It comes through. Obviously, we can change the design if we want to. We can make it like big or small or put it in different places.
The only thing we need to do now, guys, is set up the payment links. Once we set the payment links, we need to add a payment bit at the front end, and then essentially we've got some... something that we can monetize. Now, in order to do that, what I need to do is head over to Stripe.
So let's pull up Stripe for example. So here we are guys on dashboard at Stripe. Let's create a new account.
So we're going to go down here, create a new account. I will call this one YouTube chat API with a beautiful fire emoji. And I'm going to put a T at the front for a test.
United Kingdom, that's absolutely fine. Click on create on that. Then the first thing we're going to do is create a product for your subscription.
However, how much is that you would like to charge them for that? So let's go down to the left hand side. We're looking for products, really.
Balance transactions, product catalog. We've got to add product. We'll call this one YouTube subscription.
Let's just say that one is 50 pounds a month. Big, big subscription. And let's give it a little image. Put a nice, beautiful photo of me on there. And then we're going to click on add product.
Now that's done. Awesome. Sweet. Is that done? I think it's complete.
Sweet. So then any product that you want to for the Chrome extension. AIK customer creation and call this one two out of three beautiful we're going to create a fake payment First of all, so enter that payment link in. Cool, beautiful, loads of fake information.
Then we're gonna click subscribe, like so. Give that a second in the background to work. And we should see this, if this has worked effectively, appear for us in our Stripe dashboard, right?
So let's go take a look at that. Come home, do we see that link here today? There we go, one sale, 50 pounds, incredible.
Now what do we do? We need to get our API key, okay? For that, we're gonna come to developers.
You're gonna come down here to, let's find out where is it now. API keys, restrict keys, create. a restricted key uh i'm not sure on all the specifics if i just did youtube chat so i personally went for right but go through and click all the ones that you're comfortable with just for the purpose of getting this working i'm just giving it writing permission on many of these things just to be very quick with it um let's have a look yeah right right right beautiful Okay, I think that is all the ones that we require. Yeah, okay, sweet. And then create key, like so.
And then we've got this test key, which is really cool. Then what do we do? We're going to come over to our next scenario. We're going to look for Stripe.
Watch events. Like so it'll say watch events for whitejack and we click on webhook click on add a new webhook Connection type is going to be stripe API key then restricted API key And then we enter a new API key in and we click Save and then for group I want to come down and look for customer subscription Customer subscription created then click Save then the next one guys is gonna new stripe module, which is going to be stripe once more Cool, and then I want you to look for retrieve a customer like so. Beautiful.
Let's give it a second to load up. And then we need to give it a customer ID. Okay. So customer ID, I just want you to put in this one, which is one object and customer.
There you go. Beautiful. There you go. Object customer, then click. Okay.
This is pretty good news. Now let's run this one more time. For example, it's going to run this module once we're going to go and complete off it purchase one more time. Cool. So complete with some fake information.
And if we come back over to our scenario, Stripe should pick up on the fact and it didn't get the customer ID. So let's figure out why that didn't happen. API key is expired. So we've just got to reenter the same thing again. So click on this module again and just click on add a new connection.
The connection type is going to be Stripe API key and then just enter the same information again. That's perfectly normal if that happens. Sometimes you just have to activate both the retrieval functionality and also getting the customer functionality. So we click that one there, that's fine.
Click okay and then run the whole module again and then we'll just re-complete that payment one more time. So we went to load the fake information, we click subscribe, then we come back over to our beautiful scenario here where Stripe will pick up on the fact. that's happened and then it will retrieve the customer for us so if i come here for instance we can see all the fake information i gave the email i gave and my name and everything which essentially means whenever somebody buys our product we'll get their data so the next thing we have to do then is to create a very brief air table so we're going to come over to air table we are going to create a brand new field at the bottom and click x off that one and we'll call this one customer database YouTube with a beautiful up emoji to exemplify the wonderful progress that we're going to make today.
We've got name, we've got email on this tab here which is great. We want to create a unique ID. And then for that, we're gonna come down, I'm gonna click on formula like so. And then for the formula, we're just gonna pop in record ID. So this will function as our kind of our API key in this really simplistic sense.
And then here we're gonna have membership status and then we'll have paying. subscriber will have declined and it will have churned. Cool, and obviously we should give a little emoji love for our beautiful thing and we'll call that a little fire emoji.
Awesome, quick, beautiful, easy and sharp. And then let's just know when we actually create these individuals, let's just put create a time like so. And then let's add a last modified time as well, just for good measure.
Beautiful, and now we've got some information. So we'll call this one Ben, and then here we'll call it Ben. call this one Ben at And we've got unique IDs.
So the only other thing that we need to do now is just add some additional code to our YouTube sort of like AI co-palette says, look, the first time you land on that, we want to basically create a screen that says, look, create an API key. Basically we send them an email and then they're gonna be pipping and popping a good time. But before we do that, we need to create one further automation, okay?
And that's just gonna be custom email. So let's go over to make, let's create a brand new page. And this one here is the final scenario, which is going to be.
the API email story, which is going to be throughout three, which is cool. We come here. We need an air table module.
This is going to watch records. It is going to watch our beautiful base here, which is the customer database thing. So for this customer database, YouTube, give this a second. This is pretty cool.
Table is table one. And essentially what we're saying is the second that anything comes up, we would like to send that an email. So trigger field is going to be last modified time.
That's absolutely fine. Click label field is going to be, let's just put last modified time. Click okay.
And then we want to create. some code that's like a bit of a welcome one so let's say for example if i look at this thing here i developed this is really simple code i'm just going to copy this over but obviously you can develop this with any language models but i'll put a link in the school community all the other resources for this you can just grab it and go and have a lot of fun with it okay from now on that's fine uh now let's just run this one once as if for instance it won't find anything yet because nothing's happened so if i come back over here and i say hey it's jack and it is jack seven at six at that's cool let's just say my membership status is i'm a paying subscriber and ben 10 is a paying subscriber we come back over we're on this one more time and it's pulled information cool so when we come here we're going to look for gmail or your email module of choice click on send an email which is great so this is going to be your api key like so content let's just paste the html that we got now let's look for api key right where we had it in the car itself. Okay, your API code is here.
We're just going to get rid of that. And we're going to put instead this unique ID, which will function as that API code. Then we click OK.
And then what we should also do is direct it to the email address that we've got there as well, which is Awesome. Come down.
Click OK. Sweet. Now let's run this module once.
nothing's come up just yet this wants me to re-authenticate my google so i'll do that very quickly awesome now that's all verified let's just run this one more time come back over give some fake information we'll call this one steve stevie7 at i don't have an obsession with the sevens and numbers are to be fair but who knows what's going on we come back over we're going to run this module one more time airtable grabs it and gmail is creating the email so outside of it's my email to see what exactly what that looked like and as you can see the ai your api adventure begins here and that looks exactly like the code that we had over here perfect so now the individual's got the code now the last bit we need to do is just quite simply add this piece of code functionality then to our incredible extension so basically i'm gonna give it the following prompt which is without changing any of the below code of this chrome extension please add the following to it When it's first loaded, show a mini portal that says API key. Once entered, store that and we'll then send that through our book in the conversation. Add a buy now button, link in here.
Note this API key needs to be kept in the Chrome browser and sent on every conversation to validate the user. And then we save the code and then we're going to come down here and we are going to enter the code. And guys, my laptop completely lost memory, which is why I'm wearing a different jumper and I've lost my cap.
But I can shoot the final part of the automation. So we got the updated structure from the new GPT. So then what do we do?
We then. are going to hit refresh on the YouTube chat extension here like so and then when we load up the window we see this beautiful box here asking for YouTube video chat extension interrupt YouTube idea through chat enter your API key so let's give it an API key so for that let's just give it one of the fake ones that we created in our database here so what happens of course the individual will get the API key email to him directly which would be this one so we've copied that for instance we're going to come back over we enter our API key and then we hit save API key API key has been saved successfully We come off that and if we just click the thing in the button at the top, we should see it's there perfectly. So what are we looking at?
We're looking at a Pokemon speedrun of... I don't know who this is actually, Pokemon ride speedruns are incredible. So if we ask it a question like, hey, which game is being played here? And then we hit send and we saw it comes up and then it'll do its magic in the background. The game being played here is Pokemon red.
And obviously you see it's got those asterisks. We could ask it to actually bring through the formatting as well. So that could be something we could add.
We could change the text, the color backgrounds, customize anything we want to. Now, crucially, guys, what's the most important thing? The most important thing is if I come back over to our automation, that we should have gotten an API key.
If I click on this button here, can you see here, guys, API key. That is exactly the same as this. Which means.
every time that individual makes a request, they're bringing that API key. So the only thing we need to do now to finalize this is obviously make any changes to the UI, the design, whatever you want it to do. Do you want it to pop up?
Do you want it to just appear? Pretty much anything that you want to. The only thing we need to do now, guys, is add an Airtable module.
And we're going to do that similar to this one. We're going to have a search records one. And we're going to give it a formula along the lines of this.
Okay. So let's just pull this up and have a look. All right.
So let's go over to our automation. We are going to go for a search records. air table let's look for search records pop that in there beautiful let's align this now what i want it to do is i want it to search the column that has the api keys in it okay so let's figure out what was our base called uh customer database youtube beautiful all right customer database youtube i'll give that a second table is going to be table one that's nice and then we're going to ask it what data would you like it to bring out in terms of an output The only thing we really care about here is unique ID.
So as you can see, it's unique ID with the little thing at the top there. So we come back over and then we're going to say, hey, unique ID. And again, we must be verbatim, okay?
So look, unique ID, that is correct, I believe, equals API key. So we're saying, hey, does the API key equal what you see here? All right. So like if I copy this, right, I come back over, we can try this out. So like I come down, I click OK.
Now let's. right click, run this module only. Let's give it a fake thing like fake and see what it says. Output total number bundles zero. However, I right click, I run this module only.
I give it this API key. I hit okay. And there we go.
It's found the record as a success. Okay. Um, what does this mean? It means that it works.
So we can actually add now. a router in there to determine two different kind of outcomes outcome one being if it finds it and outcome two is if it doesn't find it so like let's unlink these connect this router we're going to connect this to this as a first pathway and then let's add a second pathway in right there as well. So the only filter we're basically going to put on his right click, set up a filter and we'll call it paying Customer with a little cash emoji for beautiful good match as a symbol of the money you can make from this condition is that unique ID Merely exists and then we click okay Perfect. We like that.
That's great And if that's the case, then we send back the webhook response, which is awesome. And if that isn't the case, we're gonna send back another webhook response. So let's look at webhooks, webhook response.
And if you come over here, you can see, for example, the text I gave here. So look at this, for example. You must have an active subscription. Please purchase it here.
and it gives them a link and we'll call that one a 403. So they'll come up here, 403, here's the body. There we go, amazing. Now let's like tank this as an example. So I'm gonna show you the whole process now because look, if you actually come back over to our thing, you can see, look, don't have an API key, sign up here.
Okay, cool, I click on that. Bam, all of a sudden, I'm right here to go and purchase a subscription. And guys, you can set this up in a way that either it happens when you click the button in Chrome, you could have it that actually when they first click the button in the bottom right-hand corner. corner it pops up like on the last one that I showed you configure it in any way you want to based on how you'd like the user experience but the bottom line is they won't be able to use it unless they have an active API key that actually physically works that's the really cool thing now look what am I going to do I'm going to change our API key I'm going to add an a at the end so it's not going to work and I save the API key awesome sweet so I've just refreshed the page let's ask it a new question like hey which Pokemon does he use first question mark and whilst this body response came back it didn't present the chat so I've just gone to the same same process, update the code, come back over to improve the UI, and I've updated the UI guy again just by saying, hey, let's have a chat button that they have to click that opens up the conversation, and if they get an error message, make sure that comes back over.
And that's basically how you finesse the apps out, guys. I didn't want it to just appear, I wanted to click a chat button, and on top of that, I wanted to present any errors to it. So just ask for those changes and it basically gets it created.
So I come down, I click on chat, let's ask it the same question, which is, which Pokemon does use first? Let's come back over here. Now I'm going to run this one again.
Now because I've got a api key that's invalid we're not expecting this to work we're expecting this to come down to the webhook response that isn't accurate there so like i send the question it's loading and we'll see what comes back and says you must have an active subscription please purchase here boom and if i click that open it into a new tab let's just update the api key let's just enter this one that works save api key that's cool we're going to refresh the page hit pause beautiful i will ask you a question like who is the first opponent in this game come back over let's run this module one more time wait for new data, come back, hit send, and then let's see what we get. It goes through there, and this time, it's gone through the paying customers section, it's now developing the response, and it's sending it straight back over. We come back, and it says here, the first opponent in this Pokemon Run speedrun is the player's rival.
After using Pokemon Squirtle to start a Pokemon, the rival's Bulbasaur, and blah, blah, blah. How cool is that, guys? So you have successfully now created not only a bot that you can chat on YouTube, but also something that you can pay and get a subscription income, and it's all managed within Chrome. So GPT-01 is accepted.
And if you find that you've run out of GPT-01 credits because they're limiting the preview version, the next version is supposed to be even better, use GPT-01 Mini. It's excellent and people find that it's a lot, lot quicker than the bigger, more powerful version. Of course, all the blueprints, agents, guides, as well as all the code for this is going to be available down below in the school community.
I hope you have a wonderful week and I will see you in the next video.