Transcript for:
Perfect Morning Routine for Optimum Productivity

I've created the perfect morning routine where each step is scientifically backed to help you increase motivation energy mental output and productivity and the best part it is easy to follow so there's a total of 10 steps for this morning routine with the last two helping you stick to this routine forever starting with number one I wake up at five in the morning research has shown that those that have the discipline to wake up earlier have better mental health output this means that you'll be more positive you'll be more optimistic and more satisfied with your life you also add more time to your life let me put this into perspective saying you wake up at eight in the morning and I wake up at five that means every day I have an extra three hours in a year that's 1096 hours a total of 36 extra days just by waking up earlier alright so how do you do it I have three tricks the first one is to wake up five minutes earlier than you usually do I don't want you to immediately start waking up at five in the morning because after two days you're going to quit but if you weigh wake up five minutes earlier than the day before in 12 days you'll be waking up an hour earlier than when you started through is as soon as your alarm rings I want you to get out of bed and get in an expansive body position this has shown by research that it's a good way to stimulate energy and feel more confident and then I want you to follow up this with my third tip which is getting sunlight immediately get as much sun as possible when your brain registers this for about 10 minutes it'll help you feel a weight that takes us to The Next Step it's now 5 10 in the morning I'll drink my glass of water I like to do this on an empty stomach because it flushes out toxins and it helps clean out the lymphatic system which is responsible for your immunity so it helps you get sick less often you also increase your body's natural energy level see when you wake up your body releases cortisol the stress hormone can make you feel more alert a little more energetic what happens is that when you drink coffee it interrupts this process and that's why you end up crashing a few hours later when you just drink water and skip the coffee you allow your body to deliver that Natural Energy in the morning take it to step number three it's now 5 15 in the morning and we're going to the gym morning workouts are great because they fill your body with the energy you'll need for the rest of the day Excursion forces your body to produce more mitochondria inside your body's muscle cells now what's the trick to get motivated I want you to go to sleep with your gym clothes off Studies have shown that external items can have a switch on your mood and motivation so if you go to bed already with your gym clothes on your brain won't register it as you're going to go to the gym afterwards and set you in that mind frame or framework so when you do wake up there's less friction you don't have to be struggling and you can go straight to the gym what we just did for your morning routine was eat the frog or front load the hard work out after this this is the part of the morning you'll enjoy and it gets a lot easier next is the step number four it's now six in the morning and we're gonna go take our shower but to do so we're going to be increasing our testosterone showering in the morning is important to avoid you smelling bad from all the sweat and oils that pile on on your skin but more importantly this is your chance to step out smelling great and increase your testosterone you don't know this but research has been done that plastic bottles that contain BPA or bisphenol a act like an estrogen-like compound in the body which decreases testosterone decreases limited it makes you infertile and can even lead to guidocomastia in other words Mandu this is where I take my time in the mornings I only use quality products for my own brand he gurumi where I know all my products because I designed them I make sure they have no BPA in the plastic bottle I'm using top of the line ingredients because this is where most men are micro dosing themselves with estrogen but remember once you're in the shower you don't want to spend more than 10 minutes in here as a matter of fact the general rule is about five minutes according to board certified dermatologists now you can use your phone as a timer to set a timer step in the shower and now you know what time you have in there I also also personally like to use RC grooming Steamers as my timer because on average they take about five to ten minutes to dissolve and steam up the shower our Steamers basically you set them in the shower and as the warm water hits it it creates this steam-like sauna slash Spa experience that's infused with oils that's relaxing for your muscles especially after a grueling workout also while this is going I know I have my five minute timer because when the steamer runs out I'm usually out but more importantly I do my rest of my grooming routine I brush my teeth here I do my skincare and any manscape now another thing you will have to look out for in your shower is that you want to make sure the product does not foam up as much a lot of washing agents and cosmetics have an ingredient called alkistinals This is the ingredient that's found that creates that foaming agent now that also can act like an estrogen in the body and when you micro dose yourself daily as you know you are lowering your testosterone level this is why if you want to make sure you're getting great ingredients check out our brand heat grooming I designed the product because I designed it for myself and I want to make sure my testosterone is as high as possible and so much so that not only cut out all those bad ingredients I Infuse it with vitamin D and other oils that help support healthy tests to function if you guys want to check it out you can check out our bundle where you can see our body wash shampoo and conditioner it also includes the shower Steamers and a deodorant the entire bundle if you check it out today I'll leave it at 50 off if you subscribe plus I'll give you a free silicone scrubber alright now we step out the shower step five it's 6 10 in the morning and I'm going to make my bed and I'm going to do it correctly I heard Jordan Peterson once say this they should start fixing up the World by cleaning up their room now yes it's a small win but it's a way to exert and dominance and control in your own light you have to understand that every task you complete in this morning routine your brain is going to reward you with a dopamine hit which is going to increase motivation to complete the next task which is now the sixth one it's 6 15 in the morning and we're eating breakfast eating your breakfast in the morning is going to boost your brain power and Studies have suggested that it can increase your rental output and help you with concentration the breakfast and how you do it is important so your good breakfast will have fiber protein and healthy fats most of the breakfast that you guys have lack all three and are just refined carbs that turn into sugar in the body I'm talking about your pancakes your bagels your cereals and then when you top OJ on top of that you're basically just having a giant dessert for your mortgage oh good healthy breakfast that has all three is whole wheat bread some avocado spread and some eggs now alternatively you could skip breakfast altogether and intermittent fast there are multiple studies that suggest that this could prolong your life and also help with weight loss on top of that it's also efficient for those of you that don't have enough time in your mortgage we are now one hour in and you have completed more in your day than 99 of the rest of the world that is still sleeping and these next two will help you keep that momentum and energy for the rest of the day starting with number seven I want you to get ready it is 6 30 in the morning and even if you work from home I want you to get dressed with clothes that make you feel great remember your external will affect your internal and if you stay with your sleepy clothes you will feel less motivated more groggy and with the feeling of wanting to take a midday nap out to do this effectively what I like to do is create daily uniforms I have a series of about two to three outfits that I just wear on repeat that I know look good all the time a good example of this is my Jean black t-shirt white sneaker outfit I can wear this every day of the week for pretty much any situation and it's always going to look good now it's 6 40 and I want you to create your to do list now to do appropriate to-do list don't just randomize all the things you want to complete in your day I want you to focus on the top three things that you need to get done that will pay you the highest return on your time and investment so the most important things those are the top three you focus on you can put other ones underneath but you have have to focus on those three and that's where all your attention should be at and your only rule is that you cannot go to bed until those top three tasks are completed every day that's it at 6 40 in the morning you are set for the day to conquer it but I have two more these last two are just to help you stick to this routine for the rest of your life one conserve decision making if you've noticed anything about this routine is that I made it as efficient as possible you should build your morning routine to remove as many decisions as you can so it's on autopilot you don't know this but your brain has a limited amount of decision making power a day do not waste that in your morning takes me to number two just maintain it I don't want you to do it for a day I don't want you to do it for two days I want you to do this routine for a month and see the effect it will have on your productivity on your mental health your confidence your motivation and I promise you you will stick to this routine