Lecture on Jesus Walking on Water and God's Glory

Jul 4, 2024

Lecture Notes: Jesus Walking on Water and God's Glory


  • Speaker begins with a prayer of gratitude.
  • The focus is on the story of Jesus walking on water from Mark 6.
  • Jesus walking on water compared to the Feeding of the 5000.
    • These stories transcend Christianity and are widely known.

Main Theme

  • Title: Who is walking on the water?
    • The speaker suggests we think deeply about this question.
  • Jesus reveals His glory in unexpected ways.
    • We often desire God to come into our lives in specific ways.
    • Jesus' ways exceed our understanding and expectations.

Revelation Through Scripture

  • Jesus walking on water parallels the parting of the Red Sea.
    • Jesus feeds multitudes demonstrating He is greater than Moses.
  • Disciples face constant amazement and challenges following Jesus.
    • Jesus continually reveals His divinity in unimaginable ways.

Jesus' Glory

  • The concept of Glory as the manifested presence of God.
    • John 1:14: Jesus' incarnation as the ultimate revelation of Glory.
    • Creation honors Jesus, signifying that even in nature, His divinity is apparent.

Real-World Example: Trust in Relationships

  • Personal anecdote on relationship with Jackie.
    • Progression from friends to dating, engagement, marriage, and parenthood.
    • Commitment in relationships reveals deeper aspects of one's