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Hidden Meaning of Shalom

Here's a message from C.J. Lovick, author of the widely popular Living Word in 3D series. Watch as he unfolds a mystery hidden just under the surface. Is there a hidden message in the Hebrew word Shalom? A message that once understood could change your life forever?

Did you know that the Hebrew language is actually three languages? Did you know that the original Hebrew, the same Hebrew that Moses used to describe the Torah, was both a pictographic and a numeric language? Has God given us a prophetic clue, a peek into the future hidden in the four Hebrew letters Sheen, Lamed, Vav, and Mem, the four letters that spell Shalom? And is that clue, hidden in plain sight, embedded from the very beginning in the pictures and numbers that are the very foundational elements of the Hebrew language? Let's take a look at the picture meaning of Shalom.

Sheen is the first letter in the Hebrew word Shalom. Sheen is a picture of teeth, teeth that crush and destroy. Lamed is the picture of a shepherd's staff. Vav is the picture of an iron nail or a wooden hook.

Mem, the last Hebrew letter in the Hebrew word shalom, is pictured as waters. Waters of life is pictured by a clear running stream, or waters of chaos and confusion, as pictured by a flood or tsunami. In the conventional Hebrew, shalom can mean anything from not being at war, the cessation of hostility, to harmony between people.

Shalom can also mean security and freedom from violence. Shalom can communicate the idea of serenity and tranquility. Now let's discover the distilled, ideal, picture meaning of Shalom.

Sheen means to destroy. Lamed is the voice of authority. Vav signifies two things that are connected.

Mem can mean chaos and confusion. The revelation hidden in the picture language of Hebrew informs us that peace or Shalom only comes when the authority connected with chaos and confusion is destroyed. Every time you say the word shalom or peace, you are uttering a prophetic prayer that someone will come and destroy the one who is causing all the chaos and confusion. And who is that someone? Who is coming to bring true shalom?

The Prince of Peace is coming. Are you ready for true shalom? There are literally hundreds of precious mysteries found in the ancient Hebrew. To learn more about this word and other Hebrew words, subscribe to and we'll send you a new word every week.