Physics Lecture by Walter Lewin

Jul 15, 2024

Physics Lecture by Walter Lewin


  • Lecture duration: ~40 minutes
  • Q&A session: ~15-20 minutes
  • Book signing after the lecture
  • Topic: Pendulums, gravitational acceleration, and energy conservation
    • Example: Pendulum with mass (m) and length (L)

Pendulum Period Calculation

  • Period (T) = 2π * sqrt(L / g)
    • L: Length of the pendulum
    • π: Mathematical constant (Pi)
    • g: Gravitational acceleration (~9.80 m/s² in Boston)
  • Explanation of units: meters per second per second
    • Speed increases by 9.8 m/s every second when an object is in free fall

Non-intuitive Points About Pendulums

  • Period is independent of amplitude (within moderate values)
  • Period is independent of the mass of the bob
  • Demonstrations with actual calculations and pendulum setup
    • Length (L) of 5.21 meters and mass of 15.5 kilograms
    • Uncertainty in measurement of length (~5 cm, 1% of 521 cm)
    • Impact of length measurement uncertainty: ~0.5% uncertainty in time

Predicting and Measuring Pendulum Period

  • Predicted period: 4.58 ± 0.02 seconds
    • Due to uncertainties in length measurement (0.5% of 4.58 seconds)
  • Demonstration of reaction time affecting measurement
    • Reaction time assumed to be 0.2 seconds for accurate measurements
    • Conducts measurements at different amplitudes (5 and 10 degrees)
    • Demonstrates measurement accuracy by timing 10 oscillations

Conservation of Energy Examination

  • Example: Tennis ball dropping and bouncing
    • Potential energy (mgh) at height h
    • Converts to kinetic energy (1/2 * mv²) when falling
    • Energy loss explanation: due to air drag and heat upon impact
  • Pendulum experiment: demonstrating energy conservation
    • Swinging demonstration to prove the maximum height
    • Explanation using potential and kinetic energy conversions

Rayleigh and Mie Scattering

  • Rayleigh scattering: Small particles (<1/10 micron) scatter blue light more than red
    • Explanation of P ∝ 1/λ⁴ (λ: wavelength)
    • Demonstration using cigarette smoke (blue light due to Rayleigh scattering)
  • Mie scattering: Larger particles (>0.5 micron) scatter all wavelengths equally
    • Demonstration by exhaling smoke held in lungs (white light due to Mie scattering)

Explanation of Sky and Sunset Colors

  • Sky's blue color due to Rayleigh scattering of small particles in the atmosphere
  • Sunset's red color due to longer travel path scattering away shorter wavelengths
    • Example: More pollution or volcanic eruptions enhance red sunsets

Practical Demonstration

  • Creating blue sky and red sunset in a lecture hall using sodium thiosulfate and sulfuric acid
    • Shows blue light (Rayleigh scattering) and red light (Mie scattering) transitions

Final Experiment and Conclusion

  • Holds a pendulum to his chin and releases it (demonstrating conservation of energy)
    • Ensures it won't swing higher than initial release point
  • Concludes with personal notes and prepares for Q&A

Q&A Session Highlights

  1. Explanation of the green flash phenomenon
  2. Personal anecdotes and teaching experiences
  3. Advice for aspiring physicists: Love for the subject is crucial
  4. Preparation process for lectures

Book Signing Instructions

  • Write the name clearly on a piece of paper to streamline the process