Transcript for:
Key Factor for Entrepreneurial Success

[Music] the key factor for success for all kinds of entrepreneurs doesn't matter what the industry is does the road matter what the business is doesn't matter what the entrepreneurs role is the key to success is staying focused on the right things on a daily basis and my biggest strategy and this may seem very strange I don't fill up my schedule I often hear entrepreneurs I want to get the maximum benefit of the time I have every day and I find that when you're completely tightly scheduled you only have you only have time and focus and attention for the work you're already doing in other words it's just the existing projects it's just the existing opportunities and it's you only have available to you the existing capabilities but where your growth comes from is actually building into your schedule a 30% in each day when your time has not scheduled so that you can be aware of new opportunities capabilities and new possibilities of using your existing capabilities and resources in a more effective way so I have a saying that tightly scheduled entrepreneurs cannot transform themselves because they don't have any slack in their system now to kind of reinforce only using 70% of my time every day I only hold myself accountable for getting three things done each day ok so I the day before I'll say ok I've got tomorrow I've got this amount of time what are three things that I can absolutely get done tomorrow and that'll get me to a hundred percent and a lot of entrepreneurs really rebelled against this and they said well you probably have time to get ten things done and I said no I won't get ten things done I might get six things done which is more than three but I feel badly if I've assigned myself ten Thane so I get six done because there's a tendency that I failed I didn't get the other four done I don't give myself credit for the six I got done I I beat myself up and so I never give myself a goal that I can't achieve and achieve with a sense of focus a sense of energy and then a real sense of completion when I'm actually finished and I just noticed this craziness of packing the schedule with using up all your time but also assigning yourself accomplishments for each day that you can't possibly achieve and if you were okay with that I wouldn't be a problem but you're not okay with us because you have a sense of failing every night and we have a wonderful app which is called win streak which you can download from the App Store and it's a free app from strategic coach and what you do is that you just identify each day the three things that are going to be the big wins for tomorrow and then at the end of the day you credit yourself with those wins and then set three more so if this interests you and it triggers further questions that you have so and just write it down in the comment section and we'll be back to you you