Surpassing the Leader Arc Insights

Oct 8, 2024

Surpassing the Leader Arc Explained


  • Discussion of the Surpassing the Leader Arc from the manga Yogi.
  • Analysis of Baku and Hal's perspectives and motives.
  • Aimed to clarify the complexities of the game and controversial topics surrounding Kuruma Sochi's feats.
  • Understanding the game rules is essential.

Baku's Perspective and Plans

  • Goal: Defeat Hal using the leap second on January 1st at 9:00 a.m.
  • Strategy:
    • Figure out the pace of the game.
    • Enter the leap second route.
    • Accumulate Hal's near-death drug to ensure Hal reaches 5 minutes of TTD (Total Time of Death).
  • Key Point: Hal must die after the leap second for the strategy to be effective.

Leap Second Route Explained

  • Defined as the time route where Baku plays as the dropper at 8:59 a.m.
  • Calculation of the leap second route involves:
    • Each round half takes 2 minutes.
    • Baku must confirm his turns to align with the leap second.
  • Example: If Baku plays at 8:17 a.m., he doesn't fall into the leap second route, but he does if he plays at 8:35 a.m.

Sochi's Perspective

  • Key Knowledge: Sochi is aware of the leap second from the start.
  • Observation: Sochi notices Baku's reactions and uses a stopwatch to trap him into revealing information.
  • Memory Erasure: Sochi erases his memory of the leap second but retains subconscious knowledge of it.
  • Plan: To counteract Baku’s trap by surviving the leap second.

Sochi's Strategy

  • Sochi must keep his TTD lower than 5 minutes to ensure survival.
  • Risky Scenario: If Baku notices Sochi's TTD, he will abandon the leap second strategy.
  • Sochi’s plan involves subtle deception to keep Baku reliant on the leap second.

Actual Game Dynamics

  • Game Setup: Baku, Hal, and referee Yaku enter the Obelisk.
  • Manipulation: Baku manipulates Yaku by questioning the clock's accuracy to gain an advantage.
  • Rock-Paper-Scissors: Determines who plays as the dropper.
  • Round Dynamics: Both players try to understand and manipulate each other's strategies.

Baku’s Moves

  • Baku deliberately chooses actions that lead to near-death experiences to gather information.
  • Baku's strategy involves carefully timing his checks to manipulate Hal's feelings of anxiety and fear.

Hal's Counter Strategies

  • Hal uses echolocation and clever manipulation to control the game's flow.
  • He uses psychological tactics to pressure Baku, aiming to make him fail checks.
  • Hal’s ability to anticipate Baku's moves plays a critical role in the game.

The Leap Second Mechanism

  • Detailed exposition of how the leap second impacts Baku and Hal’s strategies.
  • Hal's Calculations: He uses his knowledge of the game to create deviations and prepare for the leap second.

Final Rounds and Outcomes

  • The game progresses through multiple rounds with complex mind games.
  • Hal experiences memory loss but manages to devise a strategy to survive.
  • Baku’s plans are challenged as Hal uses a calculated risk to accumulate seconds before the leap second.
  • Ultimately, Hal's strategy, while risky, is based on his understanding of his body's limits.


  • Baku's and Hal's plans were intricate and their intelligence on par.
  • Despite memory loss, Hal adapts and manipulates the situation effectively.
  • The analysis emphasizes the depth of character strategies within the arc.
  • Encouragement to share this video with others seeking understanding of the Surpassing the Leader Arc.