Transcript for:
Understanding the Abdominal Aorta Anatomy

all right so this video will be about the abdominal aorta so in the last video we'll look at the side branches with the thoracic aorta so now let's move under the diaphragm to look at the abdominal aorta so the abdominal aorta extends all the way from the lower border of the 12 thoracic vertebrae t12 to the fourth lumbar vertebrae l4 and then it divides into the right and the left common iliac arteries occasionally you may find it continuing between them as the median sacral artery supplying the coccygeal and the pitiful muscle so the abdominal aorta has two groups of side branches visceral and parietal branches the visceral supplying the visceral organs and the pirate all supplying everything that's not the visceral organs so let's break this down by starting with the visceral branches they are divided into paired and unpaired branches the unpaired visceral branches of the abdominal aorta are the celiac trunk the superior mesenteric and the inferior mesenteric artery so now let's first do the celiac trunk and then just kind of work from there so the celiac trunk is really mostly associated with organs you will find in the upper abdominal abdominal cavity and it has three major branches for this so the first one is the left gastric artery it goes upwards towards the abdominal part of the esophagus and then along the lesser curvature of the stomach to supply the stomach it does supply the abdominal part of the esophagus and keep in mind that it also connects with the esophageal branches of the thoracic aorta and then there's the splenic artery going horizontally straight to the spleen to supply it going behind the stomach as you see here this one do have side branches you know the pancreas the splenic artery give off branches for the pancreas is called the pancreatic branches supplying the tail and the body of the pancreas there's the short gastric artery going upwards to the fundus of the stomach and then there's the gastro omental branch that descends along the greater curvature of the stomach supplying the stomach they amend to my you'd hence the name gusty or mental artery she sends it to supplies the gusted or the stomach and the omentum the greater omentum the last branch of the celiac trunk is the common hepatic artery running above the duodenum it gives off the right gastric artery which goes towards the lesser curvature of the stomach to meet up with the left gastric artery to supply the stomach now the common hepatic will divide into gastro duodenum and the proper hepatic artery the proper hepatic artery will run towards the porta hepatis of the liver and then it will divide into the right and the left branch to supply the lobes of the liver the right branch however is a little special because it gives off an artery called the Cystic artery supplying the gallbladder so that's the proper hepatic artery next is the gastroduodenal artery it descends along the duodenum as you see here and then it will divide into an artery supplying the stomach and one for the duodenum hence the name gastroduodenal re it gives off the right cuts to a metal artery which travels towards the greater curvature of the stomach to meet up with his partner the left gastro mental artery the other branch of the gastroduodenal artery is the superior Punky auto duodenum artery supplying both the pancreas and the duodenum so that's the celiac trunk now let's do the superior mesenteric artery it descends towards the cecum and then it terminates as the ileocecal artery because remember the ileum of the small intestine continues into the large intestine through the cecum called the ileocecal region so the ileocecal artery also supplies the appendix through the appendicular branch now guys you know I do work really hard to make these kind of videos and that's why in my room I'm always in jail so try to remember that because in sense for the inferior pancreatoduodenectomy supplying the head of the pancreas and the duodenum as well as communicating with the superior pancreatoduodenectomy next em in my stands for the middle celiac artery supplying the transverse colon from the right until the left 1/3 of it using the right and the left branch the are in room sense for the right celiac artery going towards the middle part of the ascending colon and then it divides into the ascending and the descending brushes the ascending branch will ns the most with the left branch of the middle celiac artery as you see here and the descending branch will end this the most with ileocecal artery but the last two is the allele and the GG no re and there's gonna be 12 to 18 branch two supplying the ileum and the G genome of the small intestine so that's the superior mesenteric for the inferior mesenteric it will descend and terminate at the upper rectal region as the superior retinal artery which supplies the upper third of the rectum now please remember that the inferior mesenteric is less it's less because L stands for left colic artery which supplies the descending colon and the left third of the transverse colon through the ascending and descending branches the ascending branch goes with the right branch of the middle colic artery while the descending communicates with the sigmoid artery so the sigmoid artery communicates with both the left colic and the superior costal artery and so that is the unpaired structures of the abdominal aorta let's clean this out so there's going to be an annus demoting connection form between the superior and the inferior mesenteric artery or an anastomotic connection between the ileocecal the right colic and the middle colic of the superior mesenteric artery and the right colic the sigmoid and the superior rectal of the inferior mesenteric artery now the marginal artery of drummond is an anesthetic connection form between them all because tickle the huge anastomotic connection and what contributes all of them all the arteries of the superior mesenteric and the inferior mesenteric artery so keep this in mind when you think of the blood supply related to the intestines there's going to be a large and estimated connection points between them all called the marginal artery of German now let's look into the paired visceral arteries of the abdominal aorta there are three paired visceral branches and the first paired arteries are the middle super renal arteries which emerge out from the abdominal aorta at the level of the first lumbar vertebrae that's approximately at the level of the superior mesenteric artery and then it will supply the suprarenal gland as you see here the next paired visceral branch is the renal artery which arises at the level of the second lumbar vertebrae between the superior and the inferior mesenteric artery this one will go straight to the kidneys and supply it and on its way it will give off a branch for the super renal artery but an inferior one the inferior super renal artery and also a urethral branch for the upper 1/3 of the ureter the last pared visceral branch are the gonad law trees so in females they're called ovarian arteries because they supply the ovaries but for males they're called the testicular arteries for the testes now these gonna dual arteries also give off urethral branches but this time they supply the middle third of the of the ureter so that's it for the visceral branches of the abdominal aorta the partial ones are easy first is the inferior phrenic RV and whenever you see the word phrenic you will be talking about the diaphragm so this one supplies the diaphragm the inferior fennec artery will also give up the superior super renal arteries and now finally I'm running out of space here but the last one is the lumber arteries which arches backwards for the posterior and the lateral abdominal muscle as well as the skin on the backside and a few branches for the spinal cord as well so that's all I had for the abdominal aorta I really hope this video helped you in any way to understand this topic a little better see you next time