Lost Beast Algorithm Lecture Notes

Jul 7, 2024

Lecture Notes: Lost Beast Algorithm


  • Objective: Create a function to display all different combinations of n numbers ranging from 1 to 9 in ascending order.
  • Prototype: This function does not return any value and takes the number of digits as input (n).

Function Behavior

  1. Initialization:

    • Two arrays (v & v_max): Contain initial (0 to n-1) and final (10-n to 9) values respectively.
    • Integer flag and an integer base are declared.
    • Check if n is within the valid range (1 to 10), if not, prompt the user to input a valid integer.
  2. Algorithm:

    • Initial Setup: Initialize arrays v and v_max for the first small values and max values respectively.
    • Print initial array values.
    • Use a while loop to generate all combinations while v[0] is not equal to v_max[0].
    • Flag: Start with the last position of the array (n-1) and check if it has reached its maximum value.
      • If a value equals its maximum, reduce the flag and move left.
    • Once the sentinel value (flag) is found, increase it by one and adjust all values to the right.
    • Print the new combination and repeat until the first element reaches its maximum.
  3. Printing Function:

    • Helper function to print array values, determining if they are the last set.
    • Format output with commas and spaces appropriately.

Example Implementation

  • Initial State: v = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    • Intermediate combinations: Increment values maintaining ascending order.
    • Final State: v_max = [6, 7, 8, 9]

Steps of the Algorithm

  1. Finding the Sentinel:

    • Search from right to left for the first value not at its maximum.
    • Increment the sentinel and adjust subsequent values to maintain ascending order.
  2. Print Function:

    • Check if the current combination is the last by comparing to v_max.
    • Print the combination with appropriate formatting.

Visualization and Understanding

  • Initial State: Create arrays with initial and maximum values.
  • Final State: Determine configurations between the initial and final states by incrementing values.
  • Detailed Walkthrough: Print arrays for further understanding.

Example Outputs

  • Given n=4, output: Initial [0, 1, 2, 3] -> Final [6, 7, 8, 9], with all intermediate states printed in ascending order.
  • For n=10, output: single combination [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].