what are some of the most common misconceptions about Jesus my team got a bunch of Tik Tock videos together and you get to watch me react live to them and correct the record on Jesus check it out is Jesus God also I want to add on to that uh is Jesus God and if he is God where in the Bible does it state that he's God so this is a great question let's go to what many scholars believe is the earliest written gospel the gospel of Mark now if you read through mark Jesus says things and does things as if he speaks with Divine Authority so for example in Mark chapter 2 he forgives sins committed against God by his own authority but when he's on trial in Mark 14:62 he makes it clear that he doesn't just speak with Divine Authority but he's God in human flesh so the high priest asks him are you the Christ the son of the blessed one and Jesus says I am he says you will see the son of man referring to himself coming on the clouds of heaven and sitting on the right seat of power now what did Jesus do he just quoted Daniel 7 which talks about one coming like a son of man who's going to be given dominion and authority and power and all will worship Him Daniel 7's referring to a Divine figure Jesus refers to himself as that Divine figure what does the high priest do he tears His Garment and calls this blasphemy so Jesus not only understood himself to be the Messiah he understood himself to be God in human flesh let's check out the next Christianity at the end of the day with no proof everything is mythology if you have some proof that there was a God that this God had one son and he made this son come down and get the feet out of him and nailed to a board so that we could all have no sin do you have can you show me some studies can you give do you have a box of evidence that you can pull out and we can examine all the different pieces that points to the undeniable conclusion that that's true now that's an interesting standard that Joe has undeniable conclusion that this is true I think that's the wrong standard look people deny the Holocaust the question is not is there evidence that's undeniable even take a court of law nobody says give me undeniable evidence that this person committed the crime they said give me evidence Beyond A Reasonable Doubt so is there sufficient evidence that Jesus God is their convincing evidence I would say that there is now of course you don't look for a study on this we're talking about events in history what do we know through the historical record Jesus lived we know he was crucified we have very good reason he was buried in Joseph artheus tomb that tomb is empty and we have multiple accounts of people claiming to have seen the Risen Jesus it turns their lives upside down and the Christian faith begins now there's other attempted explanations to account for these facts but there's none that can account for all the facts apart from Jesus really being God and rising from the dead and by the way these facts have convinced some of the smartest people who've ever lived lawyers and historians and doctors and scientists so no it's not undeniable but there is good evidence for those willing to consider it and look at it the claims of Christ are not mythology they're rooted in history let's examine the historical record might be surprised what you find let's look at another one you believe in Jesus you believe in well I definitely don't believe in Jesus okay that's cool why why not why not I'm just curious I think the better question is why why would I because I'm not 10 this comment about not believing in Jesus basically cuz he's not 10 is less a commentary on the sophisticated evidence for Christianity as it is on the lack of sophistication of his understanding of what Christianity is and the powerful evidence for it look one of the leading former atheists he was an atheist at the time over the past half century was Anthony flu widely read philosophical atheist he ended up becoming aist and believed in God he said if you want omnipotence to set up a religion Christianity is the one to be why because you have a charismatic figure like Jesus and a first class intellectual like Paul at the end of the day Mar might re reject the claims for Christianity but some of the smartest people who have ever lived have believed in Christianity because of its sophistication and because of the evidence all right let's keep going Quran they're saying that Jesus came and like died for S and everything no it doesn't say no we believe that the crucifixion didn't really happen we believe that somebody else was crucified and Jesus was saved this is one of the biggest reasons I could not be a Muslim one thing we know from history with about as much certainty as you can know anything from history is that Jesus in fact was crucified if you just go back to the first century we have all four gospels writings of Paul the rest of the New Testament early church fathers Jews Like Josephus Romans like cadus all arguing or even just stating that Jesus in fact was crucified by the way many Muslims not all would say it appeared to people that Jesus was crucified but God substituted somebody else to be crucified in his place and appear as if it's Jesus that raises another problem that means Allah is intentionally deceiving people so if he's deceiving people about something as vital as the death of a prophet Jesus what else might he be deceiving people about so for these reasons and many more I cannot accept this claim let's look at another one I don't understand why you don't love Jesus he loved you so much that he was willing to die for you what Greater Love is that he didn't die for me he died for his dad that's not true he came to Earth knowing that you needed to be saved from your sins and so he came to Earth so he could act as a sacrific for them according to John 3:16 he was sent by his father God okay this is interesting cuz she rightly points out that often times as Christians we talk about the death of Jesus for what it does for us in other words we look look at this through what's called an anthropocentric lens a human focused lens but she's setting up a false dichotomy here it's not that either Jesus dies for the father or he dies for us biblically it's actually both in other words we're at odds in our relationship with God and through the death of Jesus we are enabled to be back in reconciliation in proper relationship with God so in that sense Jesus dies for us but in 1 John 14 10 it refers to Jesus as the propitiation for our sins what is that that means the satisfaction of God's Wrath which is his righteous anger so in that sense Jesus also died for his father so I appreciate that she pushes back on the unbalance that Christians often have often seeing this solely through the lens of Jesus dying for us but she goes so far that she misses that Jesus died for us and he died for the father it's not one or the other biblically speaking it's both let's keep going do you want to know what has never been proof of Jesus's resurrection the Bible and yet it is constantly cited as such and I want to be perfectly clear even if we had eyewitness accounts of his resurrection which we don't by the way but even if we did it wouldn't matter because any Joe scho could have written whatever he wanted okay now in one sense I agree that just because something is in the Bible we can't begin by assuming it's true and therefore proof of the Resurrection I think she also makes a mistake by saying well the Bible says that we don't have to take that seriously why don't we look at the Bible in particular the gospels the way we would look at any other historical writing and see if we have reason to trust it when you look at it through that lens whether it's the amount of manuscripts we have how early they are the quality of manuscripts when you look internally at some of the claims of the Bible and the way it's written when you look at archaeology and other biblical writings you can make a very good case that the scriptures are in fact reliable so we don't have somebody literally watching him take off the burial clothes and walk out of the Tomb but we have before we have burial we have empty tomb and people seen him and by the way I think she kind of dismisses this as if people can make up anything but the apostles built this entire faith on the claim that they had seen the Risen Jesus and intentionally put themselves In Harm's Way for the level of conviction and then other people chose to believe this meaning they were following someone who's crucified as An Enemy of the State of Rome trust me this isn't the kind of thing that just people made up and simply followed doesn't work that way all right here's another one hey Christians lean in I want to tell you something come no no lean in I want to tell you something the Jesus you worship the Jesus you've given your life to the Jesus you serve in that sense of the word serve never ask you to do any of those things now it's interesting me it puts this focus on the Jesus whom we serve never asks us to do any of these things my question is what is his proof what does it mean by serve here's what we know when we just go to the scriptures in Mark 10:45 Jesus said he came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many he calls us others his followers to serve as he did in fact he says pick up your cross and follow me follow my example to the point of being willing to die now what did he teach his followers to do he said to serve him and serve others by loving your enemies offering forgiveness washing one another's feet so Jesus first set the example by saying he didn't come to be served but to serve and then called his followers to do exactly the same let's see what we got next most Christians Catholics and Mormons do not know that Jesus is a Zeus which actually means hail Zeus and Zeus was the name of the Greek god the god of thunder and lightning which that's just metaphorical for him having Advanced weapons technology which he used to kill people and he was an evil Tyrant all right the name Jesus is in fact a Greek name that's not debatable the question is what is the origin of the name Jesus now this fellow seems to imply that it comes from Zeus and from some want to say the Greco Roman gods in the culture of that time that is clearly unmistakably false the name Jesus does not come from Zeus it comes from the Hebrew name in the Old Testament for Joshua which means to save look Jesus was Jewish he was raised as a Jew he lived in Israel and he proclaimed a Jewish gospel yes he lived in The Wider Greco Roman culture but the origin of Christianity and the name of Jesus is not found in the GRE Roman culture it's rooted in the Old Testament here's one more what's a word you pronounced incorrectly one time and it still haunts you to this day ah this has happened to me a couple times I'm going to be frank with you one is the word rubber I was teaching on James chter 3 and it talks about the tongue is like a Rudder that controls the whole ship and I said it's like a rubber that controls the whole ship another one was the word vulva I was telling a story about driving actually my wife today she's my girlfriend at the time in high school in a Volvo and I got in a crash and I described how I was with my girlfriend and I crashed a Volva yeah I lost the audience on that one hey thanks for watching wanted to end with a fun one here but I hope you found this helpful comment let me know is this helpful do you want me to keep doing using this channel to respond to Tik toks like this what kind of areas we're going to talk about relationships we're going to shift to some other specific topics what other advice what other suggestions would you have leave a comment my team is going to watch these cuz we want to keep producing content that will help you don't forget to subscribe we'll see you next time [Music]