hello this is a continuation on the dimension I'm sorry I was interrupted and had to stop the video and actually hit stop instead of pause so where we were on the last video was talking about the trailing numbers and what that means is if you have a dimension and let me just I want to I'm gonna blow this up here I'll just do it over here I need to find a small dimension that I can do let's see here okay this right here is a leading zero okay if I click on this it will not show that if I go to dim style and I check off leading zeros then as you can see that goes away again this is how your standards if your assignment shows shows that like this this is the way it needs to be shown same thing with feet in inches if you've got something that is we change the setting here again target textual and I don't want the zero feet if I dimension well here we've got this right here let me bring it out a little bit larger as you notice is doing two inches not zero feet two inches okay this also works the same on your angles if you have an angle like this right here you can have it to where if it's 30 point-0 it won't show the oh and there are zero or 0.1 degrees it won't show the reading that's what the trailing and leading is also on this one I kind of jumped over is the prefix and the suffix the prefix is if you want to put something before the text it will show up on every dimension within that style prefixes before so if I went over here and I changed the prefix two plus or minus which the code is percent percent P and a hit okay watch all of these dimensions they all have plus or minus okay so of course these wrote this one right here doesn't because it's on a standard this one doesn't either so the suffix you could come in and if you wanted to put say a foot mark after something you could just come over here and just put the foot mark and everything that any dimensions would show a foot mark unfortunately I've got some inches over here so they're not going to show up exactly right but understanding that these are all your settings for that alternate units and tolerances we won't be going into the fit is probably the most confusing one because this is where if you have a dimension that's very tight like this how that works whether the text is outside or the arrowheads are outside I will tell you that many of the times just working with them in here placing the text manually will actually allow you to move it to where you want it to be another thing to remember when you're dealing with dimensions is just what I'm doing here when I highlight it I can grab this grip and move it down to wherever I want it to be okay same thing with you know this right here if I wanted to make this larger or smaller whichever I was doing the grips have some power to them if you click on them and highlight them like right here it says flip arrow that I can do that without going into the DIMM style so the grips have extra little options for you if you hight see here it doesn't you come down here and then you can stretch it or flip the arrow if you wanted to but sometimes it doesn't here I can move this up if I want it to here I can move it so they do have certain options and dealing with the dimensions and you want to get yours as close as you can and to the assignments that I give out and again looking at this fit it says if there isn't enough room to place both text and arrow inside extension line remember these your extension lines the first thing to move outside the extension line is either text or arrow that's usually your your default you want to move just the arrows you want to move just the text you want to move both of them out or keep them both between the the lines or suppress them if they don't fit so you have settings too to deal with the same thing with the text you could click it here and that way when you moved it outside it would have a leader line to it pointing to the dimension line then we just kind of show you that real quick come over here to fit so if I come over to this as you can see it puts a leader line out to it so there's a lot of options in there if you can't get your air your dimensions to look correctly ninety-nine point percent of the time it's going to be in these dimension settings again understanding where everything is at understanding the terminology is the best way that'll help you they already give you a guide here if you know it's something with the lines then you know what's in here you don't have to go look if it's something with the text it's not the right size or the precision or something you know that it's right in here somewhere or if it's not placed correctly you know it's going to be in here so look over these again I apologize for stopping that other video but this will this will actually be the third video I will remember them and that concludes this video thank you