Transcript for:
Exploring Hebraic Understanding of Peace

peace first thing to recognize peace is an abstract you want to understand from a hebraic perspective we got to get back to the concrete the Hebrew word and I'm sure we're all familiar with it is Shalom we use it all a lot but what are we really saying when we say shabbat shalom or Shalom Al Shalom to you okay what are we really are we are we really just saying peace to you Shalom Alum peace to you or shabbat shalom peace ful Sabbath peace again abstract got to find out what the Hebrew means it comes from the root Shalom and it means to be in fact it's used most of the time in the context of restitution restitution in other words if I steal a cow from you you're not no longer whole you're missing something you're not whole anymore so literally in the hebraic thought what I'm doing is I'm going to make you whole by giving you a cow to fill that void and now you're whole and complete that is restitution to make something whole Shalom is translated restitution it means to make somebody whole and complete so the word Shalom literally means to make one whole and complete so if I say to you Shalom Al what I'm literally saying is may you be whole and complete may you have everything you need to be complete that's what what we're saying when we say that so now when next time you say shabbat shalom to somebody you know you're literally telling them I hope that your Shabbat is whole and complete and you have everything that you need shalu Shalom yusim pray for the Peace of Jerusalem usually we think of that in the context of absence of War but that's not what it's talking about we're asking for Jerusalem to be whole and complete and by the way that is a a uh quote out of the book of Psalms I don't remember which chapter but shalu Shalom yusim is in the Book of Psalms what are we asking for when we say when it says pray for the peace pray for the Shalom of Jerusalem we're asking for Jerusalem to be whole and complete is Jerusalem whole and complete now no what's admon there we go yeah right the temple once the temple is there then Jerusalem will be whole and complete it will have shalom