Bollywood hello welcome everybody good evening [Music] yes yes that's it that's it okay so numbers sometimes foreign okay first time it's a model is foreign uploaded foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign okay okay distance formula foreign foreign what does we mean by distance formula okay render pointed um distance foreign distance between variable it is nothing but root of x coordinates a difference x 2 minus X1 X2 minus X1 x coordinates x coordinates so X2 minus x 1 to come foreign foreign foreign okay today we have next class at 7 30. foreign oh stands foreign the x minus 0 x minus 0 whole Square x minus 0. which means x square plus Y coordinates the difference all right y minus zero y minus zero y Square point is foreign foreign allowed him minus x square plus y Square so water is foreign foreign happy hello guys next one how can we solve this is foreign foreign decision is okay foreign foreign foreign plus Y2 minus y1 whole Square is so X2 minus X1 whole square is so 2.5 so x 2 minus RX 1 x 1 0 so X2 minus x 1 whole Square Plus Y 2 minus seven whole Square y coordinate three difference Y 2 minus y1 words minus 2 root 5 whole Square okay hit the same as s square into b square a b holds currently same as s square into b square so two Roots it is same as 2 square into root two Phi Square foreign foreign foreign yes [Applause] foreign [Music] 20 plus 20 at the same as root of foot so root 4 10 cancel s prime factors tomorrow same numbers same numbers two numbers one two foreign good to do mic is the answer is nothing but the economy root to 5 rooted to and root 5 into root 2 it is same as row 10 are either two root 10. believe me foreign okay that's it if minus 5 3 and 5 3 are two vertices often equal to angle yeah five three okay coordinates are one two three four five and positive one two three rooms X Axel 5 units and y axis minus five three freak Phi comma 3. foreign foreign hello foreign 10. if total distance total distance that's it then find coordinates of third vertex foreign and given that origin lights originally foreign foreign let it be something X going on a distance Acres so AC equal to BC okay AC East Side equal to BC basis so AAC equal to BC okay star can you say one more okay [Music] foreign triangle is now is foreign plus Y coordinates and difference y minus three whole Square turn on the AC equal to foreign foreign plus y minus 3 whole Square okay okay f plus b square ah the purpose Bill okay square plus 2 a b so 2 times a b x into five foreign okay minus 2 into a b a means X into b means it's Phi plus b square x minus five Allah come on okay okay x square now cancel 25 now cancel it okay two into five ten ten next okay equal to new today minus ten X minus 10 x okay 10x equal to minus ten X which implies X and the executive X is equal to zero which implies x equals foreign foreign b square is 0. come on top of money okay okay okay zero sorry yeah so zero minus minus yeah okay 0 minus 5 whole square root of foreign Scottish can we take x equals directly from the Christian figure y-axis come on okay okay so 0 minus by whole square and um Plus y minus 3 whole Square foreign Plus y minus 3 whole Square equal to hundred y minus so y minus equal to 100 minus 25 it is so y minus 3 whole Square negative energy y minus 3 is root 75 Rook 75 which implies y equal to economy other plus three so three plus or minus root 75 is foreign foreign bubble three plus which implies then optioned y equal to 3 plus 475 or y equal to 3 minus root 75 hello hello foreign foreign foreign medic ations foreign that's your wish both will work for y minus the expand is okay okay foreign foreign foreign okay give me okay anyway s foreign namakaria BC distance BC equals to about the distance BC equals [Music] okay zero minus five whole Square it is a mass minus 25. [Music] just Square on both sides foreign everyone three root 75 positive I don't automatically originally I recommended is no thank you foreign I don't know it is same as root 3 5 Square 25 yeah it's the same as five root so root three known one point seven and I'll substitute okay foreign [Music] eight minus minus 2 whole Square 8 minus Plus Y coordinates in the difference hi Lydia welcome to sign up okay why code is the difference three minus three whole Square a b it is saying as eight minus minus two are the eight plus two whole square plus three minus 10 on others three minus three it is same as zero root of 10 square Plus three minus root of 10 square it is Square plus Y2 minus five and four square seven minus 3 whole Square root of 6 minus 8 which means minus 2 minus 2 whole Square arrived four Plus seven minus 3 whole Square seven minus three it is same as minus four minus four whole Square it is sorry 7 minus three four minus four four four four square it is same as 16. foreign enough the x coordinates reference one L it is nothing but six minus minus two other six plus two eight eight Square plus Y coordinates the difference in square Y coordinates with the same as 7 minus three or either four four square sixteen good so root of 64 plus 16 it is foreign foreign and the all sides equal a port Ella distance isosceles two sides are equal s right angle triangle right angle triangle okay right angles theorem foreign foreign 80. 80 plus 20. equal to 100 is equal to a b square right which means it is it is but 90 degree audience it is a right angle triangle and it is right angled at Dash it is right angle at Dash is okay baby is foreign foreign foreign Charlie coordinates of vertex of a triangle ABCD whose three vertices are given zero zero okay A B C D nuclear triangle rectangle other coordinates zero zero three zero um squares of other two sides foreign foreign automatically is come back a distance and e distance foreign okay so option three comma four is okay foreign [Music] sorry zero plus three X squares so zero plus 3 minus 0 it is 3. other words yeah so four plus zero four I'm Not O positive three four parameters okay some one two okay four two points someone is foreign IDI similarly Y coordinates yeah so seven plus two nine nine minus two it is same as seven is okay so one little econ on the 0.4 I don't automatically is foreign [Music] put it on the section formula formulas in the important problems foreign [Music] thank you render point a b yeah and the point seep device the line segment a B in the ratio some m is to it okay m is coordinate is [Music] foreign n y 1 divided is thank you foreign [Music] foreign so seven plus four eleven eleven by three okay yeah so two into sorry one into eight it is eight plus two into three it is six is three so fourteen by three conversations okay most important questions okay yes that's it all thank you all thank you and signing off of Nas AKA from xylem learning bye bye good night thank you all thank you