Transcript for:
Biblical Prophecy, History, and Reality

thank you all praise I'm definitely glad to be here all praises to the most high all praises um brothers and sisters online can They See Me online okay brothers and sisters all praises to the Lord I was scrolling through I see France Portugal London Japan Nairobi Kenya South Africa wow all praises to the Lord uh China even I see a brother from China Malawi okay Nairobi it's the operators brothers and sisters online I pray that you're edified today I wish all of you in London could have come out I see a lot of you in London Essex UK I know it's not enough room here but we're going to expand one day is that right cap we're going to expand all right I had to change my topic up today I had another class prepared but many things were going on while we were at camp today uh there was this white woman that fell in love with Deacon Knighton she just jumped on him yes yes all Praises let's open up what uh revelation 2. we're going to talk about history reality and prophecy uh who can tell me the difference between the three things I named history reality and prophecy who has the mic and you got a mic back there all right give it to somebody the present prophecy future okay very good brief and show about the Bible covers all three things so we're gonna touch on it today we're definitely going to touch on it today let's open up Revelation chapter two uh I.T Department you don't need those images or maybe a few maybe like three but the majority of them we're not going to use because I I changed the topic Revelation chapter two and let's open it with verse one The Book of Revelation Chapter 2 and verse 1. unto the angel of the Church of Ephesus right these things save he that hold of the Seven Stars in his right hand now the when it talks about the angel of the Church of Ephesus talking about the Bishops and deacons talk about the leadership that's over those congregations it's not talking about a literal Angel um or cherubim it's not talking about that all right so this Spirit that's in a church of Ephesus we're going to touch on today because this Spirit may be here in the UK and many of the other uh places we're in the diaspora scattered so we want to touch on it briefly go ahead who woke up in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks I Know Thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how thou cans not bear them which are evil and thou has tried them which say they are Apostles and are not and has found them Liars now you see that part right there where it says which say they're Apostles and are not and has found them Liars this is an Ephesus remember the same thing happened in Corinth can you give me that in um uh I believe it's second Corinthians chapter 11. let me look at it let me look at it second Corinthians chapter 11 yes verse 12 and 13. the book is second Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 12. but what I do that I will do that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion that wherein they Glory they may be found even as we so what I'm going to show you is the same problem in Ephesus was the same problem in Corinth read that again read it slow verse 12 but will I do what I do is making a reference to his works as an apostle okay that I will do that I will do go ahead the I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion the occasion is you had men trying to set themselves up as Apostles so Paul says that I may cut off occasion occasion of being Apostles from them which desire occasion because you had men trying to establish themselves in the congregation above those who Christ had chosen right that wherein they Glory wherein they Glory as Apostles go ahead they may be found even as we they have to be found doing the things and teaching the things that Paul and the other apostles were doing watch this for such are false Apostles that's the proof right there for such a false Apostles go ahead deceitful workers deceitful workers transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ when we go back to Revelation 2 about Ephesus that Spirit was there as well now we've seen that spirit in the states I believe it it occurred here was a little brother from Nicaragua what was his name I forgot his name his name ain't important but what year was that 2017. but it was before the madness right that's one of the same type of thing so where in Revelation 2 and what verse were you at verse two got it read it again Revelation Chapter 2 and verse 2 I Know Thy works and I labor and thy patience they put in a lot of work in Ephesus right and how it does can't not bear them which are evil and thou has tried them which say they are Apostles they tried and would say they are Apostles go ahead and or not they were not Apostles go ahead and I found them live and they were found to be Lions because you had young men trying to establish themselves above the senior men order is very important in this truth okay not for uh domination but for order's sake okay experience sake knowledge sake go ahead and has borne and has patience and for my name's sake has labored it has worked hard right and has not fainted and have not fainted in this truth many many times brothers who labor in this truth sometimes time somewhere along the line they faint meaning they give up and that is how we should not be go ahead nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first so notice what Christ says he says nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first love right remember everybody remember think about when you first came in as truth you was on fire you had that Zeal you had that Faith you sat up and watched videos on all through the night taking notes taking notes taking notes taking sharing with everybody and then it starts to dwindle down and you get complacent and you get okay yeah Deuteronomy 28 68 yeah Revelation 140 yeah I know that that's when that Spirit shows you that you've left your first love your mind is now occupied on other things right verse five remember therefore from winched out art fallen and repent so Christ is warning the brothers and sisters and ever since he says remember from when start our phone remember where you stumbled at in this truth remember that find out what it would you could that goes back to self-examination give me that in uh Corinthians 13 and 5. real quick the book of second Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 5. examine yourselves so men and women you must examine yourself that comes when you feel that fire leaving you there's Zeal leaving you that that Faith leaving you examine yourselves don't ask me uh Bishop what are you seeing me I only see what you allow me to see understand that I right now I see everybody's manager you're on your best behavior you're like oh praise but at home some of you are grimy no good now that might be speculation because I'm making my reference pretty much back in the states with the shower [ __ ] is if y'all know what I'm talking about those nasty sisters just nasty oh god oh I didn't want to prove somebody they want to get married don't nobody want to marry that so so we're dead again examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith so you got to examine yourself you men and you women you must examine yourself take stock of yourself what is your character like what is your personality like what is your Zeal what is your drive what is your goal what are your AIMS in this truth that's something you have to examine what are your shortcomings what are your shortcomings in this Truth where do you stumble at in this truth that's something between you and the Lord and maybe somebody that knows you very well like a spouse or a very good friend who's known you for some time maybe they can see something in you that's why some people don't like to congregate they go no no I don't want to congregate why because somebody's gonna after some time go hey you're doing a b and c and that's not right no most some people don't want to hear that don't nobody got time for that but that's what we need read it again examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith prove your own self prove your own I can't prove you you have to prove your own selves okay and uh with brothers that's of course that's Camp that's being diligent in his work flight emissions of course traveling of course studying praying application systems the same thing okay building up one another and the tightest two the daughters of Sarah learning what it is to be a a good woman a good wife uh a good spouse and that goes for the men as well read it one more again examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith prove your own cells know you're not your own cells how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobated a reprobate if you can't if you don't know yourself you don't know your shortcomings there's something wrong with you you're a reprobate rep the word reprobate means void of judgment okay that's a corrupt mindset I I don't I don't know what's wrong with me like a lot of rapists got Minds like that they they can't just they can't discern between right and wrong is it right to rape a woman I'm not sure you're reprobate or the minds that uh what is map what does that stand for minor attracted persons they're pedophiles mine they call it map now in this in the states I don't know what y'all call that here what they call that here oh pedophile okay in an a in a state always changing words around giving new different meanings it's like what does total confusion over there where are we at did you finish that verse yes sir go back to Revelation two and verse uh five The Book of Revelation 4 again chapter 2 and verse 4. nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first love because I was left thy first now discreet went blank is that okay the screen oh to come back okay good verse five remember therefore from which Thou Art falling so that's why we went to Corinthians remember therefore from whence Thou Art Fallen you gotta remember for when you're falling you gotta remember what went wrong in your life was it that your child left was it that your husband broke out your wife said I'm tired of this what caused you to stumble in this truth what caused you to give up the spirit in this in this struggle in his fight go ahead read it again remember therefore from when thou art fallen and repent and repent right and do the first what notice what it says do the first words remember for when she will fall remember how when you first came in those first works you had remember that fire you had that Zeal that motivation you had goals you had aims remember that is what Christ is saying sometimes we tend to forget that we got to sit back and take stock of ourselves and think about that stuff okay or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy Candlestick out of his place except thou repent so when it says or else I will come unto thee quickly and remove thy Candlestick meaning that fire the light that you had he said I'm gonna take it from you okay read and do what except thou repent accept thou repent except you change your way of thinking give me Revelation 3 15. foreign this was the Church of laodicea The Book of Revelation chapter 3 and verse 15. actually started 14 verse 14 and unto the angel of the Church of lightest of lightestians yeah the laodiceans were the Spartans that you see in that movie uh 300 that was the same that was our people okay the laodiceans were the Spartans right right these things saved the amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of God watch This I Know Thy what I know that your works so the Church of the laodiceans they were putting in work in the truth right that thou art neither cold nor hot then he says but they were not cold meaning they were not 100 out of the truth but they weren't hot either they weren't fervently hot in the truth either go ahead I would thou word code oh Christ said I wish you were either cold or hot good so then because Thou Art lukewarm because you were in the middle right and neither cold nor hot you ain't out of the truth and you ain't uh hot for the truth you're in the middle that I will spew thee out of my mouth I'll get rid of you Christ said I'm not gonna use you understand that you have Spirits you have souls who have left their first love so they have one foot in the world one foot in the truth they're in the middle they're right down the middle Christ said I'm going to get rid of you give me that one in mark four how do you know when you're in the middle there's a few ways you can determine and figure out for the reprobates Among Us if you're hot or cold Mark chapter 4 yeah you got it for me what verse we're going to verse 16. yeah The Book of Mark 15 just out of 15. chapter 4 and verse 15. and these are they by the wayside where the word is sown but when they have heard Satan cometh immediately and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts like when you were camping it teaches somebody whether it's a bro a brother or sister Here Comes Satan and will stand in front of the person that's listening or beast beside him whispering in their ears saying something loud and obnoxious just so to draw them away right that's one type okay verse 16 and that's the part I wanted verse 16. and these are they likewise which are sown on Stony ground who when they have heard the word immediately receive it with gladness that's everybody listening now we we receive it gladly whoa who I'm in Israelite Christ looks like me all praises to the Lord good and have no root in themselves ah you don't study that's the root is you don't study you don't study you don't pray you don't apply that's what it means you have no root in this truth okay and so in job for a time you only endure full-time and notice it's not it does not tell you how long a time is that could be three years it could be eight years it could be ten years it doesn't say Christ left left it open for us good afterward when Affliction or persecution arises for the word say ah notice that afterward when Affliction of persecution arises for the word sake meaning you're being challenged about your faith you're being challenged persecuted afflicted for what you believe many times that comes from family many times that comes from family you used to celebrate Christmas dinner with us why don't you do that anymore that's not right oh you're sick the reason you're sick is because you left the Christian church is because you stopped celebrating Christmas I remember a couple of was it two months ago uh the brother in Oklahoma that passed away I believe it was Ezra his family comes in and says oh the reason you're dying he had like stage four cancer is because you left the Baptist Church so he called me about I said throw everybody out the room I said that's Satan throw him out right now I don't care if it's your mother throw her out now Ma you got to go get out that's all you got to deal with him because they will crush and destroy your spirit why because their objective their goal is we diverse again from this top read again 17 but and have no root in themselves and so enjoy butt for a time that's the part I wanted afterward when Affliction and or persecution arises for the word sake that's what I wanted Affliction or persecution arises for the word's sake for the word sake you're being persecuted by friends and family okay it said for the word sake what happens immediately they are offended immediately those Spirits are offended why because you have not studied you have not been praying you have not been applying so now when the scriptures come out you are offended at the scriptures understand understand understand wait watch this precept give me Matthew 24 10. what happens afterwards when you're offended what happens Christ's going to tell you what happens when you're offended when a scripture start to offend you there's a problem um in Miami uh um two weeks ago Miami Florida nope they have atonement how long ago was that three weeks about three weeks three four weeks day of atonement they ever told me in Miami sister walks and she has a 50 pound butt like that bam she wears a spandex y'all know that material spandex is stretchy she wears that to Dave atonement and her husband walks in with her so it's Captain zakar says Hey where's the Garment to cover yourself that's not modest the husband says what now they've been with us six years what scripture says she has the um where the uh garment or cover herself up it's called get out that's the scripture get out that's how you got to deal with these people so six years now all of a sudden you get a thought my wife could show her big behind and everybody's gonna watch okay read that for me Matthew chapter 24 and verse 10 and then shall many be offended this the offended men defended women good and shall betray one another what are they gonna do and shall betray one another so you got to keep an eye out a spiritual iron on brothers and sisters that tend to get offended when the word of God comes out when they when they can't endure the persecution for the word's sake they can't endure the Affliction for the word's sake they will get offended and betray you we saw that in 2018 a lot of betrayal go back to mark four and we're in verse 18. The Book of Mark chapter 4 and verse 18. so that's one group which will cause you and and these things occur understand when you start to lose your first love you start to forget from whence you came and how you got from there to here you forget all that good and these are they which are sown among Thorns such as hear the word watch this and the cares of this world and the cares of this world and this and the deceitfulness of riches let me do what the cares of this world first um you start to say things or think Within brother so and so has a nice house do y'all call them houses out here I don't know I keep hearing different words I hear flats and I'm like what's a flat y'all be confusing me so sister such and such has a nice house why don't I have that that's the case of the world now these things we're not saying it's bad to have those are good that but some people you got to think use red think real think real some brothers some sisters are better off financially than others from when you come in the door so here you got the brother or the sister that's financially doing well then you got the brother or the sister that's that comes in they just came out of school and they got may have a like in in the states we gotta we work at Walmart where we pack bags you make minimum wage you're not think think reality think reality you're not going to be able to do what brother so-and-so assisted so-and-so is doing yet notice the key word I used yet it takes time it takes time many times brothers and sisters view some like uh they drop out of school and you brothers and sisters that what I'm talking about high school I'm not so much talking about college too much because you could get trade school or some go to college but I've noticed that brothers and sisters who drop out of school they get a lot of them get them very menial jobs and those are the ones that Satan tends to afflict with persecution and this read it again that verse again you just read verse 19 and the cares of this world cares of this world creep in now you won't even admit you're in your situation because of your own fault because you dropped out you didn't want to pursue nothing you was that loser brother or that loser thought sister who just wanted to make it clap now reality has set in because we all like we like history we like prophecy oh this is going to happen with Israelites but now reality sets it okay I'm a bum I want to get married but I can't afford a wife I want to get married but I can't afford a place to live I gotta stay with brothers so and so or sister so and so it ain't right I'm a bum but a lot of times you don't say that you don't examine yourself you'll go oh what did you you said you raised your voice I don't like that I'm leaving but that wasn't the reason you left because he raised his voice so he gave a sharp scripture to try to correct you it was something in you Brewing already something that you took stock of yourself and you couldn't face it you don't want to admit to the brothers and sisters I'm a bum I'm a loser I have no goals no aims no aspirations I just want to sit around and and what's the word when you uh sponge is y'all use that word people SpongeBob SquarePants [Laughter] read that again and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the deceitfulness of riches you want to get rich now is Rich As evil no it's not it says the deceitfulness of riches you're going about it the wrong way my man sister you're on only fans do I have that out here stay off only fans the hell is this they knew about it quick stay off of that it's weird you get them people make money remember the sister that used to be with us uh the blue girl I forgot her name I don't care what her name is she goes oh my only fans only fans they'll say hey let me be quiet oh nothing read it again and the cares of this world and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the loss of other things entering in see that the loss of other things entering in I remember brother said he was battling a rape Spirit we had to tell him to watch it brother we're glad you admitted that but you need to watch at home one sister from Liberia oh God she got on my nerves no I'm gonna take that back she don't get him on her something she said they got on my nerves I'll say it that way something she said you remember this one we go out to like beer yo you remember was you with us in Liberia remember that she had no roof on the house yeah and she goes uh oh we said why'd you move your whole family to Liberia she said oh well my other son the police railroaded him and set him up and um he's in jail for rape so I said it was a setup she said yes it was a setup I said oh the white man is the devil but in the back of my mind I said I'm I'm just playing along for right now okay sister anyway her other kids got mad sick they caught malaria so we had to fly him back to the States said sister don't change because her kids grew up in America said go back to the States what this house has no roof it has only three walls it's not worth it go back that's like houses in Haiti three walls the hell is that's not a house that's three walls so we get back and she says but Bishop they might uh X what's the word extradite my son to Liberia as it turned out they did not extradite her son to Liberia they actually they sent him back to wherever I know where the van Gogh says this place over there so she says oh this is how you this is why you got to watch some of these sisters oh can you write a letter that says now you know when you get arrested for rape even if it's statutory you have to register do y'all gonna do that out here you got to register as a sex offender you cannot be around children if it's a statutory rape you can't be around kids she goes oh can you write a letter saying that there's no children during the Sabbath class no we're not going to do that because his uh po parole officer will come check and we get in trouble for lying we're not doing that sis oh okay so she had her son her son would call me like every week and I said this phone call seemed fake and phony it's like she's forcing him to call me so after a while I just stop picking up I said something ain't right something ain't right lo and behold we're watching television and it says breaking news it says uh man grabs girl at the gas pump and rapes her behind the 7-Eleven so I'm like that dude looked familiar I'm like who is that she's lo and behold is her son that she begged you remember this you remember this crazy stuff who yeah yeah I didn't want to say that part but thank you thank you Deacon Isaac huh yeah he he took out and then raped it yeah just Madness you can't make this stuff up Jeffrey Dahmer so why did I tell that story huh oh people be deceitful that was it no we read that somewhere I I can't remember y'all be letting me go on and I'm forgetting my thought Mark 4 and 19 years dead again Mark chapter 4 and verse 19 and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the loss of other things the loss of other things booty is a can be a big part of lusting for other things some brothers I don't really hear too many sisters maybe one or two but Brothers have a lustful booty for sex and that's one of the major and it's always the broke Brothers the brothers who can't order order bro hey find me a picture of Black Snake Moan Samuel Jackson I know y'all thinking I look just like him but that's all right it's okay put that picture up on the screen laughs come on it because I don't think anybody's seen that movie black snake Moon yeah you know you look like the one on right you look just like that and he might have some money but he don't want to want to get with him because he don't groom inside and take care of himself he don't study pray apply so Brothers like that got booty problems meaning they can't get no type of a woman did I say it wrong I said wrong I'll say a laughing at me they can't get nobody those are the ones that fall into inordinate infection rapists uh they always got problems okay read that again and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the loss of other things entering in choke the word what does it do choke the word jokes the word and it become if unfruitful and it becometh unfruitful so this group did study a little bit Verse 18 and 19. they studied a little bit that's why it says it chokes the word you didn't have enough word in you not to be choked okay so it choked you and you become unfruitful some of you in here unfruitful some of you brothers and sisters online have become unfruitful the schools are falling apart where you're at you're getting evicted that means there's no that lets us know there's no faith no Zeal no Drive you're gonna add to that cap for me add to that Jose I'm talking to you dang thank you please y'all do not man we was a piece of Tabernacles I was teaching from uh 12 noon to like two three in the morning exhausted and these guys would not be around I'm exhausted so when they get there I'm like go ahead yo y'all got it I'll be tired as hell so help me go ahead don't add to that thing so give me the in ecclesiasticals 32. because he got something that like uh the bishop said he's got something to do with your faith get up um matter of fact I'm on Titus three and eight I'm gonna get that one first tightest three and eight read that for me the book of Titus Chapter 3 and verse 8. this is a faithful Saiyan so let's say this is a faithful sin really and these things I will that thou affirm constantly read that they which have believed in God they say they their which have believed in God Reed might be careful to maintain good work they might be careful to maintain good works like concerning with the schools you know we had a couple schools didn't close down in different countries you know it's a day that believe might be careful to maintain good works because remember we don't labor for ourselves only give me that real quick in ecclesiastics if the people here you go out on the streets uh go out on the streets and preach the word if they don't want to come and congregate like yesterday we um we was in Brixton we met this guy named Joseph you know he was saying that uh you know he need a place to congregate he didn't know we was here so Lord willing to brother make his way to the school but as we go out and we sit up there and gather the fold we got to bring the foe into a place where they say where they can learn you know I'm saying well they can study where they can be built up uh what's that Ecclesiastes 32 syrup chapter 33 and verse 17. three consider that I labor not for myself only so the believing brother even the believing sister they know we ain't just in this for ourselves we may we label not for ourselves only Reed but for all them that seek learning we labor for all them that seek learning but you gotta ask yourself do you believe that do you really believe that you laboring for those that seek learning so that's why uh Titus said look this is a faithful saying they they believe in God will be careful to maintain good works can I get one more scripture Bishop give Philippians chapter 2. so we don't label for ourselves only think about Christ so we got to move in the footsteps so our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the black Messiah Philippians chapter 2 and but do you believe that because you'll say that's right but do you believe Philippians 2 and verse 33 the book of Philippians chapter 2 and verse 3. let nothing be done through Strife or vain Glory read but in loneliness of Mind Let each esteem other better than themselves read look not every man on his own thing because that's what happened a lot of us the curls of the world sneak in and then you get to look at every man on his own things and you forget about what God has said up there and called you to do you start to forget the mission and as you start to forget the mission like I said the sickness of uh or the curves of the world and and love start to choke the word and you become unfruitful next thing you know School shutting down Brothers ain't going to Camp next thing you know bro brother and fill out the truth you only hear from a brother no more read them but every man also on the things of others they say look now every man on his own things but every man on man also on the things of others this truth ain't just about you the Lord then called you in here just for you y'all understand that you ain't been called in here just for you the the most because guess what as you grow the most I gonna bring other brothers in he gonna bring other sisters in and guess what when these brothers and sisters come in they gonna they gonna need to hear about your experiences you're gonna have to be able to guide them to show them hey now look don't make this mistake that's why a lot of stuff that you know the leadership teach us is from um experiences that they didn't have so they when they sent up here edifiers with these classes they're trying to keep you from going down the road that they went down uh to avoid some of the hurts that the world got waiting on you the verse five and then I'll be through with this scripture let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus so that's the mind that Jesus Christ had we got to have the same mind that Jesus Christ got Sean I'm gonna send you a video I want I want the brothers and sisters to see this uh a spider's rapper named smart uh you got it okay I want I want y'all to see I'm dealing with the uh chaos of the world deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things and um we're gonna go to the book of haggai okay but not right not now I want to show this video first okay this is by this rapper named smart they're in the barbershop Barbershop setting I want y'all to listen and I always I always get on the brothers and sisters that rap I get on them a lot because some brothers some sisters come in a truth not because so much they love the Lord but because they want to be seen and heard through the rap world and we try to tell what do we tell them learn first learn these scriptures first get it in your spirit become a teacher before you become a rapper or you get in the musical you got it for me okay it's loading up why because we know the pitfalls um we are not a group The benjamites okay they they had a captain zakai and them had a meeting with it there's a company called if I say I heart is called I heart I Heart Radio they wanted to sign them right but there was uh stipulations they wanted lyrics changed uh when they couldn't get that they wanted uh they wanted to remove Jalil from the rest of them uh so all these things so I'm glad the brothers were in the spirit they said no we're not doing that we're not doing that we're not doing it because you know they'll they'll uh have you sign everything then put on you put you on the shelf and nobody ever hear from you again that's what they wanted to do so we try to warn you rapper Brothers and Sisters You singers and y'all but lovely I loved it but I see Satan coming I said ah there's a lot of talent out here and you know some of them brothers have been financial problems and things like that so if they weren't built up in the faith you know hey sane come in could have pulled them out but hey brother still standing strong that's right that's right you gotta Force I.T I want you to pay close attention just listen and this is in the States but believe me it's here as well I felt what he said about like why would I sell a deal I sold crack I sold drugs I had houses and listen I had houses on regularly right one man five up with this my [ __ ] I had cribs up north I was good like I was that [ __ ] listen listen I control [ __ ] you heard listen that's what I'm saying bro that's what I'm saying bro cause you you saying you've been in the pencils you understand that no I said listen so you may not understand this so what I'm saying is is I already I know how to get I know how to beat blood out of Rock right so a [ __ ] can't tell me he gonna give me a hundred million dollars to play with my butt because I'm gonna go one I'm not a homosexual two I'm never selling my soul three I don't care was a hundred billion dollars person right let me get it on my own let me get to a point bruh right so I'm gonna get it on my own the other a lot of these artists don't be real [ __ ] that [ __ ] you see on the record or whatever they making they not really solid they not throwing never saw no drugs they got mommy and daddy at home they never even been through [ __ ] so when they get proposition they see a call they go they don't know don't drink after a [ __ ] they don't know a [ __ ] so straight because I ain't really trying to put [ __ ] out there right but a [ __ ] you're in the studio we we from the hood I used to stick [ __ ] up bro Babyface I used to book [ __ ] so I'm I'm always on point bro I'm oh I'm on point right now my [ __ ] always on my square but a [ __ ] that's a square he don't know so he don't know why she'll drink he don't know so now he drink behind a [ __ ] he get Digger drug they rape this [ __ ] they they raped this [ __ ] videotaping then when he in the meeting they give him a shitty contract they played a video on him getting [ __ ] by like three [ __ ] he ain't never been doing [ __ ] like that so he like man what [ __ ] it I'm just gonna sign and you're gonna give me money so rather rather than get that story put out he gonna sign that bad contract which is the 360 deal he gonna take that Advance which is recuperable anyway so they're gonna give him the money just to take back and own the right to his [ __ ] I'm sitting here with five [ __ ] that got the same look like I killed nine [ __ ] yo yo I kill you boss I'm over here with five [ __ ] right here that was all I wanted now did this be true stories true stories and we warn you rapper Brothers you singing sisters don't get caught out there you will get caught like a lot of them the Brotherhood made the face he knew exactly what was being said nobody can hear you you gotta send a mic thank you he's going for you five Stacks to tell me who it is you're talking about because he was with G-Unit that's who that guy was with he was a G Unit okay um so there's a lot of that goes back to what we just read so based on what uh uh uh Captain uh just for no high guy so you don't you didn't remind me I got chapter one and let me hear verse four the book of haggai chapter 1 and verse 4. is it time for you oh ye to dwell in your sealed houses and this house lie waste so the prophet had guy was sent to zerubbabel and Joshua the high priest zerubbabel was the governor this is on our return from Persia back to Jerusalem uh zerubbabel was set up as the governor and Joshua was set up as the high priest their job was to build the temple they got so much pushback so much persecution so much Affliction trying to build a temple they just stopped they gave up like we've been reading today so now the Lord sends haggai he says haggai I need you to go talk to zerubbabel and Joshua and say read it again is it time for you oh ye to dwell in your sealed houses is it time for you to dwell in your sealed houses go ahead and this house lie waste and God's house lie waste that goes back to the chaos of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things so they weren't building God's house they was not doing what God commanded them to do they were more concerned and focused on their personal house and their personal living conditions go ahead now therefore thus save the Lord of hosts consider your way consider your ways okay you have so much you've sown much and bringing little and you bring in little as a result you eat you eat but you have not enough and you don't have enough these were these are the curses that the Lord put on Joshua and uh zerubbabel okay you drink but you're not filled with drink right you clothe you but there is none warm and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes so all this happened is Aruba Bell and Joshua but guess what these same things that happened to them often happens to us we come in its truth we know what we're supposed to do with then persecution and affliction comes we start to fall back and you let the next brother you you do it and you just sit back now you you're not the the things that you wanted for your own house starts to fall apart slowly but surely go ahead verse 7 does save the Lord of hosts consider your ways well you know what consider your ways let me see Amazon give me another term for ex and consider your ways we just read it earlier today consider your ways very good examine yourself examine yourself that's what it means by consider your ways you ain't got to worry about considering my ways or his ways or her words consider your ways that's what the Lord is saying to him read it again thus save the Lord of hosts consider your ways right go up to the mountain and bring wood and build the house and I will take pleasure in it see he's telling them build the house and I will take pleasure in it do the work I commanded you to do okay and I will be glorified and I will be glorified God save the Lord save the Lord now we all got different Lots in here and what I mean by that is that people in the world who become financially well-off financially successful it's often said never Envy them their description Psalms I believe is 70. it could be wrong but around Psalm 70 where it says Envy not the wicked for you know not how they got their prosperity you don't know like the dude just said in the video okay he got booty raped and that's how became who he is today I have nobody want to go through ain't nobody got time for that all over the place that's just nasty no but when you come in the truth the Lord is saying okay this is your lot you have to do a b and c but then you go but the guy over there he made riches a lot easier he got it why can't I go that way don't go that way it's going to go bad for you okay was that it verse 9 he looked for much and lo it came to little you look for much and low it came to little right and when you brought it home I did blow upon it and when you brought it home God said he blew upon what you brought to the house God why saved the Lord of hosts because of my house that is waste right you said you asked the question why a bunch of stuff brought it here I had money I had this but God blew on it and now all that you thought you had is now gone go ahead because of my house that is waste and you run every man onto his own house understand that you coming this truth you're called on a mission you're called to do a job to build the Lord's House We Are The Lord's House our job is to build it make sure it's established make sure the people are provided taken careful that's our job when you decide I'm not going to do it I want to go the easy route and deal with back to drugs back to whatever back to the rap game now you're in the all kind of hell and you're trying to figure out how you got there read therefore the heaven over you is stayed from do and the Earth is stayed from her fruit was that it yes I'm not looking at give me Ezekiel 33. Ezekiel 33 and 31 please start at 30. The Book of Ezekiel chapter 33 and verse 3. also thou son of man the children of thy people still are talking against thee by the wolves and in the doors of the houses he said watch the videos I listen to the classes I love it good and speak one to another everyone treats brother saying come I pray you and hear what is the word that coming forth from the Lord let's go here with the bishop and deacons and captains are bringing out today let's go here we want to hear God and they come unto thee as the people cometh and they sit before thee as my people and you sit before us as God's people okay and they hear thy words they hear the words of the Lord but they will not do them what is that but they will not do that they will not do them they hear the words but they will not do them this is what we see in various iuic congregations brothers and sisters come before us to hear the word but they don't do what the word is saying okay they start to uh uh what's the word backslide in this truth okay for with their mouth they shoot much love with your mouth you show much love oh we love you Bishop we love you deacons captains I love you I love you go ahead but their heart growth after their coverages ah you see that part right there but their heart goes after their covetousness meaning your desire what you want in your personal life okay and low that will unto them as a very lovely song of one that have a pleasant you're not aware they put them precepts together it's like the way Whitney Houston sang a song it's like Bob Marley it's like give me another one give me another one Patti LaBelle I don't know if they know Patti LaBelle who y'all ain't got nobody out here oh they know Michael Jackson you know somebody that's saying good that's what we're talking about who Aretha Franklin they know her so read that part again and low that will unto them as a very lovely song of one that have a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument so that's how it is when we bring out the scriptures go ahead for they had Thy word for they hear thy words but they do them not they do them not that's why you got to examine yourself I don't know to me if somebody asked me I said they're all doing the work of God they're all doing the work but that might not be so that comes with self-examination that comes with consider your ways I can only see what you show me Captain hashan who's here with you majority of the time he could say a little more but some of you are so calm so collected you can hide the most grimy spirits and they sit amongst us Shalom okay meanwhile you're a pedophile in the background this this is what it's saying read that again verse 32 and lo that will unto them as a very lovely song of one that have a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument for they hair thy words but they do them not right and when this comes to pass low it will come like today then shall they know that a prophet has been among them exactly so we're telling you examine your ways consider your ways examine yourself consider your ways give me some rock 7 15 please feel free to jump in if you don't want to bring something up so rock 7 and 15. the book of siroc chapter 7 and verse 15. hey not laborious work hate not laborious work go ahead Neva husbandry neither husbandry that's farming which the most high have ordained so I know especially the younger generation of men and women hate laborious work they despise that thing but it's what the Lord ordained from the time of Adam okay read it again hate not laborious work never husbandry which the most high have ordained Jimmy Sorak 29 21. sometime in some whether you're whatever your financial situation is I know uh many times sisters say I want to be a stay-at-home uh housewife that can only be if the husband is financially good many times in many situations especially the Younger You Are uh it would be more advantageous for both the man and the woman to work together that's in some many situations I've seen like that the hell the husband has the work and the wife has the work until as time passes on the husband begins to improve and is able to say to the wife she does not have to work now she choose to work that's on her 29 and verse 21 the chief thing for life is water and bread and clothing and then house to cover shame so those are the chief things but in order to get that you can't you cannot hate laborious work you cannot depend 100 on government assistance understand that government assistance is yet there just to help you get back on your feet not to live your life that's a stumbling block For You video again the chief thing for life is water and bread and clothing and in house to cover shame right better is the life of a poor man in a mean courage than delicate fair in another man's house some brothers don't understand it I remember there was a sister she couldn't understand that she would move from house to house she would get to know all the sisters become very friendly very nice personality but it was a game it was a game because she hated to work she was a single mom and her kids were grown now I won't say grown I'd say they were what were they she stayed with you as a matter of fact for six months to a year uh how old were the kids 13 14. so they will have age okay so let's read that again verse 22. better it's a life of a poor man and a mean courage than delicate fair in another man's house so she had gained very friendly sister laughable you sit with all you cry she crack you up but it was a game so that she could get into your house and stay with you from six months to a year her and her kids her and her kids don't let me forget uh uh the boy just say the boy when I finish my story so she will go from so she stayed with uh Deke for six months to a year he said she gotta go I guess you gotta go there's termites all in my house now bed bugs it was bed bugs yeah she stay with you too bed bugs him and his wife was like oh we got bed bugs all over the place some people don't understand it's better to have your own place that's messed up it might not even be the nicest but it's yours is yours you ain't in some other person's house living a life of Riley ruining it stuff then she giving bad counsel to the girls don't take a bath too often your man will leave you her butt was stinking yeah she said the water bill she said her husband left her because the water bill was too high I'm like just that's not why he left you since that's not why he left you that's just nasty oh The Boy The Boy so sister so-and-so her son love to be around the boys so one day she stays with another sister her she walks in with her son and he walks in with a negro in the back room and it's the assistant thing to another she just figured that's his friend oh that was his friend all right yeah all in the back so what the hell's going on back here if you don't get your side of my nasty behind out of here people would take advantage of you I'm telling you and abuse your life abuse your body even just nasty disgusting and she she came to me oh then they don't have the spirit of Christ on them why because they want me to leave I said just stop you you overstayed your welcome your bunch of sodomites sunging son and he's banging some dude this dude all over the lady's carpet yo you gotta go it's just nasty now there was another sister this is a different sister she want to stay with her sister and she got a bird she had to burn us a pirate one of them big white parrots with the plume I forgot what they call them the cockatoo I think it's called she go to the house she'd move all her stuff in and she takes the the bird is about this big it ain't no Little Bird takes a bird out the cage and says he likes to fly free this system gets up this bird doodle everywhere she's eating breakfast the bird flies at her plate and eats and takes a turd she's like what the hell is this people will take advantage of you read that verse again verse 22 bear is the life of a poor man and a mean courage than delicate fair in another man's house because guess what they both had in common they'd eat your food they eat your food they won't bring no food into the house you gotta feed them you gotta clothe them what the hell is like another child go ahead be it little or much holdy contended that thou hair not the reproach of thy house for it is a miserable life to go from house to house for where thou art a stranger now there is no open thy mouth go ahead thou shall entertain and feast and have no thanks moreover thou shall hear bitter words Come Thou stranger and furnish a table and feed me of that thou has ready give Place thou stranger to an honorable man my brother cometh to be Lodge and I have need of mine house I mean in other words you have to get out okay these things are Grievous to a man of understanding and upbrading of of house room and reproaching of the lender but you'll only understand it if you have wisdom if you can consider your ways if you can examine yourself think you had some um yeah get um 3319. this goes back to um living in someone's home you have to you have to as an adult hey you have to maintain the preeminence you can't allow yourself to be at someone else's Mercy because they can put you out anytime put you on the street and then you crying to everybody else say that they're evil but the reality is you're grown you should be able to understand your two feet and you're on two feet 33 verse 19. the book has syrup chapter 33 and verse 19. not be verse 18 verse 18 hear me oh ye Great Men of the people and how come with your ears ye rulers of the congregation so um this is talking to the leaders but but obviously those who are under leaders seek to follow the evisive leaders and become leaders themselves in the future read verse 19. give not thy son and wife thy brother and friend power over thee while thou livest right that goes back to you living under there and under their roof they have power over you because they can tell you furnish you know you gotta leave or or um let them ball your bed whatever the case may to be because you have no power you have no say-so whatsoever in someone else's home read again give not thy son and wife thy brother and friend power over thee while thou livest and he gives you a list your son wife brother and friend go ahead and give not thy Goods to another we'll give you Goods to someone else go ahead less a repent D and thou entreat for the same again come on as long as thou livest and has breath Indie give not thyself over to any not yourself over to any to have preeminence over you right for better it is that thy children should seek to D it's better for you as a as a man or as a woman for your children to come to you for help as opposed to um um otherwise go ahead then that dollar should have stand to their courtesy otherwise go ahead 22 and all thy Works keep to thyself the preeminence in all thyself keep to thy thyself the preeminence that no one has power over you go ahead leave not a stain and thine honor Destiny honor will be your reputation of being a loser being a bum or a moocher that's that's what happens you put a stania under when you have you you find yourself um be having having someone having power over you go ahead at the time when thou shall end thy days and finish thy life distribute dine inheritance right you're supposed to work to a point where you can you look to the Future and say okay when I'm gone what can I leave behind for my family I leave behind this a b and c as opposed to leaving behind nothing because you're living under their roof in the family too because your kids are saying my dad's a loser he's eating up all my food he's wearing my clothes he's watching my he's running my water bill and on electricity that that's a loser mental loser mentality of a parent or a person who's not a parent so the Bible makes it clear you must maintain preeminence and not to allow someone to have power over you those who do so are going to find themselves with a stained honor reputation of being um unreliable irresponsible and childish um wizard that was talks about um uh house to house you can't trust them and you're not talking about parents who are ill that they have to stay with their kids for comfort in the you know their last remaining days you know about these no good bum parents yup right yeah who are well yeah who are well they're they're good they're fine 36-26 yeah that's it that's it yes one 36-26. the book is the book is syrup chapter 36 verse 26. who will trust a thief well appointed that Skipper from City to City you can't trust a thief that does that it's a thief watch this so who will believe a man that have no house or a woman that has no home go ahead and Lodge if wheresoever the night taketh here the largest river the Knight takes her she's here today she's there tomorrow he's there today he's there tomorrow he's in this house he's in that house he's sleeping in his car he's sleeping in the subway he's sleeping in a cave you can't trust people like that they can't be trusted in anything counsel nothing you're unreliable you're irresponsible get um hold on there's a 29 we see 29 second not that one no that's 40. 40 and 40 and Horn 40 and verse 28. the book is syrup chapter 4 e and verse 28. that mindset is this kind of mindset watch this my son lead not a Beggar's life for better is to die than to beg read again my son lead not a Beggar's life [ __ ] his life as you going from home to home house to house can I stay with you can I stay with you can I live with you you got something to eat you have something to drink I said Beggar's life what does the Bible say about that is to die than to beg Bible says it's better to die than to beg this is that's not our life to live it's not read on the life of him that dependeth on another man's table or another man's home it's the same thing being said God is not to be counted for life that's not a life that's not a life when you begging that someone else's house someone else's home eating at their table Jacob all their water the body food that's not a life go ahead for he polluted himself with other men's meat you pollute yourself with other men's meat how I always say pollute because it's not yours you didn't work for it you're eating someone else's food that they paid for and you're sitting there just mooching off of them that's polluting yourself go ahead but a wise man well nurtured will be where thereof the man has the wise and takes heed to council and leaders will say you know what I need to get myself together get my sh together get a job find something to do go somewhere get a room rent a go to Airbnb um rent out a room for a few hundred dollars or whatever or a thousand for that month and live there until I get on my feet well stay with a brother until I get my feet whatever the case work something out where I'm paying them to live there go ahead next verse begging is sweet in the mouth of the Shameless begging is sweet in a mouthful of Shameless and it is better to die than to beg that point can't be forgotten it says begging is in the mouth of the Shameless God but in his belly there shall burn a fire but in his belly why because because they know it's wrong but they'll keep doing it anyway they'll do it regardless and people like that that's not like they're living they're living they're living a uh in squalor it is it bumps it's a bum spirit I remember brother said that uh Christ was a bum give me that in John 1. they said Christ didn't have a house he didn't have a place to stay yes he did Christ he was remember he was a carpenter he was Joseph's son Joseph his father was a carpenter you don't think he trained his son how to be a competent yes he did when he got of age didn't he work with his father yes he did look at John 1. 38 instead of 38 in the Book of John chapter 1 and verse 38. then Jesus turned and saw them following and save unto them what seek ye they said unto him Rabbi which is to say be an interpreted Master where dwellestal he saved unto them come and see they came and saw where he dwelt and Abode with him that day for it was about the tenth hour so yes Christ did have a home he had a place to live he was not a bum okay when the scripture says when Christ said birds have nests a King Foxes have holes birds have nests but the son of man have no nowhere to lay his head he was traveling he was traveling from City to City Country to Country I think he went up towards Syria okay to teach the gospel okay that's what he was doing throughout Samara he was far from where he lived that's what that verse is talking about her brothers interpreted that he was a bum no that's not so at all give me Ephesians 4 28. because like the dude smart said the rapper he said he used to be a stick-up kid some of you in here may have been stick up kids just like some of you online may have used to stick people up that's okay you can repent for that from that but watch this read that the book of Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 28 let him that stole still no more and him that stole steel no more oh I got another story for you there's another sister story I don't know what's the sisters this sister was so cute she was I'd say you know what I'm talking about damn how old was the sister I'd say she's about 22 but she looked like she was 18 17. real cute so small so cute you go look at yes she's so adorable she driving in the car with another sister the sister's going about 70. 70 miles per hour um that ain't how it sound but whatever the noise is pull over [ __ ] so cop gets out he says I want your license registration and he said I want yours too so both of them give the license registration everything cup comes back five five minutes later he goes around the passenger side ma'am step out of the car this is the cute adorable little sister just so cute and she sounds so loved will you talk to most high in Christ there's a warrant for your arrest what did she do you robbed a bank the sister was a bank robber and was hiding Among Us you remember the story you read it the hell and I was like what the hell I said no not her not her yes her that cute adorable sister was a bank robber you can't make this stuff up right set it off with Queen Latifah the hell it is that was this you can't make this stuff up where are we at Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 28. good let him that stole still no more but rather let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needeth right so the point of working in its truth is not just to take care of yourself but to help those that need that come behind you this is what the arms is about to support the schools that when people need help the schools can help give them something help support them for time because of your labors that you've done in the world okay from there Isaac you want to add something to that check check so let me give you the the flip side of that because the scripture says we all got to work and so forth all right can't have a house can't have a family can't take care can't take care of a family if you have no money give me um Sorak chapter 38 and I think it's around the 20s somewhere let me look for Sorak 38 and I want verse 20 four because what's going to happen because you know Israel Bishop we take we go from zero to a hundred some of the brothers amongst us might be at zero food stamps and government Aid then they're gonna go to 100 get a job where there's no time for the truth they're not coming to the Sabbath anymore there has to be a balance Brothers all right there has to be a balance give me Sorak chapter 38 and verse 24. come on syrup chapter 38 and verse 24 the wisdom of a learned man the wisdom of a learned man in order in order to learn you have to be taught correct and you have to make yourself present in order to be taught like what Bishop was saying about at Tabernacles as he was teaching from afternoon to night all right you have to be there you have to wear out the doorsteps of the elders go ahead the wisdom of a learned man cometh by opportunity of leisure of leisure go ahead and he that have little business shall become wise he that hath little business shall become wise now we're not saying don't work or minimize your hours but don't put your job before God y'all understand that don't put your job before God to where you have to work on the Sabbath days where in some cases you're given an opportunity to work on the weekend on the Sabbath day to pick up more hours for more money and then you'll you'll make it seem like it's mandatory why because of covetousness read on verse 25 how can he get wisdom that hold of the plow how can you get wisdom that holdeth the plow but some brothers don't understand Galatians the third chapter John 3 16. how long you been with us five years but that brother is put in work before studying he's putting work before the most high God the Bible says how can he get wisdom that holdeth the plow go ahead and that glorif in the gold and that glorious in the gold the gold is is the is the object that you used to prick a oxen that they use in in um in husbandry so it's a form of work so this brother right here he glories in his work but not in what being a prophet of the most high God go ahead that drive of oxen come on and it's occupied in their labors and is occupied in their labors now what Bishop brought out the Bible says don't hate laborious work which is true but this brother right here he's occupied in just working for the soul so-called white man working for the world to maintain the estate of the world read on and whose talk is of bullet and that's all he talked about my job my job my job that's all he talks about never about the scriptures read he giveth his mind to make pharaohs he giveth his whole mind wholeheartedly to make furrows that's talking about work go ahead and is diligent to give the the kind father the kind father jump down to let's get to the point verse 31 and verse 32. go ahead verse 31 all these trusts to their hands so all of these people that that's working in the above verses and that's all they do is work they trust in their hands is do they trust in their hands to raise up the brothers and sisters in the congregation and to do the work nah they trusting their hands for something else read and everyone is wise in his work is wise in his work meaning his laborious work to maintain eSource estate read on without these cannot a city be inhabited come on and they shall not dwell where they will we don't nor go up and down verse 33 is what I wanted go ahead they shall not be sought for in public counsel so guess what that brother who's just maintaining the state of the world and too occupied in work he don't have that Zeal he don't got that hot Zeal so he's not going to be sought for in public counsel he's not going to know how to give counsel why because he's not wise when it comes to the scriptures he's wise in his own work because he didn't he didn't apply himself when it came to the opportunity of leisure to learn read no sit high in the congregation then they're wondering why they can't pass the officers of tentas Bishop been here five years can't pass the offices of 10 tests but at the at the job the promotional test you got flying uh uh a plus 100 on that read on they shall not sit on the judge's seat so don't expect to sit in a high position in the congregation go ahead nor understand the sentence of judgment read on they cannot declare Justice and judgment read and they shall not be found where parables are spoken yeah a lot of times we come around the bishop it was like where's such and such at nowhere to be found nowhere to be found go ahead but they will maintain the state of the world but you will maintain what Queen Elizabeth left that's your first priority all right says but they will maintain the state of the world come on and hold their desires or your desire come on is in the work of their craft your desire is to just make that money make those pounds all right get out Luke 19 and 12. The Book of Luke chapter 19 and verse 12. he said therefore a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return so the certain noble man that went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return as Christ you can read about get that in Acts 1 verse 6 so you can see what it means when it says um he went into a far country what is this far country talking about Acts chapter one the book of Acts chapter 1 and verse 6 when they therefore will come together they asked of him saying Lord without at this time restore again the kingdom of the Kingdom to Israel and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father have put in his own power go ahead but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and ye shall be Witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the utmost part of the earth here it comes and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and the cloud received him out of their sight he was taken up in a cloud which is a chariot received him out of their sight read and while they look steadfastly toward Heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel which also said ye men of Galilee why standy gazen up into heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven you shall return the same way he left go back to uh Luke 19. in read 12 again Luke chapter 19 and verse 12. he said therefore a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return and he called his ten servants and delivered them 10 pounds and said unto them occupy till I come but he citizens hated him but his citizens hated him get that in Mark 8 to explain the citizens Mark 8 31. his citizens hated him The Book of Mark chapter 8 and verse 31 and he began to teach them that the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected of the elders and of the chief priests and scribes and be killed and after three days rise again so those are the citizens he's talking about go back to Luke 19 14 again Luke Chapter 19 Verse 14 but he citizens hated him and sent a messenger after him saying we will not have this man to Reign Over us we don't want him as our King go ahead and it came to pass that when he was returned have received the kingdom then he commanded these servants to be called unto him to whom he had given the money that he might know how much every man had gained by trading so the money represents the wisdom of God and your particular set of skills that you may have to add to it okay so read that part again the money to whom he had given the money that he might know how much every man had gained by trading so with the wisdom of God that what he gave you you're supposed to trade with it okay invest with it gain more just using the terminology of money okay then came the first saying Lord thy pound have gained 10 pounds and he said unto him well thou good servant because thou has been faithful in a very little have doubt authority over 10 cities you see that so he said you've been faithful in a very little have thou authority over 10 cities so now notice what it said it said then came the first saying Lord thy pound hath gained 10 pounds so he had he was given one pound and it gained 10. okay and the Lord made him Lord over ten cities given in Isaiah 60 to 11. the book of Isaiah chapter 62 and verse 11. behold the Lord have proclaimed unto the end of the world say ye to the daughter of Zion Behold thy salvation cometh behold his reward is with him and his work before him so Christ is returning to give rewards that's what he's coming to give rewards for the work you do not for the work I do with the work Deacon and Deacon Isaac is for the work each individual puts in this truth go back to Luke Luke chapter 19 and verse 18. and the second came saying Lord thy pound has gained five pounds and he said likewise to him be thou also over five cities so he had one pound and he gained five he said be thou Lord over five cities good and another came saying Lord behold hair is thy pound which I have kept laid up in a napkin now this guy laid his pound his money in a napkin meaning what he was lazy he lost inspiration he lost Zeal he lost faith I'm saying he would go for she too okay did nothing was just there like we were reading about at the beginning of the lesson lukewarm lost the fire lost to Zeal read that again and another came saying Lord behold hair is thy pound which I have kept laid up in a napkin for I fedi because Thou Art and austere man thou take us up that thou layest not down and reap his that thou does not so and he saith unto him out of thine own mouth will I judge thee thou Wicked servant see what Christ called him Wicked a wicked servant he didn't go oh you was tired oh you lost the fight he said you Wicked servant be why what did Christ know that we don't know when you start to lose that fire that zeal that inspiration is a spirit of sin there a kind of sin deceitfulness of riches cares of the world lust of other things things of that nature it's sin right there's the underlying root when you start to pull back some people we've seen in the past um remember the brother and sister at the first school when they stopped doing the work uh the first ones at 1088. they figured if we've pulled back y'all gonna fall apart and y'all gonna come begging for us to come she said in six months Y'all Gonna Fall Apart we're still here still here years and years later we're still here because when and they're gone when people pull back from the work they want they think in their mind you're gonna fall apart because you need me God don't understand this the Lord don't need none of us hold up pray seven give me the one uh Matthew chapter three is it six where he says think not to say you Abraham's seed or something like that The Book of Matthew chapter 3 and verse 6 and we're baptized of him and Jordan confessing their sins but when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism he said unto them o generational fibers who have warned you to flee from the Wrath to come bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance bring forth works that prove you have repented now here's the point of verse 9. and think not to say within yourselves we have Abraham to our father we're Israelites Abraham is Our Father God if I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham so what does that prove the Lord don't need none of us he can raise up children of Abraham out of rocks if he wants to because people especially our people we get this mentality you need me you can't do this without me I'm just so important no you're not none of us is too important none of us we can all be gone today replaced tomorrow think about the white man's job you get you you quit you don't think you got a replacement for you already oh he replaced you quick he don't need you so likewise in this truth when your mindset is God needs me or how wrong you are he will replace you go back Luke 19 what verse were we at Luke chapter 19 and verse 22 and he saith unto him out of thine own mouth will I judge thee thou Wicked servant Wicked servant so when you see brothers and sisters pull back in his truth it's a wicked Spirit give me that precept in Jude one about these are they would separate themselves that one you know what verse I'm talking about yes sir the book of Jude verse 19. these be they who separate themselves that's when you pull back you want to separate you used to be involved in the work and it's true now you separate yourself go ahead sensual sensual that means emotional damage that's what central breaks down to in very emotional I always notice a lot of brothers that go to the gym and work out a lot those would be the most emotional dudes like bro you're too big to be so emotional the hell is wrong with you dry your eyes read that again these be they who separate themselves sensual have been not the spirit see that's sensual emotional having not the spirit of the Lord so one of the first thing they do is separate themselves in the work they might still be sitting here among us but they separate themselves you'll notice when brothers or sisters get together and talk he or she is often to themselves often that's why I don't like quiet Brothers I tell bro I don't like quiet Brothers around me you're hiding something you don't want to say too much because a skeleton to come out your mouth because you're evil okay I'm just quiet no no you can come into this truth and introvert that's fine but in time your introvert spirit is to become an extrovert why how are you going to be teaching the uh people out on the street and you I don't like talking to people what kind of mentality is that okay everybody understand that it's okay you be quiet when you first come in but after a while you got to pray to the Lord make me like David make me like Solomon make me like Christ make me like Nehemiah give me those Spirits Lord I want Spirits like that but if you still hit two years in the truth three is in the truth four five six seven what's going on here no something's wrong you're in the midst of sin somewhere you doing something that got your spirit blocked something ain't right so go back to where we're at Luke Chapter 19 Verse 22. and he saith unto him out of thine own mouth will I judge thee thou Wicked servant thou knew it's not that I have thou knows that I was an austere man taking up that I laid not down taking up where I lay not down go ahead and reaping that I did not sow right because the Son of God is not walking on the earth with us in in doing the work he did that already for three and a half years now it's our turn a millennium later now it's our turn to continue this work on we've woken up from the time of slavery now it's our turn to work and he's going to reap the benefits of it good wherefore then gave us not thou my money into the bank wherefore then gave us not thou my money into the bank go ahead the at my coming I might have required my own with users meaning interest why did you put my money in the bank so that it could gain interest that's what he's saying the bank are these schools put your money in there your money is your wisdom what does he saying in essence you should have done what I told you to do there's no excuses okay and he said unto them that stood by take from him the pound and give it to him that have 10 pounds wow and they said unto him Lord he have 10 pounds for I say unto you that unto everyone which have shall be given and from him that have not even that he have shall be taken away from him so the little bit you got the Lord said I'ma take it from you go ahead but those mine enemies now that goes back to verse 14 about the citizens those citizens some of those citizens we read about this the scribes and the Pharisees right well that's what there's no scribes and Pharisees today remember what the scribes and Pharisees taught give me that in uh Matthew 23 I think it is and verse 3. thank you what did the scribes in fact no you know what which one do I like Matthew 15 and verse 1. I like that one better I think Matthew chapter 15 and verse 1. then came to Jesus Christ and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem saying why do thy disciples transgressed his tradition of the elders for they wash not their hands when they eat bread but he answered and said unto them why do ye also transgress the Commandment of God by your tradition so the Pharisees that were filled with traditions of men Traditions Traditions Traditions give me that in Colossians 2 and 8 as a precept now the reason I like that one is because the scribes and Pharisees they did sit in Moses seat and they did teach the law but their primary focus was traditions today there's no scribes and Pharisees sitting in Moses seat Moses was as a king when you read Deuteronomy he wasn't established as king but the scriptures say in Deuteronomy 33 or 32 I forgot off the top it said he was as a king and Joshua y'all know what I'm talking about find me that nobody knows what I am talking about hold on don't let me forget those other precepts I just called um it said just one second uh no it said Moses was as king I don't know find it for me if that's it bear with me bear with me um I know it's around here somewhere no I don't want that one go to uh Google it for me it says put Moses and huh yes that's it 33 verse 5. the book of Deuteronomy 34 chapter 33 and verse 4. Moses commanded us Allah even the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob and he was King in jesuron when the heads of the people and the tribes of Israel were gathered together right that's the evidence so he was not established as the king of Israel but he was as king okay now why did I go there y'all Gotta Keep Me by oh oh yeah yeah get collages two and eight the book of Colossians chapter 2 and verse 8. so no no no no no no so now Moses I'm gonna go back to that because in Matthew 23 it says the scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seat all that they bid You observe that observe and do but do not off to their works for they say and do not but remember they also taught a majority of time Traditions the reason I like the tradition one in Matthew 15 is because what we have today the majority of society teaches what is Christianity primarily teach Traditions not God's laws but Traditions reading Colossians 2 and 8 Colossians chapter 2 and verse 8 beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ and not after Christ so the tradition of man is talking today is about the traditions of the white man why do they celebrate Sunday as the Sabbath the white man taught him that why they celebrate Christmas the white man told him that why do they celebrate birthdays and uh uh New Year's Eve the white man taught him that why do women love wedding anniversaries the white man taught them that white man white man traditions we love the white man's Traditions but we hate God's laws now from there go back to Luke 19. this is why we went there The Book of Luke chapter 19 and verse 27 but those mine enemies which would not that I should Reign Over them so so this is why I went to of those scriptures the enemies were the scribes and Pharisees in them that taught tradition there's none of them today there's no group called Pharisees or scribes but we have christian mothers and Christian fathers who teach traditions we have friends and family who teach traditions and they despise the black Messiah they despise the Commandments of God so read 27 again but those mine enemies which would not that I should Reign Over them bring hither and slay them before me Christ said kill them kill them in front of me this is the God we serve you don't see that there's no oh that's so bloody odd no we gonna you know the the y'all gotta realize something we used to see now I hope there's no murderers among us anymore I know there was one but hopefully there's no more because I'm about to say a few things imagine because TV don't show you this imagine how Bloody give me that in the book of Hebrews they don't show this on TV I could blood to Christ was nothing when they looked upon it we are very squirmish today we didn't grow up looking at blood and stuff like that I went to one in Hebrews where it said it was sprinkled find that for me bear with me a second I I haven't read this since so long it's in there at the beginning I think let me see yeah that one yeah where's that let me see um and he Scrolls in himself sprinkled yes that's it get Hebrews 9 19. that's it the book of Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 19. I want you to imagine this now for when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law he took the blood of calves and of goats with water and Scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book and all the people saying this is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you I want you to imagine how Bloody that scene was the the book of the law is there Moses is teaching he dips blood with the hyssop and water uh using Scarlet wool and sprinkle both the book and the people blood is going everywhere just oh we never see that on TV but all that was symbolic of what Christ would do later on in the future by dying on a cross that's what all that symbolized but we never visualize how Bloody the scene was so likewise we go back to Luke 19 when Christ said my enemies I want you to bring them in front of me and kill them get that Luke Chapter 19 Verse 27 but those mine enemies which would not that I should Reign Over them bring hither and slay them before me kill them in front of me I want to see their head off I want to see the blood the arteries popping the necks in a blood squirt everywhere that's what he wanted to see I want to see them die like give me the precept about prophecy and Zechariah um is it 13 I think it's a 13. yeah the prophecy that started one start at one the book of Zechariah Chapter 13 and verse 1. in that day there shall be a fountain open to the House of David this Fountain is making reference to Christ he's the fountain goodness we open to the House of David not all nations on the Earth but to the House of David good and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem this is the elect go ahead for sin and for uncleanness for sin and uncleanness good and it shall come to pass in that day save the Lord of hosts that I will cut off the names of the idols Christmas Mother's Day Father's Day New Year's Eve uh uh uh uh uh Halloween birthdays all of that good out of the land and they shall no more be remembered he's going to destroy them these lands okay and also I will cause the prophets and unclean Spirit to pass out of the land he's gonna kill the prophets and the unclean Spirit he's going to destroy them out of the land and as the priests the popes the reverence good and it shall come to pass that when any shall yet prophesy then his father and his mother that beget him shall say unto him thou shall not live for thou speak his lies in the name of the Lord and his father and his mother that beget him shall trust him through when he prophesied so there's going to be children in the wilderness that's going to dare to open their mouth and prophesy lies and the Lord is going to say bring them children before me and kill them right in front of me this is the God we serve this is the god that has never been taught in the earth you've been taught a funny that a I.T there's a picture of Caesar with a bunch of people around him you know what I'm talking about I think it's one of the first ones I sent y'all put it on the screen this is what y'all used to this is what you're used to seeing Jesus loved the little children it's garbage this is not Christ just no this ain't got this ain't the guy this is all fairy tale nonsense mythology the Christ of the Bible says bring the kid that dared to prophesy lies in front of me and kill him and I want his father and his mother to do it oh you don't want to do it you don't want to do it bring them too kill everybody kill the whole family read it again so you understand thus free and you're taking the screen and it shall come to pass that when any shall yet prophesy then his father and his mother that beget him shall say unto him thou shall not live for thou speaketh lies in the name of the Lord and his father and his mother that beget him shall thrust him through when he prophesies that's some cold prophetic stuff right there that no church on Earth talks about we don't want to talk about no just give us the white Jesus and and and lie to the Nations that he just loves everybody that's not the truth Christ is black and he's going to kill a lot of people give me that Isaiah 66 15. the book of Isaiah chapter 66 and verse 15. for behold the Lord will come with fire and with his chariots like a whirlwind to render his anger with Fury and his rebuke with flames of fire for by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with All Flesh and the slain of the Lord shall be meant the slain of the Lord shall be many nobody wouldn't hear about that they want to hear about why Jesus come in and hand out roses and kisses that's not Bible that is not Bible go ahead they that sanctify themselves and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst eating swine's flesh read it again they that Sanctified themselves they that Sanctified themselves going into water baptism go ahead and purified themselves in the garden in the gardens about these churches now why does it say Gardens because back in the day during the time of Isaiah they would carve the image of a God in a stump of a tree and people neighbors would come around and they would worship that god or goddess that's what they would do today we really don't have that what do we have churches and in these churches we have images of a white jesus white Mary uh Lazarus on the crutches with little dogs running around them we got crosses and crucifixes what are those beads um rosary beads this is what we got today so read that again they that Sanctified themselves and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst eating swines flesh and in these churches they eat unclean foods like swines flesh okay and Abomination and the abominate that's like monkey Paws we went to uh Liberia that some of them were eating monkey Paws that's an Abomination you don't eat that bush meat they were tough what's that big lizard it's kind of big an iguana if we were in Ghana do it a big stick bop bop it upside the head stab it up cut it up and sell it on the side of the road Dallas this we ain't eating that go ahead and The Mouse and the mouse like uh uh uh you had mice you got possum raccoon what's in the mouse family squirrels my uncle used to have we feed us possum stew thank God I got out of that that stuff I always thought it was nasty but they made me eat it you know you know as a little kid you don't have to say to say no I ain't eating that they make you eat that thing yes good all right so I have a video to illustrate exactly what Bishop just explained in the book of Zechariah Chapter 13. all right because a lot of us think it's far-fetched why because we have cesare Borgia on the mind give me that video all right I had to go to this there's other videos I like actually uh Dracula Untold but I wanted somebody black so go ahead put the volume up you gotta hear the screams go back go back go back go back you got it those screams are very important all right go ahead press play this is Judgment right here same thing that's gonna happen in the wilderness see that man in the middle right there make believe that's Christ right there maybe he's shocked as Christ go ahead or steer face no crying where'd they put that stick right up his you know what so he became what a bloody wanker right that's exactly what happened to him that's in the Bible That's why give me give me one scripture real quick give me Isaiah 13 13 and verse 6 I think that's this is why I said those screams are important now I'm not saying that just to be mean brothers and sisters guess what God said the same thing give me Isaiah chapter 13 and verse 6. Isaiah chapter 13 and verse 6. we'll start at verse five verse five they come from a far country from the end of Heaven Come on even the Lord and the weapons of his indignation the weapons of the Lord and his indignation read on to destroy the whole land destroy the whole land go ahead Howie howl he the most I want to hear you scream you want to hear those screams that's what I said those screams are important how will ye come on for the day of the Lord is at hand for the day of the Lord is at hand read it shall come as a destruction from the almighty it shall come as a destruction from the almighty when you least expect it that's why Christ said the same thing they shall be what weeping a nation of teeth the most high want those screams to come right up to his eardrums he want to hear those things why because when The Messengers of the of the most high was going out on the highways and byways and sighing and crying for all the Abominations thereof nobody was listening nobody was listening to us cry out so now the most I want you to cry out he want to hear you cry out and he's going to put you to death Shalom Israel this is Bishop I want you to know that you can view all our Sabbath classes live on iuic TV that's right I said on iuic TV download the app today let's go to uh Revelation 13 and 1 please so we dealt with some history we dealt with reality we're going to get into a little more prophecy so I know brothers and sit like prophecy Brothers don't like reality sisters don't like it some sisters don't like reality either when I say reality talk about now this time right now we want to hear about the Hat past the history we want to hear about what's going to happen in the future what because in our mind they're never going to happen right now but when we talk about things current right now and you're the way you are no I don't like that's what we started with that Revelation 13-1 The Book of Revelation chapter 13 and verse 1 and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy so the word Beast May throw people off could you imagine it's just talking about a monstrous figure give me that it's Ecclesiastes 3 18. give me that to explain the word beast that's why we're going there The Book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 18. I said in my heart concerning the estate of the sons of men that God might manifest him and that they might see that they themselves are beasts see that the sons of men are beasts so when the Bible talk about beasts talk about kingdoms of men men go back to Revelation 13 or 1 again Revelation chapter 13 and verse 1 and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rice and soybeast men go ahead rise up out of the sea having seven heads seven heads and ten horns let's see the seven heads put him on the screen please you I T y'all should have that there these are the seven heads y'all can write these down Greece sorry seven heads major Empires Greece France Russia Great Britain Rome Spain Germany so those are the seven heads those are the seven major Empires okay they're not in order on the screen they're not in order I tell you in the government order for us please thank you is Greece Rome Spain France Russia Germany Britain and then of course out of Britain is uh America okay so then it said in 10 horns can we put the ten horns up on the screen yeah everybody wrote that down all right can we see the ten horns the ten horns common markets Greece France Luxembourg United Kingdom Island Belgium Italy Netherlands Germany Denmark read it again because they're still writing Greece France Luxembourg United Kingdom Island Belgium Italy Netherlands Germany Denmark let's hold it up there a little bit longer hmm everybody wrote it down okay um but anyway you don't take snapshots oh the it got it they could send it to you I can send it to you all right so read Revelation 13 and 1 again Revelation chapter 13 and verse 1 and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the Beast which I saw was like until leopard so this Beast was like unto a leopard when you read Daniel 7 it gives you uh animal symbols for uh I believe it's four major Empires it says the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard the leopard represented the Greeks okay good and his feet were as defeat of a bear the feet here were like the feet of a bear which represented Persia and media now remember this dragon with seven heads and ten horns is the white world the European Union but they have attributes like the Ancient King kingdoms go ahead and his mouth as the mouth of a lion right which was like Babylon today Britain took that symbol uh and also Russia took the symbol of the Bear right and the dragon gave him his power Satan gave him his power and he see and his seat and great Authority and great Authority so now you see the poem it says and the dragon gave him his power remember what Satan offered Christ give me that Matthew 4. as a reference Matthew 4 I don't know if it's verse four or five somewhere around there where he says all his power will I give you the authority he said it showed him the kingdoms Matthew 4 around verse 4 The Book of Matthew chapter 4 and verse 5 then the devil taketh him up into the holy city and said to him on the Pinnacle on the of the temple and save unto him if thou be the Son of Man cast thyself down for it is written he shall give his angels charge concern indeed and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou Dash thy foot against the stone Jesus said unto him it is written again thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain this is what we wanted good and sure of him all the kingdoms of the world show them all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and their wealth good and safe unto him all these things will I give to you I'll give you all these kingdoms to rule if thou will fall down and worship if you will fall down and worship me so now Satan offered Christ's World Dominion world domination Christ said what then save Jesus unto him get the hand Satan fear is written thou shall Worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve right so now Satan left when you read later on now go back to Revelation 13 now and we were in verse two Revelation chapter 13 and verse 2 and the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion here comes and the dragon gave him his power and Satan gave him his power and he see and his seat and great of foreign great Authority that proves what that the European nations bowed down and worshiped Satan their God is not the god of the Bible stop thinking it's the same God we serve in no it's not go ahead and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death this is when Rome fell okay Rome fell okay go ahead around 193 A.D good and he's and he's deadly wound was healed innocence and his deadly wound was healed this was the Renaissance when Rome came back in power okay that's called the Renaissance Era go ahead and oh the world wandered after the Beast and all the world wandered after the Beast didn't these men fall back at 193 how'd they come back in power again Renaissance write this down means rebirth Renaissance means rebirth Rebirth of what Rebirth of the white man in power in the earth okay and they worshiped the dragon and they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the Beast which gave power unto the Beast and they worshiped the Beast and they worshiped the white man saying who is like unto the Beast who's like the white man go ahead who is able to make war with him who's able to make war with him and conquer him he can destroy Nations go ahead and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies this white man set up a media system that's what it means by his mouth your mouth is what you communicate with it says speaking great things and blasphemies go ahead and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months 350 years go ahead and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God this white man opened his mouth and blasphemed Me Against God that's why when Christ said you must be born again meaning start all over again cause what we think about God is not the god of the Bible hold on hold that give me that in Isaiah 55 where he says your thoughts are not mine this is why we all must be born again when we're out on the street wherever we are our people are coming out of Christianity or Islam they really think that their thoughts are God's thoughts you found it for me Isaiah chapter 55 and verse 8. for my fools are not your fault you see that right there my thoughts are not your thoughts go ahead neither are your ways my way you know what's proof about that what we read in Luke 19 when he says those my enemies which would not that I should Reign Over them bring hither enslave before me and we went to Zechariah and said when a young man prophesies lies his parents shall be first to thrust them through that's never been taught we don't think like that our thoughts is Jesus love the little children this is where mine goes because that's what we've been taught in society no matter if it's the UK or America or wherever the thought the lies are rampant worldwide read that again verse 8 for my thoughts are not your faults neither um neither are your ways my way that's why Christ said you must be born again he said except you be born again and be converted as Little Children You shall not see the kingdom of heaven so what is he talking about our thoughts must be transformed to what this Bible is saying but instead our thoughts are transformed to the traditions of the white man what a white man say oh okay I believe that you with that Bible ah and I don't believe I won't hear nothing the Bible say I want to hear what the white man got to say that's what's going on in society today in the minds of our people and not just our people I'm gonna show you that too go back to Revelation did you finish that was that the end of the thought saith the Lord that's it okay go back Revelation chapter 13 and verse 4 and they worship the dragon which gave power unto the Beast and they worshiped the Beast saying who is like unto the Beast who is able to make war with him and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and powers given unto him to continue forty and two months here comes and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God he opened his mouth mouth and blasphemy against God can you put up the Sistine Chapel for me Sistine Chapel uh Leonardo no I'm not Leon uh Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel sis I think it's t-i-n-e I can't spell you got it yo it's the one with God and Adam open his mouth and blasphemy against God okay on the right as you see that's supposed to be God the Father creating Adam notice the all Caucasian notice God the father is a pedophile with little baby naked angels all of can you blow it up big on the screen so we can get a look at that thing I no I like the first one where you can see everything hear that one blow it a big so we can see it the little uh they call those angels that surround quote unquote God the Father Cupids this is where a lot of sisters want to celebrate uh Valentine's Day and it's all about orgies that's what it's all about pedophilic pedophile is the the root of it today they just say orgies okay so this is God the father and a pink dress with they call it the spark of Life an atom is cursed to hell with that little thing he got there I don't know what the hell that is uh sausage [Laughter] so all of this is blasphemy this is blasphemy [Laughter] we dedicate where we at Revelation chapter 13 and verse 6 and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to bless him his name now when it says the blasphemy his name we may think the first thought is is talking about the Hebrew name however when you go deeper into the scriptures in Revelation 19 I think it is verse 10. Revelation chapter 19 and verse 10. and I fell at his feet to worship him and he said unto me see thou do it not I am thy fellow servant and of thy Brethren that have the testimony of Jesus worship God for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy no 13 please verse 13 verse 13 and he was clothed with a Fester dipped in Blood and his name is called the word of God that's what I want his name is called the word of God his name is called the word of God so when we go back to Revelation 13 and 6 and it says to blaspheme his name this is why when people say Christmas is in the Bible but they can't prove it Jesus is white in the Bible why because in our minds he's blasphemed the word of God so that's what fills all people's mind we really believe all the lies that have been perpetrated against this truth and we think it's dot we think it's gospel we think it's Doctrine and it's 100 lies because you challenge the people proof of what is that in the Bible that Christ is Caucasian I want to see it give me the Bible booking verse uh uh uh I don't see show me he was born December 25th under uh evergreen tree I want to see it where is it book chapter and verse oh it's not in there but they will fight your tooth and nail over it read that again Revelation chapter 13 and verse 6 and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and he's Tabernacle now in a sense the Blasphemous Tabernacle give me that in Acts 7. uh around verse 46. acts seven what is the Tabernacle the book of Acts chapter 7 and verse 46 who found favor before God and desired to find a tabernacle for the god of Jacob but Solomon built him and house so when it talks about the Tabernacle that was Israel the house of Israel that is put amalek on the screen please so-called so when it says the blaspheme the Tabernacle this is what it's talking about let's see let's see what you got put it on the screen Yep this is what I don't want Trump and give me those give me those bastards over there this is what it started to Blasphemous Tabernacle this is what they put them in the land and said these are the people of God this is blaspheming as Tabernacle okay no you're not yeahudi [Music] that means Edomite dog eating my dog rosh color means red dogs this is blasphemy all of this is blasphemy this is like Christ says in uh uh Matthew 24 about uh the Abomination How does it go yeah the Abomination America that's that's these bad these people here that's them the Abomination so go back to revelation 13. Revelation chapter 13 and verse 6 6. he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his Tabernacle and Damned that dwell in heaven put the Angels up put angels up this is them that dwell in heaven there might be one with putting Jesus and the angels return put that in let's see what pop up I'm just curious yeah uh give me that that the one on the far right yep that one blow it up big mm-hmm this is this is it numbnut dwell in heaven you got that's supposed to be Christ in the middle and the angels all around this is all blasphemy that's what it's talking about blasphemy all right let's read on Revelation 13 7 verse 7 and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and it was given unto this Beast with seven heads and ten horns to make war with the Saints give me that Psalms 148 verse 14 to prove the Saints The Book of Psalms chapter 148 and verse 14. he also exhorted the Horn of his people the praise of all he Saints even of the children of Israel a people near unto him praise ye the Lord so that proves who the Saints are now give me the other one I think it's Psalms 50 if I'm not mistaken 50 and 5. something like that okay The Book of Psalms chapter 50 and verse 5. gather my Saints together unto me those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice the only nation that made a covenant with God by sacrifice was the Twelve Tribes of Israel we're the Saints nobody else ain't no if you believe in Jesus you're a saint that's not in the Bible if you go to church you're a saint that's not in the Bible the Bible says those that made a covenant with me by sacrifice those are my Saints those are the Israelites Psalms 140 as we just read said even of the children of Israel back to Revelation 13 please Revelation chapter 13 and verse 7 and it was given unto him to make war with the same so this Beast with seven heads and ten hordes made war with the 12 tribes of Israel go ahead and to overcome death and to overcome them can you put that on the screen uh give me slavery just put in some slave pictures I want to show you how they overcame they made war with us and enslaved us that's what it's talking about remember there was Rome Then followed by Spain and Portugal the Dutch then came the English okay this overcoming us give us some more this is up Belgium the disc ahead yes this is overcoming it's how they overcame us this is how they overcame us made war and overcame us okay these are examples of it okay okay that's the Arabs we don't want the Arabs so we want Esau right okay and they see the hands in their hands in their hands that King Leopold had his men cut to this guy's wife hand off another one's daughter's hand off for not bringing enough rubber next to your animal that's when we started with anything else from what we see right this man is looking at his daughter's hands her foot and one of her hands this is during the 1800s okay this is what they did you didn't bring enough Rubble you got your hand and your foot cut off imagine a father having to look at his little daughter's hand and foot and and not having that you just have to kill somebody I'm sorry to say that yo but I I that's the feeling in a normal father would feel okay anymore after that okay they overcome I'll be below and look at the white man in the back holding a little black baby on his shoulder zoom in on that y'all might not see what I'm talking about he's probably would you do could you go back to the picture can you zoom in or no if you yeah right there see little two pedophiles in the back I know they pedophiles that's what they are that's what they do okay like a lot of these little uh I don't know what they're calling these uh Mission groups that go missionaries and they go and take children and bring them back to the States I was watching a video about that last week where his father it was in was it Santo Domingo I want to say it was but he said he was poor him and his wife they didn't have enough money always on his uh Christian bro what's that CBN Christian broadcast network and they took their little huh or was Guinea thank you guinea guinea I sent you the video thank you uh and he put a little girl and a little girl in the plane and flew back to America and I'm just thinking of all horrendous things and it was a private plane that because you know you ain't got to check into customs I said there's some evil stuff here okay let's go on back so read that again verse seven Revelation chapter 13 and verse 7 and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome oh I know I forgot Columbus The Conquistadors type that in uh type in uh uh uh Bartholomew De Las Casas but bartalomas De Las Casas I don't know how to spell Bartholome de la casa Indians just like that Indies this his name was bought I can't even pronounce it I just want to show you this thing it was one of these uh Jesuit priests he gave an account of what occurred in the Americas you know you know what's was odd I remember when the incident first came out back in uh around in the late 90s and I remember we were looking for slavery in Britain and we couldn't find anything on the internet we didn't find it until many years later it takes time for I guess people to upload stuff but we a lot of times we didn't know the history of what even occurred here okay I want the the account of the Indies um go down let me look go down go down go down I want the ones where they show what the Conquistadors did or uh yeah uh conquistadors I don't know consider doors oh gosh all right all right all right okay all right right there click that zoom in on that one okay oh no that's them fighting back that's them fighting back so that's not what we want because that didn't last long uh nope nope nope putting conquistadors c-o-n-q conquista q u e or is it u i u i s t y'all know I can't spell help me out there y'all supposed to know you speak to queen's English come on man okay let me see what pops up go down okay right there let's see that yep uh yeah that was okay give me the one with the with the dogs next to it see the dogs yeah you got the the brown skin Indian woman Native American indigenous right there hung up by her neck and a baby got a the Rope continues around the baby's neck on her side her left side then the other babies you see the dog uh Licking to eat the baby that the Conquistador is holding this is what they did this is what Spain and Portugal did and who's behest Rome remember it started with Rome they were the ones that set up the papal Bulls under Pope Nicholas V and said the slave trade is on the transatlantic slave trade then you had Pope Alexander VI with uh the discovery of the Americas and he went out and conquered give me the next one let me see what else they got let's see go down oh uh go go get the color picture yeah once they conquered us they made the Indian slaves bloated big and brought them back to Spain as well okay they made them slaves they took ship loads of Indians Gad Reuben issachar to Spain Rome Portugal to serve slavery learn Spanish learn Latin next give me another one this is an exam I'm just showing examples of them making war with us yes that's good and overcoming us because we'll read then just read right by it without visualizing what actually occurred they hung us up by 13 which represented Christ in the 12 apostles and they set fire under us you can only and hung Us by our throats on next the pain of what we felt the lynching right we're gonna say Isaac y'all see what he got in his hand it's a young child right that's why the most high said his thoughts are not our thoughts so when Christ come back same thing is going to happen that's why King David in Psalms 137 said what happy shall he be that dasheth thy little ones against the stones why because they did the same thing to us yep we've never seen justice but oh that's not right God is a just God the white man should never utter the word justice because to be to get True Justice you must first be just to the people you've been unjust to and they don't want that thing an example of never seeing Justice here in the UK is them giving 3 000 families over 20 million dollars of reparations and you're not getting a cent is it no no not for them how about the British yes remember the woman said give it to the British because Britain abolished slavery first of all the nations and Britain helped fight the war but not to them no no that's how they feel and you're on the street crying about Queen Elizabeth what the hell is wrong with you I know some of y'all in here was crying it's quiet as it's kept oh God I had me a party let's have some tea and crumpets what the hell is this some nibbles and bits we had a good time Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead The Witch Is Dead The Witch Is Dead where are we at I.T I mean uh Revelation chapter 13 and verse 7. yes and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and Nations I want you to see that part right there and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and Nations who had the largest Empire between Spain Portugal Britain France Germany America who has the largest Kingdom anybody know Great Britain all this extent goes from the time of Rome all the way up to Britain Britain what was their expression the Sun never sets How does it go the Sun never said so what or goes down I can't remember what it is it's been so many years I've been out of school somebody nobody in here knows hello these Brits don't know that the hell is this it's the Sun never went down the Sun never went down onward is that how it goes yeah yeah it's something like that I'll give you a break I don't know either so the Sun never sets on a British Empire meaning the Sun never goes down they will always be in rulership they had the largest Empire of all Nations and kingdoms of Earth Britain so like for example was you see there was the east Indian guy running huh what do you got it says Britain had an extremely vast Empire during the Heyday of colonialism they're saying the Empire on which the Sun never sets has been used to explain the vastness of the British Empire between the 18th and 20th Century right the vastness from um it's a means the Empire so vast that it transcends different geographical areas so that the sun always shine on this territory you see that check that out so Britain had the largest Empire so when you read at the bottom read verse seven again verse 7 and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and powers given him oh oh and power has given him over all kindreds and tongues and Nations that goes all the way from Rome all the way to Britain because Britain had the largest Empire Britain they had the east Indian man today saying um the stone that Queen Elizabeth had it was given as a gift but that's a damn lie he's a Christian just lying in our faces because he didn't want to admit the British and uh made them indentured serves what's the word indentured servants enslaved them beat the hell out of them their slavery wasn't Shadow slavery but it was still bad okay he didn't want to admit that thing because he's a born-again Christian what fool he was crying Jesus with a white jesus fool out there crying I said that Queen Elizabeth ever pay your rent no so what you're crying for did she buy you property in the house no so what you crying for I could see if they did something Monumental for you you have my family bought me a property but they did nothing for you in fact they made you pay reparations you pay the slave owners reparation they take it out in taxes but and I know you know it was it had to be uh cloaked or mass under another word it could not have said the reparations for slave owners on their W do y'all get W-2s out here what do y'all call it you know in tax time you get a what is it a p60 it's not going to save say uh slave owner reparations and not I'm sure it didn't say that it was cloaked under another word how many of y'all knew that that Britain paid back 3 000 families so in the year 2015 did you know that 2014 2013. so they told you when they decided to let the cat out the bag after that money was paid off to the Barclays to um what's the name of that Cameron Cameron and so forth but prior to 2015 you didn't know they was slowly taking out your taxes for probably over a decade that thing was in the works and America has theirs hidden because we know America and these other countries did the same thing but they're not going to speak on it yet they'll wait years down the line and go oh we did take our money for uh slave owner reparations evil and wicked as hell now you have something there deaconathon you had something okay Indian guy's a liar he would have been all the white folks I was in the area he was teaching at well Camilla wear the diamond that India and others and others because she has she wears jewels from various different nations that they took the jewelry from want back this is very this is October 13th two days ago 2022. okay go down this is the jewel in the British crown literally is coming under new scrutiny with the upcoming coronation of King Charles III so-called King Charles of dirt and growing questions over what Camilla Queen construct will wear on her head go down the most famous Jewel worn by a British royalty on Stately occasions the spectacular 105 carat koi Kohinoor diamond is one that several countries including India so they would like back they want their Diamond Back well they gave it to what they want to back for British government on Thursday responding to front page Story coming to Camilla might not wear the crown as not upset India but if they gave it to her why they be upset about it then she wears it if it's a family gift right because they stole it that's why they're going through Great Lengths to make sure that uh Camila doesn't wear it because they stole it and then they want sit back they don't they just decided for a while maybe they'll calm down and go away that's what he saw does so that Indian guy was alive he knows he was smiling because he knew he was saying was true all right and how did Britain make them indentured slaves or indentured servants without Brute Force well they just said hey put these uh Shackles On and do what we say okay I would do it for the only thing I love you that didn't happen I don't know why people lie to us just lie in our faces I'm like what the hell just lie anything not to upset the crown the Queen the king Hulk so-called where we at Revelation chapter 13 and we almost done we're almost done verse 8. and all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship him see that and all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship Him the hymn is the dragon with seven head the Beast with seven heads and ten horns the white man whether you call him German French British Rome whatever it's them go ahead whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb he's laying from the foundation of the world if any man have an heir let him hear he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth of the sword must be killed with a sword hair is the patience and the faith of the Saints y'all here that's some good stuff right now that's some beautiful stuff right there get a lot of hand for that but let me see who's thinking I'ma see who's thinking why is verse 10 who do I want to call on you just raise your hand up nope nope nope light skin yeah you why does verse 10 he that leads in captivity shall go into captivity he that killed with the sword must be killed so why say that because of what um that's obviously because of slavery that's because of slavery so that's the retribution for all the atrocities did we just read about that somewhere um yeah I mean we're reading it further down from is it verse 13 chapter 13. no no you were reading along with us right yes sir okay we're in chapter 13. verse 10 is a direct result of something we read what um it's not in 13 at all it's in 13. oh it is oh yeah yeah yeah all right yes so when it says um when you obviously went to the precept regards to the Saints so you actually went to work oh very good yeah verse seven it was given unto him to make war with the Saints when they made war with us they enslaved they they killed us with the sword then it said and to overcome them that's when they made us captive yes sir all praises to the Lord I'm glad you got it I need y'all to be paying attention so that's why verse 10 says what it says read it with Morgan verse 10 he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth with the sword must be killed with a sword here is the patience and the faith of the Saints that's Justice that is Justice which we've never seen True Justice and Society oh a scripture for reparations Isaiah 42 22 real quick no no I'm not saying you're getting reparations I'm not saying that The Book of Life he remembers Dave's Dave song you heard of Dave Chappelle they remember what he said about reparations they gave all black people what they what he said we would do the stocks on Cadillacs and chicken would go up yeah I think black people would come together and do something I don't know about that read that Isaiah chapter 42 verse 22 but this is a people robbed and spoiled we the 12 tribes of Israel are a people robbed and spoiled good they are all of them snared and hoes we are all snared in holes all of these holes that we're snitting have names these names for example are political names and religious names good and they are HID in prison houses and these prison houses have the same political and religious names on them go ahead they offer a prey and non-deliverance see that we're for pray to the Nations and none delivers us good for a spoil for a spoil and unsafe restore nobody says restore to them what you took from them nobody says give it back nobody says give them reparations no Nation ghost before the United Nations and speaks on our behalf nobody nobody nobody nobody says that at all that's Bible prophecy right there so go back to revelation 13. we almost died Revelation chapter 13 verse 11 and I beheld another Beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he's big as a dragon so remember this next where did this next Beast Beast that comes up out of the earth is the United States of America okay America came from which of the seven major kingdoms Britain so this is what is that's why I said in verse 7 goes all the way to Britain and now we get to verse 11 it says another Beast came later on that's the United States of America okay having two horns like a lamb that's their democracy and republicanism they're for the people okay they love the people then it says uh like a lemon he spake as a dragon meaning everything they spoke was evil okay read and he exercises all the power of the first Beast before him the first Beast that was before him was Rome the very first Beast that remember in case you forgot remember what verse was that verse three verse 3 and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wandered after the Beast remember Rome came back during a Renaissance okay so now we could jump over the verse uh 12 read that again verse 12 and he exercises all the power of the first Beast before him and causes the Earth and then which dwelled therein to worship the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed that was Rome whose deadly wound was healed so that's why in America if you ever notice that y'all have it here too days of the week are based on Ancient Rome Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday so forth and so forth the days of the months of the year January February March April that's all Roman gods Roman gods the seasons right thank you um what else was there help me out here back at the dollar Billows in Roman numerals um yeah I knew it co-opt is Novus orders the chlorum right even the architecture of their buildings it's just like Rome White House all those pillars same thing from there jump to Revelation 17 we're almost done and let's start at verse 10. The Book of Revelation chapter 17 and verse 10. and there are seven Kings five are fallen so when John wrote this five kingdoms had already fallen go ahead and one is and one is which was Rome and the other is not yet come and when he cometh he must continue a short space that's Britain write that down that's Britain when it says uh and the other has not yet come and when he cometh he must continue a short space that's Britain go ahead and the Beast that was and is not the Beast that was in your vision and is not currently in existence go ahead even he is the eight he talks about an eighth beast that's what we just read in Revelation 13. remember there were seven heads then it said and there was a another head that came up that was America so now here it's saying the same thing read it again and the Beast that was and it's not even he is the eight this is the eighth head which is the United States of America go ahead and it's of the seventh is of the seventh head the seventh head was Britain okay that's where America comes from go ahead and goeth into position and goeth into hell destruction that's the destiny of the United States of America okay and the ten horns which thou Source are Ten Kings which have received no Kingdom as yet but receive power as kings one hour with the Beast so these kings are the European Union write that down the EU European Union NATO EU is the monetary sign NATO is the military side or did I say it backwards that was right okay go ahead these have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast these nations support the United States of America okay these shall make war with the last this is why Africa can never rise up if one if America says nobody buy or trade from Africa nobody they could never come together and overthrow what the European powers have already established even if they tried I remember there's an Edomite he said there's something they could do but it won't go well for them America has uh um what is it called military bases all throughout Africa that way if anybody rise up you say the wrong thing press the button boom now you don't exist no more and that's why all these African leaders are afraid to speak against America she might bomb me to destroy everything over here fear read that again these shall make war with the lamb so notice what it says these kingdoms with seven heads the eighth as well and ten horns these shall make war with the lamb which is Christ's good and the lamb shall overcome them and the land wait we 13 did I skip 13 read 13 verse 13 these have one mind these see the white man that's what I need you to see Unity is so important when you have one mind you think they got that on their own no he got it from the Bible having one mind like it says in First Corinthians of First Corinthians 1 and 10 find me that real quick I think find me that I gotta show y'all because I know it's hard for black people I know it's difficult for us but white folks have one mind they got it from our book read that the book of First Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 10. now I beseech you Brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you all speak the same thing that you all speak the same thing go ahead and that there'd be no divisions among you and it'd be and that there be no divisions among you but that EB perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment you see that get Romans 15 6. watch this Romans chapter 15 and verse 6. that ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God even a father of our Lord Jesus Christ second Corinthians 13 11. second Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 11 finally Brethren farewell be perfect be of good Comfort be of one mind live in peace and the god of love and peace shall be with you Philippians 1 27. foreign s chapter 1 and verse 27 only let your conversation be as it becometh of the gospel of Christ that whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your Affairs that ye stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel you see why it's so important for us to be of one mind nobody in here should be thinking I believe in Easter I believe in Mother's Day what's wrong with it you're not on one mind this is why they always say most black and Latino organizations never succeed to nothing they amount to nothing because you always got that one man or one woman who's thinking contrary that's why white folks don't put no stock in our people they said there's going to be confusion with them and don't hire too many of them they'll be a problem they're gonna stop fighting each other doing all matter chaos and that's we all know it's true this is gonna happen from there give me Philippians 2 and 2. Philippians chapter 2 and verse 2 fulfill ye my joy that ye be like-minded having the same love be of one Accord of one mind this is what the Bible says aren't as instructions for our people one mind One Voice one mouth Unity that's what it's talking about solidarity whatever words you want to use that's what it's talking about and that's something we must practice practice because it don't come natural it does not come natural for us now back back to the white man in Revelation 17 13. Revelation chapter 17 and verse 13. this is about the EU the European Union these have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast the European nations have one mind and they give their Military Support economic support to the United States of America that's why when they came up with the atom bomb did they share that technology with the African nations no they said don't give it to them don't give it to them just share it upon European nations the European Union yep you that's the operative word thank you Union where's hence the word Unity okay all the new developments they share with one another and they make sure any nation that speaks against them up we're going to cut you off so read that again verse 13 please these have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast these shall make war with the Lambs so NATO is going to make war with Christ okay and the lamb shall overcome them for he is Lord of lords that's right come on and King of Kings that's right and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful that's we gotta be called we know we called in his truth now we must be chosen we must be faithful go ahead and he saved until because this is Dan he's writing about the end he's telling you what's going to happen why read this and become unfaithful oh I'm going back to the seventh day Advantage disadvantaged people you're an idiot go ahead and he say a fun to me the water switched oursaurus were the were the whole city put up put up the hall please put up the [ __ ] but on the screen so we can see the hole you got the [ __ ] huh do y'all know what I'm talking about so I hope you're not typing in Hall we don't want that popping on the screen I'm talking about the Statue of Liberty Brothers gosh he's typing in [ __ ] and getting pornography over there [Laughter] put that one on the screen yes this is the [ __ ] that sitteth upon many Waters okay oh you know what and there's a scripture on that get me that and uh uh what I want Isaiah 47. this [ __ ] that sitteth upon many Waters is spoken of in Isaiah 47. how could I forget that verse one the book of Isaiah chapter 47 and verse 1. come down and sit in the dust o virgin daughter of Babylon I was calling the [ __ ] the virgin daughter of Babylon in case you don't know who that is get Psalms 137 real quick to prove who the [ __ ] of Babylon is that's right precept Psalms 137 verse 7. yeah get that for me please The Book of Psalms chapter 137 and verse 7. remember O Lord the children of Eden the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem who said raise it raise it even to the foundation thereof watch edom's new name old daughter of Babylon oh daughter of Babylon God who ought to be destroyed he's prophesied to be destroyed good happy shall he be that reward if thee as thou has served us this is Justice happy shall he be the reward of these thou has served us good happy shall he be that taketh and dash of thy little ones against the stone why is that Justice because they did it to our babies that's what they did now go back to Isaiah 47 about the [ __ ] the Hua the Hua Isaiah chapter 47 and verse 1. come down hey don't let me forget the reason we win his because of Revelation 17 because I'll forget in a few minutes go ahead calm down and sit in the dust o virgin daughter of Babylon sit underground get on the ground meaning they're going to lose their Kingdom there is no fraud your throne is finished go ahead oh daughter of the Chaldean right for thou shall no more be cool tender and delicate you know what it means to be called tender and delicate Christian America is called a Christian Society tender and delicate right take the millstone creativity and grind Mill uncover thy lot I wanted to say uncover the locks because America portrays herself as a righteous woman with a head covering she has her hair covered that's why it says uncover thy locks go ahead make bed the legs make bear the leg means uncut this shows the effort because women often ask how do you know the length of what your dress should be well here's an example this tender and delicate woman who's portraying herself has a dress on now notice what it says is said on it says make bear the leg write this down the leg is making reference to the calf area between the knee and the ankle it said uncover the leg go ahead uncover the fire now it says uncover the thigh that's between the knee and the hip so she there's an illustration of her lifting up her long dress which goes down to about the ankles she's lifting it up go ahead pass over the rivers pass over because like when you're trying to cross the river she has a lift her dress up the rivers write this down write this down the rivers is making reference to Ezekiel 47 the word of God real quick give me a secret for just I just want I think the first two verses you can read it quick y'all can read the rest on your own I just want to get to the point The Book of Ezekiel chapter 47 and verse 1. afterward he brought me again onto the door of the house and behold Waters issued out from under the threshold of the house Eastward for the Forefront of the house stood toward the East so this is a vision of the word of God coming out of Jerusalem go ahead and the waters came down from under from the right side of the house at the south side of the outer then brought him me out of the way of the gate Northwood and led me about the way without unto the utter gate by the way that looketh Eastward and behold they ran out waters on the right side read and when the man that had the line in his hand went forth Eastward he measured a thousand cubits and he brought me through the waters the waters were the ankles the waters went were to the ankle so when his truth first came out the understanding was only at the ankle level go ahead verse 4 again he measured a thousand and brought me through the water that's why let me say this about the water to the ankles and like when I came in before I remember my elders would have taught me that just before them if you were light-skinned black you could not come into the truth you were not an Israelite if you were light-skinned it no I thought you would not be allowed only a Sean Hosea me I don't know about you Isaac you kind of you ain't coming in either so but they told us they said this is how it was way back you had to be dark skinned or you don't get in so when it says the waters went to the ankles and also when I came in this we weren't keeping a Sabbath day we would say we keep it but we still bought uh we still sold uh what else are we doing a Sabbath we still worked and cooked on the Sabbath that's what we did on the Sabbath that's what I came in so read it again verse 4 again he measured a thousand and brought me through the waters the waters words so not a thought I'm sorry I gotta say this they're not going to be saved if the Lord only gave them an understanding to the ankles they're going to be judged on that understanding that they know they can't be judged on what they don't know what they never understood they're only going to be judged on the understanding God gave them at that time everybody's staying at go ahead again he measured a thousand and bought me through the waters the waters were to the knees so now the waters came to the knee area right again he measured a thousand and brought me through the waters were to the lines now the lines of the waist area the water's got that high go ahead that's the understanding it's going to keep growing brothers and says don't think we're going to just stay in this one spot you men praying prophesying studying praying and applying the Lord is going to start to increase the understanding that's what it's going to do good first five afterward he measured a thousand and it was a river that I could not pass over so now we ain't even get to that point where people say where we at well I know we ain't at that point he said he couldn't even pass over the understanding was so heavy he couldn't get it get Ephesians 5 26. here's the precept for the waters in case I know some of you may be new foreign the book of Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 26 that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of Water by the word so the washing of water the water represents the word of God so the first it came out through the ankles then to the knee then to the loins then it was so high no man could pass over it so when we go back to Isaiah 47 now let's get back I need y'all to pay attention Come Along come along and verse two again Isaiah chapter 47 and verse 2. remember America is portrayed as a righteous woman tender and delicate meaning Christian Jewish Nation go ahead verse two take the millstones and grind Mill uncover thy looks make bear the leg uncover the fire pass over the river why does she have to pass over the rivers cause you brothers who have been studying and praying and applying our teaching and is forcing America to be revealed because without the word of God she's not going to be revealed that she's really a [ __ ] she's not a Christian Nation she's not a virgin Society go ahead thy nakedness shall be uncovered so how is that nakedness going to be uncovered by you Brothers on the streets teaching from sun up to sun down seven days a week three times a day go ahead yay thy shame shall be seen thy shame shall be seen why because you're using the Bible go ahead I will take Vengeance Christ said I will take Vengeance and I will not meet thee as a man said and I will not meet you as a man he's going to meet them as God so now why were we here Revelation let's go back to we're almost done I know I keep saying that but it's true Revelation 17 now we were at verse 14. wait let me look at it no oh 15 it was 15. the [ __ ] remember the [ __ ] the Hua so put it back put the whole back on the screen and read that again Revelation chapter 17 and verse 15. and he saved unto me the waters which thou Soros were the Horsethief our peoples and multitudes and Nations and tongues so representing America has a foot in all nations okay so here the waters representations opposed of what we read in Isaiah 47 Ephesians 5 26 and I did I say Isaiah 47 Ezekiel 47 okay and a 10 horns the ten horns NATO which thou soars upon the Beast these shall hate the whole so it is going to come this is prophecy they will turn on the United States of America understand what's God is saying here read that part again and the ten horns which thou soars upon the Beast these shall hate the whole and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire let's see what's going to happen this is what NATO's going to do to the United States of America as it is written so shall it be done give me over diverse seven here's a precept for that verse now don't nobody's sitting here crying hope nobody crying when America go down when these nations go down the 12 tribes of Israel go up understand that thing read that in Obadiah verse 7. it says the same thing the watch the book of Obadiah verse 7 all the men of thy Confederates all the men of thy Confederacy that's the European Union write that down go ahead have brought thee even to the Border I've brought thee even to the border the men that were at peace with these your allies that were at peace with you have deceived thee they've deceived you the European Union NATO has deceived you go ahead and prevailed against him and they have prevailed against thee they that eat thy bread they that eat thy bread what does that mean they share their riches they share their technology with them go ahead have little wound under these have laid a wound under America go ahead there is none understanding in him there's no understanding in America they didn't see it coming was that's a whole verse yes sir so what was I going to say I thought you just remember [ __ ] there was something I was gonna all right going back going back to Revelation 17 we're almost done we are we 16 again Revelation chapter 17 and verse 16 and the ten horns which thou soarest upon the Beast these shall hate the [ __ ] and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire now I remember what I was going to say America likes to play when it says tender and delicate I'm going back to that terminology she likes to pay innocent she'll make it like we don't have military around the earth Russia has more than us Britain has more than us then if everybody has so much more than America look at our deficit why does it take 10 Nations to bring down one that's how powerful Babylon the great is this what the Lord is saying don't think she's oh one or Russia could take off the map no Russia cannot take this place off the map it takes 10 Nations combined to take America down this is what the Bible is saying don't think about us we're weak and we have no money like remember scripture in Revelation 18 it says she was rich watch this Revelation 18 3 Revelation chapter 18 and verse 3 for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the Earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the Earth are wax Rich through the abundance of her delicacy so the kings of the earth and their Merchants are their companies it says they became Rich dealing with Babylon the great but I thought America had so much debt oh we can't pay reparations to the slaves because we all look at the deficit look how much we owe that's a lie it's all lies the Bible Bears witness they've been lying from their youth up that's all they do is like back to Revelation 17. Revelation chapter 17 verse 17 for God have put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and give their Kingdom unto the Beast until the world of God shall be fulfilled and the woman which thou Sorrows is that great City that's America which reigneth over the kings of the earth oh praise so with that Brothers 12 times worldwide all Praises we say shalom we used to scream Black Power while Harang was pushed but at the end of the day nothing's in vain iuic has been given a vision the tense of Judah has risen many has attempted the mission minor murmuring omitting and missing the Mark just reading that he had the flame of fire in his eyes gave us the spark we on Paul's mission we out on the road purple and gold from Mexico Cuba Haiti Ghana Sierra Leone 144 000 boots banging concrete crackling these are how women repented at heart scriptures is proof iuic we deliver the truth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music]