Transcript for:
Final Day Presentation Summary

am alaykum everyone welcome again it's the last day here and for being an amazing audience actually it's one of the best audience I've been um talking to very tenative no yeah you deserve it that's not for me that's for you alhamdulillah um you're very tenative you um you're engaging your questions so I decided and with an apology to the organizers to do the same theme we did yesterday so I'll cover the um whole Topic in the first session and in the second session we'll do questions and answers um questions and answers teaches a lot actually number one it the more you ask with the intention as we talked about yesterday intention with the intention of learning not intention don't you ever ask because you want to be heard you want to show yourself you want to tell people I know or even worse and sometimes I see this alhamdulillah I haven't seen it with myself but I see it with others is when you ask to basically embarrass the um the speaker or to show that you know more than the speaker or to prove the speaker is wrong this is all not for Allah rather when you ask ask yourself before you ask why you are asking but in general asking questions is one of the best ways of learning and this is why you see even in the Quran Allah many times what did he say they ask you they ask you about mation they ask you about uh money they ask you about the sacred month why they were asking because they want to learn before I start I'm going to ask a couple of questions you you got used to me by now right alhamdulillah all right you're always going to ask us but this time is an easy one how many of you when I when I see Hands no Jenna Institute ah we didn't do a good job we meaning the team it's if you look on my right side you see the one in between so you see Faith event and then you see I'm I hope I'm saying it right cfia is that right alhamdulillah then you see in between that's Jenna Institute and Jenna Institute is actually a woman Education Institute it's woman to woman just quickly I'll give you an idea why that 2010 I still remember the time which I normally don't I have a very bad memory but alhamdulillah this one I remember I was in AA class studying in Jada and this was my first time being taught by woman only like I was taught in woman in medicine but not Islamic Studies because in the states were all men so I remember I was sitting there and she was an amazing teacher and was beautiful discussion something in my mind went and I said how many women live in the West can do what I am doing right now it's very difficult right you leave everything and then just pack and then go that's not possible for many many women for many reasons even those who were really interested so I actually asked Allah at that time and and I didn't know any of course Allah listened this is also for the question one of you asked yesterday and I was like I wish I can do this in the states and this is how jna Institute was born it later on of course 3 years later it was born completely by um coincidence I was still studying group of us women get together and they said let's do it I said you go and take care of all the logistics there's a lot of logistics to start an Institute in the United States and then I'll start teaching long story short 2017 when I finished and returned back we started doing short courses and alhamdulillah we were and you'll be surprised we actually did online before before covid we used Zoom where nobody knew what Zoom is I remember when I met the the founder I was like what is this behind him it it was a picture of New York and I was like he doesn't live in New York right now everybody knows you know the green back the the green screen the backdrop that's what he had anyway so alhamdulillah so when Co hit for us was not a big deal because we already had it and actually Co and again you may dislike something and Allah put in it a lot of and you all know how much Co brought as much as unfortunately a lot of death and loss and and all this so anyway number of the students tripled cuz now woman believe I wouldn't say woman we as human believed that we can learn online we had our doubts before right but then we had no choice children they had either don't learn or learn so we started now alhamd and then 20121 is when I start when I decide I'm going to you know the dream I had I'm going to do it so we started our full-time course it's a one year it's a nine months actually whatever it's called year of knowledge what every Muslim woman should know we do not graduate Scholars you know why cuz we need every one of you to know her Dean because very few people can be Scholars and very few people have access to Scholars but you need to know your Dean as a mother as a daughter as a wife so we decided only five topics the basics but we uh teach traditional books but in a modern way and it's all practical what does it mean I mean if you have any taken any course with me you will not hear but this what does that mean to you in living in Malaysia or living in the states in the 2023 what does it mean so alhamdulillah we finished two years we have more than 150 students and the reason 150 because we kept it we have 1,000 students on the waiting list yeah Subhan Allah I couldn't believe it when they told me I was like no no you're exaggerating you and they showed me actually so alhamdulillah and we almost when I go back will be the last week of teaching and then we have the final exam then we start the new year inshallah into in September every year we start in September it's five subjects which every Muslim woman should know and every Muslim should learn not only woman which is basically a what do you believe in how do you practice is your and then what do you know about the so we chose in the first year commment of and the second year his life we teach purification of the heart has to be otherwise we are only know the external and the heart is somewhere else Subhan Allah and we do um so we do and we Doan in the first year and in the second year we do so I would absolutely now there's a good news we looked at and how many women can do this for 9 months continuously it's five subjects it's 11 hours per week so then we came up with we're going to start year of knowledge self-paced so you do it your own way we have the same material the same thing you choose you want to finish in a year you want to finish in three years you want to take one subject you want to take three we the idea is we women and and probably the men this there's a difference between men and woman and one of and nobody is better than than anyone the best person the person of but for wom there is a lot of I have to use a very careful word there was yeah because honestly I mean same thing the men also has it by the way but in relation to education there's a lot of obstacles there a lot of obstacles meaning I I always say married woman five children and she works where is the and she's a wife and she's a daughter where the time is going to come from right so we have to be really what realistic and practical and as one of the rules of that's those of you who study you probably know this is if you cannot do it all don't leave it all that's a very famous statement so here you go I keep an eye so I would like everyone here is subscribe to our newsletter so you know what's going on subscribe to us as a mating list so once we open this you will have it and then also follow us on the social media I know most of you follow me personally on social media that's why you're here right that's how I am known in Malaysia I was like how do they know about me and the answer is social media that's the positive of social media but also I want you to follow on YouTube the just the one how many of you saw the series we did in Ramadan show me hands La that's disappointing yeah because it was very popular in the states and usually Malaysia is ahead of the states except in here so go ahead to our YouTube channel subscribe it's free and then you will see it all every episode one of the the ones you saw is usually maximum is 8 minutes yeah because we know how difficult it is to have a 30 minutes lecture so we we actually divided it 6 to 8 minutes that the average so follow us on social media follow us on the YouTube subscribe to the YouTube make sure you you you get our newsletter so you will be up to date because the Jenna Institute is actually it's all over the world for every woman we have students from everywhere you name it and we have from Australia and we have from Indonesia we have from um uh we have from Africa definitely from Europe definitely from the States and Canada I just wanted to say this before I forget because again we all have to learn I am a woman firm believer in education and actually I I I learned this from my mother she was a firm believer of woman education not necessarily Islamic education but you need to be educated you need to know what is going on you know why because your children when who are the first teacher of the children with all respect to the fathers it's usually with the mother because the mother spend more time with the child period and that's how Allah created us so make sure you learn you learn let alone you learn your Dean because when I'm going to stand in front of Allah subh tala he's not going to ask me or he's going to reward me just because I'm a physician could be it depends what I did with this MD degree but when I know my Dean I'm going to stand in front of him and I'm very proud and happy and this is what we all need as women alhamdulillah and now with all the technology it's becoming much easier everything that becomes easy it will be tough and difficult to answer Allah subhana wa tala because he's going to look at you and me and says why didn't you learn why didn't you learn it's all in your home who doesn't have an internet in this room who doesn't have a phone a phone with internet smartphone let alone a computer so why didn't you learn and I always say to myself these questions I better be ready because I have no excuse so inshallah if one thing came out from this three days program that at least half of you if not all of you left with one intention two intentions one is to please Allah subhah wa tala in everything you do and second is to become a woman of knowledge not a scholar and don't do it to teach if you are learning to teach that's not for Allah that's for you learn to get closer to Allah and learn to fulfill the am that Allah give you with your children or your family including parents including siblings but be a person who carry the torch of light having said that so we were I was asked to talk about the woman of paradise now of course questions do we are we going to go to Jenna I'm talking about woman I love inshah okay let's rephrase it are there woman in Jenna so why this title of course I'm going to ask you when you read this title what came to your mind I'm sorry one person why this title see if you have an education you will answer it right away and the clue was in the video that was obviously didn't pay attention but that's okay it was in there so who are the woman of paradise guaranteed ah so let's learn this abdah Abbas narrated this and I'll start with it and then take you through them says said the best woman of Jenna so that means they are in Jah but not only they are in Jenna but they are the best of the woman like imagine this we are all in J and then there is more than a thousand people in this room and will say there's four people people Ya Allah four people of those are the best don't you want to be one of them so he said four he didn't say four the four is a weak Hadith actually but he he mentioned their names said the best woman of J are Muhammad so four of them so we have first isad second is and Andia the wife of before I take you through it through this and this is what we're going to do this the first session I want each one of you men and women because this is also for men not only for women and I want them I want you to say to yourself write down on a piece of paper why these four did you notice there's no say right and two of them before Islam why what is in them specifically that and of course Allah taught him that these four are the best so number one you have to ask this to yourself This is how I learn and I don't want to learn information I want to say okay so now I learn s khad is one of the best woman of Jenna like why and then that's the question can I be like her I'm not going to be the wife of I wish but it's not but is there something in her or in s Asia the wife of so completely two opposite right one is the wife of a prophet the other one is a wife of a tyrant that Allah cursed then you have the woman who has no husband isn't that interesting right and then the daughter the daughter why say right why not say did I make you interested already alhamdulillah now you need to write down and tell me what is it in your whatever you know why do you think these four do they all have the same one character or four of them or each one of them has something unique that I may have it this is the whole idea because I want to be in Paradise for sure do I have any of this qualities maybe all of them so let's take one by one so this Hadith I shared with you is in IM narrated on the authority of said the best woman of Jen and then he said and then so let's take first what do you know about what do we know about everybody knows and you know what's the interesting from this series it was 30-day series we covered 25 women the highest views was which one to my surprise actually I thought people will see more because we brought women even contemporary and especially women who people don't know right to educate everybody so I I was like you know everybody knows about s khad Subhan Allah so let's see who is she what we all know she's the first wife of okay but there's other wives but what was special about her woman you need to know this she was the first Muslim she was the first Muslim not Muslim woman she was the first one who believed in the you all know the story which you just heard it so we're not going to repeat she was the first so she the first wife of she was born this is just for you to learn 556 in mecah 556 in mecah and her father is hoid of course her nickname and I want everybody in this room men and women ask yourself this question I took a group of Youth and again I live in California so hiking is something very popular there there so I took youth for hiking on a weekend and they were like a 20s that's the age the youngest maybe was 16 or 17 anyway so we hiked we end we reached to the top of the mountain and and for some reason and everything Allah makes you see is a learning message remember yesterday it's a text message from Allah but Allah doesn't text the way we text he send it in front of us so as we were walking there was a plague there was a like a PL a plague there it says something about somebody who did something for the county the issue is not who's this person or the age or was what written so I kept reading and then I looked at the girls and I said what do you think they will write on My Grave and your grave after we die my name and the day I was born and the day I died and then how many how many how many what is the unique thing you want people to remember you with the mother the wife the the worshiper her nickname is the pure the pure Subhan Allah although when she married theam she was not virgin she already married before she was a widow so this is nothing to do with the physical this is something to do with spiritual with Allah and in her character so her nickname is and never even before Islam never worshiped Idols never and she was again married before how many of you in this room is single parent alhamdulillah may Allah make it easy for you she was one of them she was a single parent see going to share things that you say oh um you know how people feel for themselves they are single parent and was like was a single parent Subhan Allah so she was a single single parent and she was rich and I want to I'm going to emphasize on Rich she was probably the only wife of who was rich wellknown rich business woman so now people come and tell you you know Islam doesn't give the woman their rights who Isam tell woman stay at home I was like really really okay I'm not going to talk about myself the the first wife of she was a business woman not a teacher not a physician business woman very tough right because it's mainly men dominated profession even these days so she was a business woman single parents right and she dedicated her life to these three that's another message to everybody she dedicated her life to three things to her business to her children and to her home so if you are a person taking care of your home don't feel bad don't let anyone make you look down at yourself I see this in my office what the woman I was like you know profession what do you do says oh I'm and this is the way it says it said uh I'm stay home mom if she's feeling pity for herself why and I said only you're a mother you're a mother you know what mother is you know what Islam how Islam looks at mothers why do you feel sad for yourself right and same thing is when when somebody is studying Islamic Studies or Quran teacher and they start I was like I'm only a Quran teacher only why because that's what they are making us feel that studying Islamic Studies memorizing the Quran teaching Quran is like how much they will pay you so being a mother she dedicated her life as a a mother to her home and to her business this is before she married the and she was a strong woman and a woman of vision why I'm saying this how did she get married to come on you all know the story she saw him she saw in him not he looks but was What attracted her to him was his character so this is a woman of vision and this is all for all the women here and for all the brothers here is when you choose a spouse choose a spouse based on character not wealth and money now she really liked because she dealt with him in business and this is how you know people you know the famous line of s Omar when he was entering the Masjid and he heard somebody praising someone really praising and you know s Omar so he said do you know him well he said yeah he said have you traveled with him said no have you dealt with him have you dealt with him with money he said no he said then you don't know him you know people when absolutely when you travel especially if you share a room with them cuz they can't make it up all the time and when you deal with them with money so she saw him dealt with him she liked him and she send you know the story send someone to literally propose to him and he said will she take me she was a woman of Honor well known in the city imagine like here in qual lumper you have this one very well known right respected well-known older than him and he said what she she wants me looks at me and he a and he was not wealthy money is not the reason to get married this is everybody needs to learn this cuz you will be miserable you will be it's a glamorous thing in the beginning but unless that person that you are marrying is alhamdulillah has money that's but that has to have more than just the money so this is how she was she was the first Muslim and number two the biggest supporter of that's how wives should be and that's how husbands should be it's a matter of support love in the beginning needed but the Love Changes it doesn't change to hate but it changed to ma solace you missed them but there's no this huge passion huge passion only in the beginning so she was his his main supporter and she was the first and the only wife for 25 years he didn't get married when she was alive she gave him four children four girls and two boys six you know the names b f everybody knows say Zab don't call them by their first name they're not your friends they are the the children of so we have s z and and then we have ibraim S ibraim Abdullah that's something for you to go and check the name that he is called the father of Al that's one of his nicknames so she actually had six children with IIM was not from her you all know that I hope otherwise you absolutely have to see the series now it became an obligation so yes she had Abdullah and then the four um uh children the four um daughter when she died her home was purchased by S mua and there was a there was a mosque in there she died in Ramadan and asked Allah that takes you on a Friday in Ramadan and you're in makah and you're in as death especially in the last 10 days so Millions will pray also honestly million will pray janaza that's what she and the year she died they called the year of sadness because she passed away and then the uncle of passed away now the most important thing characters this is just a history now let's come to the character before wealth she was known to be Noble how many of you in this room don't show me hands when you go home and sit with your yourself again brothers and sisters you're going to say to yourself you know when my name is being mentioned remember the plague I'm going to be remembered as the noble woman the rich the Beautiful You Know The Talented versus the noble which one is harder