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Loving God With All Your Mind
Jul 13, 2024
Loving God With All Your Mind
Speaker invited to address an atheist club at a college.
Expressed that their issue with God's existence may not be intellectual but moral.
Quoted Romans 1: Knowledge of God's existence is evident and people suppress it due to moral reasons.
The Natural Condition of Mankind Towards God
People suppress the knowledge of God due to corrupt nature.
Key passages: Romans 1 - God's revelation is clear; people are without excuse.
Natural hostility to God: people become futile in thinking and their hearts are darkened.
The Noetic Effect of Sin
Fallen condition affects our reasoning about God but not our basic intellectual faculties.
Possible to have intellectual brilliance yet reject God due to moral bias.
Example: Brilliant philosophers becoming atheists due to foundational biases.
Relationship Between Faith and Reason
Augustine: Faith and reason are interdependent; faith without reason is not true faith but credulity.
Scripture encourages leaping from darkness into the light, not a blind leap of faith.
Importance of rational understanding in faith.
Loving God With Your Mind
Cannot love God with our minds in an unregenerate state; regeneration by the Holy Spirit is crucial (Romans 1 vs Corinthians comparison).
Regeneration makes one disposed to love and seek after God.
Unbelievers seek the benefits of God, not God Himself.
Sanctification is a process of increasing the love for God with our minds.
Practical Application
The mind's renewal is key to transformation (Romans 12:2).
Loving God involves an intellectual pursuit and holding God in high esteem.
Knowledge of God is essential for true love and worship.
Understanding and esteeming God ignites genuine worship and obedience.
Key problem in current worship practices: lack of pursuit of God with the mind.
Adoration and worship stem from knowing God deeply.
Prayer: Asking for the Spirit of truth to inflame minds with a love for God and Jesus Christ.
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