I've made a thousand dollars in just two days from doordashing I rounded up slightly there because a thousand and two days sounds pretty nice doesn't it I've made 1800 profit in one week without a car did that on an e-bike I've earned over six thousand dollars in a month I've got now four thousand deliveries under my doordash belt I've never multi-apped and last year I dropped such a dank Banger tips video for new beginner door Dashers that doordash the company had to rework its entire algorithm and app and then they sent the cops to come Slow Me Down foreign so I just want to break down in this video my best tips tricks and cheat codes for if you're a new beginner doordash welcome Dash Fam I'm still the best Astro live AKA daddy Dasher full complete transparency this video was supposed to go out January February at the latest I'm recording this on June 17th that's how long it actually took me to test everything out that I wanted to test and you know we're talking about several series of completing 100 deliveries because are the stats important are they not important gotta drop them gotta get them back up the first thing it did that set me back is it introduced the new priority program which is like 70 or above gives you priority to higher paying orders so that's the first place I had to start doing some testing was my acceptance rate because I didn't care I honestly just didn't matter before and in fact if you tried this is the main thing that mattered if you tried to keep a high acceptance rate before it actually worked against you and then what happened is I started getting comments like yo the decline options are gone since I updated the app and I'm like I don't know man that's been a big part of my strategy and I've seen it work over and over again using those decline options so I'm not going to update my app so I never updated my app for like months and then one day doordash was like we don't care if you don't update the app we're taking away decline options anyways and so then that opened up a whole nother world of testing and then somewhere in the middle of this the cops showed up and took my bike illegally more on that in the future and uh also on top of that so I was like okay well use my car and then my car busted whether you're in all of their programs your AR super high or not you can still pretty much earn the same amounts of money I promise I've tested it out quite thoroughly not achieving any of the programs and having bad stats but still like doordashing and completing delivery as well you can still earn the money bowing down to doordash and keeping all of your statistics super high I think yeah you can earn a little bit more money it's not drastic but a little bit more money's there and in some ways it can be more comfortable but in some ways there's some cons that come with that especially if you're on an e-bike way more than like any thing you can do inside the app to try and game it take the car out of the picture and go to an e-bike by doing that you're eliminating almost all of your cost of doing business and I know I'm saying this while also saying like the cops have been bugging me about my e-bike and get other e-bikes that will work just as well for doing doordash the reason I was able to make 1800 profit in one week is because I did that on an e-bike and not in a car now if I'd done that in a car I probably could have made somewhere closer to like 2100 maybe even a little bit higher in a week but my overall profits would have been less and I'll squeeze this in as another tip here but since I ended up selling my car and being carless for a little bit I've been renting cars quite a bit since I'm dashing that's a business cost I can deduct since I'm looking at getting a new car it's a great way to explore different cars and see how they feel see what I like see what I dislike I also think it's fun to make little doordash videos about them and kind of like review the cars I go I've done a couple of those there'll be more of those coming on the channel I've never driven hybrid I mean we all understand like electric cars right you don't have to pay for gas but I will also say that the electricity that you have to pay for if you're not especially if you're not uh doing it at home if you're actually going to charging station like it's really not that much cheaper than gas so besides the e-bike hack the next best hack I've seen to like saving significant amount like reducing your cost so you can keep more profits a lot of people already know this but hybrid cars doordash is actually now prioritizing offers I think before they just said they were and they kind of didn't now there is actually prioritization but it's not not necessarily dollar amounts that are being prioritized I'm going to insert a little e-bike piece right here when you accept when you keep your acceptance rate as high as possible now it does prioritize you for higher paying orders which are oftentimes bigger bulkier heavier more difficult to transport longer distance away you're actually better off from what I've seen on an e-bike staying in the I mean keep your acceptance rate as high as you can but I mean feel free to decline the ones that you just can't do and if that does keep dropping your acceptance rate lower and lower and lower that's okay because I've seen that the earnings the final earnings at the end of it all are still pretty much about the same and since you're doing it on e-bike you don't have all those other costs that I just mentioned so you're still making a lot of profits but the main way I do see them prioritizing is by restaurant quality what I've noticed is that the higher your acceptance and completion rate is doordash tends to send you to the nicer better easier to get in and out of staff is more on point type of restaurants to pick up food versus the lower you go you kind of get sent to like McDonald's and then maybe the drop-off location is an apartment that's just a little bit more difficult to find so it's just like it feels like they make it like just a little bit more annoying as far as routes and drop-offs and Pickups go but overall my tip on acceptance rate is yeah keep it as high as possible and that goes for all your stats at this point if you're just like getting started on doordash or you've taken a good break from doordash and are coming back to it I think one of the best things you can do to get back into doordash's good graces and kind of get your priority a little bit more up there is to just Crush 100 deliveries in a row take it all make sure everybody's happy don't make mistakes and I'd recommend doing them in the shortest amount of time as possible that's another thing I've noticed as far as priority goes the longer you've been doordashing it seems like it gives you a little bit more priority whenever it sends you somewhere you don't want to drop off you jump into your app and you click pause after this delivery and you do this over and over and over and over again each time driving back to the exact same area that you want to be let's talk areas real quick there's going to be like your busiest busiest spots but then you'll also find some other Pockets throughout the city those little tucked away but still have a bunch of food spots in my opinion are the best ones because there's plenty of orders flying out of there but since it's not a hot spot and you kind of just have to know your City to know where it's at not all the other Dashers are going to be surrounding that area as well and so when I find a little pocket like that and I'm trying to train the algorithm it's gonna want to send me to some different areas but every single time I don't like where it's taking me I'm gonna hit pause and I'm gonna drive right back to that same intersection of shopping spots where I do want to be getting offers I just had this two nights ago where the door Dasher was saying like hey I'm waiting at the restaurant hey I'll let you know as soon as I'm leaving they left hey I'm on my way and I was like man I didn't want to deal with three text messages of you just saying I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I can see where your car's at on the GPS location and I can see when it's moving and I can see when it's here I call this a feather light strategy when it comes to training the algorithm to give you more Banger offers and it is used using your decline options but you have to unassign in order to use them now when you do this doordash the algorithm like legit has been reworked in several ways and is so much more sensitive now it punishes you if you tell it stuff but that's only in that moment and then later that day or maybe the next day when you dash it'll be like all right since we had that fight yesterday about you didn't want to take these offers so I sent you worse ones you didn't want to take those ones either fine I'll give you some big ones today whatever it's like it's honestly kind of like that which is just on that alone like that little Battle of the human versus an artificial intelligence doing that sort of thing could be like this whole in-depth podcast Switching gears here pun intended another hack that I've discovered again this isn't going to be well suited for everybody but is renting cars off of turo to doordashing if you rent a car and you pay for gas in that car those are all business costs and you never have to worry about maintenance or ownership you can buy some insurance through the tutorial app it comes with liability insurance you can upgrade for more insurance through the app credit card could cover it if you have other auto insurance that could cover a rental as well and also for the most part your money is going to a normal person or a normal person running a car rental business all the work that you're putting on to your vehicles that can be dispersed across many different cars and I can feel some of you steaming already about how the numbers could not possibly work out 350 dollars for a car for two weeks is seven hundred dollars for a car in a month on average drivers are spending over 700 and 500 each month for new and used vehicles always cuts the front of the lines uh sometimes maybe it can seem a little bit rude I've you know I've had some people who are waiting in the actual line to order food kind of heckle me because they thought I was cutting the whole lines like that does happen occasionally but yo you're there like don't get don't get stuck waiting in a line you got to get to the front get the employees attention say you're there for a doordash if they have a drop-off station you can see that it's not there yet and so you might just stand there and wait for it I've found it to be very important to still go double check with the employees that that order is coming because maybe they didn't get it maybe they just forgot and I've seen that happen a bunch of times if you're doing 20 30 deliveries a day it's just way more peaceful if you just know how to maneuver everywhere uh just like by second nature then if you have to constantly be like oh what street is this do I stop here do I go here where's this restaurant tips still don't matter that's not where you're gonna make your most money from is not you're just gonna make your most money from at this point keeping your stats high and just doing a good job at deleting delivering completing a bunch of deliveries total might be higher the same thing oh man I can't wait to make the video where I compare the high pay high pay plus the regular offers the below like the non-priority offers like it's always make sure to see if the customer left instructions for drop off and definitely make sure to follow those instructions as far as the store instructions go keep a rag maybe a roll of paper towels on hand in your car so if a little spill happens or the package is a little bit dirty or whatever you can clean it up a little bit I've seen less of doordash offering up front two or three stacked combined into one offer and more of like Hey we're gonna feed you this kind of smaller one and if you accept it then we'll give you the stack after you you've accepted it so that's another reason why I've definitely leaned more towards okay I'll just take the smaller ones now because I want to keep the AR up but also because I've seen a lot of times a stack comes right after that as far as like top Dasher goes High pay priority programs catering programs Pizza I don't like the pizza program I try and say no when it asks me if I have a pizza bag just because they're more Awkward to move around and especially if I jump on a bike they're more difficult to deal with so I actually like to avoid the pizzas but if you don't mind pizzas then I think all the programs just get into them all now do them all top Dasher I don't think you have to like if you've totally chilled just scheduling your stuff out in advance I think that's a perfectly fine option as well but if it's really important to you to be able to dash now whenever you want then I think top Dash was worth it Peak pay I don't ever worry about the peak pay like just Dash when you're gonna Dash I still think it's important to when you arrive at the restaurant use the let us know what's happening option to tell the doordash app what's happening uh like if you're waiting for an order if they haven't started the order until you've arrived I think it sometimes has sent me another offer because it's like okay this guy just told me um again you can't really game this and I think it does a good job at noticing like are you just trying to game me or are you being for real and it's going to compare that to all the different feedback you've given in the past and if that was accurate feedback or not so if it's accurate and honest then I think it can be helpful to say yeah I just got here they didn't start it until I got here and so doordash can see you sitting and waiting there so maybe it gives you another one to go grab that super close by or hits you with another one that the restaurant's working on because it knows you're going to be waiting there for a second always a good thing to do is to set the food as close to the door as possible make put it in the easiest place for people to grab and pay attention into which way the door swings if it swings outward make sure not to place it right in front of the door because when they push the door then it's going to hit the food it's really nice to use an insulated bag if you're going to have ice cream you're going to have hot foods you're going to want to keep it hot you're going to want to keep it cold you can watch my video where I give you a bag tour but just I just try and keep it super super simple speeding in your car doesn't help it's really not it's really not going to help now being attentive and not lollygagging and not being slow that's also helpful I don't fill up the drinks when the restaurant employees like here go fill up the strength they got Dr Pepper there's a reason you hand me sealed bags like the food that you just gave me is all sealed up tied up I'm not allowed to touch it get into it because I don't have a food handler's permit and for food safety you're supposed to have a food handler's permit and if you don't then you're not supposed to handle open containers and when they hand you a cup that's the same thing as them handing you the food with the container completely open and not even that but they're handing you the container and saying hey go scoop the food into this container like it's it's completely wrong and it doesn't make sense at all and then on top of that I think in some ways it's just a bit lazy on their part