Lecture on Logit Model (Logistic Regression)
- Presenter: Sava
- Platform: Nettle (Distance learning in business, finance, economics, etc.)
- Topic: Logit Model or Logistic Regression
- Purpose: Estimate regression models with categorical/binary dependent variables (Y)
Key Applications
- Credit Scoring: Predicting borrower defaults (0 = non-default, 1 = default)
- Economic Recessions: Predicting recessions (0 = no recession, 1 = recession)
- Educational Success: Predicting exam success/failure based on study hours
Credit Scoring Example
- Data Sample: 500 applicants
- Outcome: 0 = Non-default, 1 = Default
- Defaults in Sample: 127 out of 500 (roughly a quarter)
- Necessary Condition: Sized sample chunks of zeros and ones (not overly dominant by either)
- Variables: Independent/Predictors: Binary (Yes/No)
- Homeownership (Property as collateral)
- Full-time employment
- Real numbers: Turned into explanatory variables
- Income, expenses, assets, debt, loan amount
Transforming Variables
- Expenses/Income Ratio: Indicates thriftiness; expect lower expenses relative to income = higher chances of repayment
- Leverage: Total Debt/Assets after loan; measure of financial vulnerability
- Repayment Time: Loan amount/Income (scaled with natural logarithm)
Logit Model Estimation
- Parameters to Estimate: Constant + Coefficients of explanatory variables
- Odds Ratio: Estimate probability of default using logistic distribution function
- Logit Value: Exponent of weighted sum of explanatory variables and coefficients
- Logistic Transformation: Converts logit into an estimated probability (bounded 0 to 1)
- Goal: Maximize log likelihood instead of minimizing squared sum of residuals
- Log Likelihood Calculation: Based on actual and estimated probabilities of defaults
- Sum of products of observed defaults and log of estimated probabilities
- Solver: Optimize coefficients to maximize log likelihood
Result Analysis
- Coefficients Interpretation: Signs and significant relationships
- Positive Predictors (Reducing Defaults): Homeownership, Full-time employment
- Negative Predictors (Increasing Defaults): Higher expenses relative to income, Higher leverage, Higher repayment time
- Statistical Significance: P-values to determine significant predictors
Standard Errors and Covariance Matrix
- Matrix Inversion and Multiplication: For variance estimation of coefficients
- Weight Matrix: Accounts for heteroskedasticity in categorical variable estimation
Applying Model for Credit Scoring
- Example Applicant Data: Homeownership, Full-time employment, Income, expenses, assets, debt, loan amount
- Calculation of Probability: Use model coefficients to estimate default probability
- Decision Making: Compare estimated default probability to average default rate
- Final Outcome: Logit model helps in making informed credit lending decisions
- Further Actions: Invite for suggestions, feedback, and support via Patreon
Thank you for your attention!