Transcript for:
Rise with SAP: Beyond S/4HANA Private Cloud Edition

all right a good morning good afternoon and also a good evening to our participants from all across the globe and a warm welcome to today's live session rise with sap beyond saps for Han private Cloud Edition so as the title already implies today you have the opportunity to learn more about the different components included in rise with sap and how you as customers can benefit from them so this is today actually the third session of an entire webcast series on the topic of rise with sap and in our YouTube playlist you have the opportunity to watch all past sessions on demand and you can also already save the upcoming ones in your calendar so the link leading to the YouTube playlist can be found in the description of this video as well as shortly also in the chat window so as experts for today's session I'm very pleased to have ulri rle and davala with us so ulria is the vice president of the saps for Han private Cloud solution management and David is the global solution owner for rise with saps for Han private Cloud so you the participants can feel free to address your questions by using the chat window and we will answer them right after the presentation part so with that I would like to hand over to today's presenters and the stage is all yours okay welcome from my side as well thanks cenan for the kind introduction so welcome back again so it's Ora and myself presenting today the rise Beyond saps fora Cloud Private Edition so meaning what software do sap offer in the rise offering Beyond core Asana which is of course the center of Rise um we will try to guide you through the different what we call rise entitlements that are part of the offering in addition to saps for Hana let me recap first of all about what is rise with sap we've seen that visual in our first presentation which shows three main pillars of rise with sap the first pillar obviously the cloud Solutions so Cloud Erp in this case saps for cloud Private Edition on then we have the manag cloud infrastructure so our operating team managing the Cloud solution operating the Cloud solution monitoring the Cloud solution we've talked about that in the first session and last but not least the migration and modernization program so sap guiding the customers as to what tools to use to move to rise with saps for cloud private Edition and also commercially supporting and incentivizing especially the installed based customers to move to rise with sapana Cloud Private Edition so this solution focuses on helping our installed base ECC or esana on premise customers moving to the cloud if we recap again on the second page as I just said it's three components three pillars um the solution components saps for Han Cloud Private Edition on top of that we have further rise what we call entitlements as I said which we go through now I don't need to touch base on them too much on this slide we have the cloud infrastructure meaning the solution is um running on a hyperscaler infrastructure or an sap infrastructure managed completely by sap and last but not least the migration and Adoption Services which I just referred to so this in a nutshell just as a recap on rise with sap and happily revisit the first session that we've done on getting all the details around these three pillars of rise with sap and get more details here now let's come to the rise with sap packaging there is three core offerings that we um have in the market for rise with sap we have the base Edition so you can see on the very left of the table this is mainly for smaller organizations that need a lean setup with the core so saps for Hana Cloud Private Edition as the core Erp and on top of that we offer entitlements on the btp for work Zone but also Finance entitlements for group reporting if we move for the to the Premium Edition we see that we have additional entitlements included in the rise Premium Edition and these additional entitlements lie in the process automation space so in sap signavio as well as on the btp so on the the business technology platform where we offer sap build apps sap build work Zone and a voucher for the cloud platform Enterprise agreements so credits that you can use on the business technology platform for whatever use case you have in mind of course we also offer group reporting similarly to our base Edition last but not least last year end of last year we announced the rise Premium Plus offering which has even more Cloud Solutions packaged into the offering especially around sustainability around generative Ai and around the finance capabilities from our ocfo suite as well as the supplier Network especially the Gen topic will offer more and more use cases in rise with sap over time and with the included AI credits these use cases can be used and um you use your credits to consume those so just to to recap there's three main additions there's base there's premium and there's Premium Plus in rise with sap now let's spend some time going through these Beyond Asana um Cloud solutions that are offered within these three packages we are trying to uncover all of them uh with one slide so that you get an idea of what these Cloud entitlements are uh here for and why we offer them in the context of right with sap obviously just a retouch I mean the center of rise with saps is es for Han Cloud Private Edition it's our core Erp um it offers 64 country versions 39 languages across 25 Industries um this is the core so this is the main Cloud solution but as this session focuses on the Beyond as for Han Solutions let's right away jump into the first Beyond Asana Cloud offering offing that is part of rise with sap it's part of the Premium Edition and part of the premium plus Edition and this is the sap signavio stter pack it consists of three components the process collaboration Hub process insights as well as process manager why do we package signavio sap signavio into the offering we want our customers to revisit their business processes not only before moving or while moving to rise with sap but also when being live in rise with sap to continuously reinvent the processes look if the processes are up to dat see if there's um things to optimize and have one single source of Truth um which uses the sap process manager to continuously Benchmark your processes against um more efficiency we want to continuously allow customers to identify or remove bottlenecks in the processes with sap signavio process insights so continuously see is there a process step that is redundant that can be skipped or is the process too long or cumbersome so that we um have means to make it more efficient so continuously improve your business processes with saps signavio this is why we see it important not only during the implementation of rise with sap but also in the ongoing phase when you are working with rise with sap to continuously Benchmark your processes for efficiency next we have the btp platform in rise with SAP with mainly four components we have the CPA voucher so Cloud platform Enterprise agreement voucher which you you can consume against any service on the platform but on top of that we have um precisely put three products into the rise with sap offering um this is sap build process automation sap build apps as well as sap build work Zone we know that sap S4 already automates a lot of business processes out of the box but on top of that we know customers have their very specific customer specific processes that maybe also should or need to be automated and with that we allow um customers to use sap build process automation to drive such automation for customer specific processes where sap cannot automate them out of the box as they're um brought in in a customer specific way further we know that customers love to extend our offering with their own applications but as we are also focusing on a clean Core um we want customers to use in this context sap build apps to visually build um applications in a low code no code approach which then integrates seamlessly with the sahana um core Erp so you can use the entitlements that we include for sap build to build your own applications last but not least it's important across organizations to share information have one single source of Truth for um working together and collaborating storing assets and sharing assets across the organization we're using that sap internally as well sap build work Zone so you can put assets there make sure you have one single source of Truth to collaborate on buil work zone so these are the three components on the business technology platform that are packaged into the offering all of these entitlements come with a certain set of entitlements included that should be enough for you to achieve first use cases to get a look and feel um how these uh products behave what you can achieve with them so that um our rise customers can make use of our additional Cloud Solutions further what we've also included especially in the premium plus offering is entitlements from our ocfo portfolio we see a lot of rise with sap customers requiring our finance um Solutions on top of the core Earp license so we see customers leveraging cash management to centralize their cash operations we see customers leveraging the receivables management as it's very important um to have always a good working capital so trying to collect the money um as soon as possible um further group reporting is um part of our rise with sap offering to streamline the financial consolidation we even have the group reporting data collection which is on the business technology platform as part of the offering um as well as sap analytics Cloud for planning um so analytics Cloud for planning is also part of the premium plus offering so that you can get insights into your financials um from a predictive and and realtime perspective to predict uh certain um processes that happen and realtime insights into what's going on especially in your financials so just in summary the entitlements that I shared as part rise with sap first of all sap signavio we talked about the business technology platform sap build work Zone sap build apps and sap build process Automation and thirdly um the ocfo solutions that we see on this slide being part of the offering with that ulri will take you through the further offerings that are part of rise with sap especially in the premium plus offering yeah thank you very much David highly appreciated so if uh we move on and if we are thinking about rising to the cloud if we are thinking about digital transformation of course one of the central pillars is always data and in this age of cloud um data has grown uh incrementally every organization pretty much has a data overload and this is also why we've decided to include uh an entitlement to sap data sphere in the premium plus offering in order to help organizations on the one hand side to just simplify the data landscape on the other hand also to help organizations to be able to further leverage Investments they previously made into uh sapbw so with data sphere here you are bringing all of these capabilities to the cloud you have an integrated uh semantically Rich data layer that allows for data integration you can bring in data from SCP systems you can also mix that up uh with third- party data uh the tool makes it very easy to also then activate self-service capability ities across the different lines of business so really giving you this next Generation data Marketplace so that is the first premium plus entitlement that I wanted to talk about next premium plus entitlement is then the entire sustainability topic where we know organizations today are confronted with a growing set of regulations so reporting along uh ESG topics becomes more and more relevant and this is why we have two entitlements from that area included into the premium plus offering there is on the oneand side the sustainability control tower which allows to generate reports that are audit ready that help you fulfill Regulatory Compliance requirements in the various regions across the globe but that also help you to really steer your business based on sustainability uh uh aspect so to set uh clear targets and then to be able to track those targets not only after the fact but really be able to track those Targets in a realtime fashion the second solu solution that is included is very much focusing around the carbon footprint so here it is all about being able to have carbon accounting capabilities available being able to directly track the carbon impact as it occurs so being then able to have clear visibility into the carbon impact of each and every decision be it a decision uh where to manufacture something uh uh what the specific transport route is all of these things can easily be tracked with the sustainability footprint management solution that is included into our premium plus and now we are coming to the hot topic of the day and David had already mentioned it and that is the intelligent Cloud Erp topic where we are talking about the generative AI capabilities that sap is currently working on when we are talking at sap about generative AI we are always doing this as a vendor of business software so our AI Solutions have two clear purposes on the one hand side it's all about Ensure ing that whatever AI capability uh we create for the solution is actually accelerating the business processes so processes that are based on what certain industries do best practice based processes and then also help organizations in optimizing their decision pass so ensuring that there are insights available that there there are recommendations available to help organizations make faster decisions make better informed decisions uh make decisions that are supported by artificial intelligence Technologies second dimension is all about people so helping organizations to transform how people work with the system um on the one hand side this is about a simplif user experience so the possibility to directly interact with the system in natural language um we've seen and hopefully you've seen some of the demos that are already out there about Jewel our digital assistant that is becoming now part of our entire solution portfolio helping also casual users to easily navigate also more complex system like an airp system like the Sana system and at the same time uh it's also about automating repetitive processes automating processes uh that used to require a lot of human interaction and by providing that automation uh you on the one hand side eliminate human error but at the same time you also make uh people's jobs more attractive because they can focus on more value generating tasks now if we are moving on um we see what are some of the examples where we have currently use cases on our road map where we are already working towards delivering those use cases in the course of this year uh we are of course looking at customer service so wherever it is all about uh making sure that uh uh a customer gets addressed with exactly the right response that a customer gets really the right uh uh spare part that he requires whatever it is we are investing in those customer service scenarios we are also delivering a solution and that is already going to be available uh with our uh feature pack stack to in in October um that will help optimizing the working capital and that will further accelerate closing uh we then also have a solution that will optimize uh the process quality across manufacturing and asset management processes and we are also working to further automate uh the order fulfillment processes so all of that again is really focusing on empowering the users uh simplifying the interaction and then also providing additional insights that can help in further streamlining those processes so a lot is happening here and I encourage you to really watch uh uh this space closely so sap is delivering new things on a continuous basis and a lot will be happening happening this year now the last entitlement we need to get to is the uh supplier Network so this is all about uh again making it easier for the end user making it easier for the purchasing department on the one hand side you can use the network to automate your workflows rather than going for any paper based transactions uh you also have additional transparency see in all your supplier interactions because everything is directly tracked digitally uh which also gives you additional compliance at the same time you can also work with your suppliers and ensure that uh uh your suppliers have the possibility to directly provide information to your system so these are all the entitlements in premium plus now we're going to go back and going to talk a little bit and I'm going to speak up that we also still have time for questions and answers but I wanted to make sure that you are also aware that all three of our offerings so base premium and premium plus also contain uh Cloud operation Services I apologize sorry contain Cloud operation Services provided by sap um so we have services that are around audit that are around architecture design we have upgrade Services included their security services and the entire infrastructure is of course also fully certified for you next slide please and then speaking about security um what is important to note is that sap software is already built according to security principle and with our uh methodologies we are also providing you the tools and the guidance to build any extensibility in a secure fashion running the software securely again is a shared responsibility SCP is supporting you but there are also responsibilities that you need to take and then acting securely is all about really the end user in the context of the system security is a big topic and I think sap is very well equipped to address this and speaking of important topics uh another thing that we get quite frequently Asked in the context of rise and this is why uh we wanted to bring this up here again is um why uh does rise have this 99.7 SLA while I can get 9 9.95 with a hyperscaler the important thing is the rise SLA is really on a business level so rise SLA always relates to the availability of the business application rather than just to availability of the technical infrastructure and with that um we are at the end of the presentation part and we are eager to to hear your questions if you want to learn more about these entitlements if you want to learn more how to get to rise please use the QR code shown on the screen this QR code will take you directly to the rice website on and cenan back to you do we already have questions all right so let's move over to the Q&A part so as I've already mentioned in the beginning of the session you the participants have the opportunity to raise your questions you can do so by using the chat window and we will pick them up and answer them in the best possible way so let me take a look into the chat so we already do have some questions and the first one is where can I learn more about which services are included in rides yeah per good thing that we still have the slides up so um is the perfect starting point um and the other thing I would really encourage you to look at is then our documentation on uh that provides you even the next level of granularity perfect thank you very mucha so let's move over to the next question which is do the offerings base premium and premium plus differ from a technical perspective or is the differentiation only in the additional sap software Cloud entitlements the only way where they differ technically is not from a product or as for Han perspective they get the same as for Hana version the only thing where base differs from premium and premium plus is that the base option or base Edition is only available in what we call pricing tier one so from 60 to 135 full user equivalent and it comes with a two system landscape as it's our midmarket offering and has a lean setup for commercial attractiveness as well premium and premium plus by default come with a three system landscape only in tier one in premium and premium plus we have a two system landscape so this is the only difference from a technical perspective if you will from a landscape setup but technically from a product perspective from an esana perspective we are using the same as for Han product across all three of them perfect thank you David for the answer so we have another question in the chat regarding the availability of the slides so I can inform you that you will have access to the slides shortly after this session in the description of this YouTube video so you will have a link there leading to the slides and the next question we have is you talked a lot about the entitlements included in premium and premium plus we are a small company that will probably want to use your base package so how can we also take advantage of sap AI yeah um so generally the base package is a starting point where we are pre packaging certain Cloud Solutions together in one attractive package obviously that does not exclude a customer that is in the base Edition to additionally license any of the other Cloud Solutions on top right this is just a starting package if you will but obviously all of the cloud solutions that we saw tick marks for premium or Premium Plus can be purchased on top of Base Edition as well they work just as well with the base Edition so it's just if you will a commercial offering difference from a starting point but base Edition customers could very well use AI as well purchasing the AI credits from our Cloud pricess perfect so I can currently not see additional questions in the chat as we have a few minutes left you still have the opportunity to post your questions in the chat and um let me repeat what I've already mentioned in the beginning so this is the third session right of an entire series on rise with sap and you can access all the past sessions on demand and already save the upcoming ones in your calendar by visiting our YouTube playlist so I included the link leading to the playlist in the chat window so please use the opportunity to take a look at the sessions that um have already taken place as well as the upcoming ones in the next weeks so with that I would like to say thank you to our presenters for your valuable insights in all the elements that are part of the rise with sap Beyond sorana private cloud and also many thanks to the participants for joining and hope to see you again in one of our future sessions so have a great day from my side thank you very much thank you