Understanding John 15 and Biblical Authority

Aug 16, 2024

Lecture on The Bible and John 15

The Bible as Authority

  • The Bible is the sole authority, comprised of 66 books:
    • 39 Old Testament books (revelation before Christ)
    • 27 New Testament books (revelation since Christ)
  • It is God's Word, meant to be heard as God's voice, not man's.
  • The role of pastors and preachers is to deliver God's message to people accurately.
  • Key Idea: The Bible is without error and is authoritative in matters of faith and life.

Context of John Chapter 15

  • Setting: Thursday night of Passion Week, Jesus' last week of ministry.
  • Jesus celebrates Passover with His disciples.
  • Judas exposed as a traitor, leaves to arrange Jesus' arrest.
  • Jesus and the remaining eleven disciples leave for the garden where Jesus would later be arrested.
  • Focus: Chapters 15 and 16 record Jesus' teachings during this time.

John 15: The True Vine

  • Main metaphor: Jesus as the "true vine," God as the "vinedresser."
  • Key Teaching:
    • True disciples bear fruit, false disciples are likened to barren branches.
    • "I am the true vine": Emphasizes Jesus' divine nature, echoing God's "I Am".
    • The vine as a symbol of Jesus differs from the Old Testament symbol of Israel as a vine.

Nature of Salvation

  • Salvation is demonstrated through fruit-bearing (righteous actions and virtues).
  • False disciples (unfruitful branches) are removed and spiritually destroyed (burned).
  • Essential Truths:
    • Believers are pruned by God for greater fruitfulness.
    • Pruning involves trials and hardships that God uses for spiritual growth.
    • The true vine (Jesus) vs. the degenerate vine (Israel).

Divine Nature of Christ

  • Jesus' use of "I Am" asserts His deity, essential for salvation.
  • Jewish leaders were aware of this claim as equating Himself with God, which led to conflict.

The Role of Trials and God's Word

  • Pruning occurs through trials as God disciplines His children.
  • Word as the Knife:
    • Trials are the handle; the Word of God is the cutting edge.
    • Afflictions prepare believers for the cleansing work of God's Word.


  • True belief requires attachment to Jesus, not just superficial association.
  • Warning: Be wary of false appearances of faith without true spiritual fruit.
  • Encouragement for believers to embrace God's pruning for spiritual growth and greater fruitfulness.


  • The lecture encourages personal reflection on one's spiritual state and growth.
  • The significance of understanding and living by the Word of God is emphasized.