Understanding Externalities in Economics

Aug 31, 2024

Lecture Notes: Drawing Externalities in Economics

Introduction to Externalities

  • Externalities occur when the free market ignores external costs or benefits.
    • Negative Externality: External costs, e.g., smoking.
    • Positive Externality: External benefits, e.g., bees pollinating flowers.
  • Types of Externalities:
    • Consumption Externality
    • Production Externality

Types of Externalities

  1. Negative Externalities
    • Consumption: e.g., smoking affects others' health.
    • Production: Not discussed in detail but involves production processes harming others.
  2. Positive Externalities
    • Production: e.g., honey production benefits other plants through pollination.
    • Consumption: Not discussed in detail but involves consumption providing benefits to others.

Correct Graphing of Externalities

  • Negative Production Externality:
    • Two cost curves: marginal private cost, marginal social cost.
    • Quantity to the left is optimal; right is the free market (overproduction).
  • Negative Consumption Externality:
    • Two benefit curves: marginal private benefit, marginal social benefit.
    • Quantity to the right is the free market; left is optimal (overconsumption).
  • Positive Production Externality:
    • Two cost curves: marginal private cost, marginal social cost.
    • Quantity to the left is the free market; right is optimal (underproduction).
  • Positive Consumption Externality:
    • Two benefit curves: marginal private benefit, marginal social benefit.
    • Quantity to the left is the free market; right is optimal (underconsumption).

Rules for Graphing Externalities

  1. Rule 1:
    • Production externality: two cost curves.
    • Consumption externality: two benefit curves.
  2. Rule 2:
    • Negative externality: overproduction.
    • Positive externality: underproduction.
  3. Rule 3:
    • Deadweight loss points to socially optimal.
    • Positive: points right.
    • Negative: points left.

Practice and Application

  • Analyze given graphs to identify externality type and side (consumption/production).
  • Use the three rules to guide identification.


  • Practice with provided study guides and graphing exercises.
  • Refer to additional resources for more in-depth learning.

Remember these key rules and practice drawing the graphs to master externalities in economics. Check out the study guides for further practice!