welcome guys to the UHD survival games unfortunately I actually like really liked this game it's on a par I can see now there's a couple problems with it one of them being that literally the only map people vote for his survival game score I'm so sick of this map I want to play it I'll get the good man what I mean play it so many times so we're gonna actually know like this area of the map I think there's probably a chest up here I mean yeah there's one here wait did I already know I did not we're all set so we have a horse then it's basically the survival games but uhd it's actually a really fun game of the server's okay we're gonna have to wait for this worse to become a man it's gonna take roughly I think 20 minutes on average so we're gonna I'm gonna tell me you guys camps boys I'm just kidding I'm gonna go cry I have a rod don't know how to use it but I mean I got one that's always good I was just in here and see oh boy now one of the things you'll notice about this server is that teams of two are allowed and I don't know why cuz teams have to suck why would you allow teams of two white no okay these aren't the teams of two that suck I mean the teams that know what they're doing and they're just teaming so that there's a chance no please thank you very much there's an anvil this strikes me as a trap but I mean there's me all right what can we get we got sharpness one the best enchanting the game could I just got that like without even using the book actually whatever we got we got healing now that's what matters I didn't know there was an anvil that sounds I'm at that would have made like the previous games a whole lot easier farm easy enchantments might as well make brought too while we're here oh wow that's a lot of levels okay but the breaking one just in case your armor breaks later oh wait power one I know I don't know minecraft breaks we actually have a pretty decent amount of healing now we're gonna whine what do we want we're gonna not want to go up against some of our teammates oh boy oh oh no no no we're gonna place water because that totally stops people on horses oh my god I hit that shot which is surprising cuz I'm actually really bad at the bone that's for rat to get adjusted to it it feels like there's a delay and it can't be pinging is my thing to this river is like ninety doesn't matter I don't want to fight men on horses I'm gonna be honest i horse peepee not my thing no and he got so much armor I've done and I have diamond pants so I'll that's the one armor piece he needs so he's motivation to ruin my life hello that was right just start shooting at nope nope we're gonna want to get the full health and then when he decides inevitably you're not gonna shoot me through this class dude it's bulletproof I'd be kind of cool minecraft if shooting with glass arrows broke it okay let me through that way I can run out here and troll this guy again okay he appears to be gone but I don't want to get caught out in the open by this guy on horseback that's that's a good horse I I play blitz in 2013 horses are scary okay that water didn't go anywhere hmm that was that was a kill we needed to get but now we got all the diamond armor thank you very much I mean okay wow that's a lot of gear that I needed let's go over to the anvil hope someone else doesn't just fly oh we have horses as well yes oh yes we're gonna need he had a better sword didn't me am i dumb I could have sworn he had a good sword maybe a just failed to pick it up you never know we got sharpness three perfect alright well the chances of me instantly dying if lowered slightly oh boy wait a minute can I just take his horse I can I think that's I think that's actually the worst that I I made I don't want to sit on this horse I mean I don't know if I instantly die or not oh boy I got a full diamond man over here a little dip here I'm full diamonds over all right we're gonna want to take this carefully you never know how good his weapon is you can get like sharp three diamond actually fairly usually in this game I'm gonna back out of here wow that rod not quite for distance oh boy is that two team in full diamond men I am happy yo dude want a team we help you out there I'm just okay routine routine dude and block it Wars no you got him 1v1 let's know oh I messed up block it wors let's go got him and GG teamers down actually don't know if they're team but I'm pretty sure they were I don't I don't think they would have ignored each other to go after like the weak guy it seems like poor planning hey we actually did it usually I get stomped cuz like people know how to use the rod on the server and I kind of don't that was pretty funny let me see how long this clip was guys you gotta waste this and everyone was like just completely completely startled by what happened yes we're gonna play an on away sis map let's go this is like a historic moment this is gonna be in the textbooks I now I don't know where any chests are but I'm still so happy it's a different map let's go you got this gentleman here maybe you can crit him in the back one so I think he's gonna see us before and okay so we have a horse and no I don't think no no don't walk me into that cactus don't you dare all right there's gonna tame this horse and then we can gender people within a 40 arrows that's the plan that's the plan I have to no idea how to bow from horseback but I mean that's like the most important skill and you a she doesn't from the videos i watch though i mean best way to learn is for practice and where's like you know we got a protection three book I'm gonna need a high hey oh boy teamers and my hair oh just didn't fire at all okay I was way too close oh well it is a lot of people I'm just gonna sit back here and actually just let this happen get this arrow right back where are people at I saw so many people here at second ago and now they're all gone where's the loot to steal guys come on up I actually kind of dealt with this person slow but I need to fight someone so okay you didn't take my bag maybe it's an oblivious no knock back hacker you never know please oh we got him hey we got Luke now it feels nice now we got a rod which means we're not gonna get completely just oh no they're gonna see my worst horse now that was my horse that poor guy he's just like oh I'm just gonna I'm just gonna catch up I'm just gonna run away from this guy he just finds this like perfectly nice quarters in the middle of nowhere what are the odds oh you're in the ground I'm like I fight you know I hear another guy footsteps everywhere nope everyone can back off hey am I gonna get anything from that but I got the hill I still got him that's being said there's a lot of people there so I want to be careful we actually got a kill okay hey we actually won that is the silicon stack it actually worked out I am very happy I did not think that was gonna work out line up here like this maybe we could get like I don't know another horse do we have any horse fun thanks we do not I don't know if I'm gonna take fall damage to that not gonna find out though some people call me a nerd in the comment section all right I don't know where anymore enchantments stuff is I'm probably gonna need that consider a night they still only have a stone sword but I mean I'm just so happy that I managed to beat that team trying to do this with health but I can leave me alone oh boy he's on horseback then it's dodging for him while he enchants I promise he actually is like a champ here I don't you could destroy me I got sharpness three right here oh I need to craft some gold apples and I need to enchant my sword here's an opportunity he's probably gonna shoot us in the back but it's an opportunity we can't okay brilliant idea oh don't walk into the lava Oh someone's sneaking up on him he'll never suspect get him I am such a scumbag and I have no regrets whatsoever let me get that sharp three let me get that Nadine it's okay - I guess I'm probably gonna get jumped on from behind that I don't care we got it got a graphical apples okay that didn't go well but I mean close enough close enough guys I know how you actually wear it's trust me we do so we just have to fight this nerd and we'll be set okay I've no regrets janitor games let's go where is he okay let me just uh okay you ender pearl into me peace nope this life's going pretty well so far no he's still a ceiling never underestimate peeling oh wow how many ender pearls do you have what is your knock-back Hey Oh God it's Donald Trump with a Q and this name just when you thought it couldn't get any worse anyway guys that was another episode of uhd sir you with us c games it's basically us c HD but i mean that's a lot of letters people wouldn't be able to remember that so you HD games i guess that makes sense Ultra Hardcore game so then what wouldn't just be the you a CG but that's that's also a lot of letters I mean why why abbreviate that part and then not that just if it's more well known I don't know I hope we leave like maybe hound here bye