Transcript for:
CMDB Overview

my youtube channel uh i'm rohit today we'll talk about the cmdb overview what is the cmdb why we need the cmd and how we can use the cmdb in our um uh service constants so in our organization cmdb is a very important uh um part okay so whenever you have a in your organization whenever you have some assets called laptop router uh mouse these all are fall under ci along with that any if you have any software called um visual studio uh you have that sql server all these under fall under the ci okay so what is the ci ci is a some tangible or intangible data then why we need the ca because suppose if if i go to the incident table quickly incident they will have a field called some configuration item configuration item is nothing but a ci so what what is the use for the configuration item configuration item is used and which is pointing to the nothing but a cmdbci table and what is the purpose of the so configuration item is needed because um if your laptop is crash or if your uh some application is not working you are going to create an incident right into for the help desk so that how we can track that in that case we are managing to that ca along with that we need to maintain the ci life cycle right so whenever we purchase a laptop we need to mention that this laptop is uh created or purchased on this many the value was that okay and it is assigned to this this person okay and after that it's duplicated or after that it might be reassigned some other user in between their hard disk is upgraded everything every data we should maintain into the cmdb uh class okay or in that case we need the cmdb in our um system so cmdb data uh how the data are where we can get the cmdb module in the service now for that you have to type configuration under this configuration there will be a module called uh configuration module so this is the configuration module where all your cmdb related data is there okay so without wasting time let's get started indeed [Music] my configuration module where all our um ci related details or the configuration details are there okay so before that what we have to understand that the in the configuration model cmdbci is the base table what does it mean that uh so if you have suppose you have a windows system so it should go a particular table okay think about in i guess some view so if i go to the ci class manager the same this module and click the hierarchy hierarchy you will be able to see so configuration item is nothing but a cmdbci table it have this many child table and each table we call a class application this is also a class bad job also a class accessory this also a class everything we call a class so in a configuration item or name uh um configuration management every uh things every a child table we call a class so configuration item is a base table where all your data will be stored and these all are child classes so you can see 2784 this is the total data in my cmdbci table so think about in a if i type that cmodv underscore ci dot list this is my actual table where all the data and you can see the 2784 data this is the actual data i have okay and if i open this any of this data this is the parent table or we can say the base table if i open this data the right side it's showing the class class is nothing but the child table so this is when i click that it is going to the cmdbci computer so cmdbci computer is a child class so if i go here and type the computer you can see computer is a fall under hardware table okay hardware is my parent class and the computer is my child class and computer have a these many child class and computer they will have eight five five uh data total record in the computer table so in a cmdb there is a very popular terms called ci classification so what is the ci classification think about that this is my parent table 2 7 8 4 data is there 2 7 8 4 data is there i can create the data in this base table right why should i create the data into application table so that is the classification so we classified in a proper way that this is my actual classification so when uh let's take an example so the windows server let's talk about the eight data you can see right now right if i go here these are the eight data sap uh ny something like that and their manufacture is the uh lenovo so why don't we create the data into the configuration item table instead of creating the child table because we are trying to more classify that this is the data or this is our actual data okay which is actually the server data windows server data right so if you us think about that so whenever the data instead of creating in the parent table if we create the exact giant table that is called ci classification okay and what is the ci reclassifications so whenever you change the ci right now you think about that the data the eight data is there in between the two data is the wrong classification wrong classifier right in that case you might need to be changed instead of windows server you might need to change the deluxe server in that case we call the reclassification so there is a two more terms called ci upgrading and ci downloading what is means that ci upgrading means any data which is present under server uh might not be present to the child table it's not a properly classified right it's created under server table it's not created under windows server so it is not classified properly right so if we move the data from server table to the child typical windows server or linux server then we call the ci class upgrading means that you upgraded the class you more classified but whenever you move any data from windows server table to the directly server table so you are not classifying properly right it is called ci downgrading okay so this terms two terms are important along with that there is one more terms called ci class switching so suppose a record which is created under windows server that is not properly right ci so you move that windows server table to the linux server table that is called ci switching so it means that you are not moving to the upward or you are not now moving the data to downward you are switching on the parallel table that is called ci switching so think about properly so in the cmdbci there is nothing but it's a just a data um which is going to refer into our incident problem change table and this data will be discovered or created mostly by cmdb um like but mostly by discovery like discovery have a two types of discovery options one is the horizontal another is the vertical discovery so two types of disk by discovery this data can be populated otherwise you can create manually the data that's not a problem but normally we discovered the data to populate in the cmdbci table see uh this is the configuration item which is the best debit and each table if i confi if i group by by class there will be multiple child classes you can see our total 35 classes is there right now created and this is the application class this is the java class database class everything is a child table of my cmdbci table so you can see that email server ip route ip switch linux server everything is a kind of ci if i let's talk about let's open one ci this is my cn what is a ci ci is nothing but a data which have some informations to identify that where it is belong so let's think about this is the linux server what all information is there this is the name of this linux server and this is the asset text okay the manufacturer and then the class is nothing but is linux class serial number is not there company is there and it is assigned to his blank so these menu um where it is belong this is the operational um os version this is operating system so these all information will be stored into this class or this table now here is the thing in the bottom sections you can see the related item okay why we need the related item so think about that if i talk about a any uh software call um ms sql server so how it is used image sql server must be installed in a one um in uh in operating one operating system so operating system also sci and that operating system must be installed in any asset or laptop or computer so that is also a ci right so any ci or any uh server or any any of this application server ci they are dependent on each other they cannot work with independently right so a desktop cannot be work without any server without any operating system right so these are the uh they are different different ci and this is the uh place where you can see how they are connected okay so these this is we call the relationship so one one computer is going to be used on one operating system and then one operating system is dependent on one of the computer maybe so this is the plus sign why so this is the dependency view from where you can see the complete picture of this server how they are connected with each other so if i click here you will be able to see this uh dependency view how they are connected with each other so this is the complete uh things if you see here is your name your linux server linux server in inside the linux server it have a one database and the database have a mass storage system and this linux server runs these many uh on on this many server and then these are the running this many services running on these uh web servers so this is the complete picture where um you can see that how the ci is looks like or how they are dependent on with each other so you can see this is the one service which help so which is going to be um running the service for that this many infrastructure are required so that's all about the ci now this ci should have managed like this should ci should have compliance this ci should have um dashboard to manage right so you can go to this configuration or you can click here to dashboard you will be able to go to this dashboard cmdb dashboard for particular this ci the compliance the used and everything you can see audit so everything can be see for the ca this is a one of service uh one of the service here uh in the our cmdbc there is a very important thing is called operational status and this operation status have these many operational status so what is the operational status it uh it let you know that what in its position of this service or what is the position of the ci so if it is operational it means that that is working fine if it is um the status will be returned if it is isn't new or something different it means that it is not yet um deployed or not yet working fine here is the manage by field that you let you know that this ci is managed by this user and if you see the owned by it means that this user is on the ci the responsible user is owned uh owned this uh responsible user and in the bottom again this is all are the the relationships connected with each other these are the ci connected with this service i hope you guys i are understands uh we'll talk about in the next call cmdb dashboard and cmdb query builder those two important part thank you very much