Personal Portfolio Website/Resume Creation
Welcome to another video about creating a personal portfolio or resume website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Header Section
- Logo and Navigation Menu: Includes a logo and menu with hover effects.
- Hero Section: Text and background image with a parallax effect upon scrolling.
About Section
- Image and Description: User image and text about the user.
- Tabs: Three tabs for skills, experience, and education:
- Skills: Displayed in list format.
- Experience: Work experiences in list format.
- Education: Educational background.
My Services Section
- Service List: Service offerings in three columns with hover effects.
Portfolio Section (My Work)
- Grid Layout: Projects with hover effects including text overlays and external links.
- Button: "See More" button with hover effects.
Contact Section
- Contact Information: Email, phone number, and social media icons.
- Contact Form: Name, email, and message fields with a submit button that sends data to Google Sheets.
Footer Section
- Copyright Message: Includes a made-with-love message.
- Media Queries: Adjustments for smaller screens including a side navigation menu.
- Menu Icon: Menu icon for navigation on mobile.
JavaScript Functionalities
- Tab Navigation: Script to handle tab content display on click.
- Responsive Menu: Show and hide side navigation on smaller screens using open/close functions.
Google Sheets Integration
- Data Collection: Form data is sent to Google Sheets using deployed web app script.
- Feedback and Reset: Provides a success message and resets the form after submission.