Transcript for:
Abducent Nerve (Cranial Nerve VI)

What’s up, Taim Talks Med here. Let’s  continue our Cranial nerve series.   Cranial nerves are twelve pairs of nerves  that exit the brain and the brainstem,   and in this segment, we’ll talk detailed about the  sixth cranial nerve, which is the abducent nerve.  And we’ll do that by first making a quick  scheme of the abducent nerve pathway.  Then we’ll cover the nerve in a little  more detail, by nucleus and the course   of this nerve. Then we’ll talk a little  bit about how the eyes are coordinated,   through something called Hering’s law, and then  end with a little bit of a clinical relevance.  Alright, so the abducent nerve is a purely  motor nerve, supplying the lateral rectus   muscle involved in abduction of the eye. Alright so here’s the scheme. We got the   nucleus of the abducent nerve in Pons. And we  got the nerve. The nerve will travel through   the medullopontine sulcus, or the junction between  the medulla and pons. It’ll pierce the dura mater   and travel through the cavernous sinus, then  it’ll go through the superior orbital fissure,   and then through the common tendinous ring,  where it’ll innervate the lateral rectus muscle.  So the way this works is imagine looking to the  right. Signals from the right abducent nucleus   travel through the abducent nerve, activating  the lateral rectus muscle of the right eye. This   causes the right eye to move outward—a movement  known as abduction. Naturally you don’t want   the left abducent nerve to work at the same time,  otherwise you’ll end up looking like this guy. So   here's the marvel: to maintain balanced  eye movement and prevent double vision,   we have Hering's Law of Equal Innervation. We’ll  talk a little bit more about this later. But   that’s the general outline of this nerve. Let’s  dive a little deeper into it’s neuroanatomy.  So here we see the brainstem, we see the Medulla  Oblongata, Cerebellum, Pons, Mesencephalon,   and the Diencephalon. Now if we remove the  cerebellum, and focus on the brainstem from   the posterior side, we’ll see this. So we still  see the mesencephalon, Pons and the medulla here.   On the posterior side of the brainstem, we can  see something called the Rhomboid Fossa. And   the rhomboid fossa is a key location where  several cranial nerve nuclei are situated.   And because it houses so many nerves and nuclei,  they form external structures you can see here.  So let’s quickly go through some external  structures we see here. In the middle, we   see the median sulcus that divides the brainstem  into two symmetrical halves. On either side, we   see the medial eminence. We can see the medullary  stria which divides Pons from Medulla oblongata.   And just above the medullary striae, we can find  the facial colliculus. And this is what I want us   to focus on here. Because the facial colliculus  is a grossly elevated area on the posterior side   of Pons that is formed because of this. Here’s  a cross section of the distal part of Pons. Here   we see the abducent nerve nucleus, and the facial  nucleus. When fibers from the facial nerve leaves   the facial nerve nucleus, they loop around the  abducent nerve nucleus like this, before it leaves   on the lateral side of the abducent nerve. And  this loop it makes, forms the facial colliculus.  And so here, just for the visuals of it. We  got the 6th cranial nerve, and the 7th cranial   nerve nucleus. Fibers from the facial nerve, will  loop around the abducent nerve nucleus like this,   then leave the brainstem on the anterior  side, between Pons and medulla oblongata.   And it’ll form the facial colliculus,  the elevation on the backside of Pons.   Fibers from the abducent nerve however, it’s  such an easy and nice nerve. It’s just going   to go straight out on the anterior side between  Pons and Medulla, medially to the facial nerve.  Alright. So as the adbucent nerve leaves through  the medullopontine sulcus at the junction between   the pons and the pyramid of the medulla, the nerve  then continues and pierces the dura mater as you   see here. It then enter the cavernous sinus,  together with the internal carotid artery, the   oculomotor nerve (CN III), trochlear nerve (CN IV)  and the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve   (CN V1) in their course. The abducens nerve then  exits the cavernous sinus to enter the orbit via   the superior orbital fissure and then pass through  the common tendinous ring. And when it enters the   orbital cavity, it goes on the lateral side, as  you see here, to innervate the abducent nerve.  So again, the abducens nerve is a purely  motor nerve, responsible for providing general   somatic efferent/motor innervation to just one  muscle, the lateral rectus muscle of the eye.  And when the lateral rectus muscle  contracts, it leads to abduction   of the eyeball in the horizontal plane. So it’s worth highlighting that the lateral   rectus muscle of the left eye would abduct the  eye to the left, while the muscle on the right eye   would move it to the right. So always directing  the gaze laterally along the horizontal plane.  Now, naturally, you don’t want these two to  contract at the same time. Imagine looking to   the right. Signals from the right abducent  nucleus travel through the abducent nerve,   activating the lateral rectus muscle of  the right eye. This causes the right eye   to move outward—a movement known as abduction. But here's the marvel: to maintain balanced eye   movement and prevent double vision, we  have Hering's Law of Equal Innervation.  When the right eye's lateral  rectus muscle activates,   the left abducent nucleus temporarily quiets  down. This inhibition prevents the left eye   from moving outward simultaneously,  ensuring our eyes move in harmony.  To achieve this coordination, the brain  uses the Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus,   which is a neural highway connecting eye movement  centres on opposite sides of the brainstem,   making sure they align their movements accordingly  so you don’t get diplopia, double vision.  Now, understanding the abducens  nerve's role has clinical implications.  All extraocular muscles of the eye work in  a synergistic manner to move the eyeball.   The abducens nerve however can get easily  compressed due to a lesion or rise in intracranial   pressure, particularly along its course when  it stretches while sharply curving at the   petrous part of the temporal bone. Compression  of the abducens nerve would cause paralysis of   the lateral rectus muscle and lead to a medial  deviation of the affected eye. As a result, the   patient will have a fully adducted eye at rest and  will demonstrate an inability to abduct their eye.  So that was everything I had for the sixth  cranial nerve. The next video is going to be   about the seventh cranial nerve, the facial nerve. Thank you so much for watching another one of my   videos. If you enjoyed, learned something from it,  please remember to like, comment your favourite   moment, subscribe. Turn on those notifications.  If you are looking for other ways to support,   go ahead and check out the link in the  description box. Have fun ya’ll. Peace.