Transcript for:
Poppy Playtime Theory: Protagonist could be Rich

hey guys super horror bro Mike here and in today's video we explore a possible theory behind the currently unnamed protagonist of poppy playtime and how they may in fact be tied to factory worker Rich there is plenty of evidence to support the idea of our player character being associated with Rich who began Life as a warehouse worker at playtime Co before gradually working his way up the ranks rich is a character we have heard from in all three chapter so far and is one of the few recurring human characters in the game this is significant so with that said sit back relax and let's take a look at why Rich May in fact be the identity of Our Mysterious protagonist in poppy [Music] playtime to begin with let us recap everything we know about the character of rich now the best way to do this is is to listen to and then quickly analyze each of the three audio logs we've received from Rich up to this point each found on a VHS tape in chapters 1 through three the first tape is located in a warehouse area during poppy playtime chapter 1 it is a conversation between rich and his coworker Avery check it out Rich where they keeping the Huggy boxes I don't know I couldn't tell you remember when maintenance lefted a sweep of to this place no exactly nobody in this stupid company knows what they're doing oh I swear I haven't seen a single box in its place since they started flooding the storehouse with orphanage junk right I get it it's a nice program and all on brand but it's just hard to be happy about it when manufacturing's on our necks about it cuz we can't fight stupid hugy boxes Rich you're right you're right it's it's for the orphans I just wish there were less boxes from this recording we get a sense for who rich is his personality ethics and mannerisms rich is a Gruff and grumpy worker who seems to be fed up with a state of management at the factory angrily aing his grievances out loud to his coworker who tries to calm his nerves rich is frustrated by the crowded work conditions brought about by playtime orphan adoptive care initiative though we can tell deep down that Rich has a kind heart at least towards the orphan kids he believes that while the warehouse is cluttered which causes cramped work conditions for him and his colleagues it is ultimately born from an initiative that will give back to children who need a helping hand in life a sentiment he agrees with and supports moving on to chapter 2 and we find the second Rich VHS tape this one collected up from from a fallen shelving unit in a toy storage room it seems upper management caught wind of Rich's Grievances and have now demoted him to the Island of Misfit Toys a place where rejected designs were sent to languish on these shelves well it finally happened after years of being ignored the company actually heard all my complaints yep they listen to them very carefully and I guess my words must have really inspired them take action cuz the next day I got demoted down here to the freaking Island of Misfit to here we witness Rich's growing hatred and frustration with playtime Co it also seems he was The Mastermind behind the design of an ill-conceived prototype toy known as Sir poops a lot a failed design that never saw the light of day so this tells us that Richard worked in various departments at the factory over the years the third and final audio log from Rich to date is discovered while exploring the caves below the play care in chapter 3 this recording captures a dialogue between rich and another senior worker called Stewart take a listen a stupid clucky elevator what was that Richie nothing nothing let's just get this shipment dropped in and go I take it you're not a fan of this place are you nope never like the feel of it I mean don't you think these kids deserve some real sunlight instead of flood lights and painted Skies hell we're not even allowed to talk to these kids isn't that sorry Stu sorry that doesn't sound like the richina well trying to stop being so pissed off all the time my wife says I'm a lovely man but I got to control my temper so I'm doing it for her you're just different Rich honest to a fault but I always like that about you yeah well you're one of the few you know Richie with my retirement coming up they've been pushing hard for me to choose my replacement I'm actually thinking about giving the role to you really yeah really nothing official yet but I think there's a decent guy beneath all that Gruff an honest hardworking man you Prov me right uh let's say your chances are pretty good wow I uh je I don't know what to say I I'm just glad to see not everyone in this place has it out for me not everybody rich not everybody this is perhaps the most insightful clip yet showing us a more vulnerable side to Rich's character who seems fed up with the way he's been mistreated by many of his co-workers however Rich's supervisor Stewart seems to be looking out for him and hoping to set up rich as his replacement this tells us that before the events we now experience while playing through the story of poppy playtime Rich had been promoted to a senior position it also tells us how he seemed to care about the treatment of the orphan kids and was suspicious of the secrecy surrounding the play care where they resided so with Rich's backstory now established let's take a look at the evidence for why our protagonist May in fact be linked to this Gruff yet kind-hearted [Music] character before establishing a firm link between the protagonist and Rich Let's quickly recap what we already know about our mysterious lead we don't know too much but over the course of a three chapters currently available one thing has been made abundantly clear our protagonist was once an employee at playtime Co in chapter one they receive a mysterious note inviting them back to the long abandoned Factory some 10 years after they originally left then in Chapter 2 we hear this very revealing monologue from antagonist mommy long legs they left Mommy to die alone mommy didn't deserve that but you you worked here so if anyone deserves to die alone it's you mommy remembers our protagonist and explains in no uncertain terms that they once were a worker at the factory in chapter 3 we experienced two hallucinogenic events triggered by exposure to the nightmare inducing a red smoke the first of these is easily missable appearing as a reversed audio Loop that emits from a radio if we revert the audio back it reveals a cryptic message 894 I find your pres is intrusive after all this time you return you come in here and you kill and murder you pull and destroy your presence was demanded 10 years ago and you didn't show up 88 1995 you were supposed to be here why weren't you here you missed the event you missed the meeting you missed the party you have no right to be here again this confirms our protagonist was a former worker at the factory one who missed a party on the 8th of August 1995 which for those who don't remember was the day the hour of Joy occurred the hour of Joy was the hour in which the living toy experiments rebelled against their creators and embarked marked on a kill crazy Rampage throughout the facility claiming the lives of the many workers trapped inside with them however for some reason our protagonist did not show up for work that day and so escaped the grizzly fate of their co-workers towards the end of chapter 3 our protagonist is exposed to a high dose of red smoke sending them into a nightmarish trance here they recall past events that they experienced at the factory while once working there reliving the cruelty that befell the orphan children many of whom were transformed into living toys as part of the Insidious experiments carried out by playtime scientists messages are also scratched on the walls and floors throughout this chapter some speaking directly to the player and reminding them of the guilt that haunted them after Escaping The Factory or those years [Music] earlier let's wrap up this video by taking the evidence we've looked at so far and using it to make a connection between rich and our player character the first connection is obvious both rich and our protagonist once worked at playtime Co but this alone isn't enough to conclude that the two are one and the same however if we take a look at the kind of person Rich was we can form the picture of a man who not only had motive to quit but Also may have ended up haunted by guilt over the years Rich Rose through the ranks at playtime but along the way he grew bitter and disgruntled by Management's treatment of both his co-workers and the suspicious activity surrounding the orphan kids who he seemed to genuinely care for his promotion from Stewart would have landed him a role where he was exposed to some of the more Insidious going on at the facility and therefore we can logically conclude that r may have seen a thing or two that raised some proverbial red flags if anyone had motive to leave before the hour of Joy occurred it was this particular worker and this is made Crystal Clear via multiple audio logs Rich also had a motive to return we know that his wife the person closest to him spoke of his kind heart and good character and we also see glimpses of this through the way that rich talks as outlined earlier in our analysis of his recordings so ethically abandoning his co-workers and the orphan kids wouldn't have sat right with someone like rich and he would have been haunted by guilt over the years that followed this would make him the perfect candidate to return to the factory and try to write the wrongs that once occurred there all he needed was an invitation one he received via a note revealed to us at the beginning of this Sinister story but of course there's no way to know for sure if our protagonist is indeed Rich perhaps he befell a different fate but it is curious how the game places so much importance on a character that we have never seen in the game unless of course this very important character is the one we've been controlling the entire time but what do you think let me know in the comments section below and if you enjoyed this video remember to leave a like and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and I will see you on the next [Music] video