Transcript for:
Metafísica de la Astrología: Por qué Funciona la Astrología

metaphysics of astrology why astrology works by Ivan antique introduction unlike the majority of other books on astrology we will not deal here with the teachings of the basic principles necessary for horoscope reading sex books both good and bad are in abundance we will deal with the fact as to why astrology works in the first place and how its original principles came about as well as how the space-time of Cosmo of Cosmos shapes within us until unknown existence into planets into life itself and into destiny to get closer to this Vision that encompasses the macro and the microcosm at least to the level we can do so we will utilize some of the achievements of theoretical physics astrology has been known as the queen of all Sciences from the days of old zodiac circle is like a Whirlpool where all the experiences of existence are acquired we will not mention them here we will instead focus on the most recent ones with the added contributions of the experience of personal Insight the fundamental theories of physical reality we will stick to here in an attempt to clarify the essence of astrological influences are the theories of the holographic universe and the strong anthropic principle which are complementary and claim that the Universe the way it is exists to shape the conscious subject in other words us it is my cognition that astrology G shows all the details of this shaping for every person individually therefore the emphasis on personal experience should not act as a deterrent but should rather do its best to stimulate because that is the only correct perspective the sense of astrology can can be viewed from it if it shows in detail how from the wholeness of nature a personality is formed it's purposefulness cannot be expressed otherwise but as personal experience only the fundamental principles of a strategy put forth in this book follow the ancient teachings of Sam s-a-m-k-h-y-a this teaching reveals the true relationship of the human essence or soul and nature the soul is a transcendental witness and nature is what acts as the emergent Universe its effects is such that it seduces the consciousness of the Soul making it identified with its phenomenon and functioning astrology shows us all the details of this seduction and the conditioning the soul experiences for each person separately p-r-a-k-r-t-i is best expressed via astrology this brief discourse written about 20 years ago should therefore assist us in our tasks of differentiating between our essence or soul and all the possible natural influences some basic facts and misconceptions at the moment we at the moment when a newborn baby draws his first breath the spirit of this world enters it and gives it life it is the spirit of the time the moment the baby inhales because of the unity of nature every moment is the embodiment of everything existing it is shaped by the whole the cosmos the position of the earth is in relation to the sun neighboring planets and Far Away stars all those bodies are energy forms all of nature is energy which expresses Itself by shaping and at the moment when an infant Cuts its physical ties to its mother its ties to the new wider hole is introduced The Cosmos with the initial breath it takes the energy of this whole its breath while in this mother's womb it simply existed and its body was being formed in the new environment it will have to be activated it will have to work because the breath of the whole has the intention of forming its personality after the birth a child enters the drama of all the possible life experiences and it enters life which is full of events and not shared existence and this in their Essence events are motion and movement reflecting the true nature of the cosmos which is represented by the general and Perpetual movement astrology shows us how this movement takes place following the law of the golden section the the golden the sacred geometry with the first breath the human receives the pattern of their personification their character which over time gets expressed as Destiny reflected in detail by their natal chart in the mother's womb the human body is formed once it comes out in this form the psyche will form through action the same way the mother's body formed the infant the movement of the meaning of events of this world will form the infant psyche astrology shows us how this world has been constructed and what generates its events these events are the destiny of all beings the the destiny of every human is to become an independent person by becoming aware of the whole that sets everything in motion and obtains the state of other authenticity the state of self or the consciousness of their soul which means the conscious Unity with the whole hence all the misunderstanding and flaws in horoscope interpretation when something else is expected the complete personality is a personification of the whole which creates everything at every single moment and therefore humans cannot be taken to their completeness any other way but by the whole self that made them the road to sex completeness and self knowing as the knowledge of the whole is always individual because everything in nature is unique for this reason the role to selfhood is a process of individualization it is unique for everyone and the and its uniqueness is determined by the time and place of birth by the intersection of space and time the birth of a human whose mission is to grow into a personality is nothing but the intersection of space and time once they intersect a conscious life is born in all other areas of existence this intersection is not the real thing they are all twisted in complete forms that constitute all the other beings and everything living in nature other than the human only in the human image does the proper intersection of the time horizontal and vertical of Eternal space the the Heaven and the Earth the Consciousness and existence take place the human is the only complete form of existence the spiritual embodiment of the whole because the spirit of the whole which creates everything can obtain the direct self-nub per pyramidal hierarchy at the top it Narrows to Consciousness and freedom and towards the towards the base it widens to ever growing inertia and conditionality the forming of the personality too has this parabetal structure the widest base of the pyramidal structure of the personality is determined by the year of birth each year is determined by one of the cycles of the ACT activity of the sun there are 12 of them and they're shifting matches the lunar cycles character traits of all the individuals born in the same year are depicted by the Chinese zodiac in detail the year of birth is the most General reference of an individual character that has been determined following the cycle of solar activity and astrologer who fails to take Chinese zodiac into account while analyzing a certain chart is unable to view its completeness he dabbles with details only to recognize the widest Foundation of a certain personality a more detailed and time-consuming observation is required it is not obvious at first glance the old western astrologers who were unfamiliar with the Chinese zodiac suspected that there must be yearly Cycles as such and try to establish them by adding the significance of a certain planet to every year it is a well-known fact that lunar astrology relates to the people in the East whereas solar strategy relates to the West it is in accordance with the different mentalities of the people of the East and the West the Chinese zodiac is lunar but the yearly Cycles it will represent May refer to the westerners as well or more accurately it affects all the people in the world not just the Chinese this is further proof that the characteristics of yearly Cycles have a global impact and are not connected with any specific astrological traditions lunar cycles merely coincide with them the following higher structure of the different age the differentiations of personality is determined by the seasons or the month of birth the Western astrological tradition shows it in detail the issue here is that it describes the position of the Earth in relation to the sun and the other planets when observed from the earth the sun moves along its path e e collectively and unevenly throughout the year due to the Earth's rotation axis wobble it is found in the lowest point in the Horizon in the northern hemisphere at the beginning of winter on December 22nd which marks the shortest day and during the summer on June 22nd in the highest position which marks the longest day of the year it then begins to wane again and at the moment it intersects the middle of its extreme position September 22nd and March 22nd which is the line of the Equator Autumn and spring bring We Begin which are equinoxes therefore the beginning of each season is determined by the intersection of the eclipse and Celestial equator a projection from the Earth this was taken to be the beginning of the Cardinal zodiac signs Capricorn Cancer Libra and Aries those are the four cardinal points of the zodiac and they have always been the the basis for measuring the time all over the world starting from them all the other signs were determined set 30 degrees apart from each other what is at work here is time within the boundaries of which are the phenomenon of the wholeness is shape more accurately the position of the Earth in the space of Cosmos and not the mythology associated with certain constellations the names of the signs have been adopted from the constellations but the signs themselves do not match with constellations due to the slight isolation of the Earth's polar axis the point of intersection of the sun's orbit and the equator therefore the moment when the sun crosses from the southern to the Northern Hemisphere when the spring begins does not happen when the sun enters the constellation by the name of Aries this point of intersection of the sun's orbit across the celestial equator keeps shifting slightly with retrograde approximately one degree every 72 years and this is called procession nowadays it is at the ends of the horoscope sign of Aquarius which means that procession passes through one sign for 2160 years or the lasting of one astrological era signs and the harmonious constellation matched around 300 BC but they were never before or after that they congruent to those who whose knowledge of astrology is very limited this non-alignment occurs offers critical proof for overthrowing The credibility of astrological Theory and of practice anyone who is mentally familiar with astrological principles is aware of the fact that signs are not constellations only the names are the same and the signs are constituted by certain positions of the Earth in relation to the sun as well as the concrete real changes in nature generated by those positions the Four Seasons therefore we are not affected by some mysterious Rays from far away constellations filled with the fancy of her ancestors but a real position of the earth regarding its environment and the state of nature at the moment it is what keeps conditioning our lives in a way that can be validated both meticulously and scientifically something that astrology has been doing since time and rememberable the reason why it still has not been widely accepted lies in the fact that neither the human personality nor the meaning of itself has been able to gain public acceptance and recognition to to this day only recently has there been so broadly River recognized the necessity for appreciating the elementary rights to the biological survival that are very boastfully proclaimed as democracy human rights and Liberties however they have not yet reached the peak of civil civilizational achievements although they represent nothing but the basic pre guess for a normal biological life we still have a long way to go before accepting and fully appreciating the sense of wholeness of the human being and personality astrology speaks of it points to the unity between the human and the cosmos whereas the human body is an unified whole especially when it comes to immediate family with its Seasons nature shapes human character even for a lay person it is pretty evident that someone born in Winter Capricorn with their with their reserves somewhat cold and Abstract character is different from another born in the summer or at the end of spring juvenile cancer who is emotional warm commutative and accessible those born in the beginning of area of spring Aries with their brisk energetic approach to life are considerably different from the hesitant moderate and considerate character types born at the beginning of fall in Libra the next finer certifications referred to the to the deacons each sign has three deacons of tens of degrees and one planet to roll symbiotically over each one this means that each sign has three phases of its influence the initial the middle and the final one those born under one sign are according to this different by the deacons their birth falls under all the deacons have been assigned the following planetary influences Aries Mars Sun Venus Taurus Mercury Moon Saturn Gemini Jupiter Mars Sun cancer Venus Mercury Moon Leo Saturn Jupiter Mars Virgo Sun Venus Mercury Libra moon Saturn Jupiter Scorpio Mars Sun Venus Sagittarius Mercury Moon Saturn Capricorn Jupiter Mars Sun Aquarius Venus Mercury Moon Pisces Saturn Jupiter Mars there is an even finer differentiation according to the signs of the zodiac namely it is assumed that each degree of each side has a specific impact it is pointless to debate on this subject here for it would take up too much space the perimeter structure of space-time with which the whole human personality is formed we will finish on the finest level and that is the moment of birth the hour and the minute of it it is determined by the position of the Earth's rotation in relation to the sun and it is the time of day or the exact position of the sun concerning the place of birth to a careful Observer the one who has not become acquainted with astrology it may be apparent that the character of a person born at noon sun in the 10th house is different from the one born at midday sun in the fourth house the former is turned toward the public domain career politics and the events of the world and the destiny mistakenly leads them there while the midnight type is attached to their family and the home front prefers to sit at home rather than travel all the other time or is in some way forced to be at home or do the homemaking their character is more intimate than the former it is even easier to spot the difference between someone who was born early into the morning just Before Sunrise the first house from the one born when the sun sets the seventh house the former one is very self-conscious and self-sufficient while the latter one is dependent on others in the environment the former one enjoys their Solitude and the latter one seeks the company of people continuously wanting to present themselves in public the former is more inclined to ex to experience whereas the latter one is likely to to express similarly similar Natures determines the character of an individual using part of a day or night the moment of birth as the peak of the perimeter structure of Personality gives the closing and defining imprint of the entire structure ascendant is to determined with it as well as the position of all the 12 houses that determine our destiny which is once again nothing but the way in which an individual will be formed one of the most common misconceptions of laymen about astrology is the conviction that some the distant Celestial body cannot affect the events of their lives because they have their own free will at least to a substantial degree if not entirely the initial nebulous assumption is the notion of the distance of celestial bodies a strategy speaks of which goes to show the level of ignorance of the astronomical vastness of space we live in if we were to compare our galaxy with the human body the distance between Pluto and us will be no greater than the neighboring brain cells in our body their organic ties could not be disputed by the Layman even by the astrological assumptions of the unity of nature will soon be forgotten regardless of the fact they are only too well aware of the burden of evidence astrophysicists are particularly eager to play this game of all the average people they know the best that gravity is the most powerful pull in the cosmos it gives cohesion to planets and keeps all the cosmic systems together in Perfect Harmony from The Solar ones to galaxies however despite this fact they will conveniently become ignorant of the fact that the same Gravity the teaching which astrology is based on plays the key role in organic life too moreover it does not require too much knowledge to realize that all the organic life originated under the influence of gravity the sun first and foremost but the moon and all the other planets as well because all the bodies have gravity organic life is in effect our daily life and the basics for our destiny to take shape in fact organic life is is our destiny overcoming it falls under the category of the idea of human Perfection and is known as the experience of transcendence and all the spiritual Traditions however this idea is not the object of Desire of original people conditioned by their Destiny which boils down to Everyday work and reproduction together with rest such an entertainment and the accompanying trivialities this is all a definition of organic life if they happen to own up to the fact that gravity plays a part in organic life perhaps observing that it ties them to the ground and that all the rhythm of life depends on the gravity of the Earth Moon and Sun gravity of other planets they are still not ready to admit to they will still not agree that organic life is the same as Destiny because they are unable to distinguish between what Destiny and real Freedom are which will be a later topic of this the debate when the earth is observed from the cosmos it looks like one whole living being where lives movements and the Destinies of billions of human beings on it appear like vegetation functions of its organisms tiny beings of astrophysicists as bacteria which obstructs the the functioning of it with their ignorance although they live at its expense the further assumption is this delusion is to know what phenomenon are the events that constitute our lives this knowledge is typically for the unconscious human who sees a natural processions as something different from themselves and from what they do even the most educated among the unconscious people physicists are prone to it even though they know the microcosm movement is subjected to the strong gravitational pull and microcosmic to the strong nuclear and electromagnetic forces everything that is between these two extremes which is our movement in everyday life despite this logic and these facts they consider themselves to be different from the remaining nature Although our world is between these macro and microcosm forces as between the hammer and Anvil only at that point between the micro and macro World in our human endeavor is the place where our Free Will rules although no one seems to brag about having used it properly this is how the human ego maintains the illusion of its survival in reality everything that exists in any way possible in or outside Us in this or any other world is a constituent of the con Edition natural process and there is no such thing as unnatural phenomenon it is different in the level of vibration and the quality of invested energy those the differences give various forms to everything that exists and happen the entire nature is made up of one energy and it manifests itself as a movement the movement of nature is the same everywhere there is no difference between the movement of electrons and planets or our movement through life because energy is the same everywhere however it's implications give a different character to the phenomenon beyond that there was no difference between silent matter and events the outer or the inner ones an illusion that there is a fundamental difference between the invisible processes of the event of the destiny the visible object and our being we can only interpret as our attachment to The Limited physical sense and their point of view forces that lead humans through life and give them a certain Destiny because reflected in the events that occur are as much a part of nature as the forces that keeps the blood flowing through our body and all of the organic life let us keep in mind all the things we are prepared to do and have already done to have food on the table and it means to pay our bills the egoic way of observing things is the only reason why we consider our blood flow to be a natural urge our external actions are Free Will and all the other events are Amer consequence or destiny sex the distinction is the rampart of our ego and ignorance and automatically our suffering however in nature there is no suffering it is a Divine perfect cold suffering exists only within the boundaries of ego in the outside world which ego projects we do not want to see the unity of nature in or organic survival and our Deeds because we do not want to admit to ourselves that we have done nothing much in our lives besides satisfying our biological needs and that we have barely touched on our spiritual Essence the real reason why we exist in the first place the reason is the traditional ignorance of what our spiritual Essence is and we will dive into this subject further on the last and firmest Assumption of a layperson who does not believe in astrology is based on the previous one by distinguishing the natural processes from their actions their ego creates an illusion that they have free will the this conviction which is nothing but the manifestation of their unconsciousness is so widespread that many of the commercial astrologers Fell in line with it they go so far as to maintain that the human has Free Will and astrological factors only show Tendencies which a person can either use and to benefit from or pass on and fail in the long run it is true but only for an enlightened human not for the mere mortal this conviction is appearing appealing because it confirms the ego's unconsciousness although with just a little common sense it is obvious that humans cannot breathe or blink at will and that all of their psychological functions are unconscious and spontaneous not only the internal processes either but the outer events as well it is hard to be fully aware of this because the natural con conditionality is flexible enough to enable all the life and movements the way we know them within the boundaries of our ego however at the same time it does not facilitate cognition of other aspects of life that are far more meaningfully bigger and more miraculous than the things we are now familiar with every mature human upon recapitalization of their past life and actions would admit to not being the one who chooses their Destiny at least most of the events of their life the recognition of this state is further Complicated by the fact that the things he considers to be the expressions of their Free Will are pre-determined by astrological factors at Birth the the planetary aspects and positions that make a person to dedicate their life to sports or theology for the for the instance the human accepts as an expression of their own free will because of astrological factors work from within unconsciously much like our desire and our will work in the outside world in the form of events they pre to determine everything whether someone will be religious or not superficial or or the successful in their career or failure in life as well as the kind of marriage a person will have and what clothes he or she will choose to wear everybody displays their will but it is a but it is different from one individual to another because everyone's will is determined by the astrological influences from their natal chart or the moment of birth these influences everybody's expresses as their will but it is in reality their temperament and character if the astrological influences accepts aspects and the accompanying factors are constructive and positive he will follow their will or in innate nature experience their positive accomplishments if they are negative and destructive there will can only lead them to downfall this is why it is common knowledge that people who are experiencing their Darkest Hours in Life or are otherwise prone to doing bad Deeds are hard to be influence or able to mend their ways they see their lifestyle as an expression of their will and their achievement this complication is very well known by psychotherapists to such individuals the only way out of their Doom is to listen to other people's advice and not to follow their innate nature or what they perceive to be their will if that is at all possible because of such individuals social and religious Authority was originally introduced where one has to commit oneself to God's will as well as ethics and morality the the conditionality of Nature has subordination of its own some events are determined to a greater degree whereas some are far less so insignificant and Petty events are determined in their local environments by the immediate causes or are a question of coincidences because their importance Bears very little leverage on the person's life however life-changing events which are fundamental to development and the destiny are determined by the higher causes astrology deals with the latter one truth be told the most insignificant events could naturally be directed by the destiny therefore to understand astrology we should distinguish between relevant and irrelevant events to understand the law of causality that rules over nature and our destiny it is imperative to know that nature is not only what we perceive but with our physical senses it is multi-dimensional what what while we can observe only a single Dimension with our senses a very narrow area of nature that we call the physical three-dimensional world the law of causality however extends over the whole nature across all of its Dimensions which explains why we do not see the law in its entirety but only the parts that appear in passing through the physical plane and if we happen to be nearby we can detect them or be informed of them in some other way since we fail to see the entire flow of causality but only the fragments of it the one that resonates with our Paradigm of reality appear unconnected caused by accident it seems that evil rules and there is no justice and that Strokes of Lux are undeserved not being able to perceive hidden away from our senses the chain of cross Odyssey on the higher the dimensions events and phenomenons may seem like numerous whims of some God or devil the miraculous events are nothing but the manifestation of higher dimensions in the lower ones the reason religions and philosophies are even built on such ignorance lies in the fact that we do not see the whole of the natural processes in all the dimensions but only a fragment that is accessible to us owning to our senses science deals with it and therefore astrology cannot be one of the subjects because it points to all the phenomenon across all the dimensions it is as though we attempt to observe the motion of a big will through a narrow slit where we could only see a segment of the total happening we would see we would see some in the definite pieces appearing and disappearing some cycles of this motion at best only when we take a few steps back and see the big picture we realize that unconnected and inexplicable phenomenon are the building blocks of the big hole the same applies to Nature and it's phenomenon we observe our physical lives through the nail slits of our senses and limited minds and to us they appear imperfect wrong illogical and unhappy like victims of all kinds of suffering and Injustice it appears that life shows up as new only to disappear into a Oblivion the next moment once we once when we can objectively perceive all the dimensions of nature are we of nature are we able to see that our physical life is a tiny piece of a far bigger process of the maturing of the Soul until it reaches eternal life which is the reflection of the Perfection of nature with its Dimensions it represents the perfect Timeless whole and purest benevolence astrology displays the process of causality that go beyond our sensory range enabling our full comprehension of the completeness of phenomenon and making sure we avoid the illusion of suffering the strings nature binds us with while conditioning US Air are long enough fine and invisible to provide us with the freedom of movement although there are people who have been denied even that necessary for satisfying the biological urges of survival even the lowest drives at that this kind of freedom is needed for biological survival and nature regretted it even more so than animals are able to have it those individuals whose minds are restricted to the sensory and physical existence only this dominantly biological freedom to fight for survival create an impression that people can completely that are completely free with it so much so that they can build democracy human rights and religious morality while at the same time thinking that freedom came from God they constantly fight the negative aspects of the freedom and question as well as those people who have an opinion contrary to their own as a result democracy and religion fight more dirty battles for territory and survival than animal predators would the choice between good and evil that nature gives us simply by being born for the sake of biological survival is not freedom but the choice of how to satisfy the Instinct for survival which is polarization as at Best of the same conditionality that is flexible enough to enable the physical substances of an individual we may be in a position to freely decide how to go about our urges but we begin to project this kind of Freedom that does not surpass the conditionality of nature namely onto all of the areas of life even onto the spiritual Essence we have not even encountered yet just because we can move to and fro hit or caress someone in both cases with an intent to stay safe and talk gibberish if we choose to this does not mean we are free it is an illusion it is the freedom of the ego and unconscious beingness true Freedom has yet to be obtained with spiritual maturity and conquering this type of freedom of instincts that keeps enslaving us with its Illusions astrology shows all the ways in which the human is conditioned helping us get in touch with our real spiritual Freedom the consciousness of our transcendental soul conditionality may be both positive and negative because nature Works in all the way through oppositions in a stimulating and restricting way always tempting us and making sure that the lessons have been learned well these actions there by effect several lifetimes due to the law of Karma and reincarnation for this reason certain death and youth or a hard life must be viewed as an episode of a far wider and bigger process than a single life can be once this type of completeness of Nature and this functioning is overlooked together with its Unity of discrepancies the interpretations of the good and evil set in where the evil mostly overpowers the good only the wholeness of existence is pure good our spiritual Essence is what enables it our self or the consciousness of the soul that is a reflection of the Divine Consciousness the fragments of existence are always opposed and we will suffer because of them for as long as we are fragmentary residing in ego suffering is the unconsciousness of the whole and we express it most often through a reaction through the conflict with its various pieces the people and beings that seen as others to us because we are alien to ourselves too therefore we are able to commit evil acts only when we are unconscious and we maintain the status quo through our unconscious reactions while love and goodness are always the expressions of our consciousness of the unity of being and spiritual Freedom which defines human authenticity we cannot know the truth about the being without love towards everything that happens because such knowledge is merely an outer phenomenon much like we cannot love in a phony way with the feelings of separation or without the unity with our loved ones good and bad are not outwardly events they are our property that manifests our level of Consciousness and unconsciousness it is evident that the human is capable of both when we project them outwardly good into God and Evil into the devil we then merely avoid taking responsibility while implementing both thus proving to the unconscious of our habits and ways once we accept responsibility it always leads us to awareness and goodness which is universal and does not depend on morality and law that are determined by the local environment nature exists within an intent to form the conscious subject apart from all the other life forms where it also takes place this process is most intensively crystallized through the human being and Destiny humans are the Final Act of this process for this reason it is the hardest freedom but they are the closest to the outcome astrology as the queen of all knowledge shows in great detail the the totality of natural occurrences and the level of individual conditionality although not to rub the nose and prove that no human is intrinsically free from the natural causality but quite the opposite to prove them with this knowledge to be able to use to it to set themselves free by becoming aware of the wholeness of beingness which is their self fundamentally therefore the human is conditioned but he can become free although only by realizing what it is that keeps them conditioned astrology may play the key role here following the logic that a not can be untied only by learning how it came to to be taught in the first place for a human to use this knowledge properly he must become aware of his conditionality first and not go on deceiving themselves that he received the freedom and Independence simply by being born into this life or through some God Freedom cannot be granted it is a characteristic of personal maturity whereas maturity can never be a characteristic of someone's personality if it has been granted from somewhere the very Act of physical birth can by no means stand out from the other condition processes of nature it places humans on the same level two together with animals and plants their true spiritual Birth has yet to happen when through the cultural Evolution and complete awareness they become a unique and complete person in themselves independent of the outer influence the more they are in integrated as an individual the more they are into independent of the gravity of natural conditioning the issue of determining the level of Free Will is generally not easy but it especially but is especially difficult in astrology its solution is simple there is Destiny with pre-determination as well as the presence of Free Will together Inside by side predetermination gives gives stability and causality to events whereas Freedom gives creativity and new experiences and shapes all the events without Freedom existence would be like a prison with no life inside without pre-determination Freedom would slip into chaos and Rampage with innumerable consequences conditionality and Destiny with its pre-determination exists to the degree we are unaware of our true nature the consciousness of our transcendental soul that exceeds that exceeds nature because it enables it the consciousness of our soul is a reflection of divine Consciousness that enables the entire nature therefore only to the degree that we aspire to strengthen the consciousness of our soul in the world and in our body can we become liberated therefore conditionality exists in this world but is not complete there is only one way out of conditionality which is the Transcendence in the consciousness of the soul in self-knowing the more we strengthen this Consciousness the more liberated we become and the true master of our destiny when we follow our urges and the desires that are of this world and body we always act unconsciously we are slaves of the destiny only when we act consciously in the best interest of our soul our conscience can we truly liberate ourselves only with actions such as those can be given to construct our freedom and the human world the only human freedom is to know oneself everything else is slavery and suffering the only real foundation for the human cultural evolution is provided by astrology if it is used in accordance with its purpose which is human spiritual enlightenment and not for the Fulfillment of personal desires this type of misuse is the only reason for the many mistakes and misunderstandings a NATO chart shows the structure of our whole being to be able to provide us with the context for going Beyond into the freedom into the consciousness of the Soul Transcendence of the condition beingness is the essence of the overall culture humans have created our spirituality and religiousness human conditionality is best portrayed in astrology a special code for every single human being according to the time of his or her existence hence in a dynamic living fashion and not metaphysical or mythological astrology clearly shows how nature shapes the conscious subject and through a series of Temptations leads them to grow into a complete integrated per personality that will be the embodiment of the sense of the beingness of nature astrology will be recognized in a human society exactly to do to the degree that this Society can recognize and acknowledge a whole and free personality a strategy displays the essence of our character which is outwardly expressed in the form of Destiny in doing so it contributes to the true understanding of our position in the world the true cause and meaning of everything that happens to us so that we do not blame it all on God or the devil for that matter or those there near to us with such knowledge we become relaxed and loving for all the beings through the Insight that we are equally conditioned by Nature until we obtain the true Spiritual Awakening the conditionality drives us to one of the most beautiful depictions of the meaning of uh astrology is the manic sources m-a-n-i-c-h-e-a-n when the father of Life saw how Soul suffers in the body he called for the paraclete having come he undertakes to prepare everything he needs for the task of saving souls he made a will with 12 the dishes put in motion by the circulation of the celestial spheres this will grab the grabs the grabs the dang souls and the reef keeps on filling with Souls the the dishes take on and then disembarks them into Aeons where they remain in the pillar of Glory by the name of perfect man it is a pillar of light for it is filled with purified Souls