hey guys welcome back to another video today I am going to be showing you how to use the razor cortex booster booster pack so razor cortex is is like it's like a software uh you should really Gamers to help like boost your performance up in any sort of game it could be like fortnite Roblox and like all other games and and after this automated you raise the cortex optimizations you should get like 20 FPS boost so it's so yeah so yeah anyways let's get right into it all right so first open up your browser it could be like Google Chrome or any sort of type of browser type in and go to the search bar and type in razer.com hit enter [Music] and then it should take you to this website and what you want to do is Click download now [Music] uh wait for this to install and that that looks like the square icon and now dragged in store out of your desktop and then you can close this all right so once you have that's right track double click on it [Music] it does it click run wait for it to down to finish like loading and then it should take you to this to this gaming software page and what you want to do is hit click on Razer cortex and then hit install uh for for me I already have installed I so pause the video once you have razor cortex installed all right all right all right now do you have it installed it should look like someone like this what you want to do is go up and click game booster and then and then and then select the items I'm selecting [Music] and then and then just click on any processes you don't want to be running in the background but for me I don't really need to know [Music] and and I want you to have those those checked up click boost Now Memory and optimize like I like your system so so that it can run the game better [Music] so once you have your memory release go to booster Prime and then and then click on what what in what game you have installed mine says Roblox what you want to do is is it set this to to three I recommend saying it to three and reduce the lag that you have in your game and your game will overall run smoother once you have that hit optimize [Music] so now you have this optimized all right one more all right so last reminder I I to set this right here and then and then and then you can tweak Tweakers if you don't like if you don't like the graphic quality that's what I use go to system booster and now and now we're at system clean uh so what you want to do is just hit scan it'll scan for like any joke but files and in your in your PC in your recycle bin so all right so what's this done scanning hit clean and then hit done and and so so now after you have hit clean go to speed up all right so so it'll look like this oh I see like how many eyes you want to be optimized and all you have all you have to do is just hit optimize is that simple in order to raise your cortex that was x x that out and and now and now I recommend you going to direct your task manager it goes to where it says startup and then have the set as enabled so I so that whenever you start your PC it always runs with it and and it'll overall like Optimizer game and just a reminder of which what should I start up go to where's this right here and then click here and then and then it'll say like boost now and then it will take you to the desired game that you have installed [Music] so yeah all right now I'm gonna show you guys oh what you what you should have installed when you play like play there so this is for like Roblox players only so what you want to do is just search up FPS Unlocker and then just and then click the first link right here and and then and then and then this that and then just download the the latest one uh what what this will do is is that whenever you uh load into the game it will like remove the CPS remove like the SPs cap oh like usually that's FPS cap is like 60. so I so so you could go up to like 300 or like 120 depending on your device so it's so yeah [Music] so yeah guys that's going to be like that after this optimization tutorial hope you guys like find this like useful this is my first like optimization tutorial tutorial that I'm going to be showing you it'll be a lot more in like the future but I'm just gonna show you like how these like razor like cortex and stuff and then and then hopefully like later on I can move on to like more advanced stuff like how to optimize your internet and stuff so yeah yeah I'll see you guys in the next episode or optimization tutorial see you guys [Music]