Transcript for:
Navigating Emotions in College Life

Can you describe how you felt coming into college? I was excited. I would say nervous. Excited. I felt excited to explore.

Anxious. I was very anxious. Excited. Lost. I felt pretty lost when I first entered here at UNLV.

I was excited at first. Being the first person in my family to go to college, I was a little nervous to start off. But getting into college, there was more freedom, so it was different.

From high school, you get a better environment to work in and be in. It's a lot different from high school where it's already kind of all set up for you. In college, you have your application processes getting accepted, trying to manage all your classes, and it can be intimidating when it's just you by yourself. It's more challenging because in college, you can choose if you want to do the work or not.

Like, it all depends on you. You don't really have teachers coming to you like, oh... You have this many missed assignments.

You need to get the work done. You need to pay attention to classwork. But in college, it's like everything is based on how you do it.

I would say to be prepared for the unexpected. A lot of things happen that wouldn't happen. You're away from home most of the time.

You don't have your parents to lean back on. And it's a responsibility thing. You need to make sure you're on top of whatever you have to do.

You need to know how to manage your time. That's one of the main things that I learned. when it comes to what you do in your daily life and also what you do in school.

Those two go hand in hand. Since there are so many different things involving everybody's lives, it's not always possible for you to stay the same or for everything that you want to go the way that you want it. Sometimes you have to learn how to make the sacrifices to really succeed in different areas. College, it's more diverse. There's a lot more, there's a lot of clubs.

There's many people that have the same interests as you. It's very cool, it's very pleasing. Stepping out of your comfort zone, it's a lot of different people, a lot of different personalities, so you kind of have to learn how to interact with everyone, especially if you're doing group projects.

It will definitely help you a little bit, you know, kind of grow as a person and be more intertwined with your community and environment. And it can be scary, especially with the financial aspect, but as long as you just apply for those kind of scholarships, that's really going to come a long way. Now how do you feel after almost completing one full year in college?

Now I feel more calm. I fit in more. I want to see what's ahead. I feel more determined.

I feel I am more prepared to do more with my time here. I feel pretty calm myself. Satisfied.

Really satisfied because I know that I through my first year it just means that I'm ready to move on in the next three years. Fast. It's okay to be uncertain coming into college.

Determined. Religious. Because if you're told to, it's okay.

That's the purpose of convention.