Comprehensive Overview of React Course

Sep 21, 2024

Ultimate React Course Overview

Course Structure

  • Comprehensive course covering React from basics to advanced concepts.
  • Build and deploy a production-grade app for discovering video games.
    • Features include:
      • Toggle between dark and light modes
      • Search and filter games by genre/platform
      • Dynamic page title updates
      • Loading skeletons while fetching data
  • Advanced topics will include:
    • Routing
    • State management
    • Data fetching with React Query
    • Authentication
    • Error handling
    • Performance optimization

Instructor Background

  • Mosh Hamadani, software engineer with over 20 years of experience.
  • Has taught millions through YouTube and online school "".


  • Good understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required.
  • No prior knowledge of React necessary.
  • TypeScript will be used throughout the course.
    • TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing, helping catch errors early.

Introduction to React

  • React is a JavaScript library for building dynamic and interactive UIs.
  • Created at Facebook in 2011; it is the most widely used library for front-end development.
  • The DOM (Document Object Model) allows JavaScript to dynamically modify HTML elements.
    • However, managing the DOM can become complex as applications grow.
  • React simplifies this by using reusable components to manage UI updates.

Component Structure in React

  • React applications are made up of a tree of components.
  • Example: A webpage with a navigation bar, side panel, and main content can be built with separate components.

Development Environment Setup

  • Node.js version 16+ required for the course.
    • Check version with node -v command.
    • Download from if needed.
  • Visual Studio Code (VS Code) recommended as the editor.
    • Use Prettier extension for code formatting.

Creating a React App

  • Create React App (CRA) and Vite are two tools for creating React applications.
    • Vite is recommended for its speed and smaller bundle sizes.
  • Example command for Vite:
    npm create vite@latest
  • Install dependencies and run the web server with:
    npm install
    npm run dev

Understanding Project Structure

  • Key project files:
    • node_modules: Contains all third-party libraries.
    • public: Contains public assets (images, videos).
    • src: Contains the source code (React components).
    • index.html: Basic template with div for app container.
    • package.json: Information about the project and dependencies.
    • TypeScript configuration for compiling TS to JS.

Creating React Components

  • Two ways to create components: class-based and function-based (recommended).
  • Use Pascal casing for component naming.
  • Example of a basic functional component:
    const Message = () => {
      return <h1>Hello World</h1>;

JSX Syntax

  • JSX allows writing HTML-like syntax in JavaScript.
    • Gets compiled to JavaScript through Babel.
    • Use curly braces {} to embed JavaScript expressions in JSX.

Component Tree and Virtual DOM

  • React builds a lightweight in-memory representation of the DOM called the Virtual DOM.
  • On state change, React updates the Virtual DOM and syncs it with the actual DOM.

Props and State

  • Props: Inputs to components, treated as immutable.
  • State: Internal data that can change over time and is mutable.

Event Handling in React

  • Handling events using properties like onClick.
  • Example:
    <button onClick={() => console.log('Clicked!')}>Click Me</button>

Child Components and Passing Props

  • Components can accept children using the children prop.
  • Example:
    const Alert = ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>;

React Developer Tools

  • Browser extension for inspecting React applications.
  • Features include a component tree view, inspecting props, and profiling performance.


  • Full course includes 8 hours of content with exercises, summary notes, and cheat sheets.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee for the complete course.