okay hello everyone I am big Nono and this is as the title suggests a Yakuza kiwami 2 any percent tutorial um I have recently gone on a on a big old grind in this game and I had you know how in speedrun z7 is get good luck you sometimes get bad luck sometimes you play well sometimes you play badly um I've you know played better and worse over this uh most recent grind but what's been pretty consistent is I've just had the worst luck for most of it uh I I can't even begin to tell you like the absolutely ludicrous ways I've lost some of my runs and so near the end of this grind I decided you know if I ever need to take a break from this game and come back again I really really don't want to have to teach myself all this stuff again because just because of how bad my luck's gotten I've had to come up with a lot of um backups I've had to come up with a lot of alternative strats safe strats stuff like that and I want to have it all in one place where I can always access it and you know as long as that's the case why not make it accessible for uh other Runners as well so this is what we are going to do today we're going to go way way deep into this game this is not going to be a short tutorial uh I know sometimes people don't like long tutorials but in the case of K2 it really is a thing where if you want a basic tutorial you can just watch a run on the service level there's really nothing that complicated about this run so if you don't want all the detail if you don't want to sit through a lot of um a lot of me talking about things just watching a run should should serve you well like just by watching around you should certainly be able to get a decent time in this game uh this is for people who want to really go into it and really understand the intricacies of the Run so yeah after that Preamble let's talk a bit about um some preliminaries before I actually start up a run and we talk about strats and Tech and stuff like that what you need to do to prepare your game um first of all Yakuza kiwami 2 has load has a load remover or a loadless timer whatever you want to call it um so if you're in PC you should use that if you're in console you can you just time it RTA we do not use in-game timer in any of the yakuzuran's in-game timers in these games are just notoriously unreliable for various reasons so they are not used for the leaderboards other than that currently actually hold on this is a good point I actually forgot to add this to my game capture um I need to change something here in the layout there you go so as you can see I have steams incredibly incredibly ugly FPS counter in the upper left corner the reason for that is frame rate actually plays a huge role in how fast K2 goes and for various reasons it has been decided to limit the run to 60 FPS FBS living thing doesn't really change much in the way of tech or threats or anything like that and you know maybe in the future they'll decide to lift the FPS ban I don't know maybe in a few years it will get really easy to run this game at 120 FPS and the limit will no longer be necessary so maybe that won't be a thing anymore but currently when you run this game you need to have your FPS displayed and the two main ways that the leaderboard allows to do it are either through Steam or through Riva tuner uh maybe they can allow other methods but those are the two that are allowed by default and the best way to limit FPS is not through the in-game settings because if you don't know if you go here and limit fps to 60 it'll actually limit it to more like 40 FPS and if you limit to 128 limits like 60 70 FPS living in that range look it's it's the dragon engine it's not good okay there's there's not much I can say about it um so yeah the best way to limit your FBS is if you have an Nvidia GPU go to the Nvidia um yeah Nvidia control panel and somewhere in there there's an option to limit to 60 FPS you can I I assume you can do something like this with an AMD card but um I don't know of course if you're running on Console none of this applies to you because you're just running at 30 FPS no matter what other than that even though I'll talk about this a bit more during the tutorial but even though there's a load remover for this game it doesn't really remove all of the loads sadly K2 remains um not extremely but kind of a pay to win game um because some loads just do not get removed so I would still really really recommend for your benefit to if if you have an SSD definitely install this game there and you know anything else you can do to speed up load times like you can go to the advanced graphic settings here and knock things down you can knock everything to the very lowest graphical settings the thing is this game looks ugly as Sin on the very low graphical settings so I I you know I I want to go fast but there's there's the line so um I kind of put it on like low mid quality here uh where it still looks kind of passable um the one thing you really have to do for the run in terms of the settings is knock up your fov to maximum value and the reason for that will become clear when um actually very very near the end of the run but all you need to do at this point is that field of vision has to be Max to be optimal and um some people hate it I kind of like it I actually think it kind of makes these games looks like look like the old PS2 games which is a an interesting look but um you know if it really bothers you you can just forego the Max fov and take the L on that just like be a little slower in the finale if you don't mind that but yeah to be optimal you're gonna have to go Max fov I think that's it oh there's actually I know there's I don't think audio settings or game settings have everything anything that's important to us no but controls there are two things I would really recommend uh that you do one um actually both are under keyboard and mouse so I want to go to battle controls so four reasons that we will talk about very shortly you want to have your normal attack which I will refer to as a as a light attack bound to something very comfortable by default I think it's a left Mouse click I would like I bind it to q but I would really just mine it to anything that you find accessible but if you bind into queue like me I would recommend that you where is the key for this by default the map is bound to tab I would bound it to something that's far far away from Q because for me it's fairly common to just kind of fat finger and hit Tab while I'm trying to press q and that opens up the map and then you have to close it and it's a Time loss so I would recommend making that change as well and I think that's it in terms of the preliminaries so we can just jump into the run now the moment you select your difficulty is the moment the timer starts this game has an auto starter and an auto splitter the only thing it doesn't have is an auto reset also it doesn't automatically split on the last split that one you also have to do manually but starting and splitting on each of the intermediate chapters that works automatically unfortunately the first thing we have to talk about every time we talk about a Yakuza run we have to start by discussing cutscene skips there's only two things that consistently go worse with Yakuza games the longer you go on and that's cutscene skips and pedestrians we'll talk about pedestrians very shortly but basically in this game when you want to skip a cutscene it is a long long process you know the cutscene plays you need to press start confirm to skip this opens up the prompt that says skip yes no by default it's on no because God forbid you'll miss a cutscene you press left you pick yes and you know just doing this just going is very slow so what we want to do is we want to mimic this slow movement of just pressing start confirm left confirm by something that's fast and the way we do that is you can see my input display in the lower right corner basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to hold the left d-pad and I'm going to alternate mesh start and confirm like so see that was very quick so thinking okay what's the problem the problem is you have to do this a lot and you can actually skip cutscenes in this game from the very first frame they appear unlike games like zero and K1 where you have a bit of a delay until you can skip so every time you start running this game you're doing a lot of this which is not good for your fingers my friends it's not good at all but that is the way you have to do if you want to be optimal again if you're not going for super good times you can just skip cutscenes like a normal person you know it's not it's not that slow you're going to lose probably around I would say half a minute to a minute over the course of the run but your fingers will be happier so it's up to you what's really more important speedrun records or your body obviously the former is the correct answer but you know to each their own the graveyard it's very aptly named because a lot of runs die right here this is also a good place to talk about movement Tech unfortunately K2 unlike some of the earlier Yakuza games is settled with a stamina system so when you just move around normally here is just walking around and then if you hold confirm he runs and you have limited stamina in this game we will handle this in various ways that I will talk about later one thing I want to mention right now is this game has a very annoying bug that you need to be aware of when you run it which I have dubbed the interact bug which is sometimes when Curie runs you will approach something you can interact with like for example this gravestone right here that we're going to have to interact with soon and curio will just refuse to do it he will just keep running even when you oh there we got it so you see even though I let go of the confirm button kiru just keeps running and sometimes this can go on for a very very long time now in most cases it's just an annoying one to two second time loss in other cases it can be very very bad so uh if you ever like start out here run towards the gravestone and you can't interact with it uh it's normal it's annoying but you know it is what it is let's actually restart that anyway maybe we can actually talk about one of the things you want to notice about cutscene skips right now and we can actually do this like the way I would do it in an actual run all right so new game easy and here come the cutscene skips so what you're going to notice is I'm going to do what I said I'm doing the alternate mesh however I do stop the mesh for a little bit after each Skip and the reason for that is other than to give my fingers some rest is if you don't stop you can sometimes get stuck it's kind of a frame perfect way to mess up your run if you hit the cutscene skip on like a specific frame after you skip the cutscene it's sort of soft locks the game until you all Tab out and back in So if it ever happens to you you can just all Tab out to fix it but to avoid having it occur in the first place just take a bit of a pause between two cutscene skips all right so now I'm going to go to the gravestone here and I'm going to like I said hold R1 and mash the confirm button why do I do this uh this turns out to actually be the optimal way to skip text in this game traditionally in Yakuza games ever since Yakuza 2 you had the option of holding R1 and confirm to skip through text automatically and in the older games that's the actual optimal way to skip text a lot of the time however in Dragon engine games because the dragon engine just has to make everything worse holding R1 and confirm isn't actually optimal what's more optimal than that is to just Mash confirm and it turns out that even more optimal than that is to hold R1 while meshing confirm so that's the way we're going to be skipping text but yeah you go up here you master those two text boxes and you pick no otherwise you get an extra cutscene which is very bad and this will start us on the tutorial and this tutorial I could I could um I could write a doctoral dissertation about this tutorial but basically this is a really this can be a really annoying and frustrating part of this run uh so I'm going to go through it like two three times just to show different things you can do but as far as the basics go you know you start with the four life tags and the thing is you don't need to hit all four attacks as long as the fourth attack hits an enemy the game registers it and it's fine now a bit of a pause here and you want to like use the pause between the four light attacks tutorial and the light heavy tutorial because the the heavy swing is pretty slow so you kind of want to time it so you hit it just as the second tutorial window shows up now for probably the worst part which is the light light heavy heavy part of the tutorial this move can drive you mad because it can sometimes whiff for no for no discernible reason like let's see if we can okay that time that time it works fine this is a slow tutorial but it's whatever I'm just trying to go through it we will go through this tutorial like I said a couple more times after this so what I do here is I run past this guy and the guy I brushed up against who turned to me sometimes when you brush up against him he will immediately aggro and start a combo and if you see that you need to react to it go back to him and block and that's a big time save that's a very very fast block if it doesn't happen that's fine we still wanna run up to this corner pick up this weapon and just keep running against this corner because the way AI Works in this game is when you move away from enemies they aggro onto you so this kinda encourages them to attack you and because this is the block tutorial you are dependent on enemy aggro to go through this quickly and enemies can sometimes like I said attack you right away they can sometimes take forever to agree onto you if you run up against the corner it doesn't guarantee that they attack you quickly but it does raise the chances of that dramatically anyway turn around to the enemies block very good we got it so that's good and now I'm going to evade an attack and as I get the evade as you see the okay show up I do heavy attack with the weapon I picked up and what that does is at this point we already got through the block tutorial and the evade tutorial both tutorials that depend solely on the aggro of the enemies attacking us so we want as many enemies up and about for this because that increases the chances that one of them agroes right but for the rest of this we don't really care how many enemies are in a fight so it is optimal to get rid of um one or two of them at this point now you'll see that one of the enemies I attacked got knocked out the other still has one HP the way tutorials work in Yakuza kiwami 2 is at the start of the tutorial the game picks one of the enemies in the tutorial and blocks that Enemy At One HP the thinking is it wants you to always have an enemy to go up against so that you you know you don't take all of them out before you got through the tutorial and you have to always be aware of that because the way we'll behave in these tutorials will depend on which enemy is the one with one HP and knowing ahead of time who's that enemy is actually going to be very useful this is the move away teacher oh I got knocked down that's a bit of a problem anyway the charge attack tutorial is actually also a big one again much like the liked heavy tutorial you kind of want to time the charge attack so that it hits just the tutorial box for it shows you don't want to start charging it when the tutorial box shows up you want to charge it immediately as the last tutorial box got confirmed um again we'll go through this tutorial again and I'll try to to show what exactly I mean anyway at this point grab an enemy keep move and now you just hit him on the ground like that and you're good sometimes that last kick will miss and in that case just just kick them again okay so let's see the whole tutorial in one um one fluid motion basically so like I said I start the punches from far away again you don't need to hit all of them just one is enough all right cool and what you see here like sometimes these guys the one HP guy can sometimes get away from you um but the running kick that I did right there in general is a really good move to keep in mind because the running kick actually does a lot more damage than the kick you do just um just standing up another thing you can do by the way I forgot to talk about this let's wait for some guy to attack me after the Dodge and after you hit enemies with this you can also do a back kick sorry uh I can't I can't get it off hold on this and the back kick is actually also stronger it's as strong as strong as the running kick if you kick backwards it will actually take one of these enemies out with one hit unlike the normal kick which needs two hits all right like I said I start charging just as the move tutorial is over and you kind of need to learn the the timing for when to release the charge you can also look down at the tutorial box and see when it starts fading out and that's when you can release the button and release the charge attack uh let's go through that tutorial like two more times just see what else uh we can get but the truth is it's it's hard to You Know cover all the options you can have in um in in this tutorial during it's it's confusing that I call both these things a tutorial um it's hard to cover all the variations you can see in graveyard during a tutorial really a lot of it you're just gonna have to experience for yourself but maybe we can see like a few more things that I can point out to you they'll be useful hey Patty what's up all right so again start your combo from far away wait like a split say oh see there I did it too early wait a split second and that's that's a really weird thing that can happen a lot of the time so I complained a lot about the light light heavy heavy part of the tutorial because I think it's it's probably the worst combo they could have put in the tutorial from a casual perspective because a lot of the time the game just doesn't register your last hit or like we just saw right there it registers a hit on an enemy that's already knocked out I don't know what's up with that Dragon engine um but if you if you feel like you get cheated a lot in this part of the tutorial you're not alone this is just an incredibly inconsistent part of it but yeah now we can just finish these guys off now again I'm gonna brush off against this guy still no combo and you kind of want to with experience you kind of get a sense of which enemy is going to aggro onto you and you need to like slightly slightly um adjust which direction you're facing to make sure you block your attacks because if they knock you down it's just a big big time loss all right uh okay that that for some reason that counted as um as me dodging even though I clearly didn't whatever you say video game all right and uh let's do this one more time sponges that's fine oh I can't believe I messed up the timing twice in a row okay yeah got the Phantom hit again brushing up sadly I I couldn't demonstrate what happens when that guy aggroes early but it's pretty magical all right so if a guy runs towards you like that you know that he's going to aggro so that's good and oh good timing all right now if two enemies are uh Left Alive at the end of this at the I I know I said I would do the same one fluid motion but I do want to talk about this if two enemies are left at the end of the um heat move tutorial or when you're going to do the heat move tutorial and you know which one is the one HP enemy always do the heat move on the one who's not the one HP enemy because then you finish him off with the hit move and the other guy you can just get rid of like that and that's the tutorial uh now there's more cutscene skips here we already talked about cutscene skips enough I think for the rest of this tutorial to spare my fingers I'm going to skip cutscenes in the very slow way where you know you just do all of this um but yeah to be optimal during the Run remember what I said about the holding left and Alternate meshing okay now we're at camarocho and this brings us to another very painful part of the run which is pedestrians pedestrians are the worst in this game they are really really terrible because they're supposed to have ai that reacts to you properly uh basically it's supposed to be that she ran towards a pedestrian and like that he just um gets out of the way sometimes they won't sometimes they will uh either not get out of the way at all or like you saw there they will actually you know the AI will not correctly assess where you're coming from and instead of dodging away from you they will Dodge towards you so moving in these parts with the lots and lots of pedestrians can be very very annoying what helps a lot of the time is to go into first person mode because in first person mode you have um slightly better control and also it's slightly easier to tell what pedestrians are going to do so at a starters run you run up to this vending machine and we're going to buy 10 Poseidon powers which are vending machine drink that gives you unlimited stamina and one Citrus cider Poseidon power is going to be one of our best friends during the first uh seven chapters of the Run Citrus cider is only used once in this chapter you may see some older runs of mine when I used to grab two Citrus ciders and literally the only reason I did that was that that's uh that's what the world record did when I watched it and even then I think that was a mistake I don't think there was a reason to get two of those Way Way Back in the past there was a strat that in chapter 9 that used Citrus cider I'll talk about it a bit when we get to that point uh but yeah basically you need the 10 power one Citrus cider having purchased those drinks you continue to be annoyed by pedestrians and you run up here to tutorial number two you can skip this cutscene but you can text Skip so remember what I said to skip text optimally you hold R1 and press confirm now this tutorial is kind of it it requires really um precise timing so I'll have to do it in kind of a fluid motion but basically what you want to do right away is you want to skip the texts the textbook that comes up grab the guy to the left and knock him to the right just to make sure that uh to try and make sure these guys are grouped together for the next part of this tutorial thing is you want to notice that you can't really grab the guy right after you skip through the text box because um like the the text the hitboxes don't come in correctly until like a small delay or something I don't know Dragon engine Shenanigans but basically skip this wait a split second grab knock to the right run towards this and oh okay so what happened there after you skip the the first text box you get a tutorial for grabs so what we did is basically we held on for a bit grabbed the guy did the grab tutorial by knocking him to the right and that gripped him out with his two friends now the part after that is the part that teaches you to pick up and use weapons you need to run up to the big cone in the middle of the street and grab that and then it's like a very the reason my movement there was very particular is that you want to hit all three of those guys but you also don't want to hit them straight on so what do I mean by this what happens if is if I grab that comb too fast before the tutorial box shows up it actually still tells me hey press B to pick up a weapon even though I picked up a weapon I know how to pick up weapons video game so you want to be uh careful about that you want to approach the cone slowly and next up I want to show I want to try and show what happens uh why you need like a specific angle when you use the heavy attack with the cone here I grab the cone and if I'm like right up against these guys you see how Kiri does that overhead attack uh the problem with that is that it doesn't give us the wide swing that the normal heavy attack does so you want to not attack enemies head on but like slightly from the side like so and if you do that correctly then you'll get the same thing as we did the first time we came here which is Kiri does the big swing and gets all three of these enemies with uh with one swing which is the optimal thing to do all right now weapons weapons are very important to this run and a text box will show up here and it will tell you you need to hit confirm to skip through but you can also press cancel so at this point I will just Mash B and then d-pad down grab this cone and hit both of these dudes Mash through this and the idea here okay you can't pause here sadly the idea here is you want to do a bunch of things so I'll just let this play um you want to do several things during that tutorial so you skip through the text box and grab the switchblade by meshing B then you mesh d-pad down to put it in your inventory and then we again are at this point where we want to know who's the one HP guy because that's the guy we want to hit um at the very end of the tutorial naturally so what we do is we grab that blue cone that's right next to us and we use a heavy attack with it by the way remember that you can if you hold L2 or left trigger if you're on an Xbox controller like me if you hold that button then uh pressing heavy attack will not trigger a heat move and that's going to be very very important you almost always want to do this unless I specifically say to use the heat move so yeah when you use that heavy attack with the blue cone it'll if you line up the guys correctly it'll hit both of them and then another swing after the tutorial that tells you to equip the switchblade will get you down to one guy and then that one guy you just finish off at the end but I also want to do this again just in one fluid motion because that's kind of a lot to take in what I just said all right and at an angle uh this almost works if the if that green suit guy was a bit closer that would have been fine that's okay it's not the end of the world to use two swings um it's it's not a huge time loss I shoot a text box pick up the thing put it in your pocket and then notice how when I'm running towards the blue cone um even even though I can like it kind of looks like you can pick it up right away you do want to move towards it a bit because otherwise sometimes Kiri will try to grab one of the guys running towards you and that's the time loss uh but that was beautiful sometimes when you do that heavy attack you'll not just hit both of them but you'll also kind of knock them into each other which causes extra damage and then you right away know who the one HP guy is so mesh a through the tutorial to equip the switchblade and you actually the switchblade tutorial is one of the few cases where you don't need to wait for the text box to appear to do it you can just pull out your switchblade pull it back in and you're done with the tutorial and uh that's an that's an old red original I did not know that before I saw him do that yeah at this point you can just start punching this guy and by your third or fourth punch he will just be gone again this this one teaches you uh about abilities just smash through it cutscene Skip and this is where we're going to start to use our vending machine drinks so again um we don't have enough stamina to run all the way from here to theater square if you try to do it then somewhere around here Kiri will be out of breath and he'll stop and go like and um you lose like two three seconds to death so we want to use Poseidon power right away as we get through this tutorial it's not really that important that you use it right away I like to use it um right after getting out of the tutorial because then you don't have to rebuild your running momentum in case it breaks during the menu so I just go into the menu do this and this is fundamentally dismenuing this quick use of Vending Machine drinks it's really really important to be optimal in this run and it's just something you're going to have to get used to when you first start you know you will just do this very slowly very calmly but as you get better you really want to get used to just doing it all in one fluid motion but if you're a beginner don't worry about it it'll come with time just you know don't try to do it too fast because then you'll just you know you won't actually get it and you lose more time to that uh you know just practice it it's it's all just practice and this run up here actually wanted to talk about this run a bit because um most of the surround is pretty self-explanatory I do like to take a bit of a shortcut here but since there's like these two pedestrians around here you won't be able to run in in a straight shot through this part so I like to just like run a tiny bit towards this white sign just kind of brush up against it and that way you have a clean shot come here skip this cutscene and immediately during this part uh this part already you want to be pressing X a bunch of guy wait for the charge up animation to finish let go and while kiru is starting to swing you want a menu and use your citrus cider now if you're a beginner and you're afraid that you won't be able to keep track of this during a fight it's fine to use the Citrus cider before the fight but it is optimal since you can't really move during this animation anyway it is optimal to use the Citrus cider here but again if you're a beginner you might not want to worry about this just you know use it ahead of time and just do the charge deck but the the cool thing about the charged light attack is it gets rid of quite a few of um the goons here and sometimes of all of them it kind it's kind of luck based so I use the Citrus cider and as you can see I'm left with only two enemies just the big guy and one of his goons and this is actually the common thing that that happens almost every time and the cool thing about this is once it happens you can use this heat Moon and like I said before heat moves are slow but this particular heat move is actually pretty fast and it's a really really good way of getting rid of um enemies when you have two left now there's a few other things that can happen here it's not a bad idea to see these things in motion anyway so here's me using Saturn power as you can see usually when I go out of the manicure we lose his momentum that's why I said I prefer to do it as fast as possible like just after getting out of the tutorial to not break momentum like that let's see if I can get good movement here brush up against this yeah good stuff navigate through the Maze of pedestrians there now you can sometimes be left with more than two enemies after the initial swing here you can sometimes be left with less as in just the main guy um when you're left with this guy with the fancy shirt by the way the guy on the left here you want to be extra careful because he's very proactive and he really really enjoys um [ __ ] now I'm not going to have the the auto save am I oh no I do have it okay so he he's like very very proactive and he will um sometimes hit you before you can get off the heat move which takes away your heat that kinda sucks uh if that happens you might want to just uh do like a backwards kick on him like we talked during the graveyard tutorial and then finish off the main guy with the combo I'm still hoping to show um still hoping to show one where it leaves us with just the main guy maybe maybe I'll just contrive it if it doesn't happen this time but anyway hold X Wham do this okay so let's say let's pretend that uh I got all of them with the swing if this happens this is even better than just having two enemies left uh because here you can just do light light heavy heavy and that's actually optimal that's the best the best case scenario if you're left with more than two enemies then you're just gonna you know have to get rid of the goons manually and then do that combo uh one thing I will not say at any point during this tutorial is if this happens maybe just reset because as far as I'm concerned especially if you're starting out you should basically never be resetting if you're not like within two three minutes of world record you always have tons of time saved during your runs uh now you know easier said than done I'm very very familiar with being even like a beginner at around and not wanting to continue one with a huge time loss um I will encourage you to you know push through as many runs as you can when you're starting out and don't think about resets um when you're beginning so having said that I will never say reset if this happens I'll try to point out fallbacks whenever I have them and it'll be up to you as a round to judge what you're willing to reset on during euros okay so at this point we're actually going to get a very very important item or a set of items and this is a good time to talk about event triggers in yakuzakiwami so um there's two types of things that trigger events event triggers and when I say events I don't necessarily mean story events it can be just something we do in the Run that's unrelated to the story for example what we're going to do now is like I said we're going to go and interact with a vending machine around here and to me that's an event trigger and there are two types of them in Yakuza kiwami 2. the one is an interact trigger where to trigger something you have to interact with it as the name suggests and there's an area trigger where something happens the moment you get in a certain area and we're going to see both of them uh very soon now the difference between those two is as you see at this point in the game we have fight spawns around random enemies running around causing Havoc getting into fights with those guys is obviously huge time lapse we don't want to do it we want to avoid this um by any means possible and there are several ways of doing it that I'll talk about but one that's uh one difference that's worth pointing out between area triggers and event triggers is an area trigger will trigger even if you're caught by a fight spawn meaning is if we're going to if your next event trigger is an area trigger you don't care about fight spawns because even if they catch you and force you into a fight you can just keep running to the area you need to get to and you're fine interact triggers however disappear almost immediately after a fight starts and I say almost immediately well let's let's uh actually show this I'm Gonna Save here and I'm going to run through this part a few times so a lot of the time you'll run to this vending machine here and you'll be lucky there's not a single fight spawn in sight hooray how good for you however let's pretend it's a fightspan did see us let's just wait for these guys to notice us all right oh no look at those guys oh my God they're coming in uh what do they do okay and the moment I interact with this vending machine they disappear so that's one and and probably the most important way of getting rid of fight spawns is once you interact with the vending machine and you know you can do it for a split second just examine immediately cancel out all fight spawns near you will disappear um now this is actually very very useful and the cool thing about this is sometimes you can make this work for you even after you're already caught by the fight spawn so let's for example do this these guys see me oh my god oh no they triggered a fight I'm going to go up against this machine well uh the dragon engine is weird it doesn't it doesn't disable the interact triggers immediately when you go into a fight it takes like a split second so I don't know if this is intentional like intentionally a way to allow you to get out of fight spawns or whatever if it's just a quirk of the engine either way even if you got caught by a fight don't despair there is a chance that you can interact with a vending machine or something else for example taxis we also talk about that later and um and yeah get get out of the fight like that all right so let's go back to our save and just do this whole thing in one in one move there's a fight there that that one's probably not even going to see us that's fine they said all I need about those but uh one thing you want to do here you do want to use a Poseidon power I like to use it as I'm going up to this vending machine again because I'm going to stop at the vending machine anyway and this means that I don't lose curious run momentum again if you're uncomfortable with this you can drink the Poseidon power on the way here I've actually done that for a very very long time this is using the Poseidon power at the vending machine is a change I made very recently so it's not a huge time loss or anything uh up to you but once you get here you're going to get the most easily easily the most important item in this game which is muscle soda just mess through this baby get all 10 once you see the max amount message you can cancel out and start running back and muscle soda is so so important we are going to use it so much but uh yeah here's where I want to talk about something else which is oh no look at this a fight spawn okay they're not seeing us so I'm going to I'm going to force it Oh no I got caught by fight spawn what do I do oh no the run's over oh my God it's all it's all gone wrong folks oh no turns out we don't care and this is because the trigger we have there is the other kind of trigger I was talking about and area trigger so as you've seen even though I was in a fight the moment I went downstairs um the moment I went downstairs it um it's sorry it um canceled out of the fight and um just let me continue so it's really important at any point in the run that you keep in mind is the place I'm going to an event Trigger or an interact uh sorry an interact Trigger or an area trigger because if it's an interact trigger you have to be careful if it's an area trigger you don't care arguably it's even better to get caught because I think you might run slightly faster there you could fight than uh than this but uh you know you don't you don't want to force it because that's slow one little thing before we actually talk about this fight is um instead of just running downstairs normally you want to like hit this wall here at like a 45 degree angle because uh the the beauty of dragon engine physics strikes again it kind of doesn't know how to deal with you going downstairs at an angle and it kind of pushes you down extra hard which is uh useful in a few places now much like with the Citrus cider in theater Square we wanna use Muscle soda at a time when we're already inside an animation so what's going to happen here remember we have the switchblade from the tutorial bound to left d-pad so I'm going to pull it out wait a bit start the move here use Muscle soda and hopefully take two of these guys out and then you can just use life attacks heavy attacks are really only good for uh the main the main bus like he's the only one who will not get taken down in one light deck so light attacks it not only does does the first heavy attack take down the bus it usually also takes out one of the guys Nexium for the rest you can use light attacks and sometimes like the the swing of the light attack will actually take two enemies down at the same time um maybe we'll try to get through this fight a couple more times and see like see if it happens um Next Step however is the worst part of this chapter this this fight claims many many runs the Daigo fight this is easily one of the least consistent fights in the game um and why is that so the Strat here is to immediately run up and to the left and grab this bike here and do heavy attack how fast this fight is going to be totally depends on where Daigo is in relation to you if he's um if his back is to one of the walls which yeah because of dragon engine physics it can sometimes like weirdly swing around you and be on your left side when you do this if he's right up against one of the walls this swing will knock you it will knock him down right next to you and you can immediately hit him again and that's when you finish them off fast and you're happy and you have your ongoing and it's all good uh when you're not so lucky this will happen and he'll get knocked away and when this happens you kind of need to time your second swing as he's getting up so you're actually hitting him but not so late that he can actually block and that's the mistake I did right there I waited too long and he actually blocked my second swing if that happens not a big deal just swing again but you might have to run towards him because you might knock him all the way down the alley or something like that um I'm going to go through this fight like I said a few more times like two three more times but at this point it's good to talk about feel the heat remember when I told you to bind your normal attack to Q or whatever other button is uh works for you um if you're like me and you're a fairly mediocre Masher or or slow measure um you don't want to rely on just mashing your controller button so whenever feel the heat comes up I don't just smash x i Mash x and q at the same time like so and there's a weird side effect to this where usually with feel the heat you actually have to press y to get it to trigger for some reason when you do the double mesh it happens automatically like it automatically triggers the the end of feel the heat okay that's all good let's uh let's go through this more fluidly a couple times just to see the the various things that can happen during this fight so you actually do want to delay a bit here because it there is a small delay before you can go into the menu by the way um okay unlucky didn't get the uh double hit that's fine just life attacks on all the dudes um this tutorial by the way only shows up when you save right in front of this I have no idea why that is anyway swing swing okay at least I got the backup so what you saw right there is that that was retiming correctly the second bike swing if you do that then you damage did I go before we can actually block the attack and then you only need to hit him with a light attack in order to uh make feel the heat trigger now you might ask at this point isn't there something more consistent we can do with Daigo um maybe use the switchblade maybe something else so I've tested a lot of things of the other weapons out of the bike don't really don't do nearly enough damage so using anything else would be way way slower I test I tested once um using a heat move with the bike which does do the trick but it's slower than the worst [ __ ] RNG you can get I did test light attacks with the bike and three light attacks aren't enough for Diago's HP you can do two light attacks and a heavy attack but I find that's pretty much as inconsistent as the Strat we use plus because you've used three hits with the bike if he ends up blocking your heavy attack then you're [ __ ] out of luck you have to actually go and grab another bike which is very very slow so um yeah I I I'm afraid that for an hour it kind of stuck with this Strat I really don't see anything better you can do which is very sad for me because I [ __ ] hate this Strat but it's the best Strat that uh that anyone's come up with everyone hates Daigo this is uh this guy is a huge pain in the ass when you're trying to get a run going okay but this is like the Fairly good Daigo when he's okay that was perfect when he's got his back against well you hit him towards the wall like that and then you immediately hit him again and its triggers feel the heat um immediately so that's that's like a best case scenario this is not common though the most common thing is what we've seen so far where he gets like a bit away from you and there's also a possibility where he's instead of his back being towards the wall it's the other extreme where his back is towards the alley and then you swing the bike towards him and he flies away and you have to like spend a really long time catching up to him that's very unfortunate when it happens but yet not a lot of variation to this fight basically swing bike hope for the best and if that sounds like a poor Strat swing hard and hope for the best is kind of what we what we do throughout this entire run all right so do you feel the heat uh by the way you don't want to just Mash feel the heat at Max Speed because there is actually especially at 60 FPS there's a limit to how fast it can accept your inputs so just you need to find your Rhythm it's not about Max Speed meshing it's about finding a specific Rhythm and sticking to it to be optimal all right uh and and uh over an hour into the tutorial and we're out of chapter one Jesus Christ that's fine a lot of things get a lot simpler from this point onwards the tutorials just have a lot to them that's uh why chapter one generally takes so long to explain skip this cutscene pick the bottom option peacock this guy's mom text Skip and then pick up this bike and again as you're swinging use your muscle soda and this guy's done for now right here you're going to use Poseidon power because we're going to be running around a lot we're going to be doing a lot of back and forth running and this is also another place where I find first person to be very useful by the way this is something I picked up from uh pandemonium who is another Runner of this game um I I never thought to use first person before but I saw her using it during her runs and realized it makes these this running back and forth way way easier there are two approaches here you can either walk this is not a good way of sharing this you can either walk to the left of people or the right of the pillar I myself am a right pillar guy at this point and you're gonna want to run down here to your NPC you need to talk to you whose Name Escapes me and we need to grab the locker key right there and as you saw you don't really need to like stick yourself into this corner here to pick up the thing uh locker keys or sorry uh shiny items um in general in K2 have a really really big interact box so you can just like run past them and pick them up as you're running so you're kind of moving a bit while you're picking them up it's not crucial but it's a nice little time save if you're uncomfortable with that again just walk up to them and pick them up that's also fine talk to the guy skip the cutscene and now you're gonna want to run all the way back and this is a really annoying part to run through because there's it's really dense with pedestrians um I'm gonna pause right here it's really dense with pedestrians so first person comes in handy now as you saw sometimes there's fight spawns on the way here and they can be very very annoying as well they can sometimes be a lot closer to the middle of that Crossing you can usually just run past them but if they do catch you the this is an interact trigger so getting caught by a fight spawn is bad but just like the vending machines if you get caught try running here and getting this interact box like just as the fight is fading in just after like the the purple um color goes away like you can still just like the vending machines interact with this for a little bit of time after they catchy anyway there's a reason to pause here though we are going to have uh the fight in Cadbury Grand and I usually tell you to use Muscle soda during your hate during your attack animation specifically there are a few fights where I find that using muscle soda during the fight is very awkward and kind of [ __ ] up the flow of the fight and this is one of them now it's up to you if you want to use Muscle soda during the fight that's fine myself I personally find it better to use Muscle so that here just as I'm about to interact with the door so again so as not to lose momentum I ran up here use Muscle soda and then like with the inertia kiry has I interact with the door and you want to stick yourself right here a bit get like past that sign and into the fight all right so everyone in this fight but let me just uh this is a bad fight already okay that's fine uh as you saw right there as you saw right there the main guy needs two heavy attacks with uh the knife um you need two heavy attacks with the knife to get rid of them the other guys need uh one heavy attack each and what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to swing to to swing to the left in a way that hits both the main guy and one of the grunts it didn't work that time Let's uh let's try this again all right so I'm putting on the switchblade wait a moment oh beautiful this is exactly what you want to happen as the main guy is falling down I can get one extra hit on him you do want to let go of the aim button when you do this otherwise you'll keep swinging in the same direction and miss him but you basically swing to the left hit both of those guys let go swing towards the main guy and then sometimes you can hit both of the guys remaining with one hit it's actually pretty common that you're able to use this if not just do an extra swing if you get the situation I got before where I only hit the main guy and not one of the grunts again just do some extra swings it's fine it's a pretty minor time Us in general there's not really a lot to this chapter it's a very very simple chapter so just kind of get through it and get to chapter three where things really start to go crazy now I told you before that I like to go to the right of the pillar at this point there is almost always pedestrians here so I prefer to go to the left it's really not that important I don't even know why I'm spending so much time talking about this but uh you know important to be detailed you also want to use the Poseidon power here and yeah this is once you get comfortable the thing is when you switch to first person view uh it can kind of give you motion sickness because the camera swings about wildly sometimes so pick pick the right moment to go to first person okay this though is uh this is where things get very very real the first chapter you know there's a lot of random stuff that can happen but it's it's you know it's hard to lose a lot of time to it chapter two is very straightforward chapter three is in many ways I I kind of think chapter three is one of the harder ones in the Run maybe like second hardest after Osaka Castle there's a lot of nuance to this one before I actually get to the set piece itself bit of a movement Nuance here there is something you can do to save a bit of time going up the stairs let's see if I get it yeah so no that that wasn't it um let me try that again now for this to work you need to skip through these text boxes fairly quickly there you go uh and that's just like a specific angle you run at it's not super important but it does save a bit of time so that's cool okay omhq set piece uh this this is where we really start to rock and roll there's a lot I love this part of the of the run it's very very cool but there's a lot of RNG a lot of adjustments you need to do I actually want to run through this at least like two three times to show you everything that can happen um so I'm going to match left d-pad there to pull up the switchblade and I actually want to point out there is a very rare bug where sometimes Kiri will actually pull the switchblade out during the cutscene and he's already standing there with the cut with the switchblade in hand uh when the zoom in happens so I always like look at curie's right hand to see if it already has the switchblade in it and if it does then I know that I can just keep running forward but uh just just be aware of that because if you're unaware of it you can sometimes lose time to that anyway like I said during the swing use Muscle setup and here we're just gonna start swinging about and as this happened happens we pick up the Oakwood Katana now during your early runs and this honestly happens to everyone every now and then sometimes while you're swinging your switchblade about you will break this Oakwood Katana and there is a backup for this I'll show it later but for now let's just go with the good scenario where we got the awkward katana now here I like to run back because like I said the AI here Works in a way where if you run from it it tries to catch up to you so now you see these boys are all lined up do some light attacks and finish up with heavy attacks now for most enemies light attacks with the Oakwood Katana um will do the trick for the big boys you need either um a combo or to use the heavy attacks and the nice thing to know about attacks with swords in general in this game is that if you do the three hit light attack the last hit the the last Light attack that you do in that three hit combo actually does more damage so if you calculate it so you hit a big boy with your last sword hit like we did there that actually takes them out immediately and in fact if you're left with just the two big boys which happens quite often actually you and they're right next to each other you can do a three hit combo and the first two hits will take down one of them the third light hit will take down the other one um but we'll we'll again we'll go through this again and see what happens in other scenarios as well either way you come out here and you want to immediately pull out your switchblade and I like to kind of tag all these guys just to make sure they all aggro and actually come after me now let's see if I get this beautiful so good thing to know about switchblade heavy attacks is they actually have like a good hitbox to your right as well not just in front of you so if you like position yourself correctly in there you can take out the guide to your right as well as the big guy in front of you uh just something that's nice to know and I'm going to heavy attack this guy and now I'm just gonna start swinging about wildly and we got another Oakwood Katana this is also another Oakwood Katana that breaks quite often but we got it this time again there's backups for when you don't get the Oakwood katana we will discuss them later all right so what you want to do with these guys you want to like slightly walk to the right and then position yourself in a way that you do three light detects bam just like that you take all four of them with one combo if you need to do an extra swing it's not the end of the world but it is optimal to get off them with just the one combo now I'm running here in a particular way just not to get hit by any of the the dagger throwers because that causes you to pause in place and lose time obviously and as you're swinging typically at this point um even if you're playing really well you will lose your muscle soda in front of this guy so I'm going to use one right here and just run past now I should point out when you're starting out you might run off muscles you might run out of muscle soda a lot more hold on I'll actually say more after this so again I walk back draw out some aggro it's a shame we didn't get the good positioning here um but yeah basically you you go back draw their aggro do a combo and then finish up any stragglers with light attacks now I think to say in general about muscle soda this run is routed very very tightly around you needing to take as as few trips to muscle soda machines as possible because those aren't really that common they're only in very specific locations so when you're starting out sometimes you're um first couple of fights in this chapter will take a really long time and you'll run out of muscle sort of early if that happens just use more muscle soda I'll show you a backup in chapter three where you can get more muscle soda earlier than you would necessarily need to if you're more experienced with the Run the most important thing is that even if you're starting out always be aware of how much muscle soda you have left always keep track of this bar in the upper left corner that shows you how much you have left because that's really really important if you hit enemies with weapons and you don't have muscle soda on not only will you lose time you lose weapon uses and the weapon route in this run is fairly fairly tight anyway if I had three uses of the Oakwood Katana I could just use all three of them in this barrier these barriers always take three hits if you have less than three uses one or two just throw your Oakwood Katana at it and do a two hit combo like I did right there foreign you have exactly three uses of the Oakwood Katana to uh use there now here if you still have muscle soda you can actually knock this guy into the barrier and as you've seen he actually took care of one of the hits on the barrier that's a nice little time save it's not super super important um if you don't get it it's fine if you do it's nice if not just do three hits yourself at this point you're gonna want to go to the right here and pick up this nameless Katana which we're going to it's going to be very very useful for us and as you pick it up you want to start charging your um your heavy attack and running back so this guy's gonna throw a dagger at me I'm gonna Dodge it and I want to kind of draw this attack there because if you don't draw out an attack he might throw a dagger at you while you're doing this charge attack on the sofa guy and knock you out of it and then the sofa guy hits you and it's it's a complete mess so yeah you really want to try and draw that attack if not it's fine there's things to do about it but just be aware of it so at this point you're going to use Muscle soda but you're also going to take advantage of of the fact that you're menuing and you're going to equip the nameless Katana we just pick up uh again what you the the switchblade gets um equipped to your left Deep End by default in the tutorial obviously it's up to you what you want to to assign the name of katana to I just assigned it to up because that makes sense to me but you know it's it's not set in stone anyway after this this shut attack should finish off this guy and open this door and you actually do want to slide in there because it's slightly faster than kiri's walking animation after opening the door that's actually something I should address anyway pick up this sofa two swings she do it sometimes you need the third and immediately start charging your heavy attack after this take out this guy up thank you for the Boost sir that knife guy can be very very annoying because sometimes he will be throwing a dagger at you and kind of force you to stop after you take out the sofa guy if he's far away from me I like to dash forward a bit like do a quick step forward just to get that extra bit of movement before I get hit with the dagger if he's right next to you he'll give you that little boost but sometimes he can also like hit you into the corner so watch out for that as well after this happens we're going to come up to the lobby and the lobby is a really really dangerous part of the run I I can't tell you how many times I've like gotten to this part on a really really good pace and the lobby just completely killed my run or on the other hand times where I've gotten here on like a mediocre pace and I just got a really good Lobby and it completely turned around Lobby is a very very chaotic place during this cutscene already you want to be holding your light attack button and you want to hold your left analog stick right and a bit down so you don't get stuck on the railing here go down here and do your chart light on this guy what you want to do next is you want to pick up the plant right here and start swinging with light attacks and as you're doing your final swing use another muscle soda and now you just do some cleanup um oh that's everyone nice planned heavy attack on sofa guy and get the hell out now that was relatively good but it can get messy uh with these guys you want to do a running kick at the guy on the right take him out in down in one hit and then you can just do normal heavy attacks on the two uh remaining dudes and now for ryuji one this is a this is a very easy fight but you need to be precise to not lose a lot of time here so what you want to do is draw out your name with katana do a heavy attack and then immediately do a Hadoop and now you want to do this overhead swing and this is actually kind of a delicate think to time if you try to hit an enemy too fast when they're on the ground Kiri will just do a forward normal attack and just completely whiff it if you wait too long much like Daigo they might block you need to hit in that window when they're vulnerable but unable to block your attacks and that just takes some practice what I usually do is take like a small step forward as I'm about to do an overhead swing and that's my timing method that like tells me that now I can swing and now having done that you see your nameless katana hit the guy feel the heat and you are done and if that feels like a lot you're not wrong chapter 3 is very very complex so I'm actually going to go through it a couple of more times and you might wonder why I don't do like the R1 and confirmed text Skip here uh two reasons one is just one text box so the R1 thing doesn't really come into play also I find it that it kind of [ __ ] up the movement that you need to do for this ah actually got it there but uh yeah anyway uh can I save here no okay I knew there was a reason I don't do this um okay so let's see how this goes so again meshing left d-pad looking at Q's right hand to see if he pulled out the switchblade prematurely and now we come out swinging ooh beautiful by the way one of the guys in that fight and only one of the guys will not go down to one light attack with the switchblade the switchblade much like a sword does more damage on your last hit so if you hit him with two hits or just with the last hit of a combo that will take him out but just be aware there's like one guy that you might need to uh pay extra attention to anyway we got the oak with katana that's good now go back jot him in wham wham wham and I really I'm really happy about how that went because you saw two things there once one you saw how you can take out the big guy with the last hit of the three hit uh combo and also two hits on the other the other big guy also took him down so that covers a lot of brown all right go down here try to get the extra hits beautiful start swinging oh now you won't always like once you get pretty good you might not even need to use an extra muscle soda here I like to do it because otherwise it just [ __ ] up my timing but uh you know you can play it by ear on the other hand like I said before you might need an extra muscle soda during this fight also don't worry about that when you're starting out again I will show you a place to get more muscle soda if you need to but at this point I'm just gonna pick up this awkward katana mm-hmm and let's try to get the good combo again okay nice even nicer sometimes the last swing will be on an enemy that's near the door so you you're actually already facing the door when you need to go there but it's not that important again avoid getting hit by daggers you go here and you might see that I didn't even necessarily need to use an a muscle soda there but again it just [ __ ] up my timing if I don't do it can we get the good the good combo here oh beautiful all right this is what I wanted to show too if you're left with exactly three hits Wham just waste them all on the on the barrier good stuff good stuff but you do need um Good Luck for that to happen you do need enemies to Bunch up enough that you don't need to use a lot of Oakwood Katana hits can I hit this guy too oh no okay we didn't hit him uh far enough just because I messed up pick up the nameless Katana put it in your inventory tell me get out of the way that's that menu done in full speed I just use the muscle soda and assigned the nameless katana to d-pad up go back here now one thing to note about this part if you get too greedy you will grab one of those blue vases on the sides instead of the sofa that's fine that's still one shots everyone in this fight if you have muscle soda on it has a much less wide swing so it's it's a lot more common for that to take three hits um so I would just say don't be too greedy just make sure you grab the sofa but if you grab the vase you can still you can still make it out of this fight it's fine it's not a big deal and I always wait a Split Second there to just make sure that second swing took everyone down I actually start this I actually let go of heavy attack around the corner from the sofa guy here the reason for that is um if you wait too long sometimes again this guy will throw a dagger at you as you're doing this animation and will knock you out of it and that's really bad again you'll just get Wombo Combo in this corner and it it'll be a really bad time so kinda learn to time it so that you're letting go just as you're rounding this corner oh we got a boost again nice all right so I'm already charging my light attack go down here okay we broke the gun that's fine two hits and during the third hit now for this run we actually need to use two handguns one in chapter nine and one in chapter 13. and you can theoretically get both of them here let's see if this happens this is one uh yeah this is the other when this happens it's good but if you force yourself to get two guns here you won't always be able to because sometimes they just break um but getting two guns here can be very time consuming and there's a few more chances to get guns during the course of the run so I will say if you're starting out then yeah make sure that you get two guns here once you're a bit more confident try to be satisfied with getting only one handgun again if you get two for free if you like you knock out enemies and they're right next to you the the handguns they they dropped then you know by all means go for it but one can be enough and you can get another one later is something I've said now like 500 times anyway finish this guy off with the plant you're gonna have and again I'm gonna run up to the guy on the right here like so wham wham wham and there's actually a very cool RNG here where sometimes you'll take out the guy on the right and the two guys on the left will be bunched together and you'll be able to take them out with the same kick but it's kind of rare it doesn't happen too often it is very nice when it happens though ryuji again so we pull out the name of katana heavy attack with L2 held then heavy attack without L2 held so we get a heat move and the overhead you saw that little step I did there qte now usually ryuji will do what he did right there which is um which is Dodge back at which point you can just run towards him and do a little punch on him and that should trigger feel the heat sometimes he'll be more aggressive and he'll start a combo in that case you want to react to that by dodging to the side and then hitting him with a with a punch just be aware of that because if he hits you he can actually knock you out pretty easily and you'll lose a lot of time to that uh okay let's go through this chapter again and I think this time I'm going to show what happens when you don't have awkward katanas to something that's um one of the things that make K2 such a pain to practice specific parts of the run is not only do you not only do you get a really really small amount of safe slots it's not even one per chapter but you also can't really save a lot of the time which is also a problem with yeah because it's zero but at least zero gives you as many save slots as you want all right again Swing Swing Swing oh this this is the guy I was talking about by the way so you either want to quickly hit him again as he's falling down um or if he's on the ground just because you have a limited time before the next phase of the fight to pick up the Oakwood Katana sometimes when this happens I like to put my knife away and then do a heavy attack on him on the ground so I don't have like I have the extra time I would use to put away the switchblade to pick up the Oakwood Katana but that you need to kind of play by ear anyway I'm not picking up the Oakwood Katana at all not going to use this so if you uh have bad luck and the Oakwood Catan broke or whatever the other the second best weapon which I've never seen break is the long dagger and the long dagger you can just much like with the um much like with the Oakwood katana you can do life attack combos uh it actually takes three hits on the big guys but on the small guys it's still one hits each I think the long dagger also has um a slower swing and less uses so you will spend more time in that fight and um you might actually break it before you get rid of everyone but it is the best fallback that I've found for that fight all right we're also going to have a lot less muscle soda so I might have to use Muscle soda early here again that's because of just how much longer it takes with the uh long dagger oh still got the swing and here you see like before I could actually wait for the end of this fight to use a muscle soda now I have to use it pretty much right away there you go cut him just as he was falling down oh and we got just enough just enough switchblade hits oh [ __ ] yeah sometimes some days you have stragglers up there that's why I like to tag the guys as I'm coming down here but it doesn't work 100 of the time it's it's really sucks when it happens when they survive anyway if you don't have the Oakwood Katana as you come down here uh charge up your light attack go a bit back to egg roll the guys do this heavy attack should finish off this one guy now charge your heavy attack oh this is going to be very borderline actually it's not borderline just gonna have to use a muscle soda here but this should be enough again same movement here except we're doing the heavy the charged heavy attack instead of the um instead of using the Oakwood now during this cutscene charge your light attack and in the same way you're gonna aggro them hopefully you swing at a lot of these guys but yeah sometimes this happens yeah as you can tell you you really want to get the Oakwood katanas because um the backups are slower and way less reliable world record attempts I like um very very often well not very often but I sometimes use this backup if I get here on a really really good Pace I can still get away with using these backups if an Oakwood Katana broke so from now on it's the same thing up here draw the attack muscle soda nameless katana so fun these guys sometimes they'll be more spaced out and you will have to use three attacks but it's not a big deal in you like I said as I round the corner release uh I thought I would I I thought I could get through before he would uh before the dagger route hit me my bad okay charging my light attack during this cutscene go down here nice broke the handgun though that's not ideal muscle soda here oh that's very unfortunate that's actually like ridiculously better when she right there all right one thing I I do want to note here before I finish this section actually do I want to I don't want to do another run through of the chapter because it's a bit too samey one thing that can happen during the lobby is sometimes an enemy will drop an oak with katana that that's a no good Katana that's very very rare to get which is why I don't necessarily want to run it back because it's kind of hard to contrive a situation where that happens however if you do find an Oakwood Katana at the end of the lobby fight before you go to the big sofa guy in the entrance you can use a heavy attack and a light attack on the sofa guide to take him out and then a three hit combo on these guys and that's very very fast if you do get that opportunity it's very very nice but you know don't rely on it because it's very rare that it actually happens anyway like I said running kick on this guy normal kicks on those guys and it is important for it to be a running kick on the guy on the right because um a normal kick will not take him out he has too much HP actually might need to use an extra muscle soda here all right heavy attack hmm do I risk it I think so oh we did it got away with a sliver of Massachusetts don't try this at home like if this happens to you use an extra muscle so that if you're starting out oh this is what I was talking about beautiful I'm very glad that happened like I showed there sometimes he won't Dodge back sometimes he'll do a combo uh and then you just have to dodge don't try to tank it or anything because that's a fight that for Yuji will always win the fight of uh who can tank better and okay that's chapter three now chapter three is very very dense in terms of combat Tech chapter four is going to be very dense in terms of movement Tech and many Ming um and general extra things you need to do on the route like in every speed run or rather in most freedoms you know you don't just go from A to B you have to do extra things to be optimal and this is where we do a lot of the extra things of the Run and this first section actually introduces a new a new mechanic um sorry it actually does this after we uh get back from the pub but yeah going up to the pub this is an area trigger so no need to worry about fight spawns you do however need to worry about your stamina once you see curious start to like you know do that thing where he drags his leg you want to use zero Poseidon power a bit after Abby Supan typically get here skip two cutscenes and now you need to go back to cyama and this trigger coming up is an adventure oh beautiful that's exactly what I want to see this is an interact trigger so we can't be in a fight spawn when it happens um but as you can see there's a fight spawn here I just want to show you this is actually an ideal fight spawn because you can just run pass it I just want to show you how I would deal with this if these guys were turned around and actually facing me so as you can see these guys faced me but for some reason this green store here has a huge huge hitbox and if you're even anywhere near it it will immediately um de aggro any fight spawn and as you can see if I run past them they for some reason think I'm still there and it takes them a second to realize where I am another place you can use for this is Abby Supan go in here and it also the aggress the fights bombs and as you can see it even can work a bit if if you're um already caught by the fight spawns for a bit after there will come a point where it like there there's a barrier that doesn't allow you to get through but if you're fast enough you can get through it you can uh get it to the store before it gets put up oh no okay that's that's a big mistake no can't believe I did that uh that that's actually something that's good to point out uh so what happened here is I accidentally interacted with this street harassment fight in Yakuza 0 and K1 and maybe other games uh Street harassment is a dialogue option like you get um you get the option if you want to help these Street harassment victim or not K2 says no no curious a good guy he always helps people if he notices them in trouble which is bad for the speed run so be very very careful not to hit a when you're near a harassment fight like that whenever a fight spawn gets triggered the game out of saves so it gave us another save pretty close to where we need to go which is good and now we go here grab sandwich from the car Mash through this and this part can be very very annoying there can be oh we got really bad pedestrian spawns this the street is not nearly this busy usually now during this whole section where you're carrying Sama around before she bleeds out completely there will be two text boxes that show up depending on how much health she's lost by the way the rate at which she loses health does relate to frame rate I think the slower your frame rate the faster the health depletes but I don't exactly remember so Council really needs to haul s or have extra time here I don't know anyway you can see uh there's a couple of uh pedestrians on the street that will interact with you and start a dialogue if you're too close to them one here and one here so you want to be like I I would say on the left half of this road to avoid the first one and right around here when sama's Health gets down to the second a from the right is where you get the first text box and you just skip through that now if you if you move slowly or you get really bad luck and you get knocked around by pedestrians a lot you might see the second text box it's not the end of the world just keep it in mind and make sure to skip through it if it happens the worst thing is if you get the second tax box next to here and then you like you think that you're in the part where you're supposed to skip the cutscene and it's it's a bit of a mess but if your movement is decent then you shouldn't see the the second text box anyway so it's all good the moment you start seeing that fade out you can start skipping cutscenes and this is where we start a weight section and this is where we do a bunch of chores um to get money for later in the game so one is here the sub story skip through this text once the camera angle changes you can skip the cutscene uh that interaction gave us 50 000 Yen I believe and now we're going to run around sotenbori and pick up some stuff so we pick up this locker key going to pick up the item corresponding to it later run to this taxi go down here and I'm doing this quickly because we are actually on the timer and I want to show what happens when you do this organically during the Run now like I said before items on the ground have a very generous interact box so you can do stuff like go up here and actually start moving backwards while you're picking the item up if you're a beginner don't worry about this too much but the more you get into this run the more stuff like this becomes important that's actually super super unlucky that that fights one is usually behind you and isn't so dangerous I actually kind of pissed myself right there uh yeah if this happens these guys might come uh chase you down here but it's fine because uh because of the way that de-aging works and picking up an item from the ground is another thing that diag Rose enemies by the way they will just run past you and it'll take them a while to realize that you're in a different place anyway at this point we taxi to a wild Bridge and we are going to pick up another locker key down here and there's one final thing we need to pick up during the section which is right down here there you go this gold plate and now we're going to go to episode porn that's that's a freedom slip if I ever heard one Abby Supan do this menu and you need to sell two gold plates and a platinum plate I messed up and this is going to give us the money we need for basically the entire run having taken care of this we go up to this taxi and we want to go to West sodenbury Street and now you want to run to the pharmacy because if you don't remember from the game itself next thing you need to do here is buy a bandage for Syma and since this entire part is on timer I should be getting a phone call right about now nice so the reason why we we try to go so Breakneck during this section is because generally you don't lose any time to movement during the entire section you can actually make a lot of movement mistakes and still be optimal here the thing that's really important to be optimal during this waiting section is to have good menus because menus and I include both the avisu Pond menu and the taxi menu here the timer does not tick down during menus it only takes down during normal movement you still want to be clean just to be on the safe side but it's less important anyway once you get the phone call you can skip it like any other cutscene and you want to go down here and sometimes this will happen sometimes you'll just smash through and accidentally get a toughness Z that's fine because I actually recommend especially if you're starting out to get some safety heals even though this is uneasy there are a couple of parts of the game where you can definitely die to bad luck or just unfortunate mistakes and I'll Point those out as they happen anyway once this is done we come back here talk to character whose Name Escapes Me and we continue on our tracks so at this point we're going to go to the modern parlor sadly unlike in uh the original Yakuza 2 you can't talk to this guy 15 times and force him to let you in very unfortunate so once we interact with him we're gonna want to go back to iwawa bridge just one of the many many reasons why OG 2 is a better game by the way but yeah we're gonna come up here and we're gonna talk to a guy in club Sega basically once you get past the virtual fighter trigger you can start meshing a to interact with this guy pick the bottom option skip the text and immediately cancel out of this and do a cutscene skip here now notice you want to really stick to that corner like I did right there otherwise you will brush up against the chair next to the arcade cabinet and that will cause Kiri to pause for a moment so try to be a bit closer to the corner now out here actually I can see on the map right okay so we we actually have a fight spawn here sometimes you'll get a fight spawn right outside of club Sega out here and what you want to do if that happens you want to abuse the fact that picking up items from the floor the aggro's enemies and you want to pick up this thing and this should give you the breathing room you need to get past them now there will almost always be a fight spawn around here either right here in the corner or around here now in many cases you can just run past these guys especially if they're in this corner you can usually run past them if they're walking towards the taxi you can run past them if they see you here you gotta you gotta diagram them or despawn them in this case which we do by going up to this vending machine now a lot of the time you might see me or other Runners get greedy here in in certain situations you can get greedy once you get some experience with the game if you're a beginner then you know just play it safe getting into a fight spawn is a huge huge time loss it really really sucks and it will also probably [ __ ] up your muscle soda situation so that's something to keep in mind anyway at this point we go to Bishop on Bridge talk to these guys now fun fact I think fun fact if that you might want to know if you have over 5 million yen you can actually pay these guys and before you just fight completely and that's actually the optimal thing to do in New Game Plus but of course in a new game there's no realistic way of having that much money here so you gotta fight and what I recommend doing here is you wanna like if you look at my input display you want to have your analog stick down and a bit to the left you kind of want Kiri to go backwards but turn to the left as he's doing it and kind of do the same thing coming back so we go back like this pick up the sign face these guys and during the swing use Muscle soda and this will almost always guarantee that you will get all these guys in one hit that's true of every fight in this game sometimes there will be stragglers something things will not work 100 but I find that that particular movement makes it much much more likely that you'll hit everyone just kind of the way that it causes them to group up anyway once we do this we go up here and we pick up the locker key items that we uh picked up now what I like to do with this is I just mesh a and then I like mesh down and left mesh a mesh left die over overshot the thing and uh the reason why I like to go like this is that the first time I go to the left in one of these lockers that's like a visual cue for me that I have control back after mashing through the item box and then I know that I just need to do a left and up if you want to be test like you can be even more efficient here and actually use diagonals like just do this but that's that requires you to be really really confident that uh you're gonna have perfect perfect timing I don't have that confidence I applaud you if uh you want to go for it I personally think that this is fast enough anyway we picked up three things of which well two of which we're gonna use now one we're gonna use later uh and now there's the big menu here and I generally like to do it down down here just uh because it gives me a bit of extra time to think about what to do here so there's three things we do in this menu one we're going to use another Poseidon power for stamina because we're gonna run a lot during uh this final section then we're going to equip the Oakwood Katana we picked up just now to the left d-pad slot and then we're going to pick to equip the blood caked chainmail that we picked up uh to our Metal Gear uh slot so I'm going to try and do it fast hopefully I don't embarrass myself uh one thing to note before I do it and this is why I always give myself time to think before I do this menu you're exact what you exactly need to do during this uh weapons part of the menu depends on how many guns you have because as you can see we have two handguns so the Oakwood Katana is in the rightmost slot so you can actually equip it by just pressing confirm left confirm if you only picked up one gun you'll have to do confirm left left sorry okay okay I forgot that this cursor remembers where you were um confirm left left confirmed to get to the Oakwood katana and if you have none of them then I mean you could do two to the right but I prefer to be consistent and let's do three to the left uh but you should you should almost never leave chapter 3 without any handguns but the point is I like to give myself time to think like Wonder okay how many handguns I have left I I picked up in chapter three and then I think ahead of time what exactly I'll need to do down here so let's try to do it all at once there you go perfect that that's ideally how your menu should look again if you're starting out remember menuing in general in speedrun's menuing is the hardest thing to get quickly so don't stress yourself out when you're starting out but that's ideally what you want to do you want to just blaze through it because the difference between a quick menu and a slow one is really is underrated I would say now coming up here as you can see we already have a fight spawn here this is a good fight spawn these guys will not see us until we're very close to this interact trigger and they can't uh do anything to us anyway but sometimes these guys will be walking down as soon as they'll be walking down here in which case it's kind of a yellow but you can usually kind of run past them if they walk down here you need to either um I'll I'll show you right here if they're like facing you right here you want to either interact with this vending machine or kind of do like a long take the long way around them and they're turning around actually so I I may have spoken to you soon yeah they're actually gonna see us oh no oh no oh no oh no okay I made it but that usually will not happen like when they're like that they'll usually they usually won't bother you until you talk to this guy that that's just an artifact of the fact that I stopped to show you the vending machine anyway after you talk to this guy this despawns fights bonds anyway so it's all good and you I've never seen fight spawns in this part like after you talk to this guy and run to the taxi I don't think it's possible to get one good I I want to briefly talk about taxis because I like I I've used taxis a few times but I haven't really spoken about them first of all much like vending machines you can use taxis to despawn uh fights and that's something that's going to be really useful in camerocho a few times I know one of the things people really like to do in Yakuza runs in general is just strike to be super mega optimized with their taxi menus like you'll see people go go up to a taxi and like try to go like immediately confirm where they're going to with the taxi and not even look at anything people are like oh no I lost a run because I taxi to the wrong place and in this game it's actually a really it can lose you a ton of time because some of the places you can taxi to you can taxi from which is not a thing in Yakuza zero and yakuzakiwami it's cool to try and be optimal but pace yourself when I go to taxis I do try to be kind of fast but I always take a split second to look I don't just do this like I just did right now I'll typically go up to a taxi do as many inputs as I think I do but then I'll stop and look and I really recommend you do this I really recommend that you don't throw good Paces away just to trying to save half a second on making your taxi menu super super optimal don't get me wrong I respect the desire to be super optimal but you know you gotta pick your battles with speedruns one thing you want to keep in mind usually getting to this spot next to the Majin parlor for most places in Iran at least it's three places down on the taxi menu specifically when we come here from East Southern boy street it's two down so just keep that in mind all right but now now there's really what what can I say about the upcoming fight that will prepare a new runner for just how terrible this is this is easily one of the worst parts of the Run yeah I don't think there's any argument that this is one of two just uh one of the two most frustrating parts of the game for sure let me save right before talking to these guys so this is a good part to talk a bit more about my technique with cutscene skips you don't have obviously to do the same things I do but I think it will be useful to just explain how I approach these things so we're going to come up to a cutscene skip followed by text Skip followed by some dialogue options so let me just get through those real quick so protected this guy pick the bottom option now what's coming up here is there's a bunch of cutscene skips and then there will be during these cutscene skips another dialogue option and in general what I do I told you that the technique for skipping cutscenes is to hold d-pad left and Alternate mesh start and confirm and this is because I'm a guitarist in my uh left hand fingers are a bit faster what I like to do is like I turn around the controller um and I this is if I had a webcam this would be much easier to explain but you know how you you have like these two handles on the controller and obviously you hold the right one with your right hand left with your left hand what I do during when I have a long sequence of cutscene skips is I actually move my hands so that my right hand is grabbing the left handle and my right hand I bring it over to the side and I like hold the controller at 90 degree angle and I use my um in my pointing finger and my middle finger to mesh the start and confirm buttons respectively so I'll do that like this two cutscenes now at this point I'm actually taking the controller back and I'm holding it normally and I'm skipping it like this because I want to be I want to be able to press d-pad down to pick this dialog option and then immediately start cutting skipping again so these last two cutscene skips I actually use my normal grip for and I know that's a that's a complicated explanation the point of this isn't to make you do the same things as I do just know that there are options for how you hold the controller try to come up with the thing that makes more sense to you for a lot of people you will probably Mash faster with your right hand than your left hand just keep all of that in mind that's how I approach it anyway the cutscene skips but yeah this fight this fight is a lot to take in I will do this two three times probably just to show you all the things that can happen but this fight is a [ __ ] show because the enemies here are just spaced out in a very awkward way and it's really hard to take care of all of them efficiently basically the idea is all these guys are you know in between all these tables and you want to make sure they stay there you don't want them dragged out you want to make sure they're all grouped together because we're going to pick up a big weapon and swing it around and we want to make sure that we take care of them in as few swings as possible so let's try to see the selection so yeah I'm aiming here to go right between these guys okay good and now I'm gonna pick up this trash can and you can see that I'll try to walk a bit towards them and basically what I'm doing there is I'm trying to push them in so they remain in that confined area during this swing I'm going to use my oh that was almost a big mistake I'm going to use my last muscle soda okay oh this is actually pretty good okay that's that's almost ideal sometimes you can get those guys in two swings but basically this is how you want it to look you want all of them to remain all in the center of that room you want to keep them packed up essentially let's do that again I'm actually glad that went so well because now I can just show you what happens when you [ __ ] it up and how bad it can be and what are some possible backups interesting thing to notice about K2 most of the time it reacts to you letting go of a button instead of just pressing a button you actually need to let go of the button for this game to react a lot of the time and coincidentally you may find yourself meshing a lot for example here if you let go of a too soon you will pick the pick the don't pay option which is the wrong option just be cognizant of this and be very careful of when you press or let go of a button anyway let's see uh maybe maybe a more scuffed version of this fight so again I'm trying to keep them all in so I'm trying to like squeeze between these guys and now I'm trying to swing here okay excellent so you see these guys just got past me I didn't manage to squeeze them in also got some bad RNG um so this is going to be a lot worse than the last fight still managed to get one of the guys behind me but yeah so in this case we have one Survivor so there's several things you can do here one thing you can do is you can pull out the Oakwood Katana we used before to finish the guy off I recommend not to do this because the weapon route is kind of tight here another thing you can do is pick up a Furniture like a chair or a table or something like that and finish the remaining guy with that or sometimes just the charged Bunch will do some of the goons here will get taken down by one charged sponge light attack Sometimes some of them will require an extra punch after it either way I find that's kind of the most the best way to clean up but yeah sadly there's not a lot I can tell you to make that fight consistent that's really one of the least consistent fights in the run it's just something you learn to deal with you learn how to improve your odds of getting a good fight by having good movement you learn to deal with bad luck but there's really no Silver Bullet here coming out of this fight use a Poseidon power because we're gonna do a bit of running and since we used our last muscle soda we're gonna stock up here now a lot of the time you'll have a fight spawn right here like usually coming right out of here in which case you really want to rush the vending machine if you think the fight one might catch you there's actually another vending machine down the street around here that you can use most of the time I find this will actually increase your chances of getting caught by the fight spawn but just know that it's an option if you're really scared you might want to go for that one I will typically pick up the muscle soda from here and this is also you might remember we were already in this intersection at one point when we started the waiting section we went up here we did the substory went up here uh grabbed the locker key and then we texted from here to here if you run out of muscle soda during chapter three or even remain with just one muscle soda before you go up here and try to grab the the plate you want to go to this vending machine and fill up already because you need to muscle sodas for this chapter one for the bitumen Bridge fight and one for the modern power fight anyway at this point we stock of muscle soda let me just quickly show you the other vending machine is here one of the reasons I don't really like using this one is there's like this awkward sign in the middle oh I just went past it but sometimes you'll get stuck against it it's not ideal but yeah it's it's a possibility and as we come up here oh my God it's the hostess club mini game so you go through this you want to just skip cutscenes UMass should be here a left confirm and you just skip with a through this and there's nothing you can do to speed this up so this is a great time for a break once the timer runs out you have a few seconds and here you just want to mash a while holding d-pad left because right after this there is a cutscene skip run to the door hit confirm and you want to run over to the pub here to finish the chapter so again I I do the first two cutscene skips here with my messed up 90 degree hold and then the last one normally and then you can just start running so let's see if we have do we have okay excellent actually I don't know if this fight spawn will be towards us or if it's walking away it's coming towards us excellent so you might think oh no fight spawn right here luckily at the start of chapter 5 you always get this phone call which immediately despawns any fight spawn you might have here so that's a nice little bonus sorry you need to go to Dojo Clan HQ when you go to places in the plot that you can only access via taxi meaning Tojo Clan HQ or in chapter 15 The Tokyo Police and maybe there's a couple more I'm forgetting about oh Osaka Castle in chapter 12. it's always the top option so in that case specifically you can always just hold R1 and mesh confirm through the taxi dialogue and it'll get just get you where you need to go so coming down here you have these stairs for a while I was thinking about doing something similar to chapter one where like I go at this angle and sometimes that works but sometimes that can also like throw Kiryu off and he's like rolling towards this part and going all the way and it's it's kind of kind of wonky so I wouldn't risk it I don't yeah something like no that's the work anyway it's a bit wonky I don't do it in runs but it's something that you can you know think about if you wanna want to have some fun with uh wacky Dragon engine movement hey you come down here skip a cutscene once you skip through that text box you can skip the cutscene again and now you want to run up here and go to the right which I find more optimal and you want to like go through here and talk to this guy from over here because then you can just walk over to the Bullhead skip the cutscene and open up the secret room now the only item that the game forces you to get is the demon fire dagger right there we're going to pick up two extra items as well we're going to pick up the nameless katana then demon fire dagger and then the technique tone very very important items and I will just go through the normal plot stuff and now we're coming up to the fight with it's called mysterious assassins even though there's just one but it is what it is and at the very beginning of this fight we have a big menu so you want to mash d-pad left and as Kiryu is pulling out the sword you're gonna You're Gonna Want a menu we try to menu like I said before either during a swing or sometimes during pulling a weapon out and there's a bunch of things we need to do here first of all as always we're going to use Muscle soda however we're also going to use the technique Dome that we just picked up and the spirit tone which is the third item I didn't mention in chapter four that we picked up after we do this we also want to upgrade our stats so you're gonna go into stats immediately left button you're gonna upgrade Sprint to level one give us a bit of extra stamina and learn exp gain one and two very important after that from this point onwards we are going to we are already relying on weapons a lot this is just going to be even more so from this point onwards I think even casually when you play K2 you very quickly understand that weapons are unbelievably overpowered in this game and we're going to take we're going to take advantage of this so we will learn the first weapon attack upgrade um weapon attack one and I'm actually going to press X at the beginning of this because when you press X it changes the order of items and you get weapons like right here instead of all the way down and after that we're going to boost our attack to 116. so in one move it's gonna look something like this and I hope I don't mess this up three confirms to get through um learning and ability and now you can just mash up to 116. one wham wham three heavy attacks and that should be the end of it now something to note is that especially when you're starting out uh sometimes you'll have enough experience to upgrade your attack up to 118. that's neither helpful nor damaging you can just imagine if you get 118 that's fine as well sometimes you can get some extra XP if you break more items and you generally break more items when your movement isn't as good and you need to use more weapons against enemies in combat so that's the reason why sometimes you'll be able to upgrade a bit more don't worry about it doesn't really matter it's something that'll just go away with time either way right up here pick the bottom option to go back to camarojo and now here's a bit of a safety Strat I actually want to look at the map here um so you're almost always going to have a fight spawn around here as you can see this fight spawn is walking away from us so we can actually run past it and it's not a problem however it's kind of hard to tell at least for me if there's a fight spoon here and if it's coming towards you because I don't want to open the map during a run because that's very slow so I just always interact with these vending machines always always always and you know it's a bit of a time lapse if I'm on a bad Pace I might yellow and not do it but almost always I'm going to swing by there interact with the vending machine just to be on the safe side that I don't have a fight one and then come here anyway what you want to do up here is you want to get a beer and women's underwear that's the items you need to get Sima as you saw I also picked up two toughnesses again that's fine having extra healing in this game is not a bad thing I usually try to get only two toughnesses and only get them here not in the pharmacy in chapter four but it really doesn't matter that much and now we're gonna text you back to tenkishi Street see if if I hadn't checked myself before taxing there I would have uh taxi to the wrong place and lost a lot of time and also embarrassed myself during a tutorial so that's why I really recommended people just slightly Pace themselves with the taxi menus in this game all right so we're gonna run out uh to the Tank Engine Street taxi to go to Purgatory now and this is another nice reason why we don't have to worry about fight spawns in this part because you get discussing much like with yayoi once you confirm through this you can skip the second cutscene as well or the second part of the cutscene whatever you want to want to call it and after those cutscene skips there's like a radius where you won't get fight spawns so you're pretty safe to run to the uh taxi here and now we're gonna want to go to this West Park step immediately as the screen freezes pause confirm left confirm and here there's three cutscenes to when when there's a when there's the cutscene during movement I like to skip it with uh a well timed start confirm left confirm of course you need to have it in your muscle memory to be able to do that correctly and on time so that's something you just need to get used to when you're beginning again don't worry about it just skip the cutscene normally now remember I talked about the interact bug where sometimes Kiri will just keep running and not let you interact with something like I said in most cases this is just a minor time loss however in this particular part if you get it here you'll not be able to talk to this guy and because kauru is with you a lot of the time she will be right next to you here and you'll end up talking to her instead of talking to this guy which is a big time loss so what I recommend you do coming up here is once you hit the stairs let go of the analog stick and then keep running and then talk to the guy what this does is if you have the interact bug you'll know a bit about it a bit in advance and it'll mitigate it because you're kind of curious losing his inertia from uh an earlier point and you also know that you need to watch out and interact with this guy instead of kauru so just keep that in mind I I if you look at my runs you'll see me like letting go of the analog stick for a split second then running again so that's why I do that skip through this text make sure you pick up the right options and now much like in the earlier menu we're going to have another menu here while we pull out sword and we're going to use a muscle soda now one thing about this fight all three of these fights are very simple there is a bit of a Nuance to it though so in most cases when we do a heavy attack with Kiryu it pushes him forward this first guy though he has kind of a weird hitbox and it kind of pushes you back so if you try to hit all three attacks on him from your starting position you will actually whiff the third one so what you want to do is you hit him as fast as possible just because he can get kind of aggro and then take two three steps forward and then do the other attacks and that should make sure that you don't miss any of them with Gary you move normally I still like to take one step forward here maybe you don't even need that but I do like to take like a single step forward just to make sure I hit it now with majima there is a bit more Nuance to it now I forgot to say actually we use the Oakwood Katana on the first two guys so you will be mashing your d-pad left but with majima we actually want to use our nameless katana so you can also tell by the way that already holding up an L2 as I'm mashing deep it up with my right hand and then take a step forward hitting twice let go of the controller because sometimes you can accidentally do a heatwave there and we don't want to we don't need it and then there's the qte here and now mesh down to seize your Katana you might see sometimes during qtes or before qtes that I do like this wiggle on my left analog stick the reason for that is K2 is um is bad and will sometimes just switch to your keyboard controls randomly by wiggling my left analog stick I tell K2 no I'm actually on controller and usually it'll behave and give me the qte in controller Keys instead of keyboard keys so that's why I do that just a little thing you can do for consistency anyway once you're you do the two swings on majima here she's your nameless Katana and you want to run up to him and punch him now usually he'll just block the one punch and then you hit him with the other one sometimes if you're really lucky he'll try to start a combo but you'll catch him with the first punch just as he's starting and you'll actually knock him out of it so that's even better sometimes he'll Dodge around a bit and be a bit of a pain in the ass try to react to it Dodge him if you need to do everything you need to make sure he doesn't knock you down because that'll be a big time loss and then just feel the heat and there it is that's chapter five except it's not we are now coming on what is utterly utterly the most painful part of this run I said the modern parlor fight is one of the most frustrating RNG moments of the Run this one though this one takes the cake no one [ __ ] likes Clan Creator and if you like Clan Creator then there's something deep deeply deeply wrong with you it's it's fine if you like it but you shouldn't so Clan Creator is sadly unskippable and the worst thing is the game kind of gives you the illusion that it is because if I press start right here or is it select no start it's like exit minigame and you're like oh oh I can exit the mini game so good I can skip this whole terrible section no it just give it just takes you back to the cutscene before it so yeah you have to do Clan Creator unfortunately but here's the game plan though this is a relatively new Strat that truhausen came up with as far as I know it's way more consistent than the old Clan Creator Strat it's still not fully consistent and that's not the fault of the Strat it's the fault of Clan Creator being a terrible terrible minigame but the thinking behind it is basically instead of just positioning your guys these holes in the hope that the game will funnel enemies into them you kind of spread your guys around so that they take care of all the enemies properly it's way way faster it's not a full-on Time save because the positioning here is a bit delicate but it is way more consistent and an average way way faster than the old Strat the old Strat in some extreme cases can be faster but I wouldn't recommend going for that I I think this this Strat is way better to do anyway here's what we're gonna do I'm going to refer to these guys with numbers one two three four five just because it's easier we're gonna place these guys one three four five and then two I'm going to actually take down here and that's for the next phase I want to do this in one swing it is timing dependent so I'm gonna Place one three four five and two down here and a bit after you place two you can press Y and start a battle but don't start it too soon because otherwise these guys will just get past your dudes and it's very bad okay good first phase we want to do two things during this phase first of all we want to start upgrading our characters levels so we're going to upgrade guys two four and five one level and Guy three two levels we also want in preparation for Wave 3 we want guy number two to be closer to the middle of the screen so you want to keep track of when this guy is taking care of everyone in the bottom Lane and as soon as that happens bring him to the middle and hope that that's not the end of the wave because then you're gonna be in trouble anyway right at the start of this I'm going to do the level upgrades by the way if you put this Gap too high up or too far down some of these guys will go past him soon be careful oh very good swinging Sheena all right so we wait here if you have the time you can also bring guys 3 down here which we do so there we go and now you wanna you want these guys on like a line towards the middle so two and three are already in place I'm gonna put four here and five here five is like our backup guy because he has the gun so he can kind of deal with stragglers more easily and I also upgrade two and three each one of them I upgrade one level at this point so you wanna you wanna have your cursor on guy three and keep track of the punks left in the upper left corner once that number gets low enough bring guide number three here and now you want to take guys two four and five and kind of put them on line up here cursor up here and as guys are running out you want to bring guy five up here because he's very far away and as the boss spawns in you want to both use d-pad down to use this guy's damage buff and bring all four Dudes this way and now you can kind of upgrade everyone you want upgrade majama two why not and hope these guys take care of this guy quickly that was decent 51 is actually a decent Clan creator sometimes these guys will just take their time with the boss they'll just have their fun with him I guess so it can lose you a lot of time sometimes guys will just get past your guys Clan Creator is a cluster [ __ ] many many runs have died to Clan creator so don't feel too bad if it happens to you if you lose a lot of time here again if you're starting out just take it on the shin and who for the best and again this isn't the super consistent threat but it's way way way way more consistent than what we had before this is uh currently the best thing you can do in Clan Creator really and after that we take the taxi here to tankaichi Street and two things worth knowing about this run-up to Serena because we do it a bunch of times you see this barrier here sometimes you can like get stuck in it however with good movement with like precision and I don't get this every time you can kind of like slide oh there you go you can kind of slide in between those two barriers and not lose time also this door is usually an interact trigger and when it is you can interact with it actually from this corner especially when Kiri was running and he has like a slightly bigger reach so you can like start mashing here and interact with the door from around the corner not super important as the time says but it is you know a cool little thing now chapter six this is another one of my favorites actually now cool little time save here you can actually get a step forward before the text shows up [Music] round down here and we get this little cutscene with yuya which also despawns fight spawns which is very nice so we have a clear shot to the taxi now I just mash up I don't even remember how many times this is just mashup you want to go to theater alley one second faster than going to theater Square and you want to talk to this guy now this dialogue is weird in that you can cut scene skip this dialogue and the first of the three choices that you have but you can only Mash through the rest of them but it's actually optimal to just cutscene skip this and dialogue mesh through the rest so just leave this just make sure you don't accidentally talk to this guy again because it'll start a substory and lose a lot of time another thing to watch out we don't care about this fight spawn we're just gonna run past it because this is an area trigger but there is a sub story here so I like to be extra safe and really like go all the way to the other side of the street come up here skip the cutscene skip the text kind of like in chapter four just kind of turn to the left pick this up and during the swing muscle soda oh that's actually really good that that was almost perfect if I hit all three of them with the second swing it would have been perfect that's the best case scenario when they all group up sometimes the big guy on the left will actually separate from the other two guys so the three hits you get with the traffic cone won't be enough in that case you see the traffic cone behind Sama there against the wall you can actually pick it up during the fight and use that as a backup that's the best backup I can think of in this fight usually they'll group up but sometimes you'll just get back luckier so that's something to keep in mind now important we're relying on the fact that the muscle soda we used in the fight right here is going to be enough for the fight coming up if that's not the case if you had a slow fight I'll actually show this right now there is a place to fill up on muscle soda on the way to the next fight like look to the left of me as I turn around to the right of me sorry that's the vending machine we used in chapter one and you can use it here as well oh I don't like when this fight one shows up uh but yeah if you if you didn't do well and you are afraid that you're gonna run out of muscle soda you can stock up there on the way here it's not a big time loss I do want to show again this fight in in one swing so I just want to explain something about the mechanics here essentially you have the two mini bosses in this fight the nashino brothers I believe the 16 beat Brothers as long as they're alive they will keep spawning dudes they will keep spawning grunts if you're very fast you will only have to fight two of them and one of their grunts if uh you make a mistake or you just get bad luck you might have to fight more and that has an impact on your time on your muscle soda usage but also on your weapon usage we'll talk about this in a bit let me just show you how the fight goes so immediately as this starts I'm mashing deep it up to pull out the nameless katana three hits on the big boy one on the other guy and then just a light attack on this guy that's how that fight goes ideally now if something went slow sometimes the big uh the big brother will Dodge in an awkward way and will take more time to take him down in which case you might have to deal with an extra spawn it's an unfortunate time loss but the worst thing about it is you'll use your nameless Katana more which can be a problem I also need to warn you about a very rare but possible soft lock you can get here as you saw I swung at the big National brother three times and then backwards at the small one sometimes he will line up with the third goon that runs at you and you'll take both of them down at the same time and you might think great that's like that's optimal that's only four swings instead of five however if the small brother is ahead of the Goon as opposed to the case where the Goon is ahead of the small brother and you hit both of them the same time it can lead to a soft lock where the game will just get stuck you it doesn't it doesn't help to all tab you you're just stuck right there the game just freezes completely and I'm not entirely sure what that happens I think something in the game's logic that tells it whether or not it needs to um spawn another enemy gets messed up by that I decided at some point that I'm just going to take the risk because this is way faster than taking care of the small brother first but just know that it does happen and if you want to be safe and take care of the small brother before the big one uh that's that's entirely possible to do also if you're already on the map as you can see there's a fight spawn here this fight spawn we can just go to a vending machine actually this one's walking away from us so we can just run past it but also be aware that if there's a fight one looking right at you you can talk to cow roof like so that the aggroves the fight spawn long enough for you to run past it and then we taxi back to here and actually let me save her because I probably I I might want to run through this a few times we'll see in a moment so I'm out of building first of all run up to this conspicuous box right here now you want to pull out your nameless Katana and as you swing it use a muscle soda but before we go upstairs you actually want to go back here Wham put your nameless Katana away pick up this uh put it away and run up to hit L to during the pickup of that saw just because it can be awkward to hit L2 during movement now we are going to go through two corridors that have a lot of guns gun enemies in them aptly named gun corridors if you didn't pick up two handguns in chapter three this is the place to stock up but normally what I will do is I run up here I do a running kick on one of these guys a light heavy heavy combo on the other and now I just punch these guys as you can see oh both of them actually no that's actually a switchblade right only one of them dropped a gun so there are a few things you can do now you can pick up this gun there is a strat for gun card or two that involves picking up again I'm going to show you my Strat which is a very YOLO Strat but I find that it's pretty consistent not 100 I still sound nice sometimes can lose runs to [ __ ] this up but it's not that bad and what I do is you punch this door punching doors or hitting Doors by the way it's faster than opening wait for these guys to see you do two quick steps and just quick step forward here no oh my God okay that's fine now that looks scary but my experience is if you have the timing down for that it works every single time and there's supposedly safer strats I've seen that I think are way way less consistent so this is what I do and it's gotten to the point a couple of times I got a really good Pace to this point and I was like you know what I I won't YOLO I'll do the safe Strat and I actually fail to save Strat so this is really all I know to do at this point and I even do this on legend by the way and it's fine so up to you uh you can try to look at other runs if you want to see safer strats but I I find that this is fine anyway hit this door pull out your name once katana and now we're going to deal with Men In Black again this fight not much more respectable than the last one go a bit to the left I just find that going to the left makes hitting him a bit more consistent because he does move around a bit so I've found that if I just stay in place or move to the right it can miss sometimes use Muscle soda during swing two now again hitting doors is faster than opening the opening them normally you need to learn the right distance to do the set just hit the sword with door heavy attacking this guy now usually when you do the heavy attack he will drop his Oakwood Katana and you pick it up if you don't you're gonna have to finish off the two guys up these stairs behind him with light attacks from the nameless Katana which if you don't have two Chargers left on your Anonymous Katana will be awkward you'll have to do it with normal attacks and you might break the backup weapons that are up there that you use instead so just be aware of that but uh yeah put the sort of way light deck light up light attack two attacks is usually fine here not this time okay this is kind of awkward uh I I would usually like to have more uses of the Oakwood etana yeah this is bad this is a very unfortunate okay so in this case I'll just have to use my Oakwood katana and that's fine if you don't have three charges for this fight just pull out your Oakwood Katana which should be assigned to d-pad left wait a bit for this guy to lose his iframes and one nope not too long otherwise that happens one two three put it away pick it up there you go now what you want to do here is hit the guy towards the wall to the right there's like a [ __ ] from chapter one effect here where you don't want to swing him to the end of the of the screen so like I walk around like that to kind of manipulate him towards the wall hit him a bits like that feel the heat and that's all she wrote okay and you come to the store punch it again that's faster and over here is the trigger for the end of the level but I do actually want to run through the whole section again so we start the same run towards the boxes QT they got your name's katana up a bit of a menu mess up there pick up the saw and now we are dealing with gun corridor now sometimes neither one of the gun guys here will actually will actually drop a gun which is uh actually yeah that's that's actually what we're seeing right here so neither of them dropped Again The Gun Guys upstairs can drop guns as well but they can be awkward to get so one punch here punch and punch and as you see these guys drop guns as well so you can pick those up it's a bit slower to go back and get them but you know if you don't have guns then just bite the bullets as it were a very good pun yeah so now I wanna I wanna again not pick up the first Oakwood Katana and show what I mean about uh using your nameless Katana as a backup so also soda here so I opened the door heavy attack now let's pretend that guy didn't like that Oakwood Katana broke I just use my um two remaining charges of the nameless Katana on these two guys and pick up this either the backup Oakwood Katana or the Crowbar on the floor and if neither works just use your Oakwood Katana from left d-pad but that's really bad luck if you broke all those weapons that should be very rare that shouldn't happen too often I like to use the heavy attack on shotgun guy here just because he he does Dodge a lot in terms of HP I have a light attack should be enough but uh Heavies I find work more often all right great and notice foreign you see how I lost a use of my Oakwood Katana there even though everyone was knocked out that's because K2 uses up your weapon Chargers even if the enemy you hit is knocked out so when you try to swing your weapon at the door to open it up quickly that's something you want to keep in mind when I get to that point and I only have three charges left on an oak with katana I never swing at the door I just open it normally if you do have to do that by the way keep in mind I'm trying to get the door to close um okay I can but just keep in mind that you can make the door animation actually now will it close okay yeah so you can actually make this animation go faster if you do a quick step just Mash confirm and he will be fine anyway this time we do have a Wild Oak with katana so I'm gonna do the qte wait a tiny bits one two oh if this happens just do the overhead swing throw this away quickly grab the gas canister I don't think you need to move around like I do I just do it because I said tapioca do it when I was learning this run and I'm just used to it again the little movement trick to get him to come over here hit him up against the wall up this is this can be a bit of a problem yeah that's that's fine that's fine a bit of a time lost there but at least we got him if you break the gas canister by the way you are in trouble I don't even know what to tell you you might uh I've never I haven't had to like do a backup here in a very long time I think probably the best thing for you will be to use the Oakwood Katana again if you break the gas canister yeah I think that's the play but uh yeah either way after feel the heat you should be wherever you were before feel the heat so as you see it's not in that time loss at least we're closer to the door this time and yeah I think that's uh that that really covers the mountain building really really cool set piece I really like this one all right so we're gonna be in a similar position to with cowering chapter four we're gonna have to carry these guys around and avoid cops in a bit so this is uh yeah pretty a pretty chill moment not a lot to say here how is everyone honestly this it's good that this part is kind of chill because uh the first six chapters are full of very stressful moments so yeah and you need to use a Persona power at some point during all this I like to use it here because you're waiting for the doors to open anyway so yeah and hello pandemonium oh I almost used muscle soda that kills the run if you do it always be really careful about which of these you actually use okay so up here you're gonna want to start avoiding cops you'll always have three cups Somewhere In Theater square and I obviously don't go to the map screen when I'm up here because it's slow but I kinda recommend both looking around but also take a look at the minimap the mini map kind of tells you if there is a cop really close to you and just looking around you can see more long term and that way you can just plan your movement accordingly to avoid the cups sometimes you'll get a massive meme where there's a cop right here and you can't do anything about it I actually lost the road to that last night if that happens sorry there's there's just uh it's it's K2 folks what can you even say about this game at this point one day I will try and visit oh that wasn't me teasing you for uh running New Game Plus by the way I just I just uh pointed it out that's a perfectly legitimate category I find it Soul crushing but it's completely legitimate okay good good by the way a lot of the stuff I'm talking about in this tutorial I've seen from pandas runs much much credit to her anyway bottom dialogue option there this is a decent point to use first person oh by the way the Persona power that we use down here during the section with Kazuki is going to get us all the way back here and back again to the clinic and in general the 10 parts that we picked up in the first chapter should be enough for the entire run you shouldn't need more than 10. however there's a vending machine here and a vending machine here where you can fill up on Poseidon power if you need to and one mistake that I've actually done in a in a fairly recent run a few weeks ago sometimes I'll autopilot after that section and think I need to use a Poseidon power even though I have the one from before so if that happens you can just fill up in one of those vending machines yeah yeah only 10 for the entire room you don't need any more because we upgrade stamina enough to where no more are necessary okay so about area triggers and event triggers chapter 7 is mostly area triggers which is good this one coming up is the only area trigger so really really make sure that you don't get caught by fight spawn on the way to a model Clinic you can actually if you really get into trouble you can talk to this guy to despawn fights I think right can you do this or does this lead to a no this is fine yeah so it's a bit of a Time loss but if you have to you can do it there's also a vending machine here like I said there's a vending machine here um so just be aware of those options now this fight coming up can be very annoying because we pick up a table here the table we use during this fight can be really awkward to pick up so let me just show you what I mean skip this cutscene here are the dudes and you'll see me like slowly walk towards this table the reason for that is that I found that sometimes if I try to to run towards it Kiri will actually destroy the table by running towards it and uh that's kind of GG right there so you wanna you wanna be careful anyway dirty swing muscles oh this is kind of bad okay as long as you hit both of them this is fine you're gonna get this qte ideally you want to swing you want to get both of them with one swing but this is also fine after this you get feel the heat and there you go hey Bena thanks for the good luck actually really happy with uh how this is going so far there's a lot of edge cases that I thought I would need to awkwardly Force but so far they're uh coming up on their own which is nice anyway now we do need Poseidon power this is our and I really love using this word penultimate Poseidon power that we use in the Run and remember at this point you don't care about fight spawns you don't need to do anything particular to avoid them both this and the next event trigger are both area triggers so you're good it's just thrown up here by the way if you do run out of Poseidon power and you forget to stock up or it just feels awkward you will run out of stamina around here but it's only like a two three second time loss and then you can just keep running so if if you're just one Poseidon power short it's not too bad so for this fight right here you can use your Oakwood Katana personally I'm more of a fan of using furniture it's both faster on average and also save you some saves you some weapon uses so the guy with the glasses that's right next to us he can sometimes go to the right and like break away from the rest of the group so you want to kind of Route him from the right to to make sure that he stays with the other guys during this swing use your muscle soda there you go nice dragon engine physics of course of course during a tutorial is the only time over the past two months that I've seen etu swing fight that was actually perfect never get this during a run never get this during an actual run I always get uh three swings or like three and I have to finish one guy with uh with an Oakwood Katana or something laughs it is what it is uh anyway this is the last Poseidon power usage after this you should not be using Poseidon power at any point during the Run so just keep that in mind actually I'm curious are we going to crash now no um I I probably should talk about the crash right I'll I'll mention it in chapter nine probably should have described it at the start but uh yeah here we are anyway as you can see area trigger I don't care about any of this cutscene skip text skip run to the sign here on the right you wanna don't try to swing too early like make sure the theory is turning to the left before you start swinging during the swing muscle setup uh this is unfortunate sometimes you will get these guys with one swing sometimes you will have to do one or even two extra but this fight doesn't really go too many ways and weirdly in this chapter in this chapter only Serena is an area trigger it doesn't matter because you'll never get a fight spawn right here but it is kind of weird that it's it's only an area trigger in this particular chapter eight ooh this is this is a spicy chapter there's a couple of really interesting fight spawns here something that K2 really likes to do to me is get me on a really good pace and then have a fight spawn right here that I just can't avoid no matter what I do and uh that's that's uh that's killed a bunch of my runs if you want to watch out for that again you can talk to Karu you can use the vending machines if if the fight one is like right here it can be very awkward because you're too far away from the vending machines on the one hand but Karu is like here and takes like 10 seconds to actually get to you um so one one thing I haven't said that you can do to avoid fights is and this is allowed you can save your game which is why I make sure during runs that my top save file is a save that I don't care about like it's not the premium Adventure New Game Plus save or anything like that you can save and load and that will despawn any fights this is very very slow it's a very slow way to avoid a fight anything else would be better but if you have a really good pace it might be better than just completely losing the Run anyway we're going to go to Millennium Tower and this is a pandemonium special you're going to get a text message from Granny White so as this is starting as you're um confirming the choice of the taxi to Millennium Tower just hold up an R1 and mesh both A and B on that one so we're gonna come down here we're going to skip a couple of cutscenes and this starts the first uh I don't even know if to call this a set piece but this fight section so immediately at the start of this fight I hold L2 I mesh d-pad left pull out my Oakwood katana during this swing you want to do a few things as always use Muscle soda and you should have just one muscle soda left here by the way if you're short you can go to the usual green vending machine next to Millennium Tower the one that we use in chapter one and stock up there we're actually going to use it after this part ideally you don't need to stock up until after this whole section you also want to upgrade your stats here and many many times I've forgotten to do this and then you need to do an extra swing on one of these enemies and it's very awkward you wanna upgrade weapon attack to two and you want to upgrade attack to 130 and there's something a bit awkward about upgrading your Tech once you get to 120 140 and 160 and also 180 but we won't go that high during the run you need to learn attack limits you do two confirms here down and then Mash until you get to 130. now this section spawns enemies out of your line of sight so to manipulate spawns and try to be optimal I'm always going to turn my my back towards where I want the enemies to spawn so you'll see me do a very particular movement here so I'm gonna get rid of this guy turn around take care of this guy wait for this guy to spawn turn around take care of him take care of this guy and now there should be two guys up here and the nice things about about this is that you don't need to move around a lot to take care of those two guys but also sometimes they will be right next to each other and you can finish both of them off with one heavy attack so that's not what I'm meant to do those those wide swings decks are by the way almost never worth it uh especially not in 90 percent um okay now hiashi hopefully you still have your muscle soda from the first part otherwise you're in trouble pull out your Katana heavy attack heat and actually well I'll talk about this later overhead now this qte you have to succeed and now you want to start wildly mashing down on your d-pad the reason for that is that we want to unequip our output Katana for the last part of this fight and sometimes you can get it in like the very brief window between the uh the QT and this cutscene yeah yeah very very impressive High Sheen very impressive put away your Oakwood Katana if you haven't already and you want to use a charged light attack there in terms of damage you don't need it it's enough to just do a light attack but I actually does have some serious hyper armor during this fight so the good thing about the charge light is not only it gets through the hyper armor it also gives you hyper armor sometimes he'll just miss you or you'll miss him when you do that that's fine if that happens you can just do a normal light attack and Trigger the qte usually you just do the Life Deck like that and it's all good something you want to know about heat Moves In general so like all things K2 is kind of can be inconsistent about when it allows you to use heat moves and sometimes if you try to hit a heat move too fast The Prompt will show up but at like the last second an enemy will move away from the range at which you can use a heat move so and and you'll do a normal uh heavy attack instead of a heat move which does a lot less damage and [ __ ] the whole fight up so I always wait a split second before I hit the the heat move button and like make sure that we're stable and that I'm I'm definitely going to get the heat to move before I uh do it so it doesn't [ __ ] up the rest of the fight either way once you've done this it's feel the heat time this will bring up a qte don't interact with this QT you don't need it and it just makes it just wastes time just put the controller down get a sip of water this is a really good time to drink some water and there you go that's Hayashi and now for uh another really cool part of the Run um Shangri-La Shangri-La an unfortunate part of the run because it does remind me that I could be playing K1 instead of this [ __ ] game but uh it is a pretty enjoyable set piece so oh by the way I forgot to mention it's just so ingrained in me you have to fill up on muscle soda here so on the way down just go to this vending machine and stock up on on muscle soda you should be if you've done everything optimally you should be fresh out of muscle soda at this point in the Run note for console Runners I tell you that it's okay to get caught by fight spawns because area triggers don't care about that on Console though if you get to the Shangri-La area trigger during a fight it will actually crash the game this does not happen on PC on Console you want to watch out for that okay so this part is kind of weird because it starts like you start this moving normally and then it does the like the set piece movement so once the the purple comes up pull out your good Katana start running and you want to come here at a bit of an angle to try and get two of these guys with the same heavy attack we didn't get it unfortunately that's fine swing the sword at the doors this is another like I'm trying to oh again this didn't work we're actually I'm actually kind of happy that this is happening because this is like the worst case scenario for this um I tried to line up a bunch of enemies to get hit at the same time there didn't happen not too important uh we still have enough Oakwood katana come up here get the scroll bar and uh oh we still have muscle soda that's fine try to get all three of those guys sofa guy you want to swing this guy perfect you want to try to swing that guy at the barrier just to save a couple of uh core by Reeses and as you swing at this guy muscle soda up again this guy these guys uh we certainly luck that'll happen and you'll hit them towards the barrier and again save a bit of crowbar usage two crowbar hits at this door throw to this guy and we're gonna pick up that crowbar and put it in our inventory for later if for some reason you run out of crowbar before this point heavy attacks might do it's extremely unlikely you will run out of crowbar before the enemies are down but you might need to destroy the barrier with uh normal attacks which is fine it doesn't take too long Anyway come up here grab this crowbar hit away at these guys uh really try to not hit anyone towards this corner of the room that I'm looking at there's a weapon there that we need and it might break it um also during this entire set piece really really keep track of your muscle soda because it's important to be muscle sodaed up at almost all times and we have we have a lot of safety muscles soda at this point so don't worry about it you can use extras if you need to this next part is kind of interesting I'm going to break out here and there's a submachine guy right here what I'm going to do is I'm going to go around the corner throw my crowbar at him which is why we we use the Crowbar that we don't have in our inventory and that should take him out and then we're gonna come back in and grab the weapon I was talking about so right here two swings around the corner you're gonna get shot a bit it's fine grab this Oakwood Katana use it once put it away and run upstairs now don't try to be too optimal here don't don't try to get greedy and throw it throw the Crowbar like at a very precise point because if you don't get it you won't actually hit the guy with the Crowbar and you'll have to like run up to him and lose a lot of time to that so really really be careful again I appreciate people trying to be optimal but it's it's not really necessary here all right so this is one of the few times in the run where you don't actually need to be muscle sodaed up to take out enemies not for the entire room but just for the beginning of it what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab the scroll bar run up to these guys these guys don't need muscle soda so it saves me a bit of muscle soda time and also it kind of like I said the AI likes to aggro onto when you run away from it so it kind of forces everyone into this very condensed part of the level and you can just swing away oh tried to hit this guy against try to hit him in the door at the same time so the swing also opens the door this guy's a lot of trouble don't give him any space and you want to swing him to the right because there is actually a weapon we want to pick up in the corner here are you done throw your crowbar away pick this up put it in your inventory punch the door be aware as you go into this fight both of how much muscle soda you have left and how much Oakwood Katana you have left if you don't have around five six uses of your oakwoods Katana left maybe equipped dope with katana we just picked up maybe equip crowbar both valid options and muscle soda up if you need to so these guys this fight's not too bad but what I'm going to do right here is I'm going to use my Oakwood Katana on these guys and this guy on the right with the pink shirt he has a real nasty habit much like many many gun guys of kicking you and interrupting your combos so you really want to make sure you take him out first starting your awkward Katana combo towards the right towards him and then proceeding to the left kind of like this okay nice so up there you go that was a pretty good fight could have gone better but that was pretty good sometimes that fight can get out of hand most of the enemies don't have a ton of HP so you might be able to if you run out of Oakwood Katana you might be able to deal with them with normal attacks and if you run out of muscle so that just muscle stood up again because again we have a lot of spares in in this particular part of the Run most of the time in K2 we are really really tight for muscle soda but we do have a lot of leeway for specifically chapter eight or rather Shangri-La okay chapter nine walk up to uh how could I forget his name kashiwagi let's give the cutscene skip this bottom option text skip and here you want to skip this cutscene you can go a bit forward just like in chapter six and then you want to just do text Skip uh now the cutscene skip at the beginning there because it's just one text box you could oh perfect this is actually good uh a good time to talk about what how to handle fight spawns right next to this taxi done in tankaichi because it actually happens a lot so if you want to be safe you can just interact with the vending machines you can be a bit a bit um greedy and just run to the taxi and a lot of the time you can interact with it right after the purple tint comes up usually it works you might not want to lose a really good run to being greedy about that but you know up to your preference this is another point where I'm going to save this fight can be kind of risky so what I'm going to do here as always we're going to use Muscle soda this next equipment venue can really vary a lot according to the order in which you picked up things in chapter 8. because there are I showed you two particular crowbars that you want to pick up in chapter 8 but there are a lot of backups you can pick up for example in the last room where we fought the big guy with the pipe before the the final fight against the four guys there's another crowbar that's further away to the right that you can pick up it takes a bit longer but if you accidentally break the Crowbar on the left it's a good backup but if you do that you're actually in that case your inventory will look the same but the point is you can sometimes need to pick up different crowbars and your menu might look differently so it's not as simple as the the menu we do in chapter four so you kind of need to just eyeball your inventory at this point and kind of figure out where things are you're either going to be out of Oakwood Katana or or very low so you want to switch to the Oakwood Katana we picked up in chapter eight crowbar and the gun this is the loadout you want here yeah this should be it and I'm also going to save ahead of this fight because I want to maybe try and show what happens if things go wrong so what you want to do is you want to you want to pull out your oh good Katana immediately as this fight starts and just swing at this dude because he's the [ __ ] worst oh no okay so we actually got the bad the bad luck here yeah honestly this can sometimes happen oh did I got two care of the other guy that was unexpected Daigo is usually not that useful so ideally two heavy attacks on Hashimoto should take him out but ideal is not what always happens in this game so you're gonna have to draw out his aggro in order to open him up to an attack again and that can be a big big mess honestly if you're starting out I would even sometimes say just just use a heat move on him it's slow but it's better than losing a ton of time and a lot of Oakwood Katana uses to this guy even though we have a lot of leeway on this awkward Katana so it's not that bad but yeah this guy's a huge jerk definitely killed a lot of my runs this is like a more ideal fight too too heavy attacks on the guy and then just light attacks on the other dudes but yeah if he if he starts um dodging and doing stuff like that either Dodge around him and make him aggro or use a heat move either way it's it's unfortunate it's mostly RNG not fully like you you can deal with it better or worse but it's just something you have to deal with like a lot of things in this game now's the time to talk about the fact that this game will just crash randomly uh that's that's a good thing to talk about so fun fact fun PC fact on pretty much any modern CPU at this point after about one hour of running yakuzukiwami 2 it will crash when you walk when you uh cross certain loading zones specifically we're talking like the area around here and around here and this happens it it used to be believed that this was a an AMD thing an AMD processor thing but no it happens on Intel as well it's it's only a question of essentially how new your processor is and the way we deal with this the leaderboard allows us to pause our timer during Run for the sake of mitigating a crash so the best place to do it is usually around here because chapter 9 is the earliest that a crash could happen I might want to bring up live split okay so let's pretend I'm here at this point oh my God I got to chapter nine in less than five seconds this runner's crazy uh yeah important you want to stock up on muscle soda here now you'll notice because we use a load remover in this run as I taxi to Millennium Tower he's gonna pause right here this is when I pause the timer I wait for the thing to tell me that the auto save is completed it's not actually out of saving because I loaded the save right now and it already saved at this point before but usually it'll auto save at this point some people actually have F4 be their split pause key so you press alt f4 and it immediately passes your timer this by the way is only relevant on PC this is not relevant to console uh just just as an FYI so yeah continue load your auto save and here you can unpause your timer again and if you do this you should never crash of course if you're running a very long category like uh all sub stories you might need to do this more than once but I I can't really help you with that I don't really know anything about all sub stories anyway once you've done that run out here to the left skip two cutscenes enjoy the lack of a crash very rarely you can have a fight spawn down here but it's almost always going to be running away from you so you can just run past it HQ you can just Mash confirm here and before you cross the threshold there you want to use Muscle soda you can't actually muscle soda at the beginning of that sequence you have to wait for the title card to go away an important thing to know about this fight is that you actually don't want to be too fast here you don't want to take out all these guys too fast so what I do here is I use masusa keep running pull the Crowbar take some of them out but for the rest of them I actually wait for the title card to go away because if you don't do that you're actually soft luck because what happens and you do oh you do want to pick up this Oakwood Katana if you get to if not just use the ones that we have assigned to d-pad left but if you take care of those guys too fast you can't break this barrier and you're essentially soft locked all right watch out for these guys they can be sneaky heavy attacking this guy wait pull out heavy texting these guys if you don't let go of the target button you will just keep targeting the one dude then the other guys will give you a hard time swing your awkward Katana here and there you go now this is a very shindo is actually a very very interesting fight we actually have a shindo Skip and it's not nearly as interesting as the one in OG 2 but it's pretty cool still so what you do here is first of all you pick up this sofa and you do a an L2 heavy swing at shindo just as a reminder shindo has three phases in this game he has the one up here then there's the one in the foyer do you call it is it French is it foil yeah then there's the one outside and the way this threat used to work he would swing it shindo twice once you would use citrus cider which is the item we used in chapter one for the theater Square fight which gives you an attack buff but not as big as muscle soda so you would hit him once with Citrus cider and one swift muscle soda you would do not as much damage with the first swing so that he goes to his second phase so he can swing again and then he's too low Health on his second phase and it just skips to the last phase essentially so essentially the to skip the second phase of this fight we're not going to do that we're going to do something that actually allows us to speed up the third phase so as usual we're going to muscle soda here we're also going to do some stat increases we're going to learn boost Sprint two and three and weapon attack Max and we're gonna boost attack to one three six and now we're gonna swing of chindo is going to look displeased go to his uh second attack I'm going to pull out my Oakwood katana I get to hear parts of these songs that I never get to hear anymore again here uh no what am I doing I just [ __ ] it up I can I confused myself um with the talk of the old Strat no no this is this is very bad this is very bad don't do that don't uh do a heavy attack we want to do a heat move on him um but it does bring up a good point that much like what I said about Hayashi you want to make sure that you get the heat move off on shindo because I have had times where I wasn't able to get the heat move off right away even without holding L2 and that can happen sometimes shindo will be right up against the wall and I find it happens more often when he does that but uh yeah okay I messed up so we have to do this whole thing again uh which isn't too bad like we we get to see you know this fight again that's good all right I actually don't get this good of a luck with Oakwood katanas in this chapter usually I do usually have to uh use my own oh that was a that was a max distance sit that was that was tasty all right let's not [ __ ] it up this time pick it up do the menu uh this isn't a fast menu [Music] by the way you might wonder why we don't upgrade our attack more it's exactly to keep shindo at the right Health threshold for this to work all right come up against him he'd move immediately you can start smashing d-pad right to pull out your gun come up here and actually did I forget Quick Step cancel I think I did [Music] okay so you can actually also this this is kind of optional it's not super important but you also have enough experience to learn Quick Step cancel here which is you know it's it's a nice little thing that allows you to speed up set pieces a bit I'll talk more about it when we're in Osaka Castle okay I missed the door that's fine just Quick Step through it and now you want to go here very important hold R1 as you do this and you will always for as long as you run this game always have like that little moment of heart attack where you think wait did that shot actually hit Shinto but basically we because we got him to low HP even though guns don't do a lot of damage to bosses just that little damage that it does allows us to skip having to run all the way up to him and saves a ton of time it just gets us straight to this QT which is very very good foreign this game in a marathon oh shindo is done for you will never be back no need to worry about him at all it's all good this is the end of chapter great great humor everybody laughs and um right around here is when you want to use a muscle soda actually it's probably optimal to use it just as you're going through the door now you want to pick up a sofa and you don't need to pause here but one thing that can happen and so far the only Runner I've ever seen this happen to is me six times though a few enemies in this game can break out of their field the heat stagger and just [ __ ] you up and shindo is one of those enemies that does this sometimes sometimes he will jump up right after this little cutscene after the qte rather and he will do this long sword stab at you that can lose you a lot of time if you see him do that still pick up the sofa but after you do immediately block the sofa blocks the attack completely so you're safe just wait for the attack to finish and then swing at him again it's very very unlucky that this happens and again I don't even I probably don't even need to address this in a tutorial because this will only ever happen to me with my luck but if if you're as unlucky as me with this game it might happen to you as well so that's a good thing to be aware of at any rate shindo is done for real this time foreign this is where a lot of potentially really really nasty fight spawns can happen that's a decent one the one that's next to the taxi sometimes you can get one like right here and you don't even have kauru with you to help get rid of it you would think that ducking into lullaby Mahjong would help it does not so if you're really concerned for your pace there's the vending machine right here next to Serena in the alley that you can interact with and that should despawn any fights one that's really nearby you can also use save and load uh sadly this is one of the if you get a really bad fight one here it's just one of the worst times in the game where that can happen but yeah we yellowed it it's all good and now immediately upon taxing to theater Square we're gonna get discussing with one of the most vapid NPCs in the series Takashi no one likes Takashi and this is where some really nasty fight spawns can happen so let's see what lack of the draw we got oh this is the one this is the one so I'm gonna show you what happens with actually no this one might be okay but I'm Gonna Save here anyway just to be in a safe side so okay these guys are walking away no see this fight spawn is really bad because it's almost always going to catch you if you get this one you could try to go for these vending machines and that might work if they're a bit higher up you might not even be able to reach the vending machines before the fight starts this is a very common place where saving and loading can be forced on you of course if you're going for really good times this might just kill run sometimes you can yellow these guys on this is the thing a lot of the time with fight spawns and Yakuza games if they're really close to this side you can usually run past them because they don't see you until you're like around here and if they're all the way down then sometimes you're fine but if they're in the middle that's a really harsh thing because they will see you quickly just as you round the corner and you don't have time to get to these vending machines so that's something to be aware of when I come out of shellac you can see enough of the mini map when you start walking here to see if the fight spawns are around here or around here and kind of plan accordingly sometimes even when there's a fight spawn here you won't have the really bad one that's right in the alley but you will have one next to the taxi and you still need good movement to run past it and interact with the taxi on time so be aware of this because that can be a big big run killer or a big big time loss at the very least anyway once you get here you can also try to do like the going down the stairs quickly trick here just like do like a 45 degree here and it sometimes works but again sometimes Curie will just roll down awkwardly maybe I'm kinda maybe I'm overstating how dangerous this is maybe I should stop being a coward and just do this because I'm trying to contrive it and and it's actually going fine so I don't know me maybe maybe I'm concerned for no reason maybe I should just go for it and run through now on yeah maybe anyway right after this guy interact cut scene skip just to save a bit of time try to interact with doors and stuff like that from max distance because most door hit boxes are fairly Doran elevator hit boxes are fairly generous you know don't be afraid to extend yourself a bit this is another point where you can get nasty fight spawns this one is actually good so we can just yellow it but almost always when I'm in good Pace here I will just examine this vending machine just to despawn anything that's nearby it's very quick it's on the way and it's it's just safer like I said before I appreciate it when people try to do stuff optimally just maybe consider being a bit safe at this point sorry I took uh a sip of my tea That's why that was a very slow cutscene skip okay so this is one place in the run where a lot of people think you need Poseidon power but you don't because of our stamina upgrades we actually have enough stamina oh my God fights one all right I'm actually glad this happened because because this is actually you really want to avoid this fight spawn because this coming up is an interact trigger so if this happens yeah you just maybe maybe you wanna go a bit wide like me so you avoid these guys but yeah that's I'm actually kind of glad this happened but as you've seen even though I did a lot of extra movement to get around to fight spawn I didn't need Poseidon power so completely unnecessary to have Poseidon power at this point in the Run right here we're gonna go to the taxi right behind us go to shofakuchu or shafu kucho I I can't say things in Japanese sorry and this is kind of similar to chapter four except as you talk to tamio that's her name apparently and you skip this immediately you want to go back before this door closes the opening door animation is pretty slow so just start going back immediately as you skip that cutscene now we're going to taxi to West sodenbury Street that's one down and we're going to go to stigel this is an interact trigger but you're almost never going to be even close to getting caught by fight spawn here as you can see very um generous trigger what I do here is I stick myself into this corner to make sure I talk to the bartender and not the guy at the bar and immediately go back and go back out before you before the door closes again just to be a bit optimal that's kind of tight the timing there so if you don't get that during your early runs don't worry about it and honestly you shouldn't be worrying about it too much even during your later runs it's not a big time loss but it does get some getting used to to do that move now once you approach this what what are what are these even are these just light poles what what yeah I don't know what these are anyway once you approach this thing there's a menu here so you wanna muscle soda as always but we're also going to do an equipment menu we are going to equip a crowbar and nameless Katana and a saw and again the positioning of these three things in your inventory is going to depend on stuff you did in the previous chapters certain schools of thought say to actually have a an awkward Katana here that's the old Route I think the Crowbar is on average better in the coming chapters when I say crowbar you can use an awkward Katana instead up to like chapter 13. having done all this we keep going this is an area trigger so we don't worry about fights coming up here and the reason why I like the Crowbar is it dramatically increases the chances that you get multiple of these guys with one swing although I didn't that's everything about this game is so statistical even with the best strats you're not always going to get the most ideal things every so often these guys behind you who starred behind you at the beginning of the fight they'll group up and you'll get two or even three of them with the same hit which practically never happens with the Oakwood katana but yeah it still doesn't happen all the time after all these cutscene skips there are two fight spawns you need to be careful of here one of them we can actually see the guy he's right there next to that pole right here and another is right here so I'm gonna move in sort of a z pattern here do you say Z or Zed anyway the last letter of the alphabet that's that uh shape even though the guy is down there you can actually interact with him from up here so you don't need to walk all the way down there's a lot of actually want to do cutscene skips like in a normal run because for some reason this cutscene loads a bit faster than other ones so you want to take a a slightly shorter break between those two cutscene skips now we're gonna go down here if for some reason you're out of muscle soda this is a good place to recharge and this fight coming up with Satoshi is one of those fights where I actually recommend muscle sodaing up before the fight begins because otherwise I find that it kind of takes the battle out of whack this is a line that I can only ever hear in aldred's voice because he always reads it out when he runs this game and just pull out your crowbar hit these dudes that was the particularly good fight but it could be worse I find that if you take the time to muscle soda as you pull out the Crowbar or as you swing they kind of have more time to to separate and the fight tends to go worse but your mileage may vary in that one and that's after them now immediately at the start of this chapter cutscene skip go to the oh oh wait wait wait wait I've never okay that's a shame that did you see that there was there was a guy on the taxi nice one Dragon engine man now I feel bad for uh for being so optimal we could have observed dude on taxi in his natural habitat but I just despawned him anyway he interact with the taxi taxi to a wild Bridge Walk forward and actually there's something here that I did not mention yet about using taxis which which I need to talk about soon so yeah you sometimes will have a fight spawn around here you can use this vending machine to despawn it don't talk to these guys again because that takes you directly into a fight oh come on Karu now we want to go down here and talk to this guy immediately cutscene skip bottom option immediately Cuts in skip again back to the taxi and that's something I wonder if I'll manage to make this happen here what happens if I hold forward okay you see that Kiryu actually went went to the right even though I was holding confirm and forward the reason for that is if you look down here at the taxi we interacted with we were facing this direction down or or South as we were interacting with this Taxi and when we text it here for some reason when you load when you first load into an area the game still thinks you're looking the same way you were before so as you load into an area you will in many cases just go the wrong way so it's better to hold a and only start holding forward as a camera fades in because at that point your camera is readjusted you can do like a super optimal thing where you always hold the direction that's going to be your new Direction forward in the screen coming up and try to figure that out each time it would be an optimization but honestly I prefer to just wait for the camera to load in hold a load in and then just start running sometimes you'll get a fight out here don't worry about it just run past it this interaction will despawn it not this one but this one and this one you can actually skip okay and now is when you actually I want to save in front of this so this is the one part of the run one of the few parts of the run where I still need notes because I I for some reason keep forgetting what the codes are here so here you're supposed to go and find out the answer to this riddle in the green shop we used in chapter four to avoid that one fight spawn so it's uh one one zero one zero zero one zero nine but you go from right to left so it's like this this and this and then you skip the cutscene um and then you go in here skip another cutscene skip another cut or you can just do that uh that's I meshed I mesh too much see I'm used to this and during the the transition from the cutscene skip you can already press up so you start pressing up four to uh down to eight five so it's five eight two four but you spell it from like right to left and if you did everything correctly there you should be getting this fight one this is also I think this is the camera bug right yeah so usually in cutscenes there is a special camera angle that the game uses but sometimes it bugs out and it shows you like a normal camera angle as if you're controlling it can be confusing sometimes just be aware that it can sometimes happen so uh let me just show how I do this kind of quickly although I I am very liable to screw this up um whoa almost did it all right that's oh that's a no case start up here no oh my God okay I [ __ ] it up oh man I don't usually [ __ ] this up during runs but yeah this is the correct camera angle let me try that again I want to at least try and show how that should properly look Pizza all right much better okay kinda with the last input a bit but that's fine text Skip through this coming out of here sometimes there will be a very very awkward fights bomb Yeah we actually got it so this fight spawn sometimes these guys will be like up here or here and at that point I'll just yellow it if they're this close to the intersection I actually like to despondent with the vending machine because there's actually a clip on this channel called something like enemy has 1000 perception which uh tapioca made which is me getting caught by this fight spawn even though you should buy all right have enough time to just run past it but I decided not to risk it anymore so when I get to that point on a good Pace I just despawn them using the vending machine two cutscene skips here and then text skip and as you are pulling out your saw which we assigned to d-pad right we are going to use Muscle soda here this guy actually has quite a bit of HP by the way nice thing about this fight is if you whiff using muscle soda and accidentally hit him with an on muscle sodaed attack once you still have you still do enough damage with your next two swings to get rid of him so you really only need muscle soda for two of these swings we do however want to have enough muscle soda for the next fight so ideally the muscle soda you use here will still be on you when we get to the next fight no reason why that shouldn't happen not a lot that happens between those two parts but yeah you go to shofakuchu talk to this guys give his cutscene uh skip three more cutscenes now for this fight usually the the thing to do is to actually use light attacks for the beginning of it because what you do is we get like a wide swing here and we can take all these guys out then to clean up you can just use heavy attacks you can use light attacks on the dudes who you already knocked down to low HP but that might if you miss you might use up too much of the soft or the later parts of the run so I prefer to use uh after the first light attack combo I prefer to just use heavy attacks okay so there's a lot of cutscene skips here I uh switch hands very often in this part and this is another one of the parts in the game where I actually recommend using first person view because kiry kind of likes wobbles to the left and right here and he's actually far easier to control in first person now you might get the temptation to get very greedy in this part since you're moving slowly already I would recommend really not doing this I've actually lost the Run recently to being way way too greedy on this part and getting caught by one of the guys so just be very calm just kind of give give everyone a wide berth no need to be too quick here if you do get caught by one of these guys you can actually so this this part is weird because it looks like the pub should be an area trigger it is an area trigger when you walk up to it but if one of these guys initiates a fight with you it does not get broken up if you go here you actually still need to fight the guys which is unfortunate because you would think oh if we get into a fight we're at you know Max movement speed again and we can just oh my God and we can just run past uh all these guys but know that sadly does not work I'm close to dying which is why you do want some healing items during this part Jesus I was actually that was a very bad pedestrian pedestrian RNG way more of them than you usually see but yeah this is why you want healing items which we're actually going to be using in fights coming up here now this substory you don't really do it for any sort of money or item or anything like that it's just faster to do it because the taxi that it blocks is really really useful during this run so even though it's a Time loss on paper it's a net Time game to come here and do this substory so once this guy shows up you can cut scene skip again and when this fight starts you go to the left pick up the bike swing it actually he might have killed me there if I hadn't paused fast enough but yeah muscle soda and I like to use two toughness Z's at this point just to bring my health back up you might think why would you even be worried about being in critical health during this run because it's uneasy I will explain at the end of this chapter but after you do all this you actually want to bring your attack up to 174 and you need to to go through two limits here so remember once you get to 140 and 160 you need to go up and you want to bring yourself to 174 and that should be enough now we want to still keep the muscle soda from that fight and use it in this next fight if there's no fight spawn down here that means that there's one in the Golf Center I've never actually gotten caught by that fights one but oh this is actually wow this is really bad that could have legitimately initiated the fight I've never seen them this far out there they're usually just coming out of the Golf Center as you're approaching anyway cutscene skip text Skip you should still have muscle soda so two heavy attacks on this guy with the saw and you are good again you can get a bit of a step here before the the phone call now coming up on the river this is an interact trigger we actually need to talk to what's his face guy in the purple suit so it's not cool to get caught by a fights one here so if you see a fight spawn on the minimap vending machine just to be on the safe side or in that case not even to be on the safe side they would have definitely caught up to me and I'm actually going to save ahead of this talk to this guy cutscene skip text skip and what I like to do here in order to kind of get them to group up a bit I go back I pull out this the saw not the uh crowbar and then I just start heavy attacks right here ideally you don't use a lot of sinus fight you wanna you have some saw left for uh a mini boss during Osaka Castle but in recent runs I almost never have enough I just have gotten very very unlucky with this fight in recent times I think I can run past these guys yeah this is fine so there's a the game really likes to put up fight spawns around here but usually they're either here where you don't need to worry about them at all or they're right here which this if there's a fight one right here it's actually kind of a problem because it can catch you and you can use the taxi to despawn it but it's you need to wait until the purple tint wears off this one is fine though just run past it one thing you need to keep in mind since we go to this taxi stop so often in this part remember to go back not to the pub but back to the massage place also don't mesh a hero will pick up this Joker and be a joker because you don't need to interact with that door skip a couple of cutscenes test skip and for this man you pull out your saw muscle soda wham bam five saw Chargers is actually pretty good again I'm getting luckier that I haven't been getting in any of my runs recently and here you need to fill up a muscle soda you do actually have an extra muscle soda for this part so if you find yourself having to use an extra muscle soda between chapters 9 and Osaka castle that's fine but that's the only way you have just the one and for this round of muscle soda we need all 10. all right osaki Castle very important part is run again you can mesh a because it's story location and these guys I like to use a crowbar on them one swing should do it wham wham you know I'm just gonna have a perfect Osaka Castle now that this is an actual run by the way after that cutscene where Canada runs away it can be disarranging where you are I find that holding down and left with the control stick always takes you in the right direction so this is actually a part of the run where I would look at the minimap more than I would look at the actual camera because the mini map is less confusing get this now these guys are super annoying we didn't need to use a muscle soda on Canada on the beginning fight here because we still have the muscle soda from misaki but at this point you are going to generally need a muscle soda so just use it as you're swinging here take care of this guy now as you see when these guys do their right left movement you'll almost never hit them so you want to time it so that you're going past that by the way you can Quick Step after opening doors just to get your momentum back a little bit faster Do It Forward not to the right like I did Quick Step through this nice and this is where you tend to run out of crowbar so at this point I like to equip this Oakwood Katana and use that although this guy honestly you can just run like this do a running kick and finish them off like that all right uh painful part of the Run coming up this is another point where console kinda has an advantage we're going to use the Gatling gun here this Gatling gun it's aim sensitivity is tied to FPS and no there's no in-game option to control the sensitivity foreign but it just takes some getting used to [Music] so we start from Canada make sure to keep him in your sight then go up to these guys make sure you shoot these guys before they come up because they can't get to a point where they're so far up the stairs that you can't shoot them and you need to finish them yourself now you notice how I just phased through those sandbags that's because as the game loads in the scene it takes it a while to load the Collision of the sandbags so if your angle on the control stick is right and you do it fast enough you can just run past them if you're too slow you're gonna have to run off to the side and that's a bit a bit slower but it's not too terrible so now we keep running get up to this fight and this is Grenada too very important about this fight first of all pull out your saw and using muscle soda do not try to take out Canada's goons before you get him because he will call up a fresh wave of goons and that's going to be very very sad for everyone involved so just take care of him first be on the safe side unfortunately these spikes are really annoying and yeah this this part of the run is actually kind of horrible uh these guys can like oh yeah these guys love to uh Jump Around jump up jump up and get down and this is terrible this this is where uh I just want to stop running this game this is where I I wish I never heard of yakuzakiwami too can you look at this what a good video game love this run thank you sir thank you for letting me swing at you and yep now now you got the actual this is like the genuine most of Osaka castle castle actually went well so far this is like the genuine Osaka Castle experience uh uh if this happens then uh then if this happens to you congratulations you are now a K2 Runner my condolences why do I run this game as you're coming up here up to what is I don't think there's any argument that this is one of the most glorious moments captured in human culture but as you're coming up to it you want to use a muscle soda right away because you might run out of muscle soda during this fight and you don't want that to happen and yeah we just fight a couple of tigers apparently Isn't that cool but the timing for this fight to be optimal is pretty delicate so you want to pull out your nameless katana wait like a Split Second my visual cue is usually when the tiger kind of Roars there once his head is all the way up that's my visual cue to swing to have attack with the nameless Katana this match isn't nearly as demanding as it looks but the game likes to to Really hype up these guys which I mean can you blame it now as we get out of this qte I'm going to swing at where the Tiger on the left was and that's how we get the first swing on him like so now wait for him to do that two hits now we actually got good RNG if he does like the the overhead swing that's really good RNG because we're going to going to feel the heat immediately typically what he's going to do he's is he's going to Lunge at you if that happens you will hit him as he lunges so he will get knocked down to feel the heat health but he will knock you down to the ground as you do it so you just get up and do feel the heat when you after you get up shoot another warning here much like shindo in chapter 9 this tiger can actually get out of feel the heat and he can swing around at you as you're mashing and even uneasy with a full combo if you're low Health he can kill you so this is why I heal at the beginning of this chapter just because I want to make sure that whatever happens I don't die to this stagger going out of whack since you're going to your muscle soda anyway you might as well heal so that's the reason for that anyway feel a hit all right and that was the genuine Osaka Castle experience one of the reasons why I'm so unsatisfied with my time in this game is I I can save almost half a minute in Osaka Castle it's actually ridiculous how bad this part has been going for me tiger drop indeed so this is a part of the game where truly like the game really wants you to hang out with Haruka however hanging out with Haruka is slow so we are just gonna try and speed it up as much as we can you know when I first played this game I thought haruka's requests are actually mandatory because I didn't I couldn't figure out where to progress the game and I ended up playing so much virtual on that I just wanted to stop existing that was that was fun times anyway after skipping those two cutscenes run back here taxi to West sodenbury Street and then you're gonna get this phone call cutscene Skip One up go down here now this is where the camera can do weird stuff so I was talking about some camera weirdness with the taxi another thing that I I can't really contrive this to happen but sometimes instead of the camera loading in behind you it'll be like from this angle but zoomed Way Way Back it's as if the camera you texted here but the camera is still here and it's like trying to catch up to you down here just try to identify when this happens because you will instead of moving right you will have to move like down and to the left so just be aware of that also if for some reason you need to suck up on a muscle soda this is another good time to do that cutscene skip interact with this cutscene skip here another cutscene skip down attack skip and once the Fade Out happens another cutscene skip we are not going to use our weapons because we have a much better thing a big big sign so go back at these guys as you're swinging use your muscle soda and that's all she wrote sometimes you'll need another swing if you get bad luck with their spread but usually one swing is enough three cutscenes to skip here and then we run back to the same taxi all the way in the Southeastern corner of sodenbury back again to West Stoneberry Street one down and now you want to run to stigel so this one's an interact trigger but again much like with the golf club it's practically impossible to get caught by a fight spawn here you wanna get in this way cutscene skip immediately not like what I did and then go back before the door closes which is way way easier than chapter 10. you need to go through the river but this is again an area trigger like in uh chapter 10 unlike chapter 12. so you don't need to worry about fight spawns either here or up or here you can just keep on running skip and now we can go forward instead of backwards now are we gonna get the okay this is the the fight spawn I was talking about before this one rarely will catch you as you're running to the taxi but it can happen so if you're one if you want to be super super careful you want to interact with the vending machines here to despawn these guys but honestly like nine times out of ten or even 99 times out of 100 they're not going to even be close to catching you so you just go up here two up to shuffle kuchu and we go into the pub coming up and not a really cool part of this run the highway set piece which actually has some really neat Tech cutscene skip bottom option attack skip this as well and now we need to skip three cutscenes now this is another rare part of the run where you don't need to use Muscle soda right away you just grab this guy on the right you can grab the guy in the middle but right guy is actually more consistent I think swing him knock all these guys off and now we need to do a bit of a menu now we do want to use Muscle soda you keep your nameless Katana in this equip menu you only switch your left and your right weapons so I put on a crowbar and a handgun and as you exit before the next phase loads in left d-pad take out your crowbar now these guys you want to just group them together as much as possible and use the oh that's not that's not a good start at all oh no this is horrible oh wow um okay I'm glad this happens though because I I get to show some fallbacks the beauty of the Crowbar is it has just such a wide swing oh no yeah gun guys love to do this this is the part where you're supposed to pick the grenade back up and throw it at the guy that's very very slow so what we want to do here is shoot him however targeting as as anything else in this engine in this game doesn't always work too well so be very careful before shooting so pull out your gun carefully aim heavy attack and push your gun away at the end of this very very important to start this next phase without a weapon in your hand because what do we want to do is we want to run up to this guy this time grab the big guy in the middle swing him around when when and I usually use a muscle soda here and pull out the nameless katana there's a chance I could have made it through without using any extra muscle soda but we we have leeway with her muscle soda anyway and I don't really want to take the risk tepioca and his PB actually I think does this whole section with one muscle soda which is an incredible feat I've done it I think a couple of times but it's really really hard anyway three heavy attacks on this Joker and we are done good time to uh sip on your tea or water or whatever else you're drinking that's fine dude it's totally not dead we will actually see him in the finale so it's it's all good all right coming up here this is another place where you can run into a very tragic fight spawn luckily this one's north of us instead of South so we're good oh we actually get both nice all right let's try to Yellow this to the taxi nice so one thing to notice here remember what I said about waiting for a fade-in before moving your analog stick so you'll notice as we Fade Into Millennium Tower there's a lot of guys here if you're careless with your movement you might actually run into them which is not cool so be careful there let's go down here and before emphasis before you start this fight you want to use Muscle soda actually you can use it during this fight but I do find it a bit more consistent to use it before and what I usually do at this point especially if I feel like I used up a lot of my crowbar is I will equip the Oakwood Katana to the right slot again just for the extra bit of safety so interact with this elevator and what you want to do is you want to pull out your nameless as soon as possible and you want to take out kurahashi right at the start with three hits if you have three hits left on your name list don't use any more of it because we need three hits for for a fight in chapter 14. so either use your crowbar or Oakwood Katana that's another reason why you wanna equip that weapon at this point even though it's mostly used in chapter four and then you do feel the heat the reason why you want to do feel the heat after taking care of all these guys is that otherwise you will have like a bit of a weight before you can control Kiri again and it also puts away your weapon when you do feel the heat so it is slightly more optimal to leave kurashi for less of course if you just want to be I don't know if if you stay too close to him and accidentally trigger feel the heat or something else goes wrong it's not that big of a problem like you can still just take care of the rest of his guys but it's slightly more optimal to save him to save feel the heat for last and there's a lot of cutscene skips and a lot more cutscene skips all right so there's a lot of going A to B for the next section of this chapter so there's not really that much to talk about one thing that's really important is at this point in run it's kind of ingrained to you that when you leave Serena you go south on tenkeishi and Taxi that's very very bad because what you actually need to do and again this is one of those places where you can take a cheeky step before cutscene skipping you actually need to go North to to dakamoto now if these guys show up you can try to Yellow them like I just did there on an actual run on a good Pace I probably would have gone for the vending machine on the left kitchen skip this it's in skip this and now we need to go to the taxi at the end of 10 kg man this is some really some really good energy other than a soccer castle at the end which was actually pretty typical of my runs where uh getting some pretty good stuff happening here which you know is typical of a speed run good things only happen when you don't need them this is again a plucked location so you can just Mash confirm skip cutscenes I always have a few Windows along sequence of cutscene skips where I can go to my normal grip from the 90 degree group I was talking about earlier so this gun cutscene is the one where I go back to holding the controller normally and then you just go back to this taxi and go to West Park I realized by the way I don't always use the name for the taxi stop that's in the actual taxi menu that's because I don't really know them because I don't uh tend to look at them for too long so um yeah and this is another place where going at a 45 degree angle against the wall can be useful because it's like launches you down and you only need to go straight down anyway so yeah that's another good place to do that all right come up here skip two cutscenes oh that was frame perfect and I canceled out of it Chinatown this is not Chinatown there's actually a Chinatown or a little Asia in some Yakuza games it's not here though this is called purgatory I'm gonna get another phone call just as you leave cancel out of that as well or cutscene skip out of that another one right as we go between the cone and the sign this guy's gonna pester us as we leave here go to the left and Millennium Tower and you wanna walk up here I used to actually cut scene skip out of this but I think actually text skipping is faster all right put out your crowbar and as you swing use Muscle soda okay yeah I'm definitely going to need backup weapons actually that one is also faster to text skip I just cutscene skipped out of habit whoo luckily we managed to just run past these guys I don't know that you necessarily want to Yellow that I I took a I mean this is a neuron so I really didn't take a risk but that could be risky in an actual run anyway this fight coming up you can if you have enough uses of your crowbar left you can just finish these guys off with crowbar and it may even be slightly faster but I'm actually going to show you a backup so remember the fight against the big boys in chapter 7 in this Clinic I'm actually going to use the same table against these guys haha and now big swing with muscle soda oh so yeah in both terms of reliability and time I would argue that crowbar is better but if you don't have enough crowbar uses then table is an okay backup this one's actually faster to cut scene skip and now we should have plenty of muscle soda left which is good because we're going to need it for the fight coming up we actually do have an extra muscle soda sometimes you don't sometimes you have to use an extra one earlier so it's good to know to be optimal here I'm going to skip this cutscene but oh no I didn't okay I can still pause here actually which one's the guy I wanna okay see this guy on the left with the red shirt he is super super aggro and super dangerous and he goes down to three nameless Katana hits and other weapons take longer to take him out so you really want to make sure that you have a nameless Katana with three uses at this point in the Run you can use your other weapons if you don't have enough but this is the optimal way to do it pull out your nameless Katana and completely with the whole thing [Music] okay it's backup time okay uh that sometimes happens so let me see actually let me see do I have an auto save right before that fight so this time let me actually save before the fight starts by the way you will very very often have fight spawns here as you can see this time they're not dangerous because they're moving away from us but you have those vending machines you have another vending machine there there's lots of ways to get rid of this fight spawn so let me just quickly save here and let me show you how uh hopefully how this fight works when you do it properly alright so wait a bit for the lock on okay excellent now pull out your Oakwood katana and cleanup all right nice this basically ends the part of the run where the weapon route is particularly tight of course we only have the finale left but the finale has a lot of fights in it but there are a lot of good weapons in the finale itself that we use so we don't actually need any of the weapons we picked up now this section is kinda kinda interesting I want to discuss this a bit so we go out here to the taxi it's very very confusing here when I started running this game I would accidentally text it to Thunderbird here because I would think I need to go to tow truck Clan HQ but no you actually just need to go to West Park Okay so two cutscene skips and this is where there's another waiting section the moment we step out of the park what's going to happen is there's a three minute timer that's going to count down and we can't progress essentially until it finishes ticking down so what we do here there used to be a strat that I saw a lot of people use which was very risky which what they did is to pass the time they would actually run down here and here and like try basically they would run all the way on foot to Serena to try to avoid fight spawns and basically get muscle soda on the way there and the risk of this is that if you do get caught by a fight spawn that probably kills your run or at least loses you a lot of time so why did people do this instead of what I'm going to show you which is to Simply get muscle soda here go to this Taxi and just taxi to Serena well the reason for that is going into that taxi menu causes the timer to stop ticking for one second so for one second time save that's something a lot of people did if you feel like going for it and saving one second this way be my guest I find this to be phenomenally unnecessary we are not at the point of this run where we need them one second time saved so badly that you will risk killing your run in like the last 10 minutes just because you might get caught by a fight spawn because not only not only do you have to avoid fight spawns there's like a lot of sub stories that you trigger automatically with Haruka like there's one here there's another one around here so he actually really really need to know where you're going and it can be messy so I prefer to just do it like this but you know your mileage may vary at any rate once you go up here you wanna Park your ass in front of this door and you want to go into first person mode the reason for this is that if you're in third person mode after a while Kiryu will go into a idle animation forget the term for it like so and this pauses the timer and if you're in first person this doesn't happen so at this point we just need to essentially stand here and stare at the door during an actual run this is another possible break actually why why don't I take a break now I waited too long and I'm I don't want the prompts to come up before I come back so essentially we are um yeah just going to stay here and wait for a phone call and cutscene skip the moment it comes back up or at the moment it comes up hmm the Moment of Zen a good moment to like sit back and relax before the finale which uh can be a big time loss if you mishandle it and I I did lose a lot of time in the finale during my uh current PB another thing I want to improve no no no she's possibly put up the Wii Shop music during this part oh and you get to enjoy haruka's puns during this what what does she say uh in this one in the first one that's not the worst one she has some really cringe lines in this that you just have to keep staring at as you're waiting for this trigger any second now any second now all right there you go mesh confirm at the door skip two cutscenes oh it's never good when there's a fight man on the way there up it actually it's it's kind of weird as you're walking out of Serena the fight spawns will sometimes switch around it's very strange anyway again plot location can just smash through it two cutscene skips and that's the uh Kiryu leave moment that everybody enjoys and now we're at the finale so right here just skip the first cutscene turn out to dates skip bottom option tax skip and uh yeah we are we are at the finale this is uh one of my favorite parts of the run this is a really really cool part so starting out here did I remember to pick up muscle soda because if not we're in a bit of trouble is have to run avoiding fight spawns at least all right as you swing this sign and these guys use Muscle soda as usual you should usually be able to get rid of everyone in two swings but sometimes you need a third one all right we go to the right pick up this dark wood sword which is a really good weapon swing just one light swing at the barriers enough and now you want to use life text because the Darkwood sword actually has a lot of charges and light detects they have a really big reach so we like to use them when we can the only reason we don't really I'm so mad this is going so much better than my PB the only reason we don't tend to use light attacks a lot with other weapons is that we're tight on uh uses on charges but uh this is I'm so mad right now you have no idea this is the best finale I've had in months ah K2 at this point you can just throw this sword away pick up Chinese saber put it in your inventory pick up this dark wood sword also put it in your inventory you can and I recommend that you always do pick up this safety Hill for reasons I will talk about later dark wood sword year if you want to be extra safe you can actually put this in your inventory and assign foreign but to be optimal you don't do it and you don't have to do it all right so you want to go to the right here you want to line This hit up so you hit both of these guys at the same time because after you hit one of them with a heavy attack you'll get a qte and if you only hit one of them you'll have to finish the other one off after a cutie so it is optimal to get both of them at the same time let's see if we did it we did excellent remember to do the QT because sometimes I get so excited that uh I forget to do this qte after again if one of them survives just do like an overhead swing after that hit the door quick step through and this fight is the entire reason we play the game in Max fov so let me just walk up here get rid of this guy get rid of this guy and let's look at the map there are three locations on this map where enemies can spawn at this point here here and here and what we want to do is basically neutralize this and this these two spots so that they all spawn here and this is just faster more consistent allows us to get to them faster than if they're coming in from these two spots so this is why we have Max fov and you kind of need to control your camera and make sure that it's looking at these two spots but not at this spot because you don't want you can if you're too close to this spot also prevent enemies from spawning here and that's bad because we do want enemies to keep spawning the fight will not progress until they all spawn so we hang out around here every now and then you need to like go back up a bit oh stop it knocked down by the way it's not run over you can just um oh this is bad I'm actually going to have to yeah so yeah I [ __ ] this up a bit I I had to um let the other guy spawn it to another site if you do lose your dark wood sword if you do get knocked down and it breaks you can just go do the equip menu that I'm going to do right now and use your other dark wood sword you don't need all of it anyway for the rest of the fight so that's a good backup but yeah at this point I would muscle soda up and I would equip dark wood sword to the left slot and the Chinese saber to the up slot put it out here there's going to be a guy with grenades here yeah okay sadly he caught me mid swing generally you can avoid getting hit by that grenade by just dodging appropriately but I just didn't didn't manage to do it get caught mid swing okay and now we are coming to the final fight with our friend uh Men In Black pull out your dark wood sword that you just equip equipped three hits a bit of a step and another one here if you don't do a little step forward after the third hit I find that you usually miss him and he can attack you and actually do quite a bit of damage even on easy it's kinda kinda dangerous to get hit by this guy but in Legend he can just straight up um on Legend he can just straight up one shot to you there and actually like to muscle soda before this fight cutscene skip ryuji 2. going to look a lot like a lot of other boss fights with a few nuances so pull out your Chinese saver heavy attack and overhead now we're gonna have these four qte prompts just be careful with these you can actually miss some of the earlier ones but don't miss the last one let him move a bit and then hit him because he has iframes at the beginning wanna want to draw them out [Music] all right skip three cutscenes here and now this [ __ ] guy I cannot begin to tell you how much I [ __ ] hate this man as does every other Runner of this game so if you don't have enough muscle soda muscle soda up as you pull out the dark wood katana you need to hit this guy with a 3 8 combo hitting him with the last two hits of a 3 8 combo should be enough but I prefer to be safe so we just had two qtes there you want to fail the first one the first one is always a so just Mash X or something like that or you know if you're on dual shock X will be the right one so just match Square I guess whatever button is not the right one because it's actually faster to fail that qte and it only does a bit of damage if you do the second QT however you need to succeed and that puts him in feel the heat mode much like with kurahashi it's actually optimal to finish off his dudes before you do feel the heat so just do feel the heat and at this point sometimes much like shindo much like the Tigers this guy can uh actually break out of feel the heat and start shooting you and even on easy that's got a very very good chance of killing you so if that happens just go here and use the toughness Infinity that we picked up earlier during the chapter but we don't really need it here our HP is very high so I'm just going to feel the heat [Music] oh yeah all right so I know you're thinking look most of these boss fights are really easy that's the last bus at least have you know a bit more challenge to it and he does this Strat is actually very very sophisticated so it's going to start exactly like other bus fights if you need to use a muscle soda here I don't think I need to pull out your Chinese saber heavy heat move and overhead now this QT is I think always Mash B yeah and after this one the big big twist we do second overhead swing whoa the [ __ ] strats in this game anyway you really don't want to miss this qte so just be calm make sure you press the right button and split and that's K to any percent actually didn't take quite as long as I thought it would less than five and a half hours I I thought I would be here for at least six but yeah that's uh the video game thanks for watching I know a five and a half hour tutorial for uh less than two hour run is a bit much to be fair some of these are breaks so the actual final tutorial will be shorter but it's still going to be long again like I said a lot of this is for me just to sum up everything I've learned about this run over the the past couple of months or month and a half rather but yeah that's that's really all I have to say I hope this will be useful for others hope this was an entertaining informative watch and uh yeah I will just leave you with that and also with the recommendation to maybe run other Yakuza gains like zero and K1 which I'm not gonna say they're better runs but they are no but really yeah have fun with this game and feel free to like talk to me if you have questions or suggestions or anything like that I'm always happy to hear from you new runners all right that's gonna be me thanks everyone have a good one bye