is it possible to have more money and more happiness at the same time from my experience mentoring thousands of people about their money it is not only possible but it's it's very easy if you follow the five Zen principles around money that I'm going to share with you in this video it took me many years to learn these lessons and now I pass them to you on the journey to Financial Independence and happiness principle one is abundance mindset the first one is very crucial because having this abundance mentality is getting out of your scarcity mindset and just coming to this beautiful world that there is so much abundance around you and you have more than enough but if you live in a scarcity mindset what if I get sued what if some something is going to go wrong and if your mindset is like that you cannot enjoy your life and you feel constricted if you feel constricted you can expand so if you can open your heart and just trust the universe and just believe that there's more than enough more than enough clients more than enough customers more than enough money so you can feel relaxed and enjoy and focus on giving if you can focus on serving your clients and customers they will come back with their friends and also uh you can enjoy the growth as as much as you can because you're open to the abundance so if you're living an abundant World whatever you do becomes very successful principle two healing money wounds one of the reasons why we fall into this scarcity mindset is is that we have so many wounds from our childhood when we were kids we were scolded about money I remember my mother was yelling at me she was such a sweet person she's never upset about anything except money she scolded me a few times about me wasting uh some money or some resources so when you had this negative or traumatic experience when you were a child this stayed with you so even if you grow up and if you become 25 35 45 you feel bad when you about to make a decision about money because what if I make a mistake like I did when I was seven so healing your money wounds is very important and forgiving and healing the money wounds will open up to a new possibility of abundance why is that it's because forgiving releases energy from the past past if you had this traumatic experience of wasting some money and then you being scolded stayed in your system so this fear was with you for the entire life but if you can forgive what happened and then let go this energy will be also released so whenever you make a new decision you don't have to do that with this fear that was hanging around with you before healing the money wounds principle three discover your gifts so imagine there are two flower shops the first one this florist loves flowers while she's having a chat with a customer she just smiles and makes a jokes and she just talks about the flowers and explain how to take care of them once you put them in the vase or second shop the guy is working as a part-time job he doesn't necessar love flowers he does it because his job he doesn't really care about the flowers and if you ask some questions he doesn't know which florist do you want to go to obviously the one that uh who loves flowers right if we know what we are good at we can focus on more and then uh it doesn't take much effort for me writing uh doesn't require much energy just without thinking I just keep typing and without working hard I can improve my manuscript and uh without just thinking hard I spent two hours in front of my computer because I love writing so if you're choosing your occupation that you are gifted at you don't have to work hard at all because your curiosity will just take you to the next level and if you are better at what you do and if you are super good at what you do they will pay you more and people respect and love you and they uh want to choose you because you love the thing so that's why discovering gifts is very important and that will eventually bring you happiness and wealth principle four trust life one of our biggest problem is that we cannot trust our future and the reason why we worry about money is that we are connected to miserable future that's why we kind of feel like at the rate of it's going my future will look bad I might lose all the money or savings and then I'll be thrown out on the street that's the future we subconsciously see that's why we afraid that's why we worried about money that's why we afraid of our future but if we know or if you feel inside that something good is going to come to my life I'm going to be having so much fun I'll be wealthy I'll be happy I'll be financially free if you see that future in you and in your heart you have no doubts and you don't have to worry about a thing so trusting your life is the essential of happiness but at the same times a lot of people uh say that trust in life is difficult because trust you have to have 100% it's like pregnancy are you pregnant or not I had a client who said I Believe In My Success 95% to me 95% of trust is 0% it's either pregnant or not it's either you trust it or not if you canot trust that you'll be fine you'll be protected you'll be supported and then are you're connected to the beautiful future but if you just uh have this little bit of worry then you believe in the miserable future so just this learning how to trust is so important to happiness and if you can learn how to trust life you don't have to worry about anything for the rest of your life principle five say arigato all the time Arigato means thank you in Japanese my mentor used to sayato is a magic word that opens the door to new possibility New Life new world he didn't really judge what happened to his life by the surface I know people want to say thank you when you have a good gift but sometimes uh life throws a curveball sometimes uh you get unexpected things in your life but if you can say thank you for example if you get laid off or if you are getting a divorce you may feel lousy at the time but after a while you may be able to thank the fact that you got fired you got a divorce because that could be the start of something so nice to your life I read an article one time about uh happiness according to the research 95% of the people said the work thing that happened to them in their life actually turned out to be the best thing uh in their life after five years you don't know it when it's happening but after a few years of bad things are happening to their life you kind of remember in retrospect the bad thing like uh you got fired was a start of your new business when something good happens say arato or thank you to that when something bad happens say thank you to that the great takeaway of doing this is that you don't have to judge if it's good or bad and whatever comes you can embrace it that is a Zen principle of embracing both positive and negative the man who taught the importance of gratitude is my mentor waha who was called the Warren Buffett of Japan if you want to learn more about what his philosophy please check this video right here