Transcript for:
Gameplay Session: Wii U Minigames

what's up guys freedomfire and today we are going to be playing um minigames on the wii u we're going to be playing battle it's actually pretty surprising right now because um it's in like you know full screen view no phone camera recorded so this is actually pretty exciting this is going to be the first time that we actually have a video and pretty much you know in good quality you know not 2008 quality anyway guys so um let's see yeah yeah there we go well let's see no wait kevin my favorite yes kevin i love cavern it's probably my favorite map well favorite out of the three like i guess you know you could call them demo version but they're not really demo versions series time white youtube all right well it looks like we might have a youtuber in here um i don't use voice chat so i wouldn't know i'll just take this why not if we don't get a good stuff then we can immediately just destroy anything in our path all right there we go and we don't need this chest even though that normally we would get it so yes yeah no i'm a youtuber too i need views get out of here i really should have put youtube in my name but i made this account long time ago ow hey i can't give you permission to kill me oh if you had gotten that shot a little bit sooner you would have been killed i would have been killed come on come on come on get over here get over here yeah i need i need i need you i need you to die come on are you kidding me and you you need to stop shooting me with a bow you know i need to kill everyone here like seriously how is this dude getting every shot on me oh yes focus on the other person well i destroy you got him you made them boots these are depth strider they can move faster got them all right move faster and then we put these back on all right now i need to find this last person and then the game will be over all right i can sense they're near i think because i mean there's a ball on the ground so just uh just an assumption that they're in here um vest is regenerating it's right there um i'm not seeing a way or i'm not seeing them and i'm not seeing i don't think i should get that at least i think that i can win this but seriously where did this person go and hide just got a spot movement ouch yeah that was not planned got him let's go let's go we got the final queue boom all right that that was actually a pretty good round see if i shift here yeah i can vote pro gamer strats we got them but okay yeah we can actually fly with an altar this time but into a wall all right come on down there i said down there minecraft player get down there into the crevice please thank you oh i guess you don't want to fly there that's fine thank you okay so we have a nice amount of people now i did get the all kills challenge last time once i get this dragon head i can check the menu there we go yeah i did get all kills three kills um no one else got any um oh look 42 inflicted 42 received that's actually pretty cool they got the exact like they got the exact same damage uh received as k.i has done so that's actually pretty cool okay so we head into diamonds again diamond up there now last time there weren't as many people i mean there's still not too many people there's only one extra person but this time i'm not going to take the chance that this extra person in here knows the way i think there's actually two extra people because the youtube the guy who had youtube and his name quick all right that guy's on the move oh but he's dead now i can both block and destroy because this is the most powerful item in this game you can block like some on fire yeah this is basically the top-notch weapon get over here die die come on die i why do you not know how to uh click or do you not know how how to press a button i mean seriously man this simple i just gotta find just gonna see the movement probably better to do up here oh there you are someone at least uh where'd you go uh it kind of tricked me here a ball more movement detected i see you oh oh there's both movements well you can die and so can you oops uh oh god a diamond sword oh thank you i'll take that and i'll be switching in this let's go go oh you can't see me [ __ ] my sword let's go another round one i'm just too good at this game they left yes i'm just destroying the competition um kevin yeah let's go i'm just going to like annoy everyone i'm going to be that annoying guy who just like votes the one map every time up am i going to get that no yes yes the smoothest dragon head collection challenge ever 29 seconds left on the clock that is a world record i'd say it's just really wow that was smooth i guess the strats are to get caught in the cobweb but just the very edge so you have time to actually fly you want to get caught there we go all right well this is going to be unfortunate for them let's see can i um destroy them as soon as possible alright so this is going to be a speed run for um this game i don't think there's actually any like you know i don't think wii u editions in the category of um speed running especially not you know this that's a scratch or is that it on my gamepad there's something it looks like maybe a cut oh give me that okay come on get ready four three two one come on let's go how many sec how how long was that how long was that how long was that oh my god world record let's go i bet come on that has to be world record i destroyed them with potions i bet i bet they're going to exit the game because out of like anger yeah there we go exited the game it just out of anger boom exited the game i'm mad oh yeah oh yeah nice smack all right i'm gonna actually just go and go in and annoy the heck out of these guys let's see oh no it's not opened there we go now for now i'm only gonna grab this but yeah okay it's actually a bad idea to only grab one yeah i didn't actually hit them oh my god i still can't get over it looks like there's something oh wait no is that just a smudge mark i can't tell it looks like there's like a cut or maybe oh is that a crack in my screen that's a crack in my screen well it doesn't affect me until you turn it uh how is that apparently there's now a crack in my screen but it's not much of a cry oh actually i know i have a screen protector so well uh slowness for you guys oh get up here i do have strength so i could destroy anyone crosses me i hope there are some armor who i don't i don't actually pay attention to the enchantments on armor so i really hope that there's actually stuff in this game that will help me like actually win and like why it says and like stuff that'll help me um when like against fire i need to like say that i fall into lava i need some fire protection there oh someone took that chest that means someone's near that means someone to wreck this chest is that wait no there's no chest there there's a chest on one of those crack my screen protector oh hey i need a regular sword too because i can i just like destroyed oh yes give me that give me that fire as pot probably the most needed potion here oh that guy's mad it was probably the one i killed um all right this will do for now go all right cool oh yeah i forgot in wii u edition you have to move it uh is he like up here or something no he's not fk all right cool so he's actually playing the game huh it's not something you see often most like most of the time the host will just go afk on you all right please be a sword no sword but oh the best healing potions in the game is this regen there i don't need it oh wait i can actually take this throw it on the ground instantly goes into my off hand okay this will show me where they are i i do not see them oh i see them now have they just like snuck around or something are they like down there yep they're down there oh not a smart choice actually they're in the corner are you kidding me this is even more pathetic than the last one was take a bath all right cool but are you he i double shot him i too shot him i know you gotta be kidding me there's more pathetic every day this guy i mean they have had like you know the entire you know how long has this been how long have you been out right we you've had the entire time to train like you've had basically basically your whole life to train and like you don't are you kidding me they are or you decide to play mini games and then you just suddenly like don't actually you you know you know what you know what i mean guys up and i failed i was supposed to you know you know land up there and be able to get something you know or be able to drag up the fishing stand they um stand you can actually drag armor stands see all right cavern please yes let's go i mean yeah that crack is definitely in my screen protector i am so glad i put the screen protector on yep a tiny little crack on my screen protector i know it's in my screen protector because i can actually feel it like i if you scratch your nail on it i can actually feel the screen protector all right i feel good crack please no and follow okay cool two one let's go could have been following me from the redstone now they were they were gotta kill him nope nope not get destroyed yes ouch that did that hurt no i i don't want that to ever happen again punch power i'll take power i'll be your savior all right dang it i i need that kill sorry sorry oh shoot why'd you pick up a diamond sword first of all what are you going to use that for no you stole my kill are you kidding me you stole my kill man oh and the game's already over let's go take a bow just why how i guess there's not many people in this game not many people are even playing still but i mean you know stop posting great quit um but a lot of times um i mean people aren't playing this game anymore you know they are not really going to be playing please die from that ah dang it oh yeah you can't die all right just kill yep there we go alright cool you might be worth it trying to defeat although it didn't seem like you kind i don't know anyway guys so as you can see i actually i know all the good places to get loot and i don't know if it's that i'm good or everyone just is horrible on my pvp here i mean i'm good on the switch too and um that's where some people actually are you know there's some good pvpers they're they're in there but i just don't know whether it's just like you know the type of console i am not good at pvp on the um um i'm not good at pvp at all on the computer i mean i'm okay but i'm not the i'm not one of those you know good you know a good player who always you know always gets the skywars kill you know doing techno blades business or some or dreams business you know others there's that if you shoot both creeper if you shoot both buttons to get the creeper heads or get the creeper faces um that'll appear i think it's like a little hinting towards um it's a little hinting towards the um oh no i'm stuck in the ground i don't want to be stuck let me out all right i gotta rush over there get out get out get out yes let's go although we don't get the boost from the slime that's a bit bad okay rush upstairs smash a jump onto the ladder there we go oh wow smooth all right easy boom one kill uh not seeing anyone else right now oh i need some armor yeah i'm dying if i don't get any armor are you kidding me no more armor oh there we go oh target spotted no you're not getting the chest all right it looks like you got the chest but still going to oh i know someone got to kill my kill that was supposed to be mine [Music] there we go blocking is more useful there's actually useful other than just like you know celebration dance yeah you know it's better it's actually reduces 50 of the damage no no no no you don't get to you don't get to be here don't you want me to use my golden apple oh well i'm poisoned so oh you have one too you're seriously just gonna both spam me to death are you kidding me i got killed by a bow spammer ah dang it i got killed by a bow spammer oh my god that's why i hate bows so much in this game what are they even doing though you call it a victory dance oh my god all right well now i must uh prove myself oh yeah that was a why was that a piece of wood uh i'm not gonna question it um kevin and that's probably why i don't like um cove as much because it's just easy for people to win and plus you can the water slows you down and if you get both spammed in water you are dead like i mean dead dead dead for real i don't know if like i've seen a handful of people i already know about are you kidding me are you gonna yeah huh come on oh yeah get some yeah oh we taking that yes let's go look at how sick i look i don't want your helmet no i got their helmet i didn't want it no oh my god i got helmets i didn't really want that helmet that much yes yes yes yes perfect perfect that and boom we're off jump let's go a lot of people now know about like best chests and good okay chests like you know people now know like hey wait a second this chest isn't always the best you know it's kind of okay but this chest this chest is something i can destroy people with no no you're you're dying come on get over here i could use that actually that'd be nice so i'm not knocking people you know space nope thank you and i'll be taking that even though i'm using a shovel already i got rid of that other shovel alright cool okay right now our problems are where oh they've fallen right in front of us oh and you you are actually going to die easily because you fell fell down all right cool i killed the guy who both spammed at me so i'm a bit happy um but now it's just the final kill i always want to go there now why is there a single singular arrow i don't care someone's shooting at me where was that did you shoot oh oh you there you are no oh okay we're fine if you somehow survive after falling on land you're still dead because the person can just hop down anyway oh my god come on come over here come over here you're dying wait what how does that not hit them that was weakness i don't like weakness but you're gonna die from fall damage wait no you didn't die supposed to die from that let's go another dub all right guys um that's gonna be it for today's video i hope you enjoyed um and yeah i guess i'll see you in another video alright guys bye oh and don't forget to leave a like and