[Music] hey friends welcome back to another video So today we're playing Tesla with Sharpshooter Sharpshooter is so good this week because the faction blessing is head hunting where three units on the field will get upgraded once you kill a boss that is extremely good for this deck we're playing witch and Trapper with it we have a mermaid and we're playing spear Hunters jacket and the Amulet of growth with the uh heroic item there so thank you guys so much for watching today I hope you enjoy this video Tesla is so much fun to play and Sharpshooter is just so op thank you guys and have a great day all right they need to do something that diversifies what you play against too like it's all Monk and Demon Hunter and I and I don't mean like buff and Nerf something every single patch like sure that's changing things but that's not how I want it to be done like I want a better system then you just buff and Nerf things every single patch I don't know it just feels like it's getting old he's got he's got nine mermaid oh my God the counter spells he's got so much counter spell there's the Mana what Mana all right where are damage tiles let's try to merge onto there and get some get a tesler or two on there first would be nice throw some levels on here merge that off for now mer you off for now try to get another one thanks for the raid tlod thank you for the raid my friend congrats on the four why would they care you still enjoy the game though I enjoy the game as well it just that's why I'm so passionate about it when I'm like critical about it whenever I speak about it you know if I didn't care then I wouldn't say anything all right so we'll keep that in a four for now excuse me we'll keep trying to merge on our other ones these two but where's the other one here maybe we could we could leave that guy or we can continue to merge on it's now a tier three I might just leave it I might just leave it let's make it a a tier four and now we might get some merge ranks out of it too Alchemist game oh yeah it could be Alchemist week huh we could maybe do something sometime this week probably not today we had to switch gears so I got to get like uh two to three games here out of out of this Tesla deck see man I feel like trash all of a sudden it's not nice almost done with this drink too is monk or Demon Hunter better for you guys right now I haven't played either since they made some changes here so I haven't really seen it let's do this and get this guy off of here let's get some more merges down here we're only up to 18% right now I really need that to be higher get five here that's pretty good get this guy off here keep merging on those tiles haven't played either been at 5K trophies I might want to start monk 13 did 18 billion against me jeez je Demon Hunter I always beat monk very rare okay so you think monk is better than Demon Hunter for you interesting yeah that's an interesting one what we got here merge this let's get you out of here and merge this down and now we have both of these to get some stuff on I like that keep those two tier fives for now and I don't know what I want to do right now I got buffed to a tier three I probably want it off of there Nate dog thank you for the sub buddy let's get your name on the board where my where my Sharpie go here it is uh there are one two three four spots on the board left before we spin for uh $10 Platinum also this marker that I got with this thing is all already like dead I got to get a new one already it's been like a week and the cap has been closed wow that's pretty wild maybe we just go with one here all right we go with one and I'll merge these guys out keep three Teslas on there that feels good we'll try to merge the other ones off two tier fours huh oh look at that okay I like that oh look at him he's up there getting stunned and stuff he's going to lose with that pretty deck huh dang that's wild you can't lose with that not that quick you got this bro hang in there oh he's got it now look he's coming back he's coming back he's got it all connected up he said not that easy he's not going down without a fight let go up here like this I guess who knows what that'll change into ooh maybe it changes into nothing if he gets fully connected it's definitely going to be a game he got some connected over there so definitely turned it back into a game which is good even if I lose like I'm still happy with it probably monk just does so much damage that I'm cool to losing to like somebody who has a nine mermaid like that see that's another thing that I'm talking about like not only do you just see it everywhere like I might get beat by like a level 9 mermaid with that is just because they have monks it's pretty crazy I don't want these around I'm about to merge these tier fives but I do want some of them um let's try this and get some stuff off our board here o we could do this and merge one of these out get a lot off of the board ah nice I like that tier six there go here okay so let's try to get a a witch down here then or at least besides some of these um some of these tzas one right there would be really good we didn't hit it we definitely need him though all right that up here come on give me the tier one down there I'm still going to need to be doing merging oh does he he's the one that had the counter spells right yeah that counter spell is going to keep him in the game maybe my pocket curse can hit his stuff though who knows maybe I'll keep him low enough we'll see it's going to be questionable it's tier five I can't merge that out uh um o this is not looking too hot what's the tier four going to something give me witch oh perfect that's good that's going to be good for us maybe this tier three can go on something oh go here and then merge with this cuz we don't even want it there okay that's okay I kind of like that let's let's Max this out here and then Max our witch out as well so that we got a lot of damage coming in here oh man so much happening over there it's nice that we're hitting with all these pocket curses hopefully we can lower some stuff down over there I think that's how we're going to end up winning is possibly getting him low enough with pocket curses that could be nice what do we do here a I like this I like that move let's try to get a witch here witch right there would be really good I like this for right now oh it's a lot of stun he's got that counter spell though the counter spell so much counter spell on his side so good if that was a bedum though right there we win so I think we just got to hold out for a little bit we can definitely get a bedum flip off of him we just got to keep the damage up let's go um go for a merge up here that witch will go away here here one and merge this thing out I don't know about this one little sketchy here I love doing that this tile is very buffed up though yeah if we get back to another Tesla definitely throwing that on there now and I really would like to get a witch here by that one this one would have been nicer so I should have merged it up but it is what it is I'm still happy having a witch by that one up there that's really solid damage we got hit by that triuno which isn't great we lost our wit I'm not too happy about that we need more uh we need more Trappers around here huh definitely definitely the more Trappers do I merge this out here maybe I don't know that's so much damage I like it I like it I like it I don't know why I like it probably off the move this let mer you got here we're trying to trying to work our way back to actually we're going to mer this too your Merchant 2 fours out we need him if the next one doesn't have a bed I merge him now I'm mering him now look at that that's really good he said he's quitting the game he told me he's quitting the game sick okay good game that was nasty what's up Nico how you doing 2.5 billion Sharpshooter is nasty if you're not using Sharpshooter use Shar okay so it figures we go from a monk into a Demon Hunter we might be able to beat him I don't know he's got a lowl drad witch and sword so I'm guessing his his crit isn't super high I guess um between like 3 and 4K probably we might be able to take him out how are you in the family is mother-in-law okay oh yeah um turned out to be kidney infection and um it is actually still still there she just got results back again today looking at it and it is still there so pretty crazy that it's still around but um she's doing all right she's back to work and everything so all good what am I going to merge all this [Music] I'll buff this tile up and try to merge on all these other tiles probably I don't want that one super high um give me a Tesla oh sweet sweet that one was going to get ugly probably merge that one out yeah we'll see that's up to a tier three let me merge it off a there how's the basement coming along oh it is good it is good uh I've been posting some pictures in Discord uh maybe I should be posting them in like the updates channel so that you guys can see or the announcements Channel or something like that so you guys can see it consistently but um we have all the walls framed and it is like 98% of the way to um completely wired so um almost done with the electrical completely very exciting and after that we move on to drywall it's coming along fast really fast it is uh what probably I'd say by the end of October we would be in there but I don't know about getting um cuz I still have to order the drop ceiling and and order the carpet and have somebody to H he might install the carpet I don't know it just depends on um his his timing with everything I don't know if he's going to do it or not but um we're going to do um yeah drop ceiling and carpet too but I I still need to order so um yeah you know Rush Royale mural in there no no I don't I don't um I don't know what I'm going to do for decorating man I think it's I just really do not know I'm so up in the air about what I want to decorate the room with I definitely know that back like behind me I want to have a custom like neon sign set up it's going to be really far away um because of the way that the room is so like it's going to be really far back um you're going to have like a long distance before that wall so like I don't want it to be filled with stuff cuz it's just going to be like a long room but on the back wall I want there to be something so I want to do that led sign and then on the corners of the walls and like around the around the corners of the ceiling I'll probably do some type of LED lighting and then um hopefully I know that you can do it with bits I know for a fact you can do it with bits but I don't know if you can do it with Channel points or not I would like for people to be able to um I guess at the minimum donate bits but um use Channel points to control the lighting in the room I think that would be really cool I know that there's a way to do it with my um elato uh stream lights as well I have the air key light air or something like that I know that you can do something with them as well and um I think it'd be really cool if we did like a um some type of like light blast or something like that where people turned it up to 100 which is like I don't know if I can set it on 100 but this is 40 okay so like oh whoops I turned them off hold up yeah so that's 40% if you turn them up to 100% it'd be insane so I would like it if like somebody like donated bits and then it just blasts me with light you know I think that would be really cool what else we got here let's go let's go here let's merge up to a tier three here and then I can merge this off now that's good tier five Sweet let's go here I don't really need this so we'll see what I can do with it I might just make one of these very high so that I'm hitting him like three bosses maybe I'll try to get that up a little bit more make a tier three maybe or something like that I need to get that off of there let's see I'm basically just uh merging around getting rid of Teslas trying to merge out as many witches that I can which has not been many I've gotten very unlucky on getting witch merges we do have 17,000 Mana so let me take a second to go through and spend some of it then um we're just going to throw that there then and try to get as many merges out here as possible while we still I think that's the goal right now I need to get merges on these guys here so that's what we're going to try to do I'll throw that there for now a th000 bits Nate dog you dog what you donating 1 th000 bids for buddy thank you I appreciate it you made me smile look at my cheeks you can tell by the way that they are thank you my friend I appreciate that Nate Dog used to take my code and just like rub it all over himself my market code he was like oh give me some of that then he got his own code and he went away I don't blame you I did the same that deserves the 100% light hold on let me let me let me set up the the 100% then um let me see me copy this paste it here copy this paste it here oh I have 26,000 Mana hold on um this needs to be 100 oh no I'm scared oh that needs to be 100 this one needs to be like 23 and this one needs to be like 23 hey all right all right there we go now if I hit 100 oh my Lord oh my God it's so wow okay that's like hard to see my screen and stuff it's so bright it's seriously like an insanely bright flashlight and I have two of them oh that's unreal what do we do here 34,000 Mana let's upgrade some of this stuff huh let's do anything that I can possibly merge out how about that that's the the new goal these okay all right he just loses anyway yeah that's what I said between like three and 4K crit oh hear that squeaky chair and uh I figured from the the levels of it oh okay 20 Z Ze all maxed out equipment sheesh that's a bit insane huh little crazy let's try to get him merge on our tiles lots of dryads huh I want one Tesla on a tile to start me off and then we'll go from there jeez new to the game would a support witch next to a clock make it stronger no clock doesn't do any damage so uh support witch increasing it's damage isn't going to do anything I guess we go up here give me come on there we go so let's let's hit this a couple times see if we get any Golds out here he's got a tier five sword on one of his one of his Zeus tiles could be the move give me the gold on here ah yeah that's fine that's fine oh yeah we got the pocket curse too that might help us out a little bit yeah definitely at least no clock this time I feel like this is more beatable than the clock game somehow o okay let's use another 700 here and yeah we'll just go like that all right and he doesn't have mermaid does he have counter spells he has one he has one counter spell we might be all right here we might be all right we might be able to win this game with him having one counter spell could be good all right let's let's make sure we're merging onto these tiles and then getting some some Teslas onto them I'd take another one for sure let's let's do this we'll see what that turns into mer L out for now you off of here keep trying to merge onto those witch tiles get our Mana up don't want that tier five there really don't yet oh nice I'll take it I'll take it I will take it we'll just try to get the meres up from our other our other tiles fine by me oo that's juy what do I do with that probably just this I want to get it off of there as soon as possible because I want um I want to be able to merge onto that tile what's up enemy how's it going man whoops is clock worth using at any level or is at level seven pretty useless I'm kind of stuck um yeah it's not good until you have it at like level 13ish I'd say I probably probably wouldn't use it below 13 wow DRS oh my goodness RS are real let's get some of these out of here too I don't want those right now oh okay let's merge you real quick we're just going to go tier three here just so that we can get something onto these tiles it's a big deal to get them leveled up we're 32 that's it's getting me it's getting me I don't want that one to stay that one kind of scares me it might be there for a minute the next Tesla I get on on a third tile I'll keep it so I might merge that off of there merging it on could be really I have dry it I'll merge it and it's pretty early I don't think I need this yet I could I could get rid of this why not yeah let's get rid of that it's so early ah now we got it on this this tile not gra go almost into the 40s [Music] close what to do with this guy I think I'm just going to go another really high Trapper or we could make one really high Sharpshooter at this point let's go let's go here one two three four okay there we go the merges are real I like it this is a six now jeez okay okay so if I get another Tesla on either of these tiles like I'm keeping them at any point now now definitely going to be happy with them at any point made it to a stream what's up tequila we could go here we can always get rid of that that's the tier three we do tier four here why not it's not doing much there it's on the the witch TI let's merge that out oh the ti four oh what happened up there he getting flipped around and stuff what's going on don't do this to me what are you doing what are you doing let it's a little sus I'm not going to lie it's a little sus four five six let's just go here get some stuff out of our way and then we'll continue to merch down here we finally did get that Tesla and then we need um we need we need this to be a Tesla too come on a sweet all right sweet sweet sweet sweet now we need witches on these guys let's get that out of here for now uh I need to keep that though h I need to keep that guy I need a witch oh I do have a witch beside that one now I need a witch beside like that one and then probably this one too that a that sucks oh that's gross I hate I hate our board know I feel like I need to merge I don't know what I need to merge I need to merge something I need a witch here that's what I need I can go tier one here keep it as a tier two okay the witch there is good what can I even do with a tier three this is scary too scary might need to merge this guy out we're going to do it tier four let just said it turns into a Tesla okay I don't like this move but I really want a witch right here really badly want one two three let's go let's make that a tier four maybe we'll be a be able to merge that out I don't know if I merge that left or right pick the wrong one I guess we can go for that then tier three now we can't do anything with that that tier three sucks that's a bad one all right he's getting stuff hit now I didn't want that hit that's like now he can get a Tesla there what come on are you serious that's the one you're going to hit watch it's going to hit the other tier s this time tier s sword all right this turned into something useful look at that this is is that useful I need to keep that I could I could put that h two those can't use that I need to get that leveled up a I can't merge both these out this is ugly we need to stay here for now maybe I merge these tier fives but oh that's that's stressful I hate that that's too stressful now we just need to bedm oh so bad okay all right now we need a bedum come on bedm come on bedum come on bedom bedum of course of course what does not get another bedum I'll be so upset what do I do here do I merge these tier fives and try to make the board better or do I just sit like it feels so bad to just sit on this oh he's he needs to hit that with a counter spell somehow he's got two healing ooh that's good for us too he's got two healing he's got to hit it with swords he hit one he hit one he hit the good one he hit the good one God wish I had this man's luck tonight I had terrible luck tonight I had to switch a whole deck because my luck was so bad all right let's keep it here maybe we hit a bed next time you know uh it's got to be soon right it's got to be soon just need to hit the bed all right come on give me the bedom it can't happen for two games there we go it's on the first boss bro you got to be kidding me it's on the first boss that's so bad I can't believe this maybe the jellies I don't know I don't even know he's going to have to deal with the jellies his board's going to hit by a lot of jelly do I pretty much just sit here then there's not really any merging that I can do at this point unless this gets hit to a tier three I need to merge it out immediately that could be good for me I need to do that if this gets hit I need to merge it out all right after this first boss merge it ah it didn't work didn't work it didn't work all right oh maybe it summons a bedin maybe it summons a bedom oh okay warlock could be good warlock could be good he's going to take these things out though is the thing he's going to take all the bosses out ah not good this isn't good this wave is going to be bad for me it's going to be a bad wave no bedum on this wave either man this is looking scary I'm not going to lie this is looking scary the healing could be bad for him though hey may maybe the Assassin gets him too you know oh he's uh he's got King pudding hit on a lot of stuff so he's really going to have to hunt for some swords good good good good he ended up getting a witch between those two Teslas he's only got three good Teslas that's really nice for us nice okay not too bad for us not too bad for us he's going to end up taking him out like I said he's he's got such he's got a lot of damage on these bosses oh that went ahead though no way yo oh we got him good game good game my friend that was that was a very good game I didn't know if we would be able to take him out or not but um Sharpshooter opoo all maxed out stuff bro strong wait you don't have droing loads hold up you got to have the wrong equipment on man with 6K crit you got to have a spear that has techno on it there's no way man I kind of don't believe that you're just a Bo did you use the wrong equipment I'll give you an out tell me you used the wrong equipment um that's crazy uh good game though uh sharpshooter's so good Sharpshooter is good against that deck it's just uh I got the matchup brother 3.6 billion against Sharpshooter though you really hung in there that's nutty good game my friend good game [Music]