Transcript for:
Lecture on Angels in Islam

so when we're talking about the Angels the prophet saws was asked particularly on the night of Allah you know there were some people that questioned that Journey how he made that Journey there are some people that just wanted to know what it was like and a group of companions came to the prophet saws and they asked the messenger what did it sound like you know what had you seen what did it sound like I mean as you're traveling through these galaxies with rapid speed what is it that you heard out there and the messenger he says he says look I see things that you are incapable of seeing and I hear things that you are incapable of hearing he says said the heavens are creaking means they are shaking violently and there's a reason why the sound of it is like it's shaking violently the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he said as there isn't a space of four fingers except that there's an angel that is that has been created in prostration to Allah that is doing nothing but declaring his Praises so he described the sound of vibration okay I want you just to listen quickly to what it sounds like in outer space NASA actually had a recording from Outer Outer Space they put up 16 years ago right before the turn of the Millennium and the name of the research was our universe is not silent because there was this idea that if you went out to outer space you wouldn't hear anything except for the moving objects just listen to what it sounds like in outer space laughs [Music] obviously you know that's good enough you guys can't hear everything um but if you get a chance to listen to it it's actually quite breathtaking and actually one of the researchers who published that research said that it sounds like a billion men doing Gregorian chants all simultaneously at the same time subhanallah when I heard that I remember this Hadith of the messenger um look I see things that you don't see and I hear things that you don't hear and that's a sign of hope for us as well because we're always paranoid about Jin being everywhere and she althean being everywhere the number of angels compared to the number of Jinn is dramatically different there's a huge difference between how many angels there are are out there and how many Jinn and Devils there are out there so this is a magnificent creation di Malaika they you know belief in them is the second pillar of our faith and subhanallah he says the reason why it's the second pillar of our faith is because of jibrin because the only reason for example we don't necessarily have well we have to believe in the Jinn but it's not necessarily a pillar of Faith right can you be a believer without believing in the gin no you can't it's in the Quran but it's not a separate category of the pillars of faith the reason being that all of the pillars of faith have to do with the Integrity of the message and so the reason why a pillar of Faith there's a separate pillar of faith of belief in the Malaika is because of this angel that brings the message to the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam so it clarifies the Integrity of the messenger to the messenger which helps us fully appreciate this message as well and obviously you know Allah tells us many things about these angels and the thing is is that it's in every culture in every theology you have some form of belief in the Angels right in judeo-christian thought you have a belief in in the angels as being a a creature a creation that you know can make mistakes they've been reduced to fallibility they can fall so you have a concept of Dark Angels Lucifer the devil and in fact they don't actually separately believe in a category of gender simply demons and Dark Angels so they do have that category they do have that belief and within Christianity you'll find many different beliefs about who the specific angels are and what their roles are so for example in Mormonism Gabriel is he's actually Noah right so you'll find different beliefs as to who they are within Christianity and within Judaism you'll find that uh in judeo-christian thought as well the angels are created from fire whereas the prophet saws told us they're created from what from light and that excludes all forms of impurity says Allah chose to create them from the most beautiful creation which is light because that is the CR that is what he chose to create his hijab from his Veil as the prophet saws said Allah speaks from behind a veil of light so it's the most beautiful creation and it excludes all forms of impurity and it's a testimony to their infallibility now do they have physical presences as well do they have a physical presence or are they just light right they do have a physical presence and they have a pretty dominating physical presence right and you know a lot of times when you see portrayals of angels because again you'll find them even in in the thought of Confucius there's a belief in angels even the pagans of Mecca believed in angels but they called them what the daughters of the most merciful so if you looked up a Wikipedia entry of Gabriel for example and you saw the portrayal right and you see the portrayal of most angels and you know in drawings and in sculpture you'll find that they look like babies in diapers right they're very weak small creatures right whereas the portrayal that we find in our religion is that this is a strong creation a huge creation of Allah that do as they are commanded that exclude all forms of faults all forms of flaw all forms of impurity just as we testify that the messengers of God all of them Abraham Noah Jesus Moses David peace be upon them all just as we testify that they are all infallible and that they do not commit those those mistakes the angels as well are completely infallible and do not disobey Allah with anything that's been given to them as Allah tells us in the Quran that they do not disobey a single command of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala they do exactly as they are told however do they love certain things do they hate certain things do they have characters yes they do they're not robots right so you'll find numerous narrations which talk about what offends the angels and what causes them to come near arguments or debates amongst the Angels the angels of mercy and the angels of punishment as well having a character now what do they look like all right Allah tells us they do have wings not those two little weak uh feathery wings that you see they do have wings some of them have two Wings some of them have three Wings some of them have four wings and Allah increases them as he Wills now that automatically tells us that they're of different sizes but what would an average angel look like just an average Malik all right to give you an idea of just an average angel no one enters into his Salah this is just you praying in your room thinking that no one's around you thinking that you're all alone except that there are angels the size of mountains that are praying there with you you think you're in your room all by yourself you've got Angels creatures the size of mountains that are there praying with you that are there glorifying Allah with you all right what about an angel that has a bigger task then an angel that that you know that belongs to a more Elite group of angels how about the bearers of the throne right we mentioned them in our supplications you know we we call them to Bear witness at times Allah Praises this group of angels what do they look like the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he says I've been given permission to tell you about just one of those angels one of the Angels who Bears The Throne of Allah he said said the distance between his earlobe and his shoulder is a journey of 700 years that's just from here to here and the narration of IBN Hussain the prophet saws said a bird could fly that journey in 700 years so it's not just you walking and taking breaks if a bird just was flying continuously for 700 years he'd only make it from here to here on one of those angels so how do we even determine who's a bigger Angel and who's a smaller Angel and what does this have to do with Allah says the greater the task the angel has been given the greater the size of the Angel so that tells you right away that is even bigger than that he's the biggest of the angels and the greatest in size because he has the greatest of tasks okay also belongs to what's known as the most elite class of the Malaika the scholars traditionally called them as they are mentioned in the Quran those who apportion the command of Allah and they are for the first of them and he is the angel that through him Allah it's very beautiful how the scholars classed it they said through him the life of the heart why because he brings Revelation and through Revelation our hearts live so Allah apportions through him al-wahi okay so each and every single Prophet that received the Revelation received it from what's the other thing that does what else does he deal with every nation that rejects the Revelation is also dealt with so anytime you read about a nation and of course Allah tells us in the Quran that we destroy them when they oppressed when they transgressed to destroy a nation simply because they disbelieved Allah sends jibril to destroy a nation when that Nation becomes aggressive with the prophet that's been sent to them and the Believers that's when Allah sends jibril and jibril deals with them in a mighty way the entire uh the people of Islam that entire city was destroyed by the tip of one of jibril's wings they were lifted up and they were destroyed by the tip of one of his wings so it shows you the strength of jibril and in that he says that in that is a sign that these Angels you know though if Allah commanded him to bring the Revelation doesn't argue or debate with Allah when Allah says okay now these people are done they respond to Allah so when Allah tells jibril enough then it's enough all right but through him the the life of the heart spiritual life who's the second angel that you often hear even mentioned physical life is a portion that's how the scholars describe him in that sense uh provision a risk okay provision sustenance uh rain winds is the angel that Allah has chosen to move them in certain ways when Allah commands him to do so so it's a very famous Hadith in Muslim where a man is walking and he hears a voice coming from the clouds and it says go in water the garden of so-and-so and the man follows that cloud and water would not come out of it until it reached a particular garden and it fell on this man's particular Garden Okay the third the next two actually have to do with death so two of them are in relation to life two of them are in relation to death the next two is who is Rafael deals with the taking of people's Souls massively or collectively okay taking the souls collectively how Allah has created this great angel with one task and one task alone and that is to blow the horn and the prophet saws said I lost my appetite for this world when I saw with his lips already puckered to it his eyes gazing at the Throne of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala fixated like stars waiting for the command meaning the entire world rests on and that's it and the prophet saws said I lost my appetite any appetite I had for this world I lost it when I saw Islam the fourth one deals with the taking of the souls individually what's his name actually that name doesn't exist the angel of death he's only called the angel of death Allah in the messenger referred to him as the angel of death who's been assigned to you to take your souls when Allah so this group of angels they are al-mucasimati Amara those that apportion the command of Allah they're the most elite class of the angels and the most elite of that class is now what's jibril's name what are how can you say the name of jibril Islam what are some of the ways to pronounce his name those are five ways that have been narrated through the various all right okay now obviously the name is not from an Arabic origin right or it's not something that that you know you can you can dissect uh simply by using the Arabic language so you go to the origin of that name now what do you keep on hearing you tell me what you keep on hearing what do you keep on hearing heal right ill means Allah there's no dispute there about the meaning of Eid the first part of the name though has caused a lot of debate right what does gibra mean what does Mika mean the traditional opinion which has been traced to the sahaba uh Hussain and many others is that means means servant the slave of Allah that's the one that you'll find in tafsiro tabari and so on so forth that jibril is which would be the smaller ABD you know in in the amongst the companions you'll see Abdullah has a younger brother named or Abdullah has a son named that's the traditional opinion however when you study the root of gibra it comes from the root of which means strength which also ties into another description that Allah gave him which is the one who Allah gave a massive amount of strength okay Allah Allah Praises his strength two times Allah calls him he possesses a mighty amount of strength so it could either be that Abdullah or the one who's been given an amazing amount of strength from Allah all right so that's his name and that's the meaning of his name now what are some ways that the prophet saws and Allah refer to him this is truly interesting when I started my research the very first day my eyes got big because I started off with al-bukhari I said first I'm gonna take all the Hadith about jibril from al-buhari the very first Hadith I pulled from al-bukhari that mentioned jibril the prophet saws I was like what The Book of Revelation a million times and I never paid attention to that when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam referred to jibril he often said which obviously we usually refer to breed as may peace be unto him but the prophet peace be upon Him invoked salawat on him as well prayers upon him as well as the scholars say to show his status amongst those that the prophet saws was referring to the only person that you see the prophet saws do that with other other than jibril or the only creature that you see the prophet saws do that with other than jibrid on a frequent basis which was traditionally understood again to show the position of Ibrahim alaihissalam or salallahu alaihi wasallam in our faith right so sometimes the prophet saws would say that all right another thing the prophet saws often doesn't even say his name you know how he refers to him the one who's with my Lord right to show how close he is to Allah Allah refers to him in multiple ways and I can't go through each and every single time Allah refers to jabira Islam it's too extensive of a study inshallah in the future will be able to get to it but just the common themes the most common theme that you find is the word Spirit or Soul okay Allah calls him the Holy Spirit Allah calls him the trustworthy Spirit the truthful Spirit Allah calls him ruhanna our spirit right which is a means of veneration in the Arabic language when you were when you attribute something to yourself it's a means of venerating it so when Allah says the house of Allah it's a means of venerating the Kaaba likewise Allah says our spirit as a means of venerating now what does that mean why is jibril constantly being referred to as the spirit and there's so much Beauty to the explanations that are given all right one of them is that jibril brings what gives a person a soul what settles the heart right in essence as Allah says weren't you dead and Allah gave you life God gives life through what Revelation so in in some of the scholars they said that he's called that because he brings that which gives you a soul in the first place which gives you life right and if you dissect with the root letters of Ru then it's the same root as which is to comfort which is to settle just as the soul settles the body is that which settles the hearts so he's called another one is that that the spirit of something means in the Arabic language the best of something it's Allah praising the purity of Islam like he's the cream of the crop a third one which is the most interesting one and the one that chooses and the one that has the greatest evidence to it and it's quite fascinating is that jibril is the first living breathing creature of Allah he is the first creature that's ever been given a soul without any parents without anything without anything to you know any prerequisites to it he was simply brought into existence and he was the first thing brought into existence with the soul how is he brought into existence you know when babies are born they make all these noises and they figure things out right they're cute noises sometimes and they're not so cute noises at other times they make all these noises and they start getting to Baba and Mama or whatever it is that they get to right what about the manika what about Islam when he was brought into existence what did he say Right Said as the angels are brought into existence they say there is no power or might except that of God we have none so as jibril was brought into existence this first Soul he said and as these angels are constantly being created because they're perpetually being created they have no gender they have no desires they have nothing to distract them from worshiping their creator they all come into existence saying so that's one interpretation is that he's the first and there's some evidence to that inshallah uh which hopefully I'll get I will get a chance to mention inshallah in a few minutes also Allah calls him that he's a noble messenger just as the prophet that's been sent to you is a noble messenger the messenger that's been sent to him is also a noble messenger Allah says Allah says he possesses Mighty strength and why would he need to possess Mighty strength I mean think about it Allah speaks to him directly with Revelation and then he has to guard that Revelation from anything that tries to interfere and then he deals with those that reject Revelation so he has to possess a mighty amount of strength and Allah says he is stable in his position with the owner of the throne the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that resides directly under the Throne of Allah so he's stable in his position Allah says he is obeyed lovingly and he's trustworthy even connected and ameen together okay what is it that made the prophet saws so beloved to people before being a messenger of God I mean his truthfulness his trustworthiness so some of the scholars say likewise none of the Angels you'll find this in the Dynamics of the conversations between jibril and the rest of the Angels they love him they obey him they trust him they don't question him they recognize that he is their leader and he's beloved to the rest of the Angels they know his position with Allah and so they all love him and they all obey him Allah also says about that he is completely free of fault and even if Allah was to praise a certain quality of jibril then you could still have all of those impurities that have been Associated to him by other people so Allah decided to defend by just simply saying he is free from all imperfections so he embodies perfection in body mind and soul who said it refers to his his size and his Beauty right and there is absolutely no deficiency has created him with absolute perfection the last name that I'm going to give you guys and then we'll move on because of time is not necessarily a name from Allah or the messenger it's from who knows the Bible and he knows the scriptures before and let's see what he says about this Encounter of yours in this is who was sent to Musa now the word namus is an interesting word it's interesting that he chose that word what does the word Jesus mean in the Arabic language billiona students none of the being a student said anything that's sad all right Jesus means spy okay Jesus means spy all right is there anyone in here Jesus he used to say Allah and the angels send their prayers on the second row not the first row because all the jealousies all the Jesus are in the first row all right no offense guys in the first row all right now Jesus is a spy what is the technical meaning of Justice it's a person who carries an evil Secret all right Jesus is someone who has an evil secret why did waraka call him namus namus is someone who carries a beautiful secret he's concealing a beautiful secret which is the secret of Revelation so those are the ways to be Islam is referred to in the Quran and the Sunnah what did he look like now jibril took on multiple forms right he took on a human form sometimes he take on an Angelic form but it wasn't his full form so the prophet saws would see a light and he would hear the voice of jibrian likewise the prophets before but they weren't seeing jibril in his full form what does he look like when he's in his full form the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam says and he had 600 Wings not two or three or four 600 Wings not only that the prophet saws said he filled up the entire Horizon and he was sitting on a throne that Allah provided for him and the prophet saws said not only are those 600 Wings spread out he said there are constant rubies and Pearls falling from his wings it's just a plethora of rubies pearls and all of these precious things falling from the wings of in a narration in Ahmed the prophet saws the color of his wings are green and The Souls of his feet are green can you imagine how beautiful of a of a sight that was for the prophet saws and of course a horrifying sight as well because of how how huge was the prophet saws only saw jibril in this form twice it's a very hard sight to grasp it is a very magnetic you know it's it's a huge thing to grasp jibrid in his original form that's what he looks like in Angelic form all right unparalleled by any of the Angels okay what does he look like in human form now jibril can assume multiple human forms he can look different okay but when he came to the prophet saws he had a consistent human form now I'm going to give you guys the full Hadith from a NASA because it's it's beautiful how the prophet saws explaining to the companions after this after marriage how they look he said I saw Musa and he said Islam looked like a man from two tribes what is the prophet saws talking about are two African tribes not only are they African tribes were a tribe that had darker skin than anyone else the prophet saws is speaking to a people who are emerging from one of the most racist societies on the planet and he's telling them that look Musa doesn't look like Christian Bale all right looks like one of those people that you guys actually used to look down upon the man who Allah spoke to kalim Allah directly the man who's mentioned more times in the Quran than anyone else is a dark black man deal with that if you're racist right so the prophet saws says that's what Musa looked like and actually in one narration he pointed to al-badia he pointed to some of the Bedouins said look that's what Musa Islam looked like all right so that you get a good idea of it okay secondly he says and then he said Ibrahim and I saw Ibrahim who did Ibrahim look like he said I've never seen a man that looked more like me than Ibrahim never and subhanallah what's so profound about that if you go and you look up the physical description of Abraham from purely judeo-christian sources here's how he's described obviously the of the Prophet saws the descriptions of the Prophet peace be upon him are far more extensive but what did Abraham look like from judeo-christian sources broad shoulders long black hair that almost reached his shoulders a thick black beard that had gray hair sprinkled throughout its and deep black eyes that's a description of Abraham the prophet Saws and he told the wife of uthman who was his daughter he said no one looks more like your father rasulullah and your grandfather Ibrahim than your husband the footprints Ibrahim some people actually commented that they matched the footprints of the Prophet saws so even his foot size would be the same as Ibrahim okay then he said and he said jibril looked like Allah you guys are like who is that now is a very interesting man how many of you heard of before right not many of you is not a household name all right from the companions of the Prophet saws but he was there in all of the razawat he served in all of the battles with the prophet salallahu he was there at the time that jibrian presented himself to a large group of companions which completely puts to rest anyone saying that dickhia was posing as jibril he was there when jibril came in human form amongst many of the companions of the Prophet saws jibril Islam didn't look exactly like but if you saw him up close all right he looked almost like him but you could tell if he was in front of you directly in front of you that he's not but who is all right why is it that jibril chose him was called the Yusuf of banuncal what did Yusuf Islam what did the women comment about Yusuf Islam Karim this is a noble this is a beautiful angel right so was called the Yusuf of banukal women could not keep their hands off of all right which is why used to stay away from public site for the most part because women would throw themselves and the prophet saws in his wisdom you know if and I happen to come across this actually I found that he has mentioned the prophet saws sent him to heraculous okay and even Allah said because of how handsome is when he went to heraculus in Jerusalem to the Romans he caused the Ruckus In The City everyone came out to see him right so everyone wanted to know what the messenger of the Muslims look like what the messenger of the messengers it is a really really good looking man all right and Islam does he have the form of I mean how close is it it's so close that um says one time I was sitting with the messengers and all of a sudden I didn't you know she didn't even hear the door open and close she just thought he is sitting next to the prophet saws so she said I just left right and then the prophet saws you know he came to me and I didn't hear the door open or close again so it's not like he left again he came to me and he says what did you see so she said that the prophet saws he smiled then he caught then he stood on them on the men but he stood on the pulpit and he said jibril just came to me and she said that's when I realized that that wasn't there right so he looked strikingly similar to the Allah however how is it did always look like so when he went to Mariam did he look like when he went to no if was sent to a prophet he would resemble the most beautiful person of that prophet's people so if he was sent to an African prophet he resembled the most beautiful person from that people when he if he was sent to an Asian prophet he resembled the most beautiful Asian man that was amongst those people he resembled whoever was the most beautiful amongst them subhanallah as a sign of his nobility so it's not a consistent form but when he was sent to the prophet saws in human form this is what he looked like just that absolute perfection the most beautiful man that was amongst um the Arabs of that time now how old is Jubilee isang what is his age right we said that one of the opinions is that he is the first creature that's been given a spirit what is the evidence for that statement it's the authentic Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Allah when Allah created paradise and hellfire he sent jibril to go look at Jannah which tells you that jibril was there before Jannah or Hellfire even existed now obviously human beings and Jinn don't go don't come into the picture until after the creation of Heaven and Hell all right and obviously he's the chief of the Angels so it makes sense that he's the first of them that's created so this is our first encounter now that we see between jibril and Allah Allah creates paradise and hellfire and he sends jibril to go look at Paradise and he says he says go look at it and see what I've prepared for the inhabitants of it now there are no one's been created yet but Allah says jabil go look at it and see what I've prepared for those that will eventually enter into Jannah as subhanallah what's profound about that you know that new car smell that new house smell right now with Jannah obviously it always has the new gender smell it always is new right it just never gets old right but jibril is the first one to Feast his eyes on that place with its rivers and palaces and mansions and subhanallah everything that he saw so jibril comes back to Allah with a sense of excitement and he says he said I swear by Your glory o Allah No One's Gonna hear about this place except that they're going to enter it I don't care who they are what kind of creation they are No One's Gonna know that a place like this exists and miss out on it right then Allah surrounded with obstacles hardships it's not that easy he wanted to show jibril it's not like that he sends jibril back to Jannah to look at it again comes back the first time he was excited the second time he's word he says he said I swear by Your glory now I'm afraid no one's gonna get into Jannah right how are they going to get past these hardships and these obstacles to look at Hellfire and he said look at it and see what I've prepared for its inhabitants jibril came back to Allah and he says he said I swear by Your glory no one's going to hear about Hellfire and enter it when people know what Hellfire is like they're going to make sure that they avoid the things that would cause them to enter into it so no one's going to enter Hellfire then Allah surrounded Hellfire with desires and ease tests trials in a different way right with goodness jibril goes and he looks at it and he comes back to Allah he said I swear by Your glory now I'm afraid no one's going to be safe from Hellfire now what this shows you right away by the way is that jibril has a love for the people of Iman he has a love for the people of Faith before they've even been created how did Allah put jibril to ease foreign the Believers have succeeded those who have humility in their prayers The Secret of your success was already put in the moment that Hellfire and Paradise were created before you were created Salah was made the determining Factor your prayer Allah tells jibril no not everyone will enter into Hell Fire the Believers who have humility in their prayers they will enter into Paradise they will be saved and they will enter into Paradise subhanallah it starts from there but this tells us something about from the very start right what he's like his character in that regard his love for Iman now what is the relationship done between Allah number one he is he is the one that Allah speaks to from the Angels now you might be thinking to yourself doesn't Allah speak to all of the Angels no just as there are particular human beings that Allah speaks to directly there are particular angels that Allah speaks to directly so he speaks all four of the angels we mentioned that a portion the command of Allah there are narrations of direct communication between Allah and them but Allah always speaks directly to jibiri so for the other Angels Allah might send jibria to them right even the others of those that apportion the command of Allah Allah never sends another Angel to talk to jibril Allah speaks to jibril directly then jibril goes out and delivers the message to the rest of the Angels so he is from the angels with the prophets and we see that frequently and many a Hadith will cover it Allah calls right whereas never the opposite where someone else was sensitivated with the other prophets of Allah there is not a single prophet of Allah that you study except that there's a mention of jabriel seriously just go through the stories of the prophets you'll find dimension of in some way shape or form he's got to be there because he has been sent to 124 000 prophets and the Hadith there were 124 000 Ambia amongst them 315 were Messengers he has been sent to each and every single one of them to teach them to raise them to support them to protect them he was there he's got a first-hand account what is another title that he has with them he is he's the one who supports the prophets he AIDS the prophets he doesn't just Aid them by bringing them revelation he plays a multitude of roles in all of their lives in fact if you go through them quickly like where are the narrations that mention Islam I'm not going to go into detail with any particular Prophet story but just some highlights to get an idea and then we'll move on to the prophet salallahu with Adam there are narrations that mention jibril was the angel that Allah sent to gather the dirt that would be used to create Adam or any of them in and of themselves no but that shows you where the Mansions of jibril come that early on in the very creation of Adam when Adam was expelled from Paradise did Allah communicate directly with Adam anymore did he no now jibril becomes the the the the intermediary between Allah in Jannah Adam Islam was spoken to directly says that actually is probably a greater blessing that was taken away from him than Jannah that Adam used to be spoken to directly from Allah when he left Paradise Allah started to send jibril to him only jibril became the means of communication to Adam one Adam passes away they didn't know what to do with his body obviously because human beings had never experienced death before Allah and a group of angels they washed the body of Adam they shrouded Adam they buried Adam so he's there from the very start even with Adam you also find the narrations obviously that mention him with Idris who is Enoch the son of sheath the grandson of Adam what you can take from the narrations about him is that he's a man with him he's a man with high Ambitions that you know is very prone to calling people to good and forbidding evil I'm the first one to write with a pen and so on and so forth a person who loves darwah there's a very famous narration about Idris that Idris wanted to know how much time he has left why did he want to know how much time he has left because you know you know for people for most people it's that you know you want to party it up until the last day like if you know the date of your death well okay you know I'm gonna party it up and then on that day tilba right just have it on your calendar repent then die right it doesn't work that way right is that why Idris wanted to know the date of his death no drisa Islam wanted to know the date of his death or he wanted to know how much time he had left because of his aspirations of death because of his he wanted to know how to adjust his goals accordingly so he tells to find out for him and the reason why I mentioned this narration right now is because one thing to note about Jubilee as well he is the only one that can take a prophet through the heavens and bring him down he's the only one that can Ascend or descend with any of the prophets of Allah through the heavens he takes and he ascends with him and in this you know and in these athar which are primarily from the people of the book he meets the angel of death in the fourth heaven and in the fourth Heaven Islam asked the angel of death that this is the servant of Allah Idris and he wants to know how much time he has left and the angel of death says you know I was amazed when Allah told me to take this man's soul in the fourth heaven so he dies in the fourth heaven who obviously is the most strict of Hadith he says that these narrations are strengthened and corroborated by the evidence from the prophet saws that when the prophet saws where did he meet Idris in the fourth heaven so Idris is the only man that ever died in the heavens right and Allah and that's one of the interpretations we raised him to a high position and biblically Enoch dies in the fourth Heaven okay so it's corroborated by the evidence from the messenger as well so you find that mention of jibril responding to the request of a prophet taking him through the Heavens to meet Allah or to meet the angel of death uh to help him to answer his requests the most uh the most mentions of jabir Islam with any previous Prophet are with Ibrahim and his family so Ibrahim who is subhanallah mentioned so highly by the prophet saws this is this is the middle of Ibrahim this is the religion the way of Ibrahim you find the mention of Islam with Ibrahim on numerous occasions you find it from the moment that Ibrahim was thrown into that fire now I mean who says when Ibrahim was to be thrown into the fire all of the Angels wanted to help him Mikael was waiting for a command from Allah to put the fire out I mean Allah could have easily just caused it to storm and the fire goes out all of the angels are waiting and wondering why there's a delay in the command to do away with the fire or to protect Ibrahim so jibril comes to Ibrahim and he says is there anything you want me to do for you Ibrahim knows why jabri is asking that question he says he said look if it's from you I don't want anything from you he said if it's from Allah then okay he recognizes that jibril was not given a command from Allah to put the fire out so if it's from Allah then I'll take it if it's from YouTube look Allah has a plan right so jibril is telling Ibrahim why don't you just ask him just ask Allah it'll all be dealt with Ibrahimovic Allah knows my situation his knowledge of my situation makes it irrelevant for me to ask now that's not for us that's for the prophets of Allah meaning Allah knows God knows what's happening right now so Abraham knows that you know what Allah is going to make a way out of this all right so wants to help him and that's actually the origin of the words according to Abdullah and Masood and many of the companions of has to be Allah that Ibrahim was the first one in that situation to say Allah is enough for me and he's the best of protectors and obviously the plan of God the plan of Allah was what that the fire wasn't going to burn Abraham was be cool and peaceful so we see it there right we see it from that moment in the fire ibrahima Islam moves on he goes to you know comes into the picture Ismail is born then obviously Allah commands Ibrahim to leave them in the desert then comes the very long one of the longest Hadith actually in is this Hadith where the Prophet saws mentions running from you know from from sofa to marwa running around carrying her baby Ishmael looking for anyone to help her she's in an abandoned place there's no one there right and the prophet saws all of a sudden she heard his sounds she said come forth if you have anything good to offer so the prophet saws suddenly it was jibril then the prophet saws did this all he did was this he struck the ground with his heel this is called Hadith Musa which means a Hadith that has a signal in it Hadith that has was he just struck the ground so every narrator of this Hadith had to do that by the way even Abbas said he just did this and said he just did this and every single narrator says he just did this when jibril did that the water obviously started coming from the earth and and you know in huge loads zamzam comes bursting out of the ground and the prophet saws have mercy on the mother of Israel what she did was she carved out the well because she was afraid that the water would go all over the place and nothing would be left and the prophet saws said had she not done that then the entire Earth would have been touched by zamzam each and every single part of the earth now subhanallah think about the miracle of zamzam right you know how big it is in dimensions eight by three it's only eight by three if any of you have ever seen zamzam ever gotten a chance to actually go down there and see it it's only eight by three it's a very small well if you see how they fill the coolers now in the Haram they've got literally they've got hoses that are connected to zamzam and they're constantly filling up the coolers all of that till today you are drinking from the foot of jibril from that moment that jabir did this with his strength Allah has caused that well to constantly produce talk about a wonder of the world now scientifically I need to mention this because this is phenomenal zamzam's only eight by three and in an official research that was done on zamzam it pumps 8 000 liters per second 8 000 liters per second that means 691 million liters per day think about how many millions of gallons I mean they're you know subhanallah people are constantly drinking from it it has never dried up that's just from the strike of judea's foot okay you're still drinking from it till now so that's your connection to jibril until today subhanallah now obviously that's where this man so he bails them out Ibrahim on the other hand has settled now with Salah and they've come to this acceptance that you know what we're just not going to have kids was 100 years old around that age uh Sarah his wife was 10 years younger than him so that would make her about 90 years old and they've kind of just they've accepted now that we're not going to have kids they've settled they're okay with it she's Barren that's that's it it's the Qatar of Allah now obviously Ibrahim lives a very long life extreme historically speaking Ibrahim Ali Islam outlived his wives he outlived his children he outlived many of his grandchildren he resettled in Philistine and Khalid okay he got married again over there he had six children and he's buried there so if you were to put a timeline on Abraham's life on ibrahim's life it's a very very very long life that he lived okay now what happens in this situation now as they've kind of settled and gotten used to this Allah says the noble guests of Ibrahim come to visit him who are the noble guests of Ibrahim they definitely included jibril according to most of the scholars it included Mikhail and Malik elmot the angel of death as well so it's because another job to do but a group of guests some angels come to visit Ibrahim they don't announce themselves they don't say that they're Angels but they just appear to be strangers just walking through Wayfarers Ibrahim sees them as they come is doesn't say who are you he greeted them with an enthusiastic salaam like go ahead come on in guys have a seat right it wasn't you know nowadays you don't say salaam to someone unless you know them right that's one of the signs of the day of judgment you know what's a greater sign of the day of judgment is New York where you don't greet someone unless you know them right you can't even say hi how are you to someone unless you know them okay but salaam is something that's taken away Allah is showing us the adab of Ibrahim he tells these guests come on in have a seat guys he goes and he tells we've got guests that he came carrying this huge meal this huge roasted cow right cooked done well you know a huge portion he puts it on the table and you know this is his his generosity towards them but what happens the true definition of awkward silence they just look at him these angels cannot eat they physically cannot eat even when they appear to be human beings Allah has completely taken desire away from them completely taken food and drink away from them so what Islam do you know in some culture is the appropriate thing to do there are some parts of the world that are where they actually put the food on the table and the hosts leave and they let you finish the food and come back so that you're not shy and some cultures primarily Arab Desi culture they open your mouth and just force it down your throat right just eat right and you actually have to like hide or you got to eat at a really slow pace unless you want to eat like four plates of macclub or Biryani right it's it's a bit shameful if you don't do that right he has good he has good manners so he doesn't do that he just he just pushes the tray closer to them they still didn't touch the food it's still an awkward silence he says aren't you going to eat now in that situation was there a conversation that took place according who narrations from him and said and others at that point the angels in order to make an excuse for themselves they said look we don't eat things unless we pay for them go ahead and eat it and then pay later they said what's the price how much does it cost he said that you start Bismillah in the name of Allah and that you end in the praise of Allah so there is an apparent way out right for Ibrahim Islam that he made so the Angels now Say Nothing at that point what does Allah say I mean think about if you were in the place of ibrahima Islam you just served the generous meal and they're just kind of looking they're looking at you like can't do anything about that right at that point Ibrahim became scared on the inside notice Phoenix he didn't say anything it was inside of him at that point the angel said okay fine don't be afraid on top of that gave him the Glad Tidings of a knowledgeable young son this old man and his old wife by the way Allah has the knowledgeable young son that's on the way this is something to take place in the future in fact many of the scholars say the Angels were not going to give him the Bushra at that time they weren't going to give him the Glide times at that time but to put him to ease okay now Sarah is listening in from the other room because she's getting scared too now because these guys aren't doing anything so they must be up to no good as soon as they say that what happens she comes screaming hysterically slapping her face he can't have kids I can't have kids what are you talking about how's this happening you know what's going on here now is the one who's speaking now because jibril is the one who gives the Bushra of the child in the first place so jibril always answers with one word First Catholic look it's just like that and says because that's the terbi of the Malaika that's how the Angels were raised they don't ask those types of questions how is this happening Allah decided it's going to happen it's just gonna happen look it's just gonna happen that way and they say to her that your lord is most wise and most knowledgeable usually it's most knowledgeable most wise but it's switched around because the scholars say she wasn't questioning the knowledge of Allah she's questioning the wisdom of why this is happening now why now after all these years comes into the picture then she's left behind with this man why now look it's that's the way it goes now notice Ibrahim didn't do anything right at the most the narration says he praised Allah he thanked Allah but there is no flipping out like oh my God I got the news of a kid yes finally this is happening none of that nor is there how's this happening why is this happening he's watching his wife over why this is happening Ibrahim is is calm and how calm is he notice is something that you really wouldn't notice in a moment of shock like that he says that's nice but what are you Angels really up to because Ibrahim recognized that if this was a Bushra of a child if this was the Glide times of a child it would have just been jabriel what are the angel of death what's the angel of death doing here and what's the other angel doing here why the other Angels says something beautiful here he actually noted why Ibrahim Islam did not say anything or did not flip out and and you know lose it he says that Ibrahim he was used to strange things happening to him in life you know those people that sit on roller coasters and nothing phases them right they've been on every roller coaster in life anyway right Ibrahim has been thrown into a fire and it didn't burn him right he was to slaughter his son and his son turned into a realm he's seen so much in his life that he has this trust in Allah that you know what it is what it is and he was used to it so he simply says but what are you really up to and they said we have been sent to a transgressing people we have been sent to the people of his nephew the only person that believed in the prophet saws that believed in the prophet Ibrahim aside from his wife who went out and subhanallah I mean he's like when the prophet saws called out to his people and he said I'll support you Allah supported Ibrahim very early on and he grew in his own Ambitions and he went out to do Darwa in another town nearby so when Ibrahim heard that that they were sent to the people of Lut what did he do he forget about the child right now he started arguing with the angels on behalf of Islam and they said what look we know Luther's there we know the Believers are there they're going to be fine it's those that have transgressed and those that have oppressed a beautiful uh lesson we take from this by the way as well notice that on the way to destroy a nation they just gave the Glide Tidings to Ibrahim of a child that's going to produce Nations one of the the largest nations on Earth bani Israel right and in that as if you turn away Allah replaces you the irony they're on their way to do away with the nation and they're giving the Glide Tidings of one child that's going to produce one of the largest nations on earth subhanallah a nation of prophets a nation of Ambia and so on so forth okay so he plays that role with Ibrahim finally when Ibrahim and is finished building the Kaaba and Ibrahim said oh Allah show us the rituals [Music] step by step he took him through the monastic of Hajj right he walked him through it the same Hajj that you do the same Hajj that was revived by the prophet saws he walked him through it and one shaytan tempted him from the places where the jamarat are today jibril is the one who told Ibrahim to throw stones at him and we do that today in commemoration of that moment that jibril told Ibrahim throw those stones at shaytan so subhanallah look at that tradition look at that rich Legacy that we have from that moment that jibril is the one who taught Ibrahim the Hajj in the first place now sometimes the mention of is not as prominent not as pronounced so for example in the story of Yusuf do you ever associate Yusuf Islam you don't I mean you don't see you could listen to an entire series never comes into the picture but he is there right and you know one of the scholars he pointed out he said subhanallah if you look at even the way that Allah describes Yusuf this is a tafsir tidbit that I can't go into detail with Allah says that when Moses peace be upon Him reached his age of maturity was Stella which according to Muslim Scholars is 40 years old meaning at that moment that's when Allah gave him knowledge and wisdom okay Allah gave him those things done his prophethood started when he was at that stage of maturity Yusuf is when he reached his age of maturity we gave him uh wisdom and knowledge to show that yusuf's prophethood started at a much earlier age his journey with Allah starts at a much earlier age where is his first encounter with jibril you know where it is when his brothers threw him into that well and Yusuf alaihissalam went plunging to the bottom he landed in the hands of a man that he's never seen before to make sure that the fall was not too harsh on him and subhanallah you think about that comments on that in that is a sign that the creation never catches the ropes except that the Creator catches you Allah does not lose you Allah does not let you go to waste from the moment his brothers Cut the Ropes he was caught whether jibrid even spoke to him at that point whether that's the meaning of that you will one day that we revealed to him that you will one day uh you know inform them of this affair and you will one day this will one day come back to them whether that's the meaning of it or what he was just inspiration here Allahu Alam it seems to be the latter but still jibril caught Yusuf so sometimes it's very subtle though you don't hear it prominently being mentioned that's a pretty significant role that Yusuf did not go crashing to the ground instead Allah to catch him sometimes you see the mention of jibril not necessarily with the prophet that's being spoken about in the story but with the enemy of that particular Prophet so with Musa now realize this is the angel that was sent to Musa and there are multiple reasons for that one of them that the prophet saws would challenge a tyrant of their own in his own um and would challenge a regime he would challenge a system of Oppression the politics of that time just like Musa did this wasn't about theology this was about replacing a system of corruption and when you do that you're going to be turned out just like Musa Islam was another one says out of all of the prophets and Messengers Musa received the most extensive Revelation the Torah and its origin was the most extensive there it was the greatest revealed in the sense of volume of any book that Allah had ever revealed to a messenger the Quran Was Made Easy for memorization it is not as thick as the Torah was all right so obviously jibril taught Musa a lot he was with Musa a lot but the most of you know the narration that we see an authentic mention of jibril in the story of Musa is actually with his enemy it's with and it's authentic Hadith that jibril came to the prophet saws and he told the prophet saws you should have seen me the day that firaoun died now why would Japan even be telling him this is It's a you know like you want to know what I did the day he died no it's to show the prophet saws I'm like look abujah is a mini for their own wait to see what happens to him don't worry you should have seen me the David Allen died Prophet saws said what happened Islam said as he was drowning in the bottom of the sea he said I went and I found him and I started kicking dirt into his mouth foreign knows that Allah is so merciful that even has a chance and he was afraid that with that one moment of repentance Allah would void all of those years of corruption and tyranny and by the way you know I know that you know we like to compare modern-day dictators to Federal rightfully so but firaun is the worst all right you've got to understand that you know I know and this is the consensus of the scholars right that firaun is the worst human being I mean he combines all of the worst qualities in a person that's ever been created you know through Mankind's he's here right and he's the worst of them all and a lot of times people say well this dictator is worse than Fidel no he's not worse than for their own sisters come up and like my husband's worse than Pharrell and I'm like a sister once told me that before and I was like dude your husband's gonna cut you up into pieces you better run away if if your husband's worse than number one you need a divorce number two you better be scared right your husband's not worse than for their own no tyrants worse than jibril has is worried that far down has a chance with Allah now did Japan ruin his fate did you bring mess it up for him no Allah told jabril after that where is I swear by my glory and my honor that Lois if he would have sought forgiveness from me sincerely I still would have forgiven him you're putting dirt in his mouth would not have stopped it okay I still would have forgiven him now here's the thing you might think well why the dirt in the mouth when Wicked people die anyway the Malaika do what the Angels do what they're hitting them in the face jibril just gave an extra kick to throne like he really hated why did jibril hate firaun so much was it because one day when he was talking to Musa Islam like you and that angel that comes to you is that why no listen to what he says to the prophet saws he said I hated him the day I heard him say I am your lord the most high when firon had the audacity to stand up and say I am your lord the most high the the hatred that jibril developed was unprecedented and subhanallah that shows you something about jibril and in Hadith literature sometimes when jibril came to the prophet saws he did not say Allah says he said the most high says the most high has done which shows the status or or the regard that jibril shows for his Lord subhanahu wa ta'ala so sometimes we see it that way lastly with the family of Imran sometimes you see it not necessarily with a prophet but with the family of prophethood now we know the story of Maryam when Maryam was worshiping Allah in her in her area in the Masjid would come and visit her every time he got in there he found fruits he found food that was out of out of season and he doesn't know where this is coming from right and where are you getting this from look it's from Allah Allah gives what he Wills to whom he Wills when he Wills okay what happened there Zakaria started to call upon his Lord at that moment and he starts to call upon Allah showing his weaknesses and things of that sort what does Allah say happened the Angels actually cut him off here and jibril is the one who gives the Bushra is the one who gives the Glad Tidings Allah gives you the Glide Tidings of a son not only that he's already been named he has this quality that quality that quality Allah starts to mention his character his qualities Zechariah says wait how's this happening how am I supposed to have a child when I'm old and you know my wife is Barren how's this happening what's the answer Catholic number one look don't ask those types of questions Allah has decided it it's going to happen and Allah creates whatever he Wills okay I created you mean you were nothing nothing is beyond Allah's power this is what's happened now you have a child that's going to be born to you now Maryam she goes out and she goes out where she withdraws to the East and she would leave that she would when she would leave the Masjid once a month she would go out to the East and many of the scholars they say that was to appreciate the sunrise she would go and she would watch the sun rise and she would do her Thicket and remember Allah and she would put up a hijab a curtain she'd put two steaks in the ground and she put up a curtain so that even when she was out in the open it was clearly signified that this is my territory right don't come near she's a young lady 14 to 18 years old you know that's historically speaking if you really want to look at it she's a teenager right and she's worshiping Allah alone remembering Allah alone and what does Allah say we sent to her none other than our Spirits we didn't send to her any Angel we sent to her our jabriel [Music] jabril appeared to her like a completely proportional beautiful human being you know they measure Beauty scientifically through what symmetry right Allah says a completely symmetrical human being jibril was perfect in every sense he appears in the form of a young man now does Maryam look at this young man this woman of Purity and whatever it is in modesty and say oh man you know I can't believe he's here right now I don't know who you are but I'm sorry you know I'm worshiping Allah can I finish worshiping Allah then I'll come talk to you she doesn't do all that what does she do before jibril could even open his mouth she says I seek refuge in the most merciful from you if you have any fear of Allah I mean if you have any decency inside of you turn around and go away and let's not even talk Let's Pretend This Never Happened for it just go seek forgiveness from Allah so sisters if a brother approaches you in the hallway try that with them all right Watch What Happens even if he doesn't understand Arabic he's going to be like all right I'm not touching that sister you know but seriously go back to that story and you wonder well why did Maryam start talking to jabir after that if she just told him go away and I don't want to talk to you and if you have any decency inside of you just Let's Pretend This Never Happened you know why because when she answered jibril with that statement assumed in Angelic form he left his human form and he assumed not his full Angelic form we said this he assumed an Angelic form a light with a voice whatever it may be and he continued the conversation with her I am a messenger of your Lord that's been that's come to you to give you the Glide Tidings of a pure sun when she starts to argue and says you know how am I supposed to have a son or how am I supposed to have a child right I've never even been touched by a man I've never been impure the answer is what Allah has decided it's already done all right and Allah and and he gives her you know he will be a sign for the people and the mercy from us and look this is already happening means the execution of the decree the execution of means what you're already pregnant it starts now this is not from the future it starts now she conceived him she hides away from her people for a time and she and she stays away from as the pregnancy develops when the pregnancy starts to get to a point where she's going to deliver realize she's a young girl she doesn't have anyone around her to help her she's never experienced pregnancy before when she's driven to the trunk of the tree what does she says I wish I would have died before this and been completely forgotten now the elements say the part about wanting to die right because some of you say well can you ask a lot that you want to die actually the prophet saws said if you're dying you can ask Allah a Believer can ask Allah to speed it up that's permissible and they say that since Maryam never experienced pregnancy and pregnancy delivery pushes a woman and the women are like yeah we know right we have no idea right we just see how women are when they're giving birth okay since pregnancy delivery pushes a woman to the brink of death Mariam actually thought she was dying that's one way of looking at it she was in so much pain she thought she was dying when she says I wish I was completely forgotten why is she saying that because you know people are going to mock the people of Iman they're going to mock the people of Faith this one they're going to mock a family of prophethood they're going to say look at what she was look at what she was like you know so Maryam calls out just wishing she never existed who starts to talk to her jibril says to her don't you dare grieve don't be sad he starts coaching her through her pregnancy you know you think that you want to you think that you will have a disgraceful mention actually there's a revelation that's coming that's going to say make mention in the book of Maria you have you have something awaiting you and you have no idea what Allah is going to make out of you Allah Allah has placed beneath you a river shake the palm tree fresh ripe dates will fall upon you eat drink and rejoice you know your children your spouses and your children are supposed to be they're supposed to be the coolness of your eyes look at your child not with not with a feeling of regret but with a feeling of Happiness then the next test comes to her that you're not allowed to defend yourself when your people approach you but Maryam had full confidence at that point that that Allah was with her so one Maryam approached her people she didn't know how Allah was going to defend her she didn't know what Allah was going to do but she had been coached properly and her to what could kicked in here her trust in Allah that you know what something is going to happen and Allah rewarded her with that that's when I'm spoke in her defense so jibril assumes here now pregnancy coach he coaches her through her pregnancy reassures her reaffirms her and finally before we break for awesome Allah mentions numerous we supported him with the Holy Spirit and Allah even mentions it as a favor I supported you with with the Holy Spirit I can't go into detail with that meaning but obviously Islam was supported by jibril throughout his life not only that the scholars say the only angel that could take a prophet and Ascend into son through the heavens is who so when the plot was made to crucify him the angel that was sent to him to take him through the heavens and to place him there until Allah decrees that he returns was okay and that's why subhanallah you know I kept looking for the meaning of why Allah chooses to mention in Surat Maryam that we do not come down except with the permission of your lord what is the Ayah the prophet saws would grieve when jibril did not visit him for a long time tells the prophet saws look we only come to you when Allah decrees we can't come when we decree on our own okay we don't make that decision and it's made very personal like it's Jupiter speaking we don't come unless your Lord decrees why in Surat Maryam many of the scholars mentioned because jibril played a prominent role in every single Prophet that's been mentioned there think about it then it went to ISA then it went to Ibrahim right then it went to Musa then it went to Idris then it went to Ismail all of these people jibril played a very prominent role in their lives and so it said to the prophet saws look we only come down when Allah decrees and it's with wisdom and when jibril comes down you will be fulfilled and you will be satisfied inshallah the rest of the seminar is jabriel with the prophet saws foreign foreign so the rest of the seminar jibril with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and to properly understand this the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said and it's hard it's difficult to translate Willie in the context of an Angel because you know it's not our traditional Guardian Angel but the the angel that was closest to the prophet saws the one who supported the prophet saws his protective friend from the Angels is and the prophet saws he also says in another narration he says there is no Prophet except that Allah gives him two ministers from the inhabitants of the earth and two ministers from the inhabitants of the heavens he says my two inhabitants from the heavens are jibril and Mikhail my two administers from the inhabitants of the heavens are jibril and Mikhail what was my two ministers from the inhabitants of the Earth are also plays a role in the life of the Prophet saws we see some some Mansions of Mikhail that we're going to see here as well but obviously jibril is the closest of them all now how does the first encounter of the Prophet saws go does anyone know is it when does the prophet saws as a young child who narrates that the prophet salallahu was running around playing with all of the children just like everyone else and this is the year that his mother died so the prophet saws is a complete orphan at this point he's lost his mother and he's lost his father and he's now switching from hand to hand I mean from lap to lap rasallahu still was a very happy child and he's running around playing with all the other kids when suddenly a man came and he grabbed and he threw him into the ground so all of the other children went running to their parents and they said that Muhammad sallallahu Islam has been killed and as they're running to their parents the prophet saws is watching now what this man is about to do to him he cuts my chest he opened my chest he grabbed the heart of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he took something from the heart of the Prophet saws and he said this is the portion of Evil Within you the portion of the Devil Within you and he through it then the prophet saws he proceeded to wash my heart in a golden vessel of zamzam and subhanallah what the scholars say about that number one gold would be considered the best of metals and zamzam is the water that Javier Islam opened in the first place zamzam is the best of all water he started to purify the heart of the Prophet saws he started to wash it with zamzam and the prophet saws is watching all of this as a child and his heart was put back and by the time the kids got back they found the prophet saws with his chest sewn up and you know what's amazing who said there was a line down the chest of the Prophet saws stitching like a perfect line of stitching did they did they used to do open heart surgeries 1400 years ago in Arabia perfect stitching on a line on the chest of the Prophet saws and they said his face was Blue the very first time I taught this class it was in London there was a cardiologist that came to me and gave me like a 20-minute lecture as to why his face would be blue because circulation's cut off and would be this color blue and I'm like yeah that's that's really and he was doing it masha'allah you know in that British accent I'm like that's great so I got the point now circulation cut off blue face further proof right the prophet saws heart was taken out physically and he was purified he got absolutely no explanation from that moment he was traumatized by the incident he didn't know what happened now the mushrikeen the pagans were very superstitious people so they just took this to mean that it's some good omen right and they started to celebrate it and so on so forth because they thought that this was something that was good for them obviously it wouldn't be so good for them right but the point is no explanation for 34 years for 34 years the prophet saws knew that this happened and we we know that other miracles happen with them as well with no explanation 34 years later at the age of 40 years old the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he started to see truthful righteous dreams for six months all of a sudden the prophet saws started to see truthful righteous dreams good dreams truthful dreams he sees in a dream that something is going to happen tomorrow that someone's going to come visit him the next day that person comes and visits him wearing exactly what he saw him in the dream doing he sees a janaza in his dream he wakes up in the morning and he finds out that a person has passed away and that janaza takes place and that continued for six months everything that he was seeing in his dream would come true the next night so he already has an idea that something is happening just to sort of understand why the prophet saws would all of a sudden start going to a cave right and meditating and praying right something is very strange is happening with him as he's seeing these things it's also been concluded now in his household between him and Khadijah that it's a supernatural experience that someone is communicating with them from the Divine some form of creation is communicating with the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam now this continues for six months and that's why the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he said that good dreams are 1 46th of Revelation because the Revelation is 23 years and this was for six months all right that's all he got then suddenly says Allah bestowed the love of seclusion on the prophet salallahu suddenly he loved to be alone would climb up to is about a two-hour climb right that's with the zigzag stairs now all right how many of you have been up to head on not many but it's a pretty long climb right it's a pretty long climb to get up there they didn't have stairs back then is not a big cave you know in subhanallah it's not like this deep cave either and it's you know it would be pretty unidentifiable had we not had the history of Islam right I mean it's way up there like is very close you can see God thought pretty easily you can get there pretty easily is way up there but if you get up to you have this aerial view of Mecca subhanallah you see everything you see the entire city you even see the Haram even with all those hideous buildings around it you can still see the karma right you see everything from there the prophet saws would go up there for days weeks and then finally the entire month of Ramadan one narration says which is the monotheistic religion of Ibrahim Islam he worshiped Allah in accordance with the monotheistic religion Islam which means he just went up there and he prayed in any way that he could he didn't have an organized Salah he called upon God in an abrahamic way that's literally what the narration is saying but here's the thing he had no desire to come down and the beauty of that is that did the prophet saws have any issues financially no he was actually quite wealthy at that time okay so he wasn't going up there because he was suffering a sudden financial crisis was the prophet saws suffering from slander or a poor mentioned in society in any way absolutely not he's as famous as they come he's a sad he's respected the truthful the truthful one the trustworthy one everyone knows who he is everyone admires him and he attained that status not by wealth or by family or lineage because of who he was as a person right did he have issues with his marriage because that would drive a person up to a cave right if he has this no clearly not because is 15 years older than him a 55 year old woman climbs up to Hera to bring him food and drink without him even requesting it she would go up there out of her love for him and take food and drink and Claw and clothing to him so that the prophet saws would not have to interrupt his prayer and so subhanallah she recognizes something special is happening with her husband as well suddenly as the prophet saws is there one day he sees jibril now did jibril come to him in the form of an angel or in the form of a human being in the form of a human being there's a proof for this which I'll mention in the form of a human being so you might be thinking to yourself why in the world was the prophet saws scared then well think about it you're two hours up there no one's around you and then all of a sudden you see a strange man standing at the mouth of the cave and he's just staring you down he's not saying anything what might you think is happening if you're the prophet saws what might you think is happening hallucination dreaming is it something that I'm seeing right I remember somehow I went to a tarbia camp uh 2004 it was the year before Katrina and it was in Mexia Texas it was like away from civilization or something like that and I remember driving after 24 hours of not sleeping and I started seeing polar bears on the highway in Texas that to me was I was like okay Hallucination is real okay after after I was I had to be convinced that they weren't real polar bears on the highway but you know you might think something's happening to you right to add on to that a future narration gives us an idea of what happened to the prophet saws what happens he said the one who I was seeing in my dreams came to me so that further establishes that the prophet saws had already seen jibril in his dreams and so he's thinking that this is strange I'm not sleeping right now I'm not dreaming which explains why jibril grabbed him he hugged him this is real read [Music] right read you are not hallucinating this is not a vision I'm really here not only am I really hearing I'm squeezing you to show you that is the words that are going to be revealed to you this Revelation that's going to come to you it's going to be heavy right you need to be ready to acquire this so he commanded him read and he let him go and the prophet saws I don't know how to read Islam grabbed him again harder and said read he said I don't know how to read and jibril Islam grabbed me the third time he said slice them he grabbed me the third time and he held me so tight that I thought I was going to die squeezed me said Iqra read so the prophet saws what shall I read and that's when read in the name of your lord who creates who created man from a suspended clot read and your lord is most generous the one who taught man that which he knew not taught man the use of the pen as he receives these words and that happens jibril didn't grab him again and Japanese didn't go anywhere the prophet saws left the cave and he went running down and you can imagine how you know subhanallah how long that way down must have been after what just happened to him and you can imagine the sign the relief that the prophet saws felt when he finally got home and he saw Hadith and literally embraced her and hugged her and told her to hold me what happens now when the prophet saws told her what happened she could have easily been like well maybe you should stop going up to that cave maybe you should stay home more often Let's Just Pretend This Never Happened you know you can meditate in the corner of the house and we'll leave you alone and inshallah nothing will happen again she didn't say that look at how beautiful Khadijah subhanallah she truly believed in the prophet saws before he believed in himself truly she tells the prophet saws Allah would never disgrace you now why did she bring Allah into the picture because the prophet saws was going up there because he was a humanitarian he's a social justice I mean he's an activist before being a messenger he's trying to solve the problems of the world it's not happening corruption still exists you know he knows there's more to this world these dreams are happening he knows that Allah is you know that Allah has given him a greater purpose so what the prophet saws is thinking might have just happened is that you know a demon disgraced him or that this is a form of punishment or this is a form of trial like I'm losing my mind and a shaytan is coming to me or something like that Hadith just says you Allah Allah would never disgrace a person like you and she starts to give us the last 15 years of the Seal of the Prophet saws you're a man who establishes the ties of kinship you're a man who takes care of the orphans and the poor you're a man who's generous to his guests and to his neighbors there is no one who has a cause except that you take up their cause Allah would never disgrace you Khadijah says let's go to warakah her cousin her first cousin and he's a Biblical scholar he was a monotheist he refused to worship the idols he was one of the few people that refused to worship the idols he abandoned paganism at a very young age and he knew the scriptures says let's go to him and see what he thinks so they go to him and the prophet saws right away says now realize these people were waiting for scripture they were waiting for the they knew something was about to happen they knew a messenger was about to come waraka made the connection right away hear the messenger that everyone's been waiting for that's jibril that came to Musa and he said I wish I was young enough that I could have lived to see and support you when your people turn you out and the prophet saws like what me would they turn me out would my people really turn me out the prophet saws has never disappointed or upset anyone I mean he's he's on good terms with everybody would they really turn me out waraka knows how this goes when you challenge that system when you bring this Revelation it's going to cause those who are corrupt to oppress you and to run you out now here's the thing subhanallah this was probably uh the most fascinating moment in all of my research okay of this class of jeopardin just out of curiosity I was like you know what what cause a Biblical scholar how did he make the connection that this is and I know that the remnants of the Bible so I you know the true Bible so I said well let me go through the Bible and see if there's any instance that mentions how Gabriel brings Revelation the one instance I found the one Incident That's there it's in Daniel 8 the Prophet Daniel says behold I saw a man before me with a booming voice saying understands as he touched me and recited the word to me I fell on my face trembling and lost all strength but I could still hear his words then he stood me upright and said fear not o beloved one of God fear not peace be unto you I saw that and I I seriously got goosebumps that was probably if there was any moment in research that gave me goosebumps it was that how incredibly consistent is that with what the prophet saws experienced so the one instance that makes that mentions coming to a person with Revelation now what happens after that she said that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam after that there is a fatra there's a pause in Revelation that pause in Revelation was a very long time okay it could have even gotten into years how long it was but it was a very very long time I mean you'll find the scholars talk about if the prophet saws was making this experience up he clearly would have just went to the people and say hey guys revelation's coming to me now instead the prophet saws waits he waits for this Angel to come back he doesn't get Revelation but here's what he gets next the prophet saws starts to walk back into those mountains Expresses in his own words that it was like he wanted to throw himself off because he wanted some sort of clarity what's going on every time the prophet saws would get into those mountains he would hear the voice of jibril saying O Muhammad you are the messenger of Allah and Truth and that calm the prophet saws down and the prophet saws would go back to his house then later on not only did he says so he clarifies to the prophet saws but still no Quran no Revelation what's going on the next narration I'm about to share with you is probably going to make you all go like what okay once again and I guarantee you you'll leave the seminar with a greater appreciation foreign if this companion of yours comes back to you tell me so the prophet saws was waiting came what was the prophet saws he was hearing the voice and he was seeing the radiance of sit on my right side so he sat on her right side Khadijah said do you see him the prophet saws yes so she told the prophet saws sit on my left side he saw it on her left side she said do you see him the prophet saws said yes she took off her now the hijab back then there was no legislation of hijab the women used to wear something on their heads that covered their hair and it came down but it didn't necessarily cover this area of their body their necks and so on so forth so they wore that it was called the himar it was called the hijab back then it was called the himar back then already so the narration is she took it off she embraced the prophet saws from behind him she put her chin on his shoulder and it was and she was holding him so close that the prophet saws was almost in her lap and she said do you see him the prophet saws said no she said she said be firm that's an Angel that's not a devil now you're reading that narration you're going what what just happened here what is she talking about I'll tell you what happened studied the story of Khadijah went out and learned about one of the characteristics of jibril is his his modesty anytime later on even in her was not fully dressed jibril would not come inside the house he'd call The Prophet's license out of the house Khadijah figured that out she went and studied that she's telling the prophet saws if he was and the prophet saws doesn't know what's going on either do you see him do you see him she's the one telling him once again that's an angel that is not a devil finally then the prophet saws was walking once again and this time it was not yeah oh Muhammad your messenger of Allah and Truth this is the Hadith that the prophet saws was walking and suddenly the prophet saws looked up and he saw jibril Ali his salaam in his full Angelic form covering the space between the heavens and the Earth covering the entire Horizon what is Allah he rose to the sky and he covered the entire Horizon the prophet saws saw him with all of his wings with his full creation not only that what happened next right he started to come close to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he was less than two bow lengths away from the prophet saws right he came close to the prophet saws fell to the ground he said that I was so scared that I fell to the ground that he came that close to me and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam went back to his home and he told Hadid cover me embrace me and that's when the next Revelation came yeah said oh you who is covered up somehow think about it the first revelation the prophet saws was in the cave the second time the Revelation came to him while he was in the arms of Hadith wrapped up oh you who is wrapped up stand up and warned stand up and call the people and declare the greatness of your lord purify your garments abandon the idols right this is the first revelation and subhanallah from that moment says the Revelation heated up meaning what after that long pause after Suraj so on so forth there are multiple surahs that started to come very quickly to the prophet salallahu and that's where it starts the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam now understands what is happening the prophet saws understands he's a messenger of Allah the prophet saws is no longer terrified by the presence of Islam it's been made clear to him now to give you an idea now what happens when jibril comes with a revelation to the prophet saws now we know for the prophet saws it was very heavy on him right I mean he would sweat even on a bitterly cold day it was rough on him his body would become physically heavier I mean says my leg was under his leg when the Quran came to him one time and I lost feeling in my leg you know rasulullah was sitting on a camel one Surah was revealed to him and the knees of the camel buckled and the prophet saws got off as a mercy to that Camel so it was visibly it was visibly rough on the prophet saws when Revelation came to him that way but how does the process go okay and this is truly fascinating we know Allah says if we were to reveal this Quran onto a mountain you would have seen that mountain crumble you would see it shake and crumble out of its all of Allah it has to come to the heart of the Prophet saws he has to bear that revelation but how does this all happen Allah was asked how does the Revelation come the prophet salallahu he said that when Allah desires to speak the words of Revelation when Allah Wills to speak the words of Revelation he says there's a loud noise through the heavens and he said it's like chains pulling over Mount Safa like I mean imagine the severity of chains pulling over a mountain and he said the angels of the heavens are overtaken by it they're overtaken by and Allah Speaks now can you imagine Allah speaks to jibril directly with the Revelation jibril actually gets the Quran from Allah he hears the Revelation from Allah and when Allah finishes with the Revelation the Angels regained themselves and as jibril starts to descend the prophet saws said the angels surround jibril and they say what did your lord say and jibril says he spoke in the truth and he is the most high and the most great the prophet saws said all of those angels start to say the truth the truth he is the most high and the most great and they start to descend with jibril as he brings the Revelation down and in Surah the prophet saws of course came in one shot over 20 pages in one shot to the prophet saws seventy Thousand Angels were escorting glorifying Allah and declaring his praise as it came to the messengers that's the process of that Revelation coming to the messenger not only that dear brothers and sisters but you know when you recite Quran that's the the easiest way to get angels to surround you is to start reading Quran you know why because the angels have not been given the gift of the recitation of the Quran and some of you are like wait what the Angels do not recite the Quran yes they listen to it there are only a few angels that Allah has actually given the gift of the recitation of it obviously and some angels but for the most part the Angels they listen to it so when you start to recite Quran in the Quran the Angels witnessed that the angels surround the people as they recite the Quran because they love to hear it since they don't recite it subhanallah so that's how the Revelation comes to the prophet salallahu obviously there are numerous ways as to how jibril would teach the prophet salallahu and even subhanallah as Jubilee taught the prophet saws the multiple ways of recitation the seven ways of recitation why because you know because the Prophet salallahu by reciting those seven ways of recitation people would enter Islam very quickly because the different dialects were included in the recitation all of them were divine how did that happen the prophet saws came to me and told me recite the Quran in the recitation that's been given to you so he said I started to read he said jibril was on my right side Mikael was on my left left side mikar said to increase him so jabri taught me another recitation and said to increase him so he taught me another recitation increase him until he started seven times and the prophet saws was given seven different modes of recitation of the Quran that's how it comes down to the prophet saws that's how it was taught to him and it's truly miraculous and magnificent that the prophet saws was able to bear that and remember it by the grace of Allah now what are some other ways that came to the prophet saws he did not stop coming to him in his dreams so just because he was now manifesting himself with Revelation it does not mean that he stopped coming in his dreams there are some other ways in his dreams he comes to the prophet saws sometimes with Mika so sometimes the prophet Saws jibril and Mikhail together one time he sees him and jubrid and Mikhail take him and they show him the punishment and the rewards of the Grave so the long Hadith the punishment of the grave and the rewards of the Grave are Jabra and Mikhail pointing out to the prophet saws on what is happening then he showed him al-jannah paradise and hellfire and the prophet saws was shown his home in Paradise he actually saw his house in Paradise so the prophet saws said at that point I said to jibril and Mikhail leave me now to enter my house I don't want to go back let me get in now he put his his hand on the arm of the Prophet saws he said you still got some time in this world and then you will enter in sha Allah okay another time the prophet saws said I saw in my dream jibril and Mikhail and mikal give him an analogy he said the analogy of the message or the parable of the message that has been given to you ya rasulullah is not of of a king who conquered a lance when the king conquered conquered that land he built a house in that land and then when he built that house he constructed that house he spread a table spread with food on it and he invited whoever wanted to come into that home Allah is the king the land is Islam the home is Jannah the food is the food and you o Muhammed are the messenger of Allah whoever responds to you has entered into Jannah and will eat whatever they desire of it explaining to the prophet saws who he is and actually giving him of what he represents and what his message represents other times Jubilee Islam came to the prophet saws with a command from Allah in his dream so the prophet saws an image of the Allah showed the prophet saws for three consecutive nights and he told the Prophet salallahu this is your wife in this world and the next and she used to boast she used to say jibril proposed on my behalf like who else has that distinction jibril came and asked for my hand right subhanallah proposed on her behalf sometimes jibril just showed him Jannah random scenes of Jannah so one time the prophet saws came to me and he took me to a palace in Paradise it was so beautiful that the prophet saws was about to go in as he was about to go in jabri said actually that's house so the prophet saws said I did not go in because I remembered how jealous of a man Omar is so I just stayed back and he narrated The Dream the next day and Umar was there and Omar felt bad that rasulullah was too shy to enter his house in Jannah like Omar was over the excitement of having a palace in Jannah like you think I would stop you from coming into my house in Jannah he also says came to me and he took me by my hands and he showed me the Gate of my ummah that will enter or the Gate of Jannah that my ummah will enter through so the prophet saws as he's narrating that dream abubakar starts crying now said why are you crying I wish I could have been with you to see that grabbed the hand of Abu Bakr and he said you and I will enter Jannah like this you're good it shows you where the sahaba were as well they weren't like what did it look like what happened here they were concerned about themselves they were concerned about their salvation they were concerned about pleasing Allah and the messenger so the dreams continued okay now in real life in what other way did Japan come to the prophet saws other than Revelation you have to understand taught the prophet salallahu the Sunnah okay the prophet saws doesn't speak out of empty desire so Hassan says used to come to the prophet saws and teach him the Sunnah the same way that he used to teach him the Quran so every Hadith that you hear is from Jubilee Islam teaching the prophet salallahu as well so he still teaches him the Sunnah not only that he stands with the prophet Saws and he even qualifies statements of the Prophet Saws and who says before the Battle of Badr the prophet saws was speaking to us he was giving us a sermon and we said we go out in bed we lose everything and you know we die in that situation will we be forgiven for all of our sins the prophet saws yes as soon as he said it he said this is he says unless you have a debt to pick you've got to pay your debt first one time the prophet saws was with the companions in the Masjid suddenly he took his shoes off to pray now realize the message of the Prophet saws was dirt don't go walking into some Masjid now with your shoes and be like hey it's Sunnah it was dirt okay so yeah they wore their shoes when they prayed well so Allah took off his shoes and started to pray when he finished praying he realized all the sahaba took their shoes off so the prophet saws said why did you all take your shoes off they said we saw you take your shoes off so the prophet saws said the only reason I did that is just is because right before the prayer jibril came to me and told me I stepped in something that he stepped in some najasa some impurity so jibril is with the prophet saws on quite a frequent basis and even when people ask the prophet saws questions jibril answers those questions for the prophet saws rapidly not just any questions the chief Rabbi in Medina he comes to the prophet saws with some questions when he asked the prophet saws these questions the prophet saws responded just gave me the answers which is why Allah tested The Messengers to teach him to say insha Allah when Allah Wills because the prophet saws became accustomed to getting asked the question jibril gives him the answer so the prophet saws was taught that it comes from Allah and finally in this regard uh Hadith when I told my mashaik when I told my teachers that I was going to teach they were like oh masha'allah I'm like no jibrid like they're like what are you talking about there's no book there's what do you why would you teach the secret of jibril I'm like well it's different because Hadith jibril is the first Hadith you learn when you start the most important Hadith in Islam It Is by consensus of the scholars the most important Hadith of Islam it's been narrated by multiple companions with greater context from some of the narrations the most detailed one is from we used to sit with the messenger and when someone came from outside they didn't know who amongst us was the prophet of God why he dressed like we dressed he sat on the ground like we sat on the ground he distinguished himself only by his manners even when the prophet saws did the Hijra when he migrated to Medina the ansar didn't know which one was the prophet saws was it him or Abu Bakr so they're just waiting to see some form of indication as to which ones the prophet saws took something a cloth and he did this so they all charged the prophet saws they didn't know who how who he was when they came so Outsiders would come expecting to see this powerful man right that's sitting on a throne while everyone else sits on the ground they just saw him sitting with everyone else on the ground says we insisted the prophet saws sits on a chair he refused what we did instead was we pushed the dirt together until we made a mound so that he's still sitting on the ground but at least when someone comes from outside they know who he is he sat the prophet saws accepted that when we did that Abu dhar says one day we were sitting and he said we used to wait for people to come and ask the prophet saw some questions that we were too shy to ask him and we would listen to the answers so one day we're sitting and suddenly a man appears and this is how he describes him he says his thoughbe was extremely White not wrinkled and you know having an extremely white foe while walking in the desert of Arabia is a pretty tough task okay no wrinkles no dirt on it his hair was exceedingly black and he said that he smelled amazing he had the best smell that we'd ever seen he said the most perplexing thing about this man he wasn't a resident because he didn't live amongst us but he had no signs of travel on him I mean he he looked as fresh as they come you know they didn't have first class travel back then you don't get off a plane and look fresh if you come off of first class and look miserable if you come off of Coach right this is the desert of Arabia so like we're looking at this guy no bags under his eyes he looks he looks really really clean really really good and we have no idea who he is he resembled so it shows you that he didn't look exactly like from close up he wasn't he resembled so then Abu Dhaba says the man came and he stopped at the entrance and he said to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam Muhammad peace be unto you o Muhammad the prophet saws do I have permission to Come Close To You O Muhammad the prophet saws sure now they weren't used to this as well because most of the people that came and asked the prophet saws some questions were bedwinds they didn't have it they just walked right in sat in front of the Prophet saws and started asking him questions so the adab was also Flawless the manners like should I come close the prophet saws said yes jibril came close he said should I come closer the prophet saws said yes until jibril was sitting right in front of the Prophet saws and he put his hands on the knees of the Prophet salallahu says what's going to happen here what's he gonna ask so the so jibril says to the prophet saws o Muhammad tell me about Islam so the prophet saws gives him the pride pillars of Islam that you bear witness that there is no God but Allah is the messenger of Allah that you establish the prayer that you paid the zakat that you fast Ramadan and do Hajj if you're capable of doing Hajj okay now here's the thing the man says you've told the truth Abu dhar says we all looked around at each other like we were like who do you think you are to say sadakh to the prophet saws you've told the truth what is the arrogance like we thought this man had good manners right he says to the prophet saws you're right you've told the truth then he says tell me about faith the prophet saws said to believe in Allah to believe in the Angels subhanallah sitting in front of him to believe in The Messengers the messages the day of judgment and divine decree he says you've told the truth he said tell me about excellence the prophet saws that you worship Allah as if you can worship Him and when you realize as if you can see him you worship Allah as if you can see him and when you realize you can't see him then you know that he sees you he says then he asks the prophet saws the frequently most asked question in the Sila [Music] when is the hour this is the frequently most asked question to the prophet saws everyone wanted to know when the day of judgment was not not because not the same reason that Idris wanted to know when he would die right they just wanted the Muslim the disbelievers would ask the prophet saws mockingly but with a hint of Truth like when's the day of judgment when are we going to die right so Bedouins would interrupt the prophet saws sometimes even in his and ask the prophet saws when is the hour and the prophet saws he always gave a productive answer so he would say in one narration what have you prepared for another narration the same thing what have you put forth for it another narration he said Look by the time your son has gray hair you would have already faced your Resurrection so even if the day of judgment doesn't come death will already come to you your Resurrection has started as far as you're concerned anyway asked him that what did the prophet saws do he put his head down says we were confused to make it even more confusing he said tell me about the hour the prophet saws said nothing he asked him a third time tell me about the hour look at the answer of the Prophet saws he said the one who is asking knows very well that the one who's being asked knows no better than the one who's asking like you and I both know that we have no idea when the hour is you don't know and I don't know I don't even know why you're asking me that question and it was to show the companion something right so then Jupiter said well tell me about it's tell me about its signs and the prophet saws he mentioned two particular signs of corruption that a woman would give birth to her master and Barefoot Bedouins would start competing to build tall buildings you've told the truth in the narration of um he said that the man suddenly left so quickly that we were all confused and the prophet saws said go see if you can find him so all the sahaba went around looking for him they took their horses everywhere trying to find them they came back to the prophet saws they said he's nowhere the prophet saws said do you know who that was they said no he said that was jibril coming to teach you your religion even the wording of the Prophet saws he wasn't coming to teach me he was coming to teach you because he knows how you guys pay attention when questions are being asked and so he asked the most important and essential questions and he succeeded because it's the most successful it's the most important Hadith in Islam it is the foundations of our faith the foundations of our religion our Creed everything is highlighted in that one incident subhanallah so that's one way that the prophet saws was came to now what are some now how does jibril ACT throughout the how does he come to the prophet saws through the seal okay let's start off in Mecca the role that he plays with the prophet saws in supporting him and helping him cannot be exaggerated I mean subhanallah you can't overstate it it's it's so important it's crucial not only is he with the prophet saws in his low points he's with him in his high points the day of the Islam of Umar was a victory for the Muslims why because when Omar became Muslims suddenly they were able to do what publicly declare their their Islam before Omar no one could publicly declare their Islam it was the first protest the first time they walked out and said that they are Muslim so they celebrated that day the prophet saws when Omar became Muslim jibril came to me and he said he said o Muhammad the Angels right now the inhabitants of the heavens are celebrating the Islam of Omar subhanallah so he's with him in his high points how about his low points he's with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in every single incident that in every single hardship the prophet saws goes through for example says that if this man puts his face in the dirt again in front of us in front of the Kaaba he swore by Allah he swore by the idols that I'm going to step on his neck and I'm going to kill him I'll do away with him it'll be the end of Muhammad prophet saws he comes out he starts to pray in front of the Kaaba abujah starts walking towards the prophet saws suddenly he puts his hands on his face he screams and he runs and they asked double John what happened he said the ditch of fire and he started saying these things like there was something between me and him when the prophet saws finished his Salah the companions came to him they said what happened he said he said if he would have tried that jabri would have killed him like I know jabriel is there and jabir would have done away with abujah but it's also emotional supports and not only did jibril come to support the prophet saws emotionally he also supported his family remember the prophet saws during the boycott when they were living in those harsh circumstances they lost everything Khadijah lost her money he lost his money they've lost their you know their status they're being they're being ridiculed in society there you know food is not reaching them properly they bear they are surviving and Hadith is an older woman at that point as well and jibril enters upon the prophet saws as Khadijah is making whatever food that she has and jibril says like the pro he's telling the prophet saws he said she's about to come to you with that tray of food when she does give her Salam from Allah and give her my salaam give her my Salam as well and give her the Glad Tidings of a home in Jannah that is made of it's made of pearls and there is no there's not gonna be any noise or exhaustion or fatigue there meaning let her know that she's about to have a place in Jannah that far out does anything that she sacrificed in this world so the prophet saws when Khadijah comes the prophet saws and he gives you Salam from himself and he gives you the Glad Tidings of a home in Paradise made of pearls and there is no fatigue no noise therein whatsoever demonstrating her spiritual maturity she says as for Allah Allah is peace as foreign took place and the prophet saws obviously was devastated and when Abu Talib died as well now obviously the prophet saws now was ridiculed far harsher and he was hit far harsher and subhanallah there is a narration from anas and this narration the the Senate is disputable but the scholars the chain is disputable but the scholars still use it to show that incident what was happening during the mukata during the boycott that once the prophet saws was hit in the face and there was blood running down his face this was just a random time someone hit him with an object and blood was running down his face and the prophet saws he just sat down grieving so jibril came to him and jibril said to him what's wrong he said look at what my people are doing to me says do you want me to show you an Ayah do you want me to show you a sign the prophet saws sure he said called that tree to come towards you now you might be thinking yeah whatever trees moving tree do you realize that over a hundred companions narrated The Hadith that the prophet saws used to give leaning on a tree and when we built him amenbar when we built him a Pulpit and he went to that Pulpit the tree started to cry and shake and the prophet's lies and went to it and comforted it until it stopped crying those things happen to the prophet saws or how about the tree that is in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of Jordan in the middle of this desert full its branches are still full it looks like subhanallah it's as full as they come it's green as they come and there's nothing around it everything around it has has died and that was the tree that the prophet saws rusted under when he went to Asha when he went to that area so here when jabri tells the prophet saws tell that tree to come towards you it's nothing new the prophet saws he calls the tree and the tree comes to him says now tell it to go back the prophet saws tells it to go back are you happy are you pleased now and the prophet saws it has to be yes that's enough right so Jubilee is coming to the prophet's like some and he's reassuring him now what's fascinating here and remarkable here is that jibril comes to the prophet saws at his lowest moment and then His Highest moment what was the worst moment of the Prophet saws life what was the worst day of his life in his own words the last day of thought after two weeks of being humiliated after two weeks of being rejected in the worst possible way mocked and slandered he's made to walk for 30 kilometers that's 18 miles about 18 miles through a narrow row of people children and subhanallah people that had mental issues and they were hitting the prophet saws cursing him and the blood was running down his body and the stones were in his sandals and the prophet saws was in the middle of nowhere he didn't even know where he was after that and he calls Allah complaining to Allah who does Allah jibril comes to the prophet saws and he has with him an angel that can move mountains and jibril says we have heard your complaint and he says with me is an angel an angel that can move these mountains the angel says peace be unto your messenger of Allah and he says you tell me what you want me to do and he starts to suggest him he said if you want I can take it the two mountains that are on you know if any of you have ever been to had your omran you know where ajiadis that's where one mountain is the other one on the other side of I said I'll crush them all I'll do away with them all whatever you tell me to do the prophet saws said even in that moment he said no because maybe there will be from their children people that will worship none but Allah maybe their children will be different the children that just stoned him somehow and hit him maybe their children will be different and as a result Allah gifted the prophet saws with what the children of his enemies right the greatest some of the greatest companions their fathers were the greatest enemies of the Prophet sallallahu Islam Allah gifted the prophet saws with those people because the prophet saws never lost hope in his people so that was the lowest moment of the Prophet saws life that was what he called the worst day of his life now here's the thing Allah says Israel with hardship comes ease right after the lowest moment of his life says while I was sleeping came to me wearing green garments with rubies hanging down with rubies hanging from those green garments and these this is the clothes of the people of paradise so jibril came and it was clearly different and he said once again jabril opened my chest he took my heart he put it into a vessel of zamzam and he poured into it more faith and more wisdom increasing the prophet's license renewing the Prophet salallahu this time the prophet saws knows what's happening and he put his heart back and he sewed it up again told the prophet salallahu to mount al-burach there was a particular animal and there is no animal like that animal that we see and subhanallah was shy of the Prophet saws look there is no greater person that has ever mounted you than this man accepted and the prophet saws and jibril took him somewhere where did jupiteria take him before Al-Aqsa took him to Medina okay this is actually a long Hadith the prophet saws says we got to a place and jabrina told me to descend and to pray so I descended and I prayed and the prophet saws said to me do you know where you've prayed I said no he said this is this is the pure land why did he sayba because the prophet saws went to because he saw this land with Greenery and palm trees and he thought that was tough it could either be Thoth or medina they look exactly alike they have the same climate but if made more sense to the prophet saws because it was right next to him and it had greater people in terms of status and lineage and jabriel is telling him this is where you were supposed to go and this is the land of your hijrah this is where your hit was going to be to this is where you're going to migrate to then the prophet saws mounted again and he was told to Dismount and pray and jabrina told them do you know where you've prayed the prophet saws said no he said this is the place where Allah spoke directly to Moses which is a sign of what that this is about to happen to you too then he told him to mount once again and they reached another land Dismount and pray the prophet saws said that he asked me do you know where you've prayed I said no he said this is Bethlehem the place where is salaam was born Jesus peace be upon him was born which is a sign that this is a continuation of his message then he said finally we arrived at Al-Aqsa Allah liberated we arrived at Al-Aqsa the place there isn't a single space there not a handspent except that an angel or a prophet has prayed there not a single hands man says the ambiat were gathered for me prophet's lies I mean this is a pretty amazing sight he walks in and he sees the embiat gathered in Rose waiting for Salah he says jibril took me and he put me in the front and he said Allah lead them in Salah so he said I led them in Salah took my hand and we started to ascend and he said every time we got to one of the gates of the heavens there was an angel at that gate of the heaven that said who is it and he said jibril and he said Man Mark who's with you and he would say rasulullah and the angel would say has he been set for and would say now yes and the angel would say welcome To You O righteous Prophet welcome to this righteous Prophet subhanallah this is right after the rejection of thought the angels are welcoming him in the heavens the prophets are welcoming in the heavens the prophet saws said we continue to ascend suddenly he had two glasses in his hand one of wine and one of milk or one of milk and one of wine okay one of milk and one of wine and he presented them to the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam now his wine what are you guys serious I heard like 20 people just say yes is wine there's wine halal are you sure okay good because I'm going to change the topic completely if you guys say wine is we're gonna we're gonna have a 50 discussion right now as to what humor is don't give me that grapes and non-grapes nonsense all right wine is Haram okay but here's the thing if jibril is presenting you wine is it all right so if you see a dude outside named jabri and he's presenting you a glass of wine or is it haram right now for the prophet saws it's 110 zabiha hand cut whatever however you want to slice it it's Halal all right but did the prophet saws say well if it's not I'm gonna take that no he took the Lebanon he took the milk and he drank the milk jabriel made a comma jibril said alhamdulillah all Praises be to Allah who guided you to your natural goodness if you would have drank the wine your nation would have gone astray meaning jibril was happy for us as in ummah that the messenger chose the pure drink he chose Purity he chose what his fitra led him to and that was a good sign for the ummah of rasulullah the Prophet saws said we also saw on that day the fountain that the prophet saws would serve his followers from on the day of judgment he asked Islam what is that this is the fountain that you will serve your followers from on the day of judgment may Allah make us amongst them Allah I mean then we continue to ascend in the prophet saws obviously not multiple prophets he met numerous prophets starting with Adam ending with Ibrahim when he reached Ibrahim he saw another site he saw Albert the frequently visited house and he asked what is that and he said this is It's the equivalent of the Kaaba on Earth where seventy Thousand Angels enter every day and do tawaf and they never return obviously continue to ascend until they reached and when they reached Allah tells us what in the Quran are you questioning what the prophet salallahu all right and he says he saw him a second time who is Allah talking about jibril he saw him a second time was very very harsh with anyone that tried to say otherwise okay the second of two times the only two times the prophet saws in his full form whereas when they reached the loet tree the low tree is the boundary of Jannah and and the rest of the heavens and the Earth meaning what no one goes beyond the lot tree no one goes beyond and the prophet saws this time looked at jibril is and once again sees him in his full form this time he sees him from top to bottom the first time he saw him bottom to top right in his full form the prophet saws describing it he said the colors of that tree were Indescribable right now here in Dallas Masala we have a lot of places to scuba dive and snorkel so we've seen the bottom of the ocean right right no okay if you've ever been to the bottom of the ocean and you've seen the colors at the bottom of the ocean are those colors describable are they not really right they're amazing they're things that you've never seen before imagine the prophet saws said look I can't describe to you the colors of that tree but as the prophet saws continue to go forward and he reached now and they were walking through he said so I looked at jibril why the entire journey goes like this jibril what's that what's that what's that who is that he said but this time he said jibrid was like a flattened rug out of his aw of Allah he was looking up and he was flattened meaning subhanallah he was in complete all of Allah knowing the closeness that he had to Allah at that point and the prophet saws entered and Allah spoke to him directly the same way he spoke to Musa to Moses peace be upon him and he gave him the same order that he gave to Musa to establish the prayer and the prophet saws on his way down and obviously I'm skipping some of the details over the start with marriage because of time on his way down the prophet saws said one more sight one more sight that he saw rasulullah suddenly I saw nations of people they were standing behind their Prophets each Prophet had one or two or three or four or hundred or whatever it is had someone behind him right and he said there were actually some prophets that had no one behind them at all I just saw all of these nations all of these prophets with their Nations behind them he said then suddenly I saw this huge Nation now realize the prophet salallahu at this point of his life has a very few I mean he has a very small amount of followers it's not that many followers right this is before Madina before the Hijra you're talking about you know a hundred something followers and the prophet saws said I saw this huge nation and I asked jibril I said jibril is that mine said no I said jibril took me and he turned me around and he said I saw a nation that was Far bigger than that one it dwarfed that Nation and jibril said that's your ummah so how can you imagine if we were standing there that day Juan jibril showed the prophet saws billions of people and said that's your ummah those are the amount of people that you're going to have that are going to follow you the prophet saws then we returned and subhanallah the next day jibril came to the prophet saws this time in his human form and he came to Allah at the time of Lord the command of prayer has been given to him so he came to him at the time of lohar and the prophet salallahu said foreign and did the same thing then he came the next day at the end of those times and led me again and then told me that the Salah is between these two that true window of time is between these two prayers each Salah is to be prayed between those two timings that we pray together and subhanallah it was it was common knowledge amongst the companions actually this is an interesting historical fact without going too far into it that some of the companions thought the prophet Saws and it became a point of contention settled this debate went through all of the different chains of narration where the Prophet saws he came to me and he led me in the same way that jibril came and showed the prophet saws and he did Hajj with him he came to the prophet saws and he taught him the Salah step by step each and every single step of the prayer and subhanallah the prayer would develop gradually over time obviously right when the prophet saws was praying towards Al-Aqsa for 18 months or so and then they were switched towards Mecca and Islam he came to the prophet saws and the prophet saws he said what happened to all the other what happened all the other prayers though and Allah revealed what um Allah is not going to let your faith go to waste your prayers go to waste now as a final note here before we break for Maghrib just something very interesting here very very cool that you might not have thought of do you ever mention jibril in your Salah do you mention sabriel in your Salah all right let's go through the different ways that you could possibly mention jabril in your Salah when the prophet saws would start his prayer she was asked how did the prophet salallahu used to start his prayer and she said that one of the things that he used to say especially in his tahajud the prophet saws until the end of the day it's a long Dura you can find it in Fortress of the Muslim in fact if you go to Google and you Search Lord of jibril Michael and Israel you're only going to get to duas all right so just search it okay so the prophet saws in the beginning of a Salah mentioning the Lord of jibril and is bowing and prostrating this is interesting because we're about to go to Salah right now so I want you guys to try to remember this do you mentioned in fact the prophet saws mentioned jibril in every single record and in every single sujood so you glorify Allah the lord of the angels and specifically the prophet saws except that he said it some of the scholars even considered it all right it's a minor opinion but that's how often the prophet saws used to say some consider it even mandatory what about near to Shahid so we've covered starting this when you're sitting down listen to this Hadith he says that the prophet saws when when he saw us after we were taught the prayer he said we used to say inart when we sat down so they would send Salam on Allah all right the prophet saws came to us and he said as for Allah there's there's some uh people that think that this was a conversation there is actually no authentic narration about this being a conversation it may have been or may not have been but it's not really established in any Hadith whatsoever the prophet saws said look instead s to the LA greet Allah with your prayers with your good deeds and greet Allah in other ways you can't say assalamuala and you can say you on the prophet saws peace be unto us and on the righteous Servants of Allah you know what's amazing the prophet saws when you say the righteous Servants of Allah it will reach it will reach me it will reach all of the inhabitants of the heavens and all of the inhabitants of the earth who are righteous Servants of Allah as well finally when you finish your prayers and this is the second of the two duas that the prophet saws the prophet saws protect me from the punishment of Hellfire and the punishment the heat of Hellfire and the punishment of the Grave so there is actually a mention of Islam in every part of our Salah and with that inshallah we'll break for Salah and when we come back inshallah it's the best part of class alhamdulillah wasallam so we come now to the to the last session the final session of this class and subhanallah this is truly my favorite session because you can imagine now after 13 years in Mecca the relationship the prophet saws now they're beyond fully acquainted with one another now there is pure love between them when the prophet saws to Medina there is a particular man and you're going to wonder why I'm bringing him into the picture but inshallah you'll understand there's a particular companion by the name of Hassan his job he was a poet and he actually used to get paid for his poetry you know why because his poetry was to diss people right he was a professional disorder literally he'd get paid by people to look at you and to tell you how ugly you were and tell you how poor you were and tell you how low your family was and tell you how raggedy your clothes look and Hassan literally made a living I know that's an awesome job right he literally made a living off of that looking at people and putting them down tearing them up on behalf of someone else so Hassan's from Medina they hired him to go out and see the prophet saws when they were entering into Medina so that he could author a poem about him so all the unsad are waiting in the trees waiting outside waiting for him every day Hassan's just standing there waiting for him as well so he could all through that poem so when the prophet's last time enters into Medina instead of saying anything bad about him Hassan's like I've got nothing he authors one of the most beautiful poems about the prophet saws in history and he becomes Muslim on the spot so Hassan accepted Islam the moment the prophet saws entered into Medina now here's the thing the prophet obviously had his share of naysayers in Medina as well people that would mock him and some people that would come and challenge him and very you know conniving ways and things of that sort but the prophet saws was kind he was humble he wouldn't respond on on behalf of himself most of the time so Hassan took it upon himself to basically defend the prophet saws against anyone that said anything about him so a person says something about the prophet Saws and walks in the Masjid and disrespects him Hassan stands up and starts going off on him and Hassan also stands up and starts saying beautiful things about the prophet saws so he authored poetry and praise of the Prophet saws loved it they loved it to a point that they built him a member in the Masjid of the Prophet saw Islam there was a man but for the prophet saws the companions actually built a Pulpit for Hassan to stand up and respond to people whenever they came and spoke to the prophet saws so the Hassan who stands up for the first time on that man the prophet saws looks at him and his eyes get really big so they come to the prophet saws what is it he said jibril is with him right now jibril is standing with Hassan right now and in fact every single time Hassan stood up to speak the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam would say foreign is with you right now and as Hassan would be about to stand up to speak the prophet saws oh Allah support him with the holy spirit so Hassan stands up there jibril automatically comes down and starts helping Hassan in responding to the things that are said about the prophet saws you want to know what's amazing about that he said when anyone responds to insults on behalf of the Prophet saws and obviously we've got to qualify it doesn't mean killing cartoonists and it doesn't mean Paris and it doesn't mean that stuff it means when you intellectually defend the prophet saws when you when you when you remove the doubts about his character when you respond to the things that are said about him would support him his proof the Ayah and Allah he says so he said you would not Allah says you would not find a people who believe in Allah in the last day that love those that that that show enmity to Allah and the messenger so Islam even if it was their families their fathers their brothers whatever it may be and Allah says at the end of it Allah has written faith in their hearts and what does he say at the end of that Ayah and he supports them with the spirit from him says when anyone responds and subhanallah I can tell you ask anyone that's in the field of dawah that speaks when you start talking about the character of the Prophet saws it's different I've never had a conversation with anyone about the character of the Prophet saws responding to anything that was said about him except that the other person was convinced I've never seen people you know not moved by the character of the messenger obviously when he responds to all the terrible lies that are said about him in the media and so on and so forth that's a way to actually bring jibril into your life practically responds on behalf of the prophet sallallahu and jibril comes into your life so anyway that's there but who was the tribe that put Hassan up to it it was a tribe by the name of Benin coraiva is a tribe that already hated the messenger's license before he even got to Medina they already decided that we're going to take him as an enemy why because they were waiting for a messenger of Allah and it didn't turn out to be from their people and they expected that it would be from their people and there's this thought because to be a Jewish tribe there's this thought that there was enmity between the Muslims and the Jews which is utterly untrue it's completely untrue in fact the neighbor of the Prophet saws for his entire life was a Jew it was a Jewish family would visit them he visited the man when his son became sick his son took shahada when he died with the approval of his father the prophet saws used to be frequent in visiting him there were Jewish there were there were large groups of Jews that accepted Islam the Two Chief rabbis in Medina Abdullah Bin salaam who became Abdullah Bin salaam may Allah be pleased with them both both accepted us now so happens to be a tribe that rejects the messenger sallallahu and they rejected him in nasty ways okay they met they met the prophet saws and they asked him a bunch of questions he answered all of their questions the way that he was supposed to answer them so they recognized that someone is giving him the answers meaning that he has a presence that's giving him the answers so they say at the end of that conversation they say calling him by his kunya the father of qasim as a means of respect right we have one more question for you we've asked you all these questions we have one more question for you tell us who your guardian who your protector from the Angels is who is as a result of that we will either follow you or we will leave you the prophet saws from the Angels is jibril you know what their response was they said are you talking about that one that comes down with death and destruction they insulted they said had you said we would have followed you we're okay with Michael we're okay with Mikhail had you said him we would have followed you but we want nothing to do with you or jibril you can turn away we want nothing to do with you or Japan now subhanallah Allah defended Allah revealed say whoever is an enemy to Gabriel to jibril say that he is the one that Allah sent to your the Revelation with to Your Heart by his permission and Allah Praises interestingly enough in judeo-christian thought by the way Michael is the only Archangel named in the Bible and Michael by consensus of judeo-christian Scholars is more it has a higher status than Gabriel however they don't necessarily they don't take Gabriel as an enemy to the contrary they praise Gabriel and they speak well of him this tribe took it to an extreme they said you know what we don't like we're okay with Mikhail we don't like Islam and Allah actually revealed in Ayah in defense now moving forward obviously the people of Mecca decided to pursue the Muslims in Medina and here they are now a handful of people they don't have much they don't have much to defend themselves with they're only 313 at this point all right they sent a thousand they say we'll send three to their one not only that will send plenty of Horsemen they didn't have any horses or camels to fight with they didn't have horses or camels that would work in battle the people of Mecca said will send multiple horses and will even send extra horses and camels and we'll put wine on them so that when you finish killing them you can celebrate over their dead bodies let's try to look at the arrogance and the audacity of the people in Mecca little did they know it doesn't go that way it doesn't work that way so as bad that is coming up that he's going to have some support on that day all right and to give you an idea of how this works there's actually a Biblical mention of this as well jibril as leading the army of Allah in Joshua 5 13-15 Joshua 5 13-15 when Joshua salaam reached Jericho he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold a man was standing before him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua went to him and said to him are you for us or are you for our enemies and he said no but I am the commander of the army of your lord so this is jibril Ali his Salah right the angel who leads also the army of Allah the army of the Angels now Islam is always there with the prophet saws in all of these battles and in fact he used to say before every battle like he used to say this and this is like we're fine the messenger of Allah is amongst us and jibril has no match it doesn't matter who's coming to fight us it doesn't matter how many weapons they have it doesn't matter how many horses they have Hassan knows how debris support comes into place will have no match he said as they were marching to the to the Battlegrounds of Badr he says he said on the day of Badr when their faces were humiliated the enemies were humiliated jibril was standing under our banner and Muhammad sallallahu so they start this battle and before the battle something interesting happens now to put to give you proper context the prophet saws said the worst day of the year for shaytan shaytan hates no day more than what day ramadan's not a day it might be for you but for seython what day does shaytan hate more than any other day the day of arafah the Prophet saws there is no day that shaytan is more humiliated and despised than the day of arafah right why because shaytan has been working on a person to make him slip and go to hell for 70 80 years he stands up and says I seek your forgiveness Allah forgives him on that day the prophet saws said more people are forgiven and freed from the fire than any other day of the year so shaitaan hates arafah that's the worst day of his life except that the prophet saws except for the day of Badr what's up with the day of Badr he says getting the Angels ready for battle meaning Bader was supposed to be the end of Islam but it was supposed to be the day we do away with the Muslims and we eliminate this cancer once and for all and we kill them all and we Massacre them and we never have to worry about Islam again so it's it's a greater prize than just taking one person to hell we ruin Islam we ruin the message shaytan shows up on the day of bed that he sees jibril and he knows how this goes he knows exactly how this goes he's seen it go down way too many times in the past to have any hope whatsoever now that his army is going to win that day the prophet salallahu before the day of Badr he says here is jibril he's holding the Reigns of his horse and he's ready to go how many of them are they ya rasulullah the prophet saws said Allah has sent three thousand of them why is that number significant Allah says it in the Quran as well why is it significant because the Believers were outnumbered three to one one thousand to three thirteen Allah sent three Thousand Angels for their one thousand this isn't going to go well for them also said that jibril is wearing a golden colored turban you know why because [Music] wearing a golden color turban and he was leading the Believers the human soldiers of that day he was he was following while all the other Angels were wearing white turbans they're ready to go to give you an idea of how this battle goes look we've seen strange things in our lives we've seen strange things nothing Stranger Than the day of bedr he said we didn't have to do anything we were fighting and people are flying off of their horses we had absolutely nothing to do Allah says we even saw a man that was one of one of the Believers who who lost his who lost his weapons and there was a Horseman coming after him so he held himself you know because he was going to die and he was with the prophet saws in a group of companions they saw the men and they wouldn't be able to get to him in time and as he was being charged up by the horsemen he said we heard a sound go forth and he said suddenly that man flew off of his horse and died and we looked at the prophet Saws and we were like what was that is an angel from the third heaven izum is the name of an angel that was sent from the third heaven to protect that man at that moment who obviously was an enemy he was on the other side when he got back to Mecca and they were shocked because he was leader said how did you guys lose the battle he said we fought men that were the size of mountains they could hit us we couldn't hit them they were striking us every time we tried to strike them it didn't work in fact and Abbas came on the side of the he was concealing his Islam if he became Muslim he didn't want to fight so he didn't fight and Abbas was a huge man he was a huge man the guy that captured him was really really tiny so when he came holding they were like how did that happen and he's like ya rasulullah there was this man that showed up out of nowhere I don't know where he came from he started tying him up with me and that was easy the prophet saws says there was a noble angel that supported you and bringing him forth also narrate something beautifully they did Salah on the day of brother they did prayer and it was the first time they did Salah the prayer of fear and he said we could feel the warmth of the hand of jibril Ali his salaam as he was arranging arose for Salah that they were being arranged in their Salah even on the day of radish so the day of Badr finishes Allah gives them a victory but what happened on the day of Badr that was very sad it was the day of great joy in the day of great Sadness the daughter of the Prophet saws passed away on the same day of the of the victory of better she stayed back with her husband and uthman was watching her and the news that she passed away came at the same time as the news that they won that battle together and they made it to Medina together and people you know husbands used to tell their wives I love you like that was the amount of love so Earthman was crushed and he kind of went you know he he avoided people for some time after and the prophet saws one day standing alone and he said to him what is what's going on talk to me the death of and he said in something else the prophet saws said what is it he said my connection to you was severed by her death I'm no longer your son-in-law so it's not just losing her it's losing you as well as soon as said that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said yeah um married to him your other daughter um with the same sadakh with the same Dowry and treat her the way that you treated jibril was with the prophet's license as he goes to see Allah at that moment and by the way jibril particularly loved and in fact jibril his modesty used to show whether is so jibril is very modest uthman was the most modest of the Companions and the prophet saws he used to act a different way in front of man in a way he wouldn't even act with Abu Bakr and Omar he would sit up straight he would fix his clothes he acted in a certain way why do you do that he said shouldn't I be a shy of them shouldn't I be shy of a man the angels are shy of that man jibril is sigh of that man of course I'm shy around that man Islam is with the prophet saws after Bedard and in these very intimate moments as well interestingly enough jibril comes to the prophet saws after the battle of Badr and this is in he says to the prophet saws how do you the companions view the veterans of better amongst you the veterans of weather were very special people they were very special people in fact the way we treat our veterans here in this country as well we honor them respect them write their mentioned before Gatherings and things of that sort the prophet saws honored the veterans of Badr in any situation he could before Gatherings he honored them you know even afterwards they honored the veterans of Vedra because of what they you know how they sacrificed themselves when really it you know the prospects were not good I mean it didn't look good for them but they still put it all on the line and they defended themselves right and and as a result of that look what happened okay so the prophet saws honored them so when jibril asked the prophet saws that question how do you view the veterans of Badr amongst you the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said they're the best of us and likewise to us they're the best of the angels we consider the veterans of whether amongst us to be the best of us Savannah because they were in support of the messenger what about the Battle of rasulullah says on the day of the battle of uh he said I saw myself and there was no one around me sorry he says except jibril was on my right until I was on my left so Islam was there defending him on the day of as well in the Battle of handak now realize in the Battle of khandak now we're talking about close to a hundred thousand people coming from outside to massacred Muslims and the only way they protected themselves what they built was they built a trench at the suggestion of Salman the Persian they built a trench so that they could not come into Medina you know through that trench so they protected themselves that way so no actual fighting took place over there however what tribe cooperated with The Outsiders to attack from insight the prophet saws was unaware of that he went home after they built the trench got home after he built the trench he took off his armor and he went to wash himself where suddenly we heard a loud noise at the door so the prophet saws he put his clothes on he went to the door he opened the door jibril Ali his salaam was standing there he still had his armor on and not his army he was holding his sword and he said you've put down your stuff we haven't put hours down the prophet saws thinks there is no battle what's going on here simply pointed in the direction and they foiled a plot that was that was being made from inside to kill people and actually they attacked the women and children if you see the story of um she fought them off from the women and children and who says that we will never forget in Medina the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam walking towards walking towards the area of Benin and he said the dirt that was kicking up behind him from the procession of the army of some mighty Army that walks with the prophet saws of angels and with the Believers in this case now obviously put the battles aside as well the only Hajj the prophet saws make now you guys know when you go for Hajj and you're getting on the bus and you're leaving and everyone's really excited when they do a Haram and they say and they're really into the talibia then like five minutes later it's just and they got the weird awkward you know phone phone Tunes going off and stuff like that right everyone stops doing talbia now with the prophet saws and the companions they're walking into Mecca which which was previously hostile territory and this is the only time they're doing Hudson they have no weapons on them and they're in Iran they're pretty exposed and vulnerable meaning if the people of Mecca want to change their minds and attack them they will so they were doing telbia like this [Music] they weren't doing it loud so the prophet saws came to me and jibril said came to me and said yeah Muhammad tell your companions raise their voices and tell you don't lower your voice and tell me I raise your voices and tell you we've got your back nothing's gonna happen to you guys subhanallah so they started to raise their voices after jibril told the prophet sallallahu now move on past that my favorite part of the class is where it gets personal the personal incidents and discussions with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was with the prophet saws in his home many times speaking to him and in fact sometimes some people could see him and others could not was with his son Abdullah and they went to visit the prophet saws he was talking to the prophet saws and the prophet saws was seemingly ignoring him so the prophet salallahu you know just let him go without saying anything to him and Abbas tells his son Abdullah says you know why is it that your cousin is not speaking to me why do you think is if he's pushing me away Abdullah says didn't you see the man that was sitting next to him speaking to him he said what man what are you talking about so the Abbas went back to the prophet saws and said was there a man that was talking to you and giving you advice right now and giving you you know you not and was giving you know was speaking to it and reminding you and Allah says why are you asking he says because Abdullah saw him the prophet saws hahaha he saw him and Abbas said yes and the prophet saws to Allah to increase him in knowledge so there are many personal conversations here and Abdullah who knows what that what it's like when it comes to the prophet saws you know what he says the very famous Hadith you see in Ramadan to First give you an idea of what this personal relationship is like he says the prophet saws was always extremely generous but he said when jibril would meet him he would be more generous than what than a blowing wind and the scholars say he chose even though it's Ramadan he chose particularly jibril because jibril was with the prophet saws in Ramadan and what motivated the prophet saws the righteous people when the prophet saws he was more motivated to do good he was motivated by seeing so that was the type of effect jibril had on the prophet saws personally what about the prophet saws he writes us a very famous serial of the Prophet saws in that book in the introduction describing when Allah says that we have not sent you except as a mercy to all of the world he describes a narration an incident that took place between the prophet saws he says you know Allah says in the Quran we have not sent you except as a mercy to all of the Worlds he said did any of my Mercy reach you I mean you're part of the world you're part of you're the realm of the Malacca you're the realm of the Angel did any of that reach you you are the most beloved of the prophets to me I've never been sent to someone that I loved more than I loved you he said and it was through you that I gained security what does he mean by that he said I used to wonder about my fate until Allah revealed to you that he's established in his position with the owner of the throne used to wonder what would happen to him at the end of this all when Allah revealed that to the prophet saws of the Prophet saws that had never happened before until that was revealed to the prophet saws so there is that that's the effect they have on each other jibril continues to reassure the prophet saws so a multitude of the personal conversations down Medina are constant reassurance why because look the prophet saws was reassured that he's safe and the Believers are safe who is the prophet's life I'm worried about now us those that come after so he cries my nation my nation and Allah sends him jibril and jibril says we will please you with your nation we will not disappoint you you want your nation will be okay your ummah will be okay he comes to reassure the prophet saws because now he's worried about the ummah those that will come after they're safe but what happens afterwards to those that come after another time he says I was actually walking with the prophet saws in Madina and we reached an area in Medina and he told me to sit down suddenly he started to walk and he was clearly talking to Japanese I could tell he was talking to Jubilee and he said they walked for a while and I just sat there and the prophet saws as he's walking back he's saying even if he stole and committed adultery even if he stolen committed adultery and Omar is not hearing the answer so um what was that Prophet saws says that was jibril he came to me to give me the Glide Tidings that each and every single person of this ummah would enter Jannah would eventually enter Paradise so the prophet saws even if he's stolen committed adultery yes even if he's stolen committed adultery eventually he would enter into Paradise eventually he would enter into Germany so he eases the prophet saws in that way what about when the prophet saws becomes physically sick do you know that some of the duas of rookya that we learn to read upon a person are from jibril How The Prophet saws when he became sick he said jibril came to me and said to me are you feeling ill are you sick and I said no I said yes so he said jibril started to rub his hand on my face and on my chest and said Bismillah in the name of Allah I seek a cure for you from everything that is harming you from from the evil of any of any evil person or any envious I Allah may Allah cure you Bismillah I seek a cure for you so we actually learned that that Dura from jibril reading it over the prophet saws however the most profound of these conversations are the ones where jibril is giving advice to the prophet saws can you imagine getting access to that conversation the chief of the Angels gives advice to the chief of mankind give some advice and subhanallah when you think about how profound that is I mean we're blessed to have access to those conversations because it's advice for all of us and jibril gives advice to the prophet saws yes he does in fact the prophet saws was seen going to his neighbor's house the Jewish neighbor by the way over and over and over again taking them things serving them and also have asked him we notice that all of a sudden you keep going to your neighbor's house he said was coming to me and Advising me take care of your neighbor take care of your neighbor until I thought was going to say now you assigned inheritance to him so jibril kept coming to me and saying go to your neighbor go to your neighbor go to your neighbor take care of your neighbor you know subhanallah serve your neighbor and this is beautiful because that's the Cornerstone of every religion right love thy neighbor right this is a part of our faith as well that's what he says to him over and over and over again the prophet saws also was once seen saying I mean I mean I mean why are you saying I mean he said well jibril was making Dua and jibril Madeira against three people the one whose parents reach old age and he doesn't honor them you know subhanallah against that person may be humiliated the second person the one who Ramadan comes and goes and he's not forgiven by his creator it's such a merciful month it's a month of Mercy how can Ramadan come upon you and leave you and you're not forgiven by your lord the third one the one who hears the name of rasulullah and doesn't say found that offensive but what's it like when jibril decides to tell the prophet saws something when he gives him life advice now this narration that I'm about to share with you is towards the end of the life of the Prophet saws we know that because of the age of the sahaba that narrated it they were young children that narrated this narration it happens when the prophet saws now is established he's successful everything is done right people are coming into the religion and throng everything is is done jibril comes to the prophet saws and he says o Muhammad now by the way does Allah ever say to the prophet saws in the Quran no yeah rasulullah o prophet of God o messenger of God so why is it that jibril has the audacity to say yeah Muhammad in fact the scholars say when jibril says yeah Muhammad he's telling the prophet saws this is outside of the capacity of Revelation what I'm about to say to you is so that's the only time he doesn't say ya rasulullah is when I want to tell you something just between me and you now okay so he says five advice is here foreign live as you will but know that one day you're going to die one day you're gonna die he says love whom you will but know that one day you will be separated from that person so the first ones don't get attached to this this world your purpose lies Beyond this world don't get attached to people of this world because eventually they will leave you and you will leave them foreign do as you will and know that you will be compensated and rewarded accordingly the compensation is in the Hereafter meaning what everything comes in the Hereafter all the reward comes in the Hereafter keep doing what you do and know that the reward is in the Hereafter so the first one live as you will but know that one day you're going to die love who you will but know that one day you will be separated from that person do as you will and know that one day you will be rewarded accordingly know that the nobility of the believer is just standing up in prayer at night it's not in being a ruler it's not in having thousands of followers it's not being a king it's not in having this or having that the nobility of a person comes from his standing up in prayer at night invoking his Lord and as for his dignity is it is being independent of people financially emotionally mentally physically your Isa your dignity as a person is try not to be dependent on people try to absolve yourself of needing people in any way whatsoever that's profound life advice right there subhanallah that's something that we can all take to ourselves now the next incident I'll share with you is actually jibril giving advice in a very subtle way but it's profound advice as well this narration that I'm about to share with you is so profound in his famous book humility and prayer the last chapter is just about this Hadith even though it has nothing to do with prayer because of what it means the prophet saws he says in authentic Hadith that I was sitting and then all of a sudden the sky split and an angel came down and he started to come close to us now you want to know what makes this narration so strange when jibril saw this Angel he became smaller he held himself he held himself like bracing for something the angel came to the prophet saws I'm a messenger that's been sent to you from God I'm giving you a choice [Music] I'm here to give you a choice either you live you're a prophet who lives like a king or a prophet that lives like a humble slave who can give me an example a prophet that lives like a king means that you'll live comfortable look you can have a great life live very comfortably be a king have the riches of this world do whatever you want and you'll still have the Hereafter it's not going to decrease from you in any way whatsoever so you can either be that or you can continue to live like a humble slave I mean the prophet saws used to go Knights in hunger Stones tied to his stomach he suffered from poverty at the very worst even after success right so you have a choice now so the prophet saws I looked at jibril he said this I said to him I'll choose to be a prophet that lives like a humble slave so the angel left so I looked at jibril this was very strange this Angel he's never been down before this day so the prophet saws why is it that you got smaller and and we're afraid he said I swear by Allah I didn't think that he came except to announce the day of judgment who was that angel come down he thought it was all over so jibril even became afraid at the sight of Israel he ends his book with choose to be a humble servant and how did this affect the prophet saws physically as well I mean obviously he continued to live in very humble means the prophet saws someone he used to eat his food sometimes he'd lay back recline and eat but after that incident the prophet saws would only eat his food sitting up why is it that you only eat your food sitting up he said because this is more befitting for nabian for a prophet that will live like a humble slave so it affected the prophet saws that incident actually affected the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam now afterwards as the prophet saws starts to experience the end of his life as it starts to go further and further and further was speaking and the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam he simply said Allah has given a choice to one of his servants between that which is in this world and that which is with Allah he said and that servant chose that which is with Allah now the prophet saws was completely healthy nothing was wrong with him so the sahaba assumed what that this is just some analogy that he's giving he's just talking about some servant maybe in the past or something like that he was given the choice between that of this world and that of the Hereafter but Abu Bakr broke down into tears all of us were shocked by his tears and in one narration even said we started to cry because of his crying not knowing why he was crying it was just the pain that Abu Bakr showed through his crying affected all of us so we all started crying because we knew something just happened and he said later on we realized that the prophet saws was talking about himself he was the one that was given that choice and Abu Bakr was the only one who caught it it was this double bucket that realized that the prophet saws basically just said that I've been given a choice between this life and the Hereafter from that incident onwards the health of the Prophet saws started to deteriorate rapidly the fever got to him started you know slowly slowly his Mobility was reduced he couldn't come out as frequently couldn't walk he couldn't stand when he prayed it started to affect the prophet saws and started to get to him the last time he prayed with the sahaba he prayed how he he came out Abu Bakr was leading the Salah and he led the prayer sitting down even he led them in prayers sitting down and the companions were excited about that but what happens at the end honest says that we were praying in the Masjid and the prophet saws he he moved his curtain and when he pulled his curtain he smiled and he laughed and he says said his face was as bright as a page of the must-have I mean it was he was so happy he laughed and he smiled at what I'd sing a few hundred people praying because he recognized the accomplishment there that a few hundred people are praying that they accepted this message and they're praying to their lord imagine now two billion people right the prophet saw someone he saw that he was happy he was pleased that they're praying I did what I had to do so honestly the Allah said we looked at the prophet saws and we started to get excited in our prayer because we thought he was going to come out then the prophet saws he signaled to us to keep praying and he drew his curtain closed once again and that was the last time we saw the prophet saws inside of his home everyone was crying because they knew that the prophet saws time was nearing its own it was getting to it was getting close particularly was deeply devastated his daughter the mother of her fathers Fatima was with the prophet saws through it all and the prophet saws loved her and adored her and even though the prophet saws could barely speak he called for Fatima with his hands so Fatima came and the prophet saws he told her to come close and he whispered something in her ear and it caused her to cry even more and the prophet saws told her come back and he whispered something else in her ear and she's she just burst into laughter and I is watching all of this he was perplexed by it like why did you cry and then laugh so suddenly so she kept pushing Fatima what did he tell you what did he tell you what did he tell you so finally Fatima gave in and she said that the first time he told me that jibrid usually reviews the Quran with me once in Ramadan this year he did it twice which means it means solidifying the Revelation and so I don't think I'm going to make it past the sickness the second time the prophet saws he said to me that you will be the first one to join me he just told a young girl a young lady in her 20s that you're about to die to and you're gonna join me too and Fatima burst out into hysterical laughter because he knows that means being with the prophet saws and that was enough for her that made her happy if it means being with the prophet saws that made her happy shows you how much of a loving father the prophet saws was to his daughter she was you know moving the prophet saws somewhere he needed to be moved she held the prophet Saws and rasulullah was leaning against her chest his eyes fell to the side her brother and he had a siwak in his pocket and Aisha says the prophet saws eyes fell on it and so I knew that he wanted it so I said to Allah you want that that toothbrush the siwak and the prophet saws he nodded his head so abdrahman gave it to her and it still wasn't used so she chewed it and she softened it and she put it in the mouth of the Prophet saws now what's so symbolic about that is that the prophet saws he used to brush his teeth before every single prayer because he wanted to have fresh breath when he met Allah five times a day he said if he could make it mandatory on us he would but he knows it would be a hardship so he always brushes his teeth before he meets Allah says as soon as he finished using the siwaka jibril entered upon us now she looked at the prophet saws and she said the prophet saw Islam's face lit up huge smile on his face subhanallah he was so happy to see jibril and you know what I think about this palette 23 years before this incident how traumatized was the prophet saws by the side of jibril and he didn't know who Allah was or what Allah wanted for him in just 23 years the most beloved sight to the prophet saws the one who gave him all those advices we talked about he said to him look I'm here to give you a choice either you can choose to remain amongst your companions and live well or you can have the companionship of the most high Allah [Music] when he said that the prophet saws the companionship of the most high I want the companionship of the most high I want the companionship of the most high she says that the prophet saws left his body as he was saying the most high the companionship of the most time his hand fell and the prophet saws died when that happened she screamed and everyone when they heard the scream of Aisha they knew that they knew that the prophet saws she was sitting in the room next door and when she heard that she authored some she said some of the most beautiful words she knew that she was about to die as well by the way subhanallah the prophecy was fulfilled because Fatima got sick four months later and died out of nowhere scream she looked up and she said oh my dear father how close you are now to your Lord oh my dear father to jibril we announce your death oh my dear father Paradise is now your abode and she recited it over and over and over again that how close you are now to Allah to jibril we announced that you've Departed and generos is now your place now the prophet saws he left this world and subhanallah everyone will leave this world and the prophet saws said even jibril will die can you imagine that even will die the prophet saws said that after the horn is blown and the only ones that stand the ones who your lord willed Allah will have in front of him and the angel of death those who apportion the command of Allah and Allah asks the angel of death who remains and the angel of that says oh Allah your Noble face you're here your servant jibril your servant mikal and your servant Israel Allah says take the soul of Mikhail and because soul is taken from him then he says who remains he said Ya Allah you me jibril and he says take the soul of Israel and Israel's soul is taken from him and he says who remains and he says your Noble face of Allah the servant of yours we're the last two standing Allah says take the soul of jibril the Prophet saws would fall on his face as his wings spread out glorifying Allah he would die into Spears his face hits the ground as he makes this beer to Allah then Allah then he says who remains and the angel of that says Ya Allah it's just you and me and Allah says to the Angel of Death To Die and the angel of dust dies and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says every single person perishes and only the noble face of your lord remains and Allah would ask himself to whom belongs the Dominion today where are the oppressors where are the dictators where are the oppressors where are those that used to kill innocent people and harm people where are those that stuck baru that had pride in this world and that thought that they owned things and thought that they were Kings and thought that they had unquestioned Authority where are they today where are they Allah says to whom belongs to the Dominion today Allah says to himself to Allah the one the subduer Allah it's only him now on the day of judgment the prophet saws as we all come back the prophet saws says the Earth is flattened out of the glory of in in obedience to Allah and he says each and every single person will not be able to move from the spot that they are standing in the place of assembly and he says and I would be called the first of people I would be the first person to be called to Allah and he said so I would enter upon Allah and I would fall in prostration and I would raise my head and suddenly I'll see jibril on the right side of the most merciful so so and you know what he says in this Hadith subhanallah it says I swear by Allah he never saw him before that day jibril has never seen Allah the vision of Allah cannot be grasped on the day of judgment that would be the first time jabrid would actually be able to look at Allah so when the prophet saws sees him he points to him and he says he says oh my Lord this one told me that you sent him to me sadak Allah says you've told the truth the same way jabri said to the prophet saws you've told the truth why does the prophet saws choose to do that on the day of judgment why does he feel that inclination because on the day of judgment every messenger is being asked whether he delivered the message or not the prophet saws before he's even asked oh Allah he said you sent him to me he did his job and Allah says now dear brothers and sisters what's our relationship with right now you know one of my favorite things about teaching this class in particular subhanallah one of my favorite things about talking about jibril as opposed to talking about some of the companions of the messenger is that you can actually interact with jibril right now you know how you know how the prophet saws he says in authentic Hadith [Music] all of a sudden his face was just full of joy so he said to him what is it may Allah keep you happy he said jibril just came to me um aren't you pleased though Muhammad sallallahu Islam that no one says except that I send salawat upon them ten times what about now does he stop coming to the earth now is he gone do we does he never come down anymore actually the prophet salallahu Islam one time he came out and this is a Hadith we were just sitting in the Muslim we were talking and suddenly the prophet saws came out to us and the prophet saws he said to us what are you talking about and they said ya rasulullah we're just talking about how lucky we are how blessed we are to be guided to Islam when Prophet saws said is that all you were talking about they said all we were talking about is our days of ignorance and how we're blessed to be guided to Islam the prophet saws said don't worry he said I just wanted to come to you because came to me and he said those Companions of yours that are sitting out in the Masjid jibril just came to me and said Allah is bragging about them to the angels right now when Allah loves someone he calls jibril and he says I love so and so love that person as well doesn't need to know anything else about you he just needs to know Allah loves you and if Allah loves you that's enough for jabrina to love you as well so jibril goes and calls all of the angels and the inhabitants of the heavens and says Allah loves this person so love him as well so all of the inhabitants of the heavens love him as well subhanallah think about your name being said in this conversation between Allah and the angels and think about how many likes that is right you're talking about trillions of angels that love you they don't just like you they love you and Allah places acceptance for that person in the hearts of the people he continues to be amongst the angels that come down to the Gatherings that remember Allah and we ask Allah that he be amongst us right now that's the the question I ask myself every time I teach this class I'm like how amazing would it be if jibril was actually here right now is actually amongst us reporting our name to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and in Ramadan what does Allah says the Angels come down and none other than jibril is amongst them this is in the Arabic language I'm specifying someone amongst them they came and jibril was amongst them subhanallah so when you're praying on that night or you're reading Quran or doing how do you know jabri is not the one coming to your house and Reporting your name to Allah that's something to aim for the jabri comes to my house and reports my name to Allah on that night of we should have that done in Allah that that good expectation of Allah that's very possible and that yes a lowly person like me could be sent to report my name back to my Creator subhana even you know every time you see the angels and jibril is specified amongst them you know even in some cultures they there's there's a special mention of Islam just in our everyday language some of the Arabic some some of the Arabs whenever they finish the food and there's May the angels send their prayers upon you some of them would say except for jibrin after the tea right it's like there's this recognition it's inherent inside of us that jibril is greater than the rest of the Angels but you know what what does Allah tell us on that day and Allah puts this time before the angels that even will be standing in his place and the angels in their Rose they don't speak unless Allah commands them commands them to speak they do exactly as they're told the scales may Allah make it easy for us on that day the scales you would actually see on the scales on that day what about in Jannah can you be with jibril can you actually be with jabri telling him about the story of Japan and the class that you took and and can you talk to jibril in Jannah can you be with him and he was flying in Jannah with the angels you could get your pair of wings and you could fly with Jannah we know that that exists we know that that place is there but I want to end this night dear brothers and sisters with something to make it a little bit more personal now from the angels jibril is his Willy who is your Willy from the angels it's a powerful question and what do I mean by that the prophet saws said every night before you go to sleep an angel comes down to you and he says and your night well and your night well and your night well end it with the remembrance of God end it with an act of Charity end it with a word of kindness end it with something good end it with vikr end it with you know end it with something good because you might not wake up and well the angel prompts you and well and the prophet saws on the other hand says and in evil and the prophet saws said if you listen to that angel and you end your night well the angel spends the entire night with you seeking forgiveness for you and praying to Allah to have mercy on you until you wake up in the morning and the angel says start your day off well start your day off well start your day off well and the prophet saws said if he starts his day off well the angel spends the entire day with him seeking forgiveness for him and asking Allah to have mercy on him that's your Wali from the angels as subhanallah is just telling what he recited in Allah the Angels come down to the believer as he's passing away the Wali your oliya from the Malaika your Guardians your protectors the ones who loved you and were with you your entire life from the Angels they come to you just as jibril came to the prophet saws and they say don't worry don't grieve we were your oliyah in this world and in the Hereafter as well come out to Jannah Allah has promised it to you and the prophet saws said the believing Soul would jump out of this body of Joy it will come out in happiness subhanallah whereas some people are to the opposite now I want you to think about that for a moment dear brothers and sisters and recognize that the angels are the last thing that we see before we come into this world and the first thing we see as we're leaving it in fact from the tests of this world is that it's the only time in our existence that the angels are concealed from us because if we saw them none of us would act the way that we do but we choose to surround ourselves in our daily lives with angels be it jibril or other Angels or which we make that choice every single moment of Our Lives who to surround ourselves with and subhanallah in closing I just want you you know I want to share with you guys something very very personal and subhanallah when I say it's very personal I say that I literally um it's it's it's actually very hard for me to say this do you know the three young people that were murdered in Chapel Hill may Allah have mercy on them do you know that they were sitting in this class right before they died do you know that this was the last class that they took here they were sitting listening to jibril the Angels what it's like when you die how the Angels come to you and the thought that maybe just maybe those same Angels Came to them and that they're actually experiencing that realm right now we ask Allah that they be granted as shahada that thought really is humbling and in fact I actually have someone actually tweeted to me when they passed away the Snapchat messages from yosur ah talking about the class and I read that and I couldn't believe what I was reading and if I had a screen I would actually show you a picture of that chat and just seeing it in front of you and she's telling a cousin of hers that I just took this class you've got to take it it was amazing I never felt so close to and her cousin's saying is it you know is it going to be anywhere and she says I think they're going to record it for being a TV they're based out of Dallas she says you should look them up and at the end of the text he says you should look up Norman Ali Khan too I read that and I said that's the one praise that I will actually take and I'd say alhamdulillah and I hope she's testifying on her behalf right now I hope I pray to Allah that he's testifying on our behalf and that's the one person subhanallah that I wouldn't mind taking that praise from right now may Allah allow them to testify on our behalf may Allah allow us to be joined with the Malaika with the angels may Allah allow us to be in the highest companionship with Allah with the messengers with the angels with the sudhirin the with the righteous may Allah forgive us for our shortcomings and may Allah surround us with the Malaika and allow us to end our lives and allow us to end our lives in good the Russian sisters for coming out