[Music] okay my name is John I'm part of the group July 2024 program organized by the Sparx Foundation as part of my tax I under took to perform exploratory data analysis on a Superstore data set the a of this analysis was to find out areas where the company could have made more profit weak points weak areas areas where the company didn't perform adequately I use three data sets to achieve this um the original data sets a product loss data set and a location loss data set moving on to page two now on the face of it grouping by regions and comparing profit I discovered that the Southern and central region came behind the same was observed when I compared quantities the Southern and central region came behind on page three I use the product I use the location loss table this table this table extracted only locations that had the zero or negative profit so upon analyzing it the Eastern region had 11 states in negative that made that had negative profits sou region seven State western region 7even state while the central region five states in all the central region accounted for over 35% of the losses with Texas having the highest loss of 36.8 1,000 moving on to page four where I summarized the observation of the previous on the previous page and now to page five where I put into use this product based table so I was comparing product and returns so I obser that the furniture product category didn't do Fair better farewell based compared to other categories the blinders the Blinder which is under the office supply category had the highest loss and uh the greatest loss was observed on the technology side moving on to page six so I complete discount to see if there was any Trend [Music] maybe so observe that this my my histogram histogram I did comparing discount values I observed that most of the discounts were around zero while a few of them the chart was skilled to the left few of them was close to 0.8 and this cat plot showed me that um profit and discount had a positive correlation a profit and discount had a negative correlation sorry as I noticed that as profits increased discount reduced and as discount increased profit reduced makes sense now to the last page which is the dashboard it's taking time it's loading it's loading here is my dashboard here is my dashbo thank you very much my name is John