Transcript for:
The Importance of Fearing Hypocrisy in Islam

we need to be scared of hypocrisy we shouldn't think to ourselves that we're free from hypocrisy he said I met 30 of the companions of the Prophet there was not from amongst them except that he feared hypocrisy 30 of the companions I met every single one of them was scared of hypocrisy a man who knew he was going to enter Jenna because the prophet told him sallallah alaihi wasallam Abu Bakr and then Omar come second after all of the prophets Abu Bakr comes first and then after Abu Bakr is who came to what did he say did the prophet sallah Ali wasallam list me did he mention me amongst the Hypocrites allahar Omar is better than the man who he's asking and W Brothers if you look at and you Ponder and you look at the life of the early people how they were and you look at the you will realize how much they used to run away from hypocrisy how fearful they were and why because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said one of the things I fear the most for you is the show off and hypocrisy actually the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said it is showing off and hypocrisy and all of it is like it's like a black ant and a pitch dark nights under a rock very hard to detect so the the the person is always working to clean his heart and cleanse it and get rid of what and the person who believes Allah in the day of judgment knows there's a consistent battle there's an ongoing battle between who you and shaan and this is what shaan wants he wants to remove that sincerity from you that's why when said to Allah I'm going to misguide them who did he exempt and bring out of the list he said the only ones I will not be able to misguide are those who are sincere if you work on your sincerity if you work on your intention consistently Allah subhana wa taala will honor your deeds and he subhah wa taala will allow your good to carry on